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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.83 MB, 2894x4093, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44484034 No.44484034 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/


Previous thread: >>44465188

>> No.44484067
File: 93 KB, 961x417, masentekken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even 磨穿鉄硯 bro?

>> No.44484106

Do you guys zoom in the browser on this site, or other with a similar font size, to read kanji? Hiragana/katakana I can mostly manage, but kanji can get confusing with text this small.

>> No.44484146

I can make out shit like 鑿 just fine at 10pt. I see the 殳 at the side and 金 at the bottom, plus the clusterfuck that looks like a mix of 業+臼 on the left.
Over half the problem is knowing the moonrunes, and 25% is knowing the words a moonrune could be attached to.

>> No.44484147
File: 496 KB, 919x626, files.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy how after 38 years this is still the best introductory japanese course

>> No.44484153
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, One.Piece.2023.S01E07.The.Girl.with.the.Sawfish.Tattoo.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.Atmos.H.264-playWEB-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll allow it

>> No.44484161
File: 572 B, 20x21, 1693519606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe my monitor is just too small but I wouldn't be able to interpret this shit in a hundred years

>> No.44484215

looks like an ape with a wig

>> No.44484234
File: 2.56 MB, 1624x750, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been playing chink gacha for the past 5 hours
you gotta give it to them they know how to hack dopamine receptors
and that sweet nip voice acting

>> No.44484366


>> No.44484384

My dictionaries turn up nothing, chief. You've really outdone yourself.

>> No.44484460
File: 1.85 MB, 960x540, One.Piece.2023.S01E08.Worst.in.the.East.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.Atmos.H.264-playWEB-[17.59.787-18.05.543].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44484490

This looks like a fan made parody

>> No.44484573

good enough to make me chug all episodes in one go

>> No.44484604


>> No.44484610

wan wan

>> No.44484653


>> No.44484784

write kanji to help remember it, y/n

>> No.44484803

dno it takes too long but i wish i remembered the kanji

>> No.44484815

Try 空書 as a compromise. See if it helps. ps: pay attention to hooks, slanted strokes, tapered strokes, dots, traversal strokes, etc.

>> No.44484858

are your cards kanji or words

>> No.44484869

the links in the guides are broken, where do i get manga now

>> No.44484884
File: 192 KB, 1637x648, Screenshot from 2023-08-31 17-38-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words. When I mine a word it automatically makes both a recognition and writing card which makes it easy.

>> No.44484897

what's your daily review time like?

>> No.44484931
File: 1 KB, 293x41, 109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightning fast

>> No.44484937

Today was a pretty typical day which took 27 minutes. I only do 5 new writing cards a day compared to 10 recognition though due to the time investment. Once the new kanji slows down to a trickle I'll try to keep pace with it though.

>> No.44485064
File: 78 KB, 1908x407, firefox_7aF2JVVocL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, something worth reading

>> No.44485070

we already had a bible reader years ago pick a different gimmick

>> No.44485073

ah fuck.
has anybody read the quran yet

>> No.44485079

probably not

>> No.44485105
File: 40 KB, 500x300, ichimaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got tired of Anki. Ichimaru is my best friend now.

>> No.44485113
File: 14 KB, 1268x190, firefox_GaMIAw3oSN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, something worth reading (i cannot check the translation)

>> No.44485129

do nihonjin use 巻き舌 when they read アッラー

>> No.44485241

how tall should i be to use 俺 without it being cringe

>> No.44485248

doesn't matter as long as you have a penis (non-inverted)

>> No.44485267

feel more like a boku

>> No.44485270

YOOOOO new HINJYAKU just dropped

>> No.44485302
File: 1.98 MB, 1000x1350, 128f26af8a94f7febdd28ebf4c348b93c6556f5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44485384

Yomichan somehow wasn't working with automatically mining cards for Anki even though it was working perfectly fine for me hours ago. I tried out everything I could think of like restarting my settings and making a new profile. The latter worked but when I imported my deck, it started having the problem again. Turns out the fucking problem got solved by just renaming my deck to "Default" (anything else won't work)
Thanks for reading my blog. Now I don't feel like immersing after that stupid bullshit

>> No.44485396

you sure your yomichan>configure anki card format>deck didn't just get fucked up somehow?

>> No.44485408

>not using 拙者 to refer to yourself

>> No.44485412

I just checked and nothing changed
I didn't mess with any settings so I have no idea what could had been the cause. I'm just glad it's fixed now

>> No.44485564

bronya is sex but mei is pure giga sex

>> No.44485584


>> No.44485599


>> No.44485760 [DELETED] 

the uglier the gook the harde i cum

>> No.44485772

the uglier the gook the harder i cum

>> No.44486027

god i wish i was perapera

>> No.44486046

Never heard of her

>> No.44486048
File: 30 KB, 478x600, 1693543231813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wish will come true, thin boy.

>> No.44486073
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1600, 7654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44486082
File: 14 KB, 521x42, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu snail loser

>> No.44486086

byou per mai? byou per mai?

>> No.44486088

Renge, do you know such difficult a word, don't you?

>> No.44486093

>毎秒(mai byou)
毎秒5センチメートル etc.

>> No.44486100

mai mai rei ten yon yon byou??

>> No.44486113

rei ten yon yon mai mai byou

>> No.44486123

Did you mine it there as well or just happen to recognize the writing style?

>> No.44486133

even if it was 0.44 cards per second itd still be faster than ""lightning fast"" cuck

>> No.44486145

毎秒0.44枚 is right.
btw, Mai-mai is the Kanto region name for snails.

just happened to

>> No.44486161

where can I find raw manga to practice with?
if nyaa doesn't have something I feel fucked, the ddl raw sites are horrible

>> No.44486165

>毎秒0.44枚 is right
that's the opposite of what >>44486082 says

>> No.44486186

where can i find raw pussy to practice with

>> No.44486197

master input before you output

>> No.44486198

djt has plenty

>> No.44486200

omg, I thought that "every second" and "every piece" were opposites.


