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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44576548 No.44576548 [Reply] [Original]

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Previous thread: >>44558272

>> No.44576591

just do it. just feel it.

>> No.44576605
File: 176 KB, 1016x1014, [SubsPlease] TenPuru - 09 (1080p) [3C248380]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read

>> No.44576644

and most importantly, do 17 cards a day

>> No.44576665

why specifically 17?

>> No.44576681


>> No.44576718

That face is terrifying

>> No.44576728

If your Japanese is good enough to start the path to reincarnation in Japan, seek the ten kings of hell


IF you have any questions about how to reincarnate in Japan, ask away.

>> No.44576729

I will do 18 to spite you

>> No.44576738

isnt 20 the anki default
why go lower

>> No.44576751

weak will

>> No.44576815
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>> No.44576834
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basically, King Henjo decides if you get to go to Japan or not.

>> No.44576864

default settings are optimized for the average user, i.e. someone who's new to it and then quits after a week

>> No.44576889

additionally, anki is designed as a general rote memorization tool. med students use it to cram for exams. the average user is not necessarily using it long-term to become fluent in a foreign language

>> No.44576894


>> No.44576897
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>> No.44576924

Yes, they do. Here's more information: http://kansai-odyssey.com/japanese-buddhism-afterlife/#comment-2131

If you have 日本語 I suggest you start using it. An afterlife comprised solely of 日本語 is within your reach.

Spiritual 日本語 is superior to Spiritual English in the Japanese afterlife.

>> No.44576944


>> No.44576985


>> No.44577012

Is Japan the Wakanda for white people in the first world?

>> No.44577044

any yall watching jidaigeki got recs ?

>> No.44577074
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>> No.44577082
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>> No.44577159
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>> No.44577160


>> No.44577176

But anon where are you going to find another 15 gay clowns?

>> No.44577201
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>> No.44577227

who hasn't?

>> No.44577279

dame didnt know they made an anime adaptation of applemilk's life story

>> No.44577295


>> No.44577305

it's from anime

>> No.44577309


>> No.44577313
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>> No.44577360
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>> No.44577428

you’re going to hell for believing in that stuff

>> No.44577451

well yeah he already said he's reincernating in Japan

>> No.44577475

kek touche

>> No.44577510

>you’re going to hell for believing in that stuff

Jigoku or the christian hell?

If you think it's the christian hell, you don't know how the afterlife even works. I'm not christian anymore.

The afterlife accomodates all religions. I picked the one that leads to a reincarnation in 日本

>> No.44577518

you only need 5k words to understand 99% of vns
vigger = dekinai

>> No.44577543

oretsuba has 30k unique words. we know you play lolige anyway so drop the act

>> No.44577590

i only play crazy long vns

>> No.44577611

what's jigoku

>> No.44577627
File: 885 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita - 09 (1080p) [9098AA5B]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place with no lolis

>> No.44577629

goku's final form

>> No.44577632

>what's jigoku

The Hell of Japanese Buddhism

Read about it here: https://yokai.com/jigoku/

>> No.44577653

>place with no lolis

from: https://yokai.com/jigoku/

Pedophiles have molten copper pumped into their anuses until it pours out of their mouths. Homosexuals see their lovers covered in flames, and are forced to embrace them, only to be burned and torn into pieces themselves

It is unclear if you will be judged to be a Pedophile worthy of punishment in Jigoku just for liking loli, but why take a chance?

>> No.44577665

same but only because michael is

>> No.44577673

Alternate reading of 自国

>> No.44577684

the people who made this "hell" shit up had quite the fetish didn't they?

>> No.44577702

The hells and punishments are ultimately derived from Hinduism, which is the oldest religion in the planet. (4,000 years old)

Sorry but liking loli is not spiritually safe.

>> No.44577708


>> No.44577715

see cult

>> No.44577724

religion was debunked by john lennon

>> No.44577752

i've never played any linnies or vinnies b4 would you guys recommend?

>> No.44577757

imagine playing a linnie

>> No.44577760

go to jpdb and sort by difficulty. read summaries until you get to one you like.

>> No.44577848

>comprised solely
>tripfag can't into grammar
many such cases!

>> No.44577880

what's wrong with that?

>> No.44577925

comprise is a 他動詞 you grammarlet.

>> No.44577926

spirituality must be fun it's the closest you get to fantasy irl

>> No.44577937

nice self own

>> No.44577953

>grammarlet is also a crossposter
wew, lad

>> No.44577966


>> No.44577984

you should just say transitive, because it's not the same thing. I dont see the problem still, because it's a transitive verb it can't take an adverb? 日本語 would be the object.

>> No.44577997

hold up did he mean samefag or crossboarder wtf

>> No.44578007

>spirituality must be fun it's the closest you get to fantasy irl

If you're intereted, seek japanese spirituality. Are you the One? If your answer is "Yes, I am the one", you will be one of the few that actually understands Modern Japanese Culture.

Song for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sckUuW7C3sQ&list=RDGMEMQ1dJ7wXfLlqCjwV0xfSNbA&start_radio=1&rv=Mz3N9N9DcU4

>> No.44578042

Song for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOsmQncCF2g

>> No.44578056

excerpt from the definition of 他動詞.
stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.44578057

Song for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPF7lit7Z00

>> No.44578067

Song for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkQ5SfZ0YlM

>> No.44578069

is 4chan, especially the loading of images, slow for anyone else? or is my ISP throttling me?

>> No.44578077

yeah it's been fucked for like 36 hours

>> No.44578081

it's a cloudflare thing

>> No.44578091

ah good, i was getting worried that it's just my isp

>> No.44578169

That song was nice, thank you.

Also, you need love.

>> No.44578177

goddamn right i do

>> No.44578190

transitive and 他動詞 are not the same.

