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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44594819 No.44594819 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44543276

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44594864
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタmalie (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Silverio, and I just realized something two and a half routes in - did they get around the issue of having a voiced MC and h-scenes by having Zephyr go completely silent during h-scenes? I don't mean muting his voice, I mean I realized I don't think he actually says a single line during the h-scenes and it's all the girl talking the whole time. Did I just miss a line somewhere?

>> No.44595199

Reminder >>44510164
Around 3 weeks remain, unless they ban me sooner.

>> No.44595303

what was that upcoming VN that they said would have a ton of CGs? Someone posted it a few threads ago like 5 or 6 or probably more or less. I have a bad sense of time

>> No.44595355

This may sound like an odd question, but do you know a heroine like Ayre from the new Armored core?

>> No.44595388
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, 子育てを終えた妻が……musuko (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the new heiantei game.
It has a very odd structure, since most ntrge either do "read exclusively from MC's POV and go to a flowchart or some other menu to read the h-scenes", or "read from okusan's pov the whole time". It starts off alternating POVs early on between MC and okusan, but then once you're a bit in and everything's set up it switches exclusively to MC POV and the rest of the game is the classic "that's odd my wife is panting really hard on the phone", "I got drunk and fell asleep early and I had the strangest dream", "my wife and I go to an onsen together and she goes in the women's bath and start making weird noises" and go to a the recollection screen to read the h-scenes.
It has some decent h-scenes and I think the post-corruption hairdo just outright looks bad, but I got a few decent faps out of it you're into that kinda thing I'd recommend you 'give it a try'. If you're not it probably won't change your mind and if you're just curious there's better starter ntrge.
Also, repeatedly mentioning that the heroine is a mom but not having an oyakodon scene is a sin. Also also, they gotta stop doing "okusan has been taking yarichin cock up her ass five times a day but freaks out at her husband when she sees him talking to a platonic female colleague", it just makes the heroine unlikeale.

>> No.44595458


>> No.44595470

This is extremely rude.

>> No.44595597

I think that's normal. Iirc every light games I read the mc doesn't have voice during h scene

>> No.44595753

Picked up

>> No.44597841

The "MC goes completely silent during H" thing was something Light started doing with Senshinkan I think. Like normally the guy doesn't say much anyway but you'd still expect a line on occasion just because that's how dialogue goes. They rewrite it so the narration just says he nods or something like that. It's kind of weird in my honest opinion but whatever. I do recall one H scene having Yoshiya actually say a line relatively late into the ordeal which threw me off guard since I was used to him being completely silent at that point.

>> No.44597847 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, 1605128922859872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this Mekuiro CG hits different after you finish the game.

>> No.44598026
File: 915 KB, 1282x767, oWf1rPJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey dad I've got a friend staying in the garage with me this summer, so by all means, please don't come near
If you were the dad, what would you think?

>> No.44598050

Summer is pretty hot in most of Japan right? Wouldn't you literally die in the garage? That just absorbs heat all day and should get to pretty dangerous temperatures easily.

>> No.44598683
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, malie_1fOXOFPxID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finished Silverio Vendetta, and the Vendetta route is exceptional. It has numerous captivating battles, atsui moments, and allows all the characters to truly shine. The overall quality of this route sets it apart from the others. Even though I like Chitose as a heroine, the Vendetta is equally impressive. Overall, it's a great chuunige.

>> No.44598793
File: 449 KB, 872x705, 1686018809156123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vendetta's route was kino. Love her

>> No.44598905

That yellow UI is awful

>> No.44599035

It goes well with blue. So well that it's a flag of a country. :^)

>> No.44599540 [DELETED] 

It's not a real country though.

>> No.44599666

Decided to play a random villainous protag game:
The protag has yet to appear in the story five chapters in. Hecking creative route structure.

>> No.44599676

It's the only country if we go by Kievan Rus lore.

>> No.44599697

what's wrong with Sweden

>> No.44599819

Well, going by this argument, "Rus" would be the proper country, with Kiev being occupied by some shitty rebel state. You get it!

>> No.44599824

I think you meant to type Galicia.

>> No.44599852 [DELETED] 

A country with pee in water colors for a flag isn't relevant

>> No.44599873

mass produced white-haired russian heroine

>> No.44599907 [DELETED] 

Ukraine is finished.

>> No.44599913

Behold, highest concentration. Don't focus on the names too much.

>> No.44599933

Ruskie flag will be a blueberry sandwich (white-blue-white) soon enough.

>> No.44599956
File: 101 KB, 800x450, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've glanced at that page a few times now but hadn't realized it was taking place in Russia. Interesting.

>> No.44599965

But seriously, will we get more Ukrainians in eroge in the future?

>> No.44599971

damn only one white-haired cutie
just make Aojashin 2

>> No.44599973

Russia will forever be a country with their men lying down on the snow (white) with their blood (red) and tears (blue) mixed in it though.

>> No.44599992

new pin-pointge will deliver

>> No.44599997

I will have their women bleed blood and tears on the snow soon enough.

>> No.44600015

Why can't we have normal threads...

>> No.44600023

Got drafted, did you? Good luck lol. Odds aren't good.

>> No.44600030

They dodged a bullet releasing this a year before Putin's chimpout. It would've been delayed or canceled otherwise.

>> No.44600042

Reading VNs is a common hobby among Slav NEETs, and some retard brought up Ukraine, so there you have it.

>> No.44600045
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me white heroine kamige

>> No.44600046

I'm not a Slav(e)

>> No.44600056

Going by what happened with Little Orpheus and Advance Wars, yep.

>> No.44600078

No one can read untranslated VNs besides Slavs and SEAsians. Notice how anti western this thread is all the time

>> No.44600080

So...what about Project Vermillion?