>> No.44486236
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44486265

kudari ? kudari ?

>> No.44486268

nah it's nobori

>> No.44486279

ken? kudan? kudari?

>> No.44486295


>> No.44486308

though, ken mostly is used.

>> No.44486466

I'm losing my motivation to do Anki...

>> No.44486555

Watch easy animu like Shiroreddit Cafe.

>> No.44486622

what is the program you guys use to do a dictionary lookup on video subtitles? i've seen people using it for sentence mining and stuff but never got around to setting it up.

>> No.44486642
File: 142 KB, 768x1024, F45QT37akAA6NLx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either use a texthooker page like described here

or use https://killergerbah.github.io/asbplayer/

or https://github.com/ripose-jp/Memento

disclaimer i haven't used any of these myself

>> No.44486663




>> No.44486673
File: 521 KB, 2048x2048, F46k6dFagAAyR6Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44486675

evacuation drill alert killed my ears

>> No.44486678

my king i kneel

>> No.44486696

I type all my runes personally by hand. Accept no subsitutes.

>> No.44486726





>> No.44486756


>> No.44486772


>> No.44486778


>> No.44486833


>> No.44486889


>> No.44486902

crippled and proud gang

>> No.44486907


>> No.44486915

wotd 藁にも縋る

>> No.44486925

thats not a word

>> No.44486932

Is there a place where I can download J-J dictionary in stardict format?
How do I convert the epwing dictionary into stardict myself? pyglossary doesn't support epwing it seems.

>> No.44487009


>> No.44487015

the lipstick shoulda been white though

>> No.44487206
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, F47XNdaaEAAACar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo let's see how good miss english subs fares at kanji later


>> No.44487213

get a gf lil bro

>> No.44487225

had a couple before
life's better without

>> No.44487231

you gotta get over the hurt bro

>> No.44487242

>linking a stream 4.5 hours early
jesus christ

>> No.44487253

i wasn't even hurt
simply see no benefit

gotta build up the hype

>> No.44487352


well now とてもじゃないけど finally makes sense

>> No.44487377

makes me think of 負けず嫌い

>> No.44487406


>> No.44487431

konnichiha fellas

>> No.44487439

nippon banzai

>> No.44487566


>> No.44487648



>> No.44487654

i don't like that crossing と

>> No.44488058

thinkin about 凹

>> No.44488202
File: 232 KB, 707x1100, 4f4b71c6631a846a994841c0a38d6c71849a34b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44488218

the dop pill is real
anyone who's still denying the dog pill is just not paying attention

>> No.44488278

name a single worse kemomimi than dogs

>> No.44488356
File: 1.94 MB, 960x540, watame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44488387

succubi have 羊耳 so that's an invalid answer

>> No.44488399

horns are extremely good

>> No.44488482

it's a real shame heavy duty skull handles don't exist in 3d

>> No.44488533
File: 676 KB, 869x697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44489206





>> No.44489417





>> No.44489460
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jujutsu Kaisen - 30 (1080p) [3DAACE2D]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44489473

just ate a 40代後半デブs ass

>> No.44489493
File: 219 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Jujutsu Kaisen - 30 (1080p) [3DAACE2D]-[09.47.795-09.49.798].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44489534

i love obasans so fucking much

>> No.44489615

les goo

>> No.44490001


>> No.44490190

american bros, now we can eat raw eggs like a real nipponjin...

>> No.44491113

The answer: not well

>> No.44491330


>> No.44491492
File: 61 KB, 409x604, MV5BOWIwZTQ2MzgtZTFkZS00Zjg1LTgxNTEtNjVmOThhZjZiN2I4L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjc4OTQ1OTA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading 今日のあすかショ, and noticed that it always uses "女のコ" instead of "女の子". I am confuse. Pixiv just lists it as a misspelling, but it appears multiple times, and GIS certainly implies they have different meanings. Is this some kind of otaku-speak?

>> No.44491547
File: 362 KB, 495x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that written after 助けていただいた?

>> No.44491553


>> No.44491585

thank you

>> No.44491631

縁で, ende. It's the metaphorical thread of fate that connects events together. In this case it just means "because".

>> No.44491697

my retention is dropping a lot in anki the past few days. should I do less new cards daily? I am reading daily too

>> No.44491724

Stop reading and triple the number of new cards every day.

>> No.44491748

I just realized you could be fluent if you do 1000 new cards a day for just 10+ days

>> No.44491773

>"Damn, that other dude is beating the shit out of me. Maybe I should lower my guard and hold back my punches more..."
Typical DJT ngmi mentality.

>> No.44491846

I've been using anki for a week and i'm still not fluent what gives?

>> No.44491879

crazy how you can reach beyond native if you just do 50k new cards in one day

>> No.44491890

another useless thread

>> No.44491990

sprintbros who don't know how to pace themselves get wrecked in long distance runs

>> No.44492044


>> No.44492225

10k cards here, im maybe 1/3 the way to fluent

>> No.44492238

1/3 the way up to mount stupid

>> No.44492292


>> No.44492300

Learn Japanese to Survive! is telling the truth

People have to learn japanese for japan to survive. They're talking about fighting the tourists and combatting overtourism, because not enough people want to actually move to Japan. I do. When will the associate's degree be accepted there?

>> No.44492397

they need to be stricter on immigration
only i should be allowed to move there

>> No.44492410

only way they'd let you in is by lowering the already existing regulations

>> No.44492413


>> No.44492447

meant for >>44492300

>> No.44492456
File: 550 KB, 1240x1754, f6de18cba614975530e63f202b7451c9f19a26e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44492458


>> No.44492475
File: 149 KB, 300x302, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44492502

tired of winning

>> No.44492560
File: 378 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Rurouni Kenshin (2023) - 09 (1080p) [B730648B]-[11.39.824-11.41.410].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44492652

i had a dream that had 日本語 in it last night. It was about Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within (not the first clock tower 2 dream i've had in it) that said the way to dimension hop in the game was to fulfill the Kanji(漢字) of Alyssa's amulet.

