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44790294 No.44790294 [Reply] [Original]


marisa has invented a new form of alcoholism and angered the bees

>> No.44790360 [DELETED] 

Honestly there should be a bee 2hu. I love bees. They are so cute and adorable.

>> No.44790683

I was holding out for a beehu in 19 since one of the difficulty options was called killer bee, but no luck
maybe next time...

>> No.44790737

Marisa just can't catch a break huh. Now she's going to get KILLED by a swarm of bees.

>> No.44790832

Didn't Flandre already kill Marisa?

>> No.44790847

Touhous discover mead?
Did the ancient Japanese never have mead?

>> No.44790849

beaten up by flan
about to get beaten up by mizuchi possessing satori
being bullied in at least three different threads on /jp/ right now
about to get stung to death by bees
shoulda stolen less books bozo

>> No.44791006

oh no, ZUN is going to bully Marisa again

>> No.44791588
File: 91 KB, 446x365, WOW LOOK AT HOW FUCKING SHORT AND TINY MARISA IS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa getting gangraped by bees...

>> No.44791611
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Fermented honey: gross
Fermented rice: delicious
is that right?

>> No.44791660

ZUN is really writing this?

>> No.44791711

Marisa is so fucking small in the whale manga
God it's hot

>> No.44791716

>the translator is once again telling people to vote for hisami in the final page
>somehow views her being """gay""" as a reason to vote for her

I think he should kill himself.

>> No.44792171

Mead doesn't even remotely smell like honey, it smells closer to a white wine. God, ZUN, do you even drink?

>> No.44792189

they all said it wasn't that good though, and mead is pretty good which means that marisa probably made it wrong
some mead should have at least some notes of the honey that was used in the creation, though

>> No.44792338 [SPOILER] 

Considering how she is going to be murdered by a bunch of pissed off bees, she probably mistranslated something in her book as Mead, but it's a probably a substance that attracts a swarm.

>> No.44792369

This chapter just reminds me that I will be murdered by killer bees if I hike off trail where I live.

>> No.44792740

Should've asked Kosuzu

>> No.44792762
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Damn I wish nothing bad will happen to these two old fucks when the inevitable huge incident/conflict during the end of the manga

>> No.44793061

They're the main antagonists.

>> No.44793113
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I thought Gensokyo has no place for males but this chapter is mostly just those two old dudes talking, it's like a chapter dedicated to them.
They should become characters already with names and role to play. Heck, I'd read a spin-off just about them.

>> No.44793132

I've always imagined one of them to work in paper production or as a printer, someone has to make all the paper we see being used all the time after all.
And it's not like Kosuzu is the sole printer in the village, there has to be others and they would need employees.

>> No.44793160

Gensokyo really is a death trap if you venture out of the human village. Like going into the Brazilian rainforest or the Sahara Desert alone.

>> No.44793177

The whole manga is like 1/3rd those two dudes. They're quickly becoming my favourite characters, just chill middle aged dudes minding their own business and being friends.

>> No.44793359

I like how this chapter goes deeper into the left guy's interest, even if it's as vague as "yeah I really like honey and know stuff about bees".

>> No.44793444
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I hope the next chapter features Wriggle but it feels like ZUN is trying his best to forget about her. I always imagine she makes her living as a bee keeper.
I imagine the Tengu do a lot of paper production. I think a lot of goods sold in the village have Youkai, God, Fairy, Outside(through Yukari) origins brought in through middlemen. Sort of like how North Koreans remove the Gift of America / South Korea labels from a lot of their aid.

>> No.44793485
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yamame reference
the last time we had a chapter like this, it was the one about persimmons and crabs
with that in mind I half expect this to go in the direction of the bee swarm asking marisa for a favour in exchange for some royal honey
bees are pretty gentle anyway, so I doubt this chapter is going in the direction of fuck bees

>> No.44793900

and appearently the right guy has taro field.
Personality-wise, from all their appearences it seems that the bald-ossan is easygoing and the clumsier of the two while the white hair-ossan is the more thoughtful and knowledgable, sometimes act as the tsukkomi to bald-ossan.

>> No.44795032
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Is it me or her whale tits have gotten smaller than before?

>> No.44795711

Anything worthwhile yet?

>> No.44795731


>> No.44795796

The bees being angry is a red herring. Marisa is going to get her legs broken by the sake barons for trying to introduce a new kind of alcohol to Gensokyo.

