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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.44724773

Jesus fuck Mariri. Time and time again you force me to jerk my little wiener

>> No.44724805
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>> No.44724900
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>> No.44725325

We weren't on page 10 but nice brapper.

>> No.44725518


>> No.44725685

I really like Ayamis voice but it's too bad that she usually chooses to sing shit songs.

>> No.44726265

she's consistently fucked herself over by singing long dead city-pop yes

i don't think she'll ever see any commercial success if she sticks with it, but at least she enjoys it though

>> No.44726319

>but at least she enjoys it though
And I am happy for her. It's better to do what you love and be less succesful than do something you hate and be a megastar.

>> No.44726702
File: 198 KB, 1585x1034, F6jQdyEa8AAao-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44727240

I think Ayami always liked older music. When they were talking about 3A.M., Ayaka said she likes Kpop, Ayami said Enka, and Airi... someone needs to remind me.

>> No.44727291

i know it's Love Live but it looks more like hentai

>> No.44727365

I love her and I'll make her my wife someday.

>> No.44727673
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>> No.44727685

Did they fix her teeth?

>> No.44727799
File: 3.04 MB, 1440x1079, 1683603346572011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Gumbo looks fucking delicious these days

>> No.44728050
File: 206 KB, 1080x1619, FB_IMG_1695482854877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Babymetal general
>nothing but pics of talentless nobodies that aren't even in Babymetal
Why are you guys like this?

>> No.44728148

cuz su is an ugly man who acts like a little girl

>> No.44728156

Triggered even without bait.
Why are you bmfags like this

>> No.44728324
File: 57 KB, 1044x1760, mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Raura was hot?

>> No.44728355
File: 95 KB, 564x1001, 698ee656-df46-4c8a-b1b9-ef33168b625c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish that was my cock

>> No.44728561

A real fan would never say that. Rau will always be beautiful.

>> No.44728603

damn!! I want to see Su wearing that outfit!!

>> No.44728649
File: 61 KB, 1200x547, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon thinks that a bad caption makes you ugly. Dude, try this experiment: go to Youtube a grab an interview or whatever with the woman you think is the most beautiful woman in the world. Now, pause it, pause it like hell. You will find lots of "ugly" captions that every freaking human being does that the human eye simple dont catch

(random SuMoa pic just because they are the best)

>> No.44728745
File: 153 KB, 1080x1350, hotraura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually what I did, just for a laugh. Of course Raura is still very hot, but the whole video is not very flattering. Bad lighting mostly.

>> No.44728756

Triggered without bait. Why are you so lonely and attention seeking?

>> No.44728802
File: 51 KB, 580x322, 1491082918868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Babymetal general
died miserably every time you tried and you came back crying with the nobodies

>> No.44728875

because it's fun

why do you brap so much?

and what's with the brown staining?

>> No.44728884


>> No.44728980

you won't find her

>> No.44729033
File: 163 KB, 901x318, aicuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there used to be a crowd (of 5 fuckers maybe) obsessed with saying aiko was pure, including that fag soufriere mentioned last thread

now she is openly on videos with jav recruiting looking motherfuckers lol

>> No.44729045
File: 35 KB, 564x564, c817109043701de2acd6a2ab09fdb311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it's fun
No its not, its sad, really sad and pathetic. Brown staining? what are you, 4? hope so, because you still have a life time to change

>> No.44729238


So this is what happens when it's not an internet poll that only Babymetal fans know or care about.

>> No.44729246

Jav what? You think Aiko isn't pure just because she got drunk?

>> No.44729259

you're taking things way too seriously

>> No.44729280

why shouldnt i? i mean, im not but why if i did? People gets hurt because of people like this manchild who sometimes are on a position of power (thanks to mommy and daddy). Let me at least tell him how pathetic he is

>> No.44729283

motherfuckers acting like this is some huge scandal when she's literally just a normal girl hanging out with people like all normal people do

>> No.44729286

because it's better for you

you are speaking to this supposed manchild btw

did you think i meant what i said about su, and would it matter?

>> No.44729290

BM is a cringe gimmick group.