>> No.44600093 [DELETED] 

>Ruskie flag will be a blueberry sandwich (white-blue-white) soon enough.

Sounds like a liberal delusion. Belarus failed and there is no real opposition in Russia.

>> No.44600154

They released the FD this year

>> No.44600157

Everyone with a working brain is anti-western to be fair.

>> No.44600161

Sei brunehilde and Seikishi melty, are albinocore.

>> No.44600207


>> No.44600226


>> No.44600230

Russian men are so lucky....

>> No.44600251
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, malie_oZYNuqcKkK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't looks like kamige
finished today

>> No.44600275

The only reason she looks good is because she's 2D anon. Unless you meant fictional Russian men.

>> No.44600283


>> No.44600299 [DELETED] 

Then how come most anti-Western countries have double digit IQ averages?

>> No.44600307


>> No.44600311

Low level terrorism is how you get things shaking in Rusland.

>> No.44600319

This year for sure!

>> No.44600323

It was short and shit though.

>> No.44600349

You clearly have no idea how russia operates, back to plebbit please.

>> No.44600359

Next few days going to be really silent because half of this thread gonna be banned at this point
I remember how making a mere correlation between iq and birth rates levels got me banned for a week for racism..

>> No.44600362
File: 1.03 MB, 670x753, 1676756964846126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44600363


>> No.44600370

Kek as if this contrarian shithole knows anyy better.

>> No.44600399

I need more eroge of Jap boys fucking Slav girls.

>> No.44600403


>> No.44600411

onee > shota < onee
and post the game here i can't find a good link

>> No.44600419

Thanks it looks interesting

>> No.44600427

Yes, edgelord.

>> No.44600441

Any VNs where you can experience an authentic Russian life full of misery and torture?

>> No.44600443

Baku ane 2

>> No.44600466


>> No.44600475

You're just subordinating yourself to the most intolerant and (seemingly) strong, you know. You get to avoid public pressure, sure, but now you get to eat shit with everyone. For life.

>> No.44600492

Gothic 2

>> No.44600505

aojashin(but good)

>> No.44600532

>more edgy midwittery

>> No.44600546

You have no idea about what you're talking about, so please shut the fuck up, you're only making it embarrassing for yourself.

>> No.44600556

Enjoy being a properly submissive coward, see how it works out for you.

>> No.44600586

kek that's a good answer

>> No.44600651

>more barking
Tankies really have nothing to show for, but no u level retorts.

>> No.44600691

Commies are highly submissive to authority, retard. Like you.

>> No.44600713

>Calling me Commie.
That's one check off your list of overused insults. Keep it up.

>> No.44600734

>>>/pol/ you dumb faggots

>> No.44600748

I can't tell if you're stupid or trolling anymore.

>> No.44600780
File: 661 KB, 967x1011, 0d4d74ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44600834

Let that rattle your little brain for the rest of the day.

>> No.44600904

Easy, it's both. It's usually both.

>> No.44600930

Sure thing, xoxol.

>> No.44601204

You sounded unsure from before so I'll give you more time.

Enjoy being in the wrong side of history. Again.

>> No.44601230

>no JP option

>> No.44601233

>in the wrong side of history
>doesn't know what tankie means
Off to the front lines with you, hohol. You talk too much shit.

>> No.44601254

How's counter-offensive going on?

>> No.44601273
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x1288, 1595178981238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Kill yourselves. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Nobody here gives a shit, holy fuck. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Kill yourselves. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.44601281

he's the one calling them tankie though? you people are just confusing each others' position at this point

>> No.44601302
File: 147 KB, 707x1200, st_10_101z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love outfit design

>> No.44601309

Why the fuck does "Trolling outside of /b/" even exist but "/pol/ outside of /pol/." does not?

>> No.44601372

Well, he didn't know that tankie=commie, and then went on to spout the "on the right side of history" meme, which is a commie/Hegelian as it gets.

>> No.44601373

cause that'd just be off topic?
you can troll on topic however

>> No.44601379
File: 154 KB, 768x1024, 1694214129904648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was kind of funny for a while until you fucks started your lame /pol/ fight. Even shitting on MTLers and EOPs is better than this.

>> No.44601527

Fandisk baiting is really starting to piss me off

>> No.44601585

Trolling outside of /b/ was a rule made just so jannies could ban you for whatever reason they wanted
>man i love TTGL
>Janny: no trolling outside of /b/
>*gets banned*

>> No.44601694
File: 895 KB, 1920x1080, 機神咆吼デモンベイン ver1.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what happened in this thread, and I don't care to find out either, but chapter 10 of Demonbane was too fucking good. Especially that scene where all the Deus Machina gang up on Demonbane, I was literally on the edge of my seat reading it. Actually I'm kinda sad that real life is stealing so much of my reading time or else I'd be reading this all day long.

>> No.44601894
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x768, 1689767716695009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who turned my wife into a cat?

>> No.44602160
File: 81 KB, 1413x338, 1452475757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the mines

>> No.44602273

Kino trait

>> No.44602278

Apologize to yuzusoft right now

>> No.44602465
File: 252 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230911_011401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heyo frens, finally finished up this eroge last night,
it took me more than I needed to, because I got distracted with another game and pretty just kept taking breaks after pretty much all of the final scenes

this is probably my GOAT eroge, it does have some quircks here and there, but amount of content and quality of scenes are just all the way up there
storywise, its what you expected, except with the 白ルート which was quite heartwarming
gameplay by itself was also pretty interesting and challenging at times, but not too grinding that it gets annoying

I think overall, going for all different routes and the dlc, it took me basically a month, on and off, but pretty much fapping exclusively to this

>> No.44602499

Why? Yuzu doesn't do fandisks.

