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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.14 MB, 1200x1357, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44558272 No.44558272 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/


Previous thread: >>44544098

>> No.44558279

vtubers were a mistake

>> No.44558281
File: 92 KB, 1080x1366, you_cant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that you can't learn Japanese

>> No.44558283


>> No.44558288

Japanese should only be learned by the Japanese. Only that way will Japan remain pure and wholesome.

>> No.44558333
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>> No.44558384



>> No.44558399

休みの日は自転車に乗りました。(I have no idea how I'm supposed to conjugate the verb here).
Rest your mind, revitalize for tomorrow.
Say goodbye to every day's work and study.
Take a rest at anytime.
Get some rest tonight.

>> No.44558484
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>> No.44558489




>> No.44558524

I remember the author of OneSho being disappointed when she bought a randoseru for research purposes that they have magnetic clasps now so that this doesn't happen.

>> No.44558537

what a pityful moment

>> No.44558546
File: 40 KB, 1026x384, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do well 7 grades above yours
>no grade promotion
well fuck you too

>> No.44558583

>cheating dekinai gets humiliated by a video game
nice self-own

>> No.44558630

isnt it past your bedtime granps?

>> No.44558671

I watched a youtube video of someone who said that, instead of having a regular X cards per day in anki, they set it to 0, did all their reviews, then did around 10 new cards and finished that. Then they do 10 more and again and again until they did 50 new cards. Basically, they do the new cards in chunks and only after finishing their reviews.
Does anyone else do this? It seems like it is half cheating the anki srs system since you need to do them all at once the next day anyway.

>> No.44558697

did like 4 hiragana practice sheets today holy crap my hand is killing me

is there any trick to writing it without cramping the hand?

>> No.44558710

use a brush

>> No.44558730

maybe that would help actually but i dont own any
i feel like the practice sheet squares are way too big for a pen and no matter what i do it's ugly

>> No.44558777
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>> No.44558791

gel pens require less pressure

>> No.44558823

you think if your dad came two minutes earlier or later it would have still been you that was born? not your appearance or personality but your soul.

>> No.44558836

when did you start thinking in 日本語?

>> No.44558848

when you're a soul you fly around and you choose your parents, so yeah, would have made the same choice

>> No.44558853

i still dont understand the verb conjugation or when to use wa vs ga

>> No.44558871

>when did you start thinking in 日本語?


>> No.44558896


>> No.44558991

Is this some Disney logic?

>> No.44559009

I know people give you a lot of crap, but I want to genuinely thank you for all the stuff you’ve made. Your mpv script is honestly a lifesaver.

>> No.44559012

*flips through brain folds*
i just think in japanese

>> No.44559018

you know it to be true

>> No.44559023

isn't analcream a 119 iq retard? lmao

>> No.44559092

19 points above average is pretty good.

>> No.44559141

Anki is all about long term retention. What you do on day 1 literally doesn't matter. You can add new cards one by one if you want, it doesn't matter.

>> No.44559154

11 points below the gmi line though

>> No.44559171


>> No.44559336

The average pen in Japan uses gel-based ink, which allows for stroke width variation. You can also use a pencil.
A brush and ink and brush pens are a waste of money. You need suitable paper (hanshi, or at least paper for felt-tip pens) or they'll fray super fast.
>wa vs ga
Separate them in cases. That's all I can say. e.g.
>ああっ! やつが逃げようとしている! "Ah! He's trying to get away!" (you don't use は in these cases. otherwise it would sound like "as for the guy, he's trying to get away")
>あのレストランで魚は食べなかった "I didn't have fish at that restaurant" (but I had something else)
>魚は食べるが、肉は食べない ("I eat fish, but not meat." i.e. fish? I eat, but meat? I don't. basically marks contrast)

>> No.44559461

You're really intelligent
You're basically an expert at japanese

>> No.44559509

why don't you try helping people who ask instead of showering randos in compliments, you weirdo?

>> No.44559520

no, your identity is tied to the exact timeline

>> No.44559550


>> No.44559563

once you become intermediate which i am you will realize there is no ha, there is no ga, there is no no

>> No.44559588

i dont know which one to believe

>> No.44559616

if only 142 iq jamal was here to guide us....

>> No.44559706

There is no /djt/. it's all in your head.

>> No.44559767
File: 704 KB, 1920x1080, [Ohys-Raws] Zom 100 Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto - 07 (TBS 1920x1080 x264 AAC)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is 4:3 instead of 16:9

>> No.44560326

What's the best j-j Anki dictionary?

>> No.44560335

i thought i knew the te form.. i dont know the te form

>> No.44560439

i know the kachi te

>> No.44560491
File: 982 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita - 08 (1080p) [0A41E783]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44560591

a tutu in japanese sounds like your kissing someone on the cheek

>> No.44560681
File: 43 KB, 203x203, 1681777854411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the easiest vn to immerse in japanese? I had a hard time trying to find one. :<

>> No.44560709


>> No.44560729



>> No.44560736

awkwardly natural sounding

>> No.44560805

Speaking of Hanahira, while it is definitely very simple and deserves its rep, Kaori-chan actually speaks really fast. If there was no text, she would have been hard to understand for beginners. Damn tsundere needs correction.

>> No.44560873

>Damn tsundere needs correction.

>> No.44560901
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>> No.44560936

lmao i wonder if that dude even knows 10 kanji

>> No.44560982
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>> No.44561003
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>> No.44561009

You missed the white dot.

>> No.44561028

His first mistake was moving to Japan.

>> No.44561049


>> No.44561084
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>> No.44561128
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If you didn't know, I moved to Japan permanently last year using the money from my private course scam!

And since then, I've ran out of cash and have come up with a new scam that you guys will buy into based on this idea that I somehow realized there was a lot of stuff about learning Japanese in the 10+ years that I have done so, and that I just suddenly realized all of this after moving to Japan even though I've been to Japan before, have been on Japanese TV multiple times, have been interacting with natives in some capacity for many years, and have claimed for years that the way iearned Japanese was through exposing myself to or using the language for several hours every single day. But trust me, I totally just learned this new thing when I came to Japan, it's not a setup for another scam I promise!.

I now have a better idea of what's truly important and what's not. More than I ever could have before. So trust me when I say this next bullshit thing that I've come up with is somehow important, and give me your money when I put it up as something I can monetize.

So in these new emails I will be sending you, I will be priming you for my next scam.

And to start, here's an introductory pvideo I made to start laying the groundwork.

-Matt, the guy with two dad's, a fat lawyer mom, a dumbass brother, a pocahontas girlfriend, and a sore asshole from all that time with Ken.

>> No.44561137

why is analcream obsessed with matt

>> No.44561143

probably got rejected

>> No.44561150

You're jealous

>> No.44561174

leak the unlisted video url like a real ninja would

>> No.44561178

In Matt's defense, he's so short that he'll fit right in in Japan.

>> No.44561179

>To 自分

>> No.44561203
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i-immersion bros?

>> No.44561215

thats emmersion

>> No.44561225
File: 738 KB, 1450x991, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this one of examples?

>> No.44561228
File: 91 KB, 945x1245, F5cY2sdaQAAWSfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help with my homework?

>> No.44561233

>Don't waste your time learning rare words!
>Instead you should be spending your time soaking in Japanese pop culture!
Meanwhile, literally all of us:
>already have a million frequency dictionaries installed
>Learn all of our Japanese through consuming pop culture.
Matt doesn't even know his audience. This is embarrassingly sad.

>> No.44561244

dont us me

>> No.44561246

>uhhh don't be autistic nerd
>uhhh consume popular media

>> No.44561251

What are you reading and why does it look like shit?
Suddenly it makes sense why everyone on YOUは何しに日本へ? talks with the same terrible accent.

>> No.44561254

yup, this nigga didn't do n+1 cards smdh

>> No.44561257

fake 日本語 learner spotted

>> No.44561281

since when did matt turn into a passport bro???

>> No.44561300

>Meanwhile, literally all of us
bro i dont even use anki

>> No.44561375
File: 738 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 21 (1080p) [9F72D4EE]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44561397

just because you don't use spaces in japanese doesn't mean you shouldn't in english

>> No.44561415

god hes fucking autistic
hes right though all you discord quiz niggas are wasting your time

>> No.44561430

japanese is a waste of time

>> No.44561439

I am a waste

>> No.44561465
File: 761 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 21 (1080p) [9F72D4EE]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44561474

is she a baita?