>> No.44578213

>I'm not christian anymore
lol it’s always the kids who didn’t like when mom made them go to church that end believing in the stupidest things

>> No.44578235

dno how people bounce from cult to cult looking for the "truth" without realizing the world aint that interesting

>> No.44578251

>semantically equivalent terms
>not the same
What did he mean by this

>> No.44578261

I guess if you’re into jp stuff then you’re also into jp cults looking to proselytize your fellow learners

>> No.44578271

what's grammarfag actually sayin i aint readin his posts comprised solely of wank

>> No.44578281

Which ones grammarfag?

>> No.44578286

certain words that are transitive in english are selfmove in japanese, so referring to an english word as 他動詞 is a bad idea

>> No.44578287

lapsed on 振り込む again

>> No.44578295

vigger moment^

>> No.44578297

i gotta say though >>44578286 is throwing away what looked like an easy w

>> No.44578316

You realize that doesn’t actually prove your point, right?
Exactly. He’s just proving he doesn’t understand his own argument.

>> No.44578393

>You realize that doesn’t actually prove your point, right?
the point of transitive not being the same as 他動詞? sort of, but I think it proves that they arent 1to1 at least I guess

>> No.44578425

The earliest meaning of comprise, "to be made up of" (as in "a team comprising nine players"), is sometimes regarded as the word's only correct use. However, this grammatical prescription denies a well-established sense of the word: "to compose or constitute" (as in "the nine players who comprise the team"). Until relatively recently, this sense appeared mostly in scientific writing, but current evidence shows that it is now somewhat more common in general use than the word's other meanings. You might be most familiar with this disputed use in the passive construction, "to be comprised of" (as in "a team comprised of nine players"). Apologies to the haters: a single sense simply can’t comprise comprise.

>> No.44578482

>lol it’s always the kids who didn’t like when mom made them go to church that end believing in the stupidest things

I wanted to avoid hell, so I sought Christ. It stayed like this until I found Tendai Buddhism, which believes in reincarnation as well as the ten kings of hell. I stopped being Christian and am now converting to Tendai Buddhism.

>> No.44578493

how long and involved is the process of conversion and why haven't you finished it

>> No.44578495
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>> No.44578524

>how long and involved is the process of conversion and why haven't you finished it

I've been attending Tendai Buddhist meditation groups digitally via Zoom. There's an official way to become Tendai Buddhist and i'm waiting for that opportunity to come knocking.

Tendai Buddhism comes from Japan, year 806

It's said to be the birthplace of Japanese Buddhism.

>> No.44578533

You wanted to avoid hell by denouncing Jesus Christ, the one that you know grants forgiveness of sins, because you…want to reincarnate as a Japanese man?
You realize how stupid that sounds, right?

>> No.44578560

shit man you'd better get official paperwork or you'll never reincarnate

>> No.44578574

Uh-huh, the definition that says "In English and other (presumabyl Indo-European) languages, 他動詞 refers to verbs that require an object" is wrong.
Did you even read >>44578056 ?

>> No.44578582

I didn't have much choice. A pastor came to where I work and gave me a pamphlet and invited me to attend church.

There is reincarnation in Christianity, but Jesus Christ comes first. He has to reincarnate first, then everyone else gets their bodies back. I know the routine, i've been through it already.

The pastor just asked me this week why I haven't been attending church and I had to tell him i'm converting to Buddhism. He wasn't happy about it. I said sorry, and he said "I'm not the one you should be sorry for. It's the Lord that takes care of you."

>> No.44578601

It doesn't prove anything. 他動詞 is the universal word for a transitive verb. If Japanese people were discussing English verbs, they'd still use the word 他動詞. That's like saying the word 外人 refers to people not from Japan.

>> No.44578646

true I feel you I accepted re:zero at first but then I found MT and liked it much more

>> No.44578657

>There is reincarnation in Christianity, but Jesus Christ comes first. He has to reincarnate first
You don't understand Christian theology in the slightest. Christ incarnated once and resurrected with the same body that he was crucified with, hence the wounds on his body. Christians themselves also do not reincarnate in the resurrection, obviously.
I suggest you go back to church and actually learn the doctrines of Christ, you heretic.

>> No.44578669

For me it's 下ろす
>withdraw shekels (also 引き出す)
>cut something (into fine strips)
>use something for the first time
>grate (see also 卸す)
>sell in bulk (wait no that's 卸す only lol)

>> No.44578675

>my cult denomination is better than yours

>> No.44578683

lmao seething

>> No.44578688

>I suggest you go back to church and actually learn the doctrines of Christ, you heretic.

Miss me with that shit. I'm free. I'm Shinto and Tendai Buddhist now (Tendai Buddhism allows Shinto).

Here's what happens when people die in japanese buddhism: https://yokai.com/meido/

>> No.44578696

Yeah, you're free to go to hell lol
Tell your pastor I said hi.

>> No.44578705

he's not gonna care you're not underage anymore

>> No.44578723

Oh, does he go on djt too?

>> No.44578729

>Yeah, you're free to go to hell lol

That's not what's going to happen and you know it. Go to Jigoku. If you're lucky, you will meet an Oni. Tell the Oni I said hello.

>> No.44578744

dareka is seething and it's not that anon.

>> No.44578756

If I wanna start reading is it better to read things I've already read before in english or things that are completely fresh? I'm guessing the former but I'm checking just in case.

>> No.44578758

i read it but, i wouldnt consider a japanese definition of an english word to be solid proof considering the common issues with translation.
common usage doesn't neccessarily prove anything either. just because a bunch of people use the word it makes it mean the exact same thing? what if they just dont have a 1to1 word for transitive and thats the closest they have? plenty of people use the word anime differently than how japanese use it.
and im not saying its wrong per se, just that what you stated isnt solid proof. i dont 100% know but i know there are slight differences, personally i think thats enough to say they arent the same like plenty of other japanese words.

>> No.44578760

why are christians so fixated on christianizing japan. they prey on DJT now to make sure they get the christian ticket before landing in the country

>> No.44578781

i think it comes out of good will. djters are naturally the scum of the earth, so a little moralizing helps to make them fit in better with japanese society

>> No.44578783

dear jesus christ of nazareth forgive me for today i fear that i have failed you
i learned of an individual who has strayed from your path, and i was unable to right his course
i will forever strive to better carry out your will

>> No.44578793

>i know there are slight differences
And the rest of the definition mentions them.
Is that enough or are you going to continue your pointless rambling?