>> No.44602500

I comprehend evil routes better than extended bad endings with NTR. Girls get gangbanged either way, but, you know, context.

>> No.44602508
File: 200 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230910_233854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the interesting twists in scenes, is that she had to often talk about about previous encounters
the final scene is much her telling the whole history of how she came be like that, and then just getting abused and debauched to the verge of breaking

anyway, this is a real good one, but it can be quirky at times, so if anyone wants to know details, now would be time to check out while its fresh in my memory

>> No.44602546

exactly, they give you the full package from the get-go

>> No.44602575

>I comprehend evil routes better than extended bad endings with NTR
also have you played that? I could tell you how the routes go if you don't mind minor spoilers

>> No.44602623
File: 201 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230910_233924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, if you guys didn't know already, but this a custom heroine type of deal, with some customization
KISS already did several game like that, but in this its kinda part of the plot, so you can change her appearance anytime, and it kinda brings back some novelty from time to time

>> No.44602686

What are some VNs with corrupted forms like that?

>> No.44602790

Mahou shoujo games are notorious for this. Pick any Triangle or Maika title.

>> No.44602882

but can you increase her bust size?

>> No.44602920
File: 185 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230820_031207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorta, she has S/M forms, but only 2 bust sizes for each, pic related is the big boob M
there is also a L-body but it only show briefly, or you have the dlc for presumably Darkness path

>> No.44602933


>> No.44602960
File: 255 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_103619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and there are also some side characters, tho obviously they don't get as much focus
pic related my favorite teasing tsundere maid

>> No.44602971
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>> No.44602976

Time to add another game to my wishlist only to ask myself in a few months time, why is this here?

>> No.44602984
File: 1.04 MB, 1109x664, 15151515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute: wasn't tsubaki supposed to be the last boss in the demonstration festival or something along those line? what, did the writer realize he didn't write enough characters to make a compelling fight or something?

>> No.44603018

I'm pretty sure they repeatedly explained the tournament structure.

>> No.44603023


>> No.44603035

yes, and I remember she wasn't supposed to join the tournament until the very last round. or maybe I'm just a retard.

>> No.44603057

Yes she was seeded, that doesn't mean she only fought in the last round. You didn't pay attention
I literally read this game three years ago and remember better than you.

>> No.44603058

Tsubaki isn't automatically seeded at the top of the tournament structure. She has matches in between. She's just considered to be the most likely to win, since she won two consecutive years prior.

>> No.44603066

yeah, I'm retarded.

>> No.44603232
File: 1.76 MB, 1615x1212, malie_11-09-2023 22-26-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Subahibi has completely killed Mizusawa Kei for me
I guess she is just unable to change her voice much because no matter what role she does all i hear is Yuki who is trying to cosplay someone else and i just can't take it seriously at all
And it feels especially uncanny when she is trying to voice edgy characters like Kei without even trying to change her intonation at least a little, at this point it's going to become my most disliked seiyuu ever even though i absolutely loved her Yuki acting

>> No.44603336

It's funny since Dies was the first game I played with her in it. But yes she always sounds literally exactly the same. Even in random moege.

>> No.44603546

Which is pretty amazing on its own given the sheer amount of roles she has

>> No.44603560

She always does the same voice and I always eat it up like the pig I am, just like Shimizu Ai

>> No.44603597

>Shimizu Ai
Are you really going to tell me that https://vndb.org/c5142 and https://vndb.org/c9817 sound the same? I would never even be able to tell without looking it up
Don't remember much about her other roles though

>> No.44603637

I may have been unfortunate to only play multiple games where she does the exact same voice. Which I don't actually mind since I'm a sucker for it

>> No.44603712

you just reminded me of how wagahime had a large cast of girls who didnt have scenes and we assumed they'd do more FDs but then they went the gacha route instead hahaha...

>> No.44603715

Is the novelization of Cross Channel any good?

>> No.44604324
File: 13 KB, 404x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where kirikiri VNs store the save data path? I recently changed computers and tried running a VN only to be greeted with pic. I've tried modifying the .cf file, I've tried manually making a new save data folder in the VN's install folder, and I've tried looking in the registry and AppData (which would be weird as this is a new computer and shouldn't have anything related to VNs written to it) After all else failed, I decided to reinstall the VN only to be greeted with pic again. where in the fuck is it pulling my old save data path from? I reinstalled the VN so there's no way it's pulling the same string from something like data.xp3 or any of the VN's installed files... I realize I can just recreate the directory it wants but it would be a problem if I didn't even have my original save files. the level of obscurity just for the save data location string is bordering on spooky

>> No.44604376

Does this mean those old Shoujo Kyouiku DLC that were missing got uploaded somewhere? I can't find them.
Or that the DMM version has them and he bought it?
I don't see anything there about having DLC

>> No.44604443

there is append patch on ab idk if it's that

>> No.44604738
File: 7 KB, 511x64, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>44604324 (me)
culprit is likely one of these files. looks like it's correctly reading my original save data inside the new documents folder but is incorrectly pulling the old path stored somewhere in these three files. removing my original save data makes the VN think I have no save data and creates a new set of these three (plus one plaintext file). couldn't make sense of anything opening them up in a hex editor... next step is dumping the scripts inside the xp3 files and figuring out how it reads from these three files. I fucking love glorious nippon code folded over a gorillion times

>> No.44604804 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 機神咆吼デモンベイン ver1.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, the bad guys are fucked. I mean just look at this guy, he even put on the cape just to assert his dominance.