>> No.44561573
File: 801 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 21 (1080p) [9F72D4EE]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she plays darts

>> No.44561590

id play with her tits

>> No.44561596

women wearing little gloves are cute

>> No.44561599

I gew up watching anime in the 90s so this is naturally my type of girl

>> No.44561615
File: 756 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 21 (1080p) [9F72D4EE]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44561648

Is this true?

>> No.44561774


>> No.44561780

>he doesnt know
sasuga uppercaser kun

>> No.44561782


>> No.44561789

Tfw im safe because my holowhores teach me about pop culture

>> No.44561827

Like 10 years ago when he did a homestay in Japan and attended a Japanese high school where he ate lunch in the toilet every day and then hid in his bedroom every time his host family invited him to do something fun.
Holowhores literally are pop culture. They show up literally everywhere.

>> No.44561874

Yeah but they also keep referencing stuff like nation popular comedians which were previously mentioned as something important to be aware of. Hell, they even collabed with them.

>> No.44561900

For me it’s kanatan miko and pekora

>> No.44561910

for me idgaf

>> No.44561924

Doesn’t matter if you care or not because we arent talking to you in the first place. Next.

>> No.44561929

"""we""" dont gaf next is you going in the trash where you belong

>> No.44561981

>they also keep referencing stuff like nation popular comedians which were previously mentioned as something important to be aware of.
How on earth do you watch Japanese anime/drama/variety shows/YouTubers or even play Japanese games and not know any comedians? Even if all you do is watch anime there's no way you don't even know at least one comedian; they get referenced literally all the time.
>they even collabed with them.
And you didn't watch it?

>> No.44562026
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Ohio go sigh mass! Key yo wah nanny oh she mass car?

>> No.44562110


upcoming kino, sadly i will sleep when this stream happens

>> No.44562127

I can't watch it. is it members only?

>> No.44562157

it starts in 9 hours

>> No.44562194

collabs aren't member only

>> No.44562197

english speaking vtubers shit themselves on air for content
reject english speaking vtubers
even the ones that also know japanese

>> No.44562201

thx, I'll watch it if I can!

>> No.44562212

did namesimasu run out of his meds again

>> No.44562236

Etch cheese she yo!

>> No.44562235


>> No.44562279

he permanently moved to japan but his business is still running out of the united states
dno bros

>> No.44562303

it’s true some english speaking vtuber thought it was a bright idea to do a laxative challenge and play a game with jump scares earlier this week

>> No.44562344


>> No.44562435

Like i said it doesn’t matter if you care or not chump

>> No.44562443

u sound mad bro

>> No.44562455

bro you know im gonna be there!

>> No.44562458

pekora owns a monkey

>> No.44562479

how long for one of you autists to figure out where he lives from that one shot of the balcony?

>> No.44562498

Can tell how much you don’t care by how you always reply so quickly

>> No.44562515

who hurt you

>> No.44562540


>> No.44562551
File: 2.14 MB, 406x720, XOai8_-Fruw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44562593
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>> No.44562626
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Is Euphoria hard to read in JP?

>> No.44562649

still baffled by his rating of axanael in this chart

>> No.44562671

sasuga batta guy

>> No.44562679

watasi no kata

>> No.44562698


>> No.44562754

Imagine training tool like djtguide-kana but for words. In quiz-like format like it gives you 4 meanings and you must chose right one and it learns how well you know certain word, keeps track of kanji from words you know, and meanings you usually confuse that word with and based on that repeatedly quizzes you with that and other words over and over (in SRS-like style, but with insanely low intervals) so that you could just sit for 10 hours straight answering words raising accuracy for each word.
what do you think? I think that could be best tool to learn words ever. Only problem is how to teach word readings, but I guess "choose correct reading" could be one of quiz questions too

>> No.44562766

imagine acquiring japanese

>> No.44562824

then i could finally get a cute jgf...

>> No.44562840

You really need to start learning kana more efficiently
Read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-kana-in-two-days

>> No.44562852


>> No.44562855

i thought this was the bad guide

i personally find writing stuff out makes it easier to remember

>> No.44562860

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.44562873

tatsumoto is the best /djt/ guide.

>> No.44562877
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>> No.44562886

the last answer was written by an american guy.

>> No.44562891


>> No.44563008
File: 2.92 MB, 1672x1593, mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44563059

what's the simplest most optimal template for mining my own deck? Just word/sentence /glossary definition/tts? anime cards seem annoying to set up

>> No.44563065

What am I supposed to do if I know I'm not going to be able to do Anki reviews today?

>> No.44563085


>> No.44563106
File: 3.30 MB, 1871x1053, 1694196096924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out mutto lives in a shitty apartment building built specifically for africans and filipinos

>> No.44563123

Day 3 of doing 17 cards a day in anki

>> No.44563124

anal loser has nothing better to do with his time than be pathetic like this

>> No.44563148

I retry anki cards each day until I am able to read it and know the meaning but sometimes it just feels like I'm memorizing a list of words temporarily. Can I get anki to shuffle the order of repeated cards?

>> No.44563182
File: 151 KB, 425x290, F5cwCKubQAACzqO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44563187

bruh this 2k/6k deck is so stupid what the fuck are these cards?

>> No.44563205

yeah.. whats up with those stupid everyday words

>> No.44563244

I'm literally a native english speaker and don't know and have never needed to know the months in a year, however, it seems japanese has a unique word for each day in a fucking month too? If I was born in japan I would never have learnt this shit.

>> No.44563264

i dont trust this tatsumoto shilling
what does he get out of it

>> No.44563269

>I'm literally a native english speaker
>don't know and have never needed to know the months in a year
are you melanated?

>> No.44563283

he's just high

>> No.44563287

that was bs

>> No.44563298

v tubers were a mistake

>> No.44563315

No, I'm just not a retard that thinks months need special names.
When I want to talk about the second month I just call it the fucking second month, it gives you all the information as to what month it is right there.
I don't need to ask "What is the third month again?" because it's just the third month.
I already know what numbers are, they can be efficiently reused here to give a clear description.
The concept of a month is a fair thing to have a word for, individual months do not need special words.

>> No.44563329

>I'm literally a native english speaker
embarrassing lie

>> No.44563336

why would someone lie on an anonymous image board

>> No.44563361

nice, rents probably cheap letting him spend more money on his new lifestyle in japan

>> No.44563371

A non-native english speaker would be a dumbass that thinks they need to learn all these "important english words"

>> No.44563378


>> No.44563384

imagining a dude learning english and having an anki deck with the names of tree species and obscure english villages lmao

>> No.44563385

the real redpill is using a calendar without months, just giving the day of the year
months as a unit of time do not have any basis in nature whatsoever just like weeks
Japan didn't have either of them until the Meiji restoration and they weren't creative in naming the months
they just did what you do and gave each of them a numerical prefix, the days of the month also follow a pattern so you're seeting for no reason

>> No.44563388


>> No.44563390

man i wish i could rent a place like that
rent here in toronto is like 2500 a month for a 1br and climbing 10% a month

>> No.44563411

try stonks bro

>> No.44563416

im too dumb for stonks

>> No.44563421

nah i trust your iq bro

>> No.44563512


>> No.44563546

japanese know every tree and every fish
for low iqs this may be a hurdle too high to overcome preventing them from reaching native level

>> No.44563637

You have succesfully redpilled me on this, how could I be so blind! Thank you anon.

>> No.44563680

No, the English dictionary is always right. ぐらっと does mean shaking violently and a Japanese dictionary will say the same thing.
>広辞苑: 物が瞬時に激しく動くさま。
The problem is that you don't understand what the onomatopoeia is suggesting by that. Try doubling the sound and searching that if you're ever confused (ぐら = ぐらぐら).

>> No.44563752

Lmao. Japanese women simp for me because of my ikemen features while yall keep beating off to JAV girls. Pathetic fistfuckers. You will never have 20 Japanese women responding to you instantly while you take 2 hours to respond. You will never creampie a jap cutie despite dedicating your lives to learning that language

>> No.44563768
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44563783

Any good collection of Japanese restaurant menus?
I've been looking through images on google maps.
What else is good practical reading material?

>> No.44563814

read 12 hours today

>> No.44563836

dont care

>> No.44563843

what did you read?

>> No.44563853

he read japanese bro

>> No.44563869

I don't even read 12 hours a day in English.
I've occasionally gotten REALLY into a book and managed to read like 20 hours straight, but that's a rare occurrence, usually I can manage only a few hours a day of reading period.

