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44882468 No.44882468 [Reply] [Original]

Will this ever get resolved?

>> No.44882538

No, it's our modern equivalent of Rumia's ribbon or Sakuya-Eirin connection

>> No.44882690

Isn't it obvious already?
Gensokyo used to be a place where the youkai lived harmoniously with the human youkai hunter gigachads, but then Yukari and the other sages implemented their Human Village domestication plan and gradually turned them into meek cattle over the generations, to the point where they're barely more capable than the average fairy, only serving to provide faith to the youkai and gods present.
It's tragic, really.

>> No.44882758

>It's tragic, really.
Not really. If humans couldn't win, they deserved to be subjugated by a superior species. I feel no more empathy for the Gensokyo humans than I do a common pig.

>> No.44882775 [DELETED] 

Mizuchi is unironically and edgefag who wants a race war between human and Youkai.

>> No.44882785

Mizuchi is unironically an edgefag who wants a race war between human and Youkai.

>> No.44883148

Mythology is filled with stories of human champions slaying youkai through wits, guile, and superior physical ability.
The only reason the humans lost is because of their superior morality; their desire for cooperation and peace over violence exploited by evil youkai hags seeking to take control themselves.
Youkai are just parasites feasting like maggots on humanity's spirit, and must be destroyed for the good of all.

>> No.44883497

Probably not, even though ZUN likes to pay off at least some mysteries in the manga.

Either way, it's not hard to imagine.

I doubt it was harmoniously, but if the PCB backstory is canon they have declined pretty severely from their past selves.

>> No.44883505

The humans have won. The Youkai only exist because the outside world can't be asked to clean up loose ends.

>> No.44883519

Is this the Satori manga? Man. Maybe I should grit my teeth for the early shitty art and read it after all.

>> No.44883633

But anon, you have to realize that those youkai exist because in ancient times humans were schizophrenic superstitious folk who believed almost any phenomena in the world to be caused by supernatural beings

It's the fault of humanity

>> No.44883741

Nice try, but we both know that youkai only came into existence because Lunarians messed with the moon to corrupt humanity's psychic ability into only spawning monsters due to the moonies' fear of humanity and their progress.

>> No.44885315

Nice try, but we both know Lunarians aren't anywhere near competent enough to do that, and that they regularly ended up causing humanity to progress further due to Hourai Branch nonsense.

>> No.44885807

I wonder if ZUN intends to make her a strawman villain who only exists to mock people who think the human villagers are miserable. Or, perhaps, the opposite and she'll actually have a point.

>> No.44885813
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how would you feel honestly if you came back to your home and found it full of youkai? Mizuchi is a vengeful spirit so of course she would seethe, but then her beef is mostly with Reimu for some reason

>> No.44885823

As it fucking should be.

Being mad at Youkai is pointless since they are just evil and won't change. Being mad at the human women who allows them go around murdering as they please and keeping their evil little refugee alive is perfectly justified.

>> No.44887913

This faggot cares about muh art instead of story, ngmi

>> No.44887920

>looks like a girl
>is called the jailbreak KING
So Mizuchi is either the first trans character or the first femboy character. Chuds btfo’d

>> No.44887944
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We don't do that here.
Any of that. Get out.

>> No.44887964

>early shitty art
The first artstyle was vastly superior.
I don't give a shit about muh backgrounds when the actual characters look like ass in the new art.

>> No.44888057

Considering how ZUN loves to portray the powers that be in Gensokyo as consistently in the right no matter how obviously shitty it is, it's very likely that she will be a strawman villain.

>> No.44888078

>the first trans character
>he doesnt know

>> No.44888103


>> No.44888153

Are they? I mean, people have pointed out he goes out of his way to portray Yukari as a total loser with no friends. Okita is more competent and sinister. But, well, emphasis on sinister. Meanwhile Kasen is probably one of the more morale main characters and her opinion on gensokyo is very much "Fuck this place".

The one that mostly seems to get a pass is Reimu. And, at the very least, she is genuinly stupid rather than outright malicious.

>> No.44888221

Miko is a hermaphrodite, not a true tranny

>> No.44888614

Read Hifuu, AFiEU, and the latest chapter of CoLA if you want to see ZUN's political takes and how he more and more frequently loves to make his works allegories for those. The Hifuu Albums and Hecatia interview in particular make it clear he thinks Gensokyo is indeed a paradise.

>> No.44888648

>/v/ and /a/ told me Touhou was conservativecore
Why does this keep happening?

>> No.44888680

You legitimately confused me by misusing the quote function, anon.
Normally people know what you mean but choose to "remind" you of your blunder out of duty, but you wasted precious seconds of my time scanning that post only to realise you were not in fact quoting anyone.
Back to /v/eddit with you.

>> No.44888783

>anon doesn't know what a greentext is

>> No.44888863

/v/ and /a/ are among the worst places to get media takes from. They're only marginally better than twitter and reddit.

>> No.44888864

It should be ending soon, if it could avoid getting delayed again and again. I think the change in artist caused the storyline to go through a bunch of changes that won't ever be resolved, I really can not see the old artist pull off a fight scene without looking unintentionally funny.
On that note LE should be heading towards a finale itself, but it doesn't have any real plot line to start a finale with, just SoL stuff.

>> No.44889014

I doubt it's ending soon, since it seems like ZUN just wants to keep going through the games
what I've always thought was that all the character developments were rolled back a bunch when the artists changed, and it was only at the end of the moriya arc that they caught up to where they were at the end of the first artist's run (reimu no longer scared, satori getting involved) and the UFO arc has been the first real arc since then
I expect it to go to maybe DDC, because I can't see how ZUN's going to bullshit a vengeful spirit ending up on the fucking moon

>> No.44889255

>Mythology is filled with stories of human champions slaying youkai through wits, guile, and superior physical ability.
Yeah that totally describes the entire human race. Only a few people were like that. Very few people. They themselves usually used magic or special items or formed part of some kind of special lineage like Reimu. Some may have been descended from gods even. And if they did overpower a yokai just by their normal human strength then the yokai was SHIT. Probably a newfag yokai who didn't live long enough to gain more power.

>> No.44889379

Well, Clownpiece, Seiran, and Ringo lives on Earth so at least we have some LoLK reps lying around

>> No.44889575
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>If humans couldn't win
i'm sorry, but last time i checked humans weren't the ones forced to retreat into a small, miserable corner of the planet under threat of imminent extinction
maybe if youkai didn't rely on fear to sustain themselves, like the parasites they are, then maybe they would be able to do something about it, but as is, all they can do is watch from the sidelines as the humans that had long since cast them aside continue to prosper

>> No.44889744

Humans lost to youkai? That's not what I'm seeing. Gensokyo exists because youkai lost, period. They would've probably all disappeared permanently if Yukari hadn't rallied other youkai/gods together to create it.

>> No.44890099

Being a human in the genes ok yo villagers doesn’t seem that bad. You have a tight knit community filled with nature stuff, you get to enjoy the small things, you get to live in a place where magic can occur very easily. I would much rather live on a magical beautiful world than whatever bleak comfortable hell modern 1st work life is.

