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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4467921 No.4467921 [Reply] [Original]

I realize that most of you have ether forgotten what /jp/ is or are simply newfriends who don't know.
/jp/ is not where we make posts talking about our personal lives and our problems... we're not your fucking /adv/
/jp/ is not some place where we giggle at memes.... we're not fucking /a/
/jp/ is not some place where we make confessions we're not fucking /r9k/
/jp/ is not some place where we find kawaii pictures on other websites and post them here ... we're not fucking /c/
/jp/ is not some place where we go to fap.... we're not fucking /h/
/jp/ is not some place that you go to, to complain about your weeaboo girlfriend cheating on you and post her nudes... we're not fucking /b/
/jp/ isn't some place you go to trash talk other people you'll never meet simply because its an anonymous board and you can get away with it with out any repercussion... we're not fucking /new/

So /jp/.... what IS /jp/... I want to see how long it takes for someone to get it. Discuss.

>> No.4467927

Fuck off.

>> No.4467935
File: 62 KB, 800x600, Apathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hide Thread

>> No.4467936

/jp/ is bitching according to you apparently

>> No.4467939


>> No.4467940

Remember what moot said mister angry. Tolerance.

Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.4467943

/jp/ is not some place where we raeg XD at everything on sight... we're not fucking /v/

>> No.4467944

>jp/ isn't some place you go to trash talk other people you'll never meet simply because its an anonymous board and you can get away with it with out any repercussion... we're not fucking /new/

>> No.4467945

>how long it takes for someone to get it
We are still waiting since the first week.

I understand your feelings though.

>> No.4467946

/jp/ - Metathreads

>> No.4467949

Well, that is true.

>> No.4467950

/jp/ is where we complain constantly and shit on every thread with imagespam

>> No.4467951
File: 23 KB, 374x306, gyafun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4467957


>> No.4467958

/jp/ is visual novels and touhou.

just have every thread be about one of those and everything will be just fine.

>> No.4467967
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>> No.4467969
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>> No.4467979
File: 264 KB, 800x600, ariahot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/- /l/ mark II

>> No.4467985

And I don't think /jp/ is the place for meta-threads either.

>> No.4467986

With this, your identity has become apparent.

>> No.4467995

>/jp/ is not some place where we go to fap.... we're not fucking /h/

>> No.4468000

/littlewitch/ I wish.

>> No.4468012

> Implying I dont fap to /jp/ tripfag posts

>> No.4468007
File: 46 KB, 210x210, letty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still faps to /h/

>> No.4468010

And yet, so often I end up fapping because of it.

>> No.4468004

/jp/ - Just got shitty

>> No.4468008

/jp/ is pretty much exactly the same as it was two years ago. The only change is that some Touhou threads have been replaced with Meta threads talking about how shit /jp/ has become.

>> No.4468020

As if anyone here would find anything on /h/ erotic.

>> No.4468045

Does /h/ even have hentai on it? I thought it was like /r/, except instead of posts being completely ignored they get spammed with 'FUCKING SAGE BITCH, GO TO /R/'

>> No.4468047
File: 199 KB, 800x800, professor_yumemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is where we can all quietly enjoy our danmaku games, VNs, dolls and associated literature and artwork with one another, while pretending we're all little girls.

>> No.4468053

You forgot about "sauz plx" posts everywhere.

>> No.4468054

I heard that littlewitch gone out of business.

>> No.4468055
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1224470147721gs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /jp/ is a designated porn board

>> No.4468070

>while pretending we're all little girls.
RP is for Shrinemaiden and Deviantart.

>> No.4468071
File: 44 KB, 256x256, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ was made to whine about how shitty /jp/ is, and what is not allowed is /jp/.

>> No.4468083

>my face when I just realized the sticky disappeared and was instantly replaced by a thread that completely contradicts everything Moot said not to do.

>> No.4468109

>my face
What face?

>> No.4468142

It's for EROge, so yeah it is.

>> No.4468158

/jp/ is for taking it easy with whatever gets thrown at us, including this thread.

Since I don't like it, I shall hide it and that will be the end of that.

>> No.4468160

This past week has been hard /jp/

>> No.4468216

And VNs and Galge.
And don't forget doujin

>> No.4468291

/jp/ - That Board that should have been about Japan but the Touhoufags ruined it

>> No.4468490

/jp/ is not some place where we talk about japan... we're not fucking /int/
/jp/ is not place where we translate stuff from japanese. we got /lang/

>> No.4468508

What kind of troll thinks this board was even created for discussion of japan?

>> No.4468518

/jp/ Touhou/Visual Novels
