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44807600 No.44807600 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.44807603
File: 16 KB, 378x328, 1691629698522612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.44807606

Can she be saved?

>> No.44807805

Redpill me about Plap-el (Plap-nan).

Admittedly I only saw a bit of her as Noel, but she seemed pretty normal. So I guess she menheras out as Canan?

>> No.44809083

I can fix her.

>> No.44809734

It’s nice seeing her have fun with the others. Hope collabs like this become more frequent

>> No.44810716

they already are more frequent, I think she has had more collabs in the past couple of months than solo streams outside of the Sunday zatsu

>> No.44811285

Yeah so I’m hoping it sticks. And her doing ASMR class as well, im sure there are those that want to try it out but the initial cost is really high.

>> No.44811635

what do you mean? she has said that she always participates in everything she's invited to
it's always been her solo streams that have been inconsistent

>> No.44812359

keep spreading fake news

>> No.44812465

he simps for free

>> No.44812542

Whens the next community stream to fake the menhera thing again

>> No.44812566

Like outside official stuff and promotions. For solo streams it sometimes feels like she thinks the streams need to be over x amount of hours to be worth doing. When it’s just nice seeing her stream occasionally like with her ASMR and karaoke streams they aren’t long but it’s nice when she does them .

>> No.44812708

Retards still spam her dms with piracy shit?

>> No.44812727

Maybe, does she still have them open for mutual follows? I thought she was going to close them after that guy that got stalkerish and she had to block him.
At least in these last streams and tweets she hasn't complained much about piracy.

>> No.44812783 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that she knows how to make her tits look visually appealing.

>> No.44812795

>Dimitris Xenos on X:

>> No.44812844

I like tits as much as the next guy but her streams are so boring I can't even get jack off to them. The last time I tried I gave up and had to go to sadpanda instead.
Camgirls are all unstable powderkegs but it's not like I'm going to marry her so whatever.

>> No.44812865

why would you care about how stable they are?

>> No.44812980

not likely, because she actually talks to other holo members irl now so she doesn't need community streams to vent anymore
the most you'll get now is an occasional one when she either has insomnia or needs motivation to clean

>> No.44813038

When's the last time she did a community stream?

>> No.44813598

9/21, but it's the only one she did in all of September

>> No.44813685

Maybe she will do one a month, that wouldn't be too bad

>> No.44814705

Once a month isn’t bad, as long as she never goes back to when it was at its worst

>> No.44817018

brick heart spammer

>> No.44820213

Sweet regular ASMR tomorrow at 11pm jst

>> No.44820354

Wasn't she going to do the ASMR collab with kiara? When is that?

>> No.44820396

10/4, this is the general public ASMR she scuffed last week so and wanted to redo it this week

>> No.44820463
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Hopefully it goes better than last time.

>> No.44820488

I don't understand, wasn't the collab also supposed to be general public?

>> No.44820518

fine, let me rephrase:
this is supposed to be the solo non-members ASMR she tried to do after her membership ASMR, but scuffed last week so she's trying again this week.
the ASMR course with Kiara is separate and will be on 10/4

>> No.44820531

didn't Kiara say that she doesn't like ASMR? sounds more like an excuse to socialize with Noel

>> No.44820558

yeah they will have hot lesbian sex after the collab

>> No.44820637

thanks, looking forward to two back-to-back ASMRs

>> No.44820828

Damn looks like I’m going have to be VOD for that one

>> No.44821593

Such a whore the amount of men she has fucked must in the triple digits

>> No.44822092

Kiara will find her dildos and say some retarded shit and kill the VOD.

>> No.44822123

She keeps them in a locked safe

>> No.44822149

I never understood this, is it socially acceptable in Japan to start rummaging through your host's drawers? She's mentioned it being a concern before with other guests.

>> No.44822172

hope so

>> No.44822409

no, just terminally online people that have never been to someone else's house

>> No.44822984

Just starting to see that she always hid her moles but now we are seeing them more because of fc

>> No.44823097

Funny if that she would fake moles on herself to just have sex with retsu dao?

>> No.44823135

This isn't a thread about Marine

>> No.44823241

you'd be insane to think marine has a higher bodycount than noel

>> No.44823311

She actually has one pretty close to Noel's on the chest.

>> No.44823462

>one who literally used to stream on fc2 with her boyfriend vs. one whose entire persona is based off being a virgin bad with men

>> No.44823949

yeah except Canan is actually attractive irl

>> No.44824582

Like these anons
Also (you) for who I’m fairly certain is the schizo proof next thread right

>> No.44824597

Is her Fantia worth it?

>> No.44825192

Why does she also have the same mole on the hip part but canan or retsu dao flips there camera...

>> No.44825428

>was scared of men
>joins hololive
>starts doing earlicking
>not scared anymore
What did she mean by this?

