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>> No.44486538


Ami Maeshima has resumed activities, and after careful consideration and discussions, she has agreed to continue playing the role of Aya Maruyama.

Unvoiced lines & songs from Aya will be added in the future as they're recorded.

>> No.44486556
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>> No.44486564
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amita stormed the bushi office and demanded her good role back

>> No.44486639

Is it true that Amita left D4DJ because it introduced a canon same-sex couple and its fans keep sexualizing her armpits?

>> No.44486905

If Amita truly cared, she wouldn’t made her fans worried for fucking 3 months. Imagine someone actively tweeting and all of a sudden they stopped posting the following day. Then it continues on for another week and so on. You’d assume they got into some accident or something terrible. She could’ve said that she wanted to take a break. Any decent human being would’ve understood that. Instead, she went radio silence for three months and only announced her intention to take a break. So don’t you dare compare her to Yurishii’s situation. At least she told everyone that she will retire in June 2018. She really cares for her fans if you watch her final live.

>> No.44487033

Not always an ESL, but somehow always an ESL.

>> No.44487042

Where is the lie though?

>> No.44487203
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>> No.44487235

Oh yeah, Aimi didn’t lie about Amita. Wonder if she is jealous of Amita joining Nanjo’s agency.

>> No.44487288

As the anon who first brought Her message here, I have always trusted in Her promise.

>> No.44487383

I always believed in her promise.
I've got that exact pic in front of me btw, the BD is so cool.

>> No.44487471
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Congratulation on Amita coming back.

Have a nice Temma!

>> No.44487526
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I love Amane

I'm so glad Amita came back, it wasn't the same without her.

>> No.44487617

Tsumutsumu2 on Amita:

>> No.44487620

The voice samples in this have way more range than i've ever heard her do
I hope this means she wants to focus on a lot more VA roles and i hope Voice Kit will give her the opportunity she deserves

Also >瓦割り being listed there is pretty amusing

>> No.44487690

>wake up
>go on phone while drinking coffee
>amita sperg was right and has won

this beverage has never tasted so bitter

>> No.44488037

Nobody took a photo of Amita while she was away. She never left her room, she's one of us

>> No.44488066

apology for poor english
when were you when ami maeshima lives?
i was sat at home making tribute
when bandori post
‘amita is continue’

>> No.44488159

Legend says that Aimi got rid of every girl that tried to take Aya's role

>> No.44488186

Even Yurishii?

>> No.44488311

Amita surprise appearance please

>> No.44488435
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>> No.44488480

>control + f
> "preg"
> 0 results


>> No.44488532

Check the last thread.

>> No.44488566
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>> No.44488567

I am both happy for Amita's return and sad for her abandoning D4DJ because it truly shows how little relevance the franchise has.

>> No.44488595

>things from now on
What about things before

>> No.44488620

kill marry fuck

>> No.44488624

>Supergirl Amita-Prime
>Golden Age Bandori Amita
>D4DJ All-Star Amita
>Cyborg Amita
>Kingdom Come Amita <--you are here
Amita... Kino...

>> No.44488640

I'll wait for the snyder cut tyvm

>> No.44488683

11 thousand watching probably hoping for the same thing.

>> No.44488801


>> No.44488818

All the opposite? It shows that her bandori role is so irrelevant that it could go a full year without a voice.

>> No.44488943

to be fair 10k+ is normal for an anniversary program
but people in chat seems to anticipating amita as well

>> No.44488970

Damn Amane talks like a pervy old man

>> No.44489046

based and real

>> No.44489052

maigotachi turn

>> No.44489076

she's /ourgirl/

>> No.44489212
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I want to lick her

>> No.44489291

everyone in mygo is so cute

>> No.44489321

No cameo. Aimi at least gave Amita a shout-out near the end.

>> No.44489339
File: 322 KB, 1536x2730, michiru from mid4dj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the saga of Amita is over, please take a look at the certified genius boobs

>> No.44489398

The postpartum depression took a little longer than I expected.

>> No.44489518

Kidani on Amita:

>> No.44489549

Will they reinstate her youtube channel?