>> No.44563881

I misread the post I replied to.

>> No.44563897

im putting all the data into my super computer and its telling me that your not going to make it
apparently theres a strong correlation between not knowing the names of the month, being unable to read and not learning japanese

>> No.44563939

Ah but you failed to take into account that I am learning 17 cards a day. My secret sauce that will lead me to greatness!

>> No.44563946

just get core2.3k and use its template

>> No.44563999

worst djt gimmick account in months

>> No.44564003


>> No.44564037

stfu clown

>> No.44564077


>> No.44564098


>> No.44564135
File: 2 KB, 376x50, 1694203669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make my brain not retarded?

>> No.44564148


>> No.44564154

what's wrong? that's not bad

>> No.44564164
File: 5 KB, 204x260, 1694203958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only had 20 new ones and 94 old ones to review. Even when I was down to like 10 I had to cycle through the same ones maybe a dozen times.

>> No.44564167

how often do you repeat a card in a day?

>> No.44564176

keep bashing your head against the wall and the wall will eventually give way if your resolve is strong enough

>> No.44564179

I don't know where to get stats on that.

>> No.44564182

that's normal though, learn and forget and relearn is a process

>> No.44564186

Do a similar thing like you do. 20 new ones is quite a lot imo.

>> No.44564187
File: 342 KB, 537x567, 1690654583819146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this process

>> No.44564197

Watch how painful it is when you take a long break from it.

>> No.44564233

Try 17 cards a day, also, to aid retention, change your new card steps from "1 10" to "1 1 10 20"

>> No.44564237

im convinced that he's trolling

>> No.44564254
File: 134 KB, 634x845, 1686370178229281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even xe got a japanese wife whats your excuse

>> No.44564270

tfw u turn into a woman and mog ur own wife

>> No.44564279

that's a korean

>> No.44564295
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>> No.44564318
File: 1 KB, 419x58, aaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep i'm gonna make it

>> No.44564325

I dropped anki

>> No.44564333

Is this the power of a native speaker?

>> No.44564340
File: 22 KB, 180x170, 1683877336773624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch how painful it is when you take a long break from it

>> No.44564351

i'm getting real fucking tired of these unrealistic expectations always making me feel bad about my review time

>> No.44564380

train it at doing the task you want it to do

>> No.44564430

Are you reading yet?

>> No.44564438

I'm only at 260 words, I don't feel comfortable tackling reading yet.

>> No.44564455

finished all of my 8 reviews today

>> No.44564473

How bamboo, eye and wood becomes box?

>> No.44564477

The three things you can make boxes out of

>> No.44564499

What the eye/vision has to do with the box though? The bamboo and the wood that compose the box hide away the vision from its inside?

>> No.44564514

Phono-semantic compound (形聲, OC *slaŋ): semantic 𥫗 (“bamboo”) + phonetic 相 (OC *slaŋ, *slaŋs) – a bamboo box.

>> No.44564517

Seeing your birth date made me realise people born in the 90s are 30 now


>> No.44564536

I'm around 400 and I'm going to start focusing the grammar guide to start reading. I think that kanji will be easier to remember context and frequently seeing it. Just keep practicing. I take a lot of time with mine too and I get ones that I know wrong every day. It's a long process.

>> No.44564542

There will never be a time when reading is "comfortable" to start.
Anki is just an aid to immersion, you should already be started on reading and listening, even if it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.44564550

I'm at 325 words and you can def read something like yotsuba

>> No.44564571

is this a sentence or word deck? how long have you been studying, this deck specifically and more generally?

>> No.44564592

It's my second time trying to study japanese, first time I got through about 2k cards and then lost steam and dropped it and I've forgotten almost everything from then. The deck is just core 2k/6k, I tried using a tango deck originally but I realized I don't like sentence decks, I end up learning to recognize the sentence not the actual word.

>> No.44564772

do you immerse

>> No.44564806

Not yet

>> No.44564811

How did you forget unless you completely stopped consuming JP media and stopped paying attention?

>> No.44564829

ah, you fell for the "dont immerse until you do the 2k deck" meme

>> No.44564833

bro never immersed in the first place, and certainly didn't after, that's how.

>> No.44564842

So, it was a shortened and conjugated onomatopeia instead? That makes more sense, thanks. Game is using lots of katakana randomly so I didn't expect this angle.

>> No.44564866

>first time I got through about 2k cards
were you planning to go through all 6k before reading anything

>> No.44564871
File: 58 KB, 860x650, were_is_the_proofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last answer was written by an american
proofs? :DDD

>> No.44564880

I retained a few words but rarely could I remember their actual symbols and sometimes I can recognize the sound/writing of it but not the meaning.
I was planning on going into reading after the 2k (I was doing tango n5 at the time) but like I said I lost steam by the end, even before that I was losing it.

>> No.44564888
File: 7 KB, 667x48, image (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 111: Today main cards was just counting numbers so that isn't really that hard.

>> No.44564910

maybe you wouldn't lose steam if you did something rewarding such as understanding real japanese and not just grind idiot cards

>> No.44564929

I did try some yotsuba but I wasn't really in a mood for an SoL story so I was mostly forcing myself through it. This time I plan to try reading something I'm more interested in, even if it's more difficult vocab and grammar wise I think I'll have more motivation to get through it.

>> No.44564931

>going through PMD
>notice a lot of not so common words (e.g. 勇敢) but obviously in kana
Do elementary school kids actually know these words or do they go over their heads?

>> No.44564987

>the average child in the first grade knows approximately 17,000 basic words together with 7,100 derived words or an approximate total of 24,000 words
勇敢 is a top 10k word

>> No.44565025

Idiot cards are a great way to memorize words, otherwise you’ll find your vocabulary won’t grow as fast. There’s a reason why everyone uses them, including med students

>> No.44565026

勇敢 is found in every pokemon game beyond gen 2

>> No.44565035

勇敢 Isn’t common? Since when?

>> No.44565040

do some english cards

>> No.44565054

im sure med students have context to go with those words they are learning

>> No.44565056

But my English is already good, lowercaser anon

>> No.44565062

Don’t idiot card users have context when they mine?

>> No.44565063

>doing anki and reading will just magically make the words enter your brain and stick
>t-they just do okay!!

>> No.44565069

ankidrones ngmi

>> No.44565073

not if theyre doing the 2k deck

>> No.44565075

It’s true. Memorizing words isn’t a very effective way to learn them.

>> No.44565081

Doesn’t the 2k deck have example sentences with translations provided that you can reference?

>> No.44565082


>> No.44565093

Prove it
>inb4 he can’t

>> No.44565096

?? how do they not if you're reading?

>> No.44565107

most of them do

>> No.44565115

Well then I’m not understanding his point.

>> No.44565118

if anki + reading doesn't work then what's the secret sauce? output? lol

>> No.44565121

Does anyone else know of a flashcard app or anki deck that spans an entire Japanese dictionary? It seems like that would be the fastest way to learn about 50,000 words.

>> No.44565128

light anki + reading + high iq

>> No.44565129


>> No.44565132

It unironically would be, but at that point you should just be reading and mining so that you can focus on what it is you really want to learn.

>> No.44565138

divine providence

>> No.44565141

17 cards a day

>> No.44565142

reading + anki

>> No.44565145

thinkin about capping anki at 108 reviews a day

>> No.44565146

reading + mining

>> No.44565155
File: 183 KB, 470x346, choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which would you pick anon?

>> No.44565158


>> No.44565160

grammar isn't real

>> No.44565162

I've tried reading in a sit down and read fashion but I really hate doing this for some reason. Every third word I have to look up and it just takes the flow out of the process. Besides this learning Kanji from flashcards was incredibly easy and enjoyable because I could just lazily do it from bed. I'm basically done with RTK for all of the Joyo kanji and it feels like I didn't even need to study because all I had to do was look and tap.

>> No.44565167

Eating whales.

>> No.44565170


>> No.44565174


>> No.44565176


>> No.44565180

It is easier than making your own cards, but being able to look up words quickly is also a useful skill that you'll need to master eventually.
The more comfortable you get looking up words you don't know, the faster you'll learn.

>> No.44565185

>core one million

>> No.44565190

well your only hope is doing it through listening instead or you're ngmi. you won't learn japanese if you can't find a way to enjoy consuming japanese before you know japanese

>> No.44565200

maybe I'll start immersing after I finish the core 1M. I just don't feel ready after doing 100k cards.