>> No.44827136

crazy that if you just flip canan then everything matches up

>> No.44827197 [DELETED] 

its not even the same marinefag samefagging lmao

>> No.44827206

It's always funny when schizos in here keep bringing stuff that even 5ch moved on from months ago because it's too retarded.

>> No.44827255

even the original poster of it got laughed at by those diehard antis of her on 5ch kek

>> No.44827302

what can I do with this burning desire to fuck her?

>> No.44828160

Noel is a virgin. Marine used to collaborate with men on NND and that site is infamous for all the offpakos.

>> No.44828214


>> No.44828226

I would say so you get access to 2 ASMR video every month that are cut down to remove the breaks in the live stream and fairly decent photo sets, although none have gotten close to the bunny fc photo set she did

>> No.44828311

Doesn't get shared anywhere anymore so sure, the better quality versions of Nico streams sometimes are up on FC too that you can get for free but the picture sets aren't available anywhere else.

>> No.44828367

>infamous for all the offpakos
there is no function to DM users on NND so arranging offpakos isn't possible
if you wanted to troll you could've at least said LINE or Twitter, because at least people actually do use those to arrange meetups

>> No.44828464

NND streamers were infamous for attending offpakos.

>> No.44828488

If you like Noel/Canan then you hate Marine and vice versa.

>> No.44828561

Are the Nico sleep ASMR streams also uploaded to Fantia? Right now I sub to NND because those streams don't get uploaded anymore.

>> No.44828594

no, just higher bitrate and resolution versions of the earlicking ones along with photosets

>> No.44829510

You know, I'm not usually into 3dpg but idea of getting intense tittyfuck action from this torn by 3+ jobs menhera sounds pretty attractive...

>> No.44829693

You know what... fuck it.
I may be kissless virgin but I'm pretty sure that all the stress building up in her body is really killing her and ending on titfuck would be just pure sadism. I'm not sure how it would work because again, I'm kissless virgin, but I would not mind at least trying to pleasure her with my cock. That would be my sacrifice for all her fans that want their idol to be happy and not stressed.

>> No.44829766

making a guy cum it could satisfy her ego but tits generally aren't an erogenous zone outside of the nips
you're not doing anything by sticking your dick between her tits if that's what you're thinking

>> No.44830252


>> No.44830260

Unfortunately she only uploads the earlick ones onto fantia like >>44828594

>> No.44830848

kys noelschizo

>> No.44832318


>> No.44832329


>> No.44832337

Has she done ASMR with Subaru yet?

>> No.44832975

Only Kanata, Rushia, Marine, Koyori, Lui, Lamy, and Choco. Now Kiara.

>> No.44832989

Subaru did ASMR as a punishment a couple of years back that Noel helped setup, but they haven't had an ASMR collab yet

>> No.44832991

As >>44832975 said not yet but she has let Subaru use her studio nefore and made a little appearance during that stream.

>> No.44833088

Kinda concerning that you believe this retard bullshit

>> No.44833171

Subaru doesn't want to get assaulted by Noel and her collection of dildos.

>> No.44833245

She doesn't just have then laying around. She hides them. She has class.
I'd be more worried about that torso.

>> No.44833713

Ask for proof from the well known schizo in jp and vt, who goes into any thread not even talking about marine to shit it up and gets big baby rage mad when proof is asked for. Watch some streams you would see how much she likes them. But once again proof next thread right

>> No.44833726

Did she ever find it or was it lost in her never opened boxes left in her storage place

>> No.44833746

She probably stored it and forgot about it because she doesn't want to use it.

>> No.44833786

>Watch some streams you would see how much she likes them.
Yes I know Marine loves offpakos

>> No.44834754

>Doesn't want to use it
While I know what the answer is, if she didn't want to use it why'd she buy it? Some Hololive salary or NND/FC revenue went towards that. Waste of money

>> No.44835619 [DELETED] 

Hi i am japanese canan fan

I am arranging a gang rape of canan next month, with fellow fans. we have an idea of her location. If you are in tokyo and is interested, let me know. thank you

>> No.44835853 [DELETED] 

pagpag eater larping, not even first post from this IP

>> No.44837169

Gotta love it when third worlders bitch about how millionaires are spending their money. Who gives a shit about a couple hundred dollars wasted on things that didn't pan out.

>> No.44837775

knew it, Kiara just wanted an excuse to collab with Noel and couldn't think of anything to do aside from ASMR

>> No.44837896

It was fun, look forward to future students.
Wonder what scenarios she could’ve actually done with it once she started playing with herself instead after the test stream.

>> No.44838615

>It was fun, look forward to future students.
I want someone who actually feels like she wants to learn, asking for tips and taking what Noel says seriously, Kiara and Marine when she did it some time ago just get too embarrassed and laugh.
Someone like Ririka or maybe Fuwamoco would probably do better

>> No.44838912

Yeah but it’s a good step since those 2 aren't the type to do ASMR in the first place. Ririka would be nice to see eventually on there and I really hope to see Kanata do ASMR again.