>> No.44489810

Amita is back on Bandori, a project that has been under new management for months at this point after Kidani almost sank bang dream with bad business decisions.

Its curious that Amita is on Bandori now but not on D4DJ wich is still under the direct deathgrip of kidani's management, who also didnt hesitate in replace her almost instantly and for what, Kanon (who I like a lot) barely has had any significant presence since her anouncement...

Maybe Amita's beef was with kidani itself.

We all know the state of bang dream compared to d4dj nowadays, one is still relevant and the other is barely holding up, just some food for thots.

>> No.44489871

Based and real

>> No.44489925

>who also didnt hesitate in replace her almost instantly
desu D4DJ was about to air like 1 and half month after Amita's official retirement, and despite mainly appearing in the latter half on anime, Photon Maiden had the most focus after Lilies.

>> No.44489941

Yet there is still no new anime on the new lesbian groups. Really makes you think.

>> No.44490013

Eh, knowing Bushiroad, I'd expect one in 2024. Right now is too soon.

>> No.44490033

Ill try to sexualise Amita a lot less now that shes a mom.
Or even more, I dunno yet.

>> No.44490054

I was actually wondering if she is going show armpits again and maybe more from now on.

>> No.44490087

She's a milf now, I'm gonna sexualise her more.

>> No.44490093

Her new profile pics are with a sleeveless dress so theres hope I guess.

>> No.44490108

After her return I feel like there's no point for me to follow Photon Maiden anymore. I was a fan only because of Amita, but now that she's no longer there it just feels soulless.

>> No.44490125

Well normal practice in Japan with talents got taken offline from the media and from the surface of the Earth for a year as a penalty for leaving previous agency either prematurely or not in good terms.

>> No.44490189

Im still a photon fan because of Hinata and Monke but also like Haruki and damn, even Risa.

>> No.44490251

What if they are not kidding about 5-man Pho Mai and Amita will show up as special guest for their Live?

>> No.44490283


What did Kanon mean by this lol

>> No.44490295

Shes jobless and irrelevant

>> No.44490374
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>> No.44490397

Amanesu looks like she's going to smooch Hayashi Coco violently

>> No.44490432

I want to get in between Coco and Anamesu

>> No.44490467

I love KDHR's uncanny valley face

>> No.44490501

I hate it so much

>> No.44490523

Shes cute tho

>> No.44490536

She's discount Ayasa

>> No.44490615

It was a business clause that prevented her and still does from talking.

>> No.44490748

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.44490769

Sumipe won the Amita bowl. How will Aimi ever recover?

>> No.44490782

Aimi didn't even greet Amita, she's totally broken

>> No.44490805

Can we not fight? Sumipe Aimi Amita 3P

>> No.44490880

Aimi retweeted her comeback tweet and >>44489321
If anything, Misawa didn't greet Amita yet, wonder if it's because her and Sumipe used to be so close and she's salty.

>> No.44490895
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1536, F479tEzagAANLIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moeshi is 6cm taller than Kaorin

>> No.44490906

It doesn't get more menhera that that

>> No.44491535

dress jeans and vans what a combo

>> No.44491758

Reo proudly showed off Misawa's gift for her on the fanclub special stream

>> No.44491857

menhera's hostage

>> No.44491862

How is the agency change going to affect Amita's work? More photobooks? Amita's solo album as Ukelele player? More Amita fragances? More revealing clothes?

>> No.44491982

last year: nonchan
this year: amita
who will return next september

>> No.44492585

What if Sumipe planned all this from the very beginning to have Amita on her agency?

>> No.44492893

There was a photo of KDHR that literally looked like Ayasa but i don't have the link to the tweet

>> No.44493425

Thanks Sumipe for saving Amita.

>> No.44493591

So it's been nearly a year. More if we start counting before the actual retirement/hiatus announcement.

Was it pregnancy?

>> No.44493616

Why changing agency and deleting the youtube then?

>> No.44493675

Why changing agency?
Avex exploited Amita for DECADES, they exolited her as a sex object since she was 12, they burned her out.
The change was needed for her own mental health.