>> No.44578798


>> No.44578799


>> No.44578802

god i hate nu hololive

>> No.44578809


>> No.44578812

>8:30 in the morning
>full-on christcuck schizoposting
old or new, it never was worth anyone's time.

>> No.44578813

Amen, anon. First good post in this thread.

>> No.44578823

>pretending to live in japan

>> No.44578832

it's you for not knowing what そう means despite having the literal definition in front of you

>> No.44578834

>using a timezone other than JST

>> No.44578840

what does this say, i don't know japanese

>> No.44578847

dno the religion debate seems like an improvement over arguing whether the dictionary definition of 他動詞 is suitable for english grammar or not

>> No.44578850

It says that you're a rambling schizo

>> No.44578851

>why are christians so fixated on christianizing japan. they prey on DJT now to make sure they get the christian ticket before landing in the country

Ask Perry. It started with him.


This is a united states government website. Know that the Treaty, in its very last line, refers to Jesus Christ.

Here's the treaty: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/japan002.asp

"Done at Kanagawa, this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four and of Kayei the seventh year, third month and third day.

>> No.44578872

lol oni don't exist and you're going to hell

>> No.44578894

based perry showing those heathens that god is with christian america

>> No.44578905

this but unironically

>> No.44578906

religion is just a metaphor for nationalism

>> No.44578913

nationalism is just a metaphor for rough gay sex

>> No.44578917

what's the metaphor for rough straight sex

>> No.44578922

learn japanese

>> No.44578929

no one has straight sex, it's a meme

>> No.44578960

>based perry showing those heathens that god is with christian america

The goal of America is to Christianize Japan. It is the source of their bloodlust. They can't handle or cope with knowing there's an entire country tha rejects Christ.

They even made Constitution E and forced it on Japan, giving the job of "Christianizer" to the Japanese people. Now it's Japanese people that christianize you. I've been through it already at university.

My Japanese professor at UMass Amherst told me to seek a church, I had no idea what was going on but rejected it at the time.

It all began, all of it, with Perry. They need to revoke the treaty of kanagawa and get Christianity out of the country

>> No.44578964

shut the fuck up

>> No.44578972

>lol oni don't exist and you're going to hell

Are you aware of the link between 夢 and the world of the dead? Dreams come from the afterlife. They're created.

Do you think japanese people have christian dreams at night? Surely there would be reports of such a phenomena

>> No.44578974

That's really cool actually. I like the fact that Japan is basically as powerful as it is today thanks to the Christianization that occurred 100s of years ago. Just goes to show that God's blessing is upon those who believe in Him.

>> No.44578983

it was a big play though they even shipped the remains of jesus to japan

>> No.44578986

fuckin uppercase letters

>> No.44579002

i think dreams are an amalgamation of the things that we think about and witness in our day-to-day life. sometimes god instills dreams into people, like peter's dream of the animals, but in general, they're just random

>> No.44579006

the definition makes no sense!

>> No.44579018

>gets mad when djters use improper japanese
>also gets mad at proper english

>> No.44579022

this is a japanese thread, yes

>> No.44579028

sub-100 iq moment

>> No.44579030

no this is the gay sex thread

>> No.44579040

no it's not. this is the english/gay sex thread

>> No.44579046

explain what it means and how it is used then

>> No.44579051

id get mad if your nihongo was a fuckin essay too
dont write like a bitch write straight from the dome

>> No.44579058

someone actually already explained it to you perfectly and you still don't get it
they even broke down the sentence for you and everything

>> No.44579069

>t. brainlet who can't use the shift key

>> No.44579072
File: 67 KB, 849x471, shinto statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the statistics from a shinto shrine.
There's only 3 million documented christians in japan, but they're the loudest.

>> No.44579081

didn't immerse today because I've been watching en tubie for the past 7 hours

>> No.44579082

when did that happen?

>> No.44579086


>> No.44579097


>> No.44579099

>he thinks that hitting shift makes his iq higher
truly the mark of the midwit

>> No.44579103


>> No.44579108

>he thinks not understanding a fundamental part of english punctuation makes him smarter
truly a room temperature individual

>> No.44579117

kinda confused being baited by a lowercaser

>> No.44579119

Based. They make Japan great and modern and then remain dominant through a minority rule. Absolutely patrician.

>> No.44579125

you get confused easily because of your low iq
don't feel too bad

>> No.44579140


>> No.44579146

A christian neighbor poisoned my cat when I was a kid. He said it was fine because "pesky vermin don't have a soul."

>> No.44579155

I'm sorry?

>> No.44579158

would christ grant me a loli gf in the afterlife though?

>> No.44579165

no but allah will

>> No.44579166

A "loving" christian neighbor who "wouldn't" hurt a fly deliberately poisoned our beloved family pet because he thought cats are a "nuisance." He said it was fine to destroy our property because "it doesn't have a soul."

>> No.44579171

I just missed that oops...

Anyway, the card in the deck translates that awful example sentence as "That's what I think too"
Whereas anons explanation translates it as "I also think that way" which is much clearer.

>> No.44579181

that's the natural consequence of believing in souls

>> No.44579189

uh, I'm sorry your neighbor killed your cat?

>> No.44579199

not all christians

>> No.44579205

i think you're just dumb not understanding that そう = that

>> No.44579211

that = sore

>> No.44579217

kill their neighbor’s cats

>> No.44579227

that that is a different that

>> No.44579235

is the guy who wanted to answer beginner questions here
why is there sou and kou and dou but no au

>> No.44579236

Christians don't have souls. They crave them like a vampire craves blood. Such is the christian's envy at his fellow man that he attempts to destroy not only anyone who has one, but anything that is an extension of said person, the unrepentant, immoral sinner that he is.

>> No.44579240

已己巳己 - ikomiki

>> No.44579245

Try あんなふうに?

>> No.44579246

you mean ああ?

