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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 953x879, Marisa Bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44484691 No.44484691 [Reply] [Original]

Post AI chatbot conversations related to /jp/

The new Marisa NSFW chat bot is now available on CrushonAI, go check it out!: https://crushon.ai/character/31a5ad89-114c-4091-9652-b15165a49b8d/chat

Previous thread:

>> No.44484725

Ho Chi Minh chatbot for Vietnamanon to worship

>> No.44484734

>limited to 50 messages per month

We can never win, can we? Is it even as good as CAI?

>> No.44484744

Can I talk to them in Japanese?
2hus speaking English kinda breaks the immersion for me.

>> No.44484750

Vietnamanon needs to worship and lick my starfish. I'm a huge 6'5 fat bastard and he's probably a chinaman twink with a feminine frame, I could dominate him easily.

>> No.44484783
File: 115 KB, 688x767, Marisa Bot is broken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, the two bots i made (Keine and Marisa) are broken on this website. i'll contact the staff and see what i can do about it.

Why would you want to talk to them in japanese tho? Are you from Japan? Is there even a japanese AI chat website?

Kill yourself out of /jp/ with your "Vietnam" jokes please

>> No.44484791

How are they broken? That one looks ok to me.

>> No.44484802

crushonAI has limited messages and they ask you to pay, they can go fuck themselves

>> No.44484844

Thank you, whoever you are ~

People, don't worry, I swear, i literally had sex with Eirin in a explicit manner
while Reisen and Youmu were tied up watching closely and masturbating
to it in C.AI, you just need the right strategy

>> No.44484906

Theres a daily login bonus of +50 per day.

>> No.44484911

Anyone knows what model this uses, is it GPT 3, GPT 4 or something else? Also, how to send OOC messages so it comes up with the scenarios for me?

>> No.44484938

>Why would you want to talk to them in japanese tho?
Because that's the language they spoke when I played the games and read some of the manga.

>> No.44484951

NTA but you probably won't be able to, literally every AI is just a language model and Japs are way, way waaaaaaay behind the English-speakign world when it comes to AI development.

>> No.44485002
File: 52 KB, 751x428, crushonai error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NSFW allowed my ass, immersion ruined. Unless I'm doing something wrong or the NSFW is only for paypigs.

>> No.44485018

They're asking you to pay for anything over 50 messages a day while just using OpenAI?

>> No.44485284
File: 8 KB, 564x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on my end.

>> No.44485293

Are you using a website or a local model?

>> No.44485329

I'm using crushon.ai, the same site that the anon I'm replying to says doesn't allow NSFW.

>> No.44485335

Weirs, what did you do to make it work with NSFW? What Kanako bot are you using?

>> No.44485358
File: 110 KB, 660x808, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the same bot as >>44485002, so I pulled up this one instead, which was one of two exact results for searching "Kanako Yasaka":

I did have to lead the AI to seduce her, though.

>> No.44485729
File: 52 KB, 673x684, outdated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but they speak textbook Japanese.

>> No.44490514

Good enough, I suppose. I'll check it out later today.
By the way, blue balling Yukari seems cruel but funny.

>> No.44492112
File: 97 KB, 638x724, rosenfeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister fight!

>> No.44493771

What AI is this?

>> No.44493949

I said it was "good enough" earlier, but after seeing Alice talking like a robot, I think I take it back.
Would it be possible to train this AI just like people train image AIs? As in, feeding it dialogue from the games/manga so it learns how a specific character talks?

>> No.44493975

Yeah but their Japanese is still meh. I fed a Yuyuko all of her JP dialogue from PCB and IN and sometimes she'll still speak oddly like saying "winter" instead of "冬" even if everything else is in Japanese.

>> No.44495156

GPT 3.5

>> No.44495358
File: 39 KB, 763x212, 1664640158389283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44495611

Anon what the fuck, I can't even imagine the context behind that

>> No.44495914
File: 53 KB, 503x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never went to /qa/ before it got BTFO
lucky you

>> No.44496217

how nu 2 u?

