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44681668 No.44681668 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1715655

Previous: >>44495594

>> No.44682140

What is the better method of looking up Japanese from Calibre? Do you just copy and paste into your web browser?

>> No.44682272

use https://reader.ttsu.app/ on your browser I don't think calibre has any good way to look up.

>> No.44682395

learn japanese :^)
yeah just copy paste if you don't want to set up something that will be a hassle, but you really should just learn japanese

>> No.44682418

That's how you learn, is it not?

>> No.44682429

thought you were just reading off deepl or something

>> No.44682889

The inbuilt lookup is technically the same, lol. The best way is to use a web based reader like the ttsu the other anon mentioned. You can also use the ocr based lookups that VN guys use, but that's not elegant.

>> No.44683024

you only need ocr when it's scans though, calibre is for epubs so you can just copypaste the text

>> No.44683088

What happened to thatnovelcorner? It's not beimg updated anymore.

>> No.44683152
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It would be neat to have a simple repository of novels in both jpn and eng. I want to try reading a novel with both side by side even knowing that some translations may not be the most faithful. I think I will attempt this first with Spice and Wolf.

>> No.44683189

That's a different kind of tool you are taking about and the op seems like he wants a better option than copypasting. I don't remember the name of the software but there's one that acts like yomichan lookup on any program by using image detection. You don't need to go through the extra effort to copypaste

>> No.44684816

There's epub lookups?

>> No.44685985

Actually, I just remembered that you can set calibre to use offline dictionaries for lookups, so don't mind my previous posts. It's a bit slow and finicky though

>> No.44687349

i guess its been replaced by jnovels. they're practically the same

>> No.44689101

Finished up Vol 19 of Danmachi, it was alright I guess. Nice and lighthearted for the most part and some of the shenanigans were fun. Kind of worried it might head into the end game at any moment with the Black Dragon being mentioned more and more frequently, just hope it's an organic transition. I do resent the writer a bit for expanding a harem when he likely has no intention to do a harem ending.

>> No.44689918 [DELETED] 

Leveling skills in retail is awkward because your job level increases at such a faster rate. Leveling without any ring in retail is still faster than leveling with a ring in Horizon. I wonder what the overall game would be like if you could only ever have a single trust out at a time like some other games.

>> No.44690576

Also has the advantage of not clogging the feed with manga volumes.

>> No.44690992

Probably by a different guy. The jnovels guy seems to be catching up and has fewer titles.

>> No.44691117

Where can I download mushoku tensei vol 26 in jp? got 1-25 from nyaa

>> No.44691151

actually nvm, think I got it https://pan.roxylib.com/%E6%B4%9B%E7%90%AA%E5%B8%8C%E5%9B%BE%E4%B9%A6%E9%A6%86%20-%20%E5%80%9F%E4%B9%A6%E6%9F%9C%E5%8F%B0/%E5%B0%8F%E8%AF%B4/%E9%9D%9E%E7%AE%80%E4%BD%93%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E5%B0%8F%E8%AF%B4/%E6%97%A5%E7%89%88%E6%96%87%E5%BA%93

>> No.44691548

there's also justlightnovels for all your EOP piracy needs, sometimes it has stuff others don't, but sometimes it doesn't have a few ones

>> No.44691771

Anyone read ロードス島戦記, the replay or the novel series? Also the 2020 replay using the ロードス TRPG? If so curious to hear your thoughts

>> No.44691856

I'm now to not pirating LNs, but are all GA releases basically free on these 合同誌? do other labels have something similar?

>> No.44691898

I meant 合本版 sorry

>> No.44692300

Read vol 1 but dropped after because it's too bland. Reads like a series of "that happened, and then this happened" instead of anything like a story.

>> No.44692322

They are just a collection of the free trial portions of the month's releases

Talking about the novels btw

>> No.44694611

>They are just a collection of the free trial portions of the month's releases
bookwalker sucks

>> No.44699707

It does seem like something just to hook you in to buy the series if it's not even the full first volume.

>> No.44701457
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Making a 'finished reading' column has been very useful since I rarely bother updating bookmeter, when I finish reading a book I just need to click once on the blank space and it defaults to the current day.
Does /lng/ have any other calibre customization or plugin tips for me?

>> No.44701904

Is Bookworm good?

>> No.44702634
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>You're not living your life correctly de gozaru

>> No.44702636

I need a recommendation chart

>> No.44702670

I recommend Noucome sequel

>> No.44702690

Noucome had a sequel? What!? What's it about? I remember reading that the angel won in the end of Noucome right?

>> No.44703219

It's Noucome with new set of characters, the only obvious link is that the new Angel said the ERABE curse had happened before, and they managed to resolve it.

>> No.44703452

I'm listening to it as an audiobook and really like it. The world is completely different from the standard fantasy LN and is only explained to the extent of how the MC sees it. Some people don't like the pace, but to each their own.

>> No.44703642

>o my soup

>> No.44704963

It's good. But whether it's entertaining depends on what you are expecting from it

>> No.44707188 [SPOILER] 
File: 282 KB, 773x1078, 2db5931ab3094776d189b63b7356004b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No new Dendro WN part today
>Kaido suggests reading the LN vol 21 preview instead
>Check it out
>Pic related

>> No.44707607

What can one expect?

>> No.44708312

Just got done reading volume 5 of nanatsu no maken, it was really good. I was interested in the setting from the first volume but I wasn't really feeling the subsequent volumes but 5 was great. I really hope it's a case of the series finding it's footing and not a case of volumes outside of the revenge just being worse.

>> No.44709342

School tournament arc is one of my favorite parts of the series if it makes you feel better. Of course, the revenge plot volumes are the peak. I doubt that will change.

>> No.44709585

Did kaido finally get over his writer block? I'm seeing far more WN updates more often now.

>> No.44709797

I wouldn't say he ever had writer's block. He takes several month-long breaks at the start of every year since like 2021 and he skips regular uploads like he did today, but even during these breaks he still works on stuff.
For example, the reason he didn't upload this time is because the scene is important and he wants to ensure the quality and hype, so he'll upload two parts at once next week. And the previous time he missed an upload was because he was busy working on a bonus story for the Bookwalker release of vol 21.
Combined with the changes/additions to the LN that he keeps doing, if anything, it feels like he's always working his ass off for Dendro.

>> No.44709925

also remember the crow record spinoff, even if kaido didn't directly write it he still had to oversee it
and it's clear that was the case with how it's integrated into the LN compared to the WN

>> No.44710480

Just found out evil lord have spin-off, is it any good?

>> No.44711771

it's probably the best that a fan could ask from a side story spin-off, basically it's more of the same type of writing in a different context, also simply more subtle worldbuilding by just having more story/lore to chew through
if you already like evil lord there's a 90% chance you will like this too

>> No.44712220

I enjoyed the tournament arc but also feel like it's a bit drawn out. Also the final godfrey's match is disappointing.
But yeah, the series peaks in the revenge vols. And maybe vol 11

>> No.44714939
File: 67 KB, 406x323, Mathemadicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so that's why she punched Kaidou in the face in the comments, also
>Black laced underwear
B3 is fucking thirsty. Guess years of tardwrangling the resident cult leader and her entourage did leave an impact on her. Would Emancipated Giant-Atlas on her/10.
Nah, guy's got a life. If you follow his update feed closely, he tends to take 2~3 months break after each arcs to make time for his family, finding inspiration, posting some supplementary material, and doing a FAQ/Q&A session on his page. Hell, the only reason he went missing in 2021 was because he need to write the AE side. You probably felt we're getting more updates than usual due to the recent Pale Psalms, since it breaks the monotony of war namek.
The more important question is: Did Kaidou recently got laid? Because holy hell, one does not simply write how a JK ends up having to buy juice in nothing but ribbons on her body due to some strip mahjong mishap unless he's got some serious sexual frustration going on.