>> No.44890711

>as the humans that had long since cast them aside continue to prosper
not only humans outside of Gensokyo have been having a turbulent time in the two centuries that Gensokyo has been up, but they were also getting into a nightmarish dystopia era if what Sumireko and Renko's stories imply
so, even without superior eldricht beings holding them down, humans would find a way to ruin things for themselves anyway, oh the so called human spirit

>> No.44890734

>You have a tight knit community
They aren't.

> filled with nature stuff,
You literally can't go outside without risking your life or stumbling across corpses.

> you get to live in a place where magic can occur very easily.
It's not going to be nearly as fun when magic steals your livestock or ruins your crops.

>I would much rather live on a magical beautiful world than whatever bleak comfortable hell modern 1st work life is
If you want the Gensokyo experience, just move to North Korea.

>> No.44890738

>Probably a newfag yokai who didn't live long enough to gain more power.
Nue still has a scar left over from the last time she tried anything.

>not only humans outside of Gensokyo have been having a turbulent time in the two centuries
Yet living standards are still miles ahead of Gensokyo.

> but they were also getting into a nightmarish dystopia era if what Sumireko and Renko's stories imply
It really isn't that bad and it's still WAY better than Gensokyo.

>> No.44890833

>Yet living standards are still miles ahead of Gensokyo.
only in very specific places, and even in those places humans also have a rough time.
if anything, only a very select few can truly be said that live better than the average gensokyan human, and a priviliged gensokyan one is miles away an outsider one (magic >>>>>>>>> wealth)
>It really isn't that bad and it's still WAY better than Gensokyo.
a scenario where everything goes wrong isn't that bad? police states for example would be like Gensokyo but without none of the positive aspects

>> No.44890840

>only in very specific places,
Basically everywhere expect, like, Yemen and Somalia. Even North Korea is better since at least the people in charge there are human.

> and a priviliged gensokyan one is miles away an outsider one
? Billionaires might as well be gods at this point.

>a scenario where everything goes wrong isn't that bad?
How does everything go bad in the future?

> police states for example would be like Gensokyo but without none of the positive aspects
No. It would be Gensokyo, which is also a police state, but with more benefits.

>> No.44890924

>Basically everywhere expect, like, Yemen and Somalia. Even North Korea is better since at least the people in charge there are human.
you are very ignorant of the world, go leave your walled rich neighborhood, and aren't you the little humanist? humans are no better than youkai, not by a long shot, it all depends on the individual.
>? Billionaires might as well be gods at this point.
can a billionarie fly? can they repair things with a touch of their fingers? can they predict without error what will happen tomorrow? you are thinking in very materialistic ways, my friend
>How does everything go bad in the future?
go read the term "dystopia"
>No. It would be Gensokyo, which is also a police state, but with more benefits.
skyrocketed taxes and prices, extreme lack of healthy food, having to live in a room where you cannot move freely, having your being constantly watched by third parties, a sense of hopelessness and nihilism, being in a pointless rat race...

>> No.44890935

>go leave your walled rich neighborhood
I have. Even poor communities in Indonesia are leagues ahead of Gensokyo.

>humans are no better than youkai, not by a long shot
Yes, they are. By every possible measure.

>can a billionarie fly?

>can they repair things with a touch of their fingers?
They can do it WITHOUT lifting a finger.

>can they predict without error what will happen tomorrow?
They can make whatever they want happen.

>go read the term "dystopia"
I'm aware of what a dystopia is. It perfectly described Gensokyo, not the outside world.

>having to live in a room where you cannot move freely, having your being constantly watched by third parties, a sense of hopelessness and nihilism, being in a pointless rat race.
All of that perfectly describes Gensokyo for the human villagers.

>> No.44890941

They only seem "in the right" because you lack context
And then read WaHH, FS and Lotus Eaters to see ZUN counter the "Gensokyo is a paradise" narative.
Since Touhou now is a caricature of modern world, both Outside World and Gensokyo are dystopias

>> No.44890950

whatever you believe shall be true to you and only you
>both Outside World and Gensokyo are dystopias
pretty much

>> No.44890966

I would say that, along with most of the recent print works, actually contradicts the idea that Gensokyo is a paradise.

>The Hifuu Albums
Pretty old lore. I don't think it's applicable anymore considering how much Gensokyo has changed.

>Hecatia interview
How so? I never got that vibe reading it.

It's closer to reactionary core if it is meant to be a paradise since it's basically built on mass murder, slavery, and police state violence.

>> No.44890973

? It is true. This is not a question of opinion, it's straight up canon.

>pretty much
Arguably the future outside world, and even then I would argue it's still leagues above Gensokyo despite the whining of a few entitled college students.

>> No.44890978

Anons be like "Gensokyo is good" or "Gensokyo is bad" and I be like "I want to fuck all the hus".

>> No.44890987

I can respect that way more than the "Gensokyo good" crowd.

>> No.44890997

This anon is all "I want to fuck all the hus."
Now that's cool, I can respect that.
But me? For me, it's "I want to marry one of the hus I like and enjoy a lasting, fulfilling romantic relationship for the rest of our days together".

>> No.44890999

Yet you are a part of "Gensokyo is good" crowd. Curious!
I am very inteligent.

>> No.44891022

Beware, grimsokyofags ahead

>> No.44891046

>Arguably the future outside world
Modern Outside World shares a lot with Gensokyo: deep surveillance, limited freedom of speech, kidnapings for organs, police brutality, state sponsored assassination, canibalistic elites. The difference is in scale and tone.
I wish Gensokyo to be cute, but canon states otherwise.

>> No.44891058

> The difference is in scale and tone.
That and the fact you actually have freedom to try and improve your life and going outside without risking your life. As well as the wonders of modern technology. All Gensokyo has is slightly better healthcare and knowledge that at least when you croak there is a afterlife.

>> No.44891059

>muh canon
What made Touhou great was the mistery, the fairy tale like setting where everything was left up to personal interpretation. Only in /jp/ we find people that take "canon" seriously, hell not even ZUN cares, Hecatia almighty

>> No.44891071

>What made Touhou great was the mistery,
No. What made Touhou great was the setting, or at least the idea of the setting.

>> No.44891079

I write stories where the only thing standing between (You) and androphagy is good enough D.

>> No.44891083

That's what I said, do you even think before posting?

>> No.44891101

No, you said the mystery was what made the setting good. My argument is that what we did know was what made it good.

>> No.44891107

Did you write that Momoyo story that was posted recently?

>> No.44891109

No, though I have been mining it for ideas for a little story of my own.

>> No.44891114


Do post it when done.

>> No.44891124

>That and the fact you actually have freedom to try and improve your life and going outside without risking your life. As well as the wonders of modern technology.
Fake promises, just like hermitdom. Just there to keep the 99% who would never get or use it happy with the status quo.
I usually like to be close to canon with the stories I like, and in Touhou the mystery of what kind of setting it is is long gone, as is the space for interpretation.
Keep at it.