The actual clock tower 2 doesn't have a list of kanji for her amulet, so the dream was about something new.

I'm glad the dreams are implementing the other side of the story in them though. Really feels like a guardian angel or guardian kami in the afterlife is watching over me.

>> No.44492694
File: 1011 KB, 550x872, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how comfy it would've been to have been a noodle delivery guy in the 50s Japan.

>> No.44492702

>dreaming of slavery

>> No.44492733 [SPOILER] 
File: 744 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru - 09 (1080p) [70F7BCEA]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44493091

if that guy were to fall his life would be forfeit
really makes you think

>> No.44493168

just finished ep 6
i already listened to the audiobook so i knew what was going to happen but it was still pretty epic

>> No.44493239
File: 11 KB, 883x57, image (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 104: oof today session was quite long.

>> No.44493390

sounds like hell

>> No.44493412

How long are sessions supposed to last? I just started with core 2.3k, today was literally my first day and I needed 1.5h for the first 20 cards... I was sleepy in the first 45 minutes, but still this feels kinda off.
t. complete newbie

>> No.44493451

Also one more question: now that I finished I'm pumped and I thought about doing 20 more cards (with custom study and "Increase today's new card limit" option -> if I'm not mistaken this will just add more new cards for today specifically, but won't screw up 20 new card per day rule for the future days?). Is this bad idea, should I chill for now?

>> No.44493499

20 cards a day is a lot for a newbie but 1.5 hours for 20 cards is extremely weird. Especially when that's going to include stuff like 一二三 which you already know

>> No.44493505

what does 大阪 ファン ジェイコブ this mean please?

>> No.44493551


>> No.44493563

>that guy committed suicide because his life was so bad

>> No.44493578

Please answer my question?

>> No.44493597

daihan von yakob

>> No.44493602

won't do your homework sorry

>> No.44493632

dno but those first two kanji mean big hill

>> No.44493650

but you would solve the captcha to tell me thus?
why are you this way?

>> No.44493660

spoke to a japanese obasan earlier and when i hung up because my gf got home she sent me a pic of her cleavage out of nowhere to try to get me to call her again

>> No.44493677

can't believe unko is a whore

>> No.44493700

i fell for the wanikani meme and i don't regret it

>> No.44493704

we were just talking about normal shit literally no flirting or anything

>> No.44493762

i bet wanikanifags don't know 膣

>> No.44493774

haven't been here in months what did I miss?

>> No.44493781

nothing has happened here in like 3 years

>> No.44493788

actually nothing has happened since the quiz get

>> No.44493799

djt will rise again

>> No.44493801

Well, if you already asked, lemme brag: I'm reading "Japanese the Manga Way" and I've recognized 行く that I learned an hour ago when I was studying my first 20 words from core 2.3k.
Yeah, I'm amazing, it's not a big deal.

>> No.44493805

explains a lot

>> No.44493824

Yup, I am. Have I said something weird or incorrect? I'm not trying to hide that I'm an esl, just trying to improve my English in general.

>> No.44493869
File: 77 KB, 370x400, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44493884

me on the bottom

>> No.44493890

me on the top

>> No.44493976

when does reading japanese stop feeling like extra work, even if you know all the words

>> No.44494069

best post itt

>> No.44494167


>> No.44494205


>> No.44494214

hard disagree

>> No.44494220

i bought the hokkaidou milk bread from the expensive grocery store

>> No.44494327

why not make an older lady pay

>> No.44494475
File: 21 KB, 439x424, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am contemplating studying the Japanese language, because I may want to reside in Japan. Refer to this image. It uses the example of Asian students as somebody with Kanji knowledge. Is there a list of languages to which the study hours for students with Kanji knowledge apply, whether it is specified in Chinese or English or Japanese? I am confused, because extremely few national languages limited to Chinese and Japanese and Korean an d Vietnamese are written in Chinese characters, so to just list all the national languages to which the column 'students with Kanji knowledge' applies seems much easier. 'Asian students' include languages which do not even use Chinese characters at all such as the Arabic language.

The source of the image is this. https://web.archive.org/web/20151117033458/http://www.studytoday.com/JLPT.asp?lang=EN

>> No.44494478

i wish i could make a younger lady pay

>> No.44494582

they mean chinese
koreans memorize 1000 hanja for trivia and then instantly forget 90% of them because they are nearly useless
vietnam abolished the use of hanzi 100 years ago
meanwhile educated chinese natives know ~3-4x as many characters as educated japanese natives which is the real advantage
you don't so forget about it

>> No.44494840

>I am contemplating studying the Japanese language

>> No.44495055

i am contemplating honki o dass

>> No.44495118

I started to punch myself in the face everytime I forget the reading of a word I already put in anki 3 months+ ago

>> No.44495303

sounds like a good way to forget even more. try punching your balls instead

>> No.44495385

i am contemplating oppai

>> No.44495410

suji no hou ga ii

>> No.44495478

Does anyone else go through periodic overhauls/purges of their anki deck? First tried to switch all my TangoN5 sentence cards to be like core2k cards, then started trying to replace my core2k cards with mined cards with better definitions and context, now suspending at least a few older mined cards a day because I have too many different definitions highlighted on them or because the context doesn't show the meaning of the word well. For reference I do have OCD.

>> No.44495488

How important is immersion in the grand scheme? A friend was telling me that you'd learn a shit ton if you watched unsubbed Japanese content 8 hours a day assuming you have a basic understanding of how the language works, even if you don't supplement it with studying vocabulary or kanji.
Is there any truth to this or is immersion basically useless without supplementing it with proper studying?