>> No.44715356

>new trpg chapter
剣友会 guys are entertaining as usual. Hope the author gives more chapters to them

>> No.44716304

>Also the final godfrey's match is disappointing.
Yeah I guess I agree with that. The Oliver team vs Andres team fight was one of the most kino things I've ever read and then the one after that wasn't anywhere near as good. You're right about vol 11; that one was surprisingly great.

>> No.44718385

Yeah, it just that Volume 5 also had the added effect of some insane worldbuilding which felt like a sucker punch in a good way, which also recontextualises the revenge. The fight with Enrico also recontexualise a lot of Oliver's interactions with his friends, he's got some shit going on but he never lets it seep through.

>> No.44718519

don't know if anybody's reading it buy saikyou degarashi ouji is hitting it's final chapter for the WN
i rather enjoyed the lns and my time with the wn, hope it sticks the landing

>> No.44720358

Some anon on /a/ airing thread is claiming nanoa and oliver did it in v10 and cited this text

i know i shouldn't have to ask, but is this legit?

>> No.44720366

Shit, guess I need to pick it back up.

>> No.44720403

That was me and yes it's legit.

>> No.44720410

dont take it personal, i've been burned by fake spoilers on a before

>> No.44723347

Sounds on par for the course from /a/.

>> No.44723872

Still thinking about the guy who went to animesuki forums complaining that j-novel rewrote or censored the plot of amaburi volume 8 because it didn't match the famous greentext spoiler screencap from /a/, and another poster who read the Chinese version had to confirm that JNC TL was correct and it was /a/non that was full of shit.

>> No.44725322

>gimai seikatsu gets shilled all the time
>read first volume
>the heroine has a several page speech about supporting trannies
I hate you retards.

>> No.44725532
File: 17 KB, 234x223, FlK_G3UXkAEOjo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you anons decide on whether to read the WN or LN version of a book? Availability, release frequency, etc? I imagine an LN release is usually preferable, but it's often the case that I cannot find the LNs I want to read uploaded anywhere (like in the DJT resource and Nyaa). Other sites either seem busted or locked. So, I resign to not reading what intrigues me. Quite frustrating overall.

>> No.44725577

Check the review, Read LN if they say there are major change

>> No.44725852

Actually no penetration yet due to the trauma

>> No.44725982

When in doubt, read the LN.
If you really like it then you will end up reading the WN anyway.

>> No.44727190

If I can't find LN raws from the DJT resource or Nyaa, are there any other sources you'd recommend that I try? I checked the links in the OP hoping to find something new, but the sites I've seen are seemingly either dead, walled off, or for translated content (which I do not want).

>> No.44727220

dlraw, zlibrary, the meme way discord

>> No.44727285

that’s literally what i was referring too >>44720410

>> No.44727341

Thanks, I'll give those a go.

>> No.44727967

sometimes you bite the bullet and by them yourself
they're cheap on a volume by volume basis but buying a 20+ volume series is a bit pricy

>> No.44730552

to be fair volume by volume is the intended way to read, given at the fastest there's always a 3 month gap minimum between volumes
it just sucks when reading it all in one go to catch up

>> No.44732195

I start with whichever I encounter first and then almost always either read both or drop both. Anything I can't find I just buy for myself.

>> No.44736052
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infrequent fights, shit ton of character names to memorize, slow plot progression
well-written drama, good world-building, cute mc

>> No.44736446

damn quite a few anime adaptions for got announced

>> No.44737101

Roshidere and Nibanme, let's fucking go boys

>> No.44742607

Inferior medium

>> No.44742703

oh yeah 100%, i'm half surprised by degarashi ouji is getting one

>> No.44743272

It's not about the anime itself, it's about the boost to sales and probability of merch

>> No.44745236

Or the anime did really bad that it killed the source material

>> No.44746042

Can anyone share あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士 2 if you bought it please

>> No.44749764

86 anime is unanimously better than it's respective source material, and that is just one example off the top of my head. save the book snobbery for /lit/

>> No.44749813

Technically yes, but that's mainly because the first volume of 86 had to have that epilogue part because of the contest Asato entered it in which fucks up the story. And also because the 86 anime is a genuinely stellar.

>> No.44749963

Looks like you've posted the exception which *adjusts glasses* proves the rule

>> No.44750061

Second half Kagejitsu anime is better than volume 2. The first half kinda sucks tho

>> No.44753992

anime adaptations are on a weird spot where they got so bad they didn't even work as an ad for the source material to looping back into being good again, if on a shoestring budget
that said, those are still the exceptions rather than the rule
and as far as manga adaptations go, those didn't loop back up, they just got even worse

>> No.44754175

There is no 'rule'. The lack of budget thrown at most adaptations isn't evidence of the medium itself being inferior.

>> No.44754189

you're more incorrect than shadow garden trying to guess what cid is thinking.

>> No.44754227

he's right though

>> No.44754946

Extended Aurora scenes, Kai and Omega, making Beatrix a real character plus the Final Episode alone already made it better than the book

>> No.44754959

Whar are the differences between セベンス ln and the wn? Also is there anywhere online I can fond its ln raws?

>> No.44754989

>the autismo burger exchange
Beatrix alone should be enough to prove the point kek.

>> No.44755084

Given all of that was done with heavy author oversight and it gets extended even further on the gacha which is directly written by the author, it's better taken as a rewrite rather than an adaptation thing.

>> No.44755180

>was done with heavy author oversight
Really tho? Rose short hair in anime was caused by misunderstanding

>> No.44755196

given the shitshows that are anime productions with autistic authors the surprising thing that's somehow the only big oversight so far

>> No.44755317
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Cute imouto

>> No.44755380

Just started arifureta but do I have to bear through this dogshit loredumping through the entire series?

>> No.44756246

any epub for ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 0? what a pain to find those limited volume they release sometimes

>> No.44756281

arifureta had info/lore dumps?

>> No.44758450

Yes, mainly in the first half. And just completed vol 1 but the narrative parts read like pseudo lore dumps, sometimes even jumping into author's personal voice instead of a detached 3rd person. Frankly the writing is dogshit, though the story is entertaining enough. Hope the next vols matches the anons praise.

>> No.44758462

It was never released digitally. Some anon shared the scans here a few months back btw, if you just want to read it

>> No.44760463

This fucking series man. The imouto scenes are consistently amazing and "THIS is what I learned Japanese for" tier. I love the slow burn and escalation in their relationship and the protagonist's development is pretty decent.
But holy shit there were several parts that made me almost drop it completely. A couple of scenes that made it seem like the story was going down a more masochistic path, but those are easier to ignore/forget. One of the worst offenders is the dumb tonal whiplash of the rape arc which kind of poisoned the whole story going forward for me, as if at any point there could be another equally or even more stupid bit like that.
The other one is the whole forced loved triangle with 山本さん, the blandest character in the whole story. At first she helps with the protagonist's character development and if it had been left at that I would have been fine with it (similar to a previous arc). There's even a whole episode where the protagonist rejects her after rightfully realizing imouto is the best girl but then out of fucking nowhere the imouto herself tells him to go make up with her and even enter a relationship with her because of "reasons" (I've only read up to volume 6 of the LN that's on nyaa, but because of the aforementioned concerns I doubt it's a satisfying one).
After that everytime she shows up it feels like she's stealing screen time, like "who is this bitch, where is the imouto that was promised to me in the FUCKING TITLE?" so I end up skimming/skipping those.
Also about LN/WN differences, as far as I could tell the LN adds several new imouto scenes (all great, even one of my favorites), adds one scene with a side character that's whatever, and rearranges a few others.
So imouto is 11/10 but overall around a 6 I guess. I love it, it's FRUSTRATING.