>> No.44795853

She bomb

>> No.44796017
File: 155 KB, 1465x1189, miyoi suika fujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd read a spinoff about Fortune Teller too

>> No.44796024

Why are fujos like this? Why is every hu a fujo these days?

>> No.44796087
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I still wish Miyoi's hat would be more expressional

>> No.44796306

it's just a natural state of being for some girls

>> No.44796312

Its not /a/

>> No.44796334

Basically all of the spin off manga have featured males to some extent. They just don't matter. These two are fun because they give us a look into what gensokyo is like for normal people. Not special snowflakes like Kosuzu or Reimu.

I remember somebody recently arguing that most outsiders are likely to just die from nature rather than Youkai attacks. It's a easily forgotten element, but even without youkai the place is a death trap.

>> No.44796351

I love how you can tell Reisen thinks this disguise is fooling anybody.

Would be funny if it's revealed this whole thing is caused by Wriggle accidentally.

>I think a lot of goods sold in the village have Youkai, God, Fairy, Outside(through Yukari) origins brought in through middlemen. Sort of like how North Koreans remove the Gift of America / South Korea labels from a lot of their aid.
That is 100% what happens since how else could you have a salt merchant? I just wonder to what extent the merchants are aware of it.

>> No.44796369

>I remember somebody recently arguing that most outsiders are likely to just die from nature rather than Youkai attacks. It's a easily forgotten element, but even without youkai the place is a death trap.
Do modern japs just not know anything about going out into the woods? Gensokyo would, sans the youkai, just be untamed 1800s wilderness really. It can't be THAT bad if you know what you're doing. Bees, unless you're directly fucking with them, are probably not gonna sting you to death even if there's a swarm of them flying close.

>> No.44796395
File: 3.19 MB, 1008x2528, reimu aunn wolf goast chamaji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love it when people draw Reimu's bow like that too

>> No.44796443

I mean, most first world people are like that. My home country is currently having a massive fear over wolves coming back despite the fact they are basically harmless.

With that said though, most outsiders probably don't even have a decent jacket with them. Let alone something to build shelter or deal with animal attacks. There is also some non magical Youkai related danger. Like the Forest of Magic being filled with poison and man eating plants. The Bamboo forest being a massive maze. And Youkai mountain being a giant deathtrap.

>> No.44796461

>It can't be THAT bad if you know what you're doing
For the villagers sure thay know what they are doing but most of the people yukari spirit away tend to be NEETs and suicidal people who doesn't know what the hell is going on

>> No.44796546

>I mean, most first world people are like that. My home country is currently having a massive fear over wolves coming back despite the fact they are basically harmless.
It's not all sunshine and rainbows but if we say it was winter and you were spirited away with a winter jacket or something and had a swiss army knife on you (not completely unlikely, I know people who do) you could at least make it to the village I think.
The most dangerous thing you can encounter in the Japanese wilderness would be a wolfpack or a brown bear most likely. Not exactly easy opponents but you also are probably not gonna face either.
That leaves the plants and such, but then it depends on where you're dropped off. It's not like the deathtrap locations over the entirety of Gensokyo. In FS there's huge fields for farming outside the village that'd probably be visible from a good distance.

>> No.44796573

cover the entirety of gensokyo*

>> No.44796748

How come official artists never draw the shapeshifter tanuki giving herself big boobs

>> No.44796906

People only cares about whaletits

>> No.44796968

>It's not all sunshine and rainbows but if we say it was winter and you were spirited away with a winter jacket or something and had a swiss army knife on you (not completely unlikely, I know people who do) you could at least make it to the village I think.
Assuming you don't get dropped in the forest of magic or youkai mountain.

It's a luck based mission. You need to be dropped with the right equipment in teh right place at the right time, and that's even without considering Youkai. If you do add them, well, it's no wonder the survival rate seems to be in the low double digits. It's like playing a video game where there is a 50% you don't just get killed right away.

>> No.44797051

Gensokyo isn't like modern day Japan.
It's filled with extinct animals, some of them being predators that you don't want to run into.
The Hokkaido wolf being one of them, which looks to have been the beast that killed a few villagers in one of the earlier chapters of the fairy manga.

>> No.44798985

An episodic short stories featuring various human inhabitants of Gensokyo would be pretty neat.