>> No.44839139

Is it controversial to say her ASMR with Choco is still her best ASMR collab so far?

>> No.44839174

at least Marine did her own ASMR eventually
Kiara said she doesn't plan to at all

>> No.44839453

Stop consuming so much porn you demented virgin

>> No.44840112

>just get too embarrassed and laugh.
There's the issue. The Holomems who go to Noel for ASMR advice are the ones who haven't done ASMR before or aren't seriously considering doing ASMR on a regular basis. So it's embarrassing for them to actually do ASMR and they laugh and make a joke of the collab. The possible Holomems who wouldn't laugh and take it seriously are the ones who already doing ASMR at a competent level, but for them, why would they need to go to Noel for ASMR advice?
You'd need someone who is a beginner at ASMR but is dead serious about incorporating it into their channel in order to get the collab you're envisioning.

>> No.44843051

So much fucking audio autism on her Noel sub account.

>> No.44843087

She prides herself on her work.

>> No.44843479

Which Holomembers are newbies at ASMR but do it frequently enough. I think Calli has done it a few times, kronii did it once herself and once with fauna. Sora okayu and koyori are the ones I can think of for Jp

>> No.44843631

Why doesn't she do ASMR collabs with ones that know how to do it like Mel or Okayu? Is it something too intimate to share with viewers?

>> No.44843969

The kind that Noel and Okayu do is, because they do stuff like whisper into your ear and hug the mic for heartbeats that they wouldn't be comfortable with doing with other people's viewers that aren't their own fans
if they kept it worksafe like tapping or foam sounds then it'd be a different story

>> No.44845365

How did she do fc and get away with it?

>> No.44845750

She def gets on her knees for cover higher ups to stay in hololive

>> No.44846644

More like they have a policy where they don't tell their talents what they can and can't do with their private lives. As long as they don't hurt the company and break nda then they can't and won't do anything. They're on the record after the Rushia incident.

>> No.44847678

what are her ASMR vids with the best fake paizuris

>> No.44848182

Hired because of her tit streamer stuff and as of now the contract Holos sign when they renew their contract doesn’t forbid any of her content.

>> No.44848236

with the way you schizos ask the same question countless times you act like she's doing something illegal like showing uncensored genitals or something

>> No.44848744

>All the regulars hate schizo posts
>The schizo posts and the responses to schizo posts are the only thing keeping this thread alive
Let's face it bros, we need the schizos just as much as they need this thread.

>> No.44848859

Nah I’m sure we can keep it up without the schizos. Probably have it last longer without all of them shitting up the board and keep it more readable

>> No.44848971

Just noticed she is following laplus sub account with her sub account

>> No.44851073

I'll be honest, sometimes I roleplay as a schizo to keep the thread from dying

>> No.44851177

She's been saying 土日 for the Zelda streams, but also that Sunday Muscle will be long since there's no EN 3D and she wants to read backed up superchats, wonder if she'll really play Zelda Sunday.
She was at like Gerudo I think after finishing everyone else, maybe another month before finishing the game if she goes back to 2 6+ hours streams every weekend?

>> No.44851624

you shouldn't be worrying about a second Zelda stream when she still hasn't even confirmed the first one for this weekend

>> No.44852318

She said she would do it.
I think she'll have a long Zelda stream and then only do Sunday Muscle. She keeps talking about the value of breaks and taking it easy I doubt she'll overwork herself.

>> No.44856650

Earlick Sunday so she's definitely only doing Sunday Muscle on Noel that day.
>fantia third anniversary
Man I hope she finally goes ahead with that idea of going to love hotel or somewhere to take more varied photo sets.

>> No.44856942

I just hope for more varied photos like the bunny one. And I am hoping it’s not the 28th for the fc

>> No.44858625

>no waiting room
Welp I imagine she went to bed already after that Canan tweet.
Maybe it won't be a noon stream anymore since she's said that time slot is too full now, but late afternoon is even more filled so I don't get her logic.

>> No.44858634

well if she's really planning to play Zelda she hasn't put up the stream yet
she would usually have morning streams up the night before so either it's not happening or it'll be at a different time than it used to be

>> No.44858647

Lol, we worry too much

>> No.44859061

Any update on the 1 year continuous reward yet? At this point I doubt it'll even be ready by Christmas

>> No.44859227

Maybe like the melon game at 6pm jst

>> No.44859238

I’d say if not before Christmas then not until after new years

>> No.44861045

wouldn't be surprised if taking a break for so long made it harder for her to get back into Zelda again so she ends up putting it off again into an endless loop where the pressure of having to catch up makes it near impossible for her to get back into something

>> No.44861119

Yeah it's fucked, not only is it the game where she broke down and cried she also massively overhyped it and I don't think it lived to her expectations, she's just kinda forcing herself to finish it before starting anything else big.

