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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44723881 No.44723881 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>44542203

>> No.44723894
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, Sarasa Feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44724487

Feeding Sarasa Feed with my seed

>> No.44726935

>another fucking mid4dj op
Fuck off to /vmg/ already

>> No.44726965
File: 99 KB, 961x859, 1667842291217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Sarasa Feed OP though

>> No.44727460

I don't know why it is being pushed so much despite the web novel ended years ago, but now I fully expect Sarasa Feed collab event in the new Atelier mobage.

>> No.44727473

Isn't the LN still ongoing? It also got an anime about a year ago.

>> No.44727606

LN died with the WN without its latest volume published, then it came back after the anime was greenlit 2 years later.
Crazy how it is now part of the publication label celebration along with Date a Live, High School DxD, Saekano and Amagi Brilliant Park.

>> No.44727657

>Atelier Resleriana 10 rolls cost 6k yen.
They are already going full bump and dump mode.

>> No.44727678

That's like twice of the normal rate. What about pity mechanism?

>> No.44727707

Is this supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.44727814

Can't play the game myself because emu ban but from the obviously not really pleased nips on 2ch.
>can only do 10 rolls.
>4% rate for 3* characters, 0,5% for pickup.
>need 12 dupes to get one character from 3* to 5*
>6k yen per 10 roll, with 1/2 discount for first purchase
>150 rolls for pity, 90k yen in total, same as GBF.
Look like they really want to get back that development cost as fast as possible.

>> No.44728039

>Atelier has no fucking character viewer
>none at all, you can't rotate characters or even look at their bottom half. best you seem to get is the biography screen
>apparently no option to change characters in the home screen

Literally how do you fuck this up? Even the Blue Reflection gacha has this.

>> No.44728093

I expect nothing from Koei and Gust. They hate us coomers.

>> No.44728094

It's 0.5% per character pickup so the actual pick up rate right now is half the total 4% rate. 2% being equal to the memoria rate. I don't like the idea of throwing all the characters and memoria into the same pool- it's too painful when you want dupe tears and memoria completely cucks you from it.
There is no monthly login pass or battle pass- only a weird roulette where you watch 6 appstore ads per day in your daily cycle to get a random amount of gems (60 minimum?). And this is only what I can see from the tutorial.
Overall the game is twice as expensive as a standard gacha today (6000円..?) which is comically bold or outright stupid for Japanese players and their shit wages. The packs going 3k to 6k to 11.8k yen for only a handful of rolls is also discouraging. This game must be made for a global audience they haven't even let in yet.

>> No.44728132

You only need 140 rolls for pity so I guess they made it more expensive due to that.

>> No.44728204
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They fucked up the emulator ban. Game is working for me on Bluestacks pie 64 bit

>> No.44728549

>emulator ban
Literally why.

>> No.44728695

were u able to go to gacha? mine crashes

>> No.44728733

Compatibility issues maybe?

>> No.44728905

Yeah. It also crashed for me first time but afterwards it worked.

>> No.44731029

so uhhhhh
does the game have crafting?

>> No.44731160
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It's dead...

>> No.44731648

The current gacha banner is permanent pool so it's a trap anyway imo although the tickets which you get from rolling as pity count supposedly won't reset like most other games pity count. The free daily single roll doesn't give ticket though.

>> No.44732297
File: 353 KB, 1751x847, 1668543969040289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$40 for one 10 roll
>12 dupes required

What the fuck is Koei smoking? Fucking Genshin is $20 for a 10 roll and only requires 6 dupes, and Genshin has the same pity number. The game's a crappy turn based RPG with lesser quality than Star Rail and censored by ESG, how can it be twice as expensive as far higher quality games?

>> No.44732495

>resleriana is out
shit i almost forgot about it, downloading now and ready for my next dose of disappointment.

>> No.44732765

can I roll for Sophie in wrestlemania?

>> No.44733589

Chinese X users have been saying the contracted Chinese developer was long dead
Any good value packs or subscription?
And why do they need to charge more than standard amount of fiat money for the in-game currency if they get more investment from hedge fund for censoring panties?

