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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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447001 No.447001 [Reply] [Original]

Hay /jp/,

Al my life I've only had not very exciting relationships. Deep in my heart, I've always wanted to have a girl thats had a tough life, get treated badly, and needs a shoulder to cry on. It makes you feel so protective towards them. I had something close to that once but it wasn't it.

How do you find and meet girls like that? or does that only exist in dramas and shojo manga? Also, I'm a sucker for material like that.

>> No.447021

IRL that kind of woman is very annoying. That kind of shit is only cool in movies.

>> No.447028

Go to your nearest Asylum and/or Mental Health clinic.


>> No.447039

Trust me, you don't want a girl like that. It's not all cute and "awww cry on my shoulder" like you think.

>> No.447045

Say goodbye to your privacy. She will cling to you like an unwanted shit on ass hair.

>> No.447054

Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.447055


>> No.447071

well I want them to be young of course, not like messed-up cougars. That scares the shit out of me.

Also, I'm 20. I would like them to be younger then me.

I can't find anyone like that at school (where people are either rich, bleeding-heart liberals, or too fucking old).

I can't find anyone like that at work either, as I work in an office building and people are middle aged at best.

Also, I can't see myself switching into a lower-paying job to meet people like that, as I've gotten used to the pay I have now.

>> No.447082

Huh, I'm surprised by /jp/'s response. I thought that we'd be the type of guys who would rejoice if such a girl came into our lives.

>> No.447097


Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.447110

Become a community service volunteer and find some meth addict.

>> No.447112

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) we have learned the lessons in life about how the cliches in movies and animu aren't as wonderful as it seemed in reality.

>> No.447119

I would be very happy if a girl came into my life who was *exactly* like this, but unfortunately...3D wimminz don't work like in anime.

>> No.447134

I had one in my life. Man, the most annoying thing you'll ever have.

>> No.447147

Having known one, and failed to get her... It takes a fuck ton of listening, and actually remembering what she says. Also, one wrong word can fuck you up.
Actually, this is much like all women, just to a higher extent.

>> No.447149

I hope you have no problems in your life whatsoever, because a girl like that has a shitload, and she will dump them all into your life and make it your business, expecting you to fix every little stupid shit disaster she brings on herself.

>> No.447156

I have learned something OP. Some people are just fucked up in the head. You CANNOT reason with them, logic does not work. You do not want a fucked up female.

>> No.447170

I hope you really like attention whores. Better get some practice in and post on /b/ regularly.

>> No.447183

I prefer very strong, patient women over whiny little bitches .

>> No.447188

Don't take it too personally. They're just trying to save you from a terrible mistake.

>> No.447191

OP here. Can you guys elaborate a little on your own experiences? I am curious. Thanks for the response.

>> No.447206

When you get one of those girls, it's like being set on fire. Some sort of shit is always raging at one point or another either underneath her or in front of you. This shit can explode any time and anywhere. And even if you stop drop and roll killing the fire, you will still have a chance of randomly combusting into flames despite not being on fire for years.

After typing this out I think my being on fire analogy sucks but you get the idea.

>> No.447208

>a girl thats had a tough life, get treated badly, and needs a shoulder to cry on

those are the type that become prostitutes, sir.

>> No.447225

Problem? They don't like you. Or me either, for that matter.
(We have similar tastes in women, let's bawwww together ;_;)

>> No.447226

I don't have a whiny girlfriend with issues, but I do have a male whiny roommate with issues. And boy, I tell you, there is nothing more annoying than hearing him fucking whine about his granddaddy passing away for 3 FUCKING WEEKS every single fucking midnight when I am trying get some sleep!

If that's what I get from a male, I sure know that females are even more annoying.

>> No.447244
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Now see, I've been thinking about this a lot recently as well.

I'm sure we'd all like the 'save-the-girl-from-her-sadness' Kotomi end, but in real life, shit just doesn't work that way.

Case in point, my girlfriend has a lot of problems with her dad having neglected her entire family for most of her life. Suffice to say, if it's not causing a lot of problems now, it will in the future, believe me.

That said, Kotomi End is the Best End.

>> No.447260

The one I had was EXCESSIVELY, I MEAN, CRIMINALLY nice to people. She took everything around her and made it all about everyone else. She never hated anyone. She made me feel like shit as a person because she was so nice. And when she talked about things she'd always be BRUTALLY honest about her life, like how her parents aren't doing well, how she has to help out and stuff. And she doesn't mean ill, but everyone takes it as if she's being fake, which she isn't because I've known her for god knows how long, since we were little kids together.

It's only when we started dated I realized what kind of shit I had gotten myself into.

Also, she has the body type of a fucking loli; which I realized only recently. She's like 5"1, and incessantly cute if you wanted a loli.

Typing all this, I realized how many /jp/ers would probably dig her. God, we're fucking pathetic.

>> No.447269

ITT we bust the bubbles of our fantasies.

>> No.447277

So, what happened since you started dating?

>> No.447280

And I mean every word of what I said, it's just how she was. That's why I couldn't handle it. It's just...too much. She was literally an angel and here I was, wanting to get some and not have to waste time over just one girl (parents weren't very supportive of our relationship, they wanted her to focus on her degree).

>> No.447286

It's the reason we're here.

>> No.447289

You're right, I know barely anything about her, and I love her already...

>> No.447293

goddamn I am so hard
>>since we were little kids together
my fucking god you were childhood friends too!?

That turns me on.

>> No.447294


Somehow, humans always find a reason to complain.

>> No.447305

Well with a girl like her it's really just tough. You'll feel like you pale in comparison to her. She's smart, cute, and nice, but the excessively nice part just stuck out for me like sore on a thumb. It's just not what I was looking for.

In high school I remember she'd get shit from other girls in the grade because they all thought she was fake, ya da ya da. They'd make fun of her height, claim that she cheated on tests, and in general just be real bitches about it. She did nothing on the outside about it, but she confided with me about how she felt sad for those people that they hated her.

I MEAN, WHAT? I went and just lost it with those girls, but half way through she comes and tells me its okay and restrains me to just let it go.

I calmed down and left, but the way she was just so vulnerable, yet she never wanted to do anything... I ended up hating it. Her and I were done after three years of dating through high school and through first two years of university.

We hardly now ever talk. And I can't bear to look into her eyes.

>> No.447309

So moe, that your relationship died.

>> No.447310

You don't want a girl like that.
Breaks out crying in the middle of the night.
Constant passive aggressive arguments.
Freaks out when you knock on the door when you've lost your keys.
Threatens to commit suicide every time the relationship becomes slightly strained.
Damaged goods are not worth if its just some faggot fetish you picked up from visual novels.

>> No.447311

So you had your own Misaki of sorts.

>> No.447315

Oh hell no. Misaki had some height. She may have well been the closest thing you'd ever see to a legal loli in real life.

>> No.447321


>> No.447322

you should write a book, or become an dating sim game developer

also, holy shit that shoulds exactly like what you read in shoju manga

>> No.447325

Wow, bawwwwwing bad end irl.
Didn't see it coming.

>> No.447340

May I add : since then, I have never had a meaningful relationship. I've dated a handful of girls, including another insanely cute girl (non-loli) that with her indecisiveness and my inexperience with asian girls; stripped me of any hope I had for love, and another girl that was decent, but due to the latter, I can no longer love anymore.

And no, I don't ever plan on falling back to the loli. Ever.

>> No.447346
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>> No.447349
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When you throw in the bullying, it reminded me of this. I know it sounds bad, but i just want to try. I want to experience it.

>> No.447348

so ronery ;_;
