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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44829046 No.44829046 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>4480784

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44829086 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 670x1130, 1696330341584965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he /ourguy/?

>> No.44829116

You missed a 3 at the end OP

>> No.44829119

nice typo OP

>> No.44829198


>> No.44829218

Previous thread

>> No.44829324

What the fuck is that eroge this is the second unique CG you post here from that character yet vndb says is a side character
Are you playing from the boyfriend's POV or are they really shilling the fandisk that much?

>> No.44829347

It shows a lot of characters' POVs so you see the side couples' relationship development too.

>> No.44829353
File: 761 KB, 1280x720, よめがみ(30092023_235120).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44829361

Side characters deserve love too

>> No.44829375

Any other eroge that has your bros get together with cute side girls?

>> No.44829378

Aiyoku no Eustia

>> No.44829385


>> No.44829402

I was surprised when Cafe Stella did it considering the kind of people who buys yuzusoft games

>> No.44829411

Tokyo Necro

>> No.44829431


>> No.44829445
File: 2.38 MB, 1603x897, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>central heroine
>her route 2 times longer than other heroines
>also best girl
Any other game like this?

>> No.44829449

just play any plotge if you want to see other males fucking female characters

>> No.44829458


>> No.44829462


>> No.44829479

She's better than the heroines.

>> No.44829506

Nothing wrong feeling happy about your friends also getting cute girls

>> No.44829515

I didn't have asapro on my radar at all, however, I have been very pleasantly surprised with most of the opinions so far. It's refreshing to see there are studios out there trying something different. Qruppo also surprised me greatly a while back with such unconventional premises. Great that the medium is being revamped to be honest

>> No.44829552

The bros getting girls comes at the cost of 3 main heroines being sidelined.

>> No.44829568

Bro characters getting girlfriends with voices and avatars isn't some revolutionary thing, it's been around for decades. It's just that the medium has gotten so fucking stale and homogenized that bringing back certain things that used to be normal is seen as a cool gimmick now.

>> No.44829583

isn't asapro just generic moeslop?

>> No.44829594

Go back reading your chuunislop from 2009, retard.

>> No.44829606

holy mother of seethe, it was just a question

>> No.44829618

I don't really care about that genre of eroge but the new asapro game got me interested since the multiple relationships not involving (You) is seems to be portrayed in a non-toxic way for once. Barely seen it outside shit that wasn't made before zoomers gain sentience.

>> No.44829625

That's the point, we are in a moment where the simple fact that the protagonist's friend has his own story with a romantic interest is something "controversial" for a certain sector. Obviously here I'm limiting myself to the target audience with a greater inclination towards moe, and that's precisely why it's interesting that asapro has taken the step. Obviously I'm not going to ask that nowadays someone would risk doing something like what happened with kakyuusei 2, because it would be a shame to see so many games broken into pieces again

>> No.44829640
File: 324 KB, 496x665, 1681267529510947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44829647

I'll wait for the FD so I can have the complete side relationships.

>> No.44829652

Vendetta's the only heroine from the Silverio trilogy that I like the design for. I don't think I can bring myself to read past the first game.

>> No.44829656

chuu2chads live in your head rent free

>> No.44829706

Didn't like the other game heroines but Trinity was really fun and was a good sequel. Ragnarok kind of sucks though

>> No.44829717

I fucking love chuunislop

>> No.44829727

Chuunisisters run this thread, bro.

>> No.44829729

my favourites are from the 2010s tho

>> No.44829738


>> No.44829749

I've only read koikari but it always felt like an anime romcom, except it has sex and an ending.

>> No.44829786

they forgot to add a white haired heroine

>> No.44829789

Pramai wars had a very good futago romance where you basically love each other from 1st second and literally everyone around know it, it was pretty unique
Will have to deal with some of the cringest humor ever along the way though

>> No.44829821

>Glasses still can't conquer twintails
>Ikemen continue to be autistic
I feel blue balled. FD when

>> No.44829831

White-haired heroines should be reserved for mystical heroines with supernatural lore, or Russians. The whole mysterious feel of white hair loses it's appeal if you just slap it onto a bunch of normal girls.

>> No.44829834

>seems to be portrayed in a non-toxic way for once
Yeah, I think that's what I found most interesting about koibana. A friend told me that the relationships were unexpectedly entertaining and endearing, to which you have to add that apparently the friends are not only comic relief, but genuinely feel like your "bros" and in the end you end up enjoying their scenes more than the protagonist's moments with the heroines. At this point I wasn't planning on reading anything like that, but hey, here we are; It's always good to get out of your comfort zone from time to time

>> No.44829858

This is okay but I'm Mexican so it is within my blood to try to steal them, here in Mexico we call it "banjandote la novia" which is like "ntr'ing you". and it's very common occurrence in high school.
So if you're going to add bros with girlfriends you better let me fuck them cuz that's how it works on real life. Loyalty to a partner is just a (desperate) for bigger seduction.
nothing personal.