>> No.44891148

Look, anon: with what we did know, as you say, logically leaded up to misteries and questions among the community, AKA the mistery feeling of the setting. You are practically saying the same thing I did, just from another focus
>and in Touhou the mystery of what kind of setting it is is long gone, as is the space for interpretation.
The day that happens, Touhou will lose its core pillar. You do what you desire, anon, but do not speak in the name of everything and everyone

>> No.44891159

Nice, and I am completely sincere when I say that I really want to see you finish your work so I can read it.
I post my smut AO3 exclusively and am really shy, so I don't like anything that might give anyone ideas for who I am off-site or the other way around. It took me, like, three years to stop abusing the anon function to reveal who I am.

thanks anon

>> No.44891199

I specified "the mystery of what kind of setting it is" just so we could avoid this misunderstanding, but it still happened.
I didn't say that all mystery is gone, no, there is much to speculate about. But Gensokyo being a dystopian shithole is very concrete and unambiguous. There isn't even a question of "to what extent?", because it is shown, and very clearly. Sure, there's some good there, but it's very minor.
That is what I'm talking about. There could have been an actual argument here, a discussion, but, as I've said previously, WaHH, FS and Lotus Eaters existance does not leave much room for it.

>> No.44891295
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Ok, back to my previous point that Touhou thrived because there was no specific canon whatsoever. Zun having a mid life crisis and making things grimdark doesn't discredit what many old fans enjoyed about Touhou: a interesting setting with lots and lots of speculation, and with enough characterization to know the basics of the personality of the inhabitants of the settings.
I bet that when Zun gets to cool grandpa status, he will add more optimistic and hopeful things to the setting, maybe a retcon.
That day, canonfags and grimsokyofags will get assblasted to oblivion, two birds for the price of one.

>> No.44891312

>I bet that when Zun gets to cool grandpa status, he will add more optimistic and hopeful things to the setting, maybe a retcon.
Sure hope so, at this point the only thing I have as canon/cutefag is the theory that the PMiSS that we have is actually from the future.

>> No.44891348

Well, if that's how you feel that's fine. I just wish ZUN would reveal more things.

>Zun having a mid life crisis and making things grimdark doesn't discredit what many old fans enjoyed about Touhou:
I actually feel the opposite. Gensokyo was a paradise back when ZUN was young and hated the real world but now that he has a wife and kids he's way more relaxed and has turned Gensokyo into more of a satirical farce of the outside world.

>> No.44891357

>That day, canonfags and grimsokyofags will get assblasted to oblivion, two birds for the price of one.
I would be fine with that as long as it doesn't totally ignore the bad things the characters do. If Yukari just "Yeah... sorry" her killing thousands of outsiders I would probably laugh.

>> No.44891427

I think it's a little late to try to make the villagers' lives look pleasant. SoPM and FS made it pretty clear that while they're not actively in danger, nobody really cares about them other than to use them as cattle, and they don't have any real freedom or prospects for improvement. It's the oppressive kind of dystopia where everyone just ends up kinda hopeless and going about their lives in resignation, mostly just drinking their misery away.

>> No.44891436

>SoPM and FS made it pretty clear that while they're not actively in danger, nobody really cares about them other than to use them as cattle,
I mean, some characters do care. They just can't do much about it unless they want to go to war with the rest of Gensokyo.

>mostly just drinking their misery away.
To be fair, that does sound like something ZUN would view as a paradise.

>> No.44891482
File: 291 KB, 600x800, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_hammer_sunset_beach__9bff51558d448458526d7c81cea7d49c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Kasen is just disappointed with how things worked out. The villagers went from powerful warriors to meek little sheep.
She used to be all "Oh, nooooo, you defeated me. Please, mister youkai hunter, don't exterminate me with your massive, rock hard cock. It would be terrible if you pinned me down and flooded my womb with your mighty human seed, it's my greatest weakness", but nowadays the men from the village can barely last ten minutes before their pelvises break. It's just such a tragedy.
This is why she became a hermit, in hopes of getting some Celestial dick (she's going to bang Tenshi's dad).

>> No.44891507

Probably not actually the case but it would be hilarious if she created Gensokyo just because she was really turned on when Watanabe no Tsuna cut off her hand.

>> No.44893492

Sometimes I feel that Touhou's general sexlessness really holds it back. You've got all these characters, but none of them seem interested in relationships or starting families. We barely even have any characters with any meaningful relatives. We know nothing about Reimu's family, for starters, and while Marisa's dad is a thing, I cannot remember her mom ever being brought up (who is probably a fairy, let's be real), and she's estranged from them, so they don't even matter. Sakuya's an outsider, and we never hear about Sanae's biological parents. Kosuzu has off-screen parents, but no siblings or others mentioned, and we know very little about the Hieda clan.
It's like everyone is just an only child without any attachments, and it makes the world feel kinda hollow. You'd think the village, being a backwards and old-fashioned place where mortality and death is common would involve large families, but nah.
The only people who feel like an actual family are the Yorigami sisters (and the Watatsukis, if you want to count moonies), but other than that, they just aren't there.

>> No.44893548

>Reimu's family
Yeah, We don't even know if "Hakurei" is a lineage or profession title

>> No.44893617

Don't forget about the Konpaku family and how an entire lineage of half-humans/half-phantoms is even a thing without inbreeding.

>> No.44893733

Youki's existence is just so weird in retrospect. It really feels like ZUN wanted to do more with him, but then decided that he didn't want to flesh anything out and just ignored him completely.
We don't even know what his relation to Youmu is, he's only ever confirmed as her predecessor.

>> No.44893780

I think it's fine for most of the cast, but I agree it can be odd for teh human characters. Sakuya I don't expect to have a family, and if you asked her she would probably just say "Remilia". But Sanae seemingly being perfectly okay with abandoning everybody she knew and loved always struck me as weird unless you assumed she's some kind of orphan. I also hope that with Marisa getting a honest to goodness childhood friend character we actually get some clue to what happened between Marisa and her dad (As well as the rest of her family if applicable). Also agree that Kosuzu could have used some family supporting characters.

Reimu is probably the worst offender though. Like the other anon said, we don't even know if it's actually a bloodline.

Let's be honest, considering her behavior Youmu is probably at least somewhat inbred.

>> No.44893806

I assumed the "Half-phantom" part was that her line either comes from the nether world or since Youmu's phantom portion is a separate, they bind phantoms to themselves,

>> No.44893836

My dumb headcanon explanation is that they are what happens if a human is born in the Netherworld. Not based on much though besides "That makes sense in my head".

>> No.44900321

At first I thought it was like in that japanese story where someone sees a phantom getting out from a living man, i don't remember much of the story and I can't seem to find it though.
But I thought she was just a weird case at first and that she was an ex-human or something. But I guess there isn't a big difference if ZUN doesn't ever talk about it again.
It's kinda strange how ZUN doesn't do families at all aside from a few vague things. The only family he makes is one irl I guess.

