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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 526x722, kon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4472526 No.4472526 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ know of any good eroges i can play on a mac?

>> No.4472530

No, because playing anything on mac will make it shit.

>> No.4472534

Just us virtual pc or whatever its called and play whatever.

Also Sisters of Battle without facial scarring is not moe.

>> No.4472540

Someone remind me, how many japanese folks have macs?

>> No.4472539

Use a superior OS.

>> No.4472535

>he uses a mac

>> No.4472536


pick one

>> No.4472543

can't i have my cake and eat it to?

fine...... just give me a good eroge

>> No.4472544

fuck wrong cant

>> No.4472545

It's not cake, it's a steaming pile of shit. There's a difference.

Feel free to eat it though.

>> No.4472547

I try and think of a good eroge... but they are so old that I doubt they will work on mac.

>> No.4472549

cant isn't even a word

>> No.4472552


I can't think fo a single one with mac support

That is how fucked you are bro

>> No.4472553
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Just read it as cunt in a real thick accent instead.

>> No.4472555

now it sounds like cunt

>> No.4472558

Don't worry, one day I'm sure there will be a good VN for the mac, even if I have to make it myself!

>> No.4472562

Why do you faggots buy a mac if you actually want to do things on them later? You know they are just desk ornaments right?

>> No.4472565

Google says you can just use shit like RealLive virtual machine and play stuff.

Go do that

>> No.4472570


On second read, if you're just asking for a good eroge with or without mac support, then vndb.org because good is subjective.

>> No.4472568

school, either way i have windows and mac on the same laptop, so really any suggestion will work

>> No.4472580
File: 19 KB, 625x358, nawnaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you need a mac for school

>> No.4472584

it was free, i am not going to pass free up

>> No.4472591 [DELETED] 


>> No.4472606

Mac users are almost as bad as iPhone users.

>> No.4472611
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>> No.4472613

They probably meant for you to use them as paperweights.

>> No.4472614

How dare they enjoy a free market and/or oppose market monopoly!

>> No.4472618
File: 19 KB, 280x284, bernsuprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no its not true!

>> No.4472619

1. Run Boot Camp.

2. Install Windows. Boot into Windows.

3. Run anything at native speed.

I got this MacBook Pro as a present and I hardly ever boot into OS X anymore.

>> No.4472621
File: 14 KB, 222x219, 1262249951296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next he'll go buy an iPad to be hip and trendy like his Mac friends, who have no other friends.

>> No.4472622

How is that an excuse to use an inferior product?

>> No.4472624

I like how when the iphone came out in japan, all the nips laughed at it because the phones they already had were 10x better than it.

>> No.4472629
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>> No.4472634

Lower prices on windows products, higher overall quality, this is pretty simple stuff to understand here.

>> No.4472632

Oh come on. No one will really buy an iPad ...right?

>> No.4472636

>his Mac friends, who have no other friends.
>Mac users have no friends that aren't Mac users.

...I thought you were my friend, CurryButt...

>> No.4472642
File: 21 KB, 704x480, 1233893565134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always an exception to the rule, in this case that would be you. Don't worry, we're bros.

>> No.4472644

So people would willingly buy a Mac just to make Windows better? That makes no sense. Consumers don't think like that.

>> No.4472645
File: 32 KB, 540x372, curryrage5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, its cool.

>> No.4472652


I wish. Macfags would buy Steve Job's feces if they could.

>> No.4472653

When did I ever say people did that?

>> No.4472654

Hey now, I messed up. I can be your friend without you being mine, so I needed to swap that around. You can't fault me for fixing a fuckup.

Besides, I make you quote deleted posts all the time. If I did it on purpose I could call it a hobby.

>> No.4472662
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its okay dont worry

>> No.4472671 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 802x320, CurryButt has a heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. I haven't forgotten, you know...

>> No.4472673

ITT: People who've never used a Mac bash Macs because it's "cool" to bash Macs.

>> No.4472679
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>> No.4472683

What? I've used Macs plenty.

>> No.4472689


Or maybe because they can't run jackshit

>> No.4472693
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>> No.4472685

Well, pretty much every Mac thread turns out that way.

>> No.4472698

Yeah because you have to use something to know it's shit.

>nah man that stuff's bad for you

>> No.4472699

Hey man, I've run jackshit on a mac, but it wasn't pretty.

>> No.4472703

Bitches don't know 'bout my Boot Camp.

>> No.4472705

ITT: People who bash macs because they're shit

>> No.4472716

I've never had a problem with mine...

>> No.4472722

That really only applies to games - other types of software aren't really lacking nearly as much.

>> No.4472730

Nah, most of my university's labs are macs and I had to use one at one of my old jobs. They're shit.

>> No.4472731


If anything other than games actually matter, it would be the perpetual year of the linux desktop.

>> No.4472735

But other types of software, in addition to games, are available on Windows, and it's less expensive.

>> No.4472747

>implying you pay for software

>> No.4472751

I was referring to the price of PCs versus Macs, not the software.

>> No.4472757


Another area where PCs are superior. Shit is cracked so much faster.

>> No.4472758