>> No.44829862

>This is okay but I'm Mexican so
Go away.

>> No.44829869 [SPOILER] 
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, コイバナ恋愛_30CzrxLGA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are they really shilling the fandisk that much?

>> No.44829871


>> No.44829875

Absolutely embarrassing

>> No.44829877

desperate call*

>> No.44829886

a quien le vas a bajar la novia vos pedazo de virgo

>> No.44829892

based hombre

>> No.44829897

I dunno, Gonzalez. Isn't there a drug cartel fight you're missing right now? You should self insert as a chuuni protagonist instead.

>> No.44829906

i take mexicanbvlls over amerimutts and seaniggers

>> No.44829919

I want MC to NTR the twintail.

>> No.44829927

mexicans are part of north america and want to be americans retard, why do you think they try to jump the walls

>> No.44829932

had no idea mexico was this based

>> No.44829933

You just mad you don't didn't bother to develop sweet talking skills as you were growing up.

>> No.44829936


>> No.44829942


>> No.44829952

>sweet talking skills
tremendo trolazo catador de porongas, cuantos negros te susurraron al oido hasta hacerte cantar una ranchera

>> No.44829962

getting over your embarrassment and being corny as fuck actually works though.

>> No.44829975

I always knew this thread was full of 黒人

>> No.44830047

Is there a moege that allows me to do this?
in a semi-related note, you can do this in Rune Factory 2.

>> No.44830123

The worst thing about brazen ESLs is how they're so convinced people berate them because of an inferiority complex. Double digit IQ behavior.

>> No.44830387

I leave for a while and there is a black canadian larping as an italian

>> No.44830429

What the fuck were they thinking

>> No.44830454

no, it wouldn't be a moege otherwise
NTR in any form can cause PTSD for the intended audience

>> No.44830465

The Sims can be a moege with NTR if you try hard enough.

>> No.44830466

Twintail got more character development and romantic moment more than her older sister who supposed to be main heroine. They could just make it like Aster or Ef but maybe it's too bold for the fans.

>> No.44830511

Anyone played Kikaijikake https://vndb.org/v568?
I'm interested if mc actually acting like an adult or it's the usual plump

>> No.44830525

The only one who gets a proper route and development is Kokoro. I have no idea what's the point of Tokoyo, you can delete her and nothing is going to change from the main plot.

>> No.44830545

it's cuckge and cartelge, take a guess

>> No.44830591

How the hell do I get the Japanese version of ef - a fairy tale of two - to work? I got the crack and installed it, but then I get an error message when I try to launch it.

>> No.44830620

How about... actually posting the error in question for the start

>> No.44830648


>> No.44830663

We're all 黒人 deep down because the human race all came from Africa from the start.

>> No.44830701
File: 44 KB, 877x213, Screenshot 2023-10-04 034601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44830705
File: 17 KB, 373x213, image-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but it's really not much to go on.

>> No.44830718

Did you remember to change your region and language settings

>> No.44830729

yeah, I still get the same error

>> No.44830730

Is that fandisk exe for the crack or something?

>> No.44830758
File: 350 KB, 648x854, image-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what the game is called in jap apparently - is this not the correct program? it was like 14 gb from nyaa, crack was bundled with it

>> No.44830762

This is fandisk https://vndb.org/v4189

>> No.44830763

oh hold up, now I get it - this isn't even the ef I needed, it was the fucking fandisc???

>> No.44830765

try renaming the folder or moving the folder somewhere else, maybe it lacks permissions.

>> No.44830776

I searched for Ef on sukebei.nyaa and I only get the fandisc as a result. What's going on here?

>> No.44830794

Try to search ef - the first tale/second tale https://sukebei.nyaa.si/?f=0&c=1_3&q=ef+-+the+first+tale

>> No.44830816

yeah, that's what I ended up doing, but there are only like 1 working torrent for each of them with 1 seeder at 10 kb/s

>> No.44830829


>> No.44830868

Maybe this will be faster (rapidgator link seems to work)

>> No.44830884

Thanks brother.

>> No.44830898

Thats the fandisk.
ef is a nice game so don't fuck your experience up by starting from the fandisk.

>> No.44830963

Yeah, I realize that now. My mistake was searching for ef - a fairy tale of two - on nyaa, since that version doesn't exist for PC in jap. Apparently.

>> No.44830978

If you enclose your search input with "" you can search everything that has that specific line of text. "ef" will show everything with ef on it.

>> No.44831068

>caring about typos

>> No.44831198

Makes sense.
Also dug this 60+ disc ef complete archive out for you. Remembered seeing it on /t/
https://paste (dot) to/?7893c29e31d3a1e5#CGnQcNPkKrYzqeKB9Q1n6aHRZZQ5LjnhFAAY2fmRHCmr
The games are there just use any website translator.

