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File: 152 KB, 724x1023, yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44526389 No.44526389 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Yuugi is the one who find you
So are you ready for iron-flavored kisses, anon?

>> No.44526400


>> No.44526403

I'm ready to find out who the fuck you're quoting

>> No.44526413
File: 367 KB, 1280x1707, 1659196216302351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm 5'5

>> No.44526481

who are you quoting?

>> No.44526512

oh no how horrible

>> No.44526571
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, ironflavoredkisses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi's agent.

>> No.44526592

they're just asshurt that it's the best youkai yuugi and not any mid character they like

>> No.44526632

Is this the Gensokyo's Isekai`d threads or the Yuugi one ? I'm ready for both

>> No.44526636

Both, don't forget that yuugi is waiting for us on the other side

>> No.44526777

Yes i am!

>> No.44526802
File: 655 KB, 1117x833, This is what awaits for my arrival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44526925

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44526945

quote who

>> No.44526970


>> No.44527014
File: 607 KB, 1638x2048, 17e3e6765f64563779042f61d30f9cf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just ask her if she knows where her hot pink-haired friend is.

>> No.44527620

Why would a powerful oni like her want to be with a regular small human like me? She would be better off with a male oni

>> No.44532364


>> No.44532424

Don't forget that Yuugi is a KHHV and thinks you can get pregnant from kissing and that babies are grown in the fields!
She'll talk all big and wear exposing clothes but because she doesn't know people would ever look at her body in a lewd manner!
No one even dares hit on her thanks to her status and power so she has zero experience in even flirting!
Be careful if you want to love Yuugi, she has no resistance to men and you'd have teach her everything!

>> No.44532577

She'd just knock your teeth out. With or without the kiss.

>> No.44535392

cowardly losers

>> No.44535397

Kiss each other

>> No.44535475
File: 23 KB, 350x300, __hoshiguma_yuugi_and_sin_sack_touhou_drawn_by_gatau__ba82c9de759d858bbba676aba4905cb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These cowardly losers are excellent for bumping threads. Like 4 people got ass hurt over that lol. Never mind that ''>'' is pretty versatile in its uses. I.e actually quoting people or using many of them to make a story.

>> No.44535495

I bet the reason why they're butthurt is because they prefer some shitty, typical overrated 2hu instead of Yuugi the goat.

>> No.44535498
File: 606 KB, 751x849, ewrghyr3eujh654u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill just come back again. Yuugi is too muscular and sexy to not relentlessly try to get with. I dont care if she hurts me (because it'll be hot) or if she kills me. I'll come back as a ghost or bribe the Yama to bring me back. In the meantime ill bribe Suika into having drunken sex with me.

>> No.44535519

If Yuugi is the one to find you upon getting isekai'd to Gensokyo, that means you're in former hell, which is just about the worst place to get dropped in, and Yuugi being the one to show up is a small mercy.

>> No.44535554
File: 178 KB, 1031x831, yuugo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Yuugi is waiting for the anons to get isekai'd right on the other side, leave it up to her, she's strong enough to take care of it
That being said, iron-flavored kisses are mandatorily obligatory on each outsider that passes

>> No.44535610

>iron-flavored kisses
I wish that promiscuous oni would at least brush her teeth after gorging herself on sake.

>> No.44535665

Just imagine her picking you up and sitting you on her lap

>> No.44535715

Yuugi wouldn't like a scrawny awkward nerd like me.

>> No.44535744

Yuugi likes to spoil awkward scrawny nerds because it gives her an ego boost about her own strength.

>> No.44535849
File: 1.12 MB, 2480x3508, 1552191627195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrawny awkward nerds are prime targets of getting abducted and "domesticated" by tall dominant oni and tengu women like Yuugi and Megumu.

>> No.44535863

How would those two react to a scrawny, awkward nerd that's even taller than they are?

>> No.44535962

What are you, 7'+ tall?

>> No.44536088

>on each outsider
i vomit

>> No.44536089

Damn, she sure is a massive slut. I don't think even the Moriya girl gets passed around this many men.

>> No.44536425

No, I'm an American instead of some 19th century Japanese Peasant.

>> No.44536524

Youkai don't follow human laws of nutrition.

>> No.44536533

Yuugi is legit 7 feet lmao. probably the tallest 2hu

>> No.44536545

Keep your emasculation fantasies off the Jay, please.