>> No.44902513

>It's kinda strange how ZUN doesn't do families at all aside from a few vague things.
I think he's smart enough to realize the massive increase in incest doujins if characters ever got families.

>> No.44911223

you say this like it's a bad thing

>> No.44912152

I know Mizuchi is making a serious face here with the absolute nastiest scowl she can come up with, but I can’t help but to find it funny.

>> No.44912205
File: 767 KB, 2039x2894, 105170123_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find nearly everything mizuchi does more endearing than anything else
even though she's supposed to be this hate filled spirit who only desires for the destruction of the hakurei shrine (or something because we still don't actually know) she's out here getting defeated by eating sweet food, crying because she ate normal food, exploding herself by possessing a kappa and having no idea how to do any technological stuff, and she clearly fucking loves making those edgy faces because she's done them with mokou, sanae and kyouko now
I'm rooting for her more than I am for the protagonists at this point

>> No.44912279

I just want to know how the fuck ZUN gonna integrate her into the setting after the manga ended
We never had any antagonist like her, the closest thing we have is Fortune Teller and we all know how he ended

>> No.44912387

it's weird because either she gets actually killed at the end or forced back into hell and jailed again (with the caveat that she can probably break out being the jailbreak king and all) or she lets go of her hatred, but if she lets go of her hatred, ZUN has to answer the question of whether it's possible for a youkai's nature to change or not, because the mizuchi we know might die and we're left with essentially a different character bearing her name and face, or it proves that it is possible to change, which then makes kasen's decisions at the end of WaHH to seal her arm again seem hypocritical because it never got the chance to change

>> No.44912825

The last human that was able to get more powerful than youkai was slaughtered by a Miku. Reimu is a Youkai protector and a traitor

>> No.44913506

She honestly kind of reminds me of D-FENS from the movie Falling Down. Mad at the shitty system and does some crazy and mostly harmless shit throughout their “rampage” and ends up being someone you like more than the hero even though they’re supposed to be the villain that’s going to take a dive.

>> No.44914318
File: 923 KB, 2508x2016, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_and_1_more_drawn_by_chelly_chellyko__19177390cc1899290e4a8286e15e0799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a sad end

>> No.44915054

I remember reading somewhere that the technological progress of the human village is sabotaged by youkai or something but I can't find it anymore

>> No.44915518

> ZUN has to answer the question of whether it's possible for a youkai's nature to change or not
Isn't Shun pretty strong evidence that we can?

>> No.44915634

Youkai can also become gods and vice versa, not to mention Okina says Cirno is an unstable fairy.
I imagine that's like how shou was an unstable Youkai tiger, it'd be interesting to see Cirno as one of Okina's Douji like how shou became Bishomenten's idol.
There's also Suwako, who's a native god of earth, in other words a nature deity, which is a term used to describe fairys, not to mention Suwako is also a loli. So everybody's favorite curse god might be a fairy turned god.
But that last part is mostly speculative and connecting dots.

>> No.44916384

I'm not sure if to count her as "youkai" since vengeful spirits seem to be different. I thought that those just vanished after their grudge was over.
The closest thing I remember right know is the whole moon making humans monsters that Kaguya says to the scarlet team.
But I checked and it was to "regulate impurity" so no clue.

>> No.44922879

It's hard to say where the line between fairy and god actually lies.

Perhaps it's just that humans stared worshiping her that turned her into a god. Makes me wonder if she would turn back into a fairy if she had stayed in the outside world .

>> No.44923621

Mima and Tojiko are still around after letting go of their grudges, so Mizuchi might become a regular ghost that exists while her attachment to the world remains.

>> No.44924321

I'll be extremely disappointed if she's exterminated for good.

>> No.44924331

Why the fuck is this thread autosaging me

>> No.44924408

I would be fine with it if it seriously mentally damages Reimu or whoever does the job.

>> No.44929389


>> No.44931405

Anons are surprisingly xenophobic about youkai. Condemning them to non-existence seems harsh, when most of them just need belief/fear to survive. Gensokyo has always seemed to me like a best possible compromise to achieve that, though there are two glaring issues: outside humans being brought for food (even if they're suicidal or the dredges of society, they deserve help more than monster teeth) and the villagers being kept in Gensokyo against their will.

The villagers' lives being in more danger than an outsider's seems to be wrong, aren't most youkai legends born out of trying to guide humans to do the right thing? Take care of your tools, don't go into the woods at night, watch out that you don't trip, don't trust strangers blindly, and even if the villagers break these rules, the youkai SHOULD leave them off with a scare or face genuine extermination. I don't really get the comparisons between tyrannical human states and Gensokyo, you might get fucked if you genuinely try to break the power structures, but that's the case everywhere. An asshole government officer isn't going to rape your wife and tell you to sit there and take it or get arrested, you won't have to worry about getting assassinated with a rare radioactive substance for talking shit about those in charge, getting food on the table seems reliable.

>the mizuchi we know might die and we're left with essentially a different character bearing her name and face
Already happened with Yuuma in 17.5, which makes it less likely that it will happen again this soon in my opinion

It's (at least supposedly) not about becoming more powerful than youkai, it's about BECOMING youkai. Reimu

>> No.44931696

>It's (at least supposedly) not about becoming more powerful than youkai, it's about BECOMING youkai. Reimu
It's worth noting we don't hear the exact wording of the rule itself, only Reimu's personal opinion and interpretation of it. By context, I think it's safe to assume that although becoming a Youkai is the greatest sin, Reimu believes the only punishment they should receive is death. I think this really add's to 'mu's character, as from SoPM we know her greatest desire is to live in a world where she doesn't have to kill, and she also seems a bit disturbed or angry over having to kill the salt mansion owner.
Which to me implies some sort of dramatic event that would inspire such a belief antithetical to her desires, especially since she seems to care little for Youkai as a whole and holds no great degree of personal loyalty to any sage except Kasen, when the whole murder thing seems more up Yukari's and Okina's alley.

>> No.44933160

>Condemning them to non-existence seems harsh, when most of them just need belief/fear to survive.
They literally had a chance to create a world to their own liking and they created a horrible dystopia. They have lost the right to exist.

>aren't most youkai legends born out of trying to guide humans to do the right thing?
A lot of them are born out of superstition and ignorance. Those are bad and tend to result in people being hurt. Like the story of Bridget Clearly.

>an asshole government officer isn't going to rape your wife and tell you to sit there and take it or get arrested
I mean, it's never going to get brought up because ZUN is terrified of making his stories sexual but there is nothing implying that humans can't or won't get raped if youkai feel like it. Which, going by original myths, they do. The only thing that seems to be implied is that Youkai aren't allowed, or at least strongly discouraged, from killing human villagers. Even then there is a lot of implication there are a ton of exception cases.

>you won't have to worry about getting assassinated with a rare radioactive substance for talking shit about those in charge
You might be eaten alive though.

>getting food on the table seems reliable
Not really. Most likely poverty and starvation does still happen considering they have a economic system and it's not some kind of weird tribal commune.