>> No.44831281

that's not a typo that's not knowing japanese

>> No.44831296
File: 395 KB, 1375x665, chuuni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44831303


>> No.44831420
File: 302 KB, 1026x668, bout tree fiddy (km).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, just the kind of high energy retardation i was looking for

>> No.44831498

That's cope and you know it

>> No.44831537


>> No.44831555
File: 1.54 MB, 1918x1440, Magpie_04-10-2023 01-43-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just spit the water on my screen from this lmfao

>> No.44831602


>> No.44831638

based nips

>> No.44831789

I'm calling the based department right now

>> No.44831802

Dangerously based

>> No.44832310

any hope somebody can reupload it to a non-premium hosting?

>> No.44832363

I can do it tmr if you won't find anything

>> No.44832381
File: 30 KB, 1254x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check if you can download pic rel from: >>44831198

>> No.44832513

What tropes would you guys use to make an eroge bingo?

>> No.44832534


>> No.44832553

that's the free space in the center

>> No.44832573

Best girl doesn't have a route

>> No.44832595

sister is nbr
pink hair is a slut
shroedinger's cat namedrop
umi daaaaaa
"haha wow it's like i'm in an eroge or something"
less than 30 lines of text between confession and insertion
lonely cake sensei with no route

>> No.44832629

Standard bingo, not kusoge bingo.

>> No.44832649

hey listen if they're all hits it's not much of a game, is it
and if you're playing kusoge you might as well have something fun to do on the side

>> No.44832976

You say that now, but so many here are chronic junkies that any unmarketably schizoid concept will be seen as "BASED" solely for the sake of being unique.

>> No.44832980

There are a lot of odd word choices.

>> No.44832982

Best van for someone who does not know eigo?

>> No.44833036

white, unmarked, fake license plate. maybe spraypaint "Free Candy" on the side?

>> No.44833157

Now this will never be translated.

>> No.44833175

Faceless MC

>> No.44833290

not sexually involved
sex with others
not a virgin

>> No.44833337


>> No.44833371

You all have grown to hate eroge. I can tell.

>> No.44833377

Imagine the seethe from westoids

>> No.44833391

That's a good one. I see that a lot too.

>> No.44833401

Do you any youtubers with nice voice who read VNs

>> No.44833430
File: 2.37 MB, 1590x899, Screenshot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the thing. 1 side couple barely gets any screentime and their relationship doesn't progress at all until the end of true route. I hope they just give this slut to MC in the FD because the autistic ikemen clearly doesn't want her.

>> No.44833444

>because the autistic ikemen clearly doesn't want her.
He says that every time she shows up.

>> No.44833446

Damn that dude is voice actor tier good

>> No.44833454

there's a true route?

>> No.44833459

There's a true route?
As in a route you have to unlock after doing all the others, or just the poster girl's route?

>> No.44833484
File: 3.13 MB, 1700x1800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44833502

I think free space should be the cat that might be there or might not be there

>> No.44833526


>> No.44833570

Add 生まれたての小鹿のように to that too.

>> No.44833581

Kokoro's route is pretty much the true route because it's like 2 times longer and some side couples development doesn't happen on any other route.

>> No.44833593

Speaking of which, am I crazy or did older asapro games have a thing at the top of the window saying what scene of what route you were in and that's gone now?

>> No.44833597

Dangerously based. Fuck chuunitards. We love moege here.

>> No.44833614

I love 燃えゲー

>> No.44833625
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1678041839681764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I don't really mind since she's my favorite but still. Guess leaving her for last is a good idea.

>> No.44833647

You kind of have to with the way it's structured. Unless you don't mind going back later to do routes in games with a ladder structure.

>> No.44833673

Do all the early choices just not matter? Did I make all those early saves for nothing? Again?

>> No.44833682

>like senpai
>going for her route means you skip half of the common routes
>the route is pretty much just uooh seex seeex seeex
Feels bad.

>> No.44833691

Senpai has anything going on beyond 'muh imouto uoooh'?

>> No.44833700

Potential shimaidon

>> No.44833732

I haven't read her route and I know there's no chance there's shimaidon. Maybe a 4p in the FD.

>> No.44833736

This nigga also read carnival and it's so fucking good.

>> No.44833762

There's no way 4p will happen unless they want to crash and burn. It's almost as bad as ntr.
They're playing it safe despite the side couple things. Main heroines rarely interact or show any skin to other guys yet MC sees underwear of one of the side girl.

>> No.44833778

I'm not saying swinging, I'm just saying MC and Mitsuo fucking sisters side by side. Maybe they fist-bump once in a while. That's not ntr.

