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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 738x500, Girls Gen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4477609 No.4477609 [Reply] [Original]

So is this how asian women ACTUALLY ACT

Why the fuck are they so child-like?

srs question srs answers plz

>> No.4477627

Because they are less slutty than pig disgusting american woman

>> No.4477624

Because in Japan it's about cuteness.
If you can't appreciate that, go back to your slutty American wimminz.

>> No.4477633

That woman is a Corean though.

>> No.4477637

Not /jp/ related try asking those /int/ faggots instead.

>> No.4477630
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got any more questions?

>> No.4477646 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 800x1436, Running shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedophiles, all of you

enjoy your infantile women, I'll enjoy my I DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT CHANGING HER DIAPERS

>> No.4477643

To make your penis harder obviously

>> No.4477661

enjoy throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Because you know. You'd be fucking a slut. Like, a slut. Slut.

>> No.4477679

What a boring troll.

>> No.4477680

Nice shoes.

>> No.4477704

I have no problems with what you call "sluts".

>> No.4477709

i like my women like i like my TV

52 inch and ultra flat


>> No.4477718

The child-like act is considered sexy in Japan, much as the sultry act is considered sexy in America. Different cultural norms is all.

>> No.4477749
File: 138 KB, 477x800, 8645351_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedophiles, all of you
Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.4477763

Yeah but acting cute during porn is completely retarded

>> No.4477769

/jp/ - Just Pedo

>> No.4477783

>>4477661All women must be virgins


As expected from someone who loves women from a culture that requires them to remain submissive and infantile

Ever wonder why Japanese women are infatuated with white men?

Its because they TREAT THEM BETTER and sexual roles are less restrained in America and the Western World; however misguided that belief is, it's indicative of a greater problem.

I hate weeaboos like you that only go after asian women because they're scared of stronger women

>> No.4477800

I hate Japan's misogyny solely because it means fewer Yanderes. The irony of Yanderes being a corruption of misogynistic fantasies is not lost on me.

>> No.4477809

Sup /a/

>> No.4477810

Cool story bro.

>> No.4477818

>>4477718cultural norms

That's the thing, though; their women act like god damn children

Why are they so damn immature? Think about it.

I attribute it to gender roles and how women are expected to be more submissive. Sultry and hot/sweaty is not so, therefore they go the more submissive and cute path.

But that's just my belief. It's also why Joe Loser is Mr. Charisma in NIPPON

cause quite frankly, he's scared/shy of more energetic/strong women.

>> No.4477836

Why does it bother you so much? No one is forcing you to be with a woman that acts childish.

>> No.4477838

>enjoy your infantile women, I'll enjoy my I DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT CHANGING HER DIAPERS
That's funny because by the time she's 30 she'll be wearing diapers due to her anal prolapse.

>> No.4477849

I'm fine with the problem as it stands.

How else are people like us getting laid?

>> No.4477853


>> No.4477860

People like you sicken me. What the fuck do you want? A lady that's cute and playful, yet a complete slut that ONLY SLEEPS WITH YOU AND LOVES YOU AND NO ONE ELSE.

Women like sex too, it's shocking, I know. They like to have sex as much as men do, fucking astounding. There isn't a cute submissive girl waiting for only YOU to have sex with her, faggot. Stop acting as if KAWAII ASIAN GIRL doesn't like fucking as much as the next person.

>> No.4477865

You might have a point if, in western "culture," a pair of tits wasn't considered more graphic than showing 50 people get murdered.

>> No.4477867

>What the fuck do you want
>a complete slut

>> No.4477877

I agree. All women are whores.

>> No.4477876

Yes, that would be the kind of women I want.

>> No.4477874

>as much as men do

No, entirely wrong. Women enjoy having sex more than men do. That's why they're sluts in the first place.

>> No.4477875


I wish I had an adorable waifu who needed me to change her diapers ;_;

>> No.4477872

it bothers me because I still can't find a concrete answer to the question.

and my mind can't rest unless I have the answer. Also, all these American males (mostly white) talking about their KAWAII NIPPON GIRL

It's fucking obnoxious and unfair to the asian male.

>> No.4477883

Why do we still have these threads? /jp/ is for "otaku culture" now, not HURP JAPAN threads.

>> No.4477885

korean girl not welcome

>> No.4477886

>posting picture of an old hag

>> No.4477892

/jp/ is currently a combination of /a/ /b/ and /r9k/

>> No.4477895

We're being raided by /b/.

>> No.4477900

By that standard, all men are whores as well.

>> No.4477907
File: 5 KB, 251x241, Cat-orly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4477874They're sluts
>>4477876childish ideals about sex and women

Oh man, and I actually expected to find-MAYBE-someone that didn't fall into the 'lonely angry virgin' category that could answer honestly.

>> No.4477912

Go back to whatever shitty board you came from

>> No.4477916

You won't find any answers here. I find it obnoxious that you assume we all want an asian girl.

>> No.4477918

How the fuck is misogyny even related to this board again?

>> No.4477919

This is /jp/. If you want a different response you should go back to /r9k/.

>> No.4477920


>> No.4477926

>otaku culture

>> No.4477941

You expected someone who doesn't belong to the 'lonely angry virgin' to be on /jp/?
Go back to whatever shithole came from.

>> No.4477943

So you obsess over hating women? If so, obsessively defending women belongs here too.

>> No.4477947

Go back to /a/ please.

>> No.4477969

Heh, uhh...


>> No.4477981

I'm glad you can quote useless posts. Just because people post about it does not mean it belongs on the board.

>> No.4478001

>childish ideals about sex and women
I don't think I know of a single couple in my family that didn't marry their first/only love, and I have a fuck huge family.

>> No.4478004

It's because Japanese men are all pedophiles.

>> No.4478014

Christian detected. Opinion void.

>> No.4478027

For the love of God, don't act as if these types of men are a RARITY when it comes to otakus and people inflicted with yellow fever

Cause they aren't.

>>4478001that didn't marry their first/only love

Did the women act KAWAII and submissive?

also, that's pretty pathetic brah. You're supposed to experiment, not marry THE FIRST PERSON YOU SEE simply because you're overwhelmed by immature obsessions over DAT PUSSY. Once you slept with her, you want to try something new BUT OH WAIT YOURE ALREADY MARRIED UH-OH

>> No.4478059

>you're overwhelmed by immature obsessions over DAT PUSSY
You're confusing other people for you.

>> No.4478087

>Once you slept with her, you want to try something new
Isn't that just because "you're overwhelmed by immature obsessions over DAT PUSSY" too?

>> No.4478090

Sorry, no extremist Christians in my family.

>Did the women act KAWAII and submissive?
No, not really.

> also, that's pretty pathetic brah.
Again, not really.

>You're supposed to experiment
Who the fuck made that rule.

>not marry THE FIRST PERSON YOU SEE simply because you're overwhelmed by immature obsessions over DAT PUSSY.
Not all people are you, bro. Some people can think rationally.

>Once you slept with her, you want to try something new BUT OH WAIT YOURE ALREADY MARRIED UH-OH
Who said anything about sex after marriage.

>> No.4478148

>Once you slept with her, you want to try something new
Love, my normalbro. I know it's difficult for you to imagine but some people do fall in love and stay loyal to that person.

>> No.4478153
File: 37 KB, 400x324, 1171850-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay loyal

>> No.4478304

wow, as another white weeaboo, I actualy agree with you on that one point. Asian women are all clones. I guess I'm only half a weeaboo for this board.

>> No.4478330

Jesus Christ /jp/ that's a lot of sage.