>> No.44604810

Kirikiri usually stores it the .cf file with the same name as the game exe. It's in the variable datapath. If there is no that variable (for example if it's commented out) or if there is no .cf file then it places saves in the savedata dir next to the game exe. But if that doesn't work you might set it to "\x24\x28\x65\x78\x65\x70\x61\x74\x68\x29\x2f\x73\x61\x76\x65\x64\x61\x74\x61" which means "$(exepath)/savedata". Encoding of that variable is a bit weird. It's hex escaped shift-jis string with double bytes being \x escaped. You'll need to write your own converter to write it properly.
That's default behavior but some games might do weird stuff too, even if it's unlikely.

>> No.44604823

Eroge loves Russians and soon Ukrainians. Deal with it.

>> No.44604829

why not just create exactly the same path as old pc

>> No.44604830

Where's she from?

>> No.44604841


>> No.44604928

Capes are so cool. Guess I'll finally pick up demonbane

>> No.44604952
File: 87 KB, 842x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I figured out that python makes it easy to convert the strings found in the cf file. I tried the string you provided and it did make a savedata folder in the VN's folder automatically but it still complained about missing .bmp files when I tried to load a save file, putting the files in the auto-created savedata folder didn't change anything. looks like whenever a new save is made, the path to the bitmap is hardcoded at the time it is created. I put my original save data into the path the VN is asking for, but when I make a new save, it puts it in the path of my new documents folder--not in $(exepath)/savedata. pic related, data18.bmp and data19.bmp were just now created when I saved twice as a test

>> No.44605031

Looks like Documents folder is represented as $(personalpath) and is encoded as "\x24\x28\x70\x65\x72\x73\x6F\x6E\x61\x6C\x70\x61\x74\x68\x29".
Not sure if that will help you or not. Maybe you could grep either game path or save path for that sequence of bytes to understand where it got saved at this point.

>> No.44605373

Can anyone vouch for any of the sources of Kanon for pc? Not asking for a source I've seen many, just whether downloading from IA or nyaa or kazamatsuri worked for you.

>> No.44605652

You guys going to watch the anime about being time leapt back in the 90's and making PC-98 eroge?

>> No.44605667

I thought she sounded pretty different as Beatrice, at least her intonations. But maybe I'm just delusional.

>> No.44605713

>They're painting gunpla in the garage and don't want me to get sick, how considerate

>> No.44605751

>watching modern anime

>> No.44605754

What is that? I'm not following anime much nowadays.

>> No.44605857

Quit being an oldfagget.


>> No.44605882
File: 283 KB, 1280x960, 黒人VS白人~パワーセックスの虜になった妻~黒人VS白人 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new pin-pointge will deliver
Pin-point hasn't been delivering their A-game for years. Their last game was terrible except for memes. What was their last good release, the mon-petit one where half the corruption is offscreen?

>> No.44605887

Goofy premise but might be fun. Sure I'll try it. Also I want to relive the 90s too sometimes.

>> No.44606323
File: 953 KB, 668x780, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing 漆黒のシャルノス recently. I heard it's not very good compared to Inganock, but I've been enjoying it so far. Maybe it's something to do with the time period, it's cozy, but I guess I'll see if it ends up with a bunch of half-baked chapters like Inganock did during the latter half. Mostly my opinion so far is the MC is cute, the music is very nice, and I'm enjoying the huge amounts of repeated lines in the same way that I enjoy watching the transformation scene every time in a magical girl anime. I'm not sure if it's masochistic, representative of 3 IQ, or both. Have a cat.

>> No.44607589

Looks fun. Will watch.

>> No.44607828

can't find a good one that i haven't read already.
sucks man.

>> No.44607914
File: 429 KB, 1280x720, 2020-11-23 03_08_56-白昼夢の青写真.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ how horrifying, glad i don't keep up with anime anymore.

>> No.44608259

https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1780291 this one worked perfectly for me

>> No.44608396
File: 93 KB, 800x574, tsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got both twins endings (final molester train and keep them for myself) and now Im checking out Tsukiyomi dialogues in molest mode but can't figure how to remove her underwear, tried different combinations of commands and skills but the gauge always reaches max before stripping her. CG is already open but I want to see those dialogues too, guide was useless in this part because devil hand was used to max them out almost instantly.

>> No.44608516

Interested in playing this. Do I need to have fimished the earlier ones?

>> No.44608649

Weird watching Battle Royale after reading Cross Channel, I thought I noticed all kinds of CC echoes but it's probably more like the opposite.

>> No.44609821 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 460x348, a1rQp3D_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not power trippy enough for a chikan game. Also pic related.

>> No.44609903

this post was funny to read

>> No.44610092

How gimped is the english version of Amatsutsumi?

>> No.44610173

No one knows, no one cares. If you're looking for translation drama go somewhere else like /v/, EOPig.

>> No.44610219

>Nude sprites have mosaics.
So nothing worthwhile.

>> No.44610272

it feels wrong in a modern artstyle

>> No.44610312

Cute concept. But the protagonist having multiple colored hair like a vtuber within a past setting like that is stupid.

>> No.44610675

at least put a proper link you dumbo,

what an oddly specific premise, it could be cool for someone into old eroge
but why the fuck did they have to do the characters middle schoolers?

>> No.44610683

>why the fuck did they have to do the characters middle schools?
Hard to jack off to the girls otherwise.

>> No.44610775

It's coomershit and won't get attention from the modern audience otherwise. The whole thing seems ultra tryhard.

>> No.44610826

Thats a blonde girl.

>> No.44610942

I don't think you understand what coomershit is. The designs are just cute that's all.

>> No.44611034

Doesn't matter, that's just a simplistic way of thinking
looks underage = coombait for fan content
Cute designs without sexualization is enough for coomershit. If they really gave a genuine damn about interpreting eroge development during the 90s, they wouldn't cast everyone as kids but this is anime shit

>> No.44611041

Do you only play NTR nukige with old women or what?