>> No.44733635

They want quality over quantity, so they would need less amount of whales to keep the game alive.

>> No.44734117

The gem packs get a 2x one time top up bonus for each price but there are no subs or monthly passes for the little guys.

>> No.44735019

is this assuming the character is on rate up which gives double shards for dupes?

>> No.44735166

>Atelier Resleriana has Steam version
oh yes
>Steam version region locked to Japan only
oh no

>> No.44737440

Sarasa would let you roll into debt without charging interest.

>> No.44739787

Any good news from TGS?

>> No.44743370

Project Mugen got a new trailer...

>> No.44745389

Pantsu status?

>> No.44745423


>> No.44746352


>> No.44748108

takt op is so dead that the two threads it had in vmg died
neither were anywhere near the post limit

>> No.44748263

wow takt flop flopped, what a surprise. who could've seen this coming.

>> No.44748449

Takt op is still doing better than Gurumiku and has tons of rich Hong Kong teenaged cosplayer girls whaling in it.

>> No.44750190
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Compass has updated and the Megaman collab is now available until the 15th

>> No.44750334
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kamige soon

>> No.44750671

this rockman gives me so much nostalgia

>> No.44753185

What about compared to Engage Kill?

>> No.44753213

How is the monetization?

>> No.44753271

No voids but the characters wear either shorts or bodysuits so pantsu are not visible. Hopefully they can add bikinis because only mihoyo kneels to CCP

>> No.44753521

Have to wait until closed beta test but I hope they don't fuck that up.

>> No.44753628

How dead is Engage Kill?

>> No.44753777

less than wds and aster, it will outlive both.

>> No.44753965

Atelier doing good when 10 rolls cost 6000 yen.
Will future mobage follow this trend?

>> No.44755140

But it's SE

>> No.44755765

Good old inflation. I expect it to be the norm for all future AAA / 3D gacha. Doubt many are still making it nowadays though.

>> No.44757552

How is inflation relevant to rolls?

>> No.44757568

inflation = price up
now price of virtual gacha rolls too apparently

>> No.44757579
File: 89 KB, 1187x459, Chibi Sarasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarasa Feed?

>> No.44757914

Holy shit, HSR sells 20 rolls for 750 yen

>> No.44758792

Is Error Game 404 saved?

>> No.44760061

How is Idoly Pride still alive

>> No.44760083

By pandering to the most loyal/stable audience

>> No.44760386

By being comfy yet having every other card be limited.

>> No.44761803

Fanservice, blood sacrifice

>> No.44764226

anyone bother to watch the half anniversary stream? it’s still a worse princess connect

>> No.44766079

404 soon

>> No.44767749

Lyrical Nanoha is trending because someone made a quiz. Even syu (Infinity Souls character designer) played it.

>> No.44768085

What, like WHICH NANOHA R U!?!? kind of quiz?

>> No.44768111


>> No.44768149
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>> No.44768903

Holy fuck that's brutally difficult.
I wish the franchise wasn't dead.

>> No.44769303

Please play BRSF. 86 collab in 2 days

>> No.44769835

By having some of that Cyber Agent and Sony Music money.

>> No.44770578

By virtue of nobody playing the game

>> No.44773130

How is Mii's game still alive?

>> No.44775827
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>> No.44775857

What is even happening?

>> No.44775921

https://www.segasammy.co.jp/en/release/41070/ sega eos

>> No.44776812
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>> No.44776942

this looks awful lol. it's like a game that came from the early ps2 era.

>> No.44777634

The character designer removed it from his twitter profile description while all his other works are still there.

>> No.44777727

How do you even notice something like that?

>> No.44777795

It's over

>> No.44778399

Thats a big ass maintenance

>> No.44781364

PC version will look better.

>> No.44783394

Imagine if there are games whose entire lives took place within that maintenance.

>> No.44785229
File: 626 KB, 817x431, 87e5c84c-59e0-4341-8adf-bf34c879ab7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.
Is this the collab of all collabs?

>> No.44787232

Collab between two dead games?