>> No.44729324

i dont care what you said about Su, i dont care if you meant it or not. Im not trigger because "you attack my favorite person in the world". Im "triggered" because you belive being an idiot is fun, and im telling you its not: its sad and pathetic, thats all. Trust me, its not good being an idiots, unless you have power

>> No.44729326

calm down. Aiko isn't even dressed like onefive

>> No.44729340

it's better to relax, don't worry about it so much then

>> No.44729344

If you don’t mean what you say, why even say it at all? Why come here and just write stupid nonsense that doesn’t even represent you or anyone’s feelings, for no reason at all?
It’s not comical, it’s not interesting, it’s just a desperate cry for attention in the least logical way.
Unless of course you do it specifically for negative attention. Which comes back around to it being sad and psychotic.

>> No.44729347

>its not good being an idiot
>unless you have power
Elon Musk debunked this

>> No.44729351

why even say it at all you say

then maybe you are getting somewhere

>> No.44729358

>huge scandal
cope soufriere cuck

>> No.44729372

Eh? Elon proves my point: he is an idiot with power. Guess you are part of the other category: and idiot with no power

>> No.44729414
File: 531 KB, 798x720, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori-sensei knows Aiko isn't pure

>> No.44729541

Elon is awesome

>> No.44730426

anyone interested in an Aftershock (oct 6) 1 day pass for Babylok in Sacramento?

>> No.44730447

Has Su ever shown buttcheek in any known photos or videos we can see?

>> No.44730489

>anon outing himself as an filthy redditor
You really need to go back

>> No.44730507
File: 2.12 MB, 1280x720, 1665326781838478.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the closest we have ever gotten to seeing Su's cheeks

>> No.44730794

Japan doing this inappropriate costumes when they were underage and not now. Fuck the logic

>> No.44731103
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>> No.44731195
File: 70 KB, 1080x720, 1000060168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless dem pits are back

>> No.44731251
File: 131 KB, 1440x962, 1695504449383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Anon I was literally about to post that same pic. Well heres another from the same set.

>> No.44731258
File: 163 KB, 1440x962, 1695504443219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's Momos turn to wear the fake tattoo

>> No.44731306
File: 100 KB, 1024x558, F6vWfvLboAAfDdz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish giant Su would step on me

>> No.44731402

How are they all so beautiful?

>> No.44731415

low standards

>> No.44731419

I'm pretty sure they have new ear monitors for this tour.

>> No.44731421

woah dude that's freaking crazy tell me more about this

>> No.44731443

>using straight pickups with fanned frets

>> No.44731461

Right, you only care about their looks...

>> No.44731466

Cute meatloaf on the left

>> No.44731976

will i go to hell if i fap to this? this is an important question, goddammit! please answer. thank you.

>> No.44732113

nah, you're normal

>> No.44732383
File: 78 KB, 720x900, 7e14d842c4b1b45bc1a09a9f66a07a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44732664
File: 3.53 MB, 2910x2252, db016e7cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new wikipedia pic

>> No.44733046
File: 170 KB, 1368x648, 113447_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiko is a real whore

>> No.44733197

they deleted?

>> No.44733219

geisha are not prostitutes

>> No.44733229
File: 624 KB, 876x762, Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 11.00.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruhh you know it well they took her home.

>> No.44733307

they're prostitutes with extra steps

>> No.44733410

I bet nobody even knows who she is

>> No.44733464

The best thing about going to a BM show is never having to see a nigger. Gimme Chocolate is clearly a warning to young girls about miggers. What's your favorite thing about Babymetal?


>> No.44733469

They are not geisha. They are real prostitutes in cosplay.

>> No.44733521

Shut the fuck up. There were several black people and they are always welcome.

>> No.44733569

goddamn Amuse. he looks like he doesn't want to do it and they look like they just went there to promote even tho dude had a live.

>> No.44733576

that is hideous

>> No.44733580

they kept them niggers backstage for their bbc.

>> No.44733621

define "pure" in this context niga

>> No.44733652

>"several" niggers in a crowd of thousands oblivious to well known Japanese racism, especially towards the kokujin.
You sound like the kind of nigger who thinks he can steal fizzy lifting drinks and get away with it.