>> No.44799115

I feel that would be pretty grim even compared to FS. Still, would certainly be neat.

>> No.44799288
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>> No.44799453
File: 149 KB, 914x1280, goldwasser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhous would probably freak over schnapps, beer, rum, whisky and other liquors.
I bet Reimu would love goldwasser.

>> No.44799820


>> No.44799930

Why has no one made a survivor horror fangame from the perfpective of an outsider who ends up in gensokyo yet? I feel like there's so much potential here, yet no one does anything with it

>> No.44799940
File: 177 KB, 640x817, POWERFUL YOUKAI TRANSFORMATION MAGIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love how you can tell Reisen thinks this disguise is fooling anybody.
Considering the disguises other 2hus use, it works. People in the Human Village are odd that way.

>> No.44799948
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1723, 727fc197-2c4b-4d51-8ed5-11a537cf4305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bee the chang'e you wish to see in the world.

>> No.44799960

it's the animated kasen thing yassy made

>> No.44799982

Everyone in the human village is straight up retarded.

They only receive basic education, spend their whole lives believing in fantasies and never bother to question why they are here or try to improve their knowledge of the world around them.. you expect these people to have cognitive capability above a chimpanzee?

>> No.44799991
File: 46 KB, 480x640, Reimu fumo fucking freezes to death in the snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you expect these people to have cognitive capability above a chimpanzee?
At the very least, they have a high literacy rate (when it comes to Japanese) considering Reimu reads Sherlock Holmes and stuff, and she's out in the boonies even compared to the rest of the village.

>> No.44799998

there are no practical advantages to revealing a disguised youkai in most circumstances. let them cosplay for a while and they'll go away

>> No.44800011
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Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Also, I just realized the kappa are invading the Prismriver sisters' mansion.

>> No.44800081
File: 2.32 MB, 1200x1723, 0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people took a whole page to come to the conclusion that the girl with cat ears and two tails wasn't human.

>> No.44800112

she is mighty railable for a monster

>> No.44800115

They get scared of walking plates

If i saw that shit irl, I'd be laughing my ass off

>> No.44800127

Absolute subhumans.. They deserve to be made food for youkai

>> No.44800326

Are the human villagers retarded?
This is superman putting on glasses tier

>> No.44800408
File: 3.83 MB, 1562x1326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, Reisen's disguise used to make sense and then for some reason just stopped
I can only attribute this to ZUN not telling Moe Harukawa that the medicine seller was Reisen until after she had drawn her introduction at the end of chapter 20, so Moe kept the design consistent all the way to the reveal that it was Reisen, at which point her hair and ears suddenly become visible

>> No.44800763

Kosuzu is a bit special, and for what it's worth the Tengu are not that different looking for humans. Basically the only real give away is the ears and their horrible fashion sense.

This is less excusable. Though, I do think there is a element of "They kind of don't want to know". In general my assumption for the human village is that, as the other anon said, there isn't much of a reason to reveal disguised youkai. In this case it's pretty clear the obvious youkai is actually going to cause trouble so the villagers are a bit more on edge and talking about it openly instead of their usual strategy of "Don't ask, don't tell".

Hell, even this comment is seemingly enough to make sure Orin is going to pick up their corpses when they die. They are petty little bastards.

>> No.44800769

Those lips are sexy enough that I agree it probably wasn't originally Reisen.

That's mean, anon. What are they supposed to do? Kill anybody that looks funny?

>> No.44800779
File: 148 KB, 399x377, turning a rape into a murder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at which point her hair and ears suddenly become visible
You can still sorta see pre-reveal Medicine Seller afterwards, I think.

>> No.44800781

I wanna fuck Miyoi bros...

>> No.44800788

We know, oji-san

>> No.44800792
File: 32 KB, 551x693, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I think there might have been plans for your picture's outfit to be the default one, but Moe or ZUN decided it wasn't a priority, because she has that appearance (with the hair pulled upwards) in the fighting games too

>> No.44800808

unironically Miyoi seems like the she'd be the easiest youkai to fuck with how super friendly she to humans

>> No.44800823

Isn't she a secret Oni?

If so, fucking her might be easy. Having your pelvis recover would not.

>> No.44800847

It's ok.. Eirin would heal you

and then rape you

>> No.44800859

I love to imagine going to Eirin with a shattered pelvis and having her look at you with a "I know what you did" face.