>> No.44611094

Looks like you're the one trying a bit too hard. There is nothing sexualized in there and this is not what they're going for. You honestly sound pretty clueless about the anime industry.

>> No.44611138

I honestly don't give a massive fuck because this is the untranslated eroge thread not the latest goyslop anime you're trying to convince people as non coomershit.

>> No.44611215

You're not saving face by dialing up the amount of buzzwords anon. Next time if you have nothing intelligent to say just refrain or go back to /pol/.

>> No.44611240

Why are you crying about the "coomers" on a general for discussing eroge?

>> No.44611284

I feel the same way too, but the premise interested me so I will watch anyways. I wish late 90s/early 2000s style would do a comeback someday, even if in a small scale

>> No.44611287

Nah, I'd rather just give my commentary even if no one agrees. That's the whole purpose of anonymous posting. You can cry about simple words all you want.

>> No.44611331

No one is crying, you're just not making sense. Other anons are asking legitimate questions too and you've been ignoring them.

>> No.44611382

It makes perfect sense to make commentary and also not be obligated to answer or agree with anyone. You seem pretty upset about this whole thing.

>> No.44611394
File: 551 KB, 960x540, [B-Bass] Seitokai Yakuindomo S1E02 [5B82F1AF]-[18.58.803-19.17.531].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a (you) problem

>> No.44611429

I have no idea how you ended up in an eroge thread if that's your real opinion

>> No.44611859

Imagine crying over "coomshit" anime when eroge has had this aesthetic for the past 20 years. At least have a modicum of self awareness.

>> No.44611910

You haven't read much beyond shitty nukige and moege, I know

>> No.44611928

So any recommended route order for silverio trinity?

>> No.44611931

Or maybe there's simply less of your avant garde hipster shit that you keep shilling for.

>> No.44612159

Aya -> Mistel -> Rain -> Grand

>> No.44612175

>plotcucks are literally dying compared to moebutas !!!
>still tons of plot heavy VNs unread by many including stuff from some doujin circles (which are still active)
Does it matter if there's barely any non-nukige/moege being produced nowadays when there's still plenty of quality ones unread?

>> No.44612189

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44612426
File: 80 KB, 640x480, uruseiyatsura02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when eroge has had this aesthetic for the past 20 years
not eroge is about fucking children
also, I agree with anon, its not soo much the coomerism of late, but having to make everything moe as shit
when will japan grow a pair of balls again?

>> No.44612483

Even avant garde hipster VNs usually have cute girls though

>> No.44612527
File: 1.36 MB, 947x1015, opbnSQe85Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay thanks

>> No.44612558

Reading avant garde hipster shit is the only reason to get into this hobby. The porn in eroge really fucking sucks 99% of the time.

>> No.44612609

he's cute

>> No.44612612

Don't care how much it sucks, I'll skip most of it anyways, but I need to hear a few lines of the heroines moaning and see a CG or two of them naked or I won't read any of it at all.

>> No.44612634

>he says while posting moeblob Lum.
Would've made a better case if you chose FOTM or some other midwit bait manime.

Then you must be having a bad time. For every Fata Morgana, there's 50 or so Yuzusoft clones.

>> No.44612642


>> No.44612648

why are you guys like this?

>> No.44612660

>Then you must be having a bad time
Nah, not really. I'm been enjoying everything slowly with all the plot heavy VNs I've read. There's a lot out there no one bothers to pay attention as much people think otherwise.

>> No.44612679

Are you seriously asking this on the anonymous board about eroge?
There is no more perfect place to collect all kinds of mentally ill people together

>> No.44612693

Post what you're reading. It better have zero downtime with all tired out adults and everything is some chuuni or depression core or I will never let you hear the end of it.

>> No.44612718

Only on the internet you'll get nerds huffing their own farts over which kind of cartoon porn is most cultured.
It's incest nukige by the way

>> No.44612757
File: 64 KB, 640x480, uruseiyatsura01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling og lum moe bait
so you're just retarded

>> No.44612772

have fun, it's a more of a balanced experience compared to vendetta with all the routes having some good moments, not just the grand route

>> No.44612783

All this just because some anime about retro eroge making looks like Shirobako instead of Otaku no Video.

You've been sperging over modern anime's looks dipshit. That's been the root premise of this shitflinging.

>> No.44612848

Nice of you to not post 3DPD reaction images anymore /vg/-tard, now all you need to do is to stop greentexting and stop posting at all.

>> No.44612923

I act like a retard on purpose to mess with people here. You should try it, too.

>> No.44612933

But I don't enjoy trolling people. I just prefer discussing things in earnest.

>> No.44613021
File: 222 KB, 543x909, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you're having fun anon

>> No.44613022
File: 48 KB, 642x527, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i just installed this vn, it came with 4 discs each around 600 mb. thing is it installs and runs just fine with 3 discs only, it didn't ask me to mount the 4th one
the fuck does the 4th disc contain and how do i install it

>> No.44613049

True route maybe?

>> No.44613065
File: 890 KB, 800x600, majo_m8NdouFKNP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

魔女の処刑日 ~上弦の月は私を見下し~ 前編
Sorry to disappoint but it's otome and doesn't really belong here. Though, it has exactly what you want with peak depression and tired out characters with some action mixed in.

>> No.44613075

who fucking knows
i just mounted it and there was an installer inside
i guess i just had to do install the 4th disc manually for some reason

>> No.44613117

That's normal, disc 1-3 has the game has disc 4 has the voices.
Source: http://www.jellyfish-pc.com/support/support_lovers.html (just CTRL+F for "disc4")

>> No.44613118

maybe it was dlc, well, the physical version of dlc at least, so I guess an expansion

>> No.44613126

and disc 4*

>> No.44613157

mothercon or siscon?