>> No.44733698

It's better because niggers are racist against Asians

>> No.44733726

Boh's contract specifically states he gets first choice for his after show blow job. I heard he's been favoring Momo lately and that Su and Moa are getting extremely jealous.

>> No.44733743

Boh isn't even with the band anymore

>> No.44733813

He still stops by when they're Japside, mostly just to watch them fight over who gets to suck his dick first.

>> No.44733847
File: 149 KB, 1108x1477, 1580488493335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically, guy asked them where they met and dude pointed out
>over there
>did you just picked her up?
>...un (both nods)
>have you exchanged lines yet
>not yet
>brings out phones to exchange line
>other dude sneakily scanned aiko's line

>> No.44733902

now i know why that ohasuta niga took home those 15yo girls to his home.

>> No.44734052
File: 33 KB, 600x411, e5159f819cf40c830818ab7ea478de7620230415115303475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that prostitute pretends to be friendly with Momoko, Momoko's father calls the Yakuza

>> No.44734104

fapping right now imagining a blowjob from Su

>> No.44734188

Damn, Aiko is really that easy?

>> No.44734217

could be someone she already knew and they were just joking... but then again why are they just exchanging lines right there.

>> No.44734303

honestly i'm not really surprised that Aiko is kinda dirty because she always gave me a jealous bitch vibe

>> No.44734539
File: 191 KB, 1080x1350, 382436660_688103669571492_1201033043277719984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the real prostitute Aiko, Mariri looks so pure.

>> No.44734680

she's always been pure, she's showing brapper to earn money whilst aiko is spending money to get someone to do coke on her brapper

>> No.44734799

says the momoe pedo

>> No.44734855

low iq

>> No.44734875

low t

>> No.44734906

I think so too. I atleast remember them having white/clear monitors instead of these black ones before.

>> No.44735011


>> No.44735226


>> No.44735383

You're not fit to lick Momoe's hairy pit. Brap brap bitch.

>> No.44737938
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's our first time meeting, but were going to have sex
>this woman is too slutty ww

>> No.44738248

Goddamn, Moa looks thicc AF in these new photos. Can you imagine how big her tits must be? Imagine getting titty fucked by Moa and Momoko at the same time!

>> No.44738433

I was going to imagine titty fucking Su but then I remembered he's a man

>> No.44738452

No, Su is a woman with a penis. There's a difference.

>> No.44738619


>> No.44738685

Why don't you guys talk about their music instead of their bodies?

>> No.44738793

Because /jp/ is just one big jerking off session for dumb horny weebs and pedos.

>> No.44738854

This is a Babymetal song about bullies like you hating on Su's penis. Maybe you should try listening to it instead of talking about it.


>> No.44739140

Was the video deleted? Can’t find it.
How many jap dicks has Aiko had? Typical rich bitch attitude.

>> No.44739161

BM should have a TikTok acct where MomoMoa do silly dances in bikinis while a fully clothed Su scolds them.

>> No.44739189


Stop responding to yourself, faggot.

>> No.44739280

??? >>44728884

>> No.44739300

Brapper will never ever be funny or relevant again. It’s not even an effective “shitpost” in this era. You just come off as a stubborn incessant cunt.

>> No.44739437

What is this text? That’s not in the original video at all. Did one of you do this or was it made by some Jap on 2ch?

>> No.44739651

*braps in japanese*

>> No.44739904

its the thumbnail of the video...

>> No.44740131
File: 1.71 MB, 1366x768, ririririri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mariri is fluent in brapanese. Native almost.

>> No.44740168

no way, can she teach me?

>> No.44740186

you continually sound like a retarded broken record

>> No.44740194


>> No.44740370

moa's hair looks so much more brown in person

>> No.44740560

Did you see them at Louder than life? Moas haircolor is especially noticeable during daylight. Usually their shows are in the dark so it's really hard to notice even in person

>> No.44740597

Moa is so predictable. Her "favorite" song is always the current single and she always just promotes the artists babymetal is collaborating with (well Måneskin is atleast an exception). Would be more interesting to hear Su's or Momos answer to this question

>> No.44740683

It was somewhere else but I guess the lighting was good. She was headbanging so hard with her whole upper body up and down during Headbanger with her long hair that I would describe as light brown. I knew she always had brown hair but I was surprised by how light it was and I wonder if she dyed it.

