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44544098 No.44544098 [Reply] [Original]

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Previous thread: >>44523976

>> No.44544109

literally me

>> No.44544179

guys a girl messaged me on hellotalk im so svperior to you lol

>> No.44544237

today I learned サリアの歌 on the N3DS
its quite something being able to play the game fully in japanese, even though its rather simple, deep memory just manages to let me know exactly what I need to do

It got me thinking, and never realized this while playing as a younglin,
Saria is basically the perfect cute 幼馴染, all the the elfs in the forest, perfect waifu bait
but instead Link goes to simp for the princess, while she gets married off to the western man with long nose
and she literally only asks for help because she doesn't feel good about it, literally asking for simping while she gets ntr'ed away

ranch girl best girl

>> No.44544254

nice, now post the full one

>> No.44544285

>Saria is basically the perfect cute 幼馴染, all the the elfs in the forest, perfect waifu bait
doubly so because they cant grow up

>> No.44544301

i was in love with malon

>> No.44544324

>doubly so because they cant grow up
the fuck, I forgot about that
well, I bet a lot of guys wouldn't complain tho

oh yeah, that's ranch girl, yeah I agree, best sweet girl

>> No.44544478

If i read in jap for 5 hours a day can i become fluent in a year?

>> No.44544481

>still seething
Holy shit. I think i mindbroke you. If you want i can cheer you up with some nudes of barely legal japanese girls. Just admit you’re a cuck and apologize

>> No.44544521


>> No.44544545

how long will it take me to get fluent at 5hrs/day then
by fluent i just mean being able to read with minimal lookups
idgaf about talking to japs

>> No.44544557

not fluent but you will be pretty close if you combine with a bit of anki to make sure you have the vocab memorized. that guy who got N1 in 8 months did 6 or 7 hours every day for n1 and that was for everything and only 8 months. you won't be fluent, but you will be able to tackle almost anything thrown at you if you have a dictionary, and be fine for a lot of stuff without a dictionary.

>> No.44544574

>by fluent i just mean being able to read with minimal lookups
for that you'll probably be satisfied in a year or two

>> No.44544592

ok cool thanks
i’ll start learning next month after my vacation then and report back here in a year

>> No.44544603

>after my vacation

>> No.44544633


>> No.44544693

what's that meme called where they hold up their hands in a circle and then the character puts their face into it? i know its based off some cat video

>> No.44544743


>> No.44544765

reading is very effective when you don't need to look up words.
in my opinion you shouldn't look up words unless you see the word appear frequently, and it's a word that frequently appears in your frequency dictionary (in yomichan). If you are looking up a word and it's worth learning, then put that word into your deck (you will forget the word unless it appears frequently and you read every day).
I basically use one deck, it's vocab, and it has example sentances that I read to help with comparing the situations you would use the word in (I use renshuu, it's shit, not well documented, but it's great for people who only care about reading because anki doesn't support yomichan, i'm sure there is a workaround to get yomichan in anki but I have grown on to renshuu's kanji dictionary anyways + use mobile in situations, which makes the built-in yomichan-like translation useful).
If you don't understand a sentence, and it's not in your skill level (playing a VN made for fluent JP readers), just skip the sentence, but if you don't understand every sentence, or you really want to understand 100%, you are wasting your time, read something easier (you should be spending less than 30 seconds per sentence). I do like reading advanced novels, I use Asenheim Project which you can use the log and just throw that into whatever translation program, or you run the english and japanese version at the same time. But I tend to make things easy for myself by pretty much only reading lolicon/shotacon eroges.

>> No.44544778
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 341593623_1258769225077187_4799442210641295608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to throat fuck misa until she starts crying and vomitting.

>> No.44544780

>a VN made for fluent JP readers
gonna blow ur fuckin mind
all nihongo media is made for fluent natives
the rest of your post is bad

>> No.44544787


>> No.44544791


>> No.44544808

>anki doesn't support yomichan
what did he mean by this

>> No.44544816

hover over words in the anki program.

>> No.44544828

oh lmao

>> No.44544830

for what purpose

>> No.44544842

you might become reading fluent but all of your other nihongo skills will suck
but then again who cares if all you want to do is read

>> No.44544843

please dont give advice when you are a sub n1 pre-beginner.

>> No.44544867

>The problem is when I don't know something is a grammar point so I don't know to look it up.
lol literally just put the cursor over the sentence with yomichan and move your mouse. how hard can it be
you aren't supposed to read in anki. just learn words

>> No.44544871

this guy is correct. i am "fluent" in english but i have a heavy accent because i never spent any time developing my english speaking skills.

reading comprehension happens in the brain, it's entirely intellectual, but speech is physiological. the movements of your mouth, tongue and lips have to be trained. you can't "just" speak japanese/english/whatever perfectly without training.

>> No.44544877

I'm very dependent on yomichan for reading, and it's very convenient to use (I look at the frequency dictionary alot to gauge if the word is rare and not worth learning for my specific frequency source).
I'm 1 year of doing minimal japanese study, basically 2 hour max of deck work, and I skip days and don't do anything in japanese most of the time. right now I'm reading every day, and doing 1 hour of deck work, I have 2000 vocab, and 800 kanji.
I think people here spend too much time learning japanese, you guys probably have a lot of free time. I have fun learning japanese, I don't really care about being japanese or moving to japan, or getting a jp GF, it's just a hobby. I think people here take things too seriously and spend half their day learning / reading / watching Japanese, which is fine, but I think I will be very fluent in a couple of years and I don't care if you are able to be n1 in a year.

>> No.44544882

曲 of the day

>> No.44544888

>i have a heavy accent
Look up English phonology, motherfucker. You're welcome.

>> No.44544890

this is bait do not reply

>> No.44544896

>i have a heavy accent
so what? have you ever had a problem making yourself understood in english? didnt think so

>> No.44544905

*the 2nd half wasn't directed at you, I was going to reply to: >>44544843
>you aren't supposed to read in anki. just learn words
I don't read a sentance every card (I try to breeze through each card in a second), but when getting a new word that I don't know, I generally try to read the example sentence (and see if I can even remember the kanji even though I just read the word 2 seconds ago and it's right above the sentance, sometimes I fuck that up, and it helps a lot, at least for me).

>> No.44544906

i appreciate the thought but at this point i wouldn't get any value of this anymore.
i want to abandon english and become a nihongo pro instead.
i only need english at work and most people in my department can't string together a coherent sentence in english, so i'm already better than them anyway

>> No.44544910

You're mixing up several things.
The ability to actively use the language is different from passive skills.
Pronunciation is a small piece of the puzzle. It's actually assembling sentences in real-time and composing text (aka active skills) that are the most challenging.