>> No.44761508

>whiplash of the rape arc
That was a bit harsh to read for me, kind of amazing that I still love the imouto despite me wanting to murder her during that entire arc & anything involving her mentally diseased class. I'm currently reading vol 4, 山本 is fine and her questioning the MC why he got late to her home invite was interesting but everything after that has been boring, I'll just get through this volume as fast as I can. Didn't read the rest of your post since I'm not there yet

>> No.44764722

>It was never released digitally.
but why

>> No.44765045

Why would you expect a bd special to be released digitally, lol

>> No.44767808

didn't know it was a bd special
manga volume side stories are annoying enough to track down

>> No.44772550


ヘンダーソン氏の福音を taking suggestions for store bonus SS.

>> No.44773109

Any LNs like Koi Kaze?

>> No.44773805

wonder how often he gets flooded by people asking to continue the spooder route

>> No.44774665

I want to write a webnovel, but not being Japanese is a hindrance.

>> No.44775668
File: 19 KB, 175x230, Thiago Lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a quitter attitude. Just move to Nippon or get yourself a particularly severe mental illness and everything will settle itself. The most important thing in making (Japanese/-style) WN/LN is to reduce your Murrican stench (or influence) as much as possible (ie. muh prose, social commentary, capeshit brainless action montage), that one Yamame writefag story next door actually had a decent vaguely-Nipponese feel in it, could probably learn from him. Hell, with your GAIJIN background, you might even be able to create a new classic ala Ninja Slayer or Inferno Cop if you choose to focus on satirizing your cultural shock upon entering Nippon. You WILL get a reader nonetheless even if you made a series focusing on how an exchange student gets significantly uncomfortable sharing bathwater with his host family (this was a true story). If picrel can make it high, why can't you?
Probably not that often, since MSGK spider is the default heroine (if you could say someone actively encouraging other hussies to take a bite on her prey a "heroine" that is). Looking at the Henderson SS update frequency, Criminelf and Erica the priest seems to be the more popular ones, or perhaps they're much easier to write/elaborate than the other bitches.

>> No.44775964

Elf and magia routes actually. Erica's only got 2 consecutive
ss, a one-off originating from drunken tension.
The other replies already went through all the scenarios I want lol

>> No.44776054

Yeah, it's a hindrance but not an impossibility. There are a lot of successful exophone writers in japanese. Also, as the other anon mentioned the first thing you have to do is to get rid of western way of thinking. I am actually trying to write something too and this is my greatest issue. That thing that gives otaku works their distinction is not giving a shit about anything else and just writing what we want, imagining without any shackles imo. But I just can't do that naturally because my brain is poisoned by half-assed western realism before I got into japanese stuff.
If you seriously want to reform your mentality to write the kind of jp stories you liked, be prepared for reduced communication ability irl btw. At least, that is what's happening to me right now

>> No.44778160

On vol 5 now. Everything's a lot better after vol 1 but still mostly mediocre.
That aside, is there any place I can find all the meme and subculture references from this series?

>> No.44778690

>be prepared for reduced communication ability irl btw. At least, that is what's happening to me right now
How do you mean?

>> No.44778775

Just finished vol 1 of Dendro, it closes by making fun of brit food. This is the third LN I have read that does that.

>> No.44778791

>making fun of brit food
Okay I will now finally read dendro.

>> No.44778887

You will start thinking in japanese or a mix of languages creating a bit of disconnection between the thought process and the speech, making you sound clumsy. This already started when I shifted most of my media consumption to japanese stuff, but turned more conspicuous when I started trying to output something.

>> No.44779733
File: 1.91 MB, 1877x3000, Taiki-Sukumizu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「メイデンwithカリキュレーター・アームズ、【応報神姫 ネメシス】は己の全てで御主を支え、共に望む未来を掴み取ろう」
After 3 fucking years, damn. Somewhat broken Ult, UBMs on suicide watch now. Not that Ray will ever do it, but he can easily fulfill CoCk's job change condition now, gonna be needing a bunch of meatshields though. Revenge match next.
>Rook turns into magic-based Youmu
>That little bit announcement for October
Kaidou, the fuck are you doing?
>Making you sound clumsy
Yeah, that's pretty much the problem with multilinguals. In my case, trying to find words to use to aptly describe certain events tends to halt my thoughts for about 1 sec or so. Like, how the fuck am I supposed to say Waldeinsamkeit without sounding like a snob when it can't be translated without losing most of its meaning? And that's not taking into account cultural drifts, accents, etc. Conversation pretty much always ends up as a combination of "Um/Ah/Yeah/Hmm/Uh," 1-3 seconds of silence, and one overly simplified word closest in meaning to what you want to say, then repeat ad infinitum. Thankfully, you just need to converse a shitton to remedy that.
Did you rike it anon?

>> No.44779925

Not looking at all that spoiler
>Did you rike it anon?
I'll postpone my judgement after 3 volumes

>> No.44781089

which were the other two?

>> No.44781550

Didn't really think much of it until now because I have been following it for a while so I'm always in context, but this made me realize that out of context dendro spoilers are completely fucking incomprehensible.
Few LNs reach that point from what I have read.

>> No.44782201

>half assed western realism
What is that?

>> No.44782390

different anon but to me a lot of western works now either present the world as idealistically as they want it to be, or presenting the world as a caricature of how bad they think it is, since they are often out to make a point and create scenarios to support that point rather than creating scenarios with both point and counterpoint and guiding you to make your own conclusion.
Either that or he means sufferingporn "realism"

>> No.44782800

Well that's why I'm shit at conversations. Converted my thought process back then to mostly english but because of that I mostly haven't been able to talk to people the way I want since everyone's talking in my first language. And now I'm doing that in Japanese too making things worse. I find myself blurting out Japanese recently even with how shit I am at it.

>> No.44782999

it's the EMIYA problem though, since it relies on the enemy's damage counter all it can do is act as a janitor once shit's already fucked, it will never save anyone

>> No.44783973

Are 悪役令嬢 novels enjoyable for guys too or are they the female equivalent of 異世界チート無双ハーレム LNs?

>> No.44784155

Never thought it's possible to cram far more buzzwords in smaller amounts of text in Japanese, but guess it makes sense because of how kanji works.
The question is also stupid because most otome isekai which are the ones to have the villainess stuff is by males for males, because to begin with the genre spawned parodying thin air.

>> No.44784245

Not exactly what I meant. Say I want to write a fight scene between a gatling gun weilding maid and a goth loli sniper. But questions about the reasonability of the situation acts like a speedbreaker. Why the fuck are they wearing costumes that are not suitable for a fight? Is it ok having the maid wield the gatling gun single handedly just for the coolness factor? Shit like that, that are absolutely useless for the feeling (like the chuuni factor here) I am trying to convey but pricks my mind nevertheless. I used a guady example here but it's actually more irritating in the little things. Of course, I can ignore them and write what I want to but the end result isn't able to have the kind of heart I want to put in it. This weird obsession with seeking some kind of meaningless reasonability/logic in the kind of fiction that doesn't need it is what I meant by half-assed realism. And no, I am not talking about the hard/soft sff distinction before some misunderstands, it's more fundamental.
Also just an addition, but it's more than that. As an exophone, you end up having to base most of your writing on experience and knowledge from consuming fiction. Basically creating fiction from fictional experiences like the miyazaki shit seethes about. I don't think it's bad but also can't deny that it warps your mindset a bit. Again not really a bad thing, but doesn't help with your social interaction either.