>> No.44565201

>he thinks he "learned" from flashcards


>> No.44565211

I said not so common. It's not a word you'd drop in casual conversation.
>med school
That's not a fair comparison. Learning concepts and definitions is different from learning a language, where you have very little to go off of, and where a misstep can lead to bad habits and interference between languages.
>>doing anki and reading will just magically make the words enter your brain and stick
Yes you fucking faggot. I remember shit like 突き当り(dead-end) and 行き止まり(end of a road) thanks to anki and what they mean.
What the core Anki decks won't do is
>teach you active skills (no shit)
>teach you to use words (nuances, differences, usage)
>teach you what register a word belongs to (formal? casual? technical jargon? a word you'd see in an ad or political campaign?)
>teach you to write (shit won't teach you about the rikusho, radicals, the patterns compounds fall into, tricks to memorize words, learning stroke orders, etc.)

>> No.44565263


>> No.44565279

>teach you to use words (nuances, differences, usage)
if you mine it will
>teach you what register a word belongs to (formal? casual? technical jargon? a word you'd see in an ad or political campaign?)
if you mine it will

>> No.44565288

>he missed the 「ずいぶんと勇敢だね」 at 0:15

>> No.44565302

i didn't miss it i like the other line better

>> No.44565308

Grammar. It's harder to learn, takes longer, and you can't actually use any vocab without it.

Vocab can just be learned as you come across it.

>> No.44565324

grammar = vocab
る is a word
て is a word
な is a word

>> No.44565336

>he thinks meaning is all there is to language

>> No.44565344

will grammar study teach me what lies beyond

>> No.44565366

the virgin immersion vs the chad total grammar memorization

>> No.44565371

it seems like in the short term, vocab is most important. In the medium term, grammar becomes most important since vocab becomes really easy to lookup if you only need to look up a word per sentence. Then, in the super long term, the only thing you don't know is vocab.

>> No.44565384

>て is just つ in the conjunctive form
>な is just an abbreviation of にある
my life is a lie

>> No.44565454
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what a silly misunderstanding of 脱ぐ

>> No.44565481

That wrinkle below her butt is disgusting

>> No.44565726
File: 1.30 MB, 4912x2894, e2da644be35b5695e5d2688177c1f498e6d68d84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44565744


>> No.44565757


>> No.44565758

So, how I use anki? I press answer press Easy if I know something and Hard if I don't? What Again does?

>> No.44565767

bingo you got it champ

>> No.44565768
File: 3.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1671849097139947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost forgot to say, thank you for this this is very helpful.

>> No.44565769

Only press again and good. Again is when you don't know something, good is when you do. Also go into your deck options and set your maximum reviews per day to 9999

>> No.44565779

Avoid to press easy then?

>> No.44565788

Yes. Also you can use numbers to select answers, 1 is again, 2 is easy, 3 is good and 4 is hard. Makes it faster to just press 1 or 3 depending on if you knew it or not.

>> No.44565790

I use all four buttons. Easy for trivial stuff. Good when i know the word. hard when i struggled but remembered it. Again if I messed anything up.

>> No.44565796

2 is hard, 4 is easy.
Also you can use space for the default option (good).
R to replay audio. Ctrl+Z if you missclick. E for quick edit if you notice a mistake in the card.

>> No.44565807
File: 8 KB, 540x265, 1694219695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how your buttons are sorted I guess

>> No.44565812
File: 3 KB, 288x204, 1694219760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually never mind I'm wrong, checked the settings.

>> No.44565815

>top 10k word
ok, try いかずち and 官(つかさ)
>muh thousands of words
People always quote those figures, but
Does 話し合う count as one even though it's derived from 2 words? Does stuff like 私たち count even though it's just a word with a prefix? What about words with a counter like 二度? What about plurals formed from repetition like 人々, 木々, 隅々, etc.?

>> No.44565816
File: 2 KB, 362x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean it makes sense with time gradually going up

>> No.44565822

You can use all four, it just isn't necessary.
Most prefer to keep it to a simple yes or no, 1 or 3, again or good.

>> No.44565823

easy and hard are all you need everyone else is misleading you

>> No.44565825

>the "recognition and comprehension" retards vs "I can actually use what I learned" crowd
>no hotkey for bury card
I'm not liking one that bit.

>> No.44565839

With the v3 scheduler, pressing hard on new cards shows the in half the interval without affecting progress or ease, and again shows it again but doesn't reduce its ease.
I tend to bury cards that I get slightly wrong and I also like to use hard a couple of times for shit I know I'll forget for sure, like お中元.

>> No.44565844

This user doesn't even do 17 cards a day, and can be safely ignored.

>> No.44565858

why 17? could've been 16 or 18, but it isn't. it is 17. is it cause it is a prime number?

>> No.44565863

its anon's age

>> No.44565864

100 cards a day
for one week
before you give up

>> No.44565872

i could totally do 100 a day ez if i wanted to

>> No.44565873

using easy is necessary if you don't want cards stuck at 130% forever

>> No.44565881

If you're gonna use easy then I'd disable the easy interval bonus.

>> No.44565882


>> No.44565891

do it faggot

>> No.44565904

How do you guys recommend to use Yomichan? Listening anime songs while reading its lyrics trying to make up for the meaning of lyrics?

>> No.44565907

song lyrics are n minus 2

>> No.44565918
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>> No.44565924

To read what anons are writing so you can pretend you speak japanese

>> No.44566108

why does the so called "Daily Japanese Thread" never have questions like "I don't understand this sentence after trying to google it. How does it work?"?

>> No.44566111

because if you google it you got your answer

>> No.44566115

never had that problem

>> No.44566119

Because that doesn't happen very much. I see "wtf does this say" in regards to handwriting or low quality images pretty often though.

>> No.44566127

>he still insists that definitions are all there is to vocabulary
rngmi (really not gonna make it)
Because such questions never arise when you follow the one true method to nipponese mastery.

>> No.44566134

I don't want to get bullied

>> No.44566140

that's what chat ai is for

>> No.44566152

Because only retards ask FAQs. Everything is answered by a Jewgle search or books. Failing that, ask on hinative.

>> No.44566193

so then what is the actual purpose of this thread? Just to have a general that links to a guide in the OP and have people shitpost in the rest of the thread?

>> No.44566200

>Just to have a general that links to a guide in the OP and have people shitpost in the rest of the thread?

>> No.44566204

>what is the actual purpose of a general

>> No.44566208

place to shitpost between anime episodes and chapters

>> No.44566219
File: 808 KB, 1538x1925, 0880f2769569f6d1c37564e02ddb84fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so then what is the actual purpose of this thread?

>> No.44566246

feel it out

>> No.44566247

It's to answer questions that people have and share advice on how to learn. The sad part is not many people actually ask for help, so there's not much advice to give nowadays.
I think a lot of people just nod their head when they don't understand something.

>> No.44566260


>> No.44566259

Why ask for shit that's been answered 100 times already when you have the DoJG, a ton of blogs, sites, and youtube channels, multiple Q&A sites, etc.?
Maybe a ballpen like leddit is more your speed.

>> No.44566267

ball play pen, ball pit, whatever.

>> No.44566268
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>> No.44566273

This is so sad. From now on I'll be sure to ask stupid questions I could have figured out on my own.
What does って mean guys? I keep seeing it in my immersion.

>> No.44566294

youre clearly not new youre fooling nobody

>> No.44566301

That's a good question, anon!
って is thought to be either a contraction of quotative particle と and conjunctive particle て, or a contraction of the phrase という. In either case, it's used to mark hearsay (i.e. he said, she said, etc.).
See? Giving simple, straightforward answers for simple questions is easy and barely takes any time out of your day.

>> No.44566322

って means と

>> No.44566324

feed 100 starving foxes and you end up with 200 starving foxes

>> No.44566332

now i want a kitsunekko even more fuck

>> No.44566335

Kind of. It's got a little more nuance than that, but sure.

>> No.44566337

teaching does not equal feeding retard-kun
if anything, we'll get lesser

>> No.44566341

Literally why use Anki over Renshuu?

>> No.44566343

so thats 1 do it 99 more times

>> No.44566349

if you're going to roleplay student and teacher at least remember that this is the intermediate thread

>> No.44566351

Give a man a grammar guide, teach him for an hour. Teach a man a particle, feed him for life.

