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File: 183 KB, 2575x3000, HERPA DERPA MEMORIZE ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4466903 No.4466903 [Reply] [Original]

Kanji is fucking pointless.

Why make people memorize thousands of useless and illogical pictures? Why not use hiragana+spaces like the rest of the world? The time they have to put in studying all those fucking pictures could be spent in solving math problems or learning quantum physics theory or something.. you know, useful.

Try to justify Kanji, just try it, you'll make yourself just look like a weeaboo wapanese fanboi because Kanji has NO FUCKING POINT.

>> No.4466912


>> No.4466909

cool opinion you have there.

>> No.4466916

>weeaboo wapanese

>> No.4466925

Japanese is fucking pointless.

Why make people memorize thousands of useless and illogical words? Why not use English like the rest of the world? The time they have to put in studying all those fucking words could be spent in building giant robots or drawing children's cartoons or something.. you know, useful.

Try to justify Japanese, just try it, you'll make yourself just look like a weeaboo wapanese fanboi because moon language has NO FUCKING POINT.

>> No.4466930

>Try to justify Kanji


>> No.4466936


fag status: told


>> No.4466939
File: 146 KB, 500x500, sanae mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4466944

Which can be differentiated by context... So yeah, Kanji is still pointless and a waste of memory.

>> No.4466945

Touhou is fucking pointless.

Why make people memorize thousands of useless and illogical spellcard patterns? Why not use skill and reaction time like the rest of the shmups? The time they have to put in practicing all those fucking patterns could be spent in solving math problems or learning quantum physics theory or something.. you know, useful.

Try to justify Touhou, just try it, you'll make yourself just look like a weeaboo scrub gamer because Touhou needs NO FUCKING SKILL.

>> No.4466947

Yeah, context doesn't help

>> No.4466957

mad because you don't have superior japanese memorization skills

>> No.4466956
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 1266435463287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4466955
File: 9 KB, 300x300, Hanzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots.

>> No.4466949

>Which can be differentiated by context



>> No.4466948
File: 84 KB, 207x212, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel OP's asspain through my monitor.

It's your own fault trying to learn a shitty language.

>> No.4466963

China uses kanji and they're the largest country in the world.

>> No.4466970

fuck hiragana + spaces is hard as fuck

>> No.4466976

it's like saying "why everyone are not english like me ? they should stop learning bullshit and learn my language" everyone are different, they keep to their culture that's all

>> No.4466977

Visual Novels are fucking pointless.

Why make people read thousands of useless and illogical lines? Why not date real girls like the rest of the world? The time they have to put in clicking through all those fucking scenes could be spent in going to a bar or learning how to play an instrument or something that.. you know, gets you girls.

Try to justify Visual Novels, just try it, you'll make yourself just look like a pathetic wapanese virgin because VN girls are NOT FUCKING REAL.

>> No.4467011

Life is fucking pointless.

Why make people memorize so much information? Why not behave instinctively like the rest of the galaxy? The time they have to put in studying all that fucking information could be spent in killing yourself or something else.. you know, pointless.

Try to justify life, just try it, you'll make yourself just look like a religious extremist because life has NO FUCKING POINT.

>> No.4467018

uh, how about people don't play visual novels just to pretend they have girlfriend? Durr.

Also, those that do are different from you so you hate them, you sound like a fucking nazi, live and let live faggot.

>> No.4467025

because of verb endings and shit like kuruma de and kuru made

kite means like 5 million different things, and the only way you know is the motherfucking different kanji for ki, faggot.

>> No.4467064


Ever heard about context faggot?

Like in English, there is the word "bow", yet it has like 5 different meanings. Do you get confused? No.

>> No.4467083

You're just frustrated by the fact that you can't memorize some simple 3000 chinese characters and their various readings. What's the matter, brain too small?

>> No.4467086

>Didn't read the thread.

>> No.4467088

So should I go back to reading books?

>> No.4467212

ITT we know shit about Japanese

No one who can read the language at all would argue against kanji. Japanese in kana only is fucking illegible.

>> No.4467216


>> No.4467230

Come back after you've started learning Japanese and try to say that you can get by without kanji.

>> No.4467247

if japanese in kana is illegible, and kana is just symbols, then how do people understand spoken japanese?

>> No.4467253

kanji are easier to memorize than vocab, and vocab are easier to learn if you know kanji

>> No.4467266


>> No.4467301


there's a huge difference between spoken and written language.