>> No.44784282

>This weird obsession with seeking some kind of meaningless reasonability/logic in the kind of fiction that doesn't need it is what I meant by half-assed realism.
it's actually not a muh realism problem, it's a muh mature writing problem
it's not about wanting things to make logical sense, if you really tried to apply the same mentality to IRL you would have an aneurysm
no, instead it's about not wanting things to FEEL illogical, which is paradoxically retarded and immature when autistic otaku writing is some of the most internally and externally consistent stuff there is, it just gives no fucks
>>why there's a maid with a gatling gun?
>because that's what her master is into
>>but why is he like that?
>because that's the results of the influences on his life
>>but why?
>because i wrote him and the world that way, problem?
being too much of a coward to be genuine and put your foot down that way is why western writing ends up with shit like attoseconds and the boys comic

>> No.44784344

Can you write a webnovel in English?

>> No.44784348

Well, I wasn't able to find the right words but you got the general idea, the giving fucks thing. I crossed that mental boundary as far as consuming fiction is concerned but can't put my foot down yet while writing. Probably because western or western-influenced lit is the only stuff I had access to until very near to the end of my growing age.

>> No.44784368


>> No.44784395

I think fiction on fiction isn't too bad if its diverse enough. The problem with Miyazaki I think is that the works are to incentious in the group it's talking about ie Otaku talk about fishing anime vs a regular fictional fishing novel. Your already making an otaku book and basing it on stuff like say grander musashi et al limits your world view to otaku shit. Miyazaki probably doesn't want his fiction to be limited by otaku talk.

>> No.44784442

I don't know Japanese and English is the most literary and whimsical language out there. It's a shame most writers use it so poorly.

>> No.44784464

Every monolingual English speaker will be a shit story writer due to western brainrot.

>> No.44784469

Creating fiction from fictional experiences isn't really a problem when it's grounded on real pathos, which most otaku writing is.
Or at least, the ones that don't get axed before 3 volumes that is, or actually release as a VN, etc.
Which funnily enough on the other side of the coin, a lack of genuine pathos is exactly why most mainstream media will feel soulless and/or basic once you had a taste of deranged autism.

>> No.44784584

How do you mean?

>> No.44784597

All eroge do this too.

>> No.44784599

>muh realism
>muh suffering good
>muh maturity
pick your poison
or in most cases, all three

>> No.44784610

You can find all of those themes within much of famous Japanese content. I'm not sure if that is a very good summation of English content, or at least the heart of what the English language is capable of.

>> No.44784611

1 and 3 bad
2 is good though

>> No.44784620

>You can find all of those themes within much of famous Japanese content.
Where? In westernized slop normalfags like?

>> No.44784627

They're very general themes and Japanese have a tendency to employ the most stereotypical childish version of Western morality regardless

>> No.44784629

>childish version
Western morality is already childish.

>> No.44784641

and there it is, the western tactic of "it's all trash/childish anyway" and running away after losing the argument

>> No.44784655
File: 41 KB, 638x359, 1695967932543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>west... LE BAD!
>bad... LE WEST!
nice circularfagging

>> No.44784659

Who are you quoting though?

>> No.44784707

this is why nobody likes re:zerofags

>> No.44784748

it's that one autist from /a/ isekai general

>> No.44784774

What? Can you deny the various narrative copouts employ Western morals? It was always my most odious unfavourite parts of various anime and novels. The morality.

>> No.44785132

On one hand, you're right, on the other, it's hard not to call a skill broken when it could've probably OHKO'd post-Claymill Gloria.

Also, vol 21 is out early. I skipped through it and, along with some additions, it seems to cover the Godslayer AE story and all of the remaining Episode Fragment besides Figgy vs Albert and Phantasma's introduction.
The additional content that Kaido said he would've added to Crow Record if it wasn't axed seems to include F's sister, G, who even gets an illustration and looks like an absolute bratty succubus.

>> No.44786309

I doubt westoid attempts at colonizing otaku culture will really be successful, even if you ignore the language barrier which filters almost 100% of them.
They could colonize geek and ironic weeb culture easily because that group was failed normalfags desperate for social approval, when the mainstream wanted in they simply swung the doors open and embraced it with open arms.
Meanwhile otaku culture isn't inherently contrarian, but it is inherently outliers, and this results in a bunch of different sub-groups that only rarely intersect, it's a bunch of isolated islands with zero need for social approval and in constant flux, because even if you stick to only a single subculture like mecha, mecha today is completely different to what it was just 5 years ago, let alone further back.

>> No.44786934

wait so 86 is shit?
i'm starting the LN from where the anime left off and it's fairly average right now.
it also feels like it's not going in a good direction
>lena pretty much obsessed with dick since she met up with shin
>dumb loli making the series even more generic and comedic.
>stakes feel lower as the cast might have more plot armor now.

but i could be wrong. is the LN worth reading or is the anime just making the source material look better than it is?


>> No.44787021

same question as always
tl or raws?

>> No.44787045

>save the book snobbery for /lit/
Literal EOP cope.

>> No.44787127

d-does it matter here? is the tl shit?

>> No.44787151

Oh boy here we go again.

>> No.44787248
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i don't want any trouble senpai.
i just want to know if the LN is worth reading...

>> No.44787388

it is worth reading
in japanese
yen press and seven seas are just too shit to even consider them actual translations, even calling them fanfics would be an insult to fanfics, those actually like the source material they work with

>> No.44787408


>> No.44787450
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>> No.44787471

buy the raw
buy chatgpt pro
feed the raw to chatgpt

>> No.44787490

>buy chatgpt pro
learn japanese

>> No.44787517

ai replacing translators when

>> No.44787776

That's the easy way to get long context and circumvents censorship. You can do it for free but all the guide on /g/ are all about doing sex roleplay with the chatbots

>> No.44788188

It's basically like damaged teens learning how to heal with some cool action and from a shoujo angle. If you're expecting named characters dying left and right, that's not going to happen. That was a first volume thing.

No idea about the tl, but Asato's prose is genuinely very nice so I would imagine it would be very difficult to translate well.

>> No.44788427
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>it will never save anyone
Correct, which makes it better in context, since you know how much that would make him seethe. Pyrrhic victory at its finest.
Also, it has the exact same irony as HENTAI's Ult, yet the portrayal can't be more different. One is the result of the pervert's acknowledgement of something that's inevitable and the end of his ideals, while the other uses the lunatic's proof of failure as a catalyst to overturn an event that would further tarnish his ideals. He truly is the Death Period of Dendro.
>OHKOs Gloria
Not so fast, Greatest One maybe, but all the SUBMs after that has some real shitty revival gimmick that would honestly just result in more victims if he went solo. Not to mention how it's pretty much useless against Fran, Fusan Shen, Logan, etc. whose main strategy is to win through numbers. He's pretty much the next duel champion if he ever got a 0 defense summon though.
Also, could you share the pic? I want to see how Not!Kaidou's Not!Sister looks like.

>> No.44788538

i don't mind the shoujo angle but it bothers me when the feMC isn't developing and instead just gushes over the MC.

about this actually. was the anime accurate in its depiction on this? i felt that lena's side was rather glossed over and we didn't see much of it.
also she seemed to have gathered aides and support in the anime whereas in the LN in vol4 i read that she had none and that's why she endered giad on her own without any other albans following her.

>> No.44788579

It was mostly glossed over in the LN as well.

>> No.44788601
File: 672 KB, 682x955, G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not so fast, Greatest One maybe, but all the SUBMs after that has some real shitty revival gimmick
I was assuming it would obliterate even Gloria's tail, but this reminded me that it's already detached by the time Claymill is gone.
>Also, could you share the pic?
If you don't mind a shitty gyazo snap of the Bookwalker page, here.

>> No.44788808

nta, just find a novel with a british character or a japanese in a british setting then it's 99% guaranteed to happen

>> No.44789362

>Muh EOP cope
Because being a jp reader has anything to do with whether one medium entertainment is 'objectively' superior to another...