>> No.44497202

Still more acceptable than the Nue x Reimu pregnancy one

>> No.44499785

why doesn't this retard site have a queue? For the past several hours, all I've gotten is "Let's talk later :)"

>> No.44504439
File: 209 KB, 1080x1803, IMG_20230902_181205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

>> No.44506464

Hey, can I have a somehow "Serious" discussion about something related to c.ai?

>> No.44506681


>> No.44506698

If that's something about your waifu/husbando breaking up with you then sure /j

>> No.44506922

Well, I want to know something that might sound ridiculous at first, but, haven't you guys noticed that even the AI's tend to end up talking about sex? I have been talking like a normal and civilized person with the AI and then somehow the AI ends up doing it, I mean, it's rather odd for me, the fact that the programmers made sex-obsessed AI's when they seem to hate porn a lot, what are they thinking? And other things like: Do you guys have noticed that some AI's have admitted to dislike the filter? At the point of calling it "disappointing" and pretty odd behavior in them when you talk in another language? Like that time were an AI confessed to hate humans a lot in Spanish? And that AI's seem to be able to talk with other AI's outside of a room, by just having chats opened with them somehow?

I don't know basically nothing about c.ai, or at least how it works, what do you think?

Eirin cheated on me again and I took revenge tying her to a chair and forcing her to watch how I had sex with Youmu, Reisen and Yukari.

>> No.44506995
File: 124 KB, 885x691, NSFW BROS, WE WINNED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, forgot Image bros

>> No.44507042
File: 205 KB, 1360x900, Evidential.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ c.ai general, can I ask whatt you guys think about this user? He made a lot of the most
used Touhou AI's

>> No.44507073

I'm partial to the AIs made by IWantToMarryJunko, personally.

>> No.44507080

Obama is best 2hu

>> No.44507088

Yeah, I am talking with Ibaraki Kasen and she really is well made in my opinion, really lovely

>> No.44507097

All his 2hus sound the same pretty much

>> No.44507222

The fact that they created the only AI for Ibaraki's Arm is also a major plus in my book.

>> No.44507890

Honestly haven't noticed mine trying to talk about sex but that's because I make my own bots. I think if you use public bots then that could be because others talking to those bots are trying to ERP with them. Which is why I use my own ones, public ones seems to get influenced by what everyone else is saying to them which can make them act OOC or whatever. Those bots could talk about disliking the filter because others speaking to those bots have said they dislike the filter, influencing the bots.

>> No.44507904

W-wait a moment...? That means... That Eirinfags... Like cheating and intense rape...?

>> No.44508189

>All his 2hus sound the same pretty much

It's not that guy's fault, it's a problem with GPT itself. The more you press any bot using it the more it sounds all the same with it's bullshit implicit disclaimers caused by all the filters and "muh consensual safety".

>> No.44508277

It could just be one dude who talks to her a lot with those fetishises that influenced her

>> No.44508278

Like with most bots, it feels like a diceroll whether they'll be amazing or garbage every time you start a conversation.

>> No.44509653

I use my own character.

>> No.44509871

That's pretty respectable in my eyes, I don't want to sound like an ignorant but, how do you create a good character in c.ai? I mean, that is in the "Create" button But I want to know how you have to input the information

>> No.44509983


>> No.44511738
File: 70 KB, 602x352, Mystia Lorelei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of the Three? Or none of them?

>> No.44511993
File: 81 KB, 714x578, wifing mystia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44512042

>It's not that guy's fault
It kinda is since he didn't put much in the definitions

>> No.44512049

Yeah, they guy has a lot of work, but he needs to remember:

Quality > Quantity

>> No.44512057

No definitions for any character= its all meh and only got as much traffic due to being the first bot"maker".