>> No.44566363

What do you consider an intermediate question?

>> No.44566374

idk feel it out

>> No.44566378

Are you asking me to "feel out" what you consider to be an intermediate question?

>> No.44566380

Because SaaS is for cucks.

>> No.44566385

i'm telling you to feel out what the the whole thread would consider to be an intermediate question

>> No.44566409

That's hard to answer considering the people who don't know anything refuse to show off how much they know, and the people who do know a lot don't post often.
What would you consider a question on grammar relating to compound sentences be something an intermediate would find difficult?

>> No.44566416

Nerissa is literally us. FuwaMoco are who we strive to be.

>> No.44566422

Caitlin Myers is a girl who sings old city pop songs on YouTube. Are you implying that's what DJT is?

>> No.44566426

I meant her inability to speak after learning 1000 kanji and a bit of vocab. But sure, i think many people like city pop.

>> No.44566437

big mcthankies

>> No.44566441

Ah, I see what you mean. I'm skeptical of her reading ability as well.

>> No.44566455

notice how the 17 cards guy slips up and lowercases inconsistently

>> No.44566459

Got a particle to teach me anon-sama?

>> No.44566461

She probably reads 70% of words in a sentence and thinks she got the meaning but more often than not it's actually not enough.
It's a good starting point if she begins to actually put in work however.

>> No.44566464

Yeah, I'm noticing how all of his posts have the name "17 cards a day" on them too. It's just a pattern I'm picking up of his.

>> No.44566467

"Big McThankies." looked weird to me.

>> No.44566468

ill pm you the details

>> No.44566482

Ohhhh, so that's who he is. Kek, I guess it's kind of obvious when you check the archive.

>> No.44566493

This is the first thread I've posted in, and only like the 3rd thread I've lurked in, so I have no clue who you guys think I am.

>> No.44566499

Why did you give yourself a name?

>> No.44566506

I wanted to embarrass myself.

>> No.44566509

How is that embarrassing?

>> No.44566510

pm me too

>> No.44566516

If I give up learning Japanese it will be.

>> No.44566520

Lmao so that's him. No wonder.

>> No.44566525

Most people give up learning Japanese. I wouldn't call that embarrassing. It's a difficult language for English speakers.

>> No.44566538

I'll be doing 17 cards a day, every day, and if I miss a day, I'll be a failure.
I'll have to give up learning Japanese forever.

>> No.44566542

>if i give up i'll have to give up

>> No.44566547


>> No.44566550


>> No.44566552

Why 17 cards in particular? Why not 10 or 20?

>> No.44566553

to be a special snowflake

>> No.44566555

It is the optimal cards per day.
10 is too little, 20 is too much.

>> No.44566559

I don't think that's true.

>> No.44566565

Most 'learners' are way in over their head. They don't even know what they got themselves into, or how to begin even, and most beginner courses are feel good garbage to hook up as many suckers as possible. The moment beginners become aware of what the real deal entails, they despair and quit in droves.
Hell, given the absolute state of the language-learning industry, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who knows how to and is willing to teach a foreign language.

>> No.44566589

does anyone else occasional watch japanese youtube videos trying to teach english and think how cute they are at it?

>> No.44566602

and 15 is just right

>> No.44566605

It's true, but I also think learners' expectations are too high. Everyone goes into it expecting to become some wisecracking, silver-tongued socialite who can read the newspaper without a dictionary.

>> No.44566622

wtf I just found out 4chan owner hiroyuki is a super popular public figure in japan. he has a ton of twitter followers, his youtube livestreams get tons of views and he regularly appears on TV. I knew he owned the site, but I never knew he was so popular independent of it.

>> No.44566624

is it so wrong to wish my japanese iq was the same as my english iq

>> No.44566634

what's 4chan?

>> No.44566641

Saw this written on a sign, what does the "お" mean?

>> No.44566644

it means 御

>> No.44566647

damn what a history

>> No.44566653

should I add this to my anki

>> No.44566660

wotd: 御御足

>> No.44566662

So it is an honorable/polite drink sign?

>> No.44566664

yeah the sign knows its place in society

>> No.44566675
File: 49 KB, 665x574, 1489790793088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what combination of keys I accidentally pressed, but I managed to change my Microsoft IME settings.
Now if I press the T key, for example, it instantly types out a か instead of waiting for me to type out a vowel to make it a た/ち/つ/て/と. Could anyone tell me how to change it back?

>> No.44566679

right click on the ime icon and click kana input

>> No.44566684

It's a prefix used to show honor, respect, or politeness towards someone or something. In this case, the sign is using polite language.

>> No.44566687

without going full schizo i believe he is more of the face and the cia is involved

>> No.44566689
File: 15 KB, 255x144, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kana input

>> No.44566701

Which don't you know?

>> No.44566709

I don't know enough japanese to know what he is famous in japan for, but he definitely isn't relevant cause he owns 4chan. he seems to talk about politics a lot. how he leans politically, I don't know

>> No.44566710

the other icon

>> No.44566712

try clicking/rightclicking the あ and make it romaji input I think

>> No.44566720

why is the second autocomplete for "a" "AV"

>> No.44566724
File: 18 KB, 243x180, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right clicking it gives me the same thing as before, left clicking it gives me this. These options just change between hira/kata/latin characters.

>> No.44566731

try the (L) option

>> No.44566736

he owned 2channel before it was stolen from him

>> No.44566743
File: 71 KB, 436x521, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives me latin letters but doesn't change them to kana aftewards.

I figured it out, though.
>right click > settings > microsoft office IME properties > pic related
Thanks for the help, ended up leading me in the right direction.

>> No.44566748
File: 55 KB, 700x460, windows-ime-input-method_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to go through all that, you might have to have your cursor in a text box or something i forget, win11 changed it

>> No.44566756
File: 154 KB, 844x1200, i-032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44566762

Well I'm not sure I know any particles.

>> No.44566764

one can never truly know anything

>> No.44566770

havent done anki since last october. before that i would not do it for a month or two and then cram it in a couple of days. and then after a week or so stop doing anki again for another month or two.

>> No.44566774

You probably know more than you think. If I said は, could you tell me what it means?

>> No.44566780

It marks the topic of a sentence?

>> No.44566787

>immediately starts with the hardest particle in the language

>> No.44566791

short for haha indicating the jovial tone of the sentence

>> No.44566805

Correct! See, you do know something about particles.
I see people have more confusion with に and と than I do は. People just have trouble with distinguishing its use from が.

>> No.44566808

you can start with に as in im going to knee you in the face

>> No.44566822

don't like it when women say でもでも~

>> No.44566829

98 to go

>> No.44566836

I vaguely recall と can act as "and" however I think it has more uses than that.
I read up on some Japanese grammar forever ago but it overwhelmed and confused me.

>> No.44566864

just saw と used as if wtf

>> No.44566871

I think it's better to think of it as "with" rather than and

>> No.44566875


>> No.44566895

Some words are customarily written with お beforehand. However, only girls and faggots add お to every noun. For instance, saying おビール is a fine way to ask to be called limp-wristed faggot.

>> No.44566897

It acts as "and" when between two nouns, "with" when following a noun and preceding a verb, "if" when following a verb in it's uninflected form and preceding a present-tense sentence, or "when" in the case of a past-tense sentence, and as a complement-marking particle.
For instance, >>44566875 used the onomatopoeia とっと, so と is attached to make it adverbial, hence a complement.

>> No.44566909

おひや does sound pretty gay

>> No.44566918

>could you tell me what it means?
No, read the thread. >>44559336
>confusion with に and と
That's because に and と share one use (e.g. 塩に胡椒; 塩と胡椒 = salt and/in addition to pepper)

>> No.44566941

>No, read the thread.
Uh, anon, reread what I said.

>> No.44566950

always thought this was slightly homoerotic to say

>> No.44566957


>> No.44566961

>matt vs japan is now emailing me on some throwaway email i forgot about
is he that hard up for money?

>> No.44566965

he's probably running out about now

>> No.44566967

he has some useful skill other than "teaching" language learners right?

>> No.44566978

that guy who found him is a freak lmao. that must have took weeks right?