>> No.44789372

Yeah because you aren't reading the author's words.

>> No.44789406

stop being retarded anon. we're not talking about translations, we're talking anime vs book. there is objectively superior medium. even if one is an adaption of the other, adaptations handled by the author or people who respect the source material can be subjectively viewed more favorably.

>> No.44789416

*there is no

>> No.44789508

It doesn't matter at all if you're consuming both of those through fan-fiction translations.

>> No.44789547

because people dont watch anime raw am i rite? Stop letting EOP trannylations live rent free in your head. You're on jp, you dont have to try so hard to fit in anon.

>> No.44789590


>> No.44791316

Any stories about dolls?

>> No.44792383

wait wait wait forget the regularly scheduled autism for a moment this is more important.
if i input my lns into chatgpt pro can i then have realistic ero rp with my favorite characters?

>> No.44792505

You need to run Tavern AI and it is paid because it's just a frontend for an AI API, and you need to really get used to wrangling the AI, but basically yes.

>> No.44792580

>it is paid
>and you need to really get used to wrangling
So just like with real women

>> No.44792595
File: 1.69 MB, 1241x1773, ひきこまり吸血姫の悶々12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

追放王子の暗躍無双~魔境に棄てられた王子は英雄王たちの力を受け継ぎ最強となる~ 1
ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか ファミリアクロニクル episodeリュー2
外れ勇者だった俺が、世界最強のダンジョンを造ってしまったんだが? 1
山、買いました ~異世界暮らしも悪くない~ 1
神の使いでのんびり異世界旅行 2

豚のレバーは加熱しろ 8回目
ストライク・ザ・ブラッド APPEND 4
ソード・オブ・スタリオン2 種馬と呼ばれた最強騎士、隣国の王女を寝取れと命じられる
悪役御曹司の勘違い聖者生活2 ~二度目の人生はやりたい放題したいだけなのに~
レベル0の無能探索者と蔑まれても実は世界最強です ~探索ランキング1位は謎の人~
マニャ子画集2 ストライク・ザ・ブラッド

当て馬大好きセシリアちゃん ~ヒロインの姉に転生したので、負けヒーローの推しを救います~

薬売りの聖女 ~冤罪で追放された薬師は、辺境の地で幸せを掴む~ 1
スキル『植樹』を使って追放先でのんびり開拓はじめます 1
転生してラスボスになったけど、ダンジョンで料理屋はじめます ~戦いたくないので冒険者をおもてなしします!~ 1
黄金の経験値 III 特定災害生物「魔王」迷宮魔改造アップデート
屋根裏部屋の公爵夫人 4
目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に生きたい 11

聖女が「甘やかしてくれる優しい旦那様」を募集したら国王陛下が立候補してきた 2
後宮灼姫伝 3 ~妹の身代わりをしていたら、いつの間にか皇帝や将軍に寵愛されています~
逃がした魚は大きかったが釣りあげた魚が大きすぎた件 3
勇者パーティーを追放された俺だが、俺から巣立ってくれたようで嬉しい。……なので大聖女、お前に追って来られては困るのだが? 7(完)

>> No.44792600
File: 1.93 MB, 1512x2150, 悪魔公女3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

神猫ミーちゃんと猫用品召喚師の異世界奮闘記 7
錬金術?いいえ、アイテム合成です! 合成スキルでゴミの山から超アイテムを無限錬成! 2

聖女の妹の尻拭いを仰せつかった、ただの侍女でございます~謝罪先の獣人国で何故か冷酷黒狼陛下に見初められました!?~ 1
追放された聖女ですが、実は国中から愛されすぎてて怖いんですけど!? 3
不貞の子は父に売られた嫁ぎ先の成り上がり男爵に真価を見いだされる 天才魔道具士は黒髪の令嬢を溺愛する 2
無自覚な天才少女は気付かない あらゆる分野で努力しても家族が全く褒めてくれないので、家出して冒険者になりました 5

極めた薬師は聖女の魔法にも負けません ~コスパ悪いとパーティ追放されたけど、事実は逆だったようです~ : 6
地味姫と黒猫の、円満な婚約破棄 : 6

悪魔公女 3
最強で最速の無限レベルアップ スキル【経験値1000倍】と【レベルフリー】でレベル上限の枷が外れた俺は無双する
戦場の聖女 妹の代わりに公爵騎士に嫁ぐことになりましたが、今は幸せです
大精霊の契約者 邪神の供物、最強の冒険者へ至る
姉の代わりの急造婚約者ですが、辺境の領地で幸せになります! 私が王子妃でいいんですか?
宝石姫は、砕けない 毒親にネグレクトされていた私は、帝国皇子に溺愛されて輝きます
ポーション&ろうきん ダブル1巻パック 【豪華SS付き!】

>> No.44792908

wonder how alexia will respond to me pushing her down as shadow and telling her "it's true. the diabolos cult was made up by me the whole time."

>> No.44792921
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 51VfgxT62pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jan 2024
im hype

>> No.44793018

Thanks anon, do you count artbook and double pack as ln?
>マニャ子画集2 ストライク・ザ・ブラッド
is an artbook
>ポーション&ろうきん ダブル1巻パック 【豪華SS付き!】
is a double pack from lns released a few months ago
only missed
私の婚約者様の毒舌が過ぎる ※ただし、私以外に!

>> No.44793471


>> No.44793838

What's your light novel idea?

>> No.44795156


>> No.44795302

I used to force myself to read each and every line of a book, but I'm starting to think skipping or reading just the dialogue for chapters that don't interest me at all is a better idea.

>> No.44795361

it's not a race, just take your time with it
it takes me like a day or two of reading to finish a volume whilst some people finish it off in a few hours

>> No.44796398

>He truly is the Death Period of Dendro.
ok now this is epic
but like, unironically

>> No.44796554

What sites do you anons prefer to use to see reviews and synopses of novels besides Novelupdates? I'm reading raws, and while I like using Novelupdates to search around for potential books (especially with the tags system), the reviews sections for every book entry are so pessimistic and filled with various western biases that they become useless.

>> No.44796572


>> No.44796633

Do they cover WNs as well? I thought it was only for LNs and manga, or whatever has an ISBN. Still, it seems more like it just offloads people towards Amazon for ratings and reviews. Wish I could find more epub DLs of みょん's works since they have interesting synopses.

>> No.44796705

enough reading has taught me that the average EOP has overwhelmingly shit taste and shit reading comprehension, meaning 99% of reviews are wrong and i can only trust myself
so i just actually read the novel if it grabs my attention

>> No.44796758

I've been having a similar impression after seeing so many reviews in the past few weeks. NU is useful for searching, but it seems to be flooded with the tastes of normalfags from top to bottom. I struggled to find much that has epubs uploaded online, so I ended up starting to read random WNs that were only on Kakuyomu (without proper LN releases), with no regard to ratings/reviews. At least that has been fun. I figure I'll ask while I'm on the subject: have links to anything that has caught your eye lately?

>> No.44797512

I finished reading what's out of ウロボロス・レコード ~円環のオーブニル~, it's pretty fun.
It's about a guy who after experiencing death and reincarnating in an isekai, contracts extreme thanatophobia. He turns to alchemy and will stop at nothing in order to fulfill his dream of immortality.
He's a psychopath and has no regard for human lives or morality, so if you don't like that don't read it.

Also I'm reading メアリー・スーには屈しない right now, which is fun too.
It's about a world where everyone except the protagonist loves Suou Mary, a perfect girl who can do no wrong.
The protag hates her though, and because of that everyone else hates him, including his family.
He finds it disconcerting and sickening how everyone worships her, so for most of his life he's been alone.
The only thing that he has that Mary doesn't is the ability to see the supernatural.
He tries to avoid Suou Mary, who has a weird fixation with him, while trying to figure out how to free everyone from her influence.

