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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44700693 No.44700693 [Reply] [Original]

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Previous thread: >>44681920

>> No.44700704
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i am halfway through genki 1

>> No.44700729
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Day 15 of doing 17 cards a day.

>> No.44700764

lucky star is better

>> No.44700812

prove it

>> No.44700855

how does one prove water is wet?

>> No.44700863

water isn't wet dummy lole what hillbilly backwater middle of nowhere school did you go to

>> No.44700911

water can be wet but isnt always
that is the truth of this world

>> No.44700954

water is wet (the concept)
it makes things wet (the state of being)

>> No.44700995

That purple bitch does not speak Japanese, what is that shit

>> No.44701144

please leave your racism against purple people out of this

>> No.44701156
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>> No.44701182

What is DJT's opinion on the popular Japanese textbook "Remembering the Kanji" by James W. Heisig?

>> No.44701187
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>> No.44701190

never heard of it

>> No.44701195

well now you have. time to remember 17 kanji a day

>> No.44701221

great book, taught me a lot, apprently it's been outdated a while now though, but since i'm an old japanese learner it doesn't mater

>> No.44701263

It's incredible. By far the most efficient way to cripple a new learner and maximize the chance that they quit, all before they learn any Japanese.

>> No.44701264

>apprently it's been outdated a while now though
Is there another preferred textbook for kanji now?

>> No.44701288
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>> No.44701353


>> No.44701380

rtk is for brainlets only

>> No.44701437

Is it normal to forget a word you looked up 5 minutes ago? For context, I've only been reading for a couple of days, but I fear I might be retarded cause this doesn't feel right. I also often fail to recognize words I'm supposed to know from the Anki deck I'm doing, but when I use Yomichan on them and see the definition, I instantly recall the card. Does this problem just go away over time (spent reading)?

>> No.44701468

yes. just keep reading.

>> No.44701482

brain is lazy (efficient) so it optimizes for your anki deck (a much smaller and limited dataset where your brain knows exactly what to expect.)
you just need to immerse more and your brain will realize "oh wait I actually need to remember this properly" and it will.

>> No.44701492

蔕 - calyx
i wonder if its worth mining a word when you didn't even know what it was called in english.

>> No.44701502

Makes sense. Thank you!

>> No.44701606
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>> No.44701670

477 days of reading here, happens all the time.

>> No.44701678

love my traditional Japanese wife

>> No.44701762


>> No.44701768

Got genki 1 workbook for class. I know all of this too well already this class is going to be so boring if we just go by the book. Wish me luck jros

>> No.44701780

im not your jro

>> No.44701859

Also good job on starting reading anon!
You're not retarded, it's just actually really difficult.

>> No.44701877

you sure sound a lot like him

>> No.44702151

未確認生物 - cryptid
now there's a word worth knowing

>> No.44702201

Using Ankidrone, should I read the sentence to help me figure out the word? I would only ever really read the sentence the first time it shows up. Otherwise I've made it a habit to only look at the word itself and try not to read the sentence, as I thought that it'd make me reliant on other variables to recall aside from kanji itself (which already kinda feels like the case, considering my peripheral vision and the placement of the word still ends up aiding me.) But instead, should I really just read through the whole sentence every time in order to recall? Will that still help me recall vocab individually, just with the added fact that I'm practicing sentence reading. Or is it detrimental?

>> No.44702218

does the average jap even know what words like 刹那, 醍醐味, or 億劫 mean in a buddhist context.

>> No.44702264

No sentence on the front, that just makes you more context dependent

>> No.44702287

>Using Ankidrone

>> No.44702344

funny how 頭領 and 棟梁 read the same and share the same meaning

>> No.44702412

should I go to a Japanese language school in Tokyo yes or no

>> No.44702551
File: 50 KB, 419x559, 20201230_134903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is WaniKani the best resource to learn Kanji? I've been trying it out for about a week now and it feels great. I'm thinking this + Anki for Grammar and additional Vocab in general, + Genki/Japanese from Zero series, and this feels like a winning combination.

Can anyone here give their thoughts on it? Is the lifetime subscription worth it?

>> No.44702613

It's a great way to remember but not read.

>> No.44702617

its really slow, if youre fine with spending a year and a half to get through core kanji then keep using it. i know that most people prefer it not because its efficient, but because they have motivation issues and somehow wanikani really helps with that (similar to the decision to take classes), in the end, a snail's pace is better than not at all.

