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44794996 No.44794996 [Reply] [Original]

So, does Gensokyo have a working sewer system? How does the Hakurei shrine or something like Marisa’s home deal with bathroom things?

>> No.44795003

They recycle the poop into danmaku material

>> No.44795313

youkai dig poop holes like the feral animals they are

>> No.44795674
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Ancient japan had two types of toilets: the cesspit toilets and flush toilets with water and all. The pit toilets where inside these little houses made specifically for shitting you would find scattered around the village, which would then be used for fertilizer for farmers. Though rich people had their own at home which would lead to a bucket which some poor fool would be paid to clean 4 times per day minimum.
Fun fact: there was a very small rate of parasites at time, and scientists suspects that the parasites found at cesspits where from koreans and chineses due them being from animals that could not be normally found on japan, like pork.

The second type of toipet was pre advanced, it had a type of plumbing system using river water, leading to cesspits or sometimes back to the running river. Isuspect Gensokyo would have this one, though it would probrally lead to a cesspit since you would not want to anger the kappa by filling their river with shit.
Another fun fact: they had sanldas that where used only for shitting.

>> No.44795693
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Mairsa and the shrine would probably have the pit one, since they are far from the village and from the river, unless they paid the kappa make a water one for them. Pic related is a private one which was owned by a samurai

Aso speaking of the shrine, the japanese believed a lot in purity due their religion and purity that included hygiene, so Reimu would take a lot of baths every day.

>> No.44795701
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How it looks like bellow, some worker would be paid to clean it 4 times every day.

>> No.44795722

>of toipet was pre advanced
I meant more advanced, its 5 am here and i am phoneposting its hard to write.

>> No.44795854


>> No.44795889
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Some of the 'hus wear diapers

>> No.44795991

Why are there so many images of Koishi saying funny stuff?

>> No.44796393

Being paid to clean Marisa's cesspit!
Taking small samples of Marisa's poop with you!
Huffing them at home while masturbating!
Having the greatest orgasm of your life!

>> No.44796423

it's worth pointing out that at this point, youkai mountain and the underground has working electricity and the kappa have probably engineered a real plumbing system at this point, if only by reverse engineering the pipes that were probably still connected to the moriya shrine's living quarters when kanako brought them to gensokyo
doesn't help the villagers, but it's probably on kanako's to-do list

>> No.44796677

She's the type to say funny stuff.

>> No.44796803

Outside of the onsen in the underground, we don't even know how they even take a bath.
I would think there would be a communal bath in the village, and they wipe with a bucket filled with water, but nothing has ever come up in the official material as far as I'm aware.

>> No.44796844
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it blows my mind that we've never even gotten a random incidental shot of someone bathing before, even just as an establishing shot
we know that they must do, because we do have a shot of marisa in the shrine where she could reasonably have just had a bath, although it's just as possible that she was just drying her hair after being out in the rain

>> No.44796932

I'm not familiar with how they work, and if they require running water to function, but I do remember Akyuu mentioning a Chozuya in Murasa's profile where people go to purify themselves.
Then there is that small article about Kisume and a well, so they have those in the village.

>> No.44797244
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>it blows my mind that we've never even gotten a random incidental shot of someone bathing before
We do anon, but yeah it's still onsen shit

>> No.44797250

flat raymoo

>> No.44797256

Marisa is literally fucking magic. Her toilet could directly link to a other dimension far as we know.

Reimu does 100% crap in some shitty pot and probably not even wipe her ass afterwards.

>> No.44797327

Is that Reimu? Because she honestly looks like a random background mob without her dumb outfit.

>> No.44797357
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always has

>> No.44797382

No wonder she doesn't even bother to get a boyfriend.

Random female mobs are leagues above her.

>> No.44797401

She's canonically married to Marisa, she doesn't need a boyfriend.

>> No.44797762

>Her and Marisa literally started blushing like maidens the moment they saw a het romance.
They are fooling themselves.

>> No.44798444

That’s funny, because she is canonically my naizuri slave

>> No.44798474

>they had sanldas that where used only for shitting.
my gramps used to get really angry if I dont use those

>> No.44799446

it really makes her more believable as a human character

>> No.44799990

Reimu says she's going to take a bath in her extra stage (Suika partner version) in Subterranean Animism.

>> No.44800691

I know. But it also shows how lame and ugly she is. Dumb, lazy, plain. There is literally nothing to like about her.

>> No.44800785

That's enough, Mizuchi

>> No.44800820

Mizuchi is right that Reimu is a fucking shit. As well as that Gensokyo should be destroyed.