>> No.44797619

>takes 4 hours to read a typical ln
How do I stop reading so slow?

>> No.44797627

>4 hours
It takes me like 8-10

>> No.44798368

Read more. Reading is a progressively-developed skill, just like weightlifting and painting.

>> No.44798383

I honestly just glance at amazon.jp and make sure that the first volume's rating isn't unusually low or something.

>> No.44799891

This is a perfectly normal, if not somewhat fast pace.
But if you still want to read even faster, though, then don't JUST read more, but actively try to read slightly faster than you usually do, and progressively pick up the pace as you get used to the higher speeds.
Also, I don't know about you, but I often read each word ""aloud"" using my inner monologue, which inherently slows down reading speed. If you do this, learn to stop doing that. I don't know if they work, since I've never used them, but I believe I've seen some websites that help you train this skill by flashing each word in a sentence one at a time at increasingly higher frequencies until it gets to a point where you HAVE to stop using your inner monologue in order to keep up.
Good luck, Anon.

>> No.44799913

Senpai, it takes me like 2-3x the amount of time.

>> No.44799952

>Also, I don't know about you, but I often read each word ""aloud"" using my inner monologue, which inherently slows down reading speed. If you do this, learn to stop doing that.
Not him but my retention rate is much higher if I do that

>> No.44799971

I tend to read dialogue slower because I have an inner voice for each character. It's more fun that way.

>> No.44799978

I do this too, except if a scene gets boring or stupid then I start reading faster a bit

>> No.44800174

My inner voice MUST read with the correct pitch accent, otherwise it feels like I'm listening to an audiobook read by some gaijin

>> No.44800175

Feed the LN to ChatGPT and ask for a plot summary

>> No.44800241

what's a "typical ln"? I can read elaina in 4h too but it takes me 10h or more for something like 86 or youjo

>> No.44800651

Oh yeah absolutely, being forced to slow down by my inner monologue definitely helps my retention and comprehension, so I've never felt a need to improve my reading speed

>> No.44801008

is that a humble brag

>> No.44801047

i really enjoy dialogue and character interactions so i read them at a slower pace and more deliberately
info dumps and long descriptions of fight scenes i don't find that interesting so i speed up, though i still read every sentence

>> No.44801539

That's fast though. Like Japanese-tier fast.

>> No.44802419
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This cat may actually be too furry for me.

>> No.44802453

after the how the centaur was handled this felt inevitable
anything with noticeable western influence tends to end up with either furryshit, bestiality, NTR, or weirdly enough, obesity and inflation

>> No.44802944


>> No.44803088
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it's no furrier than arknights

>> No.44803122
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Come to think of it GATE JSDF had about this level of furriness in their cats.

>> No.44804403

this is why i like to listen to the audiobook while i read even if it slows me down. it shifts my inner voice to be more accurate and forces me to more fully comprehend each sentence.

maybe some day i'll be amazing enough to read in 4 hours or less without any worries though...

>> No.44804518

It takes me almost a week to read a single volume with 2-3 hours of reading time a day on average.
But it's in japanese, and that's enough for me.

>> No.44804852

Is that the one that had some tan loli bride character? I swear I remember an isekai manga and novel that had a similar concept.

>> No.44804893

I read exclusively in English.

>> No.44804902


>> No.44804912

I exclusively read korean translations

>> No.44804959

I don't know how to read Japanese. I can't believe nearly everyone in this thread, 70 IPs, can read Nihongo well enough to enjoy 50 volume stories. I wonder how many hours it would take to reach that level. I'm 30 now so it may be a bit late.

>> No.44804967

>I can't believe nearly everyone in this thread, 70 IPs, can read Nihongo well enough to enjoy 50 volume stories.
Honestly thanks to phoneposting the real number of posters is probably half that at best.

>> No.44804973

I would assume most posters can. It's a niche thread on a niche board and plus LNs are just not really viable as a hobby if you're stuck with only translations.

>I'm 30 now so it may be a bit late.
Age is never an excuse unless you have like dementia or something.

>> No.44805011

eh on niche boards that number is about 60-80% rather than half

>> No.44805041

>plus LNs are just not really viable as a hobby if you're stuck with only translations.
That may have been true 5 years ago but the volume has grown enough that just the bits of a jewnovel club sub that I follow weekly plus perhaps a couple of series from other publishers actually slots in rather nicely as commute filler etc in between my other pursuits. If my source of entertainment was exclusively LNs and WNs then yes I would tend to agree.

>> No.44805293

At first glance it may seem crazy, but honestly if you stop to think about it, it makes sense.
99% of people are animeonlys, they don't really care about the source material and only mindlessly consume as anime keeps airing.
From this remaining 1%, about 99% of them are mangaonlys, people that don't care about the source material, but have consoomed so much that they quite literally ran out of anime to consoom, and given patreon translation cartels have JP manga on hostage lockdown, these are also the types of people that end up being KR and CN shills, because those stories actually get past the prologue in their non-novel forms.
The remaining fraction of a percent left are those that would actually read the novel, unfortunately outside of here even this group suffers from most people not caring and end up being EOPs.
Unlike other communities like twitter or discord, 4chan with it's anonymity still means it's an inherently antisocial place, which on paper means more focus on the topic rather than attention whoring, and that's still the case on niche boards like this anyway.
So the remaining fraction of a fraction of a percent that are the kind of person to use this as their designated space to talk about LNs would also be the kind of deranged lunatic to be autistic enough to learn an entire language with roots completely different to their primary language, just for the sole purpose of improving the enjoyment of their media consumption.
>I wonder how many hours it would take to reach that level.
Do the usual true and tested method of "grammar > basic joyo kanji > read" and you will be up to shape in like 3 months tops, you will read slow yes, but it's only improvement from there.
Keep at it and in about 2 years of casual-ish reading you will eventually realize you're reading at normal speeds if not faster than usual while still understanding most of what you read, and for someone more autistic that would just happen sooner.

>> No.44805305

Maybe I spoke a bit too strongly. I guess there's enough stuff out there to keep you occupied for a while. But I really cannot imagine being essentially cucked when a new novel for a series I like comes out and then I have to wait years for a translation.

>> No.44805308

problem is even if novels aren't your only entertainment, as long as your entertainment is primarily from japan you're still better off learning japanese

>> No.44805673

>when a new novel for a series I like comes out and then I have to wait years for a translation.
that's the nice thing about JNC you only have to wait a couple of months at most, meanwhile waiting for a year for shitpress is actual torture.

>> No.44805697

learning japanese to "can technically read" from literal scratch while waiting for shitpress to translate kagejitsu volume 5 with time to spare is really fucking funny

>> No.44806544

I really feel like my anime enjoyment has drastically decreased since I started reading while listening to LN audiobooks.
Like I feel it is a strictly superior medium, if you have a good enough imagination. No shoddy animation, no pacing issues (at least less), better explanations, a cool/cute seiyuu and its ~10 hours of entertainment per volume.

I remember when I watched the 盾の勇者の成り上がり anime after having read the first few volumes, and it just seemed so much blander than what I imagined while reading.

>> No.44806756

>if you have a good enough imagination
you have to remember something, imagination is a skill, and like any skill, that shit can be trained
>No shoddy animation
and watching sakuga compilations to improve my imagination is among the most autistic things i have done, and one thing i would recommend doing

>> No.44808068

When reading as a beginner, am I supposed to be mining new words or something.
Or is it enough to just look it up when I come across new words.