>> No.44544916

what's the best average difference between a white man and his japanese girlfriend?
im wondering how young of a japanese gf i can get away with

>> No.44544931

do we work at the same company?

>> No.44544932

>literally just put the cursor over the sentence with yomichan and move your mouse
if you don't know which part of the sentence has the grammar point you don't know, you may just think it isn't a grammar point, it is just a use of particles and verbs that you need to interpret with the already known rules better. I've went down rabbit holes of trying to make a sentence make sense with the rules I already know, then i hover over the sentence again and this time I hover over the correct part that explains the grammar point I didn't know existed. if you know it is a grammar point you don't know, then you can say "oh that is a grammar point" and instantly hover over to remind yourself. it is a completely different experience.
it is the difference between unknown unknowns and known unknowns.

>> No.44544940

i’m not procrastinating
i’m literally going to have almost no internet or pc access for 3 weeks in a week
i guess i can use anki thru telekinesis

>> No.44544953

if you dont know which part of a given sentence you cant understand then you might have brain problems

>> No.44545073

do you have a phone

>> No.44545084

simple example sentence but you could imagine this being way more complicated in more complicated sentences
>I have worked here for a while
ESL student tackles this sentence without knowing about the present perfect tense. They know the sentence without "have" means "I worked here for a while (and I don't anymore)" but don't understand how "have" works. They know "have" means means "possess" or "experience", but those don't really make sense in this context. They rack their brains around this, potentially for minutes on one sentence, until they eventually use their "lil' reader" extension to hover over "have" and see that "have" has a whole other meaning of being used in the present perfect tense, among others. Now they look up the grammar point and know it means "I worked here for a while (and still do)"
Compare that someone who did an english grammar anki deck and knows of the existence of the present perfect tense. They will see the sentence and think, "oh that is that grammar point where 'have' is used in a weird way, let me look it up again". They know what they don't know compared to the first person who doesn't know what they don't know.

>> No.44545091

anki doesn't need internet. just use your phone

>> No.44545104

just do fucking genki or tae kim
fucking duolingotoddlers refusing to study the language pisses me off
you are ngmi

>> No.44545130

>refusing to study the language
i am literally describing studying the language. you're just mad you are wrong.

>> No.44545131

Whenever I see a word I don't know I add it to anki. Don't understand the point of overcomplicating it.

>> No.44545150

what if you just read more instead of masturbating over textbooks and apps

>> No.44545169
File: 45 KB, 640x333, 0451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend me the best moege to start reading

>> No.44545177

are you really acquiring if you aren't fapping?

>> No.44545184

Who the fuck eats pasta with salad cream?

>> No.44545195

if you can cum to textbooks then go for it

>> No.44545198

you have a limited amount of time. if you spend it all on srs, you get nowhere, if you spend it all on reading more, you get better, but slowly. there is some balance where you spend some time on reading, some time on srs, some time on grammar, etc. where you improve the fastest. this is uncontroversial to all the biggest "only immerse" retards. the point is to figure out what is the best way to spend your limited time to maximize improvement. this balance is heavily weighted towards reading more being the most important thing to do, but your shouldn't just read and never do grammar or srs or you are just wasting time.

>> No.44545204


>> No.44545211

yeah no shit but only immerse is a better starting point than hold on let me textbook for 6 months until i'm "ready"

>> No.44545230

>muh reading
>muh srs
>muh minmaxing
can you just use the language? write (coherent) sentences employing a grammar point (e.g. 勉強しなければならない, パリに行ったきり二度と帰ってこなかった). Take note of whether it's oral or literary language, whether it'd be used by a native or not, etc.
That's 10x better than whatever gay hip method of the week you faggots are pushing.

>> No.44545238

no one here is saying that. i just said to do grammar to expose yourself to it so that it is easier to look things up when you do immerse

>> No.44545241

sounds cringe and useless for consuming media or getting laid

>> No.44545268

>being a cumbrain dominated by hedonistic impulses can't channel his urges to speed up his progress
And this is why you're never gonna make it.

>> No.44545270

im literally just saying study grammar rather than only do it as you immerse. it isn't some new method.
"minmaxxing" is only bad if you spend more time trying to mixmax rather than actually doing the activity you are trying to minmax. you are saying "don't minmax, but do this other thing that is presumably better, cause if it isn't better, why the hell would I say it"

>> No.44545283
File: 33 KB, 404x464, Poricom_cf7j15Zj90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading a manga and cant make out what this kids handwriting says.


am i retarded?

>> No.44545285

>if you don't know which part of the sentence has the grammar point you don't know, you may just think it isn't a grammar point
doesn't matter, if you have the grammar dictionary in yomichan, it will show. the exceptions to this are too rare to justify literally learning the entire dictionary reference. if you want to know what you don't know then read through some of the cards. memorizing and reviewing them is a waste of time if instead you could read real japanese
writing sentences before you can read is objectively retarded
>"minmaxxing" is only bad if you spend more time trying to mixmax rather than actually doing the activity you are trying to minmax.
memorizing an entire grammar book instead of just reading japanese fits that definitioin

>> No.44545297

oh is the kanji actually 生? i still have no clue

>> No.44545299

>"minmaxxing" is only bad if you spend more time trying to mixmax
"minmaxing" is bad because it's usually the blind leading the blind. The fastest way to learn is experiencing the language (to know what you should be aiming for), taking down notes and shit (synthesizing, summarizing to speed up reviewing, noting important points to consider) , using the language (fill in the blanks, put the words in the correct order, ask/answer questions, offer directions, give an opinion/advice, describe something, etc. basically, use the language in a specific situation)

>> No.44545305
File: 345 KB, 1975x3308, 1694030128173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44545319

>writing sentences before you can read is objectively retarded
If you're going to pretend to be retarded, don't post. You don't need to go through 2 years of dedicated moonrune study before you're allowed to say "初めまして。XXです。YY出身です。よろしくお願いします"

>> No.44545335

>memorizing and reviewing them is a waste of time if instead you could read real japanese
>memorizing an entire grammar book instead of just reading japanese fits that definitioin
who are you talking to? no one said anything about memorizing a grammar book. the default dojg deck is exposure anyway. just read it, always mark it correct and move on. its basically just reading a book in sections through anki. anki just makes it so you occasionally reread parts of the book, with it being less frequent later on since you are always marking good.

>> No.44545353

true but are you pretending or can you name the rtk keywords for all of those kanji

>> No.44545355

The DoJG are dictionaries, not readers.

