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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4488635 No.4488635 [Reply] [Original]

Just did my first Touhou run.

How did I do?

You guys said start with this one. Was hard as fuck.

>> No.4488645

>hard as fuck

Shitstorm imminent

>> No.4488651
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>> No.4488658

I died on every Youmu non spell card, but captured the rest.

Yuyuko was a bitch. Got to that 10% flowing thing or whatever he last spell is with 1 life and 1 bomb.

>> No.4488683
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I can't hide it anymore. This picture really turns me on. I feel bad...

>> No.4488697

You expected me to do normal on my first try?

>> No.4488701

no, lunatic

>> No.4488703

Must not have been that hard if you didn't have to use any continues.

>> No.4488705
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Well, "do" as in "try," not succeed. Since you've learned the controls now, try challenging yourself a bit.

>> No.4488709


I had one life left and one bomb left in the end.

>> No.4488714

Not lying, I've never played on easy. Ever. I'm not like a super-elite awesome Touhou player, still struggle a lot, but I always felt bad even considering play easymodo. How could I ever look at the moon again with any sense of pride after doing something like that?

>> No.4488715


replay on normal and come back

>> No.4488727

Easy mode was a challenge for me.

Those three musician girls had attacks that would like home in on me.

>> No.4488728

So? No game you can beat on your first try should really be called hard.

>> No.4488740

Touhou makes my cock hard though.

>> No.4488741


>> No.4488748
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>> No.4488750

I know, but the OP is saying it's hard.

>> No.4488751

My first game of touhou, I made it to stage 3 of EoSD on lunatic, how horrible am I?

>> No.4488753


By hard, I mean almost losing on easy mode.

>> No.4488775
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>my face when the topic ends up being better than expected for having an easymodo screen

>> No.4488780


This is the new /jp/.

>> No.4488792
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Not OP, is using continues looked down upon? I always thought that was the case and just restarted when I got to the continues screen.

>> No.4488793

fuck off back to /a/

>> No.4488796

Not necessarily. It's part of the learning process.

The goal is to ultimately complete the run without using a continue. But until you get to that point, run through them like they're candy.

>> No.4488804

I'm sorry.

thank you.

>> No.4488822

Did another run on easymodo. Died at Youmu.

Her non spell cards fuck me over.

>> No.4488827


Stop playing easy.

I'm a lenient touhoufag, and I don't really care about what difficulty people play on, but easy mode is hurting you in the long run. Just don't play on it.

>> No.4488835

How is it hurting? I read that some easy mode spell cards are harder than the higher difficulty ones.

>> No.4488840


>> No.4488844


It was on TouhouWiki which most of you praise.

>> No.4488845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488851


Even if you get god on easy mode, you'll have to relearn just about everything for normal.

>> No.4488852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488855 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488857


That makes no sense. Going from Easy -> Normal should only increase the amount of bullets on the screen, speed of said bullets, and perhaps HP of bosses.

>> No.4488861


>> No.4488858 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488864


No shit. He said it was his first run.

>> No.4488868

in the file box

is this a good way to filter the cirno fag?

>> No.4488871

then perhaps he shouldn't be making sweeping generalizations about a game he knows nothing about?

>> No.4488882


You don't just relearn a game because you switch difficulties.

>> No.4488884

you don't assume you know anything about a game you've played twice.

>> No.4488887

Here's the difference:
In Easy, you're dodging bullets.
In Normal+, you're going through gaps.

>> No.4488893


That's the exact same thing, lol.

>> No.4488896


>> No.4488898 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488902 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488906

you're not very good at this are you?

>> No.4488904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488907 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488913 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488919


>> No.4488915 [DELETED] 
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>actual Cirno thread is deleted
>Cirno spam in Alice thread remains

Fine janitors doing a fine job.

>> No.4488918 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488922 [DELETED] 


inb4 this post and my post are deleted and the Cirno spam fills the thread to the image limit

>> No.4488923 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4488929

seriously, our janitor has the most bizarre way of doing things. it's worse than doing nothing at all

>> No.4488930 [DELETED] 


What the HELL has been going on with the moderation the past couple of days? I've been seeing random threads being deleted, on-topic posts deleted, and yet tons of spam, porn, and bad threads remain.

>> No.4488939 [DELETED] 


I don't know, but it's making me frustrated. moot was talking about trying to fix up 4chan a little, and yet, this janitor is making everything worse.

>> No.4488949


>> No.4488951

lol, I tried to post another Cirno thread, but it was deleted within a minute. Janitor-kun obviously doesn't like Cirno very much, yet there's currently a thread up with lots of Suwako porn.

Biased much?