>> No.44495565
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 1687358737030713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersion is the most important thing, studying just gets you a foothold so you can start immersing

>> No.44495595

How immersed do you actually want to be, then? Is it a bad idea to stop and search up a word in Jisho or something, or should you just kinda let it flow and let your brain internalize stuff?

>> No.44495640
File: 218 KB, 827x1200, a4ccf22a5248247b74821d66b1688bb4970593a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44495665


>> No.44495699


>> No.44495714

Look, Mr. faggot. Some no-lifers managed to pass the N1 within a year through extremely diligent, grueling self-study without breaks. That said, the JLPT evaluates neither writing nor speaking skills.
It goes without saying that your method greatly influences your chances to make it.
The truth is most people are complete retards and suck at learning languages; they never bother to look up tricks that can massively speed up your learning, like 音符 and 意符, learning the radicals and breaking down kanji into parts, using mnemonics, taking advantage of stroke order rules + common patterns to guess stroke orders right 98% of the time, etc. Retards think kanji are just random squiggles, so of course they it takes them forever to pick them up (not that you could blame them completely since textbooks and learning materials completely neglect to mention stuff like the tricks above, and employ shitty made up terminology such as う-verbs and る-verbs instead of godan(5-step) and ichidan(1-step)).
Not to mention that very few people even bother trying to learn actively use the language, or write.
So, in conclusion, it's all bullshit.

>> No.44495731

>'Asian students' include languages which do not even use Chinese characters at all such as the Arabic language.

>> No.44495733

There's surely hundreds of guides out there detailing the best way to learn Japanese, but is there any that is *actually* the best, or perhaps better the most efficient? As a noob who mostly only knows hiragana/katakana, I've heard of a few of the optimizations you speak of but I feel like I don't hear any of the big guides talk about them. Or I'm retarded and missed them.

>> No.44495738

Just learn the language like any other. The only big difference with other languages is don't know how to pronounce unknown runes/compounds or write them.
For a word you need to know meaning, nuance (positive, negative, derisive, old-fashioned, cringy zoomer speak, technical term, vocabulary for the workplace, etc.), usage (used to describe people? the weather? likes and dislikes? etc. what kind of situations can you use this word in?). Collocations (what words it goes well together with) help too.

>> No.44495739

is the japanese translation of 三体 better or worse than the english one?

>> No.44495745

i tried reading a kids story, a lengthy one, for the first time yesterday. I spent 3 hours reading through it, highlighting things with Yomichan but nothing much past that. It was really hard and felt like I wasn't actually learning much, maybe a thing here or there, but I gotta say it was kinda boring. The subject matter anyway, it was rough to stay interested. Is that just how attempting to "read" will be like for a long time until it just sorta gets better? Or am I not doing it the right way?

>> No.44495746

you need to figure out on your own that efficiency is a meme after a point

>> No.44495769

Learn as you go, wade through the snake oil, discover what works.
Everyone starts knowing jack shit. Just don't fall for feel good garbage. I'm not saying that you should go full linguist and dive into grammar books and explain what the fuck the difference between a 格助詞 and a 係助詞 is, but other stuff like, say, the difference between 五段 verbs (e.g. 切[ら]ない, 切[り]ます, 切[る], 切[れ]る, 切れ[ろ] and 一段 verbs (e.g. [食べ]ない, [食べ]ます, [食べ]る, [食べ]られる, [食べ]ろ) helps.

>> No.44495770

are we being raided

>> No.44495775


>> No.44495777

usually takes me an hour to do 300+ 20 cards daily. sometimes longer if I fuck up too many cards

>> No.44495779

I'm retarded. It's 切れ.

>> No.44495790
File: 9 KB, 348x302, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think I'm gonna stop posting now. Sorry for making a difference in some rando's life. Please accept this dogeza as an apology

>> No.44495797

youtube recommended me a silent japanese streamer playing castlevania 3 with 220 subs and 3 viewers

>> No.44495815

not replying to bait

>> No.44495821


>> No.44495822

surely you fags aren't so elitist that you think earnest questions are anything but earnest questions

>> No.44495839

Why did they pick the ugliest one from the zoo?

>> No.44495854

anyone who has been here for longer than a month is suspicious of every uppercase post

>> No.44495865

>funa tuki ba
this language lmao

>> No.44495893

If Srs Works Why Do I Have So Many Leeches?

>> No.44495898

Of course not. Everyone on /jp/ is friendly and approachable. Feel free to ask all the questions you want.

>> No.44495925

aidenteitei ha houkaityuu

>> No.44495934


>> No.44495954

futa take bar?

>> No.44495968
File: 494 KB, 1011x711, 1665311348913292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was i supposed to know doutei?

>> No.44495979
File: 73 KB, 800x450, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44495991

Could have sounded it out from, say, 童話(どうわ) and 貞 sharing a reading with 偵 from 探偵.

>> No.44496004

sorry not that advanced, i need kouichi to add it to wanicunny so i can be forced to remember it after being quizzed relentlessly because of my failures

>> No.44496020
File: 81 KB, 680x544, F47KX-ga4AAC9tE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44496022

read more dodjins

>> No.44496035
File: 14 KB, 301x194, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry not that advanced
>童話 is just stories for virgins
Captcha YA 8PM

>> No.44496070

if u guys want to ask gpt4 anything about jp i will channel ur post and post the answer

>> No.44496100


>> No.44496110

don't really see the point of using ai unless you can reliably get it to litter sentences with nya

>> No.44496115
File: 77 KB, 903x772, 1674195831622013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun, its loquacious posting style seems extra annoying in a language i struggle to read

>> No.44496131
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>> No.44496146
File: 106 KB, 526x394, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44496149

1. cope
2. cope
3. lmao cope
4. cope
5. cope
conclusion idk i think they are just retarded or something

>> No.44496153

meow にゃ! (ΦωΦ)

>> No.44496157

impressive but can it put it inside of words

>> No.44496182
File: 57 KB, 886x675, 1685802480799588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of? it just stuck it on the end of words i think