>> No.44740700

>She was headbanging so hard with her whole upper body up and down during Headbanger
I love that they added that to the Headbanger choreo this tour. Looks so badass

>> No.44740748

I don't know why their shows are so dark, if 2/3 of the clothes are already dark too

>> No.44740754

It was a great moment that is burned into my memory forever. I also caught a short glimpse of Momoko completing a heart with a fan with one of her hands, which seems like her signature move now. My dumb ass was staring at the ground when squatted during Metali instead of looking at her. People don't think straight when they are super excited.

>> No.44740760

The red and blue lighting makes it even harder to see.

>> No.44741425
File: 193 KB, 1440x1080, _383093472_18390899947060709_211313281496991055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who the guy is but thanks to him we got yet another out of costume babymetal pic!

>> No.44741484

Catering, Moa's favorite spot to be.

>> No.44741537

Who the fuck is Jose Mangin?

>> No.44741552

second. Su´s bed is her favorite spot to be (damn, i envy both!!!)

>> No.44741566

lol didn't even notice that. Good eye anon. Also Momo the only one repping tour merch in both of these out of costume pics. She really takes the marketing seriously or she just really likes the shirt which I would agree with her since it's imo the best shirt they have had for sale in years.

>> No.44741606

Moa has said she can't sleep alone, so you might be right.

>> No.44741619

Kek I've seen him before but for some reason he doesn't have a Wikipedia page.

He seems to be a well known producer/personality in the Hard Rock and Metal space. I think he was the MC or something for the LTL festival show.

On a side note I like how the girls are just hanging around catering seemingly with lax or no security. Looks like a nice change of pace

>> No.44741656

>On a side note I like how the girls are just hanging around catering seemingly with lax or no security
Yeah the whole vibe of this tour is a lot more relaxed than it has been in the past. Which is a really good thing since they are performing more than ever this year so it's nice to see that they are able to relax when they have some down time

>> No.44741660

hol up, is momoko's phone case literally peaches or am i seeing things?

>> No.44741682

Looks like it. If it really is then that's fucking cute

>> No.44741721
File: 1.47 MB, 1322x2663, 6528305cv13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best timeline.

>> No.44741746
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>> No.44741800

Damn. Momoko clearly earning the big bucks if she is holding a iPhone 14 pro max

>> No.44741819
File: 254 KB, 1600x1067, 3e550b011a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44742029

so adorable

>> No.44742434
File: 3.93 MB, 1881x2317, Babymetal_performing_at_RBC_Echo_Beach,_Toronto,_2023-09-18_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44742439

Would kiss that egg

>> No.44743082

would fertilize that egg

>> No.44743197

Fat shallow bitch.

>> No.44743342

is it weird to be obsessed with babymetal? i mean there are people obsessed with sports teams, celebrities and anime.

>> No.44743352

i missed that, lol. that youtuber seems notorious for doing this kinda shit as well, interviewing random sluts about sex

>> No.44743401

Um, she's not even in that vid?

>> No.44743612


>> No.44743630

just because i had sex with aiko doesn't mean she's a slut it just means she's desperate

>> No.44743683

>Out of costume
>Totally decked out in their own merch
BM aren’t even real people, total puppets for Kobitch.

>> No.44743715

yeah su is perfect for that role since she's air-headed and a futa

>> No.44743771

Japanese Futa Goddess Suzuka Nakamoto

>> No.44743777

This is why Yui's baby is Su's. Futa is more than just looks.

>> No.44743892

>one shirt
>totally decked out

>> No.44743929
File: 145 KB, 740x613, FlightToJapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is unhealthy to be seriously obsessed with anything. But it's perfectly fine and not weird to be a superfan of BM. I was a BM fanatic from 2012 through 2016. It faded after that, but during that time I couldn't get enough. It was a lot of fun.