>> No.44787466
File: 1.26 MB, 1331x748, 1683082263015679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can Blue Reflection have pantsu but Atelier can't?

>> No.44787711

I'm sending this to Apple

>> No.44787851

D4DJ Gurumiku is too cucked to have pantsu

>> No.44788106

The absolute state of the yuribros.

>> No.44788148

Makes sense most (western) yurifags would appreciate the removal of panties.

>> No.44788787


>> No.44789069

Is monster universe dead yet?

>> No.44791735

Sarasa Chuck

>> No.44793094

>almost 12 years
Pretty good

>> No.44795535

Today is Kisara's birthday

>> No.44795549

from Kisara Fantasia?

>> No.44795556

Speaking of Monster Universe, do you mobagers also play Japanese mmos? Aside from Granblue Fantasy that is.

>> No.44798012

I miss Tiara

>> No.44799147
File: 2.36 MB, 1722x966, 1683384609746825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Villain got turned into Leader's cockslave

Why don't more games give players what they want?

>> No.44800064

Everything went to shit after Tiara died

>> No.44800271

Atelier saved japanese mobage

>> No.44800538

September /mbgg/ 注目億Club:
Aster Tatariqus 2.5億
BanG Dream 2.08億
Atelier Resleriana 1.68億
World Dai Star 1.27億
Dophin Wave 1.17億

/mbgg/ beloved EoS games:
Idoly Pride 9500万
Assault Lily 7500万
Link Like Love Live 7300万
Love Live SIF2 6700万
Towa Tsugai 6500万
takt op 6500万
Blue Reflection 5800万
Engage Kill 5400万
D4DJ 5200万
Revue Starlight 4100万
Ange Relink 3500万
Symphogear 3200万
Yuru Camp 2900万
Tokyo 7th Sister 2200万


>> No.44801091

>404 so dead it's not even on this list

>> No.44801490

What went wrong, LL sisters? SIF and SIFAS were doing better. Maybe Klab wasn't the problem?
Lily and Tsugai look like they're competing over the same scraps.

>> No.44803868

compass doko

>> No.44804401
File: 48 KB, 706x398, resp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resleriana censored Plachta butt
Kusoge death soon

>> No.44804641

Post comparison from Sophie

>> No.44804675

is she supposed to be nopan? some characters zoom in on their ass when they attack

>> No.44804697

404 4400万
slightly worse than D4DJ
#コンパス 3.08億G

>> No.44804713

Liella is trash, simple as

>> No.44804741
File: 52 KB, 736x392, Dp1C499VsAAf-T5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but her butt and back were exposed. Gust went full pozzed this time.

>> No.44804743

Hasunosora = soul
SIF2 = garbage

>> No.44804775

good thing I got a refund after pulling a male from the guaranteed banner

>> No.44804788

Gust has been going pozzed full time, in every game.
That's what being internationally successful brings you.
Never be successful, bros. Be mediocre.

>> No.44804816

This but unironically. Cuter girls, full Japanese seiyuus, sexier art, written by Teren Mikami, and I assume, better songs.

>> No.44804823
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WDS has sexy art too. How will D4DJ and SIF2 ever recover?

>> No.44804835

>Twice as expensive as other games
>Censorship out of ass
This game deserves to flop, otherwise it will set up bad examples for nip companies to follow.

>> No.44804881

how much money do ads bring in? There’s 6 daily ads you can watch to spin a roulette that gives you gems

>> No.44805524

Compass is unironically too successful for /mbgg/
What happened to its thread

>> No.44805532

It's funny how Assault Lily revenue cratered the moment Towa Tsugai came out. The yurifags are literally the same small circle of players with limited income.

>> No.44805543

What is the point of that "skirt"

>> No.44805548

frills are cute

>> No.44805610

I don’t know about the thread but what is there to talk about? it’s a 3v3 and 2v2 capture the flag type game with no story.

>> No.44805775

The yurifags play UmaMusume, Prosekai, FGO and Genshin for some reason.

>> No.44805781

They secretly like dicks, unlike us haremchads who only like pussies

>> No.44805915

Haremchads and closet yurifags.