>> No.44536644
File: 128 KB, 575x974, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_shu_loveeater__b9ee61a8d69bec3eab0a1057f0b485a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean that the other youkai in the underworld are around 6 feet tall?
I wouldn't mind a mommy koishi tho

>> No.44543078
File: 235 KB, 850x1084, 1687120748390846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Yuugi feet

>> No.44543184

I want to massage them!

>> No.44543681

I want to see how much of her foot i can get in my mouth!

>> No.44543699

>Keep your emasculation fantasies off the Jay, please.
If your own masculinity is so fragile then why are you here? This is a Yuugi thread. If you want to puff out your chest and feel strong then pick a weakhu. Like Rumia or something. Yuugi is big and strong, if you dont like that then you dont like her.

>> No.44543704

Speak for yourself, I just like the idea of unrealistically tall bitches.

>> No.44543887

If you're scared of tall women you're the faggot. I wish I could meet a 220 cm tall girl, I'd still tower over everyone else while having a literal mountain to climb.

>> No.44544192

Impressive dedication to samefagging.
>If you want to puff out your chest and feel strong then pick a weakhu.
>If you're scared of tall women you're the faggot.
Sounds like projection, there isn't a single one of my favorite hus that couldn't kick my ass, but I'm not some kind of fruit that wants to be a dead weight, infantilized househusband like 99.9% of the people that believe in the ridiculous fanon that 19th century japanese women would be over 6 feet. My condolences if I mistook you for that sort of cockmongler.

>> No.44544217

>ridiculous fanon that 19th century japanese women would be over 6 feet
They are not human women. They are still youkai. They still don't follow human laws of nutrition. Oni in particular are often portrayed in actual japanese mythology to be extremely tall and strong. Claiming that Yuugi would be some 5'4'' womanlet is just embarrassing and makes you look insecure as fuck.

>> No.44544297

You keep bringing up insecurities, anon, but you're the one getting weirdly defensive. The characters are also shown next to humans, and their heights aren't that disconnected for the most part. You can argue that they don't follow human laws of nutrition, which is fair, but it's irrelevant to the fact that most youkai in Gensokyo actively choose to look human and approachable. I'm not saying she'd be 5'4", but saying 7 feet is literally blatantly ignoring canon. If you're fine with that, than to each his own.

>> No.44544624

>You keep bringing up insecurities, anon
I didn't. I'm >>44536524 and >>44544217, and only mentioned them in the latter. I just brought up the fact that you're falsely applying human laws on non-human youkai.
>The characters are also shown next to humans, and their heights aren't that disconnected for the most part.
ZUN himself specifically stated that in-game sprites have zero bearing on the relative heights of the characters. The written works and fighting games are secondary material and the physical portrayals of the characters in them are not the word of god and often even go against it. For example, ZUN drew Byakuren flat as a board in UFO, just like every other 2hu ever (except for Urumi and Nemuno), yet she has big tits in the fighters. ZUN has never given an exact canon height or cup size to any character, and portrayals of characters in anything that isn't made solely by him often contradict with his portrayals. It's hypocritical to claim that a 7' Yuugi would go against canon, when sidegames and the official manga routinely do so.

This is the reason why you seem insecure. I find it odd that you are not crying every time when a canonically flat 2hu is portrayed with big breasts, but instantly throw a shitfit when a portrayal that you don't like is brought up.

As for
>most youkai in Gensokyo actively choose to look human and approachable
Most youkai in Gensokyo are incapable of even taking on a human form. The youkai you meet in the games are the top 1% of all youkai due to being able to even manifest bodies in the first place. Weaklings like Kogasa are still the outliers in power among their kind. Having a humanoid body is a sign of immense strength for a youkai, and claiming that a youkai would choose to look humanlike for the purposes of being approachable is simply not true.

>> No.44544670

>The written works and fighting games are secondary material
This alone is essentially an admission of cherry-picking canon, but even more relevant than that is
>Most youkai in Gensokyo are incapable of even taking on a human form.
This is simply not true. There's an in-universe term for those youkai, primal youkai, and they're established to be in the minority, with that number growing even lower thanks to Kasen, and possibly even other Sages, helping them shift to the Mental Layer like most youkai.
You can call pointing out your fanon a "shitfit," but I think it's time for you to throw in the towel and accept that if that height is so important to you, maybe you're not a Yuugi fan at all, and you're just a fan of women taller than you, and that even in Touhou, there isn't many or even possibly any of that.