>> No.44743940

why is it always aiko, can't it be someone else. i can't fap to this

>> No.44743960

This is true. Suzuka impregnated Yui with her fat girl cock and her thick, potent girl cum. That's why Yui had to leave Babymetal. Of course Su never claimed paternity or talked about what happened because she is a true based futa gigachad who pumps and dumps. The powers that be (Amuse) don't want people to know this. But it's the truth.

>> No.44743996
File: 2.10 MB, 1610x2522, Babymetal_performing_at_RBC_Echo_Beach,_Toronto,_2023-09-18_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44744022

these photos you are posting are really not good

>> No.44744024


>> No.44744075

I think about them every day and I feel like there is an endless source of passion and excitement and energy. I hope it never fades.

>> No.44744115


>a complete lack of self awareness from the resident mentally challenged

>> No.44744147


>> No.44744224
File: 387 KB, 705x498, SuMom~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44744252



>> No.44744261

>a complete lack of self awareness from the resident mentally challenged

I'm sorry you feel this way about yourself. It sounds to me like you have some issues with self esteem. Have you considered getting professional help? Anyway, wishing you the best and good luck on your journey. :)

>> No.44744301

What's wrong with Aiko?

>> No.44744408

I see 2 yous on that list

>> No.44744458

how easy is it to pickup drunk girls in shibuya?

>> No.44744494

Su's answer would be Till Lindemann. Based Till would be all over that.

>> No.44744521

My dream dinner date is su

>> No.44744524
File: 287 KB, 1080x1350, 380754757_335066552257639_3117291824947274678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cock collector

>> No.44744531

Su would invite Sabaton, BMTH, and Dragonforce

>> No.44744539

nah that's too creepy

>> No.44744544

he only gives yous for brapper and futa. definitely some serious issues. probably sneaks into little girls bedrooms and steals their dirty underwear. i'm surprised he's still getting away with it. i'm sure it's only a matter of time before they catch the sick pervert.

>> No.44744549

Fuck, I forgot about the METAL GOD Rob Halford

>> No.44744559

Moa is aware that Chester passed away right

>> No.44744571

This little sweetie can collect mine any time she wants.

>> No.44744611

Don't you know that Yume is only 15 years old? Why would you say that?

>> No.44744612

Måneskin? Moa is 100% gay

>> No.44744636

maybe it was just an accident

>> No.44744686
File: 127 KB, 1080x1498, FB_IMG_1695608033611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Momoko

>> No.44744737
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>> No.44744738
File: 1.76 MB, 1800x1013, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44744741
File: 73 KB, 720x720, kat_shrugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like she is in her mayli wang phase as a rich bitch

remember when aicucks were clenching because trad angel megumi stopped talking to her lol

>> No.44744762

Wtf are you talking about? I don't even know who those people are. Talk about people who actually matter ffs

>> No.44744797
File: 88 KB, 1080x1031, 1695578442055909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the local new faggot talked to me

>> No.44744812

depends on you, are you successful at picking up girls in your home country? if so, then yes, you might have the necessary skills to have similar success in Shibuya

>> No.44744888

Look how bent the armor is. It can't cover Momoko's tits.

>> No.44744932

Moa raped Yui every night, so Yui's health deteriorated.

>> No.44744945

Hot take: Yui got roughly double penetrated, spit roasted, and gang banged every night by Futa Su and Futa Moa.

>> No.44744986

>samefagging this hard because you got roasted for being a loser
You really don’t intend to go even a single day with any pride in tact huh.

>> No.44744987
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>> No.44745044
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>> No.44745102
File: 212 KB, 606x1078, autumn_milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44745109

no not about that, cuz what if it's harder in my country and easier in shibuya?

>> No.44745119

tbf i don't think anyone from sg talks to her anymore.

>> No.44745189

Does Su even have any friends? We always see Moa in pics with her friends.

>> No.44745213
File: 143 KB, 1108x1477, 1679551276986096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a pic with a """"friend"""" at a baseball game
>geisha work
>accepts to appear in hook up / night life video
The real kek part is that she seems to be purposefully building a slutty image, the above is all from this year.
The original leak was she caught red handed with some edgy behavior, but this is intentional, trashy af.
I think the fuck boy messed with her mind.

>> No.44745247

>Your score: 0/3
Would you like to play again?

>> No.44745264

Suzuka's rosary necklace looks nice.