>> No.44702621
File: 163 KB, 1335x408, routine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even memes like pic related are better than wanker kancer

>> No.44702680
File: 253 KB, 1920x1040, kanjiautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tend to visualize characters and try to look for patterns when reading (e.g 憐 隣 燐, 務 霧, 靄 藹, 謁(謁)) but writing them down just takes to much time.
i found some guy in reddit who made a website and spreadsheets to help see patterns in kanji (https://kvlp.org/)), but it doesn't really seem helpful if you're at the stage where you can distinguish characters anyway. maybe the anon in your picrel might want to take a look (or maybe anon and that guy are one and the same)

>> No.44702771

>writing them down
trace them with your finger. no pen and paper required

>> No.44702988

so you're saying it's good for people with a life outside of grinding japanese every day?

>> No.44703062

wanky cunny IS grinding.

>> No.44703281

how do I avoid memorizing the cards and actually learning the kanjis/voca? I always learn 500-600 cards and then drop it when I realize I just learned the card but not the content.

>> No.44703303

>memorizing the cards
never happened to me. how is this possible?
Before flipping the card, you guess what the word at the front means and how it's read. If you fail at either, then bury or fail the card. For words with multiple interpretations (e.g. 上下(うえした) 上下(じょうげ)), try to recall all that you can, or edit the card to add context

>> No.44703349

don't worry about it, just read

>> No.44703371

anyone has that webiste that streams all japanese tv stations?

>> No.44703433
File: 337 KB, 1280x1810, IMG_0978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup hands down the best doujinsi ever created
cant believe someone dethroned the king mosquitone and his ntr masterpiece

>> No.44703462

its over

>> No.44703649

This question doesn't make any sense. You have cards. A card has a Japanese word and its reading and meaning. You say you have learned these cards. Learning means that you remember the reading and the meaning when shown the word. If you don't remember them, you haven't learned the card.

>> No.44703681
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>> No.44703729
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shiina > refill

>> No.44703777


>> No.44703793

is this a sentence cards question

>> No.44703898

ask the 八卦

>> No.44704042

>near-native fluency
is this the new meme of the month?

>> No.44704117


>> No.44704158

yes using tango deck

>> No.44704190

use word cards

>> No.44704287

Just found a japanese youtube channel that only posts videos of women showing their armpits.
My motivation has been reinvigorated.

>> No.44704388

and you wont even share it with your bros?
come on

>> No.44704521

should i force myself to immerse even when i only know 800 words so far? if not, then what else should i be spending my time doing? even though im only just getting through the core vocabulary right now, i want to still make use of every second i have.

>> No.44704677


>> No.44704694

That's a lot of words anon...
I was immersing before I even started Anki so yeah, you should be immersing right now.

>> No.44704923

>I was immersing before I even started Anki
huge gmi energy radiating from this anon

>> No.44704958

I probably had 20-25 hours of immersion at 800 cards

>> No.44704971

nvm I forgot doujins, so more like 30

>> No.44705261

Give me a nice easy VN or JRPG I can play.

>> No.44705302

Dragon Quest 1+2 (SFC)

>> No.44705390

I need some new words. Can you spare me a ten?

>> No.44705405

Why easy?

>> No.44705418

>he pays for words

>> No.44705425

Not gonna lie I was hoping for something that plays at a high enough resolution to have kanji with furigana.

>> No.44705541

Pokemon gen 8 and onward feature furigana.

>> No.44705613

force yourself to touch grass

>> No.44705643


>> No.44705670


>> No.44705884

true true

>> No.44705909

just look at this shit 驚

>> No.44705941


>> No.44705942


>> No.44705983
File: 279 KB, 1600x1494, kkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys first time here.
I have some uneasy feeling when repeating my older kanji. Even though I know all the meanings, readings, radicals and recognise them in text without a problem, I still can't help but feel like something's leaking my head. Wat do? Should I just ignore it?

>> No.44706002

that sounds like a serious problem

>> No.44706038
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>> No.44706120
File: 31 KB, 713x543, AFawl8QjbY2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers what

>> No.44706134

>Vtubers what
they'll solve your problem, you won't worry about the leaking anymore

>> No.44706154

Thanks then I'll try watching them. Can you recommend one?

>> No.44706159


>> No.44706166
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Much appreciated

>> No.44706170

based. anon should read a book though. how is korone gonna teach you kanji

>> No.44706184

kanji? she'll take up all his time so he'll stop worrying about it

>> No.44706195
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>> No.44706249

that'll go away after 5 years of constant immersion

>> No.44706273

for 5 years, will you do only anki?

>> No.44706277

thoughts on adding words you already know to anki? i feel like it helps to put it in your active vocab

>> No.44706314

That's nice if true
I consoom manga and soon will try vidyas

>> No.44706345

if i read something, and after looking up the stuff i dont know, if i still cant figure it out or find a sufficient explanation for what im stumped on, just keep going right?