>> No.44493698

they're all so cute

>> No.44493729
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This but unironically

>> No.44494155

Those are converse.

>> No.44494262
File: 384 KB, 2048x1536, 1AC5A215-9E07-47B2-B341-F06BB5762BD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotchu senpai fr fr

>> No.44494274
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>> No.44494560

They need to take a DNA test

>> No.44494662

That's Ayasa looking like KDHR tho

>> No.44494877

Thanks. You still got the link to the tweet? I need to save it

>> No.44494894

Nova Mix will break the May'n curse

>> No.44495030
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Praying that Amita wants to show off her body and NuAvex was afraid of sexiness and censored her waki.

>> No.44495180

Kanon left D4DJ and never returned, but she never left Bandori.

>> No.44495232

Name of seiyuu on the left?

>> No.44495246

Kanon is such a fucking slacker it's not even funny

>> No.44495298


>> No.44495351
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cute old lady (left)

>> No.44495382
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>> No.44495568
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>> No.44495610
File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, Amita pits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, dont lewd Amita's armpits, thats what triggered her the last time.
Remember, shes a mother now.

>> No.44495617

Now that we're getting a new generation of bands with the maigos and ave mujica, do you think they'll add more non live bands? (or whatever they're called).

>> No.44495618


>> No.44495619

I hope they dont, also I hope they dont clutter this more with new bands pulled out of their asses.

>> No.44495659

We don't know if it was Avex or Amita who was triggered on armpits.

>> No.44495670
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It wasnt Avex, they exploited her body for over a decade

>> No.44495720
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>> No.44495819

She expressed her gratitude to her overseas fans (me)

>> No.44495859

Honestly i wouldn't be against it in concept, i love pasupare, hhw and afterglow and they usually able to experiment with more sounds with them since they don't have to write songs for actual live play
but i also agree that at this point it would be too much
maybe when they retire the first generation or something if they want to go that route

>> No.44495944

just go to advance search and fill the [from this account] to [mentioning this account] or something like that
actually i'll just look it up in maybe 20 minutes

>> No.44496117
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>> No.44496169

Sometimes the ones that show more skin are the purest...

>> No.44496253


>> No.44497341
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>> No.44497369

>tfw no sleepy tsunko gf to wake up with
It’s not fair

>> No.44497510

Everyone forgot about Unichord x Abyssmare 2nd Live...

>> No.44497525
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>> No.44497661

>Congrats on your recovery and resuming your activities! !
So what actually happened?

>> No.44497919

Nothing. Avex held her hostage for a year.

>> No.44498445
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>> No.44499413

she's menhera

>> No.44499564

didn't her former agency literally withhold her fanmail and gifts for many months and forced her to pay some bullshit fee to finally get them?

>> No.44499585

Ran ran wakaranran

>> No.44499595

don't bother replying to the kanon hater dude is unhinged

>> No.44499844

Is that why she can't work?

>> No.44499949

More Bandori seiyuu should leave D4DJ
Waste of fucking time for such a shit media

>> No.44499971
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>> No.44500007

i mean, i love non-chan but it's pretty damn clear she's really not that interested in the industry

>> No.44500086

They did this but in reverse of role, in place of headpat during the 2nd Live

>> No.44500093

Bros, Karin cried in the evening live. She was moved by D4DJ fans! Why would anyone want to leave such a wonderful franchise?

>> No.44500102

I never noticed Temma's mole on her upper lip.

>> No.44500107
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>> No.44500175
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There was a huge Temmafag in the crowd but he also cheered when they were flirting with each other. Anons told me otakus hate lesbianism tho?

>> No.44500196
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I can't believe it's happening but Yura is unironically laying off her usual filter.

>> No.44500208
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>> No.44500215
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No UniMare 3rd Live announced, but they announced some sort of events UniChØrd and Abyssmare will participate separately that is specifically NOT D4Fes. Any ideas?

>> No.44500220
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>> No.44500227
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Neo-sama version.

>> No.44500233
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>> No.44500237

Pretty nice that she came down the DJ booth for Story

>> No.44500245
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>> No.44500685
File: 596 KB, 2048x1536, Ruka_Fukagawa96-1697956815970144371-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute combo!