>> No.44861395

She should just start playing off stream and do story stuff with chat. That way she can end it sooner. She's just sitting at home doing nothing now. I think she's just lazy.

>> No.44862100


>> No.44862133

>Not feeling well
More like she didn't feel like streaming.
I feel like she's approaching the end of her tenure at hololive and steaming

>> No.44862142

Just the same level of retired as Shion, Ayame, Marine, etc, I can't see her playing anything other than FOTM again.

>> No.44862143

people have been saying that every year

>> No.44862468

Yeah that would’ve been a good alternative she could explore on her own but not tough the areas that would lead to the story

>> No.44862745

dont bring that trashy idol in here

>> No.44864731

>spend the whole week talking about playing on the weekend
>skips it with unspecific 体調不良 and no explanation or apology
>but whatever "health issue" she has she knows she'll be fine for tomorrow Sunday Muscle and earlick with waiting rooms for them already
I just want her to drop the game and stop promising she'll play it if she doesn't actually want to.

>> No.44865436

Is Tears of the Kingdom that bad?
Seems like it let people down.

>> No.44865632

Nah it’s good the only downside for the game is the post boss victory story is all the same for each tribe. Being we failed to stop ganon can you carry the mantle for us and the respective current eras sage going I know what I must do.

>> No.44865958

It's fucking over, she should just graduate both and go and get pregnant since she hates streaming now. Only in hololive for the money.

>> No.44866094

She would be so much happier if stuck to being Noel and not selling her dignity for a bunch of ugly smelly losers like the creeps that make up the users of this thread. I hope one day she sees sense and stops whoring about.

>> No.44866876

if you think you're owed an apology over a video game I think you need to touch grass

>> No.44866884


>> No.44866923

If she plays it again, we shall see. Its been like 3 months now since she last played it.

>> No.44866955

It's just expected with any changes to schedules, she delays a Canan stream for 1 day and says sorry but here nothing.

>> No.44867159

Having the stream up and announced on twitter is completely different from just talking about it during a zatsu with none of those things present

>> No.44867178

What you retards failed to realize it's that 土日 it's just "the weekend", and this Monday with jap holiday makes it a long weekend:

>> No.44867289
File: 1.70 MB, 4093x2894, dc4d32fc9f995e6afe9052a3175d0d72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bath time!

>> No.44867650

Guess it’s time to dust off my switch

>> No.44869679


>> No.44870912

said her mother is planning on visiting her in Tokyo, so she'll be taking a 4 day break when that happens
also no Sunday Muscle next week because she has recordings all day, at best she said maybe 9 AM for an hour

>> No.44870930

It’s around December right, I swear she’s mentioned in December her mom might visit

>> No.44870997

mio mama told her she should collab more in the card reading thing

>> No.44871022

Bath asmr for members this month, she said something else more specific but I didn't catch it.

>> No.44871051

She started to talk about this for some reason

>> No.44871176

she's saying that thanks to everyone's support most of her basic needs are met so she can focus on the audio stuff she likes which is on the self-actualization stage

>> No.44871182

for the Zelda stream tomorrow she said that it'll be either 10 or 11 because she messed up her sleep schedule sleeping all day yesterday and staying up all night last night

>> No.44871195
File: 135 KB, 459x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there another ".5" Zelda stream before this? >>44867178
And the playlist says two videos are hidden, is the one where she cried gone? Can't remember which and at what point it was

>> No.44871345

I hope she gives up on reading superchats some day.
She's turning them off next week, if there's a Sunday Muscle, since they keep piling up

>> No.44871350

no, it's because she has work next week so she won't have time anyway

>> No.44871357

Yes that's the reason there might not be a Sunday Muscle at all, but if it happens she wants to turn of superchats, wanted to read everything today but she's too sleepy staying up all night.

>> No.44871470

She should do like Lamy only turning on Superchats on streams she knows she'll be able to read them in the same stream.

>> No.44871915

I will pray to mio mama, she’s done a lot for her

>> No.44871933

I remember it being around the mio tarot card reading

>> No.44872957

fuck off yukitroon. Lamy bullies poor Noel, so we don't like Lamy here

>> No.44874793

She's going head to head against Macoto...

>> No.44874958


>> No.44875060

This chat fucking sucks at helping her with the audio delay

>> No.44875508

It's an Enako cospaly
Very different impression when worn by someone without tits.

>> No.44875544

Enako has big tits though

>> No.44875574
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>> No.44875594

An oshiri is fine too.

>> No.44875797

Wonder what it means that she can't use the kitchen for streams in her current place, too many windows?

>> No.44875989

or reflective surfaces

>> No.44876015

Might just be tiny.

>> No.44876027

She doesn't clean

>> No.44876187

What she say in the pillow talk that got some slight reaction?