>> No.44496191

yeah current ai just isn't advanced enough to tackle the real problems we need solved, got my hopes up for nothing

>> No.44496192

I can answer that one easily:
>no one teaches phonology. no IPA. no nothing. nips aren't even aware of the sounds of English (short i? (e.g. sit) long i? (e.g. see) the fuck is that?)
>phrasal verbs. they trip up nips so bad (be up for something? be down for something? why the fuck do those mean the same? (btw be down for sth is slang))
>prepositions. these suck in every language though
>ESL education is shit worldwide. No, really. e.g. textbooks don't teach you that "I do like ice cream" are correct (nooooooooooo you can only use "do" as an auxiliary in questions!!!!!!!)
>no one corrects mistakes ever. it "stigmatizes" and "embarrasses" students. at best you'll get the teacher echoing the correct answer after the student's fuckup
>kids study solely to pass exams
>lots of topics are taught wrong (the 4 conditionals and the subjunctive mood for example)
>horrible robotic textbook English. go off the script and they freeze up ("How are you?" "I'm fine, and you?" Ask them something a bit different like "How's it going?" and watch their brains melt). ps: same shit applies for nip (ご出身はどちらですか? wtf I was taught どこから来ましたか?)
>Chink font
jesus, fix that shit

>> No.44496199

soz i mostly use my other computer for jp this is my gaming one

>> No.44496232

most of the world besides asians can speak english and it has nothing to do with school or being taught it

>> No.44496234

>多くいます instead of 多いです
Nice. Death to i-adjective+です. Only faggots speak like that.

>> No.44496244

>most of the world besides asians can speak english
You're massively overestimating the proportion of people who're competent enough to put out something that sounds natural and doesn't look like it came straight out of Jewgle Translate.
t. ESL thirdie

>> No.44496277

how'd you learn english btw?

>> No.44496280
File: 36 KB, 764x401, 1693634353175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44496316

yeah its all about the linguistic distance between the local language and english which may be reduced by colonization. japan wasn't and japanese has no relation to european languages because of sakoku so the japanese can't speak english its quite simple

>> No.44496337

>japanese has no relation to european languages

>> No.44496347

imagine putting in the effort to learn english only to learn our internet is dead and full of nonsense

>> No.44496361

is there a better internet

>> No.44496379

Same way I'm learning nip.
>exposure, dictionaries and lookups
>textbooks helped somewhat to narrow down topics (think sou matome-style exercises)
>for words that have a fuckton of uses, find examples and use cases (e.g. "run it under the tap," "this will run you $50," "I'd like to run this by you before proceeding," "the bus is running late")
>paying attention to shit that matches shit in languages I know (e.g. "I'd like to..." means "vorrei" (i.e. volere in the condizionale presente), would you look at that, so "would + verb" ~= switch to condizionale presente)
>taking notes of speech patterns, collocations (e.g. gaping hole, waterproof alibi), etc.
>take notes of phrases and adages (every cloud has a silver lining... that alludes to the sun shining from behind the clouds signifying hope, huh)
>speak, use the fucking language. make your own conversation from excerpts (from REAL interactions. i.e. including shit like "proceed to checkout to pay" which is egregiously absent from fucking language textbooks)
I still think I suck because I couldn't write a cover letter for college if my life depended on it.

>> No.44496393

japanese internet is more boring

>> No.44496400

damn i dunno, whenever someone on 4ch says they're esl i'm usually impressed

>> No.44496408

Because saying I'm ESL is the same as saying OOGA BOOGA ME NIGGER

>> No.44496409

btw, how many seconds does it take you to write or read such a description?
As a Japanese, it takes me more than 600 seconds.

>> No.44496445

there are esls like austrian guy who never get detected because they're so good that you can't tell

>> No.44496447
File: 72 KB, 537x1207, 1675074829277738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did set give you trouble? this has like 60+ definitions if i add everything up

>> No.44496464

True it’s a lot easier for Juan Carlos to learn English than Yusuke

>> No.44496467

hes slipped at least four times

>> No.44496481

>write or read such a description?
Description of what, exactly? You mean come up with the ideas in the greentext? It's just the result of noticing the horrible deficiencies in language learning throughout the years.
I'm frankly sick of hearing teachers calling saying shit like "your partners" instead of "your classmates."

>> No.44496487

i think he was saying it would take him at least 10 minutes to write this post >>44496379

>> No.44496504

I meant to talk about speed of understanding.

>> No.44496512

natives also make mistakes occasionally, four isn't a lot considering he has been posting regularly for years so it would be hard to tell just from that

>> No.44496518

10分かけて捻り出した英文ですら誤解を招くもういやだ ;_;

>> No.44496533

only esls make mistakes

>> No.44496538

yea queefs got no excuse for knowing jack shit eigo

>> No.44496543

I work with two br natives
one speaks en so well I would think he's native
the other speaks with an unnatural rhythm, weird pauses in all the wrong spots, unnatural stress accent.. it is so bad that listening to him speak, and even worse, being in a 2 way conversation with him is utter agony
i can only hope my jp does not make me the second guy

>> No.44496547

you'd think so but i've seen some pretty low iq natives

>> No.44496563

what kind of mistakes? typos don't count

>> No.44496565

I don't study lists of definitions. I just think of cases where it's be used. The example sentences there are 10x more helpful than the definitions if you ask me.
>set as in place (e.g. something on the table, set a duck on the water)
>set as in "fixed, permanent" (set in stone)
>leave something to set (e.g. bread, when using yeast)
>set [something [on fire]/[alight]]
>set as in set someone free, set someone on a course
>set as in decide (e.g. set a date, set the rules). see also "the date is set" (set as adjective)
>set as in adjust (set the thermostat to 75F)
>the sun set
>set as in establish (set a record)

>> No.44496587

shit i don't have an example ready but surely you've seen someone just put out word vomit while failing to get their thought out

>> No.44496600

but it hasn't been difficult for you so far? trying to think of the jp equivalent - maybe "kakeru" for meaning so many things.