>> No.4488955

The spam is really frustrating, and it reaches a point where it's hard to differentiate from a proper thread from something designed to disrupt the board.
The derailments don't help either.

All I can do is keep reporting and hope the janitor/mods can make decisions based on that.

>> No.4488956


inb4 404

>> No.4488960


Reporting does nothing. If you look at this thread in easymodo, you'll see that a lot of non-spam, on-topic posts were deleted as well. the janitor needs to get his head on straight or resign from his position.

>> No.4488990 [DELETED] 

I dunno. I report and things get deleted fast enough.
Granted, I mostly report the annoying spam and flamoot bullshit

>> No.4489009

Newfag reporting in. What exact Tohou game is it?

>> No.4489095

OP, I don't know you but you surely are a horrible person.

If a difficulty level is called "normal" it's that way because it's meant to be played by NORMAL people.

Why to lower yourself and your self esteem chosing the easy one?

please don't ruin yourself when you will play EoSD. THAT ONE in normal, do mind!!!

>> No.4489540


If you are a troll


If you're not

Fuck you, not everyone has reflexes of elastic band and godly videogame nature.

>> No.4489719

I play on easy because I have a career and other important obligations.

>> No.4489742


Try looking at OP's image again

>> No.4489751

Okay, so what are these danmaku things the enemies throw at you? How to dodge them?

>> No.4489804
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Ignore what the elitists here say, you did well for first try, especially if you arent a danmaku expert or play lots of reflex-heavy games in general.

Congratulation, you are no longer a secondary touhou fan.

>> No.4489818


>> No.4489833

I don't play at all because I am more important than you

>> No.4489837

bottom line is, you cant complete pcb on easy, has to be at least normal

>> No.4489840

uh yes you can

>> No.4489850

extra has no easy

>> No.4489855

extra is my easy mode

>> No.4489860

x.x game room just released Edens Aegis 1.0. Crimzon Clover has a demo out. Cave have released two games region free and mame has countless titles available.

And yet, you play touhou.

>> No.4489863

OP, it's perfectly fine to play on Easy to get a general feel of the game, but after like three or four runs through, you should really switch to Normal.

Spellcards are far different in Normal and beyond, it's "real Touhou", if you want to be a fag about it.

>> No.4489885

you may so retarded you can only play one game, doesn't mean the rest of us are

>> No.4489909

I just listed several games and used the word "countless" to describe the STG potential of mame.
>you may so retarded

>> No.4489931


What is this sentence saying?

>> No.4490076

Casual Touhou fag here,
Do you get the good ending when you complete PCB without continues while playing on easy or do you get the bad ending instead?

I feel tempted to play on easy moodo.

>> No.4490087

Have you no honor? Normal or bust.

>> No.4490129
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I tried to play this game. Sorry guys, it seems I'm more normalfag that I thought. Tohou seems inferior in comparison with Tyrian 2k.

>> No.4490130

I started a few days ago,playing lunatic only.

>> No.4490137

Me again,
I played the game to the point where I got to Yuyuko's second last spell card without continuing. Then I ran out of lives and it inflicted massive rage and damage to my motivation.
Having played 0 minutes during the last couple of months I suck even more than I used to, but I think that seeing an ending or two would give me something to shoot for.

>> No.4490219

you get the good ending if you finish on easy modo

normal is not THAT much harder than easy in PCB, imo. the first three stages are decent and you shouldn't be dying on any of those.

for youmu, her first spell as a midboss and endboss on stage 5: start with your character slightly beside/above her, then when the bullets start appearing, quickly dodge to the bottom of the screen

the rest of her spells are just a matter of moving to the next spot when time starts slowing down

>> No.4490253

Why is it that so many of you guys expect yourselves to be able to 1cc these games when it's clear that you're not a shmup player?

Here you are jumping into a game that assumes experience in the player and sets difficulty accordingly (which is honestly still far below par for the genre) and you complain that you can't just knuckle your way through it in a few sleepless nights? Huh?

There is nothing wrong with playing easy if you're not a shmup player that's what it's there for and be honest most of you are like that.

>> No.4490295

Holy hell there are some assholes in this thread. You're really going to bitch out the guy because he did easy for his first attempt?

>> No.4490330

You're surprised? Asshole elitism is the one thing /jp/ is unequivocally good at, even if it is baseless elitist behavior.

>> No.4490344

SakuyaA. Start bombing everything.

On a side note, my rage meter is already through the roof. Motherfucking Alice why are you harder than Prismrivers and Youmu combined

>> No.4490354

it can be good for the board sometimes. But this is not the case right now.