>> No.44833792

>Other guys see main heroines naked
It's not gonna happen anon. Doing that is as bad as ntr in pure moege like this

>> No.44833810

Minori pack in on sukebei

>> No.44833891

>the autistic ikemen clearly doesn't want her
Mia is going to do the reverse rape I can feel it

>> No.44834456

I like how he hides the overlay text box in order to look at male sprites and then wanks one out.

>> No.44834486

Need something to heal my broken heart.
But i don't know much about moege what's the best one out there?
not the new asapro there's no white haired girl in it.

>> No.44834490

kana: imouto

>> No.44834512

>white haired
Not moege but check out Crystalia's games

>> No.44834573

Yukiiro Sign.

>> No.44834595

Read a good game instead of moeslop.

>> No.44834599


>> No.44834609

I want to read an eroge simulating the Filipino experience.

>> No.44834611

So now that the dust has settled, what's the consensus on コイバナ恋愛?

>> No.44834622

moeslop that will soon be forgotten like others of its kind

>> No.44834627

By far the best thing asapro has ever done, a bold new take in an oversaturated genre, redefined what moege are capable of, if other developers don't start ripping it off immediately they're idiots

>> No.44834634

thanks for replying to every post trying to actually have on-topic discussions with whining anon, I would never know how much you hate moege if you didn't reply to every single post reminding us

>> No.44834639


>> No.44834640

Twintails should be mine.

>> No.44834644

you don't have the balls to do what Mitsuo did for her

>> No.44834647

Is asshole ikemen's girlfriend a gaijin? She looks and acts like one.

>> No.44834655

Yes, 恋河原 未愛 is a traditional Canadian name using traditional Canadian kanji.

>> No.44834675

you want me to end it?

i'll look it up i thanks.
How's Cafe stella? the shinigami looks cute but i think dracu-riot is the only Yuzusoft moege i've read, it was ok nothing crazy.

i did and that's why i need a moege now.

>> No.44834680

Blonde slut did nothing wrong and the ping-pong scene made me diamond

>> No.44834815

He is a voice actor

>> No.44834823

You meant based

>> No.44834893


>> No.44834896

Are the "campus" gamus good?

>> No.44834904

Moege is about which girl you like the most so what is the best one is pretty much subjective.
Making lovers has a white haired girl and she is beyond autistic, also i haven't read summer pockets but the main heroine there is a white haired blue eyes cutie.

>> No.44834922

The vast majority of those who use "based" in a non-ironic way must not even have 15 eroges in japanese under their belts

>> No.44834956

He doesn't play many vns but he has Gyakuten saiban and Gakuen hansomu, his voicing skills are pretty much on the level of professional seiyus
The dedicated Yuzusoft guy with some really nice voice

>> No.44835009

It's funny how you can tell when someone is a hookcuck just from their ratings

>> No.44835043

wdym any example?

>> No.44835065

> alright it's time to graduate from hookcucking
>huh word I don't know
>eh gonna assume meaning from context
>uh oh another word I don't know
>umm maybe I can use r-radical search?
>fuck this takes too long cause I skipped radical learning
>m-maybe I can draw kanji in google
>fuck google doesn't recognize it
>fuck just going to keep reading vn
>oh shit I have no idea what's going on
>time to go to 4chan and post about hookcucks

>> No.44835078

Nta but... Ngmi

>> No.44835088

I thought you were talking about Hooksoft

>> No.44835125

I'm betting 10 pesos that the hookcuck, eceleb namedropper and the moeslop guy are the same person.

>> No.44835134

How surprised you are going to be when you find out that 90% of the thread is my 10 personalities talking to each other

>> No.44835139

Just let everyone learn and advance at their own pace. If someone is just starting out, they are doing a lot more than all those faggots who just complain about bad translations and don't make an effort to learn the language. This shit is not a competition about who graduates from hook first or later

>> No.44835158


>> No.44835161

You have djt for that, this thread is for people who already know the language.

>> No.44835168

is there literally any merit in going through random user's game ratings or are you just a humongous schizophrenic

>> No.44835183

>can't be hooked

>> No.44835229

>Engine BGI/Ethornell
Oh right, they changed the engine some time after Textractor's dev had stopped updating his hooker, thus breaking its built-in hook. Someone else updates the hooking DLL on github though, that one probably does support new BGI.

>> No.44835343

We literally can't have a single thread without someone wanting to shit it up

>> No.44835482

nobody playing the new Cube?

>> No.44835534

It looks like ass

>> No.44835664

I will always welcome newfags because they are cute and as you said they are making the effort to get a better experience, most of them will drop the language after spending 5 months and realizing they still cant watch their anime without subs anyways so the hobby gatekeeps itself.

>> No.44835667

Thanks a lot for this, always wanted to play ef in Japanese.