>> No.44500712

Pair of uggos

>> No.44500731
File: 520 KB, 1536x2048, matsuzawakanon-1697787763108847819-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the next Sieglet live.

>> No.44500739

no one gives a shit about d4dj it's a dead franchise, why should she? also we don't know the details except she had a fall out with her agency and dropping the role could just as easily be collateral
she's a freelancer now she'll have even less audition opportunities so she'll go the indie route which are cringe ass sns and jewtube shenanigans but even when she had a contract it was with one of the worst agencies in japan history including rape era artsvision
she just wants to sing and play piano, bushi/ace crew had her do nothing, in the most irrelevant role, in the most irrelevant group of the most irrelevant franchise

>> No.44500780

Kill yourself tourist.

>> No.44500799
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Amita says she wants to stand on stage again one day.

Anyway, have a nice Temma!

>> No.44500883

What if they really do 5 members Photon Maiden performance?

>> No.44500903
File: 417 KB, 2048x1536, aibaaiai-1697944737846886727-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44500926

There is no law against it

>> No.44500943

Probably some talk events like photon and Merm4id did recently?

>> No.44500965

What did Photon and Merm4id even do in the talk events?
I only know Kidani attended the Merm4id one and announced the 2nd Merm4id Rondo joint live personally. And Photon one was where everyone went to full schizo on Amita.

>> No.44500995

Photon Maiden producer on Amita:

>> No.44501077
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Cute Yuri

>> No.44501100
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>> No.44501123
File: 216 KB, 1461x1122, Dump it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bought.

>> No.44501247

Look at saecchi. She's doing more stuff than ever after leaving Ace Crew.

>> No.44501291

Why the hell do you even rant at dj for me lol i didn't even bring it up nor do i follow it
But let's be real it's been 5 years since Roselia and she literally have no other project/production or anything going on not even some random gacha character which is basically a free spot for seiyuus
Her last outside gig that i remember was singing for that cup noodle commercial which is actually pretty nice but i doubt she even audition for va works at all
And it's fine, i'm not holding it against her it's just what it is

>> No.44501510

Please have Amita on Team Y

>> No.44501515
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>> No.44501599

Teru got the cutest hairstyle she's had in years for anisama and then decided to change it into that shit she has now

>> No.44501642
File: 533 KB, 2048x1536, Teru_Ikuta-1697954199223574764-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44501697

How are you guys so terminally online that you think you can identify anonymous posters in this thread based on a single harmless post?

>> No.44501830

its not hard to identify someone when the same shit gets posted the exact same way every time

>> No.44501844


kek Yura is asking Kokko for those jumping gifs

>> No.44501845
File: 3.93 MB, 720x1280, smewthie22-1559386778317926401-20220815_224914-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if Tenma has a really low belly button or if it's just because her torso is so long.
Either way it's sexy!

>> No.44501888

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.44501902
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>> No.44501908
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>reenacting 4komas

>> No.44501930
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>> No.44501962
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Newfag here, what's the thing she did at start of the Abyssmare section? She delibrately put down the mike but her singing still flows?

>> No.44501991


>> No.44502014

unironically touch grass

>> No.44502033

apparently a capella without mike is a thing Japanese singers do

>> No.44502158
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I love Yura's cute cheek mark so much it's unreal.

>> No.44502175

This. I hate that she keeps shopping them out with those filters.

>> No.44502184

Not just the mark, but the whole cheeks.

>> No.44502210 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.43 MB, 2881x1800, 120105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Temma's so lucky...

>> No.44502258

These two should do a BD like those Merm4id ones.

>> No.44502510
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, D4DJ_Lyrical_Lily_event_kokuchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidence? Or a Ri4 x UniChØrd x Abyssmare stage play?

>> No.44502515

Shes not that close to the trio.
People tends to believe everyone in bandori is just good friends with each other and they arent, they are work partners.
Some of them does become friends, but not all of them are.