>> No.44806034

There are no dicks in Uma.

>> No.44806056

>Who is the trainer

>> No.44806070

A pedo woman.

>> No.44806094
File: 74 KB, 320x1133, What is a Woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess...

>> No.44806102

It's not THE trainer.

>> No.44806110

ESG has reached Japan and mobile games. It's actually over now.

>> No.44806119

That's your headcanon

>> No.44806133

t. EOP animeonly

>> No.44806199

t. Cyslop slopper

>> No.44806927

How do we save the soul of Japan?

>> No.44807026
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No need to

>> No.44809471

That should have been obvious to you when Koei Tecmo got that ESG money and made an "ethics department".

>> No.44810152
File: 570 KB, 1288x961, e2u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Symphogear is so immortal that their current story arc is literally called "END of." but they haven't announced end of service. Every new entry they just give the final chapter a new shitpost name.
>End of prologue
>End of pray

It's like someone from this thread runs the game

>> No.44810234

They have a new project coming in 20XX

>> No.44810281

It's actually just a megaman collab.

>> No.44810383

By that logic Nanoha already finished multiple new projects since they announced a new project at 15th Lyrical Party

>> No.44810532
File: 561 KB, 1360x694, d4dj_1500_765_4_1_1360x696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a future for this pos game

>> No.44810786

isn't that just bandori 2.0 even though its supposed to be about DJs?
I don't see a way these bushiroad music games shut down to be honest, the games themselves don't even really matter its all about shilling music and voice actors/singers

>> No.44810930
File: 2.88 MB, 3000x2993, BATTLE_NO.1_Groovy_Mix_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean it's supposed to be about DJs?

>> No.44812968

Since you're bringing real life DJs up, do real DJ crews really have like only a few DJs out of all the members?
One thing that really irks me about D4DJ is that even though it presents itself as "not idol because they DJ instead!" thing, from what I know in all the teams only one of them act as an actual DJ and the rest work as some other thing
I can kind of see there being a designated video jockey, and I can at least understand a little about there being a vocalist even if from what I know DJs only collab with some singers and not work with them full-time, but a fucking designated dancer? Are there really one of those?

>> No.44813441

That's why Denonbu is vastly superior because they simply do away with the DJ

>> No.44814545

Is Argonavis even popular?

>> No.44816846
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>> No.44816891

I heard it's more popular than D4DJ or Revue Starlight

>> No.44816973

Takt Op bros...

>> No.44817096

Where is D4DJ...

>> No.44817504

Is it?

>> No.44817521

Their new gacha game comes out this year. We will see if they put their money where their month is.

>> No.44817778

>Lapis had an anime and a whole project to promote it
>the game couldn't even outlast fucking Pokemon Cafe Mix

>> No.44817801

>WDS had an anime and a whole project to promote it
>the game couldn't even beat fucking Pokemon SLEEP

>> No.44817985

>D4DJ had an anime and a whole project to promote it
>>the game couldn't even beat fucking Denonbu NFT

>> No.44818079

>>44800538 is what mobage should look like, not >>44816846
Also is it me or are blue and gray popular colors?

>> No.44818090

Looks like because they are either fantasy adventure (blue) or post apocalypse (grey)

>> No.44821360

Maybe they should've tried releasing the anime at the same time as the game.

>> No.44823112

Sleep outgrosses it?

>> No.44823410
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japan kneeling to the ESG? Not my problem.

>> No.44823477

Do we just play chink games now?

>> No.44823771


>> No.44825710

How the fuck can your game fail so bad you get outlasted by MAGIKARP JUMP?

>> No.44826918
File: 11 KB, 466x69, 1685293552800863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Atelier too popular to be discussed here?

>> No.44827599

Can't believe the new Atelier mainline title btfo all the usual /mbgg/ schizos...

>> No.44827601

inflation adjusted prices on all our gachas by next year

>> No.44827639

Wouldn't mind if they cut down the # of rolls needed for sparking / guaranteed exchange by half

>> No.44827673
File: 59 KB, 1004x1004, Dg2L8zMUwAEDItA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So turbowhale now for all your gems, jewels, crystals, and other flavors of shiny rock!