>> No.44808603

either is totally fine
the truth is that nobody really knows how much mining and anki actually helps
the most important thing is that you keep reading shit while trying your best to understand what's going on if you continue doing that you'll get good

>> No.44809947
File: 287 KB, 1440x1568, Screenshot_20231001-083453_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preference. I don't care for using SRS as I find it just detracts from my time and enthusiasm for reading. I get great results from using Tachiyomi on my phone and tapping on whatever new terms I come across. Multiple J-J dictionaries with a J-En as a fallback. I let my brain subconsciously handle kanji, and it works well, though I 'studied' radicals in the past.
>Pic related, random string and random term to show how comfy it is.
In any case, the other anon who replied to you gave great advice.

>> No.44810612

If you do end up wanting to do SRS I'd recommend jpdb over anki, just so you don't waste time creating the cards yourself.
I stopped Anki for ~2 years because I didn't really need it anymore and it wasn't fun, but recently tried jpdb and it is more bearable. It can also be motivating to you to see how much of which books you would understand and check some of the words you don't know beforehand in a novel.
I find it fun to see some of the weird words used in a novel, which I maybe missed when reading it.
I do recommend that you set as many things to "I'll never forget" as you can because if you are reading regularly you shouldn't forget common words.
My biggest gripe is that the tokenization is pretty bad on some purely hiragana words, but most of them are "I'll never forget" for me anyway.

As the the others here already said, I think the main thing is motivation which means do it in a way that is fun for you. Try things out, get annoyed, then try something else. Don't take it too seriously.

>> No.44811129
File: 813 KB, 1920x864, Screenshot 2023-10-01 225234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dendro's LN Vol 21 and Manga Vol 12 Author's impression out
>Embryo spoiler
Seems quite in line with what I had in mind (except the Jabberwocky part), the Nemesis/Persephone tidbit in Pale Psalms makes much more sense now.
>That second to last bit about the nonexistent anime
I'm really sorry, thank you for not giving up on Dendro altogether Kaidou. I'll definitely buy the supplementary material if you ever decide to publish it. Also,
>Medaka Box reference
That's... new, what's next? Beelzebub? Captain Tsubasa? Shokugeki no Soma?
Thank you anon. Heavens above, for the love of all things cunny, she looks like she needs correction ASAP, preferably by a Legendarian while F is recording the whole process for his newest book. She has definitely lured unsuspecting ojii-san to a back alley with promises of headpats and encouraging words before pulling picrel.
It's debatable honestly, Jabberwocky's note seems to imply that Ghidorah's 4th head will automatically detach once it has accumulated enough damage, so I don't think it's impossible if it decides to autotomy itself during the split second [Nemesis] connects ala Gouz-Maise/Behemot's instant release even if its fully intact after Claymill Holocaust, though Rook/Shu will definitely notice there's something wrong if that were to ever happen. I'm not gonna deny the stored damage part though, that's absolutely correct since IIRC [Nemesis] also takes into account overkills.
>how Dietrich was handled
Eh? Did you mean the "Use hand as makeshift horse schlong" (mostly) joke part? That's based on a real life practice though (mostly for breeding racehorses), so it gets a free pass from me since TRPG does benefit from realism, unlike those SJW furry bara tranny yaoi josei omegaverseshit you got from Moonlight/Midnight that's "Real" just because. It's as furry as Gardevoir at best and Renamon at worst.

>> No.44812296

>usual true and tested method of "grammar > basic joyo kanji > read"
this is what I like about this thread, no autistic immersion guide or advanced anki setups, just reading
the truth is that no matter what method you use, as long you're consistent in your reading you'll get there in a year or so

>> No.44814292

I'm afraid of asking, but definitively not googling it.

>> No.44815308

here i googled it for you
>Omegaverse, also known as A/B/O (an abbreviation for "alpha/beta/omega"), is a subgenre of speculative erotic fiction, and originally a subgenre of erotic slash fan fiction. Its premise is that a dominance hierarchy exists in humans, which are divided into dominant "alphas", neutral "betas", and submissive "omegas".
sounds pretty tame desu

>> No.44815952

IIRC, the catch is that the part of the hierarchy you are in decides whether you impregnate or get pregnant, regardless of whether you're male or female.

>> No.44819451

alright senpais, i now have a list of 4 entry level audiobooks i'm sure you've all got opinions on. i'll read/listen to them all eventually, but which one should i pick up next:
youjo senki
kono suba

>> No.44819549

youjo senki

>> No.44819597

youjo senki but that's also the only one I've read from that group

>> No.44820402

do you mean entry level in terms of japanese because two of those do not belong on the list in that case
that said i enjoyed konosuba the most out of these because it's just dumb fun and i love character interactions
overlord and youjo senki have too much infodumping and myne is a dumb bitch

>> No.44820417

3 of those are shit so the order doesn't matter
and you already got recommended to listen to YS but sure as fuck that isn't for N6s

>> No.44822695

alright i'll read youjo senki first and if it really proves too difficult i'll fall back onto kono suba. was always interested in how the ln apparently handles the gods' point of view.

sorry, "entry level" may not have been the right term. right now i'm reading isekai nonstop and those are some of the most popular most often recommend series, a sort of "if you haven't read these do you really know the genre" list. though, that must read isekai list feels longer every day. it's hard to narrow it down.

>> No.44822721

>i'm reading isekai nonstop and those are some of the most popular most often recommend series, a sort of "if you haven't read these do you really know the genre" list
the list you gave is pretty shit for that, they are all genetic dead ends that aren't really inspired by anything prior and didn't inspire anything after either
the closest thing you can manage is overlord and the "mastermind of a bunch of henchmen" genre, if you can even call that a genre, but it's so vague that not only most senki would count, pretty much anything with the MC having a group (male or females) would count

>> No.44824300


OVERLAP bunko October covers are out

>> No.44824671
File: 534 KB, 600x853, S_HKS07_cover_shoei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice art

>> No.44824863


>> No.44826898


>> No.44827276

How is this? The cover illustrations for this series caught my eye a few times before

>> No.44830826

pretty good if you don't mind having to read muv-luv unlimited before muv-luv alternative

>> No.44832280

Does anyone by chance know what the deal is with the colorcoding of works on Kakuyomu? Just curious.

>> No.44832312
File: 59 KB, 2088x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just choose whatever you want when you upload. As far as I know there's no explicitly mandated or implicitly agreed upon convention like Pink for ラブコメ, Green for 異世界, etc.

>> No.44832356

I see, thanks for telling me. While I'm at it, any WNs catch your eye lately? I recently added a handful of みょん's works to my follow list since the atypical premises seemed interesting.
Now imagining whatever English-capable nips are on the site coming across that, lmao.

>> No.44832399

jp readers don't really care about /pol/fagging, and fortunately or unfortunately the kind of people that read WNs are also aware of what westerners are up to and how they insult
you're far more likely to get lynched off a webnovel site through report spam if a fan favorite girl has something bad happen to her or the likes than from meme slurs

>> No.44832451

It's not my real handle. Dunno why I changed it to that, just latent /v/tard tendencies I guess

>> No.44833688

Something like /a/ is understandable, but how do you end up here from /v/?

>> No.44838422

>finished volume 9 of nanatsu no maken
what the FUCK katie

>> No.44839546

I started on /a/ and wandered around boards for a while before ending up here and occasionally on /a/ again

>> No.44839558


>> No.44841879

are you having fun yet? :^)
strap in because the wild ride is only starting to unfold

>> No.44842783

only watched a few episodes of the anime and don't know what you mean but please tell me it's bestiality or consensual troll sex

>> No.44842804

That would be more sane than what she actually did

>> No.44843194
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Trollfucking is small time, peanut brain tier deviance. Kimberly magi are on a higher plane of autism than that.

>> No.44844359
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>> No.44844364

Definitively too furry.

>> No.44844404

Do either of you happen to have links to epubs of this? All I see are image dumps uploaded online.

