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4474192 No.4474192 [Reply] [Original]

Going to Akihabara tomorrow, took a quick look around the main street earlier but I didn't get to spend much time looking at everything. What are the main places I should check out?

No interest in: Figs/Dakis

Pic related, already went to one, but I hear there's a few more in the area.

>> No.4474223

Go to a jr. idol meet & greet

>> No.4474229

>No interest in: Figs/Dakis
What the hell has gotten into you, boy?

>> No.4474239

Would rather spend the money on doujin music and games

Maybe posters

>> No.4474237 [DELETED] 
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this is flamoot. it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths

lsd and shrooms etc are as mind opening as the rumours say, but it is a big secret because the government is performing crowd-control on the people who know about them. on the number of psychedelic users in society... they can only handle so many of those kinds of people. but psychedelic users are mostly young and hip and feel things deeply and are thus perfect victims for the very evil.


>> No.4474244

Well if I were you I'd blow a bunch of 100 yen coins at their various God-tier arcades like HEY. And once you're exhausted from that you can fap to the doujins in the melonbooks they have in the basement.

>> No.4474264


For console games head to traders, it's west of chou dori under the railway bridge. Next to an asobitcity. One of my favourite used games shops ever.

For doujin tell me the places you do know of and I'll fill in the gaps

>> No.4474279

Only place that really stood out to me was the MS in the main area just outside the subway exit.

>> No.4474297


So you haven't been to toranoana, animate, mandarake?


My problem with Hey! is that because it's one of *the* place for shmups I can't play there without feeling embarassed so I always retreat to the rhythm games. Also there are way too many tourists in there these days especially at night taking a million photos and annoying the players/staff.

>> No.4474312

Might have taken a quick glance at them but I didn't get to spend time actually seeing what they have.

I'll probably pick up one of those maps they have at Gamers if they still have them. Places for doujin stuff would be my top priority because importing them is a bitch.

>> No.4474317


They're too many tourists in Akiba.
Every time I go there I feel like cancer.

>> No.4474332

I'm Taiwanese so I like to think that if I don't say or do anything stupid people won't think I'm a foreigner.

>> No.4474345

doujin game store and try to find the elusive cirno racing
you will become god of /jp/ upon obtaining the holy grail

>> No.4474359


Ok, since you know where they are there's that, toranoana has a good used and new section. As someone already said Melonbooks is hidden a bit in the basement of Hey! Taito, you go down the staircase with a lot of lewd posters. Good for new stuff.

Mandarake is also off the main street, just before MS west into the side streets, it's on a corner. Probably the best place for used doujin goods.

Not in akiba but I'd recommend you check out Nakano Broadway Mall for doujin goods too, the mandarake there is just incredible they have dozens of different places all specializing in something.

>> No.4474360

Oh they will definately be able to tell you're a chinaman

>> No.4474366


Lucky you.
I had these Komeiji Sisters badges on my backpack during C77 walking towards Tora and two guys behind me were muttering about how I must have "勝手に買ってたじゃん" and couldn't possibly know what Touhou was.

>> No.4474367


I'm as white and tourist looking as they come so I feel very conscious of it. I just never even take a camera and play games the whole time, trying to be one of the good ones I guess.

>> No.4474369

I actually remember you posting this a while back.


>> No.4474394

I can't remember the name, but there is a doujin shop that sells everything touhou. Any music or games you want to get will be there.

There are a few places called Yellow Submarine that sell all sorts of stuff geeky, they're dotted around and you might want to pop inside. Mandarake is the big manga (and fig and daki) shop. Gamers is a second hand shop for games.

You should also pop into Hey! and/or Try. I can't remember the layout in the latter, but the former has an entire floor of STG's and another of fighters. And these are pretty big floors - every cave, raizing, toaplan, etc. game is there. Daifukkatsu Black Label just came out so they'll have a few machines for that.

And if you're into arcade games, Mak and G-Front will sell you PCBs. They don't speak English though, so know what you're going in for and talking about.

>> No.4474413

>They might think I'm a tourist
>There are too many tourists
So fucking what?

>> No.4474415


Try has half a floor of shmups iirc on the second floor and the second half is fighters which continues onto the next floor.

>> No.4474426

Oh, anyone know the cheapest places to check out headphones in Akiba?

I'm looking for some ATH-ES7s

>> No.4474433


No but I know what places you want to avoid. The "Duty Free" stores.

>> No.4474448


Sorry, I know there's only two of us online, our stories get old after a while.

>> No.4474464

what does this mean?

>> No.4474466


I'm pretty sure the Bic Camera store has a big wall of headphones you can try on. Not sure if that's the cheapest place to buy them though.

>> No.4474495

Cool. Though, my favourite arcade was Mikado in Shinjuku. I've not been back for over a year, but I hear they've moved to Takadanobaba. Which is, at the very least, fun to say.

>> No.4474539


As far as akiba goes I spend a fair amount of time in Try because they have 3 IIDX cabs including ones with the old CRT screen. I can't time the new screens for shit.

>> No.4474544


>> No.4474548

Try also still has those giant gundam cabs last I checked except they moved them upstairs (how?)

>> No.4474622

Go ask Kirsten Durst.