>> No.44613166

old ass vn shenanigans at their best, why not give me the prompt to install the 4th disc too? they don't want me to hear the seiyuu they probably spent half the game budget on?

>> No.44613178
File: 29 KB, 270x323, 1533087081908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44613207

Recently i've been enjoying shimaidon a lot more than before.
But i hope Atelier drop another mommyge.

>> No.44613283

Under no circumstances do I ask this out of a desire to play it for myself, however, I wonder if there's a ge out there that has the full line incest. Child to parent to grandparent. Taking a step even further, the whole family. One big orgy.
I've already seen some weird ass fetishes, I wonder if this exists just for the sake of existing

>> No.44613323

I mean, aren't the overflow games kinda like that already? Though, it's just mostly just one guy doing it all

>> No.44613332

"That eroge's name? The Aristocrats!"

>> No.44613336

Closest thing you will get that is of actual quality is the School Days visual novel and all its spin-offs.

>> No.44613537
File: 2.52 MB, 960x540, [B-Bass] Seitokai Yakuindomo S1E07 [9B7096CC]-[13.44.240-14.37.919].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44613560

me at the end

>> No.44613677

>and won't get attention from the modern audience otherwise
The vtuber hair didn't give it off?

>> No.44614056

Needs more Genshin tier AI generated designs from the Chinese

>> No.44614167

I'm all in for it in that case since they are still a million times more creative than the majority of eroge designs

>> No.44614482

SYD takes me back to simpler days
Were things better? No, I was just more ignorant

>> No.44614890

This thread is only fast when people were talking about anything but VNs
What the fuck

>> No.44614946

What is there to talk about vns even, you literally just read it
And it's not like you can write reviews daily because it takes weeks to finish usually

>> No.44615009

Koibana Ren'ai will save us

>> No.44615213

Because they don't read that's why. For people with endless capacity to get upset about stupid shit like MTLers and those calling stuff "coomshit", they're absolutely devoid of having any intelligent discussions about VNs.

>> No.44615223

It takes 3-6 days actually.

>> No.44615227

You can do a quick writeup about a VN within a day or two. You're just lazy.

>> No.44615355

>Featuring side heroines boasting about how much sex they have with their boyfriends with sprites
I want to see the sales of that

>> No.44615450

I would assume Asapro games usually sell decently if they're able to crank out a new game + 2 FDs every year.

>> No.44615534

It doesn't matter, those three bros are going to become a single entity the moment I immerse myself three times as hard. So I'm literally going to be having sex with 4 different girls at the same time.

>> No.44615764

Anyone got a link for Oretsuba R? All links on AS seems to be dead.

>> No.44615806

Always knew you insufferable faggots were just that: faggots.

>> No.44615828

>being this upset over actual VN talk
Is there something wrong?

>> No.44615919

No fags allowed.

>> No.44615923

What's faggy about otomege?

>> No.44615924

>malexfemale romance
>for fags

>> No.44615929

Not gay if Anonymous is a girl :^)

>> No.44615942


>> No.44615955

You aren't a real plotcuck until you also take the otome/BL pill

>> No.44615964

"Men" who play otome are as femme as they come.

>> No.44615966

BL moege is really good.

>> No.44615972

>/pol/ rent free in his head

>> No.44615974

Self-inserter problem.

>> No.44616090
File: 655 KB, 800x600, 1688074831275745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otome girls are all cute.

>> No.44616098

We're being raided by the rate every BL/Otomege a 10/10 on VNDB horde.

>> No.44616108

What BL moege do you like?

>> No.44616111

>EOP MTLer from /vn/ having an aneurysm about on topic VN talk

>> No.44616139

Sweet pool

>> No.44616172

Are there any otome with traps?

>> No.44616824

I'll take you up on it again.

>Kyou After (probably shit but can't find it elsewhere, for preservation and dicking Kyou)
>Kyou After 2
>Ai Suru Musuko no Shitsukekata ~Mama-tachi no Otoko no Ko M Ka Kyouiku~ (VIP mommy shit)

>> No.44616957

Depends what you mean by traps.
If you want the stereotypical draw-a-girl-call it a boy, almost none, there's a small handful of routes and I think they're all all-ages. If you want someone who's clearly male and crossdresses, or an onee, there's a bit more options (although still not a lot).

>> No.44616971
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタmalie (34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd only say it's Millie's route that's weak in Vendetta. Chitose's route has some good shit. I think it's one of the best examples I can think of for how to do a route that is both hype in itself while still building more hype for bigger moments in the final route.

>> No.44617042

>full line incest. Child to parent to grandparent. Taking a step even further, the whole family. One big orgy.
I remembered this OVA https://myanimelist.net/anime/3422/Donburi_Kazoku and thought it might be adapted from an old eroge but it's an original. Not exactly what you asked for but should scratch the same itch. Worth watching for the grandpa.

>> No.44617048

There's appetite games about fucking your grandma.

>> No.44617074

yeah i dont get people saying chitose's sucks, i liked it

>> No.44618109

Anyone know of the Erasmus two faced stories from the fatamoru series?? I wanna read them but idk jap

>> No.44618138

Not anon but thanks.

>> No.44618618

pw: /jp/

>> No.44618662
File: 1.21 MB, 1131x665, best girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl indeed. can't wait to read her route.

Now all that's left for Shion is to figure out what his inside her sword that's making Touki so scared.

>> No.44618671

The first half is basically a copypaste of Millie's with Chitose instead.
The second half is more interesting so it's ok overall, still kinda weak compared. I'd compare it to Aya in trinity, but Aya's is better because it has less fat in it.

>> No.44619255

Love the music that plays during the Howling Sphere Razer startup, that entire sequence was 10/10. Made me think a bit in Demonbane.