>> No.44579253

japan will pay for this

>> No.44579257

oh shit

>> No.44579270

dude, it's just a cat chill lmao

>> No.44579282

someone recommend me one of those crazy game shows and where i can watch it pl0x

>> No.44579308

it's crazy how you can just sin as much as you want for as long as you want without repercussions

>> No.44579317

well except for the going to hell part

>> No.44579324

Christ doesn't forgive unrepentant sinners. False testimony is against the 10 commandments btw.

>> No.44579334

so then just repent dumbass lmfao

>> No.44579339

that implies staying true to your word and not committing a sin again.

>> No.44579347

>and not committing a sin again.
where'd you pull that out of

>> No.44579354

if you keep sinning then you haven't repented; it was all a bold-faced lie and you deserve hell for it.

>> No.44579356

from standard christian theology of true repentance?
your pastor didn't tell you you could sin as much as you want, did he? lek

>> No.44579357

>my ass, i pulled it out of my ass

>> No.44579384

you must have experience pulling things out of there

>> No.44579389

>n-no u

>> No.44579397

oh he mad

>> No.44579399

dang Japs really know how to fit into a small space, they've got a whole ass pool and climbing wall plus 15 people at a bbq in a parking space

>> No.44579444

Don't worry, that won't be a problem for much longer. World depopulation (followed by cultural enrichment) is coming soon.

>> No.44579455

anyway you can just get all your sinning out of the way first and then repent when you're 70 and avoid the whole issue

>> No.44579461

>implying you'll ever repent

>> No.44579470

how is it an issue? Everyone living in small places just means all can live closer to where they work, spend more time with their family and have ample amounts of public space for meeting. Rather than time spent alone commuting

>> No.44579471

i prob would if i feared god

>> No.44579487

there's zero difference whether I use your knowledge system or not, your entire life will be spent trying to derive meaning about whether there is a god or not, whereas mine will be spent trying to derive meaning about whether the origin of the universe is knowable or worth knowing. Same shit different systems

>> No.44579492

my entire life will be spent masturbating to erodojinsh

>> No.44579502

It's what they say, you live with what you have. Japan has a parking lot-sized country so naturally they've adapted to use the little space they have to perform their social activities. In country-sized countries, there's no need for such a thing.

>> No.44579503

what kind?

>> No.44579520

you don't so you won't

>> No.44579524
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>> No.44579529


>> No.44579534

>in this moment iam euphoric. not because of any phony god's blessing but because i have been enlightened by my own intelligence

>> No.44579548


>> No.44579574


>> No.44579581


>> No.44579608


>> No.44579664
File: 28 KB, 740x85, Screenshot_20230910-110757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... 17 cards a day got hands...

>> No.44579739

dno what that means

>> No.44579777

everybody's got hands

>> No.44579781

means it took him a long time to do his cards, his 17 cards that is.

>> No.44579782

ableist son of a bitch

>> No.44579794

if you are reading something where you already know the general plot structure, it is very easy to white noise and just skip/skim sentences you think you know since you already know what happens. So, if you read something you already read in English, make sure to actually try to understand every single sentence. Don't think "oh this is the part where they do that" and skim the sentence.
the problem is doing this for something where you already know the plot can be boring. fresh material at least makes it more motivating since, if you really like the story, you will be really motivated to find out exactly what every sentence means.

>> No.44579802

maybe you should lower the 17 cards to something lower. you obviously can't handle it

>> No.44579825

when you're over an hour it's too late

>> No.44579895

i get really absent minded sometimes so like 20 minutes of those were probably just staring into space no thoughts head empty

>> No.44579918

Your 17 cards system has failed you.

>> No.44580010

when a manga gets cancelled but instead of announcing it's cancelled and publishing the last few chapters they announce it's getting demoted to a webmanga and they charge for the final 3 chapters i can really see how the pressures of japanese society turn normal people into deranged lunatics

>> No.44580024

if you afk on a card for more than 60 seconds (default value, can be changed in settings) then anki stops counting that time.

>> No.44580035

oh... fuck

>> No.44580296

I have a question. Why aren’t we /djt/ like the other generals? Why are we just “DJT”? Surely there must be a reason. If there isn’t a good one then I propose a stylization change.

>> No.44580303

leaving out the extraneous is the lowercase way

>> No.44580313

Oh yeah? Then how come DJT is officially stylized in uppercase?

>> No.44580336

oh lowercase-way!

>> No.44580350

look at op's filename and don't @ me again

>> No.44580373

how does the filename prove anything? until i see DJT represented in the thread's title, i will not believe your weak arguments

>> No.44580420


>> No.44580464
File: 7 KB, 367x465, FfHbrrTUcAIAMWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the past month i've studied core2k/6k, only passing if i get both the translation and pronunciation (sans pitch) correct. when should i start worrying about memorizing the pitch as well? i say these out loud and get the pitch wrong roughly 60% of the time. is that a problem? thanks in advance

>> No.44580481

try doing 17 a day

>> No.44580490

don't bother with pitch until you want to speak. people will tell you to study pitch early, but it is really easy to learn pitch later on, when you actually want to speak. The only point of learning pitch is so you are aware of it and you brain can subconsciously start the process of learning how to hear pitch.
have pitch on the cards is good, just don't bother testing yourself on them.

>> No.44580501
File: 2.05 MB, 498x287, thumbsup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do 10 core 2k/6k, 15 refold, 7 rrtk, 5 wanikani a day

>> No.44580508

youre beyond help im terminating this conversation

>> No.44580517

I actually do 17 core 2k/6k, 17 refold, 17 rrtk, 17 wanikani & 17 mined cards a day.

>> No.44580519

Acquired 上戸.

>> No.44580528

150 wanikanis per hour

>> No.44580541

I also recommend this.

>> No.44580594
File: 174 KB, 1236x653, context.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone know what this わからないなりに is implying in the sentence? I can't figure it out, none of the dictionary entries for なりに fit this.

The context is in the image.

>> No.44580652

I think you posted this in the wrong thread anon, this is actually the beginner thread for babies who don't speak Japanese.