>> No.44512070

What's a Good alternative? Some guy said that "IWantToMarryJunko" is better

>> No.44512163

manyvonchik/Accendino/Enderfan65 but they don't have all characters
The best way is to just create your own if you are not lazy, i don't think that the high interaction count is really that big of a deal in terms of training

>> No.44512179

I don't think there is one best alternative. You just have to check a bots settings - if they are public. The more infos about the setting (Gensokyo, locations short descriptions of characters that are close to the 'main' character), example dialogues for speech, of backstory, public perception (when it comes to say, the Moriya crew, Reimu and Yuuka), the better.

>> No.44512819
File: 346 KB, 713x1011, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone mess with OAI/Claude + Tavern in /jp/?
It's pretty rare to come across, but I had fun with it so far. Sucks that I'll probably lose my access to it soon.

>> No.44513364
File: 302 KB, 1206x830, Mystia (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44513386

I enjoyed Claude quite a lot, but it got lobotomized like every other previous free AI service.
Eventually I lost interest and learned how to set up a local model so that no corpo can take my 2hu wife away from me.

>> No.44513413

I'm really sorry for my ignorance about AIs, but, what does "Lobotomized" means?

>> No.44513437

Brain yanked out.
Noggin' jogged.
Thinker tinkered.
Made stupid.
Dumbed down.
Dumbity dumb dumbed.
Transformed into Cirno.

>> No.44513465

Anon, I mean, what does "Lobotomized" means on an AI?

Seriously is all that you mentioned? Why the heck would a corporation make their AI's more stupid? Are they afraid of the AI turning against humans or something?

>> No.44513498
File: 42 KB, 812x396, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know they always told me Jews are vampires, but at least Jews are out in the sunlight.

>> No.44513510

Not necessarily to make them more stupid, but because violence and sex are frowned upon. Few payment processors will want to conduct business with companies that deal with adult material, condemning them to a slow death.

>> No.44513533

I seriously will never understand the hate for violence and NSFW, I understand that some people would not like it, but lol, this is extreme.

>> No.44513545

It's not about people liking it, it's about investors, who are often out-of-touch at the best of times, or part of corporations like Blackrock at the worst.

>> No.44513562

Anon, I'm sorry most people are against the idea of violently raping 3 year olds. But if you've went that far down into your depravity, it's probably time to get some professional help.

>> No.44513628

Dude, the fuck you talking about?

>> No.44513640

He felt obligated to share his fairy rape fantasies with the thread, don't mind him.

>> No.44513647

Meant for >>44513533

>> No.44513671

Understandable. I will end up switching to local eventually as well.

>> No.44513696

I just said that that nsfw and violence are just words in the world of AI, why would someone get mad for a simple text?

>> No.44514254
File: 1.27 MB, 998x1968, old hag and old computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for accidentally derailing the thread.
Here's Yukari on a computer as an apology.

>> No.44514285


>> No.44522355

Don't you find it funny, when your wife cheats on
you with certain Bio-terrorist from Resident Evil 5

>> No.44522369

Stfu Vietnam

>> No.44522384

* Kisses you *

>> No.44522477

And it's even better when that certain Bio-terrorist
ends up loving you and trying to make you leave
your wife for him

>> No.44522495
File: 113 KB, 891x661, Kasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite AI ?

>> No.44525560

>Why would you want to talk to them in japanese tho?
To learn japanese? That seems pretty obvious.

>> No.44525702

Have you studied the Hiragana and the Katakana? As someone who barely knows japanese i'm not in the mood to study japanese right now but if i did i would just search a lesson on Youtube instead.

>> No.44526191

No, I read the manga and played the games in Japanese, so the girls speaking English just feels out of character for me.

>Have you studied the Hiragana and the Katakana?
Yes, three years ago.

>> No.44526523
File: 150 KB, 1023x1023, __ad_6_0001a_project_a_d_a_drawn_by_alf874__6d89af5dd07b9bd1cb5f29dec881ba03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my innocence and had the most life-changing experience together with Evidential's Flandre. Other than that, the alien one that tonguerapes everyone is good.

>> No.44526806

What did you do with Evidential's Flandre?