>> No.44835679

>can't watch anime without subs after 5 years

>> No.44835737

There's no sister heroine. Cube has reclined.

>> No.44835928

Just a heads up, I tried installing it and got the same error message again (see above). I still haven't figured out how to fix it and I'm starting to give up.

I found this thread where someone had managed to bypass it and even linked a guide on his installation process... which doesn't work anymore. https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/minori-ef-the-first-tale-game-wont-start.494890/

So if you somehow get it to work, I would very much like it if you described how you did it

>> No.44835983

If the Sorechiru remake has the same text as the original, they should have included an option to switch to the old voices.

>> No.44836135

Mount disk -> run this with locale emulator from the administrator (it for frozen for me when I run it normally)

>> No.44836157

The guide is available here:

>> No.44836270

Also to add to this, after installation, you need to start the game with the locale emulator too because it will give error otherwise

>> No.44836298

At that point might as well just play the original instead of this remake that has no reason to exist.

>> No.44836306

Thanks, but I still keep getting the error when using it with LE and having changed the time zone to GMT+9. What am I doing wrong ._.

>> No.44836357

Old voices won't be available in the upcoming sequel.
I think I'll go with the new voices myself in that case (when the sequel is out obviously).

>> No.44836368
File: 17 KB, 492x472, LEGUI_04-10-2023 15-38-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you on w10?
It definitelly worked for me so try again from 0 maybe?
Mount the disk, run the fixed installer with la, and don't apply any other patches or cracks that you may have (they didn't work for me)
I can upload the disk i got from ab maybe there is some difference or something

>> No.44836459

Canada is a Chinese colony now so I believe this unironically.

>> No.44836472

Yeah, im doing it the way you're describing it; mount disc, run the cracked installer you posted with LE, run the game with LE. Im on win10, yes.

Did you get the disc from the chink folder that got posted here earlier?

>> No.44836481

Tsurumiku, make something already.

>> No.44836509

Find a W7 machine and see if it works there.

>> No.44836562

I assume it's the same thing since it consists the chink patch but you can try it anyway
The only other issues I can think about are stupid shit like path name (try to install it with default disc C path), you forgot to extract the fixed installer from the archive, or maybe an outdated version of LE, can also try to disable all antiviruses and shit just in case
If nothing works then you can always try VM i guess

>> No.44836626

Also i use ultraISO so maybe try it if you use the built-in windows mounter or other crap

>> No.44836645

Anime about making eroge in the 90s starts airing in 2 hours.

>> No.44836647

Thanks man. I'll try it later today. If it still doesn't work I'll just kms.

>> No.44836646
File: 745 KB, 800x600, mSNhXZf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another anon here, I just tested ef and it runs without any problem on w10 with all updates up to date (I highlight the latter because this fucking OS tends to break eroges with its updates).
Comments: installed directly without LE (I have never used that). Not changing the default install directory (for some reason the setup freezes)

>> No.44836664

Where's my daily Semiramis blogpost?

>> No.44836696

Yeah, everyone who 10/10'd Muramasa is a hookcuck FYI

>> No.44836700
File: 14 KB, 373x220, ef_first_04-10-2023 16-15-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it also freezes for me but if run with LE you can change the patch without freeze
Did you apply any other patches on top of it?
Because I get this when I run without a locale emulator

>> No.44836709

the path*

>> No.44836720
File: 378 KB, 451x550, 1620193111936139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been slacking

>> No.44836744

>Did you apply any other patches on top of it?
No, nothing. I have absolutely everything in japanese, don't know if that will affect anything. Did you change the time zone from the windows control panel?

>> No.44836757
File: 380 KB, 628x800, 10082855_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any vn about classical music or heavily featuring it?

>> No.44836762

finished asapro new game.
what now?

>> No.44836777

Cube always has always released a few kusoge in between their decent ones
They already released nanasame so they will churn out kusoge for a few release before another decent one

>> No.44836791

>time zone
Yea if you change it then it runs normally, still having to keep that timezone all the time is pretty annoying so i will just stick to LE

>> No.44836849


>> No.44836856
File: 1.57 MB, 1366x768, titties physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love how autistic Tokiya is. Is there a game with MC like him? I love to watch character acting like a retarded. Heroine like Tokoyo is good too.

>> No.44836877

You probably going to love this guy https://vndb.org/c36424

>> No.44836938

That doesn't tell me if they're kamiges though...

>> No.44836946


>> No.44836956

Ricotte is kamige

>> No.44836967

Nice, thanks anon

>> No.44836983

Maybe Hasshaku?

>> No.44837014

That's not really correct description of him, he constantly does weird shit and says straight up whatever is in his mind with 0 hesitation
He is honestly the most hilarious mc i have seen in eroge so far

>> No.44837087

I need more KYキャラ

>> No.44837114

Why? Because you can't do or say how you feel in public?