>> No.44620114

I remember in the past someone posted the instruction how to change font in KKK and also some very good font for it, does anyone remember it?

>> No.44620658

i have never seen a bad white haired heroine

>> No.44620674


>> No.44620705
File: 27 KB, 320x320, 1686182521477349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hair Blue

>> No.44620758

Literally the same color as the pic above

>> No.44620835

Chitose route is good and I also like how the fight end but still vendetta is better.

>> No.44620852

added to backlog(demonbane)

>> No.44621091

If you're colour blind, maybe.

>> No.44621449

Thank you anon.

>> No.44621905

that looks white to me too...

>> No.44622007

This counts more as white than blue. It just uses blue for shadows to match the overall art direction/color palette that's all.

>> No.44622211

I think it was in the regedit?

>> No.44622438

Did anyone actually like her? I love white hair girls but this bitch was annoying as fuck.

>> No.44622448

Her sister is better than her

>> No.44622500

I liked her. What was wrong with her? She just had a slight 毒舌, but that's just friendly banter.

>> No.44622540

I'm all about that but I don't know, something about her personality really worned down on me, especially at the final route. Not a fan of passive aggressive characters in general.

>> No.44622626

I didn't particularly like her, but I didn't dislike her or find her annoying either

>> No.44622679

Best girl after rusalka

>> No.44622684

LDO girls are the only ones that count.

>> No.44622723

Which sister?

>> No.44623070

I actually really like her, even more so after KKK
That said she unfortunately suffered from the fact that her route was pretty much a grand conclusion so her presence as a heroine got overshadowed by the sheer scale of events + other characters getting their big character moments after getting shit on the entire game

>> No.44623084


>> No.44623346

Thanks again hero.

>> No.44623354

Talking about silverio trinity, does anyone know where to find the beyond the horizon version for pc?
I've had no luck.

>> No.44623385

How hard is the Japanese in Silverio? I read very few chuunige so far

>> No.44623477

it's on steam, i just dont think anyone's ever been bothered to upload it

>> No.44623534

fuck that language

>> No.44623575

I think it's fine if you read a few chuunige before

>> No.44623598

If you are going to read it, tell what was the difference between the 18+ version

>> No.44623614

I don't think there were significant changes aside from Rain's outfit and the side stories
Vendetta's all ages had text censorship though

>> No.44624079 [SPOILER] 

recently, yuzu threads were when vns discussions were most active. tenshi accomplished what toki did not

>> No.44624106

You should read otomege and see how they are kamige made for plotgods. /ourboy/ Hadler already does.

>> No.44624129

I will never take seriously the opinion of someone who rates seabed over 7

>> No.44624147

You quite literally have to be gay to enjoy otomege as a man

>> No.44624170

Bro you literally can just self insert as the guy you are aiming for ???? what is so hard about this

>> No.44624181

uhhhh it's already gay to read chuunige

>> No.44624184

>male x female

>> No.44624230

Ok now close fgo and write at least something already

>> No.44624310

Nta, I never thought about Otome in that way. I'll try them now. Any suggestion?

>> No.44624314

what otome love interest is exactly like anon

>> No.44624323

>Bro you literally can just self insert as the guy you are aiming for
I can't

>> No.44624344


>> No.44624396

Try Shinigami to Shoujo, very easy to self insert as an hyperprotective siscon

>> No.44624400

>pervert, strange, taciturn

>> No.44624440

If you self insert as a sadistic perverted loser. Not so much of a real otome as much as people are sperging it for being "gay" though. It's 100% utsuge and focuses more on actual friendships.

>> No.44624479

>if you self insert as a sadistic pervert loser
Yeah that's literally me

>> No.44624700

People were discussing toki a lot, so much that they were being called speedreaders

>> No.44624756
File: 102 KB, 500x600, chino zeig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any otome heroes who are lolicon VN addicts?

>> No.44624786

you have to skip 4 chapters to get to the "decent" part, so yeah I guess it's normal to be called speedreaders

>> No.44624825

I'm not as cool or handsome compared to any of the love interest though

>> No.44624827

Thanks! I played it years ago and I've been itching to replay it thanks to the anon playing vendetta and I never read the side stuff the ports had.
Time to enjoy reading about Ashley again, shame his sprite is so fucking terrible, there's something wrong with his skull/nose, good thing you almost never see it.

>> No.44624853

Onii-chan and Nanaki were best boys in StS.
I wonder what made the author go
>you know this guy with the personality of a plank of wood and an utter lack of any kind of expression and zero chemistry with our main character?
>THAT is our main love interest
Male kuuderes are a fucking blight.
Taisho alice was more interesting in that regard, considering the similarities and all between them both.

>> No.44624875

me being in an otome game

>> No.44624895

Never had a problem with Ash's sprite
mistel however..

>> No.44624908
File: 25 KB, 250x300, 58875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistel's was truly unfortunate, they went TOO hard on the gaijin features
>huge body
>huge nose
But I think there's something wrong on a fundamental level with Ashley's head, I think it's too big, has too much forehead or something but it's uncanny.

>> No.44624920

Compared to his face in CGs I mean, he looks great in those.

>> No.44625091

So you are saying you are a handsome cool guy that make every woman around him wet like in most of the eroge then?
Or are you playing only ntrge with ub protagonists?

>> No.44625105

ashbros, I would like us to remember this moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfvnP3PPfOw&t=416s

>> No.44625124

Just lift

>> No.44625326

It's a damn shame the author has something against repeating the arias/incantations in every single game he writes.
I like those moments and I can afford to listen to the same one 4-5 times in a 30-40 hour game.