>> No.4467312

You can still read stuff in kana, but it's actually a LOT damn harder, and it takes ages.

>> No.4467325

Kanji are easier and much more quick to read ^_^
Aaaand if you read kanji constantly and speak with that language, you dont really will have any troubles memorizing etc. That goes for all languages. And jpn is not that hard at all compared to Chinese, Russian and some other lngs...

>> No.4467339

And btw, kanji are not the hardest thing in jpn language 2...

>> No.4467340


>> No.4467348

What's harder? Verbs?

>> No.4467365

If you want to be here, you have to assimilate.

>> No.4467380

Please learn to type properly.

>> No.4467381
File: 216 KB, 800x1130, HowToSpeekJapanV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP. The british are getting rid of it anyways.

>> No.4467404

In all seriousness, one can read about 3x as fast with kanji. The US should switch to Kanji.

>> No.4467417

HA! Again.

>> No.4467430

Lol implying that Americans can read.

>> No.4467431


It solve saves space. Japaese books are much smaller than English ones.

>> No.4467433

Americans can't handle such complex concepts.

>> No.4467435

>The british are getting rid of it

>> No.4467441

What are you talking about?

>> No.4467445

Every language except esperanto is pointless.

>> No.4467448
File: 8 KB, 800x533, esperanto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lernu Esperanto!

>> No.4467453

Lol implying there are americans.
They are just a bunch of immigrants with no history.

>> No.4467456


Esperanto is the very definition of pointless.

Learn Lojban.

>> No.4467462

well, a lot of stuff.
complex verbs are somehow troublesome, but they ease understanding as well, so there are two sides to them...tho using them IS pretty hard to learn to
flow of jpn sentence is backwards compared to my lang, that is a little confusing sometimes.
another thing is limited number of Onyomi, thus limited number of Kango variations, which makes oral aspect complicated. in this regard Kanji is a real saviour.
katakana words and sound-imitating (and stuff) adverbs is not a good thing either
and hard use of substantivators etc sometimes makes understanding of jpn sentences nearly impossible, even for themselves
so kanji are probably the lightest aspect of the lang

>> No.4467468


Come on guys we are better than this, 50 replies now.

>> No.4467483

When you're learning Jap as a child:
- Trains memory
- IMAGINATION.JPG (somewhat stimulates creativity)
- Faster reading, gets the message across

As a baka gaijin, IT'S FUCKING RETARDED!

>> No.4467490

if (!kanji) success = false;

>> No.4467506

>Americans can't handle such complex concepts.
But I'm American and the one who made that post.

>> No.4467518

We really aren't.

>> No.4467555

I'm going to be honest, I've heard all the reasons why Kanji is necessary and efficient and wonderful at least ten thousand times. I've been told this by people who really understand the Japanese language much more thoroughly than me. I'd like to hear what a native has to say about Kanji though. Because I have to say, even after all the reasons being presented to me over and over again, I can understand them, but I still think Japan should just kana for everything and spell out their words by syllable like almost every other language on Earth does. The whole Logographic thing is just archaic, this is 2010 guys. People say, "but Japanese doesn't use any spaces between the woooords!" So fucking what, start putting spaces between the words, how hard is that?

>> No.4467563
File: 73 KB, 650x560, Aso struggles with his kanji — The Straits Times Blogs_1266959136483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the op is trying to argue that the use of kanji is awkward and they should modify their hiragana and etc until they no longer need kanji. Their use of hiragana is very similar to our own languages but their use of kanji is alien to us. And to cement the op's talking point see:

If even the prime minister struggles with it, it must be relatively bad in comparison to our languages.

>> No.4467594

Actually Kanjis aren't that different from out words, if you didn't notice, we rarely "read", we recognize words by characters and intuition.
What makes them shit is the fact that unlike with our alphabet, we can't "read" them if we forgot them.
For example if your brain wouldn't recognize the word
you could still read
>F A G G O T
and recall the meaning, with kanjis you can't.

>> No.4467624


>> No.4467625


so? Americans are getting more and more illiterate, and look at Bush's inability to use the language without making himself look stupid. Are you saying Americans should ditch speaking at all and only use sign language?

>> No.4467642


what should i say...
about spaces - if u dont understand jpn, then u dont. if u do - then lack of spaces is absolutely nothing. so if u'r going to use jpn, meaning u'll know it, u wont need them (spaces). there are no spaces 'cause there is no need for them
use only kana..? well, when i c something written using only kana (like text for beginers) i just dont fcking understand it at all, it's so hard u may as well say impossible. dont wish for this sht.
kanji is something that makes jpn, chinese, korean etc languages possible to use and to exist

>> No.4467651

Bush was an alcoholic. Also, our political system is very different from Japan and China's. In America we elect average joes; in Japan only the elite get elected.