>> No.44545362
File: 214 KB, 274x249, triggered_wario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rtk keywords

>> No.44545363

that's what i thought

>> No.44545383

everyone always goes
>if you only immerse how will you ever learn grammar or vocab
like they can't figure out how to use fuckin google or they think that they're not allowed if no one specifically says they can

>> No.44545410

You mean referring to reference material when the time calls for it instead of drilling random shit? Wow, what a novel idea. You should write a book about that.
Just jewgle is a bad idea. A curated list of resources would be better (e.g. maggie sensei)

>> No.44545411

heaven use

>> No.44545423

heaven use isn't a side effect of not studying enough it's just the natural consequence of the sad fact that 98% of people on the planet physically can't make it

>> No.44545432

I didn't say you're not allowed to write a sentence, just that you're retarded if you spend time making up sentences with shit you can't even read yet. if you're at the point where it makes sense to practice writing, you don't need to deliberately practice grammar points like you have a test in school tomorrow.
>no one said anything about memorizing a grammar book
the exchange literally started with someone implying they're studying a grammar book as an anki deck?
>just read it
yeah that's what I originally said: >>44540791 "you can read that deck if you want but don't actually do the cards"
if you always press good then you aren't doing the cards. you're just reading the book several times (which is still excessive and you won't finish it as long as you don't slack on reading)

>> No.44545447

yeah sure i mean you're going to outgrow any curated list eventually so you might as well learn to fend for yourself sooner than later but the important part is to learn in the moment while actively engaged in trying to understand something that interests you

>> No.44545449

>sentences with shit you can't even read yet
You look up the runes/words and decipher it. Are you allergic to dictionaries?
>he thinks input precedes production
That's literally the way English is taught at schools in Japan. Look how well it's (not) working out for them. Kids' brains break down after "How are you? I'm fine, and you?"

>> No.44545459

someone post the english reading child prodigy
all input

>> No.44545545
File: 10 KB, 292x292, get_a_load_of_this_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey look at this one nitpicked example
wew, lad

>> No.44545569

most people in this thread have personally proven the surprising fact that reading makes you better at reading

>> No.44545573

>You look up the runes/words and decipher it.
yeah, then just do that for a bit and learn to read instead of training to write when you still need an entire set of training wheels to just read. in that way you could skip all the retarded school shit with making up sentences with grammar points altogether
>That's literally the way English is taught at schools in Japan. Look how well it's (not) working out for them.
do you have any evidence that this is due to emphasizing input before output or are you just making this up? if anything, it's most likely just due to not enough hours. it takes 2-3k to go past beginner in Japanese for an English speaker, so in reverse it's probably not less than 1.5k. are they really getting 1.5k hours of solid learning in school? (sitting in a classroom and doing fuck all doesn't count)
this is school, after all, so they probably waste a whole lot time doing stupid explicit practice shit like you're suggesting where they look up a grammar point and waste half an hour writing 3 crippled sentences with it.
>Kids' brains break down after "How are you? I'm fine, and you?"
okay? obviously you're going to be shit at speaking before you explicitly practice speaking. still doesn't make it not retarded to explicitly practice speaking before you can even understand basic speech yourself.

>> No.44545578


>> No.44545603

Input does rub off on you; the words eventually bleed into your active vocabulary, but it's a painstakingly slow process and won't get you anywhere fast if it's not interspersed with production (e.g. grabbing excerpts from conversations where people ask for directions and assembling your own).

>> No.44545618

never spoken to a nihonjin in my life btw

>> No.44545626

>set of training wheels to just read
Like what, kana and a J-E/E-J dictionary?
>the retarded school shit with making up sentences with grammar points altogether
Yeah man, you're too cool 4 school. Who the fuck needs to know how ask for the time, where the bathroom is, or how to ask about the result of a game anyway?
>obviously you're going to be shit at speaking before you explicitly practice speaking
That's after 5 years of middle-school instruction, you mongoloid.
>before you can even understand
I said intersperse, you turbo sperg. Learn, repeat, apply.

>> No.44545639


>> No.44545643

I'm done with all my new cards for today, but I kinda wanna do some more...

>> No.44545658

do i have to read LN/VNs to make it

>> No.44545659

if i am done with anki but want to do more, but can't read, i just review cards forgotten in the last X days. if you want to do more then just increase the number of days
i used to get super motivated after finshing anki reps so i increased my new cards per day then i ended up with a crazy amount of reviews the following days until i lowered it again. my new rule is, if i want to increase new cards per day, i have to do it before i start reviews, not after i'm done

>> No.44545666

before linnies and vinnies, no one has ever learned japanese. so yes

>> No.44545678

matt made it by listening to pokemon episodes on his ipod while eating lunch in the school bathroom however

>> No.44545680

>grabbing excerpts from conversations where people ask for directions and assembling your own
true, but that's actually expressing something and not making up shit for the sake of learning a particular grammar point. so it's not retarded
>Yeah man, you're too cool 4 school.
I am
>Who the fuck needs to know how ask for the time, where the bathroom is, or how to ask about the result of a game anyway?
as if I disagreed with this?
>That's after 5 years of middle-school instruction, you mongoloid
so? how many hours is that? it's the same in other countries that don't do input first lol. that's because it's very easy to go through 5 years of education and come out with less than 200 hours of useful study, which isn't going to be enough for anything, no matter how many retard cripple sentences you painstakingly construct.
>I said intersperse
ok so intersperse in a way that first you learn enough to not need explicit grammar point practice and then you try to write. otherwise it's retarded. I'm happy we agree

>> No.44545689

>muh hours
Another victim of statistics and numbers. Many such cases.

>> No.44545691

japanese literacy rate
japanese population that reads vns/lns

>> No.44545694

true I learned japanese in 1 hour because I wanted manko very badly and I rejected numbers

>> No.44545699

>in a way that first you learn enough to not need explicit grammar point practice and then you try to write
Jesus, it hurts to read what you write. It's like you're unaware that there's a difference between understanding something in context, being able to recall it unaided, and being able to use it.

>> No.44545711

say maa 3 times in the school bathroom mirror and some say benjo matt appears

>> No.44545716

you know when an animation studio outsources 10 seconds of high-framerate tweening of the camera circling around the subject to korea for $100 and they just put it through an interpolating neural net to shit out a clunky blend between the keyframes and call it a day
if you let your eyes lose focus it doesn't look as bad

>> No.44545737

yeah that must be why I said you need explicit speaking practice to be able to speak in a new language.
it's one thing to say passive and active vocabulary (or grammar) are separate things, and another thing to say that in order to be able to user words (or grammatical structures) to express yourself in the language you need to sit down with a list of words (or concepts) and make up random sentences with them one by one.

>> No.44545747

Don't be facetious. We were talking about effective learning methods. All (most) roads lead to Rome, but some take a millenium.