Living in gensokyo is, at best, like living in the Gaza strip. It has better access to medicine and water and you are less likely to be murdered by a random air strike, or flying Youkai in the case of Gensokyo, but you also have no electricity and even less access to modern devices.

>> No.44933169

The position of Hakurei Shrine Maiden owns basically it's entire existence to the Youkai sages. While there isn't much personal loyalty, she does clearly care about her job and I find it hard to imagine that "Kill all Humans that turn into Youkai" isn't a set law. Mostly because even though the exact wording is vague, the intent and reason is fairly obvious: It's to take away a avenue of escape. If the entire human village could just transform into youkai to escape their predicament, they would.

>> No.44933257

Poverty and starvation aren't something we see evidence for, or against. So either way it's headcannon, but with multiple harvest gods I think it's reasonable to assume that the village doesn't suffer famine, especially since it needs a stable population to maintain Gensokyou. The youkai are also literally disallowed to kill the human villagers, although only the youkai and sages themselves seem to know about this, and humans not of the village do seem exempt from that rule.
Also electricity, and the internet aren't some fundamental right of humanity or a necessity, just something humans used and invented. Not to mention Gensokyou does have those things, they just aren't too common due to lack of factories and such to make them.

>> No.44933376

>Poverty and starvation aren't something we see evidence for, or against. S
I think there was a mention of Kosuzu helping less well off people in one part of the manga.

>I think it's reasonable to assume that the village doesn't suffer famine,
It's likely but not a guarantee. Depending on their nature Harvest gods are basically just a protection racket after all.

>The youkai are also literally disallowed to kill the human villagers
When was this mentioned? The closest we ever got was the spellcard rules in PMISS, which is very questionable canon and certainly doesn't seem to apply to normal villagers anymore. What we do get is closer to implications that it's frowned upon, especially in certain contexts. At the same time we also have Reimu basically telling Rumia "Yeah, help yourself" when it comes to people that work after dark. There are also plenty of examples in the manga of Humans potentially facing dire consequences for messing around with Youkai.

>Also electricity, and the internet aren't some fundamental right of humanity or a necessity
No, but they do still dramatically affect living standards are one of the reasons why the human village is basically on par with the Gaza when it comes to living conditions.

>> No.44933380

we aren't shown it, but there's a poverty god so there's probably people in poverty

>> No.44933445

Everything's a protection racket by that standard, we pay farmers to we don't starve to death, pay the government so we are protected from indiscriminate violence, everybody protecting someone is getting something out of it. Who cares if a god wants acknowledgement when they help people, that's no different than what humans do already.
And while air conditioning would probably be something the villagers would like it's not a necessity, I can't really think of anything else they would NEED, and even then air conditioning is stretching it.

WHhile Reimu's comment is questionable, the human village itself is till protected by Youkai like the Tengu and such from natural disasters and I think it's reasonable to assume that with Keine, and never actually seeing a resident be killed by a youkai, that it's a safe assumption the villagers are protected. Reimu's comment is in EoSD which is an early series installment that could just be subject to the same treatment you give PMISS here.

>> No.44933524

>Everything's a protection racket by that standard
No, there's a difference between a genuine symbiotic relationship and a parasitic one. What role does the harvest god play, effectively, due they guarantee a good harvest or do they simply ruin one if they aren't being given their due?

>And while air conditioning would probably be something the villagers would like it's not a necessity,
Nothing is a necessity. That doesn't change the fact that it would 1: Improve life dramatically. 2: Allow them to be happier. 3: Ensure less people die needlessly.

That alone is enough of a reason for me to have zero sympathy for youkai. People do not deserve to suffer unnecessary for the sake of a bunch of evil monsters that have shown, time and time again, that if left to their own devices they do nothing but cause trouble.

>that it's a safe assumption the villagers are protected.
Again, they are protected in the same way somebody in the Gaza strip or a Stalinist dictatorship is protected. Even then, that only seems to apply to the village itself. Basically just making the entire thing a open air prison within a open air prison.

>Reimu's comment is in EoSD which is an early series installment that could just be subject to the same treatment you give PMISS here.
I don't entirely disagree, but the manga don't necessarily seem to contradict the idea.

>> No.44933631

I don't know about Youkai as a whole, and there are definitely feral youkai, but I don't really see how air conditioning would save peoples lives or how it's lack is causing an unwarreneted or special form of suffering, yeah I'd prefer air conditioning and to have the emmenties I do.
But I don't need them, they're luxuries, and ideally one can find happiness and live a good life without them, it's not like a persons value is directly correlated to their materiel possessions.
Further more, on Youkai, they were created as an anti-human bio weapon, but chose to not exterminate or cull humans like they were supposed to, they didn't war to keep themselves relevant or try to take over the outside world, they slipped back into the dark corners of the earth and died. They are a species of individuals capable of forming friendships and bonds like a human, they are imbued with special powers and could likely do a lot of damage, but they chose to live in their own little corner of the earth and for the most part don't bother outsiders.
I don't like the current state of Gensokyou, but I also wouldn't like to consign an entire race of living, breathing, people to death for circumstances they had no control over. They were born youkai. they aren't the lunarians.

Although politically I think Gensokyou would be called a feudal society, or maybe an oligarchy, the sages just seem to maintain the environment of Gensokyou itself and as long as you don't commit an incident Reimu or the other resolvers don't give a shit what you do.

>> No.44933667

>but I don't really see how air conditioning would save peoples lives or how it's lack is causing an unwarreneted or special form of suffering,
Is it really that hard for you to imagine how bad life would be without modern convienceies?

>or how it's lack is causing an unwarreneted or special form of suffering
Compared to literally the entire rest of the planet? Come on, that's self evident. Even if we assume Youkai help them with the worst case scenarios. Your average villager life is still short, miserable, poor, and lacking in pleasure. If they can find joy, it is in-spite of living in gensokyo.

>But I don't need them,
You are literally typing on a computer right now.

>it's not like a persons value is directly correlated to their materiel possessions.
Their happiness very much is.

>but chose to not exterminate or cull humans like they were supposed to
No, they lost. Mostly to people armed with swords and bows. Then they got destroyed by actual guns so hard they had to create their own dark corner to survive.

>They are a species of individuals capable of forming friendships and bonds like a human
They are on average selfish sociopaths incapable of change.

>and for the most part don't bother outsiders.
They literally murder outsiders regularly.

>I don't like the current state of Gensokyou, but I also wouldn't like to consign an entire race of living, breathing, people to death for circumstances they had no control over.
If it's them or the human villagers remaining trapped I would condemn them all to death in a instant.

>or maybe an oligarchy,
It's a murderous dictatorship. Well, granted, the sages do seem to be equal in power.

>> No.44935056

>They are on average selfish sociopaths incapable of change.
Honestly, if not for this and issues related to this, like the police state, Gensokyo could be a utopia. Yes, that includes the lack of modern tech (industrial revolution was a disaster for the human race, etc.)