>> No.4490355


Actually it was mostly /jp/ being a twat to a troll. He kept making generalizations about a game he played through once.

See >>4488857

>> No.4490365


>> No.4490379


Wow someone who played through a game once is ignorant to it? Color me surprised.

Unlike the rest of the posters who are all STG experts, why else would they scoff at him playing easy mode? It's not like there's a banal flash out there that popularized the phrase and likely introduced these people to touhou in the first place!

>> No.4490393

>Going from Easy -> Normal should only
Did you even read his post? He didn't claim his opinion was fact. His inclusion of the word should meant that he believed it would probably be the case that going from easy to normal would only change the factors he listed. There's nothing wrong with being wrong about a game you've only played once, however, you need to learn some reading comprehension.

>> No.4490395


Read through his posts again. Even after everyone was saying he was wrong OP still claimed he was right.

>> No.4490421

I don't know how to fire a boolet... they are nubered but nothing I press lets me fire

>> No.4490439


You all look worse then him.

What happened to the danmaku threads, most of the people in there weren't that great, there were probably 2 people total who could actually play for score decently but weren't smug dicks about it and the thread had a nice atmosphere.

Considering the average skill level from those threads this board is in no position to lecture others how to play shmups.

>> No.4490450

what key do i press to fire a bullet/bomb?

>> No.4490516


Since this is a danmaku thread of sorts, might as well post this since it has a rather hilarious ending. During S6 Youmu noncard, I was thinking "Oh cool, four lives. I can do that unless I do something retarded like dying to that nonca-Oh. " The last seconds had me shouting "stercus stercus stercus moriturus sum"

>> No.4490551




I'm a shitty Touhou player and I can perfect all of Alice every time. The Prismrivers and Youmu deplete my 6-7 lives up to that point with ease.

>> No.4490552

bullet Y/Z
bomb X
focus shift

>> No.4490555

dont forget its only y if you are using a german keyboard or something, where z is not next to x

>> No.4490560

Which difficulty? Also, this one is my replay.

4 deaths to Alice. That's less than any other boss.

>> No.4490566

Simply pressing ALT+SHIFT solves this problem.

>> No.4490576 [DELETED] 
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this is flamoot. (ilu) it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i mean they chose me for it because as a "drug user" i'm already almost invisible in society and people could easily assume i'm just crazy because of all the straight up lies about drugs and mental illness

i'm talking about VR-telepresence torture-porn. someone gave me an implant when i camped out alone. i thought it was aliens at first but it's mean as hell to me. it makes sarcastic faces at bad times, i 'see' them in my head but not in colour. i just know what face it's making. i couldn't draw it

(i think url is about it http://ja-jp.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=216412702683&_fb_noscript=1 but it doesn't mention the pornography and sex harassment aspects just torture and control. they are really doing this though and also selling time on implantees to the rich. it's like taking a trip into orbit. for the rich)

maybe there is some human space empire hidden from us which is using our planet for only that, trickling us technology just to see what we do with it... i wouldn't think anything so insane if not for the technology they had in my brain right now. it's dead real and annoying as fuck. they use it to bug my ass and see what i do under this special stress. i just stay calm. it's only torture-porn if i freak out, amirite? yes

i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths. and schizophrenia isn't like this

>> No.4490580


Normal, to be fair. If you're on Hard or Lunatic I retract my laughter and bow down

Yeah I cannot beat 1cc Yuyuko yet.

>> No.4490584 [DELETED] 
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lsd and shrooms etc are as mind opening as the rumours say, but it is a big secret because the government is performing crowd-control on the people who know about them. on the number of psychedelic users in society... they can only handle so many of those kinds of people. but psychedelic users are mostly young and hip and feel things deeply and are thus perfect victims for the very evil.


it's not really about the drugs. it's about the Earth: it's not a safe place where you just follow common sense and nothing bad happens. in reality they let most of us live in cheerful ignorance of the fact that our homeworld is a low-tech prison-porn factory planet. but they will reel you back in instantly if for any reason they want to see you ride the torture machine.

hear me! we are as cattle to the elite. we are like beef and ham to them

>> No.4490595 [DELETED] 
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if psychedelics were allowed to spread through the population at the natural rate, people would become impossible to control in the painful and bizarre ways they control us. this includes brain implants. tear-away children of nobody families are isolated and disconnected over the course of a few years and then given implants that let the rich wear their skin like a suit. think one in a million. and god. believe me

don't automatically trust anyone telling you to go as far out as possible, to escape society and your ego and this sort of thing. what cults do first is try to create an intrapersonal vacuum they can fill with dogma. they are using the psychedelics for this now

the psychedelics produce very real and powerful experiences you don't need to have explained to you repeatedly if you have used them a few times. no-one has to preach ego death to an acidhead. he knows about it.

