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4473840 No.4473840 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about this mofo here.

Basic math: Bushi damage is 6 * (your level - 0.5 * enemy level), so level 99 rance is 6 * (99 - 25) = 444. Then add Chaos with +20%, for 532. Then add Rance attack modifier if applicable.

I'm thinking Rance with 5-6 attacks, Sill feeding into Rance attacks, 4-action Yoshikaga with action transfer. Uruza at level 75 is decent on her own, and might give attack boost. Kenshin has okay level max, but few actions. Tokugawa Ieyasu might be useful in clearing out the minions quickly.

>> No.4473846

>level 99 rance

You have already won
If you can fuck this up I'd be impressed.

I did it with a level 60 Rance and a bunch of decent captains.

>> No.4473851

How did you do over 10k damage with that group?

>> No.4473857


It's not particularly hard when you have 30 captains.

>> No.4473860

So how do you level up Rance?
What events level him up the most and what is the way to go if you want to level him up as mucha s possible as fast as possible, really?

>> No.4473862

Masamune is a good dungeon crawler. Also consider Magic and Baba Shouen.

>> No.4473863


Release your prisoners

>> No.4473864

Capturing A LOT of people and releasing them is one way I guess but it really does not feel like the fastest way to go, or is it?

>> No.4473883

Power bonuses (pretty common when you're using +3 global sat to clear characters) for +2 levels each. Natori (I think) in the harem is +1 level each time.

>> No.4473884

Does Fallen Warrior Hunt stack with itself?
And does Sticky Ground stack with anything?
And what is the best way to capture people either way?
Fallen Warrior Hunt and/or Sticky Ground -> Light Attack?

>> No.4473891

I think you can only capture two people every fight.

>> No.4473899

I usually get none, even while using the special skills used for capturing.
Is it just bad luck or are there things that matters that I don't know of?

>> No.4473907

I'd say bad luck

I capture people fairly often even when I don't use people with capture skills.

Been wondering if the conquest bar or whatever you should call it affects capture rate. Anyone have any hard facts or at least circumstancial evidence on that?

>> No.4473908

Reload 100 times, also not all enemies can be captured.

>> No.4473948

>Bushi damage is 6 * (your level - 0.5 * enemy level)

so wait, if a level 20 bushi attacks a level 42 enemy he'll actually heal him?

>> No.4473953


>> No.4473968

It's more complicated than in OP. The level difference factor is minimum 5, so 30 for a bushi. Also, low levels get a bonus on defense, and high levels get a penalty on offense.

>> No.4474767

The fight itself is one thing, but you have to get through 19 levels before that, which will drain quite a few of your commanders.

>> No.4476050

No, that's incorrect. The 20 levels are normal dungeon crawling. After you've finished them all, there's a cutscene before Orochi, and all your action fans are restored. Damaged units are still damaged, though.

>> No.4476084
File: 70 KB, 800x566, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget ;_;

>> No.4476125

It's much easier to get Kentaro up to 99.

>> No.4476138
File: 63 KB, 434x336, assrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4476144

What the heck, Alicesoft. In Rance 6 there's a character called "Kimchi" who works as sort of an army prostitute (she even uses the term 慰安婦, comfort women, when talking about her role). This is just delightfully not politically correct.

>> No.4476153


that's one of the more awesome pieces of fanart

>> No.4476167
File: 891 KB, 700x992, kayblis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me have you seen a Hornet?

>> No.4476175

I'm all like "NO SILL DO NOT SWITCH IN UNTIL AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE" and Sill is all like "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" and then the earthquake hits and she dies. And then Yoshikage dies from being shifted in at the wrong time, and then I don't have enough actions left.

>> No.4476245
File: 114 KB, 600x516, akashihibachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't let the colourful anime graphics fool you.
Rance puts the bar for unglamorously portraying the hell of war a little higher than most games do.

>> No.4476276

Are you being serious?

>> No.4476293

Read the description for "Outcall miko" in Sengoku.

>> No.4476439
File: 74 KB, 640x527, shizuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


About what? That she's called Kimchi? That she uses the term comfort women? That the whole thing is politically incorrect (she's portrayed as doing it out of free will and rather happy with her role)?

Also, Shizuuuukaaaaaaa

>> No.4476463

I think he meant it in a "What is your point?" tone.