>> No.44745293

bruh she is a hostess in ginza. guessed it's true she got kicked out of her family. lmao the president guess also didn't like her and left

>> No.44745299

Is Aiko actually rich?

>> No.44745357

Boob size rank
1 Momoko
2 Sara
3 Miku

36 Momoe

>> No.44745394

working class gakus lived in the amuse dorms
iirc aiko had daily flights tokyo-kagoshima

>> No.44745466

It's harder in Shibuya

>> No.44745481
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>> No.44745618

Megu chads stay winning

>> No.44745636

Momoko is probably rich too because her dad is a famous comedian. No wonder she has an expensive iPhone.

>> No.44745671

The ticket price for Momoko's Dad's show is $675

>> No.44745679

How much for an Aiko show?

>> No.44745683

>Totally decked out in their own merch
Tour life can be fucking tough so it's a lot easier to just wear some of the merch instead of carrying your own shit

>> No.44745687

Babymetal are such dorks. Both Suzuka (who wears shoes on the wrong feet and almost went down the wrong alley) and Momoko (who got the worst nendo test scores and got lost walking off the stage) are total airheads, and Moa is hopelessly obsessed with anything related to food. They are the best.

>> No.44745696

anon, prostitution is outlawed in japan

>> No.44745715

so to summarize:
>rich family puts her into entertainment biz
>she eventually rebels by hooking up with some lowlife while starting her solo career
>get caught
>bf leaks shit
>career over, get kicked out
>starts working in shitty hostess club to make ends meet
>constantly miss last train due to this
>all friends ditched her so always feels lonely
>gets nampa'd daily

bros at this rate it's only a question of time till either a drug addiction kills her or she gets recruited for jav

>> No.44745722

yeah totally outlawed. on an unrelated note here is a map of the 3487924 soap lands, bunny bars and hostess clubs

>> No.44745725

You are no aware that Yui and Aiko always were best buddies who went out partying together

>> No.44745746

everyone knows where she works and where she hangs out at night. she's apparently quite the easy catch too. so why exactly has no foreign fukei fucked and filmed her yet? she seems like the girl who'd be down to get fucked by a cock bigger than the japanese. it's so fucking easy but nobody does it? or they just too scared to leak the tapes?

>> No.44745772

I don't think those photos of her looking drunk did anything to her career. Even though she plays the piano well, her music was just boring. Amuse puts out artists if they don't succeed financially.

>> No.44745781

bro you better watch out Soufrierre will hack you and find where you live

>> No.44745783

Pretending is something children do anon. Are you implying you’re underage and should be banned? Well, I guess blatant bad trolling and pedophilia is grounds enough to be banned already.

>> No.44745785
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maybe she doesn't like gaijin

>> No.44745792

If this is a challenge or request, I’m a 7/10 fit gaijin near Tokyo. Give me the info on where she can be found and I’ll see what I can do.

>> No.44745827

you could be a 10 fit and they would still choose 5 skinny jap over any gaijin.

>> No.44745835

>constantly miss last train due to this
seems like it, cuz she alone on that video.

>> No.44745846
File: 2.69 MB, 320x568, moa gift.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moa receiving a fan gifts

>> No.44745897

I wanna see Su dance naked while her girl dick bounces and flops around.

>> No.44745912
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>> No.44745918

Su has relentlessly cute ears and I’m sick and tired of BABYMETAL & SAKURA GAKUIN GENERAL pretending that she doesn’t.

>> No.44745920

>shitty hostess club
the geisha place looks fancy
probably fishing for a rich mofo to go back to being pampered

>> No.44745925

aiko for goblinoid futa sex

>> No.44745949

Aiko getting fucked by futa Su

>> No.44745977

You're an ugly person.

>> No.44745997

Didn't Koba pay Moa wages?

>> No.44746022

you are the biggest loser on /jp/, which is a pretty big accomplishment

>> No.44746065
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>> No.44746124

Su's only friends are Momoko's tits and Moa's asshole

>> No.44746205

First, Su titty fucks Momoko and blasts cum all over her big, fat titties. Then, she fucks Moa's ass hard and cums inside her. Su only fucks Moa in the ass to avoid getting her pregnant. She learned her lesson after getting Yui pregnant. Futa Su with a MASSIVE penis. A penis so big she could suck herself off.