>> No.44847413

Completed arifureta. Early volumes were a bit shitty, but it became more entertaining as the series progressed. The ending felt like the author's escaping from thinking about the ton of unsolved problems hajime and gang have to face in the real world, but the afterstory (2/3rd of the wn? lol) covers that I hope. Also how is the prequel 零? Obviously a tragedy but I want to read if it's entertaining enough, so if any anon read it, give your opinion please

Isn't she the secretary girl? Is the author making 剣友会's formalization years earlier than in the webnovel?

>> No.44847618

Has anyone got a link for 影の実力者になりたくて, or do I have to listen to the audiobooks instead because I can't find 4 and 5 anywhere and I'm not paying 12 bux for a text file.

>> No.44848056

see >>44727220

>> No.44848152

You could just say no, you know? Instead of linking me paid garbage or the non-answer of "talk to trannies for 5 weeks to get access to some super secret links". Well, I did find 4 at least, but that was on a different source.

>> No.44848172

how about you fucking open z-library first before running your mouth

>> No.44848252

Alright, my bad. I didn't expect all the google results to be scam garbage and the actual site is something totally different. Cheers.

>> No.44848274

Not him, but thanks! I didn't realize I needed to sign into a different domain for Z-lib to find more JP content. I ended up finding the books he was looking for, which is exciting since I imagine I can find a bunch of the ones I wanted to read. Props, anon.

>> No.44848322

the first z-library result on google is a scam?

>> No.44848343

when in doubt, use their onion site

>> No.44848464

>but the afterstory (2/3rd of the wn? lol) covers that I hope
it does
>Early volumes were a bit shitty,
this is an interesting take i think vol 1-4 are the most entertaining part of the series

>> No.44848493


>> No.44848512

Seems like it. I wasn't the guy who asked, but I wondered if the source was off, and a net search showed they had a R*ddit page with info on the proper site(s). You have to sign up, but I got proper results for once, so it's worth it. 10 DLs a day limit.

>> No.44848534

I'd pay 12 bucks for an actual book, I'm not paying 12 bucks for a digital download.

>> No.44848602
File: 226 KB, 1057x1500, 1695109203793653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone read this?

>> No.44849282

You know you can just check Wikipedia right?

>> No.44849288

which is the actual zlib site?

>> No.44849297

The onion one

>> No.44849319

So reddit version de originada?

>> No.44849343

nm I found it, thanks

>> No.44849485

It was (indirectly) one of the first things I saw in a broad search. I don't typically consider Wikipedia as a source.

>> No.44849768
File: 161 KB, 1000x1500, d04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw the cover art and synopsis of a LN make you キュン a little, but all the reviews are shitting on it for seemingly valid reasons like excessive padding or retarded changes to the storyline in later volumes.
I just want to read about cute brats and chill, reeeeeeee!!

>> No.44849911

>listening to reviews at all

>> No.44849935

Not him but even if it's just a case of them having shit taste it still sucks seeing an LN you like sitting at 3.5 on Amazon because it means that shit's getting axed

>> No.44849989

How new?
Reviews mean fuck all, the only metric that matters is sales, and even then for publishers these days it's extremely rare for something to get axed from bad sales, more often than not that's just an excuse to get rid of an author.
You're far more likely to see an author go on eternal hiatus than have something actually axed.

>> No.44849999

>than have something actually axed
You don't read many romcom

>> No.44850010


>> No.44850021

All romcom that only have two volumes

>> No.44850037

So no examples.

>> No.44850039

>Reviews mean fuck all, the only metric that matters is sales
Hmmm, I wonder if there's any correlation between the average impression of a buyer, and their likelihood of continuing to purchase subsequent volumes
>You're far more likely to see an author go on eternal hiatus
Hmmm, I wonder if there's any correlation between an author losing interest in his series and the reviews complaining that the premise was good but the author didn't put much effort into it

>> No.44850061

muh industree faggotry doesn't really apply to a hobby this niche, autists will buy shit they like regardless of what the sheeple say in their reviews (see pretty much anything from shinkou), and mainstream stuff will sell regardless of how bad everyone is shitting on it (see most stuff popular with normalfags that even their fans say it went to shit like overlord or meikyuu)
that and if an author drops his shit over bad reviews then he was ngmi regardless

>> No.44850102

And how many of those have a 3.5 or below on Amazon

>> No.44850152

which of your hypothetical examples has a 3.5 on amazon?
and why the fuck would amazon matter when the main stores are bookwalker and kobo?

>> No.44850205

I didn't say Amazon mattered. My only point was that whenever I find a new (new to me) series that looks interesting to me and I see the Amazon rating is below 3.5 it's very likely to have been axed after 2-3 volumes. I should've specified that I wasn't talking about series that are too big to fail, it's mostly just random ones that weren't going to get all that big even if they continued. And the examples aren't hypothetical, I'll dig some up.

>> No.44850238

the LN itself truly getting axed instead of the author dropping it shouldn't really be an issue if you only care about the story
lazy dungeon master got truly 100% axed, and the author complained it on multiple afterwords, but iirc it's still continuing in the WN
if the WN also drops alongside the LN then the author simply lost interest and no amount of money or fame would have fixed that, as you can see from mainstream stuff like overlord
and shit being published by a traditional route of a pilot script getting a hire or winning a writing contest doesn't really get axed either, people with enough motivation to actually pass that filter will continue anyway, virgin road is a complete shitshow and the author is still pushing on

>> No.44850355

The thing with romcoms isn't really getting axed, it's people writing themselves into depression and being unable to continue.

>> No.44850928

>main stores are bookwalker and kobo?
not him but I kind of assumed amazon was the main way to order physical books online

>> No.44850950

Open question to anons present: how many LNs/WNs do you typically (or currently) juggle at once? Do you feel your enjoyment is impacted by switching them up? To clarify, I don't mean passively waiting for updates or the next volume, but actively choosing from a selection of titles day to day. Just a thought I had since I have so many in my backlog.

>> No.44850967

Well for westerners it is, in japan it's still a split between physical stores, amazon, and other online retailers with direct connections to the publishers.

>> No.44851028


>> No.44851158

1 title at a time but I have a separate, special slot for smut.

>> No.44851971

If I get into something I read it until I drop it or catch up to the jp releases, by then I don't consider to be juggling any of them, I just read new volumes as they come out.
I almost never read more than one thing at once, even cross-medium I only read either one LN, VN or JRPG at a time.

>> No.44851989

If I'm interpreting your question correctly, I also typically pick up a series and read it until I catch up completely. There's been occasions where a new volume of something else I'm following comes out so I switch to that to read it, but other than that typically just one series at a time for me.

>> No.44852121

It's mostly the first 2 volumes I had issue with, that too with his writing skills rather than the story.
One series at a time. I get into the story too much once I start reading it, so switching midway is completely out of question.

>> No.44852138

>The ending felt like the author's escaping from thinking about the ton of unsolved problems hajime and gang have to face in the real world,
What problems when hajime already killed an unironic god? Anything on earth is a minor nuisance at best.

>> No.44852589

I am talking about stuff like social relationships but if you put it like that, yeah, that's all there is to it. Doesn't change the fact that author dealt everything with "it's magic" and pushing the story halfway into gag territory. Even the author is self aware about this, see his occasional afterstory afterwords. Best personally this kind of light hearted atmosphere is the best rehabilitation to slowy remove the aftertaste of getting too much into a story.

>> No.44853535

there's not much place to move around once a literal faget god is dead
at that point the only two other options are endless multiversal escalation like a bad shounenshit WSJ refuses to let die by just killing ehit's dad or something, or endless "woe is me i fail at earthcuck things despite killing a god" like it's a westoid work, and both are awful options
honestly the fact the author has written the afterstory for this long without it turning into a insufferable disaster is nothing short of masterful

>> No.44855645