>> No.44625437

yeah, but I like that takahama has a completely opposite vision to masada in the themes he develops https://twitter.com/masada_takashi/status/738194709781172224

>> No.44625438
File: 945 KB, 1120x659, 154848418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too cute

>> No.44625495

I still think it's a shame because Ashley's VA was
>how ham do I go with my basic power up?
>just imagine you are the final boss at the climax of the game
>then some more

>> No.44625796

otome guys just act too weird and ridiculous for me. Like they aren't real people in even a remote way

that isnt most eroge

>> No.44625833

Any non-otome male protagonists that act like an otome guy?

>> No.44625865

I'm pretty sure Mareni said his next written thing will be a sequel to his LN, not an eroge

>> No.44625877


>> No.44625909

>Like they aren't real people in even a remote way
They act in the same way eroge heroines act, but for the intended female audience...

>> No.44625916

That's how eroge heroines would feel if you didn't want to shag them

>> No.44625934

Otome LIs are just eroge heroines, but with more yanderes and less BR incest.

>> No.44625937

real people suck

>> No.44626009
File: 675 KB, 800x600, 1687080792361695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're fine seeing (You)rself bullying innocent people in the most condemnable way possible and doing something like this, then it's perfect to self insert.

>> No.44626260

>Like they aren't real people in even a remote way
Im pretty sure femoids think the same when they read about moege heroines, or just anime women in general

>> No.44626295

>femoids think

>> No.44626326

Eroge sometimes do have 3dwoman-tier heroines like Setsuna

>> No.44626353

Which is precisely why the further they are from reality, the better

>> No.44626636

Any good nukige that manages to have a good plot too? At least for nukige standards

>> No.44626681

https://vndb.org/v26448 not sure if you even can count it as nukige since h scenes here feels more like a way to move the story than its main focus

>> No.44626958

What chuunige can I read if my goal is shinza/silverio? I tried the prologue of Dies Irae but I found it pretty hard.

>> No.44626984

Tokyo Necro is very easy if you ignore wikipedia articles

>> No.44627144

Paradise Lost

>> No.44627372

Hmm... Not so sure about the subject matter though. It's not a dealbreaker but not what I usually go for. Is it good?

>> No.44627403

Well the protagonist is trying all his best to become 真人間 and there is even a resist everything route, the whole game is basically him endlessly nayaming about being lolicon, but the text is actually very good, it's the first 'nukige' ever where i was extremely invested in actually reading it and not just waiting for h scenes

>> No.44627417

Interesting, I'll give it a chance

>> No.44627476

those wikipedia articles are the best part of the game. Tokyo Necro overall is pretty meh but its lore is great.

>> No.44627570
File: 60 KB, 216x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick up first vn from the rec list so I can actually start putting these lessons to work
>second character you meet speaks in huge run-on sentences that fuck me up because am retarded
>she also speaks at the speed of light so I cannot use voice to discern a single fucking thing she's saying
I'm still reading though it's not bad otherwise

>> No.44627656

Whatever you heard, ignore it. Each game in the series is quite enjoyable.
I enjoyed those lines too.

>> No.44627854

That's why people recommend moege for starters, you didn't fell for the plotge meme right?

>> No.44627878

what game/character?

>> No.44628036

do you know if this game is shared anywhere?

>> No.44628070

nta but I'm guessing Majikoi and Mayucchi
I've been there too, hang in there anon

>> No.44628176
File: 182 KB, 433x381, 1691360393340451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah here
pass: /jp/

>> No.44628253

thanks I really appreciate it

>> No.44628378

Chinami from Hoshizora

>> No.44628433

isn't every single line out of her mouth 90% onii-chan?

>> No.44628453

Yes and the only reason she isn't the worst girl in the game is because Isuzu exists

>> No.44628454

np anon, I hope you'll enjoy it

>> No.44628471

it's been so long since i played it that i read that shit in english
all i remember is the dolphin memes and chinami never shutting the fuck up

>> No.44628482

Me too. I should probably read the fandisc just for closure at this point

>> No.44628658
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, Princess_Britania~ミューズの宝剣~PrincessBritania (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't lock women in cages for fun?

>> No.44629073
File: 327 KB, 1869x830, 1665561450850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting is unattractive, men should be naturally strong

>> No.44629540

pretty sure he's tranny and overweight

>> No.44629547

yes it's bullshit women are fascinated by penis and balls.

>> No.44629793

You can never call yourself a true imouto lover if you didn't love Chinami
She was literally close to perfection of a naturally annoying kind of imouto, i'm still yet to find anyone who would have as realistic chemistry as them

>> No.44631824

This looks and sounds fucking sick. Looking forward to it.

>> No.44631919

Wow it took them 6 years
Now that's some unironical kamige, need to get to the Ouka Sabaki before the release, heard it's really good too

>> No.44631954

It honestly baffles me how women can be attracted to k-pop type fuccbois
I'm not saying they should like bodybuilders but damn

>> No.44631990

Pretty sure it also baffles the women how men can be attracted to the flat chest the same way

>> No.44632148

>It honestly baffles me how women can be attracted to k-pop type fuccbois
You know realize why most anime MCs nowadays look like femboys

>> No.44632181

the range of women's tastes in men is even wider than the male range of lolis to slampigs, also more flexible cause they're programmed to trick themselves into finding even ugly men attractive if they get charmed enough by them. see all the freaky ugly characters that get tons of porn like sans the skeleton

>> No.44632203

Eh, I don't even know if that's the most appropriate comparison. I think it's more akin to how many men are attracted to pudgy/chubby women. IRL most people don't give a shit about chest size

>> No.44632259

big breasts bring me joy

>> No.44633774

does anyone have https://www.suruga-ya.jp/kaitori/kaitori_detail/187000390
scaji tweeted about it yesterday saying the first eroge he wrote