>> No.44876206

I don't know if she means the thing about streaming the kitchen and some people worried about that being used to find her address, didn't notice anything else.

>> No.44876216

Ok figured that was it but wanted to be sure

>> No.44876282


>> No.44876296

no, what she said was that she has never been successfully doxxed so far even when she showed her kitchen at the old place, but then someone in the chat said in that case what if they could guess the address or maker of the kitchen then.
The rest of the chat freaked out over the empty threat but she said she's the most careful about doxxing so don't worry

>> No.44876326

So when she says goodnight she isnt going to bed?

>> No.44876370

Well she slept in the middle of the day

>> No.44876407

Guess flare is at marines place then and Noel went there after the stream.
Ok that makes even more sense then.

>> No.44876439

lmao after the stream she instanly run to marine's house https://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1711059144437055812

>> No.44876463

Noel lives in the same complex so going to Marine's would be only take a few minutes

>> No.44876510

no zelda later today i guess fuck her

>> No.44876648

before you keep on malding over nothing, even if she stays for another 40 minutes she'll still have at least 7 hours to sleep, 8 if she delays it to 11 like she said she would
literally mald

>> No.44876665
File: 3 KB, 389x54, Noel and Flare futanari status confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you google translate, very cool

>> No.44876715
File: 6 KB, 259x194, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dashimaki, the rolled Japanese egg omelettes that you often see in bentos

>> No.44877611

Google always has a funny way of translating things.

>> No.44877760

How many hamsters she has is how many boyfriends she has

>> No.44878199

What about the one's that die?

>> No.44879279

This is definitely not her own choice.

>> No.44879345

I’m assuming she also spent quite a bit with flare and marine and is barely gonna go to sleep

>> No.44880076

considering she had just said during Sunday muscle that she's allowed to overlap streams this is probably a more convenient excuse to sleep
both Noel and Flare tweeted at 7:30 in the morning so they definitely stayed with Marine all night.
With Flare she pulls all nighters anyway, but for Noel it means she didn't get to sleep until now

>> No.44880268

Do u think they had a naked pillow fight haha pls answer this is important

>> No.44880733
File: 247 KB, 1220x1030, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all moved their streams out of the way so maybe she was just wrong about being allowed to overlap earlier

>> No.44880778

Maybe not "by rule" but if her ask them asks them to "be nice" and not overlap Noel would be the kind to follow suit.

>> No.44880837

Yeah it’s why I’m in the camp she realized she shouldn’t overlap while talking to marine and flare and used it as an excuse to remain up talking with them all night instead knowing she could delay sleeping and streaming Zelda.
Yes and more

>> No.44882660

How many people has canan friendzoned? Does she enjoy doing it?

>> No.44884595


>> No.44886012


>> No.44886960

big tit nnd whore, follows a bunch of nnd fags

>> No.44886996

i bet those same fags are dm'ing her

>> No.44887002

she loves the attention so someone with lots of followers starts dm'ing her of course she going to reply back

>> No.44887012

None. Go follow Marine if you are into that.

>> No.44887107

Depends on whether you only count people in real life, or if random strangers DMing her online count too
real life is 0 because she doesn't meet any guys outside of holo work, if you could online then plenty, because she's talked about persistent people spamming her DMs before in the past

>> No.44887125

Who is Marine

Online counts, but only actual friends she talks to more regularly, not random people coming out of nowhere.

>> No.44887156

Well there's also the freak in school that tried to blackmail her into being his girlfriend, would saying no to that be friendzone?
She could also be the cause for a friend to break up with her boyfriend when she learned he watches Canan, dunno what you'd call that.

>> No.44887159

then probably still 0 because she has no guy friends and most of the female friends she knows irl are either holo members or college friends that are already getting married and have their own lives

>> No.44887166

that's not friendzoning, that's flat out rejecting and not wanting to see their face again

>> No.44887348

Can't blame someone for feeling so strongly towards canan that they have to have her no matter what, even if blackmail is required. Honestly she kind of brings it on herself for wearing tight shirts all the time despite having L-cup breasts.

>> No.44887363


>> No.44887375

I still can’t believe these happened but she managed to dodge a bullet by having a teacher actually listen to her instead of trying to sweep it under the rug

>> No.44887701

>be canan
>wear form-fitting shirts and sexy purple/pink tights
>sexily cross your legs during class
>chew gum and blow bubbles every few seconds
>be surprised when you receive sexual attention and make guys obsessed with you
The absolute state of sluts.

>> No.44887714

So did she do porn already, or why the heck do you guys simp so much?

>> No.44887731
File: 3.79 MB, 640x360, sexy_treasure_box[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frfobgk.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the marine you talk so much of?

>> No.44887830

She's 27, what are you even talking about? She's not some anime character.

>> No.44887837

If you knew how she looked back in high school, you would realize how retarded you sound

>> No.44887842

>She's 27
Not sure what your point is, and I was referring to the story where she was blackmailed by a guy in high school.