>> No.44706487

Yes, you will get it later

>> No.44706496

turn off your vpn

>> No.44706604
File: 1.37 MB, 2259x1503, su is for jeSUs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't unsee this

>> No.44706613

whats the circle

>> No.44706689

getting back into Anki with yomichan. didnt Anki App Browse view used to refresh after you added a new card?

now I have to click in and out of the deck to get the new ones to show to add the audio and sentences.

>> No.44706691

3/10. Cross is too straight. Should be more slanted.

>> No.44706712

I use this instead of anki

>> No.44706720

i don't

>> No.44706723


>> No.44706826

you can just click the book in the dictionary popup after you add it oopsie

>> No.44706872

Is there a way to check which cards you reviewed for the day? I wanted to edit a card but I can't remember exactly which one it was.

>> No.44706898


>> No.44706930
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, Sex.Education.S04E01.Episode.1.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-Archie-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44706990

please don't post niggers in this thread

>> No.44707025
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>I consoom manga and soon will try vidyas
Whatever you do, do not play mobile gacha games

>> No.44707086

Basic question, but why is 今日 read as きょう? I don't see any kun or on readings that would lead you to that. Was I wrong in thinking kun and on readings would always apply to kanji, or is this an exception?

>> No.44707094

Would you kindly share such a way? Or will I have to rummage through my anki backup folder to undo today's progress?

>> No.44707095

because Japan is fucked up and Japanese are morons

>> No.44707102

it's a jukujikun. the word is きょう and it was assigned the kanji 今日. same deal with 大人(おとな), 明日(あした), 昨日(きのう), etc.

>> No.44707116

because 今日 means today in chinese and きょう meant today in japanese before they started replacing half their language with pseudo-chinese
just think of it as a single kun reading spread across 2 kanji

>> No.44707163

Thanks. I kind of thought that type of stuff was limited to singular kanji with multiple radicals in it (like 月 in 胎.) Is this really common or just an occasional thing?

Don't know why I didn't think of that, but it makes perfect sense. Thanks

>> No.44707237

>Is this really common or just an occasional thing?
No idea. I just write down words.
Also not everything is a jukujikun: 狩人(かりうど) derives from 狩(かり)+人(びと) after an euphonic change. Same deal for 仲人(なこうど, originally なかびと).
Also, have fun with 忠実(ちゅうじつ) and 忠実(まめ).

>> No.44707249

I hate JP->EN translators because it feels like they are stealing my thunder. Not being the most knowledgeable person on Japanese in the room tends to fill me with unbridled rage.

>> No.44707300

Tango N5/N4? Drop that, since you will remember the sentence itself, not the actual vocabulary. Use a word deck like Core 2k/6k.

>> No.44707328

She's a retard and speaks very slowly. Good for beginners. However, the downside is she's not really nativea gook, also she makes you feel like a retard too.

>> No.44707362
File: 148 KB, 993x752, 3387121_3-1773977412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you browse the deck there is studied today on the left

>> No.44707468

>immersing in jsls

>> No.44707502

>another samefagging freak shits up thread talking to himself episode

>> No.44707516

he uses mobile data

>> No.44707525

Who are you talking about?

>> No.44707573

I think I'm fucked speaking wise.
There is absolutely no way I didn't adopt a more feminine way of speaking after all the shit I watched. The anime has mostly females speaking, the hentai(obviously), the VNs. Oh my God I was destined to get fucked by the input. I blame the japanese, the Otome shit is also fucking gay there's absolutely no way I'm touching that.
I guess I will have to deal with the humiliation one way or another.

>> No.44707588

that's nothing. that's like a a few days of watching stuff

>> No.44707667

why dont you just figure out the difference and adjust?

>> No.44707675


>> No.44707681

sugoi dekai

>> No.44707762

dunno why anyone thinks this is a problem
if you don't instinctively use watakshi and desuwa you're fine

>> No.44707851

>you're fine
no you're not

>> No.44708071

only pixiv bro can save djt

>> No.44708095

why are japs like this?

>> No.44708130

you wanted to type nips there didn't you lol

>> No.44708147

>portrait photo
why are westoids like this?

>> No.44708196
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>> No.44708220

I mean real intensive reading, not white-noising. even half an hour of it can be extremely exhausting early on, so I don't think you could reasonably do 30 hours in a few days. maybe in 20 days. but you could do the 800 initial cards in 20 days too so it checks out.

>> No.44708221
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>> No.44708287
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however i have many cock.li invites

would an anon be interested in translating 4 pages of a doujin for me? I will accept that as payment for a key

>> No.44708295


>> No.44708333


>> No.44708351

post the pages

>> No.44708359
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4 to 7

>> No.44708366

lmao i just knew it was gonna be some futa shit

>> No.44708380

many such cases

>> No.44708400

crazy how people needs cards for this shit

>> No.44708411
File: 747 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 23 (1080p) [77A4F4AF]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44708441


>> No.44708463
File: 725 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 23 (1080p) [77A4F4AF]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44708511

lil bro you can just ocr this

>> No.44708941

ah yeah I was thinking that's what you meant

>> No.44708956

Can you recommend a site for learning radicals?