>> No.44544941

>This alone is essentially an admission of cherry-picking canon, but even more relevant than that is
If a sidegame or an official manga blatantly contradicts a mainline game, which takes precedence? Which is the primary source and which the secondary source? You can't deny that boobhus outside of basically Urumi and Nemuno are 100% non-canon, and you can't write that off with claims of cherry picking, unless you state that mainline touhou games are secondary material.
>>Most youkai in Gensokyo are incapable of even taking on a human form.
>This is simply not true.
Remove the "in Gensokyo" and it becomes essentially true again. It doesn't matter if you practice what is essentially eugenics and get rid of the primal youkai, because the mechanics of youkai genesis and their life-cycles are still the same.
>There's an in-universe term for those youkai, primal youkai, and they're established to be in the minority, with that number growing even lower thanks to Kasen, and possibly even other Sages, helping them shift to the Mental Layer like most youkai.
I could not find a single source that would conclusively back up that claim.

Also, how is this sidenote even more relevant to the converstation here? You didn't adress any of my main points in the previous post and instead chose to nitpick on one tangetially related comment that wasn't even necessary for the core argument?

>You can call pointing out your fanon a "shitfit,"
Yuugi's height doesn't have a canon value. Tall Yuugi is therefore not fanon at all, as it doesn't also contradict primary canon (mainline games). What I am pointing out here, is that you are willfully ignoring portrayals of characters that actually are in contradiciton with mainline games, and instead get angry at portrayals that do have room for interpretation in them.
>accept that if that height is so important to you, maybe you're not a Yuugi fan at all
You're the one who entered a Yuugi thread, with an OP picture clearly portraying her as a tall and muscular oni, with people who enjoy that portrayal of her discussing her and posting pictures of her, and then decide to start complaining and policing people for liking something that you don't like. Yuugi being tall and muscular has been a common topic in Yuugi threads long before this one, and if it's so important to you that a character is of a height that doesn't exceed yours, then maybe you're not a Yuugi fan here.

>> No.44545028

>Sounds like projection
That's not how projecting works, anon-san.

>I'm not some kind of fruit that wants to be a dead weight
Height and physical power aren't the only blessings someone can have. If you (obviously) lack both of these when compared to your youkai wife, compensate in another way. Thinking these are the only ways to not be a "dead weight" is rather close-minded.

>> No.44545096

ITT: Yuugi fans out themselves as tertiaries.

>> No.44545110
File: 126 KB, 850x478, 43c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you on the right

>> No.44545128

Me in the middle, actually.

>> No.44545143


>> No.44545210

It's a trait of the touhou fandom to portray the characters as small and cute, the closest thing we have to ZUN breaking the secondary delusions is him stating that Sakuya is taller than Yuyuko and Ran

>> No.44545240

W-what is she doing to these boys?!

>> No.44545310

She is going to eat them bro. It's going to be slow and painful.

>> No.44545332
File: 1.43 MB, 1396x1920, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_mattyakinako_odango_imomushi__84fefa2c10cff691460daa14c35118fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a trait of the touhou fandom to portray the characters as small and cute
But up to this point you have argued on the grounds that tall and muscular Yuugi is an unacceptable interpretation because it's non-canon according to you. And now you're doing a 180 and claiming that tall and muscular Yuugi is an unacceptable interpretation because it's not fanon that you approve of? Fanon interpretations are not canon in the slightest, and cannot be used to discredit other fanon interpretations. If you feel that Yuugi should be shorter than you and not as muscular, then I respect your fanon interpretation which you are entitled to. But me and the other anons ITT are also entitled to our interpretations, which happens to be tall and muscular for many of us.

>> No.44545349
File: 581 KB, 1000x750, 49147528_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the one on the right is more to your liking.

and there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.44545359

Im not that other retard you argued with, anon

>> No.44545380

Ignore him, he's just going to sperg out with his schizo rants for the rest of the thread if he keeps getting acknowledged.

>> No.44545443
File: 911 KB, 1261x2029, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_himajin_noizu__0afd71086f74f98559d4eeba63fe7738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather just go back to posting Yuugi, which you would know if you had read my last schizo rant.