>> No.44887850

How did she look in high school?

>> No.44887870

Not attractive at all, she had a weird build from playing sports and she didn't take care of her appearance, she didn't even comb her hair.

>> No.44887977

>referring to the story where she was blackmailed by a guy in high school
sounds like the plot of a hentai desu

>> No.44888132

It's not and it's not even a story. They don't understand Japanese so they're taking everything out of context and making shit up. She was blackmailed but wasn't leading the guy one.

>> No.44888182

So whats the story with blackmail?

>> No.44888938

are you actually retarded enough to think she wore the same outfits in school?
you do realize that schools have a dress code right

>> No.44889184

She was, because she's a whore. The school gave up because they realized it was impossible to make her dress like a non-whore.

>> No.44889251

Canan has never so much as seen a penis in her life
Stop pretending she‘s some sort of slut

>> No.44889534

Marine needs to let Kanata score with her. The tension between those 2 must be at a max by now

>> No.44889563

If I remember it right, during her high school days she was already doing stuff online like chatting streams and the like no face like always or maybe it was no camera as well, im not too sure on that part. Some guy from her school noticed it was her and tried to blackmail her into dating him or he will expose her online activities. Luckily she had the smarts to go to her teacher, who actually took it seriously and put a stop to it. That’s about it.

>> No.44889577

>not following the school blackmail corruption route

>> No.44889596

man, her youtube test stream got nuked already

>> No.44889675

schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo i just said good morning in dms and she said cant talk im going to have a shower schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo schizo

>> No.44889734

>She's not some anime character
What do you mean? Anime or not, every trait listed was a trait that she possesses in reality.

>> No.44890106

Marine is the one that is why noel is such a whore now, marine probably sees her younger self in noel (pure virgin) and is now trying to corrupt her into becoming a whore like herself. Marine is 100% encourages noels whore behavior with fc.

>> No.44890142

Not when she was in high school

They have to wear uniforms in high school and she didn't even dress like that when she was in uni

>> No.44890168

what's the most hardcore thing this piece of meat has done so far?

>> No.44890509

Marine is a virgin

>> No.44890560


>> No.44890626

Accidentally (or deliberately) show her nipples twice on stream while getting off

>> No.44890650


>> No.44890751

supporting your friend is suddenly a bad thing now?

>> No.44890762

Yes if you do so merely to get an opportunity to corrupt her morals.

>> No.44890770

Kinda makes sense that pomeko had a bf for 7 years then she broke up with him then she makes a secret r18 account to get male validation

>> No.44890816

>trying to preach about moral standards in a 4chan thread

>> No.44890920


>> No.44895616

It’s nice seeing her have fun with the others

>> No.44895977

I punched my monitor

>> No.44897464

Reset the count.
>no community streams until November
So much for that

>> No.44897473

Someone better ask her about the continuous sub reward

>> No.44897592

she never said that
she did the last one in September and said no more for the rest of the month
it's not September anymore

>> No.44897610

if you get all your news from this thread and don't listen to her anyway then you won't know whether she answers or not

>> No.44897701

Is the one year video she's talking about right now the continuous reward one or the one year anniversary celebration one? Either way she's saying it's actually too lewd

>> No.44897714

*actually NOT too lewd
Just a thanks or something

>> No.44897793

So looks like her sleeping schedule is still fucked huh

>> No.44897808

Lots of nipple talk today

>> No.44897929

Started with her period keeping her up earlier followed by the flare marine hang out, so not too surprised.

>> No.44897938

Piracy talk again.

>> No.44897941

That fucking horrid bitch forced her to stay up late

>> No.44897957

Community stream floodgates opened again?

>> No.44897961

Poor japs getting sued for millions
Too bad I'll keep uploading on sukebei and she can't do anything

>> No.44897967

This is how every community stream goes nowadays. A mix of nnd, FC, and random stuff then towards the ending the negative topics start to pop up.

>> No.44897969

Marine is bullying her again...

>> No.44897971

this is beyond that, she's talking about lawsuits and people getting fined

>> No.44897975


>> No.44897978


>> No.44897979

I accept your concession ichitroon/yukitroon

>> No.44897982

She might do them like once a month.
If I heard right she said at the start that if she goes too long without streaming on that channel something might happen?

>> No.44897987

Try harder your obsession with marine and gen 3 is obvious to everyone on vt and jp. I’m just curious how you ended up going schizo for 3+ years every week like clock work out of nowhere bringing up marine and lamy

>> No.44897998

Once a month is a good time frame for community it lets her get things out she usually cannot for NND and fc it also doesn’t interfere with her Noel stuff since it’s only once

>> No.44898011

>I was dead for a year but now I'm full of motivation now
And funny that she talks about "going back to her old schedule" here, not like Canan was ever affected regadles of how menhera she went, the 5 streams a month were always here.
Now the hope is that promise being true for Noel, she did stream a lot last week after all.