>> No.44496603

It took me 10 minutes to write the post (10 minutes since >>44496277 was posted til I wrote >>44496379 in reply). Hence the puzzled reaction.

>> No.44496620

the funniest thing to me was 600 seconds, that's some programmer shit

>> No.44496638

i've only seen natives make typos in writing, if they misspeak irl they either immediately correct themselves or ignore it but they know they said something wrong just like the natives who don't bother correcting typos in writing despite noticing them

>> No.44496658

>600 seconds
It's like deciphering an ancient manuscript.

>> No.44496685

he does bro 125 iq vs 135 iq is a huge difference

>> No.44496697

is it possible to have 135 and still be socially retarded

>> No.44496717

the near native one must be more intelligent

>> No.44496745

It just takes time: 掛ける
-hang (e.g. a painting on the wall)
-sprinkle (salt, condiments). also water, rain water on something (水をかける)
-put on, cover with (e.g. putting a blanket on top of something). very similar to the above
-take (a person taking time, money to do sth) (e.g. 時間をかけすぎだ->you're taking too long)
-call, make/place (a call); 電話をかける
-begin (to do sth.) 声をかける. also see verbs like 話しかける, 語りかける, etc.
-かける as in 迷惑をかける. not sure of the exact meaning there
-かける as in multiply (from seeing × pop up so many times in the IME)
-sit (腰を掛ける, おかけください)
-賭ける as in bet (also 賭博 I have to thank Pokemon for that one)
-lock, (engage a mechanism I guess?) as in 鍵をかける
-cast (e.g. a spell/curse, 呪文をかける)
The one thing that trips me up are compound verbs (振りかける, 追いかける, etc.). Not only do you have the pleasure of learning the verbs, you also get to form new words from joining 2 together too!

>> No.44496750

yeah you can be high iq and autistic

>> No.44496769

Japan anon what is your iq?

>> No.44496773

wtf.. i thought learning languages was supposed to be easy

>> No.44496794

How do I go about building fluency.
Do I have to expand our vocabulary so we don't get bogged down in words?

I never measured iq

>> No.44496815
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>> No.44496832

take a test in 25 min bro

>> No.44496898
File: 78 KB, 741x1171, 1679038099333097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44496899

never had issues with kakeru

>> No.44496907

Depends on your level. It could be something as easy as
"fill in the blanks with have/has where appropriate"
>Jane _____ a problem
>Mary and Ann ______ to complete an assignment together
"Write a short step-by-step guide on how to cook a frozen hamburger."
>Cooking hamburgers is as easy as 123.
>First, you open the fridge and take them out of the packaging
>Then, you place a pan on the stove and coat your pan with oil. Be sure to set the heat no higher than medium
"Write an essay explaining your opinion on makeup testing on animals. Do you think it's justified? Give 3 reasons."
Animal testing is a very controversial topic. Many people argue that it's inhuman and cruel yadda yadda yadda. However, we cannot deny that it's helped save countless lives yadda yadda. From minor symptoms such as rashes to life-threatening anaphylaxis, the amounts of ailments that these experiments have helped prevent are countless. yadda yadda

>> No.44496918

kakeru is always easy to input but i might not remember where to output it

>> No.44496925

>amounts of ailments
amount of ailments.
I suck cocks.

>> No.44496928

i'd remember if i was talking about seieki though

>> No.44496974

Is it so important that just the presence or absence of that "s" or the mistake between "has" and "have" is enough to stop a conversation from going anywhere?

>> No.44496990

not, not really.

>> No.44497000
File: 19 KB, 332x343, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It makes you look boorish and uneducated. Just like
>you place a pan on the stove and coat your pan with oil
When it should be
>you place a pan on the stove and coat it with oil
If you're a learner you'll be given a pass. Natives aren't afforded such niceties.
Captcha SR H4T

>> No.44497014

it stands out, but it's not going to cause confusion.

>> No.44497029

so did anyone watch all of the DIY drama

>> No.44497098

In the Japanese English test, those are definitely treated as mistakes.

>> No.44497113

bro you didnt take the test? >>44496832

>> No.44497127

yes but people can make mistakes that we overlook.

>> No.44497132

whats that?

>> No.44497135

they're mistakes that don't stop a conversation

>> No.44497151
File: 1.67 MB, 1202x677, 1671910602412539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live action drama version of the "diy" anime, I tried watching it but got bored after a few episodes and realized how much more I like anime compared to live action

>> No.44497166

nah i didnt see that but i could have told you the anime is better without watching either

>> No.44497168

mata kondo yari masu wa :3

Jobko has gone... ,'3

>> No.44497176

most japanese live action is awful

>> No.44497180

lol its only 25 min are you scared of knowing your iq? you have to do it in one sitting

>> No.44497185


this just made me realize im learning a dead language which won't exist anymore when i turn 80. also:

wotd: kohaze

>> No.44497186

bro it's culturally biased for native english speakers..
isn't one of the categories literally english analogies testing vocab?

>> No.44497189

imagine some retard pestering you to take an internet iq test lmfao

>> No.44497199

mensa ones are semi legit

>> No.44497200

i keep fucking up all these wanicunny words like land, underground, above ground, tochi, chika, chijou, bro.. i don't give a fuck!!

>> No.44497208

i heard in a real iq test you have to play with blocks with adult supervision

>> No.44497221

上下 confirmed hardest kanji

>> No.44497225
File: 1.99 MB, 250x203, 1693640175773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sorry, im in like this pic literally
my brain is going to explosion! (゜∀。)ahahaha

>> No.44497231

ye hes 110 lol

>> No.44497237

sorry i dont try to read just feel and the combos with the tochi are just too much for me to handle

>> No.44497245

i just read it as jouge simple as

>> No.44497251

Why write them separately when you can have both? Enter 峠

>> No.44497256
File: 20 KB, 633x291, 1682873258469091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to be studying for years until I get this far..