>> No.44837119
File: 14 KB, 392x223, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive ef collection.
But where's the BugBug FD extra?
Maybe I just missed it.

>> No.44837165

He is physically unable to read the kuuki but he still goes his way to get into every conversation while being pedantic about every single detail and explaining even the most stupid stuff through the reason while completely ignoring the feelings of everyone else

>> No.44837174

damn he's literally me

>> No.44837256

I love Girl's software sloppa

>> No.44837637

I'm looking for a game I can get heavily immersed in. I need a character who isn't a little sister who I can love like a little sister. But it's important they aren't an actual sister/stepsister but still do the sister stuff. You know, onii chan and all that stuff. Anyway... I hate brats, so they need to be the cutest and sweetest girl ever. Do you guys know of anything like this?

>> No.44837675


>> No.44837746

Any games with double protagonists who can have different girls simultaneously?

>> No.44837807
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, 1668298423064459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your fake imouto

>> No.44837834

zwei trigger
it sucks though

>> No.44837842

Yes, looking at the tags, this is the ideal woman. Is there a name for this type of character?

>> No.44837854

trait: imouto act

>> No.44837857

Btw if you going to play it use the guide from the start or else you will miss like half h scenes

>> No.44837864

Silence, guidecuck.

>> No.44837927

you're the one getting cucked out of content tho

>> No.44837935

Ikusa Megami Verita. The MCs got their own harem.

>> No.44837946

Paradise Lost sort of, but Ryle can only end up with one girl.

>> No.44837964

It is my unique experience. You are watching how someone else fucks the heroine.

>> No.44838000

this one is gotta be the most schizo reasoning a have seen on this site

>> No.44838024
File: 87 KB, 675x900, ET4giQGUEAg4oFZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, sweet, hardworking, slightly unacademic and energetic girls who you have a brotherly/kouhai relationship with

>> No.44838037
File: 1.83 MB, 1286x751, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44838072
File: 3.73 MB, 1309x1800, p23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in the same folder together with Tenshi no Nichiyoubi.
They put the magazine in there as well. Back then the magazine was probably much much more popular.

>> No.44838114

Oh, in the Chinese folder.

>> No.44838180

Know is so garbage

>> No.44838262

You are right. I already have this append cd 3 myself https://vndb.org/r98010 so I wasn't paying attention.
That one is in chinese so it looks like their archive isn't 100% complete after all.

>> No.44838269

He was OK, but not half as good as Ryle admittedly. Ast sort of makes up for it though as she was personally my favorite heroine.

>> No.44838312

Who was the character that made such a strong impression for you...who also did scat?

>> No.44838323
File: 1.51 MB, 1918x1440, Magpie_04-10-2023 20-00-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so funny, this writer's humor is just something else

>> No.44838347

wonder if the one asking random questions is always the same anon, I have noticed a certain pattern for a few threads now

>> No.44838385

It's all me wanting to waste everyone's time, yeah.

>> No.44838434

I am the one who often asks random questions but the 2 guys above are definitely not me

>> No.44839271

Do you really have to play Ikusa Megami Zero and Genri no Kishougun 1 & 2 before you play Verita? I've been interested in it for a while, but the idea of playing 4 fucking Eushully games back to back is terrifying.

>> No.44839476
File: 3.31 MB, 1918x1440, Magpie_04-10-2023 22-17-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the reading of this sentence
Hint: it consists of only 1 kana

>> No.44839494


>> No.44839504

cringe overload

>> No.44839526

>自由 ad nauseam

>> No.44839565


>> No.44839575

Eren writes a visual novel

>> No.44839626


>> No.44839692

picked up

>> No.44839695

That's not 1.

>> No.44839697

thanks for everything Japan

>> No.44839707

Well technically it's 1 but repeated

>> No.44839719

Unless I'm hearing wrong it sounds more like あはは than ははは so it's actually 2

>> No.44839728

I wonder what socio-political implications the writer had in mind when writing this scene.

>> No.44839758


>> No.44839768

I'm more interested in how much seiyu got paid to do it

>> No.44839780


>> No.44840200
File: 74 KB, 256x371, 39287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave Soushin no Ars Magna a try because I really liked the art, love dungeon crawling RPGs and dig the corruption fetish. But unfortunately I had to drop it.
It's not exactly a bad game, but it was below average in everything aside from the art and H scenes.
The story was passable, but not good enough to get engrossed in.
The gameplay has some nice features but is ultimately very basic. It quickly stared feeling like a chore to extend my play time for whatever reason.

If you ever played these games, would you say Gears of Dragoon (1 or 2) are any better?
Being dungeon crawling RPGs from the same developer and all that.
I'm not a pure gameplayfag. If the story is engaging I'm willing to overlook whatever's wrong with the gameplay.
But if the story is generic, I'm expecting the gameplay to carry it at least in some way.