>> No.44898037

Did she say her mom is not visiting anymore?

>> No.44898049

>her mom supports her because she can see she isn't doing this for money but because she enjoys it
Yeah I didn't think mom would be so supportive of condoms hanging from your swimsuit no matter the reason

>> No.44898057

The thing that still bothers her about the nipple the most now is that people say she did it on purpose.

>> No.44898070

who your nipples you whore

>> No.44898111

Is she putting the dialect on stronger as Noel on purpose? Canan still sounds the same but Noel speaks differently since coming back from the break

>> No.44898116

The anniversary celebration videos were never going to be lewd at all, just a name reading and a thank you. The continuous reward, people have weird expectations for, given the 3/6 month rewards were also just thank yous. We might get something on the level of the shorts, or we might not, but it's not like she was ever going to do anything "extreme" in the first place and she's already made it pretty clear she's pushing the limits already.

>> No.44898146

I mean it helps her as well and I’m assuming she’s just happy to see her daughter who was bullied as a kid for her early development turn it around for the better. Plus she can just follow Noel and ignore Canan

>> No.44898183

Does her mom know 100% of what she's doing like full on camgirl shit or does she just think she showing some cleavage on stream?

>> No.44898191
File: 864 KB, 1920x1080, 継続特典一覧ol_1205修正版.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I got confused if she meant the celebration or the continuos, but it doesn't matter, it is true that it isn't written anywhere that the continuous reward video is lewd at all, she might have said something during a stream but that can all be ignored, only the written stuff matters.

>> No.44898200

She thinks her mother found out because she left her Canan YouTube account open on a TV she gifted her, but she believes her mom wouldn't try to pry any further than that, so yeah cleavage streamer

>> No.44898206

If I had to guess she probably didn't tell her mom the full extent of what she does. She probably just told her she wears sexy cosplays and does asmr. Highly doubt she gave her mom a full explanation.

>> No.44898239

not really, it's been steadily going away as time passes

>> No.44898261

the point is that her mom said she doesn't need to know

>> No.44898358


>> No.44898439

Yeah that makes sense

>> No.44898562

based, wish I had an account so I could upload as well

>> No.44898612

I see that we're now in that period between FC streams where the retards stick out of their asses the stupidest shitty theories about things they would never know, aside from the special case that is the obsessive looser with Marine and Lamy

>> No.44898669

Of course she doesn't need to know. She has a free flow of money coming from her daughter. She probably just assumes it's from hololive since she knows about Noel. She's a country hick, probably thinks a big company like Cover can pay their employees.

>> No.44898903

she doesn't care about the money. She told her daughter that's she was happy even when she was poor.
As long as her daughter isn't selling out for her sake

>> No.44899539

Money helps with a grandmother with Alzheimer's and an aging mother. Doesn't matter if she "sells out."

>> No.44899585

her job at Cover already pays enough for that. Rent in the countryside is cheap.
Her mother was also perfectly fine with earning her own money for years. If Canan was doing this for her mother then her mother would've stuck with her job as a nurse.

>> No.44900164

Unfortunately at least with the marine lady schizo you can easily tell who they are since they always appear around the same time of the week.

>> No.44904745

Wonder if she got her sleep schedule back on track.

>> No.44905001

too busy having sex (with me)

>> No.44906107

must not be very good at it if you're here posting instead of doing it

>> No.44908534

she strikes me as the sort of woman that nuts then turn to her sides and sleeps soundly on her own filth

>> No.44908617

Nah she showers afterwards so she’s the type to shower before and right after

>> No.44909091

Stop beating yourself up... its troubling...

>> No.44909161

When was the Canan fashion show stream supposed to be again? This week? Maybe with the headache she won't stream again anywhere until that.

>> No.44909209

she said Friday or Saturday because she has work on Sunday

>> No.44909234

Well she's apparently sick again. Some things never change.

>> No.44909519

Did she say what stuff she was showing this time. Since last time was stuff she was planning to throw away.

>> No.44909750

Oh she has updated it fashion Friday and sleep the 21st or 22nd

>> No.44909903

And Zelda Saturday morning with a ASMR at night

>> No.44910184
File: 60 KB, 680x680, F7fFqWUasAAQL_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fat titty cow whore is an unstable menhera and she is way focused too much on Canan. Her recent stream output on Noel is disappointing. However, despite all of that, and despite me listening to other Holomems streams, whenever I hear her stream as Noel or hear a clip of Noel, everything feels correct. I don't get that feeling with any other Holomem. She may be a fat titty cow whore, but this fat titty cow whore is still my goddamn oshi.

>> No.44910366

Investing more time into the thing which you have 100% control over makes sense though no?