>> No.44497259

don't tell me that's the misaki one

>> No.44497263
File: 253 KB, 1582x702, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even chinks know that high iq makes everything easier

>> No.44497271


>> No.44497276

>level 59

>> No.44497285

kuru kuru~ kuru kururin!

>> No.44497291

But wait, there's more! 麓 and 山麓.
>studying for years
Moonrunes took me like 2~3 years. 会話・作文はまだなかなかできないけど。

>> No.44497301
File: 6 KB, 440x126, 1692183295022022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayb i watch these

>> No.44497339

it wont need to be around when im 80 for me to watch anime from the best era (late 2010s)

>> No.44497367

mined 麓 from a GOW 実況

>> No.44497397

is it harder for a jp native to learn en or harder for an en native to learn jp

>> No.44497402


>> No.44497416


>> No.44497418

>hear しじょうちょうさ
>think of 史上調査 and go wtf
>IME spits out 市場調査
>realize I'm (never gonna make it)

>> No.44497425

just finished bof3 what rpg should i play next?

>> No.44497430


>> No.44497437

Saiyuki (PS1).

>> No.44497450


>> No.44497470




>> No.44497791

>2 hours to listen to a 12 minute video

>> No.44497798

that's a lot of pausing

>> No.44497844

mugen.. (pauses)

>> No.44497970

Had to look up a lot of words.
Also it was actually closer to an hour. See >>44497418

>> No.44497975

My waifu is back bros

>> No.44498003
File: 21 KB, 483x345, cloze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tip for anyone doing the core decks, put hint: before the Sentence-English field on the back template to turn it into a clozed field so you can review your understanding of the example sentence without accidentally reading it first.

>> No.44498122

shut da fucK up

>> No.44498150

Oh please most black girls in hollywood are way worse than that

>> No.44498267

i finally set up a mining deck maybe ill actually start learning japanese now

>> No.44498272

>learning japanese

>> No.44498292

You learn japanese by cumming to drawings of little girls

>> No.44498295
File: 604 KB, 1920x1080, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw forever stuck with subpar コミュニケーション効率

>> No.44498480

i hope my video was fun to watch at least

>> No.44499140

Why is ankidroid so shit?
>Oh you wanna sync your deck? Well come back in 3 hours bitch

>> No.44499169

some retards complain but i love seeing these kinds of posts from beginners. very interesting

>> No.44499377

use ankiweb

>> No.44499572
File: 1.23 MB, 1288x1623, af7bd9675ec86e972aaf52a0f5ca748dac1da32b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44499586

( ‘д‘⊂彡))Д´) パーン

>> No.44499623

is there a site like skypech for chatting instead of 通話? doesnt have to be skype.

>> No.44499640

I moved from some meme tatsushitter deck to core2.3k early on. and then I'd sometimes correct core2.3k cards as I encountered stuff, but that's it.
context that "shows the meaning of the word well" is what you get from immersing. being fussy about example sentences on word cards is a waste of time.
both work as long as you pay attention to the content and understand more than 0% of it. nobody has good data on which is faster, but it's probably reasonable to assume that if you understand only 1% and 99% is basically white noise to you, then it's probably more time-efficient to supplement with study until you reach higher comprehension.
there must be a level of comprehension at which just letting it flow becomes roughly as efficient as intentional studying, but as to what level that is, nobody has good data to show, or at least I haven't seen any.
what you can know though is which method makes it easier for you to concentrate, immerse daily and stay motivated. so just do whatever feels best as long as it involves a constant and sometimes successful effort at trying to understand stuff in Japanese.
>It was really hard and felt like I wasn't actually learning much
you won't feel learning hour-to-hour, more like week-to-week
>but I gotta say it was kinda boring.
well it's a kids story. try something appealing to adults (I started with subtitled cartoons about little girls).
>Is that just how attempting to "read" will be like for a long time until it just sorta gets better?
it will be hard at first but it should be enjoyable provided you're consuming something you'd want to consume for fun. progress is rather quick as long as you do it daily.
a better hint: don't review your understanding of sentences in Anki

>> No.44499806
File: 147 KB, 736x919, 87cacfa50a1002f637ef90d5fb150b30--laneya-grace-grace-omalley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ユニcute magical dreamy pure fairyy gamesゆめかわいい魔法妖精ゲーム



ユニ天使妖精のみんなちゃんへPlease consider to read the previous(x3) thread to yay more -> >>648884408


ユニJust launched my page on https://patreon.com/frufi so yayly^
A lot of exclusive premium ARCANUM content to yay more^

>> No.44499858
File: 281 KB, 1590x713, 092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me looking at djt

>> No.44499868


>> No.44500130

fucking based

>> No.44500475
File: 734 KB, 1199x950, 1691730663167971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm done learning all hiragana and katakana. I'm not sure what to do next. Any tips?

>> No.44500512

Kanji looks at you.

>> No.44500519

Core 10k and mining your own deck until your vocabulary size is around 45k. Then you are done. Easy-peasy-japanesy

>> No.44500647

Vocab and grammar, aka anki and Tae Kim

>> No.44500667

Also I suggest you keep doing hiragana and katakana for a bit every day. Use https://djtguide.neocities.org/kana/ if you weren't already using it and turn on everything except maybe the most difficult of the handwritings, and just do a few hundred a day (doesn't take that long). This is partially to reinforce it and partially to make sure you don't forget any, because some symbols are fairly rare.

>> No.44500773

Recognizing the difference between ミ and 三 in digital text isn't that hard, but how do you tell them apart when someone sloppily writes them?