>> No.44709040

stop fucking asking this question

>> No.44709050

jiheisyou plus adhd plus low iq equal ?

>> No.44709061
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>> No.44709126

you have to read dude

>> No.44709156

>should i force myself to immerse even when i only know 800 words so far?

>Should I start doing "thing in Japanese"

How does this shit keep happening to people, you know what I hope you just stick to SRS/anki and never make it

>> No.44709167

you gotta watch raw anime but you wont cause you gay

>> No.44709174
File: 734 KB, 1920x1080, [mawen1250&VCB-Studio] Toradora! [01][Hi10p_1080p][x264_flac]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44709180

i wanna man

>> No.44709182

dno 5 years ago we had constant discussions about if youre allowed to consume media before 2k so 800 is an improvement

>> No.44709204

dno bros i just dno

>> No.44709207

listening should come first
before you even learn the hiragana

>> No.44709215

sniffing dried cum

>> No.44709226
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, [mawen1250&VCB-Studio] Toradora! [01][Hi10p_1080p][x264_flac]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44709235

if you haven't been watching anime for 10 years you shouldn't even think about learning japanese anyway

>> No.44709245

me posing with ur mum

>> No.44709249

Just become a crossdresser problem solved

>> No.44709262

radicals are a meme

>> No.44709266

ur face is a meme

>> No.44709272

I hate the idea of adding more srs while I'm already trying to finish a vocab deck so i just add new frequent words to a google spread sheet.

>> No.44709278

they dont call them spread shitters for nothing

>> No.44709280

As someone who's restarting learning Japanese, what do you think is the most efficient way of learning Kanji? So far, my Hiragana and Katakana are decent, but Kanji is still a bitch to go through. Or should I try learning sentence structure first?

>> No.44709292

fittin to go to japan bros. have people to hang out with in tokyo, osaka, sendai etc not sure where i'll go. need to fuck at least 3 girls in 2 weeks otherwise i'll be disappointed

>> No.44709294

read more

>> No.44709304

>See kanji in anki
>go read,
>recognize kanji
>look it up
>recognize it again

there you go it's so easy,

>> No.44709307

ask eiffel tower bro for his spreadsheet next time he posts here

>> No.44709315

Just learn words and eventually you'll get used to kanji.

>> No.44709318

Anki is such ass though

>> No.44709322

>most efficient way of learning Kanji
the rtk, but you'll only know the kanji and have no applications for them

>> No.44709327

You need something to make a note of words you've come across at least, use a spreadsheet then.

>> No.44709338

>restarting learning Japanese
Write a 5,000 word essay on why you failed the first time and why this time will be any different. Then I'll answer your stupid questions.

>> No.44709346

matt was right

>> No.44709352

dont want to fuck paid whores bro

>> No.44709356

pump and dump bro

>> No.44709373

tbqh youre retarded if you *need* srs for nihongo

>> No.44709378

they all get paid one way or another in the end

>> No.44709383

doubt i'll have to pay 250 bucks for some drinks

>> No.44709388

Lost a cat and couldn't do anything for a few months due to it.

>> No.44709393

yea id be mad if i lost my side pussy

>> No.44709398

Not an excuse.

>> No.44709402

record yourself reading a vn that isn't written for middle schoolers

>> No.44709414

>vn that isn't written for middle schoolers
manchild moment

>> No.44709425

u can only get the good stuff at winter comiket

>> No.44709428

read more vns

>> No.44709431

learn japanese lol

>> No.44709436

probably spoken to at least 150-200 japanese people for oven an hour

>> No.44709438
File: 311 KB, 1057x556, 1672203256564488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded and it's driving me actually insane. The answer key the book provides has 1d. 2a. 3c. 4e. 5b. here, but I cannot for the life of me understand why answer d/e aren't switched. 音読み obviously is derived from old chinese and 部首 (the radical) expressing the basic meaning of the kanji makes way more sense than the fucking sino reading expressing anything. Can someone please explain?
This is from tobira: power up your kanji. Literally the first question.

>> No.44709439

"thing in japanese" isn't fun when you don't understand. its perfectly reasonable to have to force yourself to go through things up until a certain point. unlike most ironic weebs, the very idea of "oooh this is in japanese" isn't enough for some people to enjoy something. yet the strengths of japanese media that you can be attached to, are diminished when you don't understand a damn thing

>> No.44709440

this guy's cat died after he started learning Japanese and still prevailed
you're just making excuses

>> No.44709441

still waiting for someone to tell me how many anki cards to make first

>> No.44709443

thats a lot of people in an oven

>> No.44709458
File: 7 KB, 574x36, image (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 123: This session was really easy like the new cards weren't even that hard comapre to yesterday.