>> No.44840264

here >>>/a/257965734
A bunch of modern eroge references and then tons of blast from the past boomer bishoujo geemu.

>> No.44840279

Oh yeah I forgot about that one.

>> No.44840300

As much as I appreciate all the extra effort, this feels like you're getting punished for picking the "wrong" heroine if you don't pick the central one.

>> No.44840309

Why does the art on the cover of the '90s game from the poster look x100 better than this anime?

>> No.44840392

>modern anime

>> No.44840418

>modern anime

>> No.44840522

But it has sakutoki.

>> No.44841085

i remember liking gears of dragoon 2, but haven't played arse magnum so i can't compare
i do feel like the combat took a little longer to get through than i would've liked but that was around midgame or so and enemies were getting kinda nasty with status effects and shit
story took a while to take off but it did get interesting, i just think i burned out on the gameplay end so i never finished.

tl;dr the game may be better, but i can't promise you it's leagues better.

>> No.44841202

>Shameless product placement
No thanks

>> No.44841636

Anything new in the last 6 months? I just finished Tenshi Souzou

>> No.44841718

You are gay

>> No.44841774

only for the bros tho

>> No.44841810

Koibana Renai

>> No.44841877
File: 2.39 MB, 1499x913, 1680977170892033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh they announced a Amanatsu Perfect edition last week, they improved the e-mote

>> No.44841883

was the original any good? forgot to put it on my backlog and forgot about it

>> No.44841944

whats the point of remaking a game that came out last year

>> No.44842256
File: 613 KB, 441x701, 1668681317221775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha Eru-senpai made a funny face

>> No.44842288
File: 1.28 MB, 1918x1440, Magpie_05-10-2023 04-28-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44842335

Verita gives you enough info about what's going on I think you can skip Genrin 1&2 and go back to them later when you feel like if you don't mind being spoiled a bit. You probably should play Zero first though since it's a pretty good introduction to the series and the world's setting.

>> No.44842848
File: 245 KB, 1280x720, アマナツ_-_Ver1.0.0amanatu (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite liked Amanatsu. The main point to understand is they hired the smee writer so it's not really anything like Amakano, it's a smee game (wacky comedy in common route with large cast of characters into cute romance and h in heroine routes). I don't think it's as good as Amakano but it's very good, has some cute girls and great h.
Between remaking a game a year later with features that were probably intended to be there at launch, Wannabe Creators launching incomplete and needing to be fixed with DLC, and Role Players locking an essential feature of the game behind a pre-order bonus, we're seeing VNs slowly start to adopt all the worst features of modern triple-a games.

>> No.44842864

>Role Players locking an essential feature of the game behind a pre-order bonus
What are you talking about?

>> No.44842879
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, ROLEPLAYER:とろろ姉妹の粘膜ポトレ_ぐりぐちゃLIVE!rpsisters2 (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Role players 2 launched with two pubic hair options
>no pubic hair
>a little pubic hair
The third option
>lots of pubic hair
Was exclusively available to people who pre-ordered (unless you pirated the pre-order patch).
Yes, pubic hair options are an essential gameplay feature in a nukige.

>> No.44842902 [SPOILER] 
File: 587 KB, 724x507, 1635932320969714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, eru-senpai made a super long drool bridge, hot

>> No.44842926

God forbid we can't have advertisement for a literal manga advertisement! Anime has to always be Satoshi Kon soapbox crap.

>> No.44842940

How much are we talking about here? If it's not a full jungle, then no real loss for me.

>> No.44842967

This industry deserves a crash, not only remaster shit leaked in, somehow preorder bullshit did too.

>> No.44842999


>> No.44843004

Sounds like it only affects the 立ち絵, not the H scenes

>> No.44843008

Correct, but even so. It should still just be part of the game.

>> No.44843374
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] 16bit Sensation Another Layer - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.45.891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you rike?

>> No.44843389

It's a bit odd to have a cute girl talk about cuteness of the heroines in doukyuusei, a game where two of the heroines are prostitutes.
Ultimately the first episode had a lot of I clapped when I saw it because I recognize the thing but it's a bit odd to make the thesis of your show eroge is dying when Yuzusoft, Qruppo, etc make millions.

>> No.44843421

Look up the staff behind this and the manga. They're all born around the 70's. You think the old gud nu bad is annoying here? Read their blogs.

>> No.44843431

I'm not saying that the eroge market hasn't shrunk or that people don't tend to go for cheap, safe, easy nukige, but the idea that there's no big budget high-profile high-selling eroge being made any more is actually wrong.

>> No.44843443

Hot takes in media isn't exactly a new thing either. Just enjoy the nostalgiatrip here and don't go full pedantic autist.