>> No.44746289

I think the question asked included "people who are dead or alive" so I think she knows. Or if she does not hopefully someone told her after

>> No.44746303
File: 2.67 MB, 300x300, 1577583473556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing Sakura Gakuin ended. we can't have aiko be rolemodels for gaks

>> No.44746334

We can't let a 20 year old girl act like a 20 year old girl, that would be weird.

>> No.44746671

Jesus christ she is so close. You could practically sniff her sweat

>> No.44747002

Futa Su with a big penis and huge balls.

>> No.44747075

if you're ugly and inept in your own country you're still ugly and inept in Japan

>> No.44747209



>> No.44747846

im japanese girl, ama

>> No.44747883
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, kano in 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets nampa'd daily
oh, so that's what kano meant by this

>> No.44747928

Only 6 yous in that list idiot! Don't you look stupid!

>> No.44747977

Is tsukihime real

>> No.44748080

I love Momoko

>> No.44748181
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>> No.44748539

Momoko's bouncing boobies!

>> No.44748562

naughty baby

>> No.44748612

Without the armor, Momoko's tits would have hit her face

>> No.44748773

they're not bouncing

>> No.44748918
File: 3.51 MB, 648x648, 4352ee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Water

>> No.44749024

>all women are whores
incel cope

>> No.44749051

Women left to their own devices will be whores.
Did you know that women are wired to moan during sex to attract more men to fuck her?

>> No.44749298

Will you idiots shut up and post Suzuka?

>> No.44749305
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>> No.44749323
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i only post cute su

>> No.44749868
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>Are you implying you’re underage and should be banned?

>> No.44749873

Is that why your mom doesn't shut the fuck up when getting dicked?

>> No.44749998
File: 99 KB, 540x540, MoaApproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 yous

>> No.44750470

If there was a mid Chad gaijin, there be no way they would shoot for Aiko, they rather go for Megu or even, Yunano.

>> No.44750622

yeah cause yunano wouldnt have any stds unlike aiko

>> No.44750949
File: 375 KB, 1200x900, F61rf76agAAjPvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine paying more than $10 for one of these

>> No.44750976

Yeah and those folding fans look cheap as well.

>> No.44751046

>as well

>> No.44751069

Wish I could have bought more than just one. Luckily the shirts were also cool so buying them also made it worth the shipping price.

>> No.44751092

they all look so unhappy... like they know something has gone horribly wrong but they're not allowed to say anything.

>> No.44751152

>projection the post

>> No.44751183


>> No.44751319

How do people see anything at Babymetal concerts nowadays? Their outfits are like dazzle camouflage and the stage is red most of the time.

>> No.44751441

The shipping is the biggest issue. I don't know how other websites ship so cheaply in comparison.

>> No.44751489


>> No.44751498

i think everyone would just LOVE to have FAT Moa's sweat

>> No.44751539

I want to lick FAT Moa's sweaty armpits and butthole

>> No.44751548

>queer the post

>> No.44751552
File: 378 KB, 1080x1080, a798b1bf15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe this isn't sold out

>> No.44751561

prolly cause aiko is in it

>> No.44751566

Luckily the yen is super low so the shipping isn't as bad as it used to be. Back in like 2021 it used to be like 50 euros to ship shit to Europe and now it's like 30 euros (still super expensive but atleast not as bad)

>> No.44751576

Left winger once again showing that they can't meme

>> No.44751647

i want to SLATHER Momoko's big FAT tits with FAT Moa's sweat and lick them

>> No.44751831

>left can't meme
>spewing last week faggotry
it's like you want everyone to point at you and laugh

>> No.44751874

back when they were still fuckable

>> No.44752134

Everybodys too busy to laugh at you to be able to laugh at me

>> No.44752186
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>> No.44752235
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Kano still is. Soyo, Mori and that other girl too

>> No.44752284

nahh too old

>> No.44752523
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>> No.44752588
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Moa means Most Loved

>> No.44752659
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>> No.44752732
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>> No.44752868

Still not sure why people enrich the hyper-predatory producers behind these idols, especially when the music is shit or the girls are just kinda meh.
>love to simp to jap men that hate me but love my money
>falling into an asian autistic lonely tiger trap on vacation, I continued to do it even when I went home! for years!