>> No.44827776

Atelier says 25% is the most you are getting.

>> No.44827932

They would adjust it by cutting your gem income by half too, only the greedy devs and whales will win in the end.

>> No.44828107

Atelier's killing Blue Reflection Sun so it's still relevant.

>> No.44829585

>Making this much money after censoring all their characters

Blue Reflection Sun is actually the last uncensored Koei game... It's actually over for the japanese soshage industry.

>> No.44830028

I can't believe KT managed to finish off JP kusoge industry before Konami could.

>> No.44830841

These companies need to stop marketing outside of Japan and simply accept making less money.

>> No.44831771

Yes but not mihoyo's because they are censored too

>> No.44833300

I miss Tiara

>> No.44834415

I already forgot Yuzuriha and Lavie's names.

>> No.44834816

At least you can mod mhy games. Though most mods look like shit admittedly.

>> No.44834863

>50% blue
>50% gray
This has success written all over it.

>> No.44838151


>> No.44838591


>> No.44839463


>> No.44841043

Only if it has good mods.

>> No.44843332

Let us mod Idoly Pride to give Mana pantsu

>> No.44845330

Es gibt nichts zu Spielen

>> No.44845364
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>> No.44845379

It's a port so it doesn't count.

>> No.44845480

A Nanoha, Symphogear and YuYuYu crossover game when

>> No.44845938
File: 377 KB, 1024x1024, SG04_063_aw03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The symphogear game already collabed with both of those, they would just need to write another event where they all hang out together.

>> No.44845954

Pokelabo games sucked.
We need a new game.

>> No.44846512

sounds like you actually want on of those crossover console games

>> No.44847904

Seriously, how is Re:Stage still alive and how did it manage to outlive Lapis?

>> No.44848024 [DELETED] 

said this many threads ago but the reason is Ongeki.
but looks like they have a new gacha toy to play with now

>> No.44848032
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, RukaYuuki_by_management.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

said this many threads ago but the reason is Ongeki.
but looks like they have a new gacha toy to play with now

>> No.44849296

honestly though how do we stop china from winning the culture war?

>> No.44849401

They have already won. And it'll only get worse when AI generated kusoge start coming out.

>> No.44851010
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This image was deemed too naughty for DMM to use as advertisement.

>> No.44851315

DMM was right.

>> No.44852162
File: 884 KB, 1440x1631, 1696519914021057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont, after japan shameful display it is for the best.

>> No.44852342

waste of a great butt pose
pose shows off game censorship instead

>> No.44854147

How long until Engage Kill is kill

>> No.44854170

After astershit and world dai garbage

>> No.44854194

>World Dai Star kill before D4DJ

>> No.44856026

Now that I think about it, the games I'm playing(Uma Musume/Proseka/Atelier) can't have the characters wear panties. What's up with that? Would they lose a huge amount of money or get into huge lawsuit is they show panties in their games? It doesn't bother me much since I'm all about armpits, back, and boobs but still, panties will always be better than ugly shorts.

>> No.44856215

aside from the index fund talking point
vidya is mainstream now and whole world is more puritan now
"video game journalists" are also overwhelmingly against sexualizing females and they have huge influence in the industry

>> No.44856397

Assume it has to do with content rating. Also panty peeping is a real problem in Japan so it's more sensitive for mainstream games.

>> No.44856521

Uma musume literally censored the fucking topgun jacket and you're wondering why theres no panties

>> No.44856551

Topgun jacket was censored in the 1st movie trailer for the sequel before Paramount(?) decided to abandon Chinese market and restored the jacket.

>> No.44856590

With Dragalia shutdown, which mobage should I play to support Ai Kayano?

>> No.44856597

Up to the publisher and developers, I'm not sure rating has anything to do with it. Engage Kill has pantsu and it's 12+, same for Blue Reflection.

>> No.44856759

Umamusu and Proseka are 3+ so it's a given.
Wrestlemania is 12+ and pretty lewd already so it could have them.