>> No.44935088

>Their happiness very much is.
Disagree, I need a computer to use the internet, but that's not the end all be all of my or anyone else's life. I value my life outside of the internet and he material i posses does not equate to my merit as my person, lacking too much can lead to unhappiness, but as long as I am able to provide for myself and be around people I love I can be happy.
I don't care about your head cannon about how miserable the villagers are supposed or the value you put on people.

>> No.44935091
File: 517 KB, 2011x1600, earth otherworlds moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do the Ministry of Right and Wrong work throughout the realms? They seem to have established their presence in the hells of every world there is (example includes Gensokyo, the Dreamworld, the Moon, the Earth and many otherworlds we haven't seen) and there is a coalition of yama and shinigami assigned to each world, Eiki is the yama assigned to Gensokyo, but what about the others? Who is the yama assigned to the Moon, the yama assigned to the Earth (outside world), and those other figures?

>> No.44935277

Well, duh. An entire population of immortal superpowered people able to coexist in reasonable peace would be a utopia by default.

> Yes, that includes the lack of modern tech
Strongly disagree, but whatever. Magic is a acceptable substitute.

>> No.44935295

>Disagree, I need a computer to use the internet, but that's not the end all be all of my or anyone else's life.
In my personal experience, I have found the only people that claim they don't need modern convienceies are people that have them. Sorry, but I don't buy your claim.

>but as long as I am able to provide for myself and be around people I love I can be happy.
Of course. Anybody can be happy. That's not my point. Their lives are demonstrably worse for the sake of people that do not deserve it and the world would be better off around.

>I don't care about your head cannon about how miserable the villagers
Nothing what I said is a headcanon.

>or the value you put on people.
I put zero value on Youkai, if that is what you mean.

>> No.44937860

>No, they lost. Mostly to people armed with swords and bows. Then they got destroyed by actual guns so hard they had to create their own dark corner to survive.
If anything, this should point out this guy doesn't even understand the basics of how Gensokyo works.

>> No.44938501
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while they might not be harmful, it's kind of bothering how full of Youkai the village is. some humans probably know they just ignore it, like when Suika walks around. you would expect some humans to complain about it

>> No.44939621

Maybe they just don't give a fuck and play along as long as they don't misbehave

>> No.44939632

hmmm, so you can get a lot of fox pussy without even leaving the village

>> No.44940230

Be at peace, canonsokyoKAMIs ahead

>> No.44940347

A lot of the human village seems to run on "Don't ask, don't tell". Basically everybody knows the mysterious flower lady is a uber powerful youkai, but you don't ask her about it and she doesn't tell you that she is a youkai.

A lot of the villager mindset can be summed up as "Cope". While he's wrong about some of the details, one of Miyoi regular seems to kind of understand the position the human village is in. But he doesn't really think about it too much because, well, what's the point beside driving yourself crazy?

Going by their reaction to Suika or Orin, they do care but there just isn't anything they can do about it.

I imagine that would be a one way street to a public lynching.

>> No.44940394

>I imagine that would be a one way street to a public lynching.
Only if they find out it was me who was trying to seduce and breed all the foxes in the village.

>> No.44940432

The only fox we knows that spends any real time in human form, other than Ran is a young girl who pretends to be a human to attend Keine's classes.
So yes I think you'd get lynched.

>> No.44940444

I will just be the man who has an unusually large number of guests showing up at his house and also for some other strange reason a bunch of foxes hang around him for no suspicious reasons.

>> No.44940462

I mean, you might be able to get away with that as long as you stick to the "Don't ask, don't tell" rule.

Don't tell anybody, they won't ask. They will know though, and judge you silently.

>> No.44940464

Even if all of the guests are elementary school aged children and youkai foxes who don't take on human form?

>> No.44943771

You can't breed elementary schoolers, even in gensokyo.

>> No.44944496


>> No.44951103

I want to give this angry, vengeful, edgy spirit a hug and tell Mizuchi to do her best in fucking shit up.

>> No.44951340

Same. But I would tell her to leave Reimu to me.

>> No.44951432

forcibly breeding the armpit miko so she has to care about humans

>> No.44951579

I was thinking more of torture, but sure.

>> No.44951679

Don't worry impregnation sex and childbirth will fix that rotten Miko!
t. Mizuchi

>> No.44957265

I think the only specifics that we got from PMiSS is that the Jizou have assigned the souls from their location of origin.
Depends on how they divide the locations the numbers may vary, but there's probably a big amount of Yamas just for Japan, probably a lot for the rest of the world.
The lunar capital probably only has a single Yama like Gensokyo since they don't seem to have much death there. And the otherworlds... who knows?

So if you want to meet Komachi and Eiki you might want to die in 2065 around Japan since the barriers weaker and your spirit might go to there.

>> No.44957273

If Mizuchi possesses you and uses your body to rape Reimu, is it straight or gay?

>> No.44957314

For all intensive purposes it's straight, but if Mizuchi gets to feel everything too, it might be a little bisexual
Personally I'd rather mizuchi possessed reimu and raped me until I got her pregnant, though

>> No.44957318

The physical act is straight assuming she’s possessing a male/man bit the person behind it is gay. So bisexual I guess.

>> No.44958511
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>which then makes kasen's decisions at the end of WaHH to seal her arm again seem hypocritical because it never got the chance to change
I mean yeah?
If her fellow deva like Suika and Yuugi can be civil enough than most youkai, why wouldn't the OG Kasen?

>> No.44958843

Headcanon: But Suika is civil because, like Kasen, a part of her body got sealed off. In the case of Suika, it was probably her entire body.

Granted, no such excuse exists for Yuugi.

>> No.44958850

>probably a lot for the rest of the world.
Wouldn't other religions take care of the rest of the world?

>> No.44959794

>If [group] couldn't win, they deserved to be subjugated
If a hypothetical group superior to the Yokai came along and subjugated them, would it be deserved? If someone breaks into a house and kills everyone in it, did the people who got murdered deserve it because they failed to stop that person? Why and how does hard work justify the existence of empires and general hierarchies?

>> No.44959811

They are partially the product of human cognition so I think they can, but that process heavily depends on humans. I've seen a lot of people rag on the dark origin of youkai, but what makes a friendly modern depiction less true or have less of an effect on their nature than a pas depiction?

>> No.44960027

Mostly the fact that friendly depictions give them the freedom to act friendly. They just choose not to because they are still shitty sociopaths on average.

>> No.44960094

I remember reading a ZUN interview where he says he has to make the game characters jerks in order to justify the fights other than that, I know Aya complains in her interview with rumia about Youkai not being very dedicated to harassing humans.
I've heard people say that they're all shitty psychos or whatever, but to me that seems like hyperbole, bait, or headcannon.

>> No.44960144

Have you not played the games? Or read the manga? Or read the lorebooks? Or even just know the backstories and behavior of most characters?