>> No.44709464

tobira guy been powering up for a few years

>> No.44709467

the answer key is wrong

>> No.44709469

>"thing in japanese" isn't fun when you don't understand.
was for me

>> No.44709479

same same
the process of analyzing the unknown and making educated guesses while constantly increasing your knowledge is fun

>> No.44709482

midwits be like

>> No.44709492

>few months
you hardly even started learning japanese, you probably didnt even do that much in that few months. if kanji is difficult, go through "remembering the kanji" "world of kanji" or "a guide to rememebering japanese characters", whichever you like. you dont have to strictly read it in order, you can just skim it a bit everyday or specifically look at words you have trouble with. watch content with japanese subtitles and using yomichan to understand it and add commmon words you find in shows to your anki and after a while you can read random things, it can be anything, in a video game, twitter whatever you like. just find content you like in japanese and watch/read it all day as if it were your only form of entertainment.

>> No.44709497

imagine seething because you're going to quit in less than 6 months

>> No.44709507

you can rewatch/replay/reread stuff that you enjoyed in english or with eng subs/text

>> No.44709511

anyone who says they didn't enjoy reading early on either never ended up enjoying anything in japanese or the first thing they read was hanahira

>> No.44709513


what are some good games on here that can be played in japanese

>> No.44709520

idk ninja gayden

>> No.44709524

there there heres your big boy prize *shoves both feet up your ass*

>> No.44709530

Another day, Another language learning scam. I bet r/learnjapanese are promptly signing up by the thousands.

>> No.44709532

dno why you're taking it personally lol

>> No.44709543
File: 861 KB, 839x873, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it

>> No.44709544

the crazy thing is that matto could have been co-ceo of migak if his mom let him

>> No.44709547

ah yes the i won by pretending i hurt you with my big boy words move

>> No.44709550

never heard of most of these games, you might like dragon quest XI

>> No.44709553

djt or else

>> No.44709555

idgi do you think i'm bragging or something lmfao

>> No.44709556

>Can someone please explain?
You're being memed by a useless textbook. If your goal is to pass a Tobira q&a by all means continue.
If your goal is to learn Japanese you should throw that in the bin and start learning Japanese.

>> No.44709559

that game only has Japanese audio

>> No.44709561

yep migakers won

>> No.44709564

oh yeah, youd be better off just playing something like the witcher 3 then

>> No.44709568

bout to drop two hunno to migak my nihong

>> No.44709570

youre gonna need bigger clown shoes

>> No.44709575

can someone explain why this retard is going off lol

>> No.44709579

not on sale but get this

or ff7, i've enjoyed both

>> No.44709580





>> No.44709581

Can't believe ngmigaku shills here

>> No.44709582

the irony is lost on you

>> No.44709593

I'll add it to my wishlist, didn't want to pay too much for a single game.

>> No.44709596

he has tiny feet

>> No.44709605

you have yomichan and deepl/gpt4. you can understand all of it

>> No.44709609

how did you guys learn grammar. I've read part of tae kim but i always forget and have to re-read if i dont immerse for a day or 2

>> No.44709613

shut up, once I get from 5999 mature cards to 6000, I'll magically start enjoying japanese content

>> No.44709617


>> No.44709623


>> No.44709647

i did this, tae kim's grammar guide turned into an anime card deck.

>> No.44709653

stfu bitch

>> No.44709664

i tried a few things but just gave up and didn't learn grammar at all

>> No.44709670

Is this the part where they go fishing and Renge keeps making puns? It went over my head too.

>> No.44709672

I watch a few grammar videos every once in a while and notice it in what I watch/read

>> No.44709674

behold the intermediate thread

>> No.44709712

Thanks, this is nice. Pushing SRS into my brain really is just the best way for me to learn, personally

>> No.44709715


>> No.44709717

Started Genki chapter 3 after learning radicals, so I'm finally onto kanji. Do you guys think I should learn every individual kanji that's part of larger words (i.e. learning both 週(week) and 末(end) from 週末(weekend)?) Or, should I just learn exactly what I need at the time, and save the individual meanings for when I actually get to those words themselves one day? Asking because I'm not sure if learning meanings of everything would end up too cumbersome and inefficient.

>> No.44709742

>Started Genk
> Do you guys think I should
i think you should put that garbage down and immerse and mine instead

>> No.44709749
File: 19 KB, 173x199, mihari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that the only reason I'm even learning this language is because I want to have sex with anime girls, and anime girls don't even exist in real life.
I feel like I just wasted over two years of my life.