>> No.44910547

don't know why you're trying to cope about something that's not even true.
She only does 5 streams a month on Canan, maybe 6 if you count her occasional community stream. Noel could do only Sunday Muscle + three extra streams and she would already surpass what she does on Canan
Then retards will try to bait in the opposite direction and say she's too focused on Noel and hates Canan work

>> No.44910662

Not if it's ruining your mental health with each stream

>> No.44911385

>Her recent stream output on Noel is disappointing
Look at the last two weeks and see if you still think that.
I do wonder what she'll do once the Suika boom is over.

>> No.44911419
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1668614832205047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably more FoTM stuff, or see if there's a FF game to play. Personally wish she played more retro games.

>> No.44911947
File: 940 KB, 4093x2894, 20231012_071535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if this bath asmr is part of the stuff people asked for when she requested ideas for member's stream people would like

>> No.44912147

Imagine if someday she accidentally turns on Noel DX on Canan

>> No.44912175

She needs something else she can pick up easily like Suika when she doesn't have anything else to play, like Flare has Ranch Simulator, for most Holos it's Minecraft but Noel doesn't really get into it.

>> No.44912245

She just has to find it, was the collab the first time she ever played ranch simulator

>> No.44912348

Yes, I think no one else in Hololive had played it other than Flare

>> No.44914721

Wonder if she does do the singing if it’ll be before or after the fashion show, more than likely before but you never know.
That’s cool with it being her first time playing it sounded and looked like they had a fun time.

>> No.44914925

Crazy how just a two week break got her like this.

>> No.44914963

Yeah a 1 hour stream right before would make sense, if she's going to the hospital she probably has the rest of the day free

>> No.44915248

Might be the medication.

>> No.44915327

I think it got her to think about things without the pressure of work and the desire to stream when she’s alone being with her family. The complete break from community streams outside maybe once a month keeps her from constantly seeing the troll and anti comments on a smaller chat pull I think has been the biggest help. Having more regular collabs gives her people to talk with and the walks she takes with lamy lets her just relax.

>> No.44915600

It is the medication. She said that she figured out the meds she was taking caused her to become even more mentally unstable, so she went to her doctor and switched to a different one over the break. She said this one makes her more gain weight though

>> No.44917049

>more weight gain

>> No.44917428

Well damn so much for my she had a moment of reflection.
The wait gain ain’t bad if it makes her happier in the long run

>> No.44917495

when is she going to do 2 person ear licking stream like macoto

>> No.44917564

Like a collab stream probably only Lamy is who I see her doing one with

>> No.44917710

As long as she doesn't become a blob it's fine that she gains some weight. There are some really good JAV actresses who got some meat on them and I love it (Marina Shiraishi comes to mind. She still looks damn good thicker but there are moments where I think she's gained TOO much weight). She'll need to avoid some positions though, as they can be unflattering.

>> No.44918338

No stream because of Towa's live, I guess she was planning for her usual 6-7 PM slot and starting later would be too close to that Canan stream.

>> No.44918620

textbook BPD
her meds must be amazing

>> No.44918754

Maybe her ass will finally look halfway decent with some more weight

>> No.44919039

I think she looks really good right now the perfect plump, but she should definitely stay away from the corsets so she doesn’t become self conscious like the cat tiger fc
Makes sense I honestly thought the concert was the 15th

>> No.44920025

She's apparently pretty good friends with Towa so I'm not surprised. I guess one of those relationships primarily off camera.

>> No.44922604

That’s a pretty good outfit

>> No.44923374

Anyone else listen to her old ASMRs and just notice how much happier she sounds?

>> No.44923468

Meds must be nice

>> No.44923519

She buys some really weird clothes sometimes.

>> No.44923589

It looks nice I think

>> No.44923668

aside from the camisole and jeans she said that all of the outfits she tried on stream today will be tossed out
she's not wearing anything she shows on stream outside to prevent doxxing

>> No.44923720

Short video?

>> No.44923741

When Canan gets doxed and gets exposed for having a boyfriend I hope you smelly coomers commit mass suicide this thread reeks of failure (even more overpowering aroma of success is no match for your stink of failure!). Later, losers!

>> No.44923840

FC sample for advertising on Nico

>> No.44924028

Lol the only loser here is you who tries to find people he thinks have a sad life to make yourself think you have a good life

>> No.44924048

The camisole and jeans were also the best outfit. It’s a really good combo. The purple dress was fine except for the color. The turtle neck and sweater? Were nice but not wow

>> No.44924096

>male interaction talk again

>> No.44924109

>wants to buy male torso and do nipple play
She definitely watches Rizuna, she only does that nowadays.

>> No.44924346

Think the male torso would help for everything visually but bj since it would risk too much unless she does 69

>> No.44924381

this is porn, there's only so many ways you can handle bodies so nothing they do is unique

>> No.44924447

Well I haven't seen others doing nipple play with dildo torsos.