>> No.44545760




>> No.44545780

yes, that's what I'm talking about. struggling with artificial output before you can even input properly sounds like a waste time. same with artificial output after you can input properly. it's better to do natural output ("I want to express X" vs "I want to use grammar point X")

>> No.44545784

where are you getting ばくはつ from

>> No.44545810

>artificial output
It's not artificial if you go out of your way to find example sentences. You know, the 'mining' everyone mentions all the time?
>before you can even input properly
No shit. If you try, you're never going to get anywhere.

>> No.44545832

>If you try
If you don't try

>> No.44545850

this has been going on for a while
maybe you should continue the conversation about how to optimally become fluent in nihongo en nihongo

>> No.44545854
File: 41 KB, 349x465, Poricom_MEk0JQjJ5G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i think you're right about こうげき. i think the bottom part might've made you thought it was a tsu but here's a less cropped version. it's part of his drawing.

>> No.44545869

oh im dumb the bottom part is just まりょく (magic). thanks for the help though anon

>> No.44545876

>It's not artificial if you go out of your way to find example sentences.
but this isn't about reading sentences, it's about producing them. it's about trying to find them in a crippled brain that hasn't experienced nearly enough of the language yet.
>No shit. If you try, you're never going to get anywhere.
you're free to try however much you want after you learn to read somewhat
sorry I can only output when prompted with a grammar point

>> No.44545880

looks like someone needs remembering the kana

>> No.44545905

>sorry I can only output when prompted with a grammar point

>> No.44545913


>> No.44545929

sorry i meant 私わゲイわ

>> No.44545949

I know what you really mean, but for the benefit of anyone reading I have to say that fuckups set you back. It's as bad as singing out of tune.

>> No.44545953

Lucky Star is really high IQ

>> No.44545974

so i can just read the bunko pitch accent notes and say ive perfected my accent, right?

>> No.44545976





>> No.44546022
File: 95 KB, 2400x1254, 1671107322772157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make my own deck with numbers and I followed this guide https://animecards.site/yomichansetup/ for setting up everything. I have 2 questions now:
1. Can I just get all English meanings in the middle instead of all kind of things (here are 8 of them, the circled thing)?
2. I want to include recording of the exampled sentence. I assume I would need to copy/paste the sentence on some dictionary or reader or idk and record the pronunciation, is that right? If it is where do you advice me to paste it?

>> No.44546031

I fucked up the screenshot but whatever.

>> No.44546056
File: 208 KB, 792x745, 1679915178633802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make something similar to what is in core 2.3k just without picture.

>> No.44546062

tyanto 攻撃力 to 魔力 kakereba ii jyan

>> No.44546217

just remove the picture field

>> No.44546312


>> No.44546352


>> No.44546497

Yeah, I figured I could just clone it if I like it. That just leaves the second question: can you guys recommend some good tts for Japanese?

>> No.44546658


>> No.44546711
File: 510 KB, 1130x906, A-Rank Boukensha no Slow Life Raw - Chapter 13 - 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44546765
File: 7 KB, 644x61, image (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 106: Very late today because been busy all day.

>> No.44546785

I think there's an addon for that

>> No.44546831


>> No.44547001
File: 7 KB, 196x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with the pitch accent using a circle for "

>> No.44547088

It's used to represent a nasal "ng" sound, instead of the regular "g" sound you hear.

>> No.44547093
File: 67 KB, 520x508, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any anon got something like this but more user friendly? for quickly seeing onyomi connections of relevant kanji

>> No.44547094


>> No.44547186
File: 446 KB, 3840x2160, 2023-09-06_iamkowai_1699464298467320048_F5W1wiHaYAAwtQI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44547213
File: 135 KB, 800x600, 1605816368173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44547229
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>> No.44547243


>> No.44547251

holy fucking kino

>> No.44547258

how many books of kuma kuma bear do i have to read to get n1

or how much persona 4 for n1

or what is the progression of LNs/books from kuma to n1

>> No.44547267

why is n1 so important

>> No.44547276

bc i am a n1gger
not a n3gger

also, jobs nigga, get one

>> No.44547303

joe donda

>> No.44547401

I had like 1000 hours of anki and reading practice when I easily passed N2. Without even knowing any N2 grammar. Heck, my grammar's shit and I probably don't even know a bunch of N3 grammar. Guess that just shows how unimportant grammar is.

>> No.44547414

I should add that I don't consider myself fluent at reading though. Just somewhat literate.

>> No.44547543
File: 133 KB, 844x1200, i-102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this girl

>> No.44547554

not sure why you reply to me if you consider yourself not fluent at reading. next.

>> No.44547589

i dont think that she is into guys

>> No.44547608

if you spend 5 hours a day vinniemaxxing youll be beyond native in a year easily

>> No.44547627

sounds too much like vaxxing so youll die from a heart attack in a year easily
vinnie in moderation

>> No.44547673



imagine telling someone on the road to dekiruness to calm down and limit his vinny time

>> No.44547678

enjoy your heart exploding

>> No.44547681

It meets your weird criteria of not looking up words. Assuming you aren't reading anything technical.

>> No.44547735

i own over 70 physical japanese books haha

>> No.44547749

imagine being proud of stealing 70 books that you cannot read

>> No.44547753

even One Piece has over 100 volumes.

>> No.44547758
File: 485 KB, 850x1202, jashinchansan new hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohayou desu no

>> No.44547778

>almost 1 PM

>> No.44547829

Studying kanji individually is as retarded as trying to learn English via studying morphemes.
You can't prove me wrong because I'm right.

>> No.44547846

the rtk proves you wrong

>> No.44547848

but you do study english phonics in school. it helps you pronounce words you might know but never read before.
phonics, aka learning english spelling/pronunciation rules, is english kanji

>> No.44547858

a is for apple
basically rtk

>> No.44547860

do you know how to learn english rightly?

>> No.44547875
File: 55 KB, 820x550, 1694057894104430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the text say haha?

>> No.44547887

learning the alphabet is not phonics. it might be lesson 1 of phonics, but phonics is much more. phonics is the "ch" sound in "much", the "ph" sound in "phonics", the silent 'e' in "crime", the reason "apple" is not pronounce APP-LEE or APP-LEH, etc etc.
there are a lot of rules in english, but once you know all or most of them, you have a very good chance of guessing what words you don't know sound like.

>> No.44547892

d is for didnt read

>> No.44547893



>> No.44547907

B-But his spiky skin is going to hurt my knuckles, mom...

>> No.44547912

Thanks dear.

>> No.44547914

anta mo nagutte kinasai

>> No.44547951
File: 1.08 MB, 1457x1032, FfGqQHvUUAAYnEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44547979

now this is immersion

>> No.44548002

I wouldn't be able to read anything on here if I hadn't.
>APP-LEE or APP-LEH, etc etc.
This is hardly useful for foreigners. Use the IPA and phonology /bʊks ɔː daɪ/. Don't /fərˈgɛt/ about weak and strong forms.