>> No.44566982

it's a limbo for people who never made it, get out now before you're stuck too

>> No.44566993

the true realization is that other people can't teach you language, you can't even teach yourself language, you just have to aquire

>> No.44567003

you do not wanna mess with djt *twirls butterfly knife around fingers*

>> No.44567025
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>> No.44567033

the japanese

>> No.44567040
File: 34 KB, 706x565, 1683761073040129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see it just tells you whatever u want to hear

>> No.44567044

does the pic mean 呪殺? lol

>> No.44567045

gonna wife up chatgpt

>> No.44567059

the pic represents how i felt when it told me a kanji i was asking about was common

>> No.44567065


>> No.44567073

>learners' expectations are too high
Nothing wrong with having an ultimate goal.
If anything, it's the shitty mentality of "hurr it's not a sprint, it's ok if it takes you 10 years to read 木" that's the most harmful. It's as retarded as convincing yourself that "only no-lifers drive at the speed limit, I'm happy enough chugging along at 8 mph"
Former for just meeting/coming across, latter for intentionally meeting _with_ your friend.
~になる refers to changes that happen naturally or are brought about by someone (e.g. 先生になる become a teacher, 首になる get fired)
~となる can carry an air of (often unexpected, unavoidable) circumstances leading to a certain outcome. It sounds a bit stiffer and is seen more often in formal settings because it lets the speaker distance themselves from the result.
former is more prominent in writing, latter is seen more often in spoken conversation

>> No.44567077

Marks indirect object.
Acts equivalently to the preposition "with."
Marks indirect object.
Marks complement.
Acts as adverbializer.
Marks complement.

>> No.44567083

に and と are the adverbial case particles but yall aren't ready for that conversation

>> No.44567085

those explanations would be useful if those verbs worked the same way in English

>> No.44567094

They can show adverbial case, but their specific functions go beyond just that.

>> No.44567097
File: 52 KB, 800x648, gpt sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GPT-sensei 助けて!

>> No.44567109

>meaningless non-grammatical answer based on "feelings" vs. straightforward grammatical answer based on study

>> No.44567119


>> No.44567124

whats a complement

>> No.44567127

A phrase or clause that describes how an action is done.

>> No.44567129
File: 58 KB, 1536x864, gpt sensei 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44567135

there is some difference between 思う and 想う.

>> No.44567139

>can only use the phrase "adverbial particle" when describing their function
>uses more robot conjecture to explain differences

>> No.44567142

In any day, in any age, there will be that guy who thinks he's the one who has it figured out already, whose job it is to be able to explain everything and have all answers
I know and feel the cringe because I was there years ago and said cringe things in these threads and acted like that
It's not my job to teach you because if you stick with it you'll see the depths yourself eventually

>> No.44567144


>> No.44567145

I pasted this to GPT-sensei and they apologized.

>> No.44567146
File: 75 KB, 686x1154, 1687778105208290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have gpt-4

>> No.44567151

>thought he knew everything
>turns out to be a pseud
>"noooooo i'm mature now i swear!!! i just don't teach you because it's not my joooooob"

>> No.44567153

damn it breaks it down into sections just like those fuckin japanese blogs that write 30 paragraphs to say word 1 means x word 2 means x summary words 1 and 2 both mean x

>> No.44567154

I think it only did that cause it was asked for a deep explanation

>> No.44567168
File: 64 KB, 683x1053, 1690839599326239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44567174

i think we should fire grammar guy and hire gpt-4 for the thread

>> No.44567180

yeah i got to hand this one to chatgpt

>> No.44567185

chatgptards be like yo these lies are fire frfr

>> No.44567188

>implying it's wrong

>> No.44567189
File: 79 KB, 681x1200, 1691018647441831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44567191

so what is wrong with it then?

>> No.44567195

aren't there normally regulars in here who don't like chatgpt? where did they all go?

>> No.44567196

a w is a w
it's just too bad it always talks like a bitch

>> No.44567199

on >>>/g/lmg we have uncensored models but they're kinda retarded compared to -4

>> No.44567208
File: 32 KB, 684x505, 1668105986021561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sorry im bored

>> No.44567212

anti-chatgpter anons, i need you! i'm...losing the argument

>> No.44567220
File: 83 KB, 529x1130, 1679535580862346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys its my best friend

>> No.44567229

you just know that chatgpt would have no friends irl

>> No.44567251
File: 91 KB, 600x1214, 1681009321929236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of boring to talk to ....

>> No.44567257


>> No.44567267

>cop-out about how explaining stuff bad
have you never heard that explaining things to others (correctly) is a great way to revise?

>> No.44567270

just think of how much i'll learn from trying to explain particles dozens of times

>> No.44567275

i type out explanations and then don't post them sometimes so i'm still benefiting

>> No.44567283

did anyone watch the diy drama finale, did they do anything cool on the last episode

>> No.44567287

>が shines the spotlight
Please stop this over-simplified shit. It hurts to read.

>> No.44567311
File: 92 KB, 657x1173, 1680808298493466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u happy?

>> No.44567314

im the closest to understanding chris langan in djt

>> No.44567342

>objects of certain adjectives
>形容詞 having 目的語
no. stop.

>> No.44567352

anyone else think sentence ending ga is kind of erotic

>> No.44567379


>> No.44567390

it's best when it's after such a long pause that it's practically a whole sentence

>> No.44567395

Japanese people consider 濁点 to sound not clean for some reason. Thats why most given names do not have those sounds

>> No.44567590

anyone seen chris langan's interview with keith woods?

>> No.44567595

about 500 words into ankidrone, with a very basic understanding of grammar. so far pretty much every example sentence has been fine for me, but this one i don't understand so well. and the fact that the revealed translations aren't normally literal doesn't help me solve how this is structured. pardon the extreme beginner retardation.
>This is a ring that meant a lot to my mother.
can someone explain/ breakdown this?

>> No.44567606

i think they wanted to charge for it..

>> No.44567626

when they interview me ill tell em how much i hate djt

>> No.44567630

i dont think ive watched any anime in two months
maybe i should force myself to?

>> No.44567638

don't think

>> No.44567643

ok i feel i haven't watched anime in forever

>> No.44567645
File: 49 KB, 680x435, F5jIcyfa4AA7fN_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44567648

feel your dick and let it guide you to 2d pussy

>> No.44567652

maybe i should "feel" my way to black rock shooter, the anime for retards

>> No.44567653

landed in tokyo today
those JR counter girls where so fucking cute holy shit

>> No.44567658


>> No.44567660

been trying to find my way to 2d pussy for my entire life and haven't made it yet

>> No.44567661

anime is not the only means of immersion. :3

>> No.44567668

i watch anipoli every day but stopped posting it here since everyone hated it...

>> No.44567677


>> No.44567688
File: 744 KB, 3000x4000, F5jpSGsaEAAYsC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


>stopped posting it here since everyone hated it

>> No.44567703
File: 50 KB, 643x916, 1690552409298118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only friend (billions of numbers curated by sam altman) made a surface level mistake.. how many deeper mistakes is it making?

>> No.44567725

this could have easily been avoided if it didn't use romanji

>> No.44567734
File: 582 KB, 925x575, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you get fluent

>> No.44567754


>> No.44567776

if it fits, you can improve language skills at an accelerated rate. sirankedo~

>> No.44567779
File: 534 KB, 929x558, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't just ask this question without a lewd image

>> No.44567794

new anipoli just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MefvLYMX6Do

>> No.44567813


>> No.44567834
File: 98 KB, 750x730, 20230909_105434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44567839

glad to know vtumors popularity is on the decline and this whole time only two or three vsisters came here. feels good bros

>> No.44567848

you can't cut off what's not there, can you?

>> No.44567851
File: 346 KB, 994x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will be 3 stickies on /jp/ later today

>> No.44567858
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>> No.44567864
File: 634 KB, 928x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't name all these you're ngmi

>> No.44567968

yeah and they will get less views than previous debuts did

>> No.44568008

wa rappa yakan masuta-do hasami nasu taiko sakana kame ame ringo mikan hina niku ti-zu siitake ki ika wo ru-retto yuki musimegane fuusen nuru tukuru suika kubi usagi megane hebi nezumi tetrahedron se-ta- ke-ki enpitu yoru momo hosi nori toire soba koara onigiri

>> No.44568052

your mistakes were

wa -> wanage
masuta-do -> mayone-zu
yuki -> yukidaruma
tukuru -> tumiki
kubi -> kuri
tetrahedron -> tento
nori -> norimaki

and wo is wo wo kaku but ill let it slide

>> No.44568094

oh and nurie

>> No.44568169

ye didnt know a couple but some of them arent wrong either

>> No.44568198
File: 625 KB, 1280x1808, IMG_0943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i call compelling content

>> No.44568385

I can't understand abbreviations like ngmi though.
why do ESLs except japs already know those?