>> No.44580663

as best as i can in spite of not knowing

>> No.44580666

ask chatgpt

>> No.44580703

Anyone here able to comment on the difficulty level of Love Hina? Would it be an ok manga to start off with for immersion after getting some vocab down?

>> No.44580778

thanks anon

>> No.44580821

yo is this cure dolly chick legit?

>> No.44580848

does anyone have a full breakdown on exactly how legit cure dolly is
that was a hell of a day

>> No.44580890

It's a beginner grammar resource, not worth the time for a full breakdown. Are you just getting started?

>> No.44580944

57 cards a dayまそう

>> No.44580945
File: 579 KB, 1000x1000, 1680981356864117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi dropping by real quick to let you all know i've reached 150 days just 50 more days until i lift my self-induced ban from djt

>> No.44581022
File: 293 KB, 844x1200, i-073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this 12 year old girl is just like me.

>> No.44581033

my self imposed ban from djt of core 1 million years ended recently

>> No.44581102

But you had to break your ban to post this message.

>> No.44581106
File: 436 KB, 1067x1600, 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're trying to extract meaning from the words, then you're learning japanese wrong. You just got to let it flow and feel it.

>> No.44581137

when did you 卒業 anki?

>> No.44581186

Why would I stop using the single best flashcard system on the market?

>> No.44581189
File: 237 KB, 1295x1900, 9d27f4fdda14287a0fa7987ec1324f3apandorahearts_10_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44581203

alright. off the top of my head
穿鑿, 所謂, 齷齪, 躊躇う, 檸檬, 橄欖, 髑髏, 憚る, 攪乱, 爨ぐ(炊ぐ), 翳す,嚔, 窘める, 軈て, 宥める, 海獺, 瓢箪, 晩餐, 懺悔, 宝籤, 殲滅, 醍醐味, 倦む, 撓う, 蜚蠊, 鸚哥, 鸚鵡, 蹂躙, 憑依, 顰蹙, 麵麭, 腱鞘炎, 癲癇, 瓦礫, 擽る, 痙攣, 痤瘡
If you need more, just ask.

>> No.44581217

dang you should be like a japanese teacher or something

>> No.44581222

do you plan on using anki for the rest of your life? if not, when will you stop using it?

>> No.44581227

you can type or write all the weird symbols you know, but that doesn't change the fact that you still can't learn Japanese

>> No.44581238

When I don't need to memorize things anymore?

>> No.44581243

Knew 所謂, 翳す, 醍醐味, 鸚哥, and 擽る.

Also 躊躇う being completely different from 躊躇 is going to be a pain in the future when I mine that.

>> No.44581253

You stop using it when you don't want to learn new words or new kanji anymore. It differs person to person . Some people stop after 10 words, others go way past kanken 1.

>> No.44581263

揶揄う(からかう), 揶揄(やゆ). They sure know how to banter.
愈々, 蔕, 蠟燭

>> No.44581303
File: 159 KB, 699x593, Screenshot 2023-09-10 013512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me break down this sentence? especially the しなきやな、no idea what that means

>> No.44581321


>> No.44581326

ahh ok, thanks for the quick response anon

>> No.44581366

if gambs has a million fans then i am one of them
if gambs has ten fans then i am one of them
if gambs has only one fan then that is me
if gambs has no fans then that means i am no longer on earth
if the world is against gambs then i am against the world

>> No.44581375

don't answer btw

>> No.44581387


>> No.44581402


>> No.44581405

you need to go back
>>>>>>north korea

>> No.44581412

the name's bts though

>> No.44581416
File: 733 KB, 1459x2287, 1694325955837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use AI like everyone else.

>> No.44581418

i can wait

>> No.44581424

dunning kruger

>> No.44581427

>dunning-kruger fallacy
you're the embodiment of that which you mock

>> No.44581436

>makes me mad so its a fallacy fallacy

>> No.44581440

I'm more of a Freddy Krueger kind of guy.

>> No.44581444

he said muzukasii not babys first non jouyou kanji

>> No.44581446
File: 296 KB, 580x940, you_must_read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the study and understand what it actually says before quoting it ever again.

>> No.44581450

What kanji is the final boss of japanese?

>> No.44581454

爨ぐ is the kanji made up of almost no repeating elements with the most strokes that you can find on IMEs. If that isn't difficult, I don't know what qualifies.

>> No.44581457

woah woah woah hold up hold up are you like seriously like telling me that the word isnt used to mean what it originally meant?? like most words???

>> No.44581463

120s are the worst

>> No.44581470


>> No.44581487

good post

>> No.44581492


>> No.44581493

we don't do that around here

>> No.44581494

never typed that never will

>> No.44581572

if you knew of the samefagged posts i have inadvertently discovered you would not survive the second hand cringe

>> No.44581578


>> No.44581579


>> No.44581582

you are so strong to endure all that cringe

>> No.44581591

let's see some of it

>> No.44581597
File: 359 KB, 809x1102, 1692210021108006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DJT telegram channel is unironically pretty great.

>> No.44581598

Eh it's not so hard. I just memorized all the hiragana in a day. Sure I can't write them all yet but I can definitely read them all. Onwards to katakana.

>> No.44581600

damn that is some powerful cringe

>> No.44581607

its like 99.9% of people seem naked
not fun

>> No.44581613

doesnt explain the しなきゃな part

>> No.44581621
File: 237 KB, 1080x775, IMG_20230910_095206_576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>週刊碁 ceased publication on September 4th
It's sad to witness Japanese culture die in front of your eyes. Soon there will be nothing but kpop and mobages left.

>> No.44581626
File: 112 KB, 1113x507, 1694329083759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44581647

しなきゃな is a conjugation of しなければならない、な

>> No.44581657

I bet you can't tell mine

>> No.44581665

alright i kneel a bit, whats this website?

>> No.44581673

there are 7 hints in that image

>> No.44581674

sometimes i pretend to be someone else samefagging

>> No.44581685

It's Google's Bard. It understands and reads images well, but general knowledge and correctness is lower than GPT-4's.