>> No.44753059

This isn't the K-pop thread.

>> No.44753212
File: 2.33 MB, 2736x4104, babymetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High resolution. Her microphone says "SU" on it.

>> No.44753241
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>> No.44753252
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>NO U!

>> No.44753274

holy shit this is the hard hitting info we needed here. thank you anon. truly thank you.

>> No.44753312
File: 182 KB, 1080x1322, FqOToc2XsAEmQJX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what have you contributed to these threads other than being a prickly faggot?

>> No.44753322

more than you could ever imagine

>> No.44753323

>Her microphone says "SU" on it.
Who could have imagined such a thing?

>> No.44753365

on the reverse side is says "FUTA"

>> No.44753564

i wonder if she ever sticks it up moa's sweaty asshole. i mean the the mike, not her huge futa cock. we already know she does that.

>> No.44753591
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Marina really the only one who makes any attempt to keep the spirit of SG alive.

>> No.44753614

>replying to yourself
You should just close the internet and never open it again

>> No.44753620

Who cares.
You can’t let go or move on, and that’s sad and unhealthy.

>> No.44753727

Low IQ mong or subhuman shitskin? Post back of hand w/timestamp to confirm.
Thank you

>> No.44753755

>Who cares.
koba and bm48

>> No.44753756

Nobody was talking to your Koba nut swallowing, faggot ass. Go shove a porcupine up your rectal cavity and maybe it will help adjust your salty disposition.

>> No.44753790

you should lick my hairy brapper

>> No.44754015

Japanese honor tradition unlike Westerners.

>> No.44754052

I also have a hairy brapper for him to lick in addition to my sweaty hairy balls. I'll just tell him that they're almost as tasty as Moa's sweaty armpits and he'll be slurping away in no time. =)

>> No.44754114
File: 7 KB, 201x251, futametal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futa Su's sweaty hairy futa balls.

>> No.44754247

Is that the face she makes when she sees Koba's cock?

>> No.44754283

No, when she sees Momoko's.

>> No.44754637
File: 163 KB, 1440x962, 381781062_18402901432000192_3002345524822690658_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Su's sleeve is literally falling apart

>> No.44754758

Why are you gay?

>> No.44754852

So you only post underage Su? Pedophile.

>> No.44754872

Su's face when I start licking and sucking her sweaty, hairy futa balls.

>> No.44754874

fapping pretty hard to Su right now

>> No.44755027

Lol. It’s always easy to identify a sperglord like you, who absolutely refuses to acknowledge he is one.
Everytime he does something manic and is called out for it, his only reaction is to sling baseless insults haphazardly and try to change the subject.
The signs of a tried and true sociopath.

>> No.44755046


Mental illness.

>> No.44755060

that's a cute detail

>> No.44755156

>Confirmed for low IQ and subuman shitskin.
Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.44755535

This >>44755156 reply brought to you by: TRIGGERED NEET

>> No.44755544
File: 222 KB, 1616x1080, Kd1ZVoAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been doing it for a while. I don't know why because Su is the only one who uses a mic.

>> No.44755729

This >>44755535 reply brought to you by: Low IQ subhuman shitskin

>> No.44755997
File: 77 KB, 860x1152, 5d1314dcc394d56ce1ce3e46f0c923e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> oh nooo... He's ruining the thread again :O
> just let them talk to themselves and move on Anon ;_;
> oh nooo... I'm gunna engage them again >:

>> No.44756008

Top shelf brapper slut.

>> No.44756025
File: 55 KB, 720x704, FqOTV6XXsAEkzhU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

366 / 73 = 4,60
That means there's no more than 10 people here LMAO

>> No.44756193

It’s often true that people who arrogantly believe themselves to be the smartest and most interesting are actually the dumbest most cringeworthy people.
Cool to see that rule also applies here.

>> No.44756263
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>> No.44756275

>mental greatness

there, fixed that for you, as they say