Most Youkai are just shitty sociopaths. You have a few decent or harmless eggs every now and then, but they are very much the exception that define the rule. As for the humans, they are either implied serial killers (Sakuya), willfully complicit in mass murder (Reimu) selfish assholes (Kosuzu, Marisa to a lesser extent) or VERY dumb (Youmu, Reimu again)

>> No.44960246

Yeah I'm aware of all of those things, but I tend to think of them as individual faults or crimes that come from characters who are exception from the rule.
That's my interpretation. If Aya complains about most Youkai becoming more passive over the years and the characters we see are exceptions to the rule since they need to be jerks to justify all the fights they get in, that just how it seems to me.
This next part isn't really evidence, but it's how I see it; we know the spell card rules came into effect due to the vampire incident and it was written by an unkown author, the way I read the situation was an attempt at minimizing violence and disruptions through the introduction of ritualistic dueling and making open conflict a taboo.
Also why did you mainly mention humans?

>> No.44960437

I mean, going by the manga the characters we do see actually tend to be the more reasonable ones. Most non character youkai are just total sociopaths or non sapient monsters. I wouldn't put too much stock in Bohemia anyway since it's old ass lore and, like PMISS, a lot of it has been called into question.

> the way I read the situation was an attempt at minimizing violence and disruptions through the introduction of ritualistic dueling and making open conflict a taboo.
So did I, but most works since PMISS show that largely isn't the case.

>Also why did you mainly mention humans?
Well, you asked about the entire cast.

>> No.44960500

Well I guess it's just comes down to what you favor in your personal interpretation of the works we've been given, and while I don't don't like to dismiss BAiJR and PMiSS, I can see why others do.
They're old books which only take the first three windows games into account and are written at a point in time ZUN was probably considering ending the series.
I'll probably reply later with some more thoughts but that's all I really want to say for now.

>> No.44960537

I don't dismiss then, new cannon supercedes old one and a lot of what we learned about youkai and humans in Baijr and PMISS can be called into question as a result. Certainly not everything, I do think Rumia is genuinly lazy and Aya thinks Youkai are too passive. But the why and how of that is something that has arguably change due to the changes to Gensokyo. Like how Keine's article takes on a very different feeling with newer lore.

>I'll probably reply later with some more thoughts but that's all I really want to say for now.
That's fair.

>> No.44964748

So this form is what Kasen used to be when she become a sage right?

>> No.44964761

Well, Clownpiece comes from Earth's hell and... she's dressed in american clothes
The hells do seem to base their culture around the world they're supposed to be the damnation of.

>> No.44964781

Nah, Gensokyo's way younger than the legend of Ibaraki, so Kasen probably wouldn't have been a sage until after she got disarmed. Unless of course the sages were a far older institution, but I don't recall any lore suggesting they existed all the way back in the Heian period.

>> No.44964815
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like the other anon said, no, and on top of that, Ibaraki-douji in the end of WaHH isn't the same as Ibaraki-douji before her arm was cut off, unless she was always a bipolar dual personality schizo, since the arm is still conscious and capable of taking full control of Ibaraki-douji's body after they merge together

>> No.44964874

This chick had a thousand years to come up with a not-an-oni disguise and that was the best she could do?

>> No.44968736
File: 3.54 MB, 2780x4096, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_angel_star_peach__cd4598ef7190b337f208ab23711ffe3e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of her intelligence was stored in her arm. There's only lewdness left now. Please understand.

>> No.44975551

Most fans ignore or underplay characters being unlikable, even when they claim to be into canon more than fanon.

>> No.44975622
File: 41 KB, 1024x537, it stinks!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single OFFICIAL Touhou manga summed up.

>> No.44975958

Nta, but get some awareness, this whole board is about posting OOC shit of the characters, doesn't help that the majority of anons are fatasses who lay on their bed masturbating all day

>> No.44975992

One thing is the character being a unlikable other thing is claiming Reimu is a willfully complaint in mass murder. Its impossible to take grimsokyo fags seriously, specially when they try to make you believe that their grimdark fetish is canon. Hell even calling Marisa a selfish asshole is going too far already.

>> No.44976046

I'm sorry Anon, Reimu literally genocides fairies each and every game. You are in denial.

>> No.44976093

>Reimu literally genocides fairies each and every game

>> No.44976114

That panda looks terrifying

>> No.44976133

It's a Youkai so it's ears babies after killing their mothers.

>> No.44976164

Man how terrible would it be if you fed a fox because you felt bad for it but turns out it was a kitsune who now likes you.

>> No.44976167

It sure would be horrible especially she tried to trick you into marrying her and producing children.

>> No.44976189

Please do not ear babies.
Or do not be ear babies?
And your children turn out to be good at magic but somehow still humans in every other aspect like Seimei

>> No.44976201

Do not destroy your bloodline falling for fox trickery.

>> No.44976212

Children need to be deaf.
No ears for them.

>> No.44976217
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who's going to stop m-

>> No.44976235

She's going to destroy your bloodline with petite children

>> No.44976245

>One thing is the character being a unlikable other thing is claiming Reimu is a willfully complaint in mass murder
There is a scale to unlikabillity, and considering Reimu doesn't give a damn about her guests killing tons of people offscreen, most Touhou characters are beyond being 'a bit of an asshole'.
I know you won't reply to me, just like you haven't here >>44948756. You never do. You just want to call me a grimfag for not lying to myself anymore about how hunkydory Gensokyo is.

>> No.44976256

Schizo posting, not everybody poster is somebody you have been with Anon.

>> No.44976325

Excuse me. I just had that happen way too often and unprovoked, and whenever I asked for clarification I never got one.

>> No.44976345

You don't have to apologize, although the reason people don't reply to you is you said like a baiter and spout head cannon.
Discussing the cannon of touhou is basically arguing head cannon either way since there's so many different angles to view anything from, so it's not like there's any fault in it, it's just pointless and circular.

>> No.44976454

I don't think most characters being awful people is just my headcanon, considering the dialogues and printworks, but alright, maybe it really is just my own conclusions.
Also I don't get why do you think that I post like a baiter. I just write what I think, that's all. Am I missing something?

>> No.44976469

It's the replying to every single point, uses of green text, and the fact that you talk about this in every single touhou thread you participate in.

>> No.44976580
File: 69 KB, 1581x156, wrassling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if all the characters being dicks in the games are just them doing heel work? You don't actually think the Undertaker killed his family right?

>> No.44976711

In games? Sure. But what about outside of them?

>> No.44977002

>But what if all the characters being dicks in the games are just them doing heel work?
Where the fuck is the face then?

>> No.44977022

As should be obvious to everyone who even hears the name touhou, the main inspiration for everything touhou related is the attitude era. You're supposed to like one of the heels.

>> No.44977027

>And your children turn out to be good at magic but somehow still humans in every other aspect like Seimei
You get a visit from the friendly gap lady who will take your children to a nice farm where they will get plenty of space to run around.

>One thing is the character being a unlikable other thing is claiming Reimu is a willfully complaint in mass murder.
Yukari abducts outsiders to be killed in Gensokyo. Reimu's position is to maintain the Hakurei barrier, thereby ensuring that outsiders will continue to be murdered (As well as the human villagers remain trapped). Yukari also seems to be Reimu's boss, or at least handler, which certainly implies a degree of cooperation. Well, that and the two literally working together several times.