>> No.44548004

a japanese song to immerse... right?

>> No.44548088

Use the IPA phonology books or die?

>> No.44548170
File: 40 KB, 512x385, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get off plane in Japan
>walk off the airport to hail a cab
>taxi has a kanji problem stamped on its side that you must solve
Crime rate would drop to 0% overnight.
the IPA and phonology books.

>> No.44548182
File: 466 KB, 735x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finally mastered hiragana

>> No.44548183

meds. now.

>> No.44548197

That's easy. Clearly the kanji should be 捺印 and not 押印. Using 押印 is a common mistake that a native would make, but not one an astute JSL, such as myself, would.

>> No.44548230

>tooth tooth tooth tooth tooth
what did he mean by this?

>> No.44548233

ははははは just laughing

>> No.44548237

behold, japanese "humor". this is the mythical japanese wordplay that is talked about

>> No.44548242

Why are you laughing at him, anon? He's just trying to ask a question.

>> No.44548244

i just answered simply

>> No.44548304

everyone knows japs laugh ブヒヒ not ははは

>> No.44548319

I learned from one piece that everyone gets to make up their own laughs
I decided mine would be ぶばばば

>> No.44548348


>> No.44548367
File: 46 KB, 718x382, come on now..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find "Tokyo magnitude 8" on IMDB via my browser history because the retards have it listed like this.

>> No.44548373

Wait so nips actually call their money "circles"?

>> No.44548379

beginner here
why did cure dolly stop and shit all over other grammar guides so frequently in her videos?
are her videos even that much better?

>> No.44548429
File: 13 KB, 384x513, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you met the 漢字の神様 yet /djt/?

>> No.44548439

NintendoDS games were not playable anymore

>> No.44548470

>cure dolly in a nutshell: We’re going to picture Japanese grammar as a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope the train will take you, but you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why? Because you and Japanese grammar will be together!

>> No.44548484

either thats uchiwa or ougi

>> No.44548486

It’s uchiwa, like 団扇太鼓

>> No.44548503
File: 18 KB, 384x512, angry_goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were playable
But I'm playing one right now, silly.

>> No.44548516
File: 292 KB, 1200x1200, F5Wswg_aIAAzZP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44548687

should i start mining words/sentences now or wait till i finish a vocab deck

>> No.44548836

Mine words with English translated meanings asap
Mine sentences when you start understanding monolingual dictionary entries

>> No.44548852


>> No.44548870

No problem. I hope my argument was compelling enough to make you never want to watch another dolly video again.

>> No.44548879

>monolingual dictionary entries
lol why do people keep giving this bad advice

>> No.44548883

you wont understand the true spirit of Japanese through English definitions

>> No.44548890

Yes you will and I’m tired of pretend you won’t.

>> No.44548915

Ryan Goslingが映画にいました。
Ryan Gosling はおかさんに恋をした
Is referring to mothers in general as おかさん even correct?

>> No.44548923

Ryan Gosling falls in love with a mother.

>> No.44548934

how do you clarify its a mother and not his mom

>> No.44548940

By saying 母親

>> No.44548995

speaking of movies what do we think of アリスとテレス over here at dee jay tee? are we gonna watch it? does it look retarded?

>> No.44549014

going to japan tomorrow
wish me luck bros

>> No.44549040

good luck figuring out 加減.

>> No.44549123
File: 564 KB, 1738x2282, F5VkFuqbQAA--d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44549191

found jamal ^

>> No.44549203
File: 68 KB, 680x383, F5acA90bUAEL01h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blowjob outfit lets gooo

>> No.44549570
File: 182 KB, 950x2048, 378729ae5820875bc3d178b3d5778d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44549587
File: 1.37 MB, 2121x695, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

endless sex jav is kino

>> No.44550063

True but your brain automatically acquired the real meaning from encountering the word a bunch. The dictionary is only for getting loose understanding of the sentences using it until that happens. Monolingual definitions do give you a better understanding immediately but it's only temporary

>> No.44550257

>start learning kanji
>learn that the 父 kanji is read as either ちち or フ
>come across the word お父さん
>the kanji is read as neither ちち nor フ
>the word is read as おとうさん
Why are the japs like this?

>> No.44550277

1750 hours
a tree died for this
you wont understand the true spirit of [any language] through [dictionary] definitions
it's easy if you just read japanese

>> No.44550749

It will become effortless before you know it anon

>> No.44550858

It's unironically about sending a message than being readable

>> No.44550880
File: 96 KB, 615x769, rent a girlfriend if it was good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only correct immersion material is internet "manga" made for 25-34 year old salarymen and/or housewives with this kind of artstyle

>> No.44550929

Which alternative to Duolingo there's for phones?

>> No.44551044
File: 1.57 MB, 2800x2100, フルイラスト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, Masturbating while listening to asmr and reading the script is hot as hell.
I wish more circles would include the script in their files

>> No.44551119

Why 七条 is read as しちじ and not as ななじ?

>> No.44551332

しちじょう is correct

>> No.44551521
File: 499 KB, 1170x2532, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my old tantan from a few months ago
and unlike you I actually meet girls irl

stop getting cocky because you got a few bitches on hellotalk and learn japanese you pathetic faggot

>> No.44551565

and before you call me a catfish the blue badge means i was verified
these mf dekinais these days i swear...

>> No.44551605


new sluts

>> No.44551611

garbo gomi

>> No.44551632

ririka looks cute

>> No.44551825

ankidroid and kiwibrowser

>> No.44551989
File: 72 KB, 873x893, Screenshot_20230907_111239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving this "manga way" deck a try, don't even remember where I got it from
also, how fucking common is this form of itadakismasu?

>> No.44552007

I think he meant some shitty learning app
but if you just apps to use, I highly recommend Kakugo,
its great for starting out with the kanas, but also learning basic kanji
on top of all is open-source

>> No.44552037


>> No.44552133

goblin slayer is pretty good bros
if goblins were real i'd probably be one because the cave life seems epic

>> No.44552178

plus goblins get bitches

>> No.44552179
File: 166 KB, 414x580, Goblin Slayer - Raw - Chapter 2 - 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44552247

fapped to the first レイプ scene so many times

>> No.44552256
File: 423 KB, 451x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I learn a little bit of vocabulary before reading Tae Kim or should I jump right in? I only known the kana.

>> No.44552274

tay tay has vocab lists so it dont matter
but dont only focus on one thing, do grammar, do vocab, try some simple reading, listening etc.