>> No.44500835

what would djt look like if there was an iq filter

>> No.44500848


>> No.44500853


>> No.44500868

im gonna filter all upper-case letters

>> No.44500881

like, retards only? it would look the same lol

>> No.44500888

im gonna filter all letters

>> No.44500895

feel bad for that one guy thats obsessed with IQ

>> No.44500896

why do you guys hate yourselves

>> No.44500910

are we all one person?

>> No.44500911

uh sweety i only hate djt

>> No.44500974

all obsessions are bad

>> No.44500997


>> No.44501456


Please helpu, which should i use for a windows(OS) "Error" message?

>> No.44501463


>> No.44501470


>> No.44501483

you don't have to force yourself to use kanji.

>> No.44501491

bunko has a girlfriend??????

>> No.44501502

yeah but she's an old woman lmao

>> No.44501507

i wanna man

>> No.44501526

and its not 遠恋????

>> No.44501647

the lore in this game is insane every object has like 10 different flavor texts

>> No.44501823
File: 293 KB, 1041x1608, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomen, i was drawfagging and wanted to add the texts'' error'' and '' unknown error'' but google gave me like 10 different examples.

>>44501463 so does エラー would be right translation for both ?

>> No.44502126

does hag pussy grip your dick too? can old women have lipsthatgrip

>> No.44502244

過失 means negligence afaik. 「不注意により過ち」 Mistakes brought on by inatention.
間違い means mistake (as in incorrect)
computer errors are エラー
unknown error is 不明なエラー

>> No.44502276

some times it feels like god forgot to nerf me u know what i mean?
its hard to be so handsome and intelligent at the same time

>> No.44502289
File: 2.01 MB, 5581x3163, jouyou_by_kanken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn basic shit like with any other language. Self-introduction, basic questions (what, when, where, who, which), describe stuff (is/are), possession, some hobbies (sports, cinema, reading a book, playing games, etc.).
For moonrunes start at the kanken 10級 list I guess. Pic related.

>> No.44502315

ah yes another advice post by someone who doesn't know japanese just what he needed lmao

>> No.44502326

>start at the kanken 10級 list I guess
Though I'd personally start with whatever words are the most common regardless of grade. e.g. 元気, 頑張る, 読む, etc.

>> No.44502329

high iq socially sucks though

>> No.44502333

ignore that freak talking shit and notice how he didnt give any advice himself lol

>> No.44502369


>> No.44502376

aaand you died lmao

>> No.44502401
File: 390 KB, 1179x1275, smug_vee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't die when you're already dead.

>> No.44502407

Well, maybe I should lower number of new cards cause today was my second day, so 20 more cards and I needed 1.23h to complete it...

>> No.44502535

Thank you so much anon.

>> No.44503115

djt dying is a net positive

>> No.44503188

>update anki
>it looks different

>> No.44503416

i dont use crippleware

>> No.44503448

i dont learn crippletongues

>> No.44503459

how did people learn Japanese without anki?

>> No.44503469

they read lins

>> No.44503473

By being born in japan

>> No.44503475

tfw need 2 different anki versions intalled because newer versions crash when an autohotkey script modifies the clipboard

>> No.44503581

Why do you keep it installed then?

>> No.44503647

never updated anki
never will

>> No.44503815

my mouse knows when i open anki and the browser forward and back buttons become pass and fail hotkeys
this allows me to do anki with one hand and little movement so i can focus on masturbating with the other

>> No.44503862

how many anime eps a day for japanese mastery

>> No.44503893

Watching tiny streamers who interact with their chat is good motivation. It feels nice to be told that my japanese is good, just for being able to keep up with the conversation.
Even if what I say is full of grammatic errors.

>> No.44504078

this but 1 version lower than u

>> No.44504086


>> No.44504154

u sure im on 2.1.22

>> No.44504255


>> No.44504370


>> No.44504418

I think that's fine

>> No.44504448

take as long as you need

>> No.44504465


>> No.44504491

what's the ritual to get myself transported into a parallel world where big vtubers stream nothing but h games

>> No.44504502


>> No.44504503

btw I'm not jumping off a bridge

>> No.44504505

you can do it yourself. i mean streaming porn games with a loli avatar

>> No.44504508

my wife is goofy but cute

>> No.44504540

I'm not homosexual and I don't have a cute girl voice. I could theoretically acquire those traits, but what's most important is that I can't read japanese, which is impossible to learn

>> No.44504568

Oh, oke. For some reason I thought it's supposed to take me max like 30 minutes to finish. I mean, I thought that if I need more time something's wrong and I need to lower the amount of new cards so I can get all the benefits of using anki.

>> No.44504578


>> No.44504633

why does this happen so much

>> No.44504656

lmao this just worsen the incel crisis in japan

>> No.44504714

yea nothing wrong with a bit of tousatsu imo

>> No.44504766

>he doesn't find it creepier that there's a guy patrolling the subway

>> No.44504778
File: 62 KB, 714x420, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44504876

djter gets caught in the act in this one

>> No.44504886
File: 710 KB, 3368x4096, ef8cd0668d93c629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i really need to replac 巨乳ファンタジー

>> No.44504930

i prefer 巨乳リアリティ

>> No.44505022

not even once

>> No.44505215

fr though whats wrong with chikan? its not that serious

>> No.44505233
File: 7 KB, 674x43, image (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 105: Today session was easy and I got only like 5 wrong out of 30s cards.

>> No.44505242

105 days... mersing yet?

>> No.44505276

day 1: i just understand it

>> No.44505281

1. They're pedos/peeping toms. That fact alone is reason enough to throw them being the bars.
2. They do way worse than snapping pictures.

>> No.44505341

i think the problem is more nuanced
like wasnt that kind of content legal in japan until relatively recently
these old guys are just going with inertia

>> No.44505402
File: 100 KB, 530x502, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a batch of problems. The words in red should be a breeze. You have been doing your reps, right?

>> No.44505449

New thread:

>> No.44505918

only one i hadnt seen before is zouwai but i guessed it right