>> No.44709754

not that asshole, but i am also using genki and so far it's been helping me write sentences and stuff, i find it useful.
i am also doing my daily anki as well alongside it.

>> No.44709753

I want somewhat of a basis for the language before immersion, so I am going with Genki and sticking with it. It'll only take a few months, anyway.

>> No.44709772

>anime girls don't even exist in real life
not yet

>> No.44709784

youre not even meant to do genki alone, youre meant to do it with the guidance of a teacher. whether or not you're doing genki or whatever, you should be immersing anyways
im an asshole for telling him not to waste his time with garbage, makes sense

>> No.44709789


>> No.44709826
File: 209 KB, 1479x1109, F6gYA85bIAAfKEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.44709831


>> No.44709833

to have a foundation for everyday conversation when i move to japan in a year or two

>> No.44709836

when they do only billionaires will be able to afford them

>> No.44709842

It is possible for me to get a full-time job as a JAV english translater?

>> No.44709846

what are you gonna translate, the grunting and moaning?

>> No.44709853

theres a lot of conversation in jav, theres a bunch where they talk to the girl and go on a date with her for hours

>> No.44709855
File: 262 KB, 1600x1200, 1460099178543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44709907

damn bro that's pretty awkward

>> No.44709920

sunk cost

>> No.44709929

i've spent 20 years of my life wanting to have sex with anime girls and now i can understand them

>> No.44709957

ive spent my whole life consuming japanese content. it majorly outweighs anything western. i dont plan on ever stepping foot outside or talking to anyone, but it feels fucking retarded not to learn the language that occupies the majority of my life. im tired of relying on translations

>> No.44709968

yeah me too

>> No.44710001

Have you considered simply transitioning?

>> No.44710018

Give me something to listen to while practicing my Kanji

>> No.44710036

dont listen to anything, it will add noise to your recall.

>> No.44710057

Alright. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.44710078

depends on if you like anime or dramas or some youtube channel. you can put on something random

>> No.44710087


i just listen to japanese background noise while i study

>> No.44710135
File: 42 KB, 149x492, soymatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rainy night, japan

>> No.44710225

im learning to jack off to monster girls

>> No.44710238

there are so many subtleties and smaller expressions aside from general vocab that im having trouble trying to decipher. my perfectionist side of trying to 100% understand every single sentence is making this stuff hard to pass up, but dictionaries don't really help and all. is there no real blatant explanation/material that covers all of these, or is this just apart of bearing with for the sake of getting an intuitive "feel" for grammatical structure?

>> No.44710246

try watching native youtube videos that explain things like that maybe? like ammo with misa

>> No.44710251

anyone just fucking hate how japs talk sometimes? especially announcers and news casters

>> No.44710279


>> No.44710346

any good posts?

>> No.44710349
File: 10 KB, 402x108, Screenshot 2023-09-21 204348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking occupations trip me up

>> No.44710370

Ever since I started learning being able to read bits and pieces of doujins just makes me hornier so I think it's a win

>> No.44710371

yes, I only have that problem with non-anime media

>> No.44710403

i was reading and when 商品 came up i just knew it was a [1] i can just hear it

>> No.44710406
File: 176 KB, 320x180, 0d101a6d5a9744edac047bf749de77eb660dda2c_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 16 of doing 17 cards a day.

>> No.44710416


>> No.44710445

What are some decent Kanji anki decks worth doing for someone who just started?

>> No.44710448

core deck

>> No.44710477

your own mining deck from what you watch

>> No.44710519

especially when they say なんと i already know whatever theyre saying is gonna piss me off

>> No.44710577

Duolingo is so fucking retarded you deserve to never make it if you ironically used that LMAO

>> No.44710644

>textbooks bad
they're not bad unless they're your only source.

>> No.44710672
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>> No.44710683

It's 10:32 AM

>> No.44710790

Textbooks are so fucking retarded you deserve to never make it if you ironically used those LMAO

>> No.44710933

what are your thoughts about typing out an answer in anki? all these guides, and ive never seen any mention on the usefulness of putting an answer textbox on decks and typing it in kana. ive been finding it helpful, as my muscle memory helps me remember the phonetic spelling of the word. plus it just makes anki easier to get through, as it's a bit more game-ified. but i wonder if it has the same kind of downsides as "premature output" you see in terms of speech? or any other downside, really.

>> No.44710942

That just makes srs take longer, you're supposed to minimize time spent in srs so you can go immerse

>> No.44710946
File: 262 KB, 1024x600, its_bliss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do 空書. it's bliiiissssssss

>> No.44710959

i use it time to time just so i can hear/repeat phrases and sentences.