>> No.44502776


>> No.44503232
File: 358 KB, 1475x1967, Rimi_nsmt-1697942790121074924-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44503369

I would also become menhera if I were allergic to cats

>> No.44504099

Amita's return announcement is now the most liked tweet on the official bandori account with 92k likes
That's pretty crazy considering the 2nd one is 68k likes

>> No.44504639

Amita IS Bandori

>> No.44504806
File: 277 KB, 1536x2048, 240y_k-1698067524934668658-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Yuka!

>> No.44505004

It was shared by lots of bandori girls, including big names like sumipe and ayaneru.

>> No.44505321

>can't pull off the chuuni look now that she's not wearing an eyepatch anymore

>> No.44505358
File: 201 KB, 1108x1478, Rimi_nsmt-919859496628862977-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some pretty gnarly feet.
I still like them because they're on Rimi.

>> No.44505375
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>> No.44505407 [SPOILER] 
File: 940 KB, 2316x3088, 1693697211084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ave Mujica bros...

>> No.44505415

Is that magnum?...

>> No.44505493
File: 472 KB, 1448x2048, 8B18286D-E85F-4234-BE03-BD735914B7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aimi seems to be showing skin lately. This is not normal for her!!

>> No.44505542

>aimi starts showing skin again after kidani leaves bandori
really makes you think

>> No.44505553 [DELETED] 
File: 3.42 MB, 1920x1491, Tenma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life with Temma

>> No.44505565
File: 3.42 MB, 1920x1491, Temma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life with Temma

>> No.44505684

>skipping leg day

>> No.44505996

last time I commented on something like this I got 3 days for "troll post"
this fucking website lmao

>> No.44506124

newfriend detected

>> No.44506256

Can't tell if that's bare midriff >>44505493

>> No.44506275
File: 386 KB, 1108x1478, F4_STlzb0AAHZpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aimi is a bottom

>> No.44506383

is reo going full menhera?

>> No.44506420

At least provide some basis/reference/source for your schizo delusions like the Amitafag (singular intended)

>> No.44507117

Can't decide which one to get, the Animate and Gamers limited sets are really tempting...

>> No.44507127

Get both then.
Even the Amanefag grabbed every store bonus for his shit.

>> No.44507200
File: 125 KB, 1366x2048, F5EfP_7a8AAOrqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Temma profile photo

>> No.44507224

I’m getting the Gamers set. The pin is very cute.

>> No.44507352

cute butai shoujos

>> No.44507676

Still not a single photo of Amita outside the agency photos. panic

>> No.44507682

But that's for her solo. King Records has more power than Bushiroad.

>> No.44507718

masked amita...

>> No.44508119
File: 570 KB, 2048x1626, F5Al3ZsaMAAo6R0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Vtuber is kinda like a Seiyuu, but with more filters

>> No.44508220

A VTuber hired Tsunko as her official cosplayer. Never heard of this happening to a heavily filtered seiyuu.

>> No.44508338
File: 281 KB, 1000x666, Bushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute May'n

>> No.44508463

>A3 clear poster of Aimin to watch you masturbate

>> No.44508620
File: 644 KB, 2048x1536, mayn_tw-1698254259958284605-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to step on me.

>> No.44509041
File: 445 KB, 1274x1586, CMTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Machine Translated Yuri

>> No.44509171

Who is Koi Kana? A new bushi?

>> No.44509373

>needing a (shit) translation for that

>> No.44509610

You are just salty that Koi Kana is joining Bushis via D4DJ.

>> No.44509718
File: 73 KB, 1024x481, kuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the translation, Kokko and Yura drew themselves while Jienna and Suzumi drew each other.

>> No.44510410

Tenma's wife looks like Reo here

>> No.44510907
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>> No.44510956

3 more days?!

>> No.44510978

Now we just need visual confirmation of working legs.
At least this isn't like Jeremy Renner where anon could keep shitposting about her balls.

>> No.44511013
File: 276 KB, 720x960, 小岩井ことり - おはよージャンプ! ミ(ノ`・ω・)ノ♪ みんな今日は何するの??-(960p).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44511054

wtf they teleport now?

>> No.44511171

The weight of her breasts bends light so you didn't see her coming.