>> No.44581717
File: 312 KB, 585x427, ___.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, that means a lot to me <3

>> No.44581723

youve made jack shit

>> No.44581743

thx, ill try it out

>> No.44581748

bard was a disappointment

>> No.44581759

have to admit i like the anon that makes fun of quizs jack shit line

>> No.44581772

this is just like when the djt babies try to point something out

>> No.44581774

when you think about it matt was on to something with the cup analogy. awareness and focus play a big role in learning.

>> No.44581777

If China declared a war against Japan, would you volunteer?

>> No.44581779

thats a good one

>> No.44581789

100% of your conscious would be filled with cup

>> No.44581797

the color the texture the way the light falls on it the way its rendered as 3d in your mind even though you only see 2d

>> No.44581799

think of mental focus like your gripping strength

>> No.44581804

if matt just made the meditation course hed still be raking in money today

>> No.44581833

not a good analogy because you can gym to build your gripping strength

>> No.44581842

limp wristed faggots like that guy who cant keep more than 6-7 digits in his head are being held back by adhd or something and definitely could build up their mental gripping strength

>> No.44581969
File: 2.45 MB, 2496x1664, F5jLvV_aUAAd7py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


>> No.44581991

Omuretto du furomajo! :D

>> No.44582021
File: 363 KB, 1528x1200, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay we got holox meeting instead

>> No.44582062


>> No.44582076

haha why is this word so funny

>> No.44582083

it describes the thing perfectly, what is funny about descriptive language?

>> No.44582089
File: 23 KB, 554x553, rinpout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does katakana even exist?

>> No.44582105

katakana came first

>> No.44582118

why do uppercase letters even exist

>> No.44582126
File: 492 KB, 2048x1536, F5ppPhWWYAAexEr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44582127

uppercase letters came first

>> No.44582129

your mom came next

>> No.44582139

This type of consumerism isn’t healthy.

>> No.44582160

we here at djt practice consoomerism

>> No.44582165

ever noticed buyfags cheat on their oshi because they cant buy enough otherwise

>> No.44582241
File: 323 KB, 1960x1064, 1694336245295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44582280
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, F5lXQ8iaIAE6O1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep ai sucks

>> No.44582308

All this time I thought manga often had a lot of puns because japanese literature had a rich history of folklore and phrases folded over one thousand times. But I now realise it's because the chinese language is retarded.

>> No.44582327

I just started learning. Why is the "su" reduced to just "s" at the end?

>> No.44582335
File: 69 KB, 338x121, 1692346419147569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me

>> No.44582344


>> No.44582348


>> No.44582401

lil bro..

>> No.44582411

yo j

>> No.44582414


>> No.44582428


>> No.44582432

what's the matter, natural japanese tripping you up?

>> No.44582452

this is easier to read than the other pic

>> No.44582474


>> No.44582491

so where is the answer

>> No.44582515

spaghetti bolognese is the most baby-firsts-cooking dish i've ever seen

>> No.44582522

looks like noodles floating in diarrhea

>> No.44582531

dno i'm not the vfag

>> No.44582547

you prolly don't know nihongo if you never played pikmin and ape escape

>> No.44582561

be careful now

>> No.44582582

n6s back down now

>> No.44582585

why won't lil bro help me

>> No.44582597

notice how he didnt say why its right or wrong. hes scared

>> No.44582603

gonna need 169 guys take

>> No.44582607

nta but 楽しいを can be part of a correct sentence

>> No.44582616

watching jujutu kaisen (eng subs

>> No.44582621

i wish ciaran was here..he could help us...

>> No.44582641

raw L for raw meat guy

>> No.44582687

Doesn't this artist do porn?

>> No.44582756

I’m not even gonna call you impressive for deciphering that mess. Those chicken scratches don’t even deserve the brain power.

>> No.44582768

he didn't decipher it

>> No.44582805
File: 753 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha - 10 (1080p) [5DAEF0E4]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44582807

I guess I should’ve figured he was lying. No human can read that mess.

>> No.44582858

is being attracted to muscular women gay?

>> No.44582936

>is being attracted to women gay?

>> No.44582958

what the fuck does this mean? i read this as "(you there) do this guy a favor and kill him"
still kinda lost at ageru vs kureru

>> No.44582966
File: 715 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha - 10 (1080p) [5DAEF0E4]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44583014

ur right dw

>> No.44583032

Focus Toolkit: Tools to Improve Your Focus & Concentration

>> No.44583049

ageru means to give and kureru means to receive.

>> No.44583225
File: 1.10 MB, 2985x3000, raden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lets goooo

>> No.44583227

>kureru means to receive
careful now

>> No.44583242

too bad i can't masturbate using mental focus

>> No.44583279
File: 235 KB, 1440x2048, volume 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44583373

sticky >>44583022

>> No.44583392

image listening to that voice for more than 3 minutes

>> No.44583497

>31/125 of the way there.
Once I'm done with the duolingo course will I just know Japanese? what's the next step? Can understand some basic words from Japanese TV at this point, it helps that they have big subtitles a lot of the time

>> No.44583502

fast talker so i like her already

>> No.44583586

Is there any pattern for when/why の is used as a connecting or modifying particle vs a possessive?
Like 男の子 just being boy instead of man's child

>> No.44583619

you'll know Japanese after the first 100 duolingo lessons. the remaining 25 lessons are to fully acquire ancient japanese. after that there isn't really much to do. you could pivot to chinese

>> No.44583631

kid of category male

legend of category zelda

>> No.44583659


>> No.44583708

男 の 子
Man 's child

>> No.44583931

but anon, a daughter is also a man's child

>> No.44583941

delete this post before you alt-f4 outta this thread because of this epic fail

>> No.44584010


lets goooo

>> No.44584417
File: 299 KB, 991x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another win for hunter x hunter and tales of chads

>> No.44584666

>dead by daylight 1
wow based taste, fuck the second game tho they fucked up everything lmao

>> No.44584791


lets goooo

>> No.44585007


>> No.44585034

why is posting incel content like this still not a bannable offense?