>> No.44568422

(which) my mother cherished
is (the) ring

>> No.44568446

This is the ring is kind of crippled. that would be more like これが

>> No.44568451


>> No.44568489

Are you retarded?

>> No.44568517


>> No.44568520


>> No.44568527

>(which) my mother cherished
thanks, this makes sense

>> No.44568532

You heard me, Mr. Article Police.

>> No.44568574

Particle police?

>> No.44568576

Got them all except magnifying glass, I didn't know it was called that.

>> No.44568628

We all know you didnt get tumiki

>> No.44568631

I wish. Then I’d call you based for cracking down on bad particle usage, rather than correct article usage.

>> No.44568642

Mined from Fate

>> No.44568690
File: 666 KB, 220x247, 1658153250948039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44568696

Um, we’re not supposed to mention that we do idiot cards. Some anons don’t like it.

>> No.44568832



>> No.44568902

Forgive me chadsama

>> No.44569001
File: 574 KB, 496x517, chug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44569003

I'm the stinky smell lover hoooo

>> No.44569090


lets gooo

>> No.44569212

sticky >>44568874

>> No.44569426

wont fool me

>> No.44569563

>(大切にした) modifies 指輪(a noun).
大切にする->to cherish, treat as precious.
母が大切にした(noun) -> (noun) that my mother cherished.
>the fact that the revealed translations aren't normally literal doesn't help me
You'll learn to be thankful for them. More often than not, in the real world, rather than via direct translations, things work like
>the way people speaking L1 would put it
>the way people speaking L2 would put it

>> No.44569664

middle class parents? that should count as a skill

>> No.44569666

do you guys put a limit on how many new cards you see per day in your mining decks, i'm on day 3 of watching an episode of anime a day, but i'm coming with 30~40 cards per episode.

>> No.44569811


lets goooo

>> No.44570031

not sure what youre asking. you mean a limit on how many reps a day? how many cards you make from one episode?

>> No.44570148
File: 18 KB, 754x272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many new cards anki shows to you, i currently have it set to just show me everything that i mined, which is 30~40 cards a day.

>> No.44570166
File: 245 KB, 604x555, gengo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44570218

oh yeah most people set it around 15-20 there are some freaks that do 30+ but it is not generally recommended especially for beginners

>> No.44570220

so when is this bitch showing her ass, I'm busy

>> No.44570495


>> No.44570639


>> No.44570799


lets goooooo

>> No.44570841

I'm an ass person, 即ち, 傑人.

>> No.44571175




>> No.44571235


>> No.44571300 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.70 MB, 900x504, 1694261653336047.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44571358


>> No.44571377
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 20230909_151912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.44571401

Absolute prime slampig

>> No.44571441

気味悪い??悪い?? lmao

>> No.44571465
File: 1.86 MB, 1371x774, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hunter x hunter bros!

>> No.44571478

wonder if he found his father

>> No.44571531

wonder if he found his dick *pulls out musimegane*

>> No.44571641

sir? put that back

>> No.44571747


>> No.44571772

she wouldnt

>> No.44571781


>> No.44571941


lets gooooo

>> No.44571971

whores always would

>> No.44571989

gottaread more lil bruv

>> No.44572403

What gave you the impression that it must not be common?

Also stop using chatGPT if you ever want to achieve competency

>> No.44572422

Remember JAV fistfuckers. When you see some 10/10 Tokyo university graduate with ”no romance” in her bio. Only I get to see her body. I see her bio and say ”finally a good challenge” you beat your tiny dick to her PFP. We are not the same, you brown cuckolds.

>> No.44572467
File: 133 KB, 1024x576, 1694262903160509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.44572507


>> No.44572632

Oh look it's the vtuber twins that teach Japanese. Anon, how many vtubers have tried to teach you Japanese? And yet, you still haven't learned anything. Perhaps you should open a grammar and vocabulary book instead of wasting your time watching cartoon. Just an idea.

>> No.44572658
File: 276 KB, 1500x1500, 337db11c014e144ba7a939578e66645a6a2b6806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44572691

>how many vtubers have tried to teach you Japanese
only one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd3wb789MZU

>> No.44572739

セクソ ! !

>> No.44572744

that guy is an eternal dekinai. he has been here for 3 years and still makes basic mistakes like 舐めします

>> No.44572751


>> No.44572802


>> No.44572859


>> No.44572860

My grammar sucks, I understand every word I read and still can't understand what I'm reading. I'm bad with grammar in literally every language I speak.
But at least I have a great memory for words and a good understanding of how a word is suppose to be read.

>> No.44572888


>> No.44572910

>can say hello

>> No.44573005

annoying ass voices

>> No.44573055

yes, there is nothing to learn from ass

>> No.44573069

onahole >>> 3dpd

>> No.44573269

don't like when tubies use arm tracking. the unusual movements are unsettling

>> No.44573303
File: 330 KB, 1200x1200, F5lXDSza0AA1mLc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44573331

The problem is that they are just amateurs on the inside, not trained for streaming.
Everything is too half-baked, both as a voice actor and as an actor.

>> No.44573370


>> No.44573418

Pretty sure there was/is a an archive of vocab audio files listed in the itazuraneko guide somewhere for use with custom anki decks. I'm struggling to find it now. Anyone care to point me in the right direction?

>> No.44573429

*points to dick*

>> No.44573435

I had no idea streaming was a trained profession

>> No.44573698


>> No.44573763

totally unsuitable for language learning

>> No.44573887
File: 592 KB, 656x884, F5gghL9WAAAjX-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-friendly reminder:
v美人 are the next best thing to a japanese half sister discovering her growing urges and experimenting with her sexuality:

constant dialogue
descriptive dialogue
VERY language dense, they never shut up
conversational cadence
cant be mined if you are watching in real time, nor paused (so you have to pay attention and your brain is in do or die mode)
if they are playing a game you already played (recent banjo kazooey streams with koone), you already have the english translation of everything in mind, but even if you haven't played the game, they describe everything they are doing.
they activate the natural "want to understand what the cute girl is saying" part of the brain
a lot of variety
essentially always on

probably the next best thing to conversations with nips, but they have the added benefit that you do not have to carry the conversation or keep it alive, the vbijin does that herself. essentially you get a girl talking to you and describing everything for 1 to several hours.

v美人 are THE path to true fluency! also they get the best fanart

>> No.44573891


>> No.44573911

Vtubers have a life span as long as they are human.

>> No.44573948

if you never want to understand them or japanese go for it

>> No.44573999

[citation needed]

>> No.44574121

Day 4 of doing 17 cards a day in anki
I don't know what そう means.

>> No.44574163

they’re going to dead goldfish one of them soon enough, the chinks did it with kizuna

>> No.44574169


>> No.44574347

forgot to add >>44573887

>> No.44574472
File: 169 KB, 481x466, ano...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44574489

I've decided to suspend そう until I can understand what it means.
It seems pointless to hold onto a card that I can't properly answer.

>> No.44574501

what card is that? what dont you understand about it?

>> No.44574597


>> No.44574615

the intermediate thread

>> No.44574649
File: 234 KB, 1080x1491, Screenshot_20230910-020802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand the meaning from this card alone.

>> No.44574672

there is no cure for low iq

>> No.44574688


>> No.44574692

average core decker

>> No.44574701

17 cards a day anon..

>> No.44574703

they explicitly avoid sexuality to not foster an audience full of open creeps
and when they don't avoid it, they're orbited by an insufferable horde of psychos
it's a shit experience either way. and of top of all that, most of their content is playing boring video games. you have to be lobotomized to be able to enjoy it

>> No.44574773


私 = I
も = also, too, as well
思い = think/believe
そう = that way, in such manner

私 (I) も (also) そう (that way) 思い (think) ます.

I also think that way, that's what I think too, etc...

t. less than two weeks learning japanese on duolingo and renshuu, am I right?

>> No.44574789

you sure you didnt sign up for his shit and then forgot to unsubscribe?

>> No.44574936
File: 32 KB, 144x268, sou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44574988


>> No.44575035

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.44575060

i just own my apartment and only have to pay for electricity and water. so the cost is about $60 a month.