>> No.44710964
File: 22 KB, 404x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eeeee, sugee

>> No.44711026

If you believe this then you also believe you'll end up sounding like an anime character from too much anime input.

>> No.44711032

You are incorrect!
Textbooks are extremely trustworthy and the only sensible way to learn the language!
It's not like they have a monetary incentive to make teaching the language as difficult and slow as possible!

>> No.44711057

if all youve watched is anime and you try to talk without realizing the difference, you will sound like an anime character

>> No.44711151

The language has been solved for a few centuries now, so your dictionary should cover about 90% of whatever you’re looking at. What in particular is tripping you up?

>> No.44711184

How do I learn what makes up a Kanji? I haven't seen any anki decks for that.

>> No.44711202


>> No.44711219

You can go to jisho.org and type in in the kanji you want to see + #kanji (e.g. 日 #kanji) and you’ll see that parts that make it up.

>> No.44711224

Are there any anki decks that do it?

>> No.44711252

There are radical decks, but it’s best not to learn them. There are a lot of kanji that use non-standard radicals and it won’t help you read or write any better if you memorize them.

>> No.44711341
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>> No.44711481

dunno what to jerk off to on exhentai

>> No.44711508

jerk off to something from すみやお for the hundredth time

>> No.44711604

can i get some live action show reccomends please :D

>> No.44711705

just read the Wikipedia page, make a deck if you feel like it.

>> No.44711815
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>> No.44711818

加藤じゅん finally released あばたーとらんす13 a few weeks ago. In the afterword he says 14 will be early next year and finally get back to the present. Hopefully Ran will give Nao's asshole the violent reaming it's been waiting for for ten goddamn years.

>> No.44712038

Allow me to translate this properly.
>Nihon no nerds... I've heard of them bEfoRe, but THeY'Re fukai, RiGhT...?

>> No.44712060
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>> No.44712069

Genuine question. How long does it normally take (Or how long did it take you) to start reading manga/VNs at a "decent" pace?

>> No.44712152

If by "decent" you mean close to your native reading level, then a long time. Obviously, your speed is also dependent on your familiarity with what your reading, but still, it'll take years.

>> No.44712158

Unfortunately, I had to listen to music while doing Anki today because my family was being noisy and I couldn't focus.
Is my Japanese ruined forever now?

>> No.44712175

By decent, I mean without having to look up Kanji every few seconds.

>> No.44712313
File: 278 KB, 1000x1422, Ansatsu Skill de Isekai Saikyou_ Renkinjutsu to Ansatsujutsu o Kiwameta Ore wa, Sekai o Kage kara Shihai suru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D/ic/k here,
Which artist is more likely to be in charge of the style? Coin or Akai tera? Dunno if being a character designer(?) would mean you contribute less or not

>> No.44712447

Well get used to looking things up, because that will be a very long time, unless you only plan on reading children’s books.

>> No.44712526

>children's books
unless they're for literal toddlers, those actually contain quite a lot of vocabulary.

>> No.44712544

I actually love to read childrens books (at least english ones), its just that nobody makes torrents for them, so you have to buy them yourself.

>> No.44712552

I was thinking something along the lines of momotaro

>> No.44712675

>week 2 of immersing
>no longer feel the need to check english subtitles
i'm gonna make it

>> No.44712686

couldnt be me

>> No.44712706
File: 489 KB, 2560x1503, 5432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that guy covering his face

>> No.44712828

what should I read when I barely know 500 words?

>> No.44712834

i am atomic

>> No.44712873

crazy the amount of girls that i fumbled or just simply ignore my entire life

>> No.44712896

that shit wakes me up in the night
remembering all the times i was too retarded to notice that a girl was coming on to me

>> No.44712956
File: 204 KB, 738x639, 1671575125996748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the zoomers yearn for localization

>> No.44712967

anything interesting from tgs so far?

>> No.44713066

A few months before unknown readings become rare then a few more before dictionary usage becomes infrequent

>> No.44713088
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>> No.44713190

>Well get used to looking things up
at the earlier stage when you pretty much don't understand anything, would you advise to look up every single thing? or just push through it despite hardly getting much of it. those are two extremes, but even then, how do you balance it out? whats the thought process behind the decision making?

>> No.44713618

I fucking hate these kanji and all their extensions

由 申 甲


>> No.44713655
File: 1.27 MB, 960x540, [mawen1250&VCB-Studio] Toradora! [02][Hi10p_1080p][x264_flac]-[10.04.145-10.10.776].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44713666
File: 409 KB, 1283x2586, IMG_9818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bitch trolling??!?

>> No.44713674
File: 815 KB, 1920x1080, [mawen1250&VCB-Studio] Toradora! [02][Hi10p_1080p][x264_flac]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44713683

minorin bros..