The only thing that might get her a stay of execution is that she's genuinly too dumb to realize what Yukari is doing. Not much of a excuse though.

>> No.44977032

Like the WWE, I want Gensokyo to be burned to the ground and everybody killed.

>> No.44978408

Reimu is probably vaguely aware of it but doesn't care, she may not be a youkai shrine maiden but she protects the social order above all else. Even in WbaWc she favors the animal spirits which use human souls as raw material just like the Youkai do, due to it being the normal I. Their society. She even holds the same xenophobic out look at the outside world that the tengu, the most conservative Youkai faction do.
You give her far too much credit.

>> No.44979826

I guess it'd my background, but I don't really see happiness as something that directly results from material things. Happiness is more of a spiritual or mental thing to me, and modern convinces are just that convinces, nobody really needs them to be happy, sure it's nice to have them but not having them does not diminish a persons value I think that's overly materialistic, and for what it's worth Gensokyo seems to have most modern convinces aside from air conditioning.
They also seem to be able to produce alcohol, sweet, and other amenities in high enough quantities that I can't really but them being subsistence farms since they'd need a surplus of resources to make them.
And when i refer to head cannon i mean the villagers themselves being in some special state of suffering, it's not like they are literally being tortured or are in a active warzone. Would I want to live in Gensokyo, no probably not it seems a pretty shitty place, but I think you overemphasizes the bad of the setting to an unrealistic degree.
For one thing if the villagers were constantly unhappy the hopeless masquerade incident wouldn't have happened because they wouldn't have any hope to lose in the first place.

>> No.44980011

>and for what it's worth Gensokyo seems to have most modern convinces aside from air conditioning
Oh sure, except for heating, safe and efficient lighting, reliable transport, fast communication, efficient clothes washing methods, efficient printing methods, and so forth.
I really don't understand how you can hear "modern conveniences" and only think of air conditioning, as if that isn't one of the least important things as far as happiness and quality of life goes.
The people of Gensokyo have to do all their shit by hand. Every daily chore from cleaning to cooking takes far more effort and time without all the modern conveniences many people take for granted.

>> No.44980073

You're right I guess I wasn't thinking of those, when I hear modern convinces I thinking of air conditioning, running water, effective medicine, fertilizer and efficient farming methods.
What is Genso's climate, actually that brings up another question how do the kappa and village manage all of the manpower that would be required for all their printing? the Tengu probably have printing presses, but the villagers use wood blocks right?
Fast communication and reliable lighting is also something I don't think factors in, they aren't a 24/7 hour society, they work when the sun goes up and live in a small community close to everybody they know. What use do they have for mass media? Except for Bunbunmaru, actually do the tengu sell other papers to humans, the only other paper we know of is Hatate's and it's implied to be a tengu paper which holds establishment tengu views and probably wouldn't be sold outside of the mountain.

>> No.44980892

Fucking hell, dude, why do you keep thinking in only the most narrow, present-day ways? You have to consider the historical impact of humanity's great inventions, not only the hellish abominations it eventually spawned as the inevitable result of capitalistic excess.

Communication is incredibly beneficial to business alone, but it's also immensely helpful for emergencies.
Being able to call for help after little Kosuzu falls down a well vastly improves her odds of survival. Missing persons can be brought to people's attention much sooner. Or what about the ability to ring up Eientei for medical assistance. Communication, even in smaller communities, is an absolute cornerstone of civilization.

And cheap, large scale printing makes it much more accessible. It's an amazing method to distribute knowledge and culture, but as it's stands, only the rich are able to use it in Gensokyo, while the poor will never be able to write a book and share it with others. I don't think it can be understated how important it is to humanity.

>> No.44981050

I question the printing thing though, I always assumed that printing was cheap despite their technological limitations, most business and the hakurei shrine seem to be able to produce lots of flyers and we know Reimu has never done the best financially. While Kos might be willing to print as a favor for Reimu, Reimu still has lots of flyers before that, did she do all of the work herself?
Do the Kappa or Tengu do all of Reimu's printing or is it just a plothole.
Also we see what happens when a villager goes missing, the youkai handle it and return the missing person as we see with koz, if a Youkai caused it then I guess an incident solver like Reimu would handle it, and clearly they can already access Eienti quite easily since they buy cheap medicine from them, not to mention Reisen has to go out to sell things and Tewi goes to the village as she pleases.

Either the youkai are a lot more integrated with the village than even Mizuchi thinks or it's just a plot hole.

>> No.44981612

All children are petite.

>> No.44981965
File: 56 KB, 1673x205, meiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this can give a better idea of Gensokyo's technological level, ZUN seems to say they're around meiji era technology, if he's not purely talking about fashion, saying "didn't change much" would imply they started from there, right?

>> No.44982271
File: 525 KB, 1005x1441, 4763bc5e-cb46-46c5-99b2-d9be22180af6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always assumed that printing was cheap despite their technological limitations
Nah, it's absolutely an extremely labor-intensive and expensive process.
Some flyers might be manageable (not for Reimu), but preparing the wood blocks takes a huge amount of work and printing anything large would be out of reach for ordinary people.

As for the youkai tech, it's honestly kind of a mess with this chapter. You'd think the Tengu would have advanced printing technology based on their newspapers and access to computers (or computer-like devices, at least), but those would clearly need to be built and maintained by the kappa. But if the kappa have this tech, Nitori wouldn't have had to farm out the work to Suzunaan, especially since the actual hardest part, preparing the wood blocks, was already done by the kappa.
It's probably just ZUN not thinking about his own worldbuilding again.
Still, it's probably accurate to what the human villagers have available. They can print, but it's slow and inefficient, and they have a limited capacity for it, so it's only really an option for rich youkai stooges.

Also, the reason why the tengu sheltered Kosuzu were because they were already in the area to dampen the storm; they're not a bunch of hired hands that can be called upon to track down any random dumbass. The villagers can safely be assumed to handle such typical situations themselves, except they don't have all the modern technology that makes it easier to organize like we do.

And Eientei is located in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, anon. It's not accessible at all. Only a lunatic would go there without a guide, so that means that they'd need to find Mokou, Reisen, or some other weirdo who is both amiable to humans and intimately familiar with the forest if they need to request Eirin to make a house call (which is something she does on occasion). It isn't easy in the slightest.

>> No.44982859

Mizuchi probably doesn’t know enough about the outside world to know the contrast.

>> No.44982878

It's pretty consistent with Gensokyo coming to be, iirc 1880.

>> No.44982921
File: 2.98 MB, 2000x1436, 1677687158472097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how advanced Tengu are seeing stuff like this in Hatate's room

>> No.44982979

It's a lot less like a femcel nest than I imagined.

>> No.44983034

Any tengu tech would have to either come from the kappa (such as Hatate's "phone"), or originate in the outside world. We've never seen any tengu actually make anything themselves, so they likely don't have any meaningful R&D capability.

>> No.44985653

yokai cant beat the cock

>> No.44990243
File: 171 KB, 348x460, IMG_3338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skibidi toilet

>> No.44994615