>> No.44511178

She's like the Batman of Bushis so yeah obviously she can teleport given enough prep time.

>> No.44511187

Say thanks to Yura. >>44501844

>> No.44511237
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Have a nice thread btw!!!

>> No.44511323
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>> No.44511439

She looks healthy and rested

>> No.44511521
File: 207 KB, 1109x1479, F5G1spJbUAAVldE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44511543

Yes, very healthy nails.
Now let's see her toes.

>> No.44511726

She looks tired and exhausted

>> No.44511769

Luckily she's no Prime Minister.

>> No.44511842

Why do I love this old lady so much?

>> No.44512114

The Lone Wolf Songstress Aiba Aina in D4DJ when?

>> No.44512416

I am all for it if d4dj gets her a Stardom kind of costume!

>> No.44512451


>> No.44512498

Indirect kiss... almost...

>> No.44512796

Beautiful... Her face does look a lot healthier and fuller than before her hiatus.
It's like I'm falling in love all over again.

>> No.44513174

the wall truly spares no one

>> No.44513188

I hope shes not mentally ill.
Some anons here said she would do jav, Im glad she didnt end there, she would have destroyed her life and mind.

>> No.44513577

>since childhood in the japanese entertainment industry
>not mentally ill
pick one

>> No.44514560
File: 1.59 MB, 1356x1592, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll see myself out

>> No.44514921

you are not that interesting, please fuck off

>> No.44515386
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, F5FHUzybUAA1c6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to stick my tongue in every hole and orifice of her face and body.

>> No.44515395

don't put yourself down like that, you can aim for someone much better looking

>> No.44515583

Still no photo of Amita legs, panic

>> No.44515602

Wheelchair Amita

>> No.44515680

Does anyone saw the UnichordxAbyssmare 2nd Live?
How was it? and which version should i saw?
I can only buy one ticket and people dont upload D4DJ concerts anymore

>> No.44515778
File: 779 KB, 1920x1080, 【D4DJ】UniChØrd×Abyssmare 2nd LIVE -Star Encounter-【昼公演】 [BV1ap4y177Dp].mp4_snapshot_00.13.11.428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44515938
File: 428 KB, 2048x1536, misuzuweronika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to shout out Misuzu for low-key killing it as Earnest in Classroom for Heroes and Chel in Reign of the 7 Spellblades.
That is all.

>> No.44515961
File: 476 KB, 1536x2048, Kanon_Shizaki-1698499954031890765-apOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44515965
File: 479 KB, 1536x2048, Kanon_Shizaki-1698499954031890765-4pvR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44515968

She needs to put some weight on.

>> No.44516225

thats why shes eating ice cream

>> No.44516345

mimo caught a cold from her baby. what would you advise her?

>> No.44516397
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, maigo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all six maigo members
kudoharu gives no fucks, I love her

>> No.44516630

I think Day has Happy Synthesizer with the whole HayaCoco chin holding, and Night has Maware! Setsugetsuka, otherwise the setlists are the same.

They rushed MC duirng Day, and did it properly during the Night (with Takahashi Karin crying etc), probably because it was the first time they were doing Day/Night showing.

As for new songs, Hayacoco duet Kogetsu, Abyssmare cover of 儚くも永久のカナシ, and after MC the Groovy Mix theme song with all of them.

There was a white haired granny and her son? grandson? who attended both showings lol. She was in the first row during the Night.

>> No.44517325
File: 237 KB, 1536x2048, F5Jpd4SbkAAXNo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dork.

>> No.44517339

Picking mika-chan up like a little kid and spinning her around in the air!

>> No.44517569
File: 215 KB, 1369x2048, F46PD0dbMAAdS7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44517572

I want to see Amita towering the rest of the bushis again

>> No.44517612
File: 93 KB, 1334x750, EXgDkBiUYAAK2sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

164m Amita...

>> No.44517626
File: 102 KB, 885x1178, EjI5R6cUcAEPaW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44517647

That's about 112 metric Kaorins high

>> No.44517690
File: 329 KB, 1534x2048, Rimi_nsmt-1698578737401573860-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44517848

I haven't seen that joke in a long time, thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.44518051

Kaorin jokes are usually short lived

>> No.44518373

What are the odds Call of Artemis will actually be at the next D4Fes? I mean they aren't on any of the promo material/announcements, but yeah.
Nana's probably real expensive to get a hold of.