Please. You aren't getting out of there until you impregnated every rabbit.

>> No.44800877

Zashiki Warashi who become a Suima
Nothing implies that she's an oni, especially when it's clear she lives in human house

>> No.44800892

What's a Suima?

>> No.44800896

Suima balls

>> No.44800900


I doubt she's just a Zashiki Warashi anyhow.

>> No.44800917

Zashiki Warashi are exclusively cunny.

Miyoi is exclusively mommy milkers.

The math does not work.

>> No.44800929

Honestly I forgot because it's never brought up again. IIRC it's some sort of youkai related to sake and she needs an owner (?) which is what Suika is to her.
Also remember when Miyoi has memory manipulation and can give you nightmare while you're drunk?

>> No.44800939

I agree.

Who are the boobhus youkai?

>> No.44800947

>Also remember when Miyoi has memory manipulation and can give you nightmare while you're drunk?
I remember mostly because of that one doujin where she uses that power to constantly rape a shota.

>> No.44800951
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>> No.44800958

Those Ojisans have a name you know

>> No.44800964

>Neither has a ring
Damn, she should just go for it.

>> No.44800967

These are pure old bastards who loves their family and are responsible adults (even when drinking)

>> No.44800971

only wives wear wedding ring
besides it's feudal japan

>> No.44800994

Probably the Yamanba

>> No.44801022

Mamizou would've had two pair of gigantic tetas to complement her mythology if zun wasn't a coward

>> No.44801082

Mead is drink for Scandinavians and north slavs

>> No.44801130

It's honestly weird how she's mostly flat in canon.

Makes sense.

>> No.44801304

Mead is mostly connected with the Scandinavians but mead was created by everyone but the Japanese it seems.
Even Africans, the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created mead.

>> No.44803321

She used her tanuki powers to appear flat

>> No.44803327

She's dispelling the stereotype anon

>> No.44808722

The bees is obviously Mizuchi possessing it, don't you guys remember the last chapter is the prequel of Satori manga?

>> No.44813528

Maybe sake is just better so nobody bothered making any other kind of beer

>> No.44813592

Sake isn't beer and mead isn't beer.
Sake is very milquetoast.

>> No.44818123

Why is that fucker mad at zashiki anyway? Those thing are useful for human unless she knows the Yukari's spy network

>> No.44818152

At this point you can pretty much abandon all hope of a good, internally consistent story from CDS.

>> No.44818303

>unless she knows the Yukari's spy network
I mean, that, most likely.

Yukari is nowhere near as clever as she thinks she is.

>> No.44818324

>At this point
I gave up around PMISS.

>> No.44818328

Meant for: >>44818152

>> No.44820111
File: 107 KB, 850x1202, __son_biten_touhou_drawn_by_gyouza_mhea5724__sample-ac34c89e7d29ed63410a92bcd45cf2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my beautiful monkey sun wukong gf.

>> No.44825282

She has STD

>> No.44825385

Shonen tournament dissapointment?

>> No.44828255

Sex Totally Dangerous

>> No.44828295

Alcoholic tanuki grandma is now canon.
I mean, it was before but now it's double canon.

>> No.44829130

Mamizou is so fuckin' cute

>> No.44829182

Do the japanese have fan-names for them?

>> No.44829971

Why does ZUN even bother trying to write stories? He's proven time and time again he can't write anything consistent for shit.. It'd be so much easier if he just made a manga where each chapter is a 30 page focus on different characters daily lives

Not only would it keep things fresh, It'd give him the opportunity to flesh out minor characters he otherwise would never use.. This is so fucking stupid

>> No.44831556

mamizou said it was good together with the tubers, and to be frank mead isnt the best liquor to drink by itself (i say somewhat hypocritically with an open bottle of it at my side), but its one of the best to wash down something savoury.
still, marisa probably didnt let it sit long enough as it takes quite a while to do that.

>> No.44831573

Didn't one of them get abducted by Mamizou's minions?

>> No.44831578

Sir, this is not a Satori manga thread

>> No.44831652

>Why does ZUN even bother trying to write stories?
Because he want to. There's no stopping him.

>It'd give him the opportunity to flesh out minor characters he otherwise would never use
As much as I want him to do just this the idea just doesn't fancy him at the moment, otherwise we would've gotten another PMiSS/SoPM-styled book.