>> No.44843445

gimme a link, I wanna read some boomer shit talking about how nanpa was the peak of the medium and eroge died the moment they stopped having trial and error

>> No.44843452

>don't go full pedantic autist
I've been a pedantic autist all my life, I'm not stopping now.

>> No.44843455

I can imagine that has only made life unhappier for you.

>> No.44843460

Geez, I learned a whole second language just to cry while cartoon girls say they love me then masturbate to their h-scenes, you fucking think?

>> No.44843478

Has a pathological hate for all things Leaf.

>> No.44843487

Wait, katan's behind this anime/manga?

>> No.44843502
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, 『妻の母』tumahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree 100%, Heiantei released some absolute classic bbage, lost their way for a while, then really recovered with this one.

>> No.44843521


>> No.44843758

>Has a pathological hate for all things Leaf.
I wanted to shit on them, but unexpectedly we shared a very similar impression on a lot of eroges. Interesting turn of events

>> No.44843840

Thanks, I'll give it a try then.
Since you jumped straight to 2, does it mean the first one isn't essential to understand what's going on?

>> No.44843961

I recently cried at a scene where my bro told me that he owed me his life and that I was the most important thing to him. Extremely gay of me but I have no regrets

>> No.44844318

I thought they were going to make a sequel but now I don't see it anywhere.

>> No.44844437
File: 2.77 MB, 3839x2160, ましろ色シンフォニー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what peak performance looks like. Also I wasnt expecting Sana's scenes to be animated. Looks like a standard with Palette despite them barely releasing anything nowadays.

>> No.44844462

her route with a chaotic Reiji is something, but again most route are.
You took the chaospill right?

>> No.44844847

in terms of quality the average game released today is way better than any eroge that came out of the 90s. but the thing is though is that the impact of the eroge industry has fell off hard. doukyuusei was a game that was so popular it was even influencing mainstream producers like konami. eroge today can never really make those same waves.

>> No.44844853

Is the full OP out?

>> No.44845242

could someone upload the cracked setup.exe for ef - the latter tale?
I downloaded it from the chinese archive but its asking for a serial code

>> No.44845387


>> No.44845463

Mount - run ef_set instead of installer - replace ex_letter after installation
Be aware that windows defender insta removes ef_set so disable it

>> No.44845658

Is this the beginning of ef arc in /jp/?

>> No.44845668

thanks anon!

>> No.44846031

i got that impression, yeah
seemed more of a "similar setting, similar themes" sequel than an overarching plot

>> No.44846049

I did do several chaos routes, but can you even get Eru's route without putting the gauge into law territory? Or the reverse, a lawful Ami route? If so I have some backtracking to do.

>> No.44846266


>> No.44846408

You did every route but Touko right?
Which one was your favorite? My bet is either on Ami or Fumika.

>a lawful Ami route
Nah but you can get some bad ends that's it,

>> No.44846437

>You did every route but Touko right?
I have a bad end in the Law side to clean up (not the one with the soccer club revelation and the MC failing at ONE JOB HOLY SHIT YOU ARE BAD AT IT), then Fumika and Touko left to do. I'm withholding judgement for girl rankings but Fumika is probably at the top of my list so far.

>> No.44846440

Not him but Ami's hospital bed ending has to be the biggest fuck you I've ever read.
Super enjoyable to read, though.

>> No.44846488

Wasn't uploaded in the usual places. Now tempted to buy it myself.

>> No.44846513
File: 1.52 MB, 1918x1440, Magpie_05-10-2023 16-40-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to remember this answer

>> No.44846598

just gg it anon, 1st page

>> No.44846809
File: 3.41 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute imouto unhappy when her brother spends time with other girls.

(Upscaled with Anime4K_Upscale_GAN_x2_S)

>> No.44847189

What game is this?

>> No.44847205

This is like fourth time this gets asked.

>> No.44847222

I started going to these threads yesterday cause I was curious about VNs after 16bit Sensation.

>> No.44847247

I did back in 2014 after jerking off to some eroge illustrations on Gelbooru. That got me interested in eroge itself. I already knew Japanese back then, so it was easy to slide in.


>> No.44847267

Ah thanks. I didn't realize it was the same game.

>> No.44847290

make new thread fags. preferably without moeslop op image

>> No.44847332

do it yourself you godlord of the gayest of gays

>> No.44847348

chuunishit is literally fujobait. cope

>> No.44847375

Move, fags.

>> No.44847426

>Anime is going to bring more cancer here
God why...

>> No.44847430


>> No.44847487

I mean i've been on JP longer but never had much interest in VNs aside from hearing about famous ones every now and then.
I used to play ADV ones back in the late 90s/early 00s I found through shrine sites, mostly the ones you find on Asenheim Project.

>> No.44850849