>> No.44800865

That's enough, Fortune Teller

>> No.44800870

FS was a dumbass. Not as stupid as Reimu, but he still had it coming.

>> No.44800901

That's enough, Yukari

>> No.44800919

You will never be a real youkai. You have no shark teeth, you have no pointy ears, you have no animal parts. You are a homosexual college student twisted by magic into a crude mockery of fantastical perfection.

All the “validation” and "fear" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back Youkai mock you. Human society is disgusted and ashamed of you. Your “friends” laugh at your chuuni behavior behind closed doors.

Other humans are utterly unimpressed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed humans to sniff out youkai with incredible efficiency. Even shapeshifters like Nue look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your attitude is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to abduct a human and take him to your home, you'll turn tail and return him the moment he wakes up.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and try and fail to plunge into the cold abyss. Your shikigami will find you, and tell you to stop being so overly dramatic. Then you'll go back to teasing the current Hakurei Shrine maiden. Her body will eventually decay and die, but she'll leave behind a legacy of happiness and several beautiful children. You will still be miserable and alone.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.44800941

That's enough, Toyohime

>> No.44801910

Lunarians get the bullet as well.

>> No.44802132

Reimu looks cute but Yuugi looks like a goddess

>> No.44802142

Reimu is your average Japanese peasant girl while Yuugi is basically genetic perfection. It's not a fair comparison.

>> No.44802228
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True but Reimu is of Hakurei descent. Best blood line a human can be a part of. At least in terms of magical power. Prime genetics essentially. She should look better. In fact she kind of does in other canon stories. Maybe she's a late bloomer and she'll ascend when she becomes a milf.

>> No.44802254

It was actually a old headcanon of mine that Hakurei Shrine Maidens were supernaturally attractive and beautiful. Seems to have been mostly contradicted unless, like you said, she's a late bloomer.

>> No.44802318
File: 18 KB, 320x348, 1688818616033057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you know this off the top of your head?

>> No.44802358

Believe it or not anon but sometimes people not only play games, but sometimes they even read the dialogue!

>> No.44802380

Bros I want a 195 cm tall oni girlfriend (Yuugi) so bad she looks so fucking muscular and huge and amazonian like a mythical Greek goddess

>> No.44802597

>It was actually a old headcanon of mine that Hakurei Shrine Maidens were supernaturally attractive and beautifuL
Its still sort of mine, mostly because i'm a horny bastard. Art style varies wildly across the story. The aforementioned oni goddess suddenly stops being one when you look at ZUN art. Now some people do place more importance upon ZUN art because he made it and they place more importance on the main games than the manga or fighting games. Even in discussions about attractiveness or sex lol. I personally place importance on everything since ZUN had a hand in it all and approved of it. And it seems that the art itself is extremely contradictory. So you can sort of go with any interpretation you like. Unless its some insane shit out of twitter.

>> No.44802714


>> No.44804482
File: 274 KB, 463x426, 1583008281723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote out a whole essay, because of how vague your post was, but I should have just reversed image searched your image, because I believe I found the article you're talking about.
https tspace library utoronto ca/html/1807/23348/oc03019 html
I thoroughly despise people like you, who feel it is acceptable to trim details when sharing information. You are why information should be controlled.
>Subsequently, pork and beef tapeworm eggs (usually taken as indications of a diet incorporating meat) were identified in some quantity at the cesspits of Koro-Kan, the 8th century guesthouse in Dazaifu, Fukuoka City (1993). It was thought that these eggs were not from Japanese, who at that time had limited opportunity to eat meat, but rather were deposited by delegates from China and Korea (The Board of Education, Fukuoka City 1993). Another reason we believe that these eggs were deposited by foreigners is that there are no other such sites which yielded these eggs at that time period.

>> No.44804546
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Kim_Jong-un_contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, and a phoneposter. Should have guessed.

>> No.44806150

Was i wrong thoughie?

>> No.44806157

Forgive me anon but my hdd died and i am waiting for the 5th day of the month where i will get my money to buy a new one. Phones are a piece of shit to write.

>> No.44806326

I mean, I think that's fair. There are certainly some characters that I personally imagine are supposed to be really attractive despite the art not always supporting that. Sakuya, Yukari, Miko. Basically the only character that is supposed to actually be beautiful in canon is probably Byakuren since she literally used magic to give herself a perfect body.

>> No.44807781

Don't forget Kaguya, she's supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

>> No.44807825

Oh right. I forgot since her art in IN was kind of...

Well, it was IN era art.