>> No.44859296
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>> No.44861266


>> No.44861924

Shite Post waiting room. Any day now.

>> No.44862478

This but Selection Project

>> No.44863062

Selection Project is as dead as Akari, Mana, and Sayaka.

>> No.44863179

Who is Sayaka?
Extreme Hearts?

>> No.44863553 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 1200x1058, sayaka is inside the box the man is holding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is Sayaka?

>> No.44863601

Mana = Sayaka then

>> No.44864733

Is Japan really over...?

>> No.44866981

I miss PTD.

>> No.44867313

cool, doesn't change the fact that they edited the texture in the fucking game post release.

>> No.44868307
File: 37 KB, 1225x360, 1684344956579157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Aster recover?

>> No.44869302

Remove the black voids and it can.

>> No.44869437

This is the successor to Sakura Ignoramus?

>> No.44870741

WDS is doing even worse

>> No.44871004

How idoly pride doing anyways?

>> No.44871035

No one plays idoly pride to know the real answer

>> No.44871068

Doing around WDS numbers, though it has the excuse of being over two years old while WDS already reached this point just a few months in.

>> No.44871076

No, Mana and Sayaka are independently dead. Mana died before Sayaka did.

>> No.44871112
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Twinkle Crusaders finally managed to get on the Apple app store. They had to raise the age rating to 17+ for Apple, but 13+ was fine for Google play store.
They both have the same content so it seems like Apple is just really stringent about the age content rating.


>> No.44871140

>Twinkle Crusaders
I mean Twinkle Star Knights.
Twinkle Crusaders is their eroge from many years ago.

>> No.44872206

What's the best DMM mobage now that MAGICAMI is kill

>> No.44872319


>> No.44872485

It does look like porn.

>> No.44873352

Isn't it super dated?

>> No.44873688

Does it have pantsu now?

>> No.44875252

It's almost Mana's birthday

>> No.44875403

Happy birthday Mana

>> No.44876214

they STILL had to censor the girl's ass even with the 17+ rating
because Apple thinks 17 year olds are afraid of female ass

>> No.44877339

I honestly think spats are more erotic than panties

>> No.44877380


>> No.44877454

Panties are there to take off
Spats are there to rip holes on

>> No.44878871

>Uma Musume
>can't have the characters wear panties
Horses run fast so it makes sense.

>> No.44879466

What a deal!

>> No.44879784
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Imagine the faces in the company boardroom when some massive faggot thought up giving a 50% discount on rolls marked up 100% then advertises it as a generous improvement.
Meanwhile all those headless pigs still eat up a 55% cut in pity mileage and a 50% cut in gacha PU rates to make up for the company's losses.
Fucking lmao. Japanese gachagamers can't possibly be this stupid, could they be?

>> No.44881414

Why does no one care about Mana

>> No.44882768
File: 1.70 MB, 3579x3023, ourgirl, harbinger of eos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No alive seiyuu to simp for

>> No.44883016

Her cheeks are too chubby. She's a chink, isn't she?

>> No.44883056

Taiwanese but she can't speak Taiwanese

>> No.44883893


>> No.44883914

Reboot announcement during the live
this time with 3D pantsu

>> No.44883952


>> No.44885276

Will it really have pantsu?

>> No.44885581

I would have preferred panties or such instead of the ugly mosaic censors even on the R18 version of the game for the transformation scenes. But I really wonder what they are going to do with the stories. Sasha's bikini outfit story for example is just 5 chapters of her being a huge cocktease while you desperately hold back your urge to fuck her out in the open until you finally get to fuck like animals in the final chapter. Not sure how something like that would translate into a 12+ story unless they write something completely original for the mobile version.

>> No.44886737

Should I try out the post gacha game Rear Sekai now that you can romance every character of both sexes at the same time?

>> No.44887230

Best upcoming mobage?

>> No.44887323


>> No.44888520

Ultima the Might & Magic: A Bard's Tale D&D Edition

>> No.44888524

We've been waiting for the Shine Post game longer than Lapis's game was actually alive.

