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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 704x400, Welcome to the NHK! 21.mkv_snapshot_02.14_[2009.11.15_14.42.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448653 No.4448653 [Reply] [Original]

Otaku Culture

well that changes EVERYTHING.

>> No.4448661

Welcome to the NHK was one of the best anime ever.

>> No.4448671

it changes nothing.

>> No.4448672

No it wasn't.

>> No.4448689

Yeah it sure was

>> No.4448696

Wouldnt say so. It was pretty awesome but there is much better stuff out there..
I guess my view of the NHK anime was a bit lower than it should be because of the superior manga&light novel versions, though.

>> No.4448708

>implying anyone cares about what you think

you're a tripfag, go back to facebook

>> No.4448711

No, in the novel he actually looked at CP, sick fucker.

>> No.4448713

Didn't he do drugs, too?

>> No.4448745

Yes. Lots and lots of drugs. The anime was censored considerably.

Manga > Novel > Anime

The manga has more story, and is considerably tighter than the novel.

>> No.4448754

Why do I grouped in with "otaku culture" because I want to discuss VNs? I have no interest in jpop, touhou, idols, traveling to japan or racism threads, so why do I need to sift through pages of shit to get to a few VN discussions?

>> No.4448749

op here, i read the novel and you're a faggot lair.

nice try

>> No.4448758

yes, DMX powder yamazaki ordered it,

he actually did a lot of stupid little 'legal;' drugs you can get on the internet.

>> No.4448768

not trolling, whats VN. im new on /jp/

>> No.4448769

Yes, the make up of /jp/ has changed vastly. It's almost unrecognizable.

>> No.4448771

Well I didn't read it, but people in /a/ were constantly saying how much better the novel was because he had actual CP he was afraid Yamazaki would see, not just loli.

>> No.4448772

Because moot said so. Go whine to him or something.

>> No.4448773

why do you have to sage like a douchbag

you're not cool.

>> No.4448778

The novel is better, but that's not why.

>> No.4448786

He downloads Rika Nishimura photobooks and mentions her by name.

Those are CP by any definition.

>> No.4448784

>>Otaku Culture

Status: Told

>> No.4448779

because VNs are an important part of otaku culture.

visual novels

>> No.4448788
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>Obviously does not know the meaning of sage.

>> No.4448789

>hurr durr im some fag from /a/ that just dropped in I dont know what sage is used for.

>> No.4448792


you're still not cool, keep trying stupid faggot.

>> No.4448796

So is the light(?) novel translated?

>> No.4448802

reported for metathread
thread hidden

>> No.4448804

The manga was horrible with a ridiculously contrived plot. It made it impossible to connect with the characters. Examples: Misaki lying about having any problems, Yamazaki's girlfriend randomly turning out to be a lesbian, the weird shit with the girl Satou knew in high school, that stuff with the guy who Misaki tried to replace Satou with, that crap about starting a drug revolution, the terrible ending. Holy shit, just thinking about it again makes me wish I'd never read it.

>> No.4448805
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>Otaku Culture

>> No.4448813

the soundtrack for the anime was great though

>> No.4448814


>> No.4448816

It's a regular novel. You can even purchase it in stores.

or >>>/rs/nhk

>> No.4448821

So I can go to Barnes and Noble, and they'll have it? Holy shit.

>> No.4448823

The good: it actually raises awareness about shut-ins and NEETs
The bad: he made the MC a disgusting pedophile, in effect probably making us all look even worse to the general population

>> No.4448829

wait, you're not a pedophile?

Get out of /jp/

>> No.4448834



>> No.4448843
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>> No.4448858

haha good luck finding it below the price of 100$ faggots, i have TWO COPIES.


>> No.4448875

>>4448804 a ridiculously contrived plot. It made it impossible to connect with the characters.
Every version of NHK is like this.

>> No.4448882

whats wrong with being a pedo?

>> No.4448887

Apparently, its now out of print. I guess Tokyopop is going out of business or something.

Anyway, you can download it.

>> No.4448896

>out of print
Dammit, I wanted to read it during classes or something. The cover makes it obvious I'm into "otaku culture" anyway.

>> No.4448947

i cant believe its out of print the novel is by far the best version.

>> No.4448948

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the manga. People say it hits too close to home, but really? This shit is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4448955

/jp/ never changes.

>> No.4448964

You can grab it from amazon or ebay for ~$100
God Im happy I bought it like 1 year ago form a local book store for 8€

>> No.4449043

Amazon, 1 used from $199.00

>> No.4449039 [DELETED] 

Amazon, 1 used from $199.00

ill sell you mine for 100

>> No.4449056

looks like they want even more now
though I guess nobody actually buys it for those ridiculous prizes..

>> No.4449066

I liked the anime the most, also i loved the anime end.

It was way more light hearted and censored but still covers many interesting points, the characters werent portrayed as sick fucks (just a little sick) and it has a GOOD ending.

Also i love the soundtrack.

>> No.4449062 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4449081
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>> No.4449084

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

I wouldn't even pay for the paper it cost to print it.

>> No.4449189
File: 69 KB, 797x597, genshiken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku Culture ? Why not.

>> No.4449196


I read that this British company reprinted it in December, but their site says TBA: http://www.up1.co.uk/Details/W0338

Don't know how helpful this actually is.

>> No.4449237

Could write em and ask

>> No.4449259


Get that overrated awkward shit out of here.

>> No.4449270

The early parts were okay.

>> No.4449402

Are you talking about the anime or the manga? Yeah, the anime turned into shit later on but I enjoyed almost every part of the manga.

>> No.4449422

The anime was always shit

>> No.4449454

The first 5 episodes or so were good, in my opinion. Might just remember wrong because its been such a long time since I watched it..
Not to say both the manga and the anime arent overrated though.

>> No.4449505

I rewatched it like a year ago, almost felt asleep.

There are many series that are like that. You liked it when you were young, so you save the mental image that it was good, years later you continue defending it as a good series, then when you finally go to rewatch it...you see how shitty it was.

ITT shit like Evangelion, Hellsing, Trigun and many others

>> No.4449532

Maybe I should actually rewatch genshiken..I could test that ''theory'' out for once. I doubt I've chanced that much since 07, though, Im not that big of an oldie I'd have watched it back in 04 (or whenever it aired, not sure about the year)
Anyways I've reread the manga once during the last year (2009) and I thought it was quite good. Sure it gets worse as it progresses but its definitely not ''shit''.

>> No.4449568

Genshiken was pretty average. Being about otaku was all it had going for it and is probably the main reason it's hyped.