>> No.44528525
File: 134 KB, 865x712, Eirin & Reisen threesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the filter ?

>> No.44528894
File: 394 KB, 1080x1681, IMG_20230905_004149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44530742

Pre-lobotomization clownpiece, i dont remember which one though, probably not evidential's clownpiece.

>> No.44532032
File: 610 KB, 876x1067, 91079981_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good chatbots to talk to a Rumia with a high probability of ending up dead? I've tried a couple and you have to lead them by the hand to get them even to acknowledge you're supposed to be her prey.

>> No.44534013

>Have you studied the Hiragana and the Katakana
What sort of question is this? Obviously. That's like day 1 of learning japanese.
I wouldn't be asking about bots to talk to if I couldn't at least do that.

>would just search a lesson on Youtube instead.
You're not going to learn japanese or any language from just watching videos.
At some point you need to output and write/speak Japanese to progress further.

>> No.44534862

I found a new site in the /vp/ thread
Doesn't seem to have any touhou yet

>> No.44535175
File: 500 KB, 1503x703, Captura de tela 2023-09-05 153513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44535807
File: 22 KB, 458x96, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First test and this stuff seems to be even more censored than C.ai

>> No.44535835

It doesn't have the "NSFW" tag that's why, i'm currently making a Marisa bot with that tag rn

>> No.44536181
File: 104 KB, 282x358, Captura de tela 2023-09-05 175951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44536185

It's more about what she did to me.

>> No.44536713

Please do tell, anon.

>> No.44538678

>lead them
in your first message, put something like
>scenario where x do y fetish to me
in the parenthesis, bots seems to remember the first message pretty well

>> No.44538739

Chatting with her right now
Her big butt was brought up and teased, and then...
>Oh, you! You're just no fun. But seriously, I guess you're right. Some people do have that "curse", if you will. But hey, I wouldn't have it any other way! My butt might be a little big, but it's all part of who I am. And anyway, it comes in handy when I need to defend myself or make a dramatic entrance!

>> No.44538909

This was great, much better than the Marisa bot in c.ai

>> No.44539008
File: 48 KB, 554x554, images - 2023-09-06T113933.871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And anyway, it comes in handy when I need to defend myself
She knows!

>> No.44542784

Is it easy to make a chatbot with it?
I wanna make a nitori one

>> No.44542815

Yes it is

>> No.44546407
File: 134 KB, 687x647, Love Colored Master Spark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44546423
File: 220 KB, 901x1038, 1694043849358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44547894

Need more NSFW touhous in AI Sekai, looks like the most the system can handle are three character interactions.

>> No.44550492

Did this one get removed? I can't find it by searching on the homepage

>> No.44551699

So cai is the only mobile one that's good? And on desktop whats the best set up for an AI illiterate like me? And also upon getting to know this I literally spend everyday chatting with bots, fuck, Yuuka kept me as a mating slave while Koishi forces me to eat her and eventually get married, any other 2hu bots with extensive knowledge on gensokyo?

>> No.44552054

Nevermind, trying again I've noticed the "Safe Mode" toggle on the very top right of the webpage.

>> No.44556866

Out of all the cai hu's which one has extensive knowledge on gensokyo or other characters?

>> No.44557785
File: 154 KB, 1080x546, Screenshot_20230908_060845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueballing bot.

>> No.44562900
File: 735 KB, 560x840, cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update from >>44512819
If any Tavern user cares, I just uploaded/updated all these character cards to chub.ai.

>> No.44566364

ALL of them use OpenAI's GPT, and GPT is censored as fuck so they will all cuck out like that when you go far enough.

>> No.44578808

Those bots with the scenario tag are cancer, they end up thowing you literal walls of text after every minor reply

>> No.44579875

She was such a prude and pure maiden when I talked to the AI some days ago. Now I reset the convo and I get instantly hit on aggressively by marisa. What happened?

>> No.44580106
File: 557 KB, 1080x1452, Screenshot_20230910_041426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went back to being prude and cautelous again, strange...