>> No.44552277

signed up for a jp dating app and already got 5 bitches who want to talk to me
this is it boys see you on the other side

>> No.44552353

why is it using the old form 齒 ?

>> No.44552427

加減 refers to the degree, amount, balance, or state of something, and by extension moderation/regulation. I can only image you're esl if you're having trouble understanding what those definitions imply when the word's combined with いい.

>> No.44552518

if only u'd know japanese

>> No.44552523

dno bros just dno

>> No.44552537


>> No.44552591
File: 174 KB, 787x1500, 11saicastle_1560311761156583425_20220819_010447_img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hot

>> No.44552663

god i wish i was nanahoshi

>> No.44552691
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha S2 - 09 (1080p) [807D3BAA]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44552821

sauce and context onegai

>> No.44552834
File: 171 KB, 1125x685, Oh no.. what have i teached her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to turn her into a healthy 4channer
Damn dude. That’s crazy

>> No.44552851

wish this retard at least knew english

>> No.44552858

taught is the past tense of teach

>> No.44552886

She doesn’t need to know I’m actually an ESL. My grammar doesn’t matter in bed. Fistfucker

>> No.44552896

you don't need to call me that bro i was just trying to help...

>> No.44552904

its so hot lads. i cant learn an oriental language in this heat

>> No.44552907

>uppercaser is not only a virgin but also a retard

>> No.44552909

the 5'11 energy is intense

>> No.44552915


>> No.44552928

might actually be too hot

>> No.44552929

Based trilingual CHAD

>> No.44552936

jack of all trades master of none

>> No.44552950
File: 73 KB, 1125x274, Kek 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bitches are PSYCHOS

You’re right. I’m being a chud at this point. Sorry
How does it feel that you dedicate your life to studying this language only for me to get to see their naked barely adult bodies in a day with ”watashee wa” tier japanese, simply because I was born with superior genetics?

>> No.44552951

Not all, just 3.
Also I guess one is a master of his native language by default.

>> No.44552953

currently standing naked in front of a waist high fan. foreskin flapping in the breeze

>> No.44552990

be careful if your foreskin touches the fan you'll regret it

>> No.44552995

It's Mushoku Tensei. The context is both characters have been truck'd into a crappy isekai plot and the girl wants to know if he's Japanese like her.

>> No.44553022

is the cutting guy back again lmao
try not to freak out again bud

>> No.44553039

oh shit forgot about him

>> No.44553078


>> No.44553149


>> No.44553188


>> No.44553214

just a bipolar dude that couldn't stop posting his hellotalk exploits and his fresh wrist wounds

>> No.44553221

nanahoshi mating press and she leaves nail marks in your back
holy based

>> No.44553275
File: 592 KB, 460x816, aQEBEAd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44553293


>> No.44553340
File: 42 KB, 460x816, 1694104968751344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me

>> No.44553407


>> No.44553423


>> No.44553433


>> No.44553547
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, Like a Dragon Gaiden Cabaret Club Girls Audition Winners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is it really Kson? Why does she look so much better compared to her Yakuza photoshoot?

>> No.44553565

everyone bullied her so she lost weight

>> No.44553594

she's lost track of her weight and wrong choice of hairstyle

>> No.44553605

that is what she really looks like. the streams are from certain angles with certain lighting

>> No.44553618

>wrist wounds
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.44553621
File: 976 KB, 1920x1080, 探偵!ナイトスクープ アイアンクローで痛みを感じたい男 [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_16555]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44553631

when you can't follow the conversation you don't have to reply

>> No.44553635

any recommendations? I can't find any with script

>> No.44553638

I have never shown my chad wrists to you fistfucking cucks

>> No.44553643

How much SRS is too much? I already spend a little over an hour on reviews..

>> No.44553644
File: 943 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jujutsu Kaisen - 31 (1080p) [AD8A5A93]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44553713
File: 925 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jujutsu Kaisen - 31 (1080p) [AD8A5A93]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44553799

already way too much. you will burn out and quit.

>> No.44553805


>> No.44553829


Literally do as much as you can do every day without burning out, and get immersion too. 50 new cards a day is near the upper sustainable limit I would say. 1 hour is not unusual, over 2 is.

>> No.44553850


>> No.44553854
File: 887 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP08.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44553900
File: 45 KB, 686x714, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew, that wasn't too hard.
How much new words should I be adding daily, starting out?

>> No.44553963

as much as u want breh

>> No.44554012
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP08.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44554247

when you grow out of your onki drone phase you will look back and regret the time you wasted

>> No.44554251
File: 496 KB, 848x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many words until I can understand SZS?

>> No.44554273

you can't memorize the kanji without anki retard bro

>> No.44554278

i'm not going to memorize the kanji
i'm going to
remember them

>> No.44554291

beauty filters were a mistake

>> No.44554306

If I am interested in japanese but already have premptive thoughts of laziness and stubborness from having to learn a new language, is "just do it repeatedly" the best way to erase all those negative thoughts? I know I should just try it but I want to know if other people found it difficult or almost impossible at first and how they manage to kick their worries away.

>> No.44554316

can i train pitch accent with anki? is there a deck

>> No.44554320


>> No.44554332

someone should make an anki deck of djt faqs

>> No.44554336

once it becomes a habit, it stops being about willpower, motivation, laziness etc. i fucking hate doing anki, but I literally will not sleep for the day until my anki is done. i just have to do anki everyday. there isn't really an alternative, it just has to be done.

>> No.44554346

just do it and eventually it becomes a habit and you'll feel weird if you don't do it.

>> No.44554383

tfw u open dee jay tee

>> No.44554390

it's too much when it's more than you could handle every single day for the next year or when it's more than 1/3 of the time you spend on immersion (so max 30 min of anki if you do 90 min of immersion every day).
except in the first 3 months when it can be more because you need to learn some basic words to be able to start really immersing
I only did things I enjoyed. in the beginning I enjoyed going over subtitles for anime I had already watched. and later there was always some manga, vn, ln, wn or whatever that I wanted to read. there's very many of them and in the beginning you read slowly, so it's absolutely impossible to run out of them.

>> No.44554396

any horrorbros here?
i'm looking for nipkinography that isn't the low effort go-to recommendations like juon and noroi, not that they're not good but i must've seen them a billion times already

>> No.44554410

the last jp horror movie i saw was Pulse, i liked it

>> No.44554422

Is migaku good? I don't mind shilling $5 a month honestly

>> No.44554430

dno i'd never spend a dime to take the nihongo that is rightfully mine

>> No.44554440

is there any addon to put subway surfers in the background of anki? ive been having problems focusing on it

>> No.44554447

>自分 as pronoun
is this some kind of tranny thing?