a lot of cults offer up a lot of junk but the psychedelics are real and they produce the most powerful experiences in the world. they can be used to free people and heal them but, the elite are holding them from us like the priest class once hid the psychedelic sacraments of the mystery religions so they could have a monopoly on god. it is the exact same plan

and just like the priests got a ton of kids to screw for thousands of years, so do the people who've stolen the psychedelics, now. the government and the rich. i like people, i've never feared the rich... but this is serious

bear with me :|

>> No.4490601

No continues on your first try, even on easy mode, isn't bad, I just reccomend you move up to normal now before you get too used to it. I doubt you'll get through normal without continues first time.

>> No.4490746

I've only ever beaten PCB 1cc once, with ReimuB.

Went into Resurrection Butterfly with no lives left and only one bomb, was the biggest rush I'd ever gotten from a game in quite some time (until I managed to clear the Extra stage of IN about a week later).

>> No.4491881

Thank you kind sir for not being a complete asshat.

I usually play as Sakuya and the Prismriver's first spell card butchers me - damn curving lasers. I have seen that spell card many times but it still catches me off-guard every time.
I also honestly think that Youmu is slightly more difficult than Yuyuko.

>> No.4491930

You mean Merlin's opener? Well, welcome to what most likely is the third hardest pattern in PCB, just below Hell Sword series and Resurrection Butterfly! Of course it's hard.

Youmu becomes trivial once you notice she has no less than five patterns you'll capture 100% even on Lunatic. Yuyuko likewise is very easy (only Kanako and Byakuren are potentially easier) since she likewise has several patterns you'll always capture (first, second and fourth noncards, Lost Soul's Village, Repository of Hirokawa)

Alice on the hand is okay on Hard and below but a major pain in the ass for low-skill players like me on Lunatic because you think you should be able to handle her and conserve lives/bombs but that's Lunatic you are playing, she kicks your ass.

>> No.4492149

Well I'm a low level player so I don't touch lunatic with a ten foot pole, unless I'm drunk or high. I play in normal difficulty but I'm too proud to go for easy.
Would you happen to have any tips on pure survival in PCB or EoSD? In EoSD I play as Marisa B and in PCB as Sakuya A.

>> No.4492160

As long as you never die with bombs in stock, at least a Normal 1cc is easy enough for everyone.

>> No.4492179

Cool thanks for the tip I'll just go capture all those cards 100% of the time now

>> No.4492190

PCB is the easiest from a survival viewpoint (scorers may hate it though, since some of the scoring comes from getting the borders just right! ) Learn Stage 4/5 well, to know when you can make that run for the PoC and when you can't. Learn to redirect Youmu. Learn the mentioned spellcards of both Youmu and Yuyuko.

For EoSD, some of Sakuya has tricks (such as standing above her... not worth the hassle for Normal though I guess). Stage 4/5 need a lot of memorizal. MarisaB sort of sucks, use MarisaA or ReimuB. You will get raped by Patchouli with MarisaA though.

As a rule of thumb, if you can get past stage 3 without dying, you are good enough to 1cc the game.

>> No.4492191

>secondary touhou fan
>Ignore what the elitists say


>> No.4492246
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This thread inspired me to create a shitty guide just for you, /jp/. Stage five PCB Normal exclusive.

>only Kanako and Byakuren are potentially easier

Tell me you mean on Normal.

>> No.4492250

Redirecting Youmu is gay as hell. What's the point of playing if you skip difficult parts?

>> No.4492268

Forgot my replay http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=7478

To clear it sooner. Is there a limit to that? One might ask, "What's the point if playing if you're going to bomb every fucking spell?"

>> No.4492278

Any difficulty (though I am speaking from a survival standpoint. ) You can bomb the shit out of Kanako with no repercussions whatsoever (until Virtue floors you) and Byakuren's stage conveniently hands you like 5 bombs just before her fight.

>> No.4492313

Yeah ok, granted, scraping by however you can for that first 1CC is fine since it gives a psychological boost from the accomplishment. But after that, you're only cheating yourself by safespotting/etc.

>> No.4492328

That muddles things though, since really you can bomb straight through all kinds of stuff in Touhou but that doesn't make the boss actually easier.

>> No.4492353
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You people make /jp/ worth browsing.

>> No.4492359

I don't know, I'd say one of the reasons SA is regarded as hard is that bombs are no longer the end-all solution to everything as they were in the previous games.

I'm thinking how hard it is to beat the boss, not how hard the boss truly is.