>> No.44888556

Touhou gacha from Cave?

>> No.44888595


Finally a game that allows you to kiss

>> No.44888962

But does it allow you to see their pantsu?

>> No.44889230

Wizardry Variants Daphne kamige is having a CBT tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.44890781


>> No.44891013

Bra>panties. It's the truth and you know it

>> No.44891900

Reverse isekai Tiara when?
She keeps her magic power.

>> No.44892919
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>gacha characters have no rarity


>> No.44893088

the bonus points are the rarity

>> No.44896224

chicken bacon tomatoes

>> No.44896267

I wish Cave would make a proper Strike Witches game.

>> No.44897173

Apparently you can transfer skills from a character to another and level the skills that way so I guess that's their dupe system. I doubt the bonus points will even matter outside the first couple levels.

>> No.44899024

How do we bring back Tiara from the dead

>> No.44899640
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>> No.44900911


>> No.44902244
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Are the spats really necessary here?

>> No.44902268
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RIP Atelier

>Tagatame is almost dead
>Aster is another failure
>PoTK just exists
RIP Gomi

>> No.44902880
File: 620 KB, 1080x1745, 7f5tsnq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 in ipad category....not ios, not android(it was like #5 paid app overall). I'm not complaining though, they're just trying to find any excuse to give away some gems and that's a good thing. In fact it's impressive considering how minor Atelier is as a franchise.

>> No.44903474

>cuts prices by half
>cuts freebies by half

>> No.44903784

censorship won...

>> No.44903841

It's year 2124 and every gacha girl is wearing literal hijabs...

>> No.44903902

>thinks we're still getting anime girls in 2124
It's all going to be about unisex characters so as not to offend anyone.

>> No.44904159
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Well, at least boobs and pits are still legal...seriously though, they would make more money showing pantsu than not, no?

>> No.44904193
File: 311 KB, 1528x1016, meanwhile in D4DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her pits are covered by a black band and her boobs by the body tights thingy, I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.44906822


>> No.44907237 [DELETED] 

All it had to do is to not shoehorn a male self-insert out of nowhere.

>> No.44907253

All it had to do was to not shoehorn a male self-insert out of nowhere.

>> No.44907663

male sidekick*

>> No.44907921
File: 318 KB, 346x419, 1688106571902274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there are plenty of male sidekicks in the game?
It's not an all female cast game. A shipper can almost pair every female in the game with a different male.

>> No.44908411

Male haters confirmed to not play the games they hate.

>> No.44908827
File: 3.05 MB, 2160x3988, 🔨 😿.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70~80% of male Atelier games have male love interest. Some protagonists are so gay that the guys are basically irrelevant, some protagonists are so straight that the 'very close female friends' pale in comparison to the guys.
This Atelier mobage? It has yuri NTR, and the one getting NTRed is the childhood friend(female)

>> No.44908861

>70~80% of male Atelier games
Whoops, didn't mean to type that. Atelier with straight up male protags like Mana Khemia also exist, first one can choose to end with any girl, the second one has his ojou-sama sweetheart. So yeah, this isn't supposed to be pure yuri, no male franchise.

>> No.44910941

Mana is love

>> No.44910946

Mana is life

>> No.44910956

I don't care about Atelier anymore.

>> No.44910960

I don't think that will happen.

>> No.44910963

I miss SIF

>> No.44910968

Bring back SIF 1

>> No.44910982

World Dai Star is dying

>> No.44910984

World Dai Star only does well every 10 days

>> No.44910993

But World Dai Star will die one day.

>> No.44911003

Idoly Pride survives on the blood of failed idol franchises

>> No.44911006

The day WDS dies, /mbgg/ will mourn.

>> No.44911009

Blue Reflection will live with our will.

>> No.44911017

If we revive Mana, we can create world peace.

>> No.44911020

Mana and Akari did not deserve to die.

>> No.44911023

Idols are too obsessed with heart transplants.

>> No.44911027

So what?

>> No.44911033

We will love Mana and Tiara until the end of time.

>> No.44911058


>> No.44911141
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Why even bother doing this?