>> No.44554450

Thank you for your insight into this. I should feel excited to be learning a new skill and make it part of my brain development.

I do have some jp manga and the ever so desireable trip to japan makes it so much more neccessary to just learn and have fun. I hope it gets more and more fun to learn rather than frustrating.

>> No.44554454


>> No.44554469

yeah pulse is great like that anon said, and cure from the same director is amazing

>> No.44554514
File: 146 KB, 350x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how good is the Tae Kim ebook version? I have an e-reader laying around so it would be more comfortable for me to read it there.

>> No.44554566

nvm i just put a gif with the anking background plugin

>> No.44554569

中 looks like a penis. And surprisingly, that helps me figuring out the meaning of the words containing.

>> No.44554601

凸 is the penis kanji

>> No.44554614
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x1200, 1693873802613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit i just used 日本語 at work

>> No.44554618

They can be the gaijin penis and the office worker penis

>> No.44554626

which one is fat and stubby and which one is a stick

>> No.44554637

>~中 (medium or average sized)

Here's your answer

>> No.44554645

Watch it now and mine all the words you dont know

>> No.44554669

wotd: 中の下

>> No.44554709


Is the grammar right

>> No.44554723


>> No.44554746
File: 281 KB, 1822x3240, 1642936843572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Company called in food trucks, one was Japanese and I ordered my 牛丼

>> No.44554799

it's probably okay but it's also completely unnecessary
no it's reserved for faggots like u

>> No.44554860

Should've have ordered チー牛 instead.

>> No.44554873

>いや *holds up 1 finger* ヒトツ

>> No.44554923

why is this is katakana?

>> No.44554981


>> No.44554994

I have successfully abstained from opening the stream for 1.5 days. (I did watch 4 hours worth of clips though). I haven't emmersed today yet but I think I'll watch some more clips first

>> No.44554998


>> No.44555016

for a second it was 2005 again

>> No.44555017

I have a bunch of old decks that I'm not using currently and I'd like to remove them from main window/anki website to get rid of clutter and extra size while syncing but I don't want to completely delete them because I'd like to be able to revisit them later in the future. How should I go about it?

>> No.44555024

because gayjeans speak in katakana

>> No.44555026

To show he's speaking with an accent, hence the confusion.

>> No.44555041

export them and delete them from anki, keep the files for if you ever want to reimport them

>> No.44555042

file->export them including the media, backup the resulting files somewhere, purge them from your anki, do tools->check db and tools->check media, sync.
you can make another profile in anki and import the exported decks there if you want to browse them

>> No.44555045

if i go flirt with some nihonjin should i be typing in katakana so it's not only my grammar mistakes selling my exotic status

>> No.44555060

there aint nothing wrong with english speaking vtubers

>> No.44555080

ai needs to replace them
they will be a lot more tolerable that way

>> No.44555097

yeah @ me when the english vtubers are singing scooter maria

>> No.44555120

Thank you. My anki is so much cleaner now.

>> No.44555145
File: 17 KB, 574x139, 1678892146924378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44555161

i'll write you a script to create the list if you suck my dick

>> No.44555163




>> No.44555178

apparently she's going full asexual after whoring herself out on jav for years and regretting it

>> No.44555191

its like guys going on nofap

>> No.44555193

800 is enough for anybody

>> No.44555204
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, SLPM-86048_2023-09-07_22-43-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44555223

that's 800 works since she retired they had that much footage of her and kept splicing it in on compilations

>> No.44555253

please read more carefully

>> No.44555270

How important is pitch accent? Github page for basic mining deck recommends {pitch-accent-graphs} but I'm barely starting my first VN and I'm not sure if I actually need that.

>> No.44555287


>> No.44555301

there's no reason to not add the bitch accent graphs to your card format, you don't have to pay attention to them initially but when you start to give a shit about it the graphs will already be on your cards

>> No.44555314

why do they care it's basically the same, everybody has some different accent anyway aaaaaa

>> No.44555319

what tripped me up?
she retired 5 years ago
she's thinking of sending out deletion requests
since then there have been more than 800 new releases in compilations using her footage

>> No.44555318

still never learned pitch accent for conjugation

>> No.44555334

its a pet peeve mostly unless for some words where it matters like 橋 and 箸
as a beginner its more important to nail the moras

>> No.44555337

mid-sentence clause
back to original subject

>> No.44555349


>> No.44555372

If I want to read any given VN soon as possible, which level should I strive for? (N5-N1)

>> No.44555390


>> No.44555408


>> No.44555409


>> No.44555432

reminder that n1 is still pre-beginner
crazy how pissler was unable to clear it with an actual good score

>> No.44555461

now using what you've learned, post what you think it says

>> No.44555475
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>> No.44555489
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Day 110: Today session I was struggling with yesterday cards.

>> No.44555491


>> No.44555554


>> No.44555756
File: 16 KB, 473x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me way too long to figure out how to change size of front side here because default was way too small for me, I want the kanji word to be big.
Was trying to add #word-field, messed with bunch of other settings, nothing. Turns out i had to add extra line in expression-field as pic rel shows highlighted. At least I figured out some other issues on the way and cards finally look like I wanted them to. I kneel before people who mastered the art of styling.

>> No.44555820

>加減 is easy
you're either pretending or actually retarded. How can you guess that it means
from the kanji alone? It has other meanings like addition and subtraction, etc.

>> No.44555858



>> No.44555877

any 時代劇 reccomendations

>> No.44555892

my japanese friend is way more attractive in her 30s than in her 20s (though she was qt in her 20s too)

>> No.44555897

every time i do anki in the morning, i feel so good for the rest of the day. every time i do anki later in the day or at night, i feel like shit the whole day, constantly thinking to myself "i gotta do my anki" until i do it.

>> No.44555949

>every time i do anki later in the day or at night, i feel like shit the whole day
It's the opposite for me. Anki is a great sleeping aid against insomnia.

>> No.44555956

if you're dreading to do your anki it means you're doing too many anki cards and should listen and read more

>> No.44556002

never doing anki again

>> No.44556003

don't listen to anti anki fags
do more anki

>> No.44556024

(´・ω・)っ旦 ドーゾ

>> No.44556054
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>> No.44556070

when i was really busy, i was doing 0 new cards a day and often less than 100 reviews, all vocab cards so it was fast. it took less than 10 minutes and I still dreaded it just the same as now when it takes 40-50 minutes. so, i don't think it is amount of time spent in anki that is causing the dread; i am just a big procrastinator.

>> No.44556073

Not him. I'm dreading reading.

>> No.44556094

I keep accidentally pressing ctrl instead of shift and VN text speeds ahead while i'm trying to check the word in texthooker.