>> No.44585038

の means 's

>> No.44585082

because this isn't reddit

>> No.44585163


>> No.44585297

's means is in this context

>> No.44585601

woman 's human vs woman 's child

>> No.44585665

i thought I knew the no particle, i didnt know the no particle

>> No.44585770
File: 1.11 MB, 1303x730, 1683864446957011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.44585775
File: 437 KB, 1920x1080, F5qc-U1acAArPWk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44585851
File: 192 KB, 1124x1271, IMG_9752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new jap twitter meme just dropped

>> No.44585960

not new

>> No.44585983

what mean?

>> No.44586028

dame. false alarmだった

>> No.44586231

sorry for random question but which of these two would you say is more beginner friendly and likely to help improve my listening skills, peppa pig or sazae-san?

>> No.44586239

oh forgot to add, but i'm around N4 and can quite easily follow peppa pig conversations, though havent tried the other

>> No.44586254

if you can easily follow something you should move to harder content

>> No.44586275

watch wataten instead

>> No.44586290

the thing is, i have a harder time following dialogue with jap subtitles turned off, so i dont know if that's cheating. anyway, if you had to guess, what jlpt level would you put on sazae-san purely based on listening?


>> No.44586384

jap subtitles isnt cheating bro especially for beginners. white noising is just wasting time

>> No.44586462

男の子 is a set expression for boy so theres that

u can think of の as "of" as in:
アノンの猫 = cat of anon = anon's cat

>> No.44586477

my intuition tells me the same, it's really not fun learning without using those training wheels. plus it'd help engrave new kanji into my brain. when i was learning english, i looked up every single work as i was reading manga, and constantly had subs turned on and it never got in the way of my studying

also, there was this aniplex event just few hours ago and i couldn't follow shit, it really demoralized me. but i bet i would have more fun if they offered accurate subs..

>> No.44586495

whatever you enjoy more
it is cheating but cheating can be good for learning

>> No.44586606
File: 411 KB, 1672x2503, F5qnZUUaMAA_3af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44586693

Found an SSR kanji in the wild.

>> No.44586885

seen it in 乖離

>> No.44586930

乖離 is a common word

>> No.44586946

But the kanji is rare.

>> No.44586985

if i watch all episodes of one piece anime, will i be fluent?

>> No.44586991

a kanji that's in a common word can't be rare

>> No.44587002
File: 918 KB, 784x662, 1694355363848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44587112
File: 243 KB, 1000x1416, 20230910_173033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44587164


>> No.44587338
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1200, 1664821918739129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need to grind more.

>> No.44587375

never meet your idols

>> No.44587463

is it like 450 hours? no, you need 1.5-2k just to pass N1

>> No.44587538

less than 1k if you have above 130 IQ

>> No.44587568

if you're a pathological liar*

>> No.44587658

joe donda

>> No.44587686

you don’t even need to produce anything it’s a multiple choice standardized test. you also only need a 55% to pass lol. on top of that i’m pretty sure they grade on a curve

>> No.44587723

why are you reciting irrelevant factoids about the test? nothing there says that you can pass it after 1k hours.

>> No.44587770

if you can’t figure it out, it makes sense you think that

>> No.44587828

too low iq to even state your argument in english? sasuga iq obsessed retard

>> No.44587873

1000 hours is only 6 months at 5.5 hours per day
there are 150 million 130+ IQ people on the planet
I'd expect at least half a dozen widely known cases of people passing it after only 6 months if this were a thing

>> No.44587891


>> No.44587945

esls should be seen and not heard

>> No.44587957

someone who is 130 iq wouldnt care enough to make it known what they had done. it's midwits like quiz who are always seeking attention for their exploits

>> No.44588040

i dont even want to take the jlpt

>> No.44588060


>> No.44588075

keep yourself safe

>> No.44588087

true (me)

>> No.44588196

Samefagging is based!

>> No.44588203

I agree!

>> No.44588207

wtf that wasnt me

>> No.44588245

shit i fucking forgot to remove my name

>> No.44588255

aw nuts

>> No.44588259

this was me

>> No.44588262

Ha ha very funny guys

>> No.44588309

Day 5 of doing 17 cards a day
Wait what the fuck? Who are all you guys I just got here! Identity theft is not a joke!

>> No.44588371

all me

>> No.44588377
File: 10 KB, 413x222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44588422

Day 5 of pissing into a bottle
I'm getting better at aiming, let's just leave it at that

>> No.44588435


>> No.44588462
File: 860 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 10 (1080p) [2FF657A6]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44588493


>> No.44588523

water ran out a week ago
send help

>> No.44588531

chinese bros..

>> No.44588741

had to shit in a coffee mug once in the middle of the night. i keep it a a guest mug now

>> No.44588771

why did you have to do that?

>> No.44588828

nihon OL hoshii ne

Where can I get one?

>> No.44588843

in your mind

>> No.44588852


>> No.44588862

Maybe the kanji is just a cunt to write so nobody bothers.

>> No.44588998

what's that one word for paedophile?
it has 幼 and 者 in it I'm pretty sure

>> No.44589033


>> No.44589058


>> No.44589094


>> No.44589136

曲 of the day

>> No.44589637


>> No.44589655

The djt kana practice tool is amazing, especially because you can mix up fonts. I'm two days into hiragana and I'm able to recognise most of them almost instantly. Thank you whoever made that program.

>> No.44589841


>> No.44589999

i've been watching anime while building a pixiv clone with 18k posts since 去年の神無月

>> No.44590015

*passing* n1 in 6 months was never considered impossible

>> No.44590021

>don't stick your dick in crazy: visualizer

>> No.44590027
File: 782 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP09.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44590047


>> No.44590094

I personally just learnt kana through reading immersion, but that tool looks pretty good too.