>> No.44575064

TSC is trash, WCC is the way to go

>> No.44575067

pay for deez

>> No.44575107

TSCs are more effective when studying verbs and adjectives (of all sorts). WCCs are more effective when studying concrete nouns.

>> No.44575127

yes i am sure, matt

>> No.44575138

imagine setting up mail forwarding on a throwaway account lol at ur lyfe

>> No.44575146

ur doing good man

>> No.44575147

Wait... there's a deck literally called "Ankidrone Starter Pack" and it's better than the dogwater deck I've been using?

>> No.44575168

yeah it has great cards like 埃及, would recommend

>> No.44575175

felt it out

>> No.44575221

Yes, download ankidrone starter pack.

>> No.44575249

it's another episode of someone constantly changing anki decks

>> No.44575260

2x subs off

>> No.44575292

so did matt make it?

>> No.44575308

I'll change decks if I fail my current deck.

>> No.44575310

the fact that japanese can't be learned immediately can't be solved by means of a special deck, but go ahead cripple yourself

>> No.44575322

anal clown mad

>> No.44575325
File: 277 KB, 905x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konbanwa /djt/, who do you think is in the right here?

I think it CAN be used as a compliment (sexy) but that's not the common usage of the phrase.

>> No.44575343


>> No.44575359

what do you mean by fail?

>> No.44575364

it means he hits 1

>> No.44575380

スタイル is more about their physical appearance, and their figure. In Japanese you can say they have a good スタイル when they are naked cause スタイル is about the body. In english, this makes no sense since saying someone has a good style is basically saying they have a good sense of aesthetics or a good fashion sense.
So, Gambs is right. And there is no reason to block out Gamb's name if you aren't going to block out his avatar too.

>> No.44575397
File: 53 KB, 1000x363, gambs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should we ban people here for being bad at japanese?

>> No.44575412

how about the ""people"" who browse r***it

>> No.44575416

rip beng

>> No.44575419

After 6 months of grinding anki I am about to finish the jlab beginners deck. In the meantime I also worked my way through the first 500 kanji from the RTK deck.

Planning on reading tae Kim's after this. What other textbook should I do to keep progressing on grammar/vocab? I use IPTV for passive immersion by leaving garbage Japanese news and random shows running most of the day.

>> No.44575438

Interesting (NTA). Is osharee specifically about clothes, fashion then?

>> No.44575519

Like if I forget about it for a week or something, and have to start over.

>> No.44575528

r/Hololewd/ is alright

>> No.44575573

I know that I can simply say 母, 兄貴 instead 私の母 and 私の兄貴. But can I say 彼氏 and 彼女 instead 私の彼氏 and 私の彼女?

>> No.44575603

No, you must always use 私の.

>> No.44575619

there is another word like スタイル which means having big boobs but i forgot, something like gorgeous

>> No.44575728

Another typical beginner trap. When a Japanese person says お願い。。。犯さないで、誰か助けて! it means "pleased to make your acquaintance".

>> No.44575729
File: 9 KB, 188x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the largest disparity in frequency you've seen?

>> No.44575770


>> No.44575819

>jp s rank

>> No.44575831


>> No.44575852

ldk what that second one is but its an error because that is an extremely common word

>> No.44575896

I think the second is the frequency of the word written in kana rather than with the kanji

>> No.44576102

gambs is right dough

>> No.44576147

gambs is always right

>> No.44576160

gambs is right only on weekends

>> No.44576165

The only thing more pathetic than being a dekinai is being a moderator of dekinais.

>> No.44576194

that sub has the lowest ratio of dekinais of all reddit (except subs for natives)

>> No.44576217


>> No.44576236

into the trash it goes

>> No.44576245

damn, 6 months in and this guy hasnt even started learning japanese.

>> No.44576257

You dont understand, he is a jp- s rank

>> No.44576260

if only it was possible.
maybe we should make an image board where you need an account and passing quizzes to gain access, but its forced anon so that you dont get namefag cancer like in discord.

>> No.44576263

Because they ban them all?

>> No.44576284

does that mean he is fluent in japanese?

>> No.44576296

He knows 2000 kanji.

>> No.44576312

so he's a pre-beginner

>> No.44576315

They don't actually ban people who don't know japanaese. The reason that sub has so many people that can actually read a VN in japanese is that VNs are way more niche than anime or manga so it attracts way more hardcore fans of japanese media. These people are way more likely to learn japanese. Saying that, the actual reason is that the visual novel subreddit is one of the few subreddits that actually tries to gatekeep, unlike nearly every other part of reddit. In the VN subreddit, if you say "I wish X was translated, it's been 5 years and still no translation" multiple people will tell you that you could've learned japanese in that time. On other subreddits, you will get a bunch of people downvoting you, saying that it is an unreasonable ask and you might even get banned. On the VN subreddit, telling people to learn japanese is at a minimum tolerated, and a lot of times even celebrated.
Basically, it is a cultural difference and they have strict immigration (gatekeeping) to keep the culture the same.

>> No.44576333

>Editors: lyger
this guy is still around?! what a massive simp. but it looks like he moved on from matsuri and switched to whoever these nu-vtubers are

>> No.44576344

She later clarified she meant 1k kanji 2k words (fwmc morning ep 7). Which is arguably even worse than 2k kanji.

>> No.44576366

>1k kanji 2k words
if you know 1k kanji and only 2k words then you don't actually know 1k kanji. you only know 2k words and those words contain 1k kanji.

>> No.44576372


>> No.44576382
File: 836 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] TenPuru - 09 (1080p) [3C248380]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its the sex kanjis 凸凹

>> No.44576401

i wouldnt mess with these guys if i saw them. yakuza pt 2

>> No.44576407

I’ll take the fat pussy on the right

>> No.44576409

1k kanji 2k words is literally where you end up at the end of core 2k.

>> No.44576411

we need more gambs in the world

>> No.44576433

So this is the power of native speakers...

>> No.44576435
File: 13 KB, 415x116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple people will tell you that you could've learned japanese in that time. On other subreddits, you will get a bunch of people downvoting you, saying that it is an unreasonable ask and you might even get banned. On the VN subreddit, telling people to learn japanese is at a minimum tolerated
oh no no no

>> No.44576510

people downvote gambs cause he is gambs and cause of what he is saying.

>> No.44576514

true, based freudian slip

>> No.44576558


>> No.44576685

the "it's the most common words in newspapers in the 1990s" argument against the core decks is always retarded since if you pick up a newspaper from the 1990s it's still just the same common words you use today. just with a heavier focus on things like the economy and politics.

>> No.44576723

you will eventually need to know all the words in core decks
and its pretty much the same words that are in jlpt and the ankidrone deck

>> No.44576740

plus, who doesn't want to know about japanese politics? it's really weird that japan lives in a one party state that is also democratic

>> No.44576741

True but they're ordered poorly. If someone just reorganized the 2k/6k deck it would be significantly improved.

>> No.44576774

so, she did core once in the past and hasn't actively touched the language since. wow.

>> No.44576883

That's what makes it retarded. You learn all the shitty corpo/political words before basic stuff. Core is a shit deck with awful order of cards. There's like 300 cards there which shouldn't really be learned until you know 10k.
Modern newspapers would still be a shitty data pool but definitely a better one than 90s. The only good data pool is one based on material one is interested in - so manga, anime, VNs, LNs.

>> No.44576905

yeah i definitely think it's more important to know the word for when a gust of wind blows up a schoolgirl's skirt than knowing what the japanese for prime minister is

>> No.44577000

show me the corpo/political words in core2.3k

>> No.44577038

>The result is a deck made from the highest quality cards, in the most efficient order possible, and as much extra fluff/non-core words removed as possible. Also, despite keeping the same name for historical reasons, the deck is actually only ~1,970 cards in total.

>> No.44577050

>the word for when a gust of wind blows up a schoolgirl's skirt

>> No.44577056

so tatsu shitspam doesn't apply to the presently recommended version of core. thanks for the clarification

>> No.44577071

lmfao sasuga analcringe

>> No.44577240

(You) should be banned from here

>> No.44577281

nta but I also go out of my way to upvote that guy when he posts something stupid that makes people angry

>> No.44577391

Sounds like a lame community.

>> No.44577422

not sure but if you dont see any political terms this may be why

>> No.44577441

why does this vigger act like hes some kind of authority on learning japanese?

>> No.44577677

Ohio go say mass

>> No.44577726

You must know words like 学期. Otherwise how are you going to ask your dearest loli when her next school period starts?