>> No.44556107

then quit now before wasting more of your time

>> No.44556111
File: 33 KB, 367x451, ah_hahaha_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't remember where keys are on the keyboard

>> No.44556122

is this shift for yomichan? i changed yomichan from "shift" to "no key" so it is always on. just make sure to disable "Search text with non-Japanese characters" so yomichan doesn't search up "A" and "E" and "V" and other english characters and words

>> No.44556127

>quit now
Make me.
But how will you look up OB, OL, and NG?

>> No.44556147

words with english letters like that are infrequent enough that it is worth the trouble of looking those up manually so that you don't need to use the shift key. plus, words like that are easier to understand and memorize, so you aren't going to be spending as much time looking them up as you are other words

>> No.44556202

Yeah, yomichan. Oh, so this option DOES exist. It bothered me compared to rikai variants which work automatically. Awesome, thank you.

>> No.44556216

I hope thats not a man..

>> No.44556244

Do you add chara names to anki or just remember them eventually through reading?

>> No.44556278

who said anything about guessing from kanji alone? you still have the context and you still have the english dictionary. if you can't eventually figure it out from that then you're mentally disabled
use the middle mouse button instead of no key

>> No.44556315

middle mouse button is a good option for most, but i am one of the few who nearly exclusively scrolls with middle mouse button + drag

>> No.44556327

Anon wans to be unique so baldy. just use a PS3 controller for anki like the rest of us.

>> No.44556328

you see them so often you will remember them. anki is for words you want to remember years later, not just when reading something.

>> No.44556339

Gotcha, makes sense.

>> No.44556354

売日 obtained

>> No.44556374

i just use the thumb lever on my gaymer mouse for yomi

>> No.44556385

She doesn't know how to pose for photos

>> No.44556388

>using only J-E dictionaries

>> No.44556465

i should start a list of every time i notice jisho is completely wrong

>> No.44556467


>> No.44556505

This is why immersing is so important. With enough time you see the word in context, you'd have an idea of what the definition is that isn't what the EN dictionary say (which is wrong most of the time)

>> No.44556574

>no mention of usage
I'm disappointed.

>> No.44556792

What to say about a language where 男 (man) is literally written as rice field power? Why japan is so insanely obsessed to rice to this point

>> No.44556801
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watashi dekiru hanasu nihongo on a level omaera have never before seen. omaera are zako compared to watashi. and i've been benkyouing to toru the jlpt n5 test which watashi will goukaku so kantan that watashi will leave omaera baka-founded. mark my kotobas.

>> No.44556819

It's so stupidly counterintuitive though, it feels like you cannot look at a word and immediately get somewhat of a feeling for how to pronounce it, or listen to a spoken word and have a vague idea of how to write it unless you outright refuse to use kanji.
In western languages there are words like this too, but they are the exception whereas in japanese it feels like the rule.

>> No.44556910

If the radicals most of the time have nothing to do with the spelling of the kanji, then we're in luck that the kanji more often does have something to do with the spelling of the word

>> No.44557000


Why it needs to look so flashy....?

>> No.44557090

You just aren't familiar with those characters enough yet
Even 滅茶苦茶 looks flashy at first

>> No.44557116

For me it's 意思疎通
I still have no fucking idea how those are used. They appear so rarely you wonder if nips actually know them.

>> No.44557218

Two common words and a fairly common 四字熟語
意思 is especially common

>> No.44557238

I'm about three days into learning words but I already can see certain familiar kanji and guessing a little bit about what they might mean in a few japanese twitter accounts I follow. Suddenly, learning japanese doesn't seem an untainable dream. お休み.

>> No.44557267

I know. The problem is how do you incorporate them.

>> No.44557268

That's right anon, imagine how much you'll know with those 3 days multiplied by 100. You are going to make it

>> No.44557285

It's when people are on the same wavelength like good sport teammates being so uses to each other that they're working together and even communicating without explicit messaging

>> No.44557341

I mean, how do you incorporate the compounds into your speech. It's hard to even think of situations where you could use them, excusing obvious shit like 一生懸命

>> No.44557390

Was the "attacks from people from another world are written in katakana" while "people from Earth/Japan have attacks in japanese" popularized by Toriyama or it was a common trope in mangas before Saiyan arc?

>> No.44557449

I want you. (私 ワンと 言う)

>> No.44557457

I think exactly how you did it just now is a valid usage example actually

>> No.44557465

When we're scheduling our wifehunting trip to Japan?

>> No.44557521

That guy said he was coming today

>> No.44557525

You "bark" me?

>> No.44557536

which guy?

>> No.44557571
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>> No.44557598

Idk yesterday some guy said he was coming to japan tomorrow so today now

>> No.44557609


>> No.44557635

I want to fuck cocoa's sister and mom

>> No.44557676

link? how do i add pitch accent to my deck

>> No.44557697
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>> No.44557716

and just like that the crippled became the crippler

>> No.44557745

hope she steps on a rusty nail
nasty bitch

>> No.44557759

Pitch accent differs by region. Generally, learners are taught 標準語 (the standard variety). Think of it as the RP/General American of Japanese.
As for how important it is, it's not the end of the world if you mix up 雨(ame) and 飴(ame). Hell, in Ōsaka those words are pronounced the exact opposite.

>> No.44557778

Pitch accent chads (like me) can hear the pitch accent mistakes other foreigners make on the off chance you hear a non native speak, and it is another thing to make me feel superior

>> No.44557820

cool now wheres that vocaroo

>> No.44557828

>4chinz strips non-meme arrows
where did everything go wrong?

>> No.44557836

Which one

>> No.44557860

the soapland people are going to know the moment I open my mouth to speak cause of the accent..

>> No.44557899

the one where im balls deep in ur mom lol

>> No.44557924

Oh youre talking about the imaginary one. Yeah Its the same place where my dick is, up your ass

>> No.44557940

your imaginary dick?

>> No.44558058
File: 1 KB, 101x56, 2023-09-08 00_06_10-Preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does this line and number mean

>> No.44558076

平板, flat pronunciation pattern.

>> No.44558081

Pitch pronunciation/accent represented in two different ways. For me the number system is easier to understand than the lines. The number indicates which mori precedes the drop in pitch. In this case the pitch never drops so you pronounce it flat for the whole word

>> No.44558083

so what does the number mean when it's a 1 or a 2

>> No.44558110

The number means which mora the pitch drops on. For example 家族 is 1

>> No.44558143

mora these nuts in your mouth

>> No.44558149

No youre imaginary ass. In real life you have a cute little butt, not an ass

>> No.44558191
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>> No.44558216
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>> No.44558237


>> No.44558263

new thread where?

>> No.44558266

already on it

>> No.44558277


>> No.44558359

>on a guy she mass