>> No.4467664

Spoken like a true weeaboo.

>> No.4467667

Personally I'd be happy with furigana being obligatory.

>> No.4467679

same goes for our president, tho we use normal letters.
if people were not amused, then there was something not to be amused about you know

>> No.4467685

I would also support this but I think it would lead to natives feeling almost as if the government is saying "You are cleary stupid"

>> No.4467705


Aso spent many many years outside of Japan and speaks several other languages. Dubya is fluent in what language other than English?

The Japanese are getting worse at using Kanji thanks to the widespread use of electronic dictionaries and browser plugins and stuff that allows you look readings up conviently without having to remember them properly. This does not mean they should stop using Kanji, rather that they should work more on learning them properly.

>> No.4467712
File: 27 KB, 465x379, yuuka what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bush was an alcoholic. Also, our political system is very different from Japan and China's. In America we elect average joes; in Japan only the elite get elected.
>In America we elect average joes
Is this what Americans actually believe?

>> No.4467735

furigana is a good thing and it is used for ambiguous words everywhere. but since jpn lang is normally used for jpn people, adding furigana for simple and common words are so pointless...it's like translating into english not only stations of underground and some other things, but everything and everywhere

spoken like someone who at least tried to get through and to understand a little...

>> No.4467737
File: 24 KB, 320x240, Batman holding marshmallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a freemason.

>> No.4467822

>Pronunciation: \prə-ˌnən(t)-sē-ˈā-shən also ÷-ˌnau̇n(t)-\

let's put these over every word in written English. I'm sure foreigners are very confused about the different pronunciation of exact same spellings that occur in English and they shouldn't have to memorize the correct one for every word; that's definitely too much to ask.

>> No.4467842

>>4467705 This does not mean they should stop using Kanji, rather that they should work more on learning them properly.

Isn't most of their education already spent memorizing kanji? Maybe it's just an archaic, too-complex system?

>> No.4467854


if das true, den why dey be beatin us in maths and siences?


That's a false analogy and you know it.

>> No.4467860

How about you learn the fucking language and then realize that kanji is necessary. Reading all kana is just a huge pain in the ass to the point where it's actually more efficient to learn thousands of characters. What more explanation do you need?

>> No.4467875 [DELETED] 

We are tired of your spam and bullshit at www. anon eraseThisOK talk .com. Stop fucking with us. You owe Sysop over $10,000 USD due to your harassments. Pay up by donating.

>> No.4467878
File: 40 KB, 279x277, tewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just an archaic, too-complex system?
Hey, it never stopped me playing D&D.

>> No.4467879

>>4467712 In America we elect average joes

America's politicians, on the whole, have always come from the social elite. Not necessarily old money (though there is plenty of that), but always among the elite.

>> No.4467895

>>4467651 In America we elect average joes

Maybe for city or county elections.

>> No.4467937


>That's a false analogy and you know it.

Nope. You don't need phonetic readings over every word if you're fluid in that language.

>> No.4467975

Well, pronunciation problem is for all languages you know...

>> No.4467993

>did you mean fluent?

IPA pronunciations don't even use the same script as the actual text; they're not analogous to furigana.

>> No.4468186

GWB is the son of a former US president. he is a millionaire. he went to Yale. and Harvard.

>> No.4468290


oooooooh right, that makes perfect sense. You can't compare little phonetic notes over a word to little phonetic notes of a word. You are right. My mistake.

>> No.4468366

OP is the prime example of a weaboo faggot whose arrogance is completely based on ignorance.

>> No.4468384

It's Hanzi or better Chinese Character for fuck's sake, stealing something doesn't justify rebranding it.

>> No.4468422

mostly all jpn kango are "stolen" and rebranded yet nobody thinks that that is wrong. and "kanji" is just one of those kango ("chinese" words), faggot

>> No.4468506

good thing English didn't steal any words or its letters from anywhere.

>> No.4468536

That's like saying "reading all those letters is a huge pain in the ass!" There's like 50+ letters in this post, and what a huge pain in the ass it was for me to read this back, much less write it out!

>> No.4468684

>That's like saying "reading all those letters is a huge pain in the ass!"
No it's not.