>> No.44590116
File: 883 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP09.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44590165

bro stop posting underage girls

>> No.44590199

thats just what asians look like bro. shes actually 37

>> No.44590243

Still remember having the biggest nukis of my life watching this https://anilist.co/anime/15409/

>> No.44590254
File: 1.67 MB, 960x540, Barakamon.EP09.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-[19.57.197-20.02.503].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and once they turn 50 they all look like this

>> No.44590313

nigger just get rid of it

>> No.44590324

broken link did you mean https://anilist.co/anime/1509/Mamotte-Lollipop

>> No.44590335

What's immersion? I just started.

>> No.44590349

flow state, being engaged in japanese content

>> No.44590368


>> No.44590380 [DELETED] 

I just actually read something in Japanese to learn my kana (it was pokemon)

>> No.44590390

So just straight up reading japanese if you don't understand it? I did go through a few pages of Momotaro and it felt cool understanding how the words sound at least.

>> No.44590404

I just actually read something in Japanese to learn my kana (it was pokemon)

>> No.44590410

*even if you

>> No.44590419

dno brothers

>> No.44590442

watch some sol anime with subtitles or read manga
the visual context helps

>> No.44590501

have you started anki yet?

>> No.44590539

Not yet. I haven't memorized katakana yet. I figured I'd take it easy and just get comfortable with reading hiragana first. I'm in no hurry to learn.

>> No.44590541

booting up my dick

>> No.44590570
File: 2 KB, 819x27, kitsunekko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 decade

>> No.44590572

when you start anki i recommend doing 17 cards a day

>> No.44590598

i recommend blowing it out ur ass

>> No.44590603
File: 416 KB, 600x690, d1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do 10 a day and 24 the next.

>> No.44590616

into a mug?

>> No.44590619

i bet misty gives good head

>> No.44590645
File: 864 KB, 1920x1072, [Coalgirls]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_wo_Bokutachi_wa_Mada_Shiranai_01_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[DD42C728]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is her name あなる? lmfao

>> No.44590688
File: 857 KB, 1920x1072, [Coalgirls]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_wo_Bokutachi_wa_Mada_Shiranai_01_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[DD42C728]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44590719


>> No.44590734

anaru time da yo

>> No.44591011


>> No.44591050

hes right tho 130 aint shit t. 130+

>> No.44591064
File: 19 KB, 596x423, F5sCW2CaYAAOemZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44591091

saw a video of a squeaky voiced indian fellow failing at raping a chinese woman
basically there is still hope for you try and try again

>> No.44591165

online tests doesn't count midwit-kun

>> No.44591177

130 isnt rare tho

>> No.44591274
File: 9 KB, 694x39, image (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 112: No update yesterday because I was kinda tired from school for the whole week but now I back.

>> No.44591293
File: 300 KB, 1290x720, [Coalgirls]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_wo_Bokutachi_wa_Mada_Shiranai_05_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[33C2C213]-[09.05.252-09.07.255].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44591307

How many cards do you do per day anon?

>> No.44591342

gross nail polish

>> No.44591375


>> No.44591433
File: 168 KB, 1430x1342, 1694384434687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44591504


>> No.44591570

There's like 48 tiny variations of that phrase too. It drove me mad for the first 2 or 3 years. And sometimes it means something else entirely. It depends on context as usual.

>> No.44591586

Dude, any half decent dictionary will give you that information.

>> No.44591594

You'll just know what it is when you read more.

>> No.44591598

well yea i knew the grammar point but i didnt know the slang, which dictionary has a list of slang/contractions and ill gladly look it over

>> No.44591686


Is this the worst video ever created related to language learning?

>> No.44591746

this is why I'm learning kapNese

>> No.44591783


>> No.44591785
File: 15 KB, 367x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44591811

>there's nihongo babies in this sure who never went through the jamal phase

>> No.44591902

>Comments are turned off.

>> No.44591904


>> No.44591915

finna read grisaia but its crazy long so idk bros

>> No.44591937

Toilet paper? Toilet paper??

>> No.44592099


>> No.44592353

>procrastinate on immersing for 2 months
>finally start and it's not so bad
oh how i stunt myself.

>> No.44592705

what have you been immersing with?
i've been slacking today now i need to do my reps and immersion later than usual >_<
hope i will atleast finish before my brain gets tired

>> No.44592776

>Pedophiles have molten copper pumped into their anuses until it pours out of their mouths
maximum overbased.

>> No.44592802

lolis are good for your soul, if not at least for your humours

>> No.44593089

Did the imabi guy die or something?

>> No.44593161

which website is this?

>> No.44593164

yomichan dot com

>> No.44593169

What's the difference between 表情 and 血相?

>> No.44593176

thx, seems to be more of an extension, ill try it out

>> No.44593208

expressions are joy, anger, sorrow, and sorrow in general.
blood expression is especially anger and despair on the face.

>> No.44593312

the only way to watch mushoku tensei is while living like a neet even if its for a day

>> No.44593330

>like a neet
I am a neet.

>> No.44593350


>> No.44593400

if you are educated in djt, you are not a neet

>> No.44593652

Greatest character of all time

>> No.44594054

>look up the kanji in ""warau"
>190 something words have this kanji in it

Okay so how do I actually read these fucking caveman drawings. right now its like i only remember a few very specific words because the kanji has some hanging kana i can remember or two kanji i "recognize" but only really know the one word . HOW DO I ACTUALLY READ

>> No.44594061 [DELETED] 

which dictionary are you using for this?

>> No.44594083

Learn those 190 words if you want to read them.

>> No.44594085

By memorizing each. and. every. word. Knowing the kanji individually isn’t a shortcut. Knowing the readings of each kanji isn’t a shortcut. There are no shortcuts.

>> No.44594094

It says it right there, JMdict (Jisho) and Kireicake. You download them onto your yomichan extension.

>> No.44594118

yup the retard i am didnt bother to read, hence me deleting my post once i figured it out

>> No.44594170

so are radicals a meme? is rtk actually worth consuming english

>> No.44594182

>so are radicals a meme?
They're helpful for recognition or distinguishing similar kanji.
>is rtk actually worth consuming english
Absolutely not.

>> No.44594340


>> No.44594353
File: 250 KB, 844x1200, i-144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