>> No.44713699



>> No.44713953

minorin assuming a womans natural position before a man

>> No.44714003


>> No.44714116
File: 759 KB, 1286x869, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tf did she get here? Just an unfortunate typo? Author is discussing picrel

>> No.44714159

800 hours
anime subtitles
whatever helps you maintain interest the most

>> No.44714160

rafuru - drawing a rough sketch

>> No.44714196

yeah, it's 帯下 that's the problem. First character is for obi, idk why the second is there

>> No.44714273

better than gelbooru

>> No.44714289

oh, drew the rough till below her obi

>> No.44714311

Thanks. Got a shock reading the characters together.

>> No.44714408

You should look up everything you don’t know and try to aim for full comprehension of what you’re reading. Anything you skip will (in most cases anyway) be something you’ll have to look up and learn later on, so it’s better to always be in the habit of learning, not skipping.

>> No.44714410

dunning kruger

>> No.44714611
File: 207 KB, 637x469, 7c2664beb5ba6d214aefbb9d18061dac99bf9b87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44714647
File: 13 KB, 320x180, oishisou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44714834

I like how the only statements you people can write are したい this and したい that. You must think you’re really funny and original to state your “desires” in another language.

>> No.44714862


>> No.44714875


>> No.44714964

not taking my meds today btw

>> No.44715717


>> No.44715791

honestly why not just link your 夜系仕事 work page

>> No.44715823

Are game walkthroughs with japanese commentary good enough for immersion?
I'm thinking of watching a Persona 3 JP Lets play.

>> No.44715866
File: 1.24 MB, 4096x3639, F6TNTSpbcAAAUuZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are game walkthroughs with japanese commentary good enough for immersion?
yes, if its jrpg and they dont skip stuff


there's also this channel, makes a lot of story digest videos

>> No.44715914


>> No.44715947

Thank you for the advice

>> No.44716042

物 (もの) Object, Thing
者 (もの) Person
I have to admit.....I'm so loving this

>> No.44716254
File: 157 KB, 1075x1076, 69M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44716335

>dunning kruger
The fuck does that mean? All I get are results for some cringe study.

>> No.44716374

mono in spic means monkey. it also means dude (as in a dumb bloke). many giggles were had

>> No.44716452


>> No.44716459

it's what you say when you have no arguments

>> No.44716506

dawning kruger cope

>> No.44716557

I'm gonna name my daughter すいか (Haven't thought of the Kanji yet)
Will there be any problems at school or any social matter? I find it cute but I haven't told my wife yet because she might get a heart attack.

>> No.44716583

西瓜 is watermelon

>> No.44716606

>naming your daughter after a vtuber


>> No.44716628

>Will there be any problems at school
Yes, she will get bullied and have no friends.

>> No.44716630

I think suika is a family name

>> No.44716837
File: 95 KB, 325x382, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom zoom

>> No.44716930

the absolute state

>> No.44716967

don't give your child any japanese name

>> No.44716997

finna name my haafu child ビール

>> No.44717004
File: 54 KB, 1342x429, スクリーンショット 2023-09-22 162417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44717029

how did you get stars? what's the voice command?

>> No.44717245
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, F6oQaiiW0AAcREN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44717419

>Watching vbijin
>Suika geemu
Oh, suika is watermelon. That makes sense because I know sui is the on for water.
>Le double check jisho
>It actually means western melon
I fucking hate this language.

>> No.44717554

where is jamal

>> No.44717592

>makes sense because I know sui is the on for water.
that doesn't make sense. 西瓜 is a jukujikun

>> No.44717719

in your moms bedroom

>> No.44717729

burden of proof fallacy

>> No.44717780


>> No.44717866

New thread:

>> No.44718397

yes, on your part

>> No.44718443

bold claims need proof

>> No.44718502

its pronounced dunning krunger

>> No.44719454

calling something dunning kruger without justification is a bold claim

>> No.44719466

anime with jp subtitles, nhk easy articles, children's stories, anything you want

>> No.44719783 [DELETED] 

>come across 弓弦
>huh, wonder whats the right reading, maybe something like きゅうげん
>jisho says "ゆみづる”
>oh nice, let me add that to anki....... let me just type it into google just to double check and.......
>google says "ゆづる”
Can someone tell me how I'm supposed to learn this language if jisho and google are both trying to fuck me?

>> No.44720054

Fan subbers are absolute retards. Nothing destroys your experience more than the entire screen being taken up by a "translator's note" explaining what "aniki" or "sushi" means, and nothing ruins opening credits more than song lyrics popping up on screen.

>> No.44720081

>nothing ruins opening credits more than song lyrics popping up on screen.
wonder why so many japanese mvs have karaoke then