>> No.44545485
File: 417 KB, 850x1204, sample_f58025eb801b1f83b180ad86a7c448c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think there was anything in your rant that indicated as much, schizo-kun.

>> No.44545541
File: 267 KB, 1447x2039, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_marsen__2b67fe434625e74b9d0447e863411999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was implied in the part about respecting the fanon interpretations of others. But if I need to say it outright then yes, I would prefer to go back to posting and discussing Yuugi.

>> No.44545556

Is Yuugi still more popular in the west than she is in the east?

>> No.44545581
File: 120 KB, 850x1200, sample_eafb0e111398fd97ef4b33fce3028ae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've fooled me with how you helped start that entire argument.

>> No.44545698
File: 512 KB, 2508x3541, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_fugaku_miko_no_miyatsuguchi__eafb0e111398fd97ef4b33fce3028ae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough.

Nice PE Yuugi btw. People often draw her in that outfit but unfortunately leave out the jacket. Here's a larger resolution version of that image.

>> No.44545838
File: 255 KB, 850x1201, sample_7ebcd208d8ac87296aaea5923e617b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad we can at least agree on Yuugiposting if nothing else. Yeah, the jacket is definitely a key part of that outfit, personally my favorite.

>> No.44545888

These yuugi images are so powerful, i'm on the verge of a heart attack. I don't think i'm gonna make it to the bump limit, fellas..

>> No.44545941
File: 866 KB, 761x964, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_inui_shirakawa777__3a7414df0c096102195b6a153ae8d9a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi manages to pull of the open jacket look and make it seem both casual and kind of classy at the same time.
Hang in there, anon.

>> No.44546008
File: 167 KB, 453x640, 5dc4eaf2e94e1953d807ce45449bc098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kimino look is nice and she makes it work but for me the sporty look is still the iconic one. The addition of the jacket truly does make it stronger.

>> No.44546125
File: 494 KB, 700x800, __hong_meiling_mizuhashi_parsee_and_hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_6_yuchae__61002decf60dd9c0c1d2dbf635b695e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jacket is great in that it works as an addition to to the classic Yuugi outfit, but also as a part of the PE Yuugi outfit.

>> No.44546157
File: 279 KB, 493x784, 7e1d17d0f75a3a8172aa18bacd91bee8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks especially nice just hanging off the shoulders.

>> No.44546202

For the thumbnail, I was thinking that she was dressed up in soldier clothes with a gas mask.

>> No.44546215
File: 247 KB, 850x1133, uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidentally, I do have one of her in soldier clothes albeit without a gas mask.

>> No.44546230

Hmm... This makes me think:

What kind of soldier would be Yuugi? In what army she would be regardless of the era? I would like a Soviet Yuugi.

>> No.44546318

She seems like a frontline commander who prefers being in the action and personally leading her troops rather than making plans in a tent somewhere on the backlines. The type to refuse promotions that will put her behind a desk rather than on the field. Not particularly loyal to the cause she is fighting for and is mostly just in it because she enjoys it.

>> No.44546332

We need a writerfag to write about that time where Yuugi was a soldier of the Wehrmacht

>> No.44546348
File: 145 KB, 809x1080, 1549274064596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds very Yuuka-like.

>> No.44546382

They are two sides of the same monstrous coin. The only difference I imagine between the styles of the two are that Yuuka would be more likely to use unscrupulous tactics.

>> No.44551876
File: 162 KB, 530x884, 260aec0ddd559122c4bb45b9b2536a87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you poltard. She would not be a soldier of anything. She would just fuck up everyone because she felt like it. Whether it be meth head krauts or starving Ivans, nips or amerimutts.

>> No.44552137

An environmental hazard that shows up on the battlefield. Both sides have to stop fighting and either unite to chase off the stray oni or retreat until she is gone.

>> No.44555836

she's vietnamese obviously

>> No.44555964

It seems that post stirred up bitter feelings in you.
Why would this be?

>> No.44558624

Just imagine her picking you up and sitting you on her lap

>> No.44558832

>>44526389 (OP)
Just imagine her picking you up and sucking you off

>> No.44559099

Just imagine picking her up and sitting her on your lap and your bones shattering.

>> No.44561766
File: 302 KB, 1024x768, Yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a drink with Yuugi