>> No.44518386
File: 384 KB, 1440x1800, CDDC3B7E-EA36-4EF2-A832-2A493CDC8A96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44518456

This has to be one of the worst shots I've ever seen of Hinata. Heh, couldn't they have at least used a better frame from the video?

>> No.44518470

Zero, they have eight units already, plus the Taoka VA said she was only going to work behind the scenes after Silent Siren was kill.

>> No.44518474

She is ugly but she could be commended for resisting the urge to bog herself like some girls from her agency.

>> No.44518496

ah she's really not that ulgly

>> No.44518516

She has a sexy body and can still look plenty cute with the right hair/makeup.

>> No.44518528

the least they can do is to invite Raychell, she seems to enjoy Shano

>> No.44518543

She seems to enjoy Merm4ids too.

>> No.44518569

Perfect Woman

>> No.44518873

Raychell always looks like she's having a ball hamming it up in character. I'm barely into D4DJ but all the clips I saw of her as Shano-P were hilarious.

>> No.44519377


Will they ever top May'n a cappella?

>> No.44519649
File: 174 KB, 1440x1440, rihonyan103-375193182_632009965624326_3604416537222934272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pit window

>> No.44519688

Rihonyan should just do a pb of pits poses

>> No.44519796
File: 398 KB, 1538x2048, EPXlj9XVUAEwGoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for Rihonyan's 5th DVD announcement. I guess it makes sense if she doesn't want to do gravure anymore though.

>> No.44519808
File: 118 KB, 960x1280, ERImczgVUAAzJfB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44519833

Why doesn't she want to do gravure no more?

>> No.44520025
File: 865 KB, 1536x2048, F5LQtrOakAAFhKb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute dork

>> No.44520190

I love Temma's nose!

>> No.44520222
File: 578 KB, 1169x1437, F5LUS0GbkAAv4Hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legs and midwiff wasted behind das DJ booth.

>> No.44520468

Why are DJs so cool?

>> No.44520919
File: 486 KB, 2800x1574, shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44520988

imagine the sex after the live

>> No.44521077

PB by 羊肉るとん when?

>> No.44521123
File: 200 KB, 2097x1639, F5LeyBwaAAAay3P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ave Mujica Go!!

>> No.44521136


Neo-sama songs in gurumiku when

>> No.44521188


Probably when Neo-sama's Macross game is out near end of this year.

>> No.44521262

It was delayed to January

>> No.44521279
File: 748 KB, 2048x1536, F4ca3PCaMAAv-Hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44521288

The May'n curse?!

>> No.44521301
File: 480 KB, 1536x2048, EI1qhqEU8AAlb1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they?

>> No.44521332

Perfect, Tsunko can introduce them.

>> No.44521351

disgusting and cringe

>> No.44521374
File: 84 KB, 660x440, 1579851459137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44521438

That reminded me
Amane's book sold surprisingly badly, less than 700 copies first week

>> No.44521512

fucking vile

>> No.44521526

That's what you get for a digital only release.

>> No.44521533
File: 70 KB, 660x440, 1579851421286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44521606


>> No.44521628

Needs to show more skin like those in the top 10

>> No.44521665

Can they get Tamura Yukari into D4DJ?

>> No.44521671


No code but check out the photographer''s other works.

>> No.44521751

>Nightly Amita pic

>> No.44521754
File: 532 KB, 1534x2048, 1693834020852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My queen

>> No.44521779
File: 492 KB, 1536x2048, eririn959-1698295046435639545-img4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My princess

>> No.44521837

Dommy princess...

>> No.44522193

Is that the Star of David on her ear? Is it something we need to read into?

>> No.44522241

The amount of stuff on her ear reminds me of this:

>> No.44522275

you know pegging is coming up next when she gives you that look

>> No.44522569

How you like that, Kidani you old senile fuck!

>> No.44522606
File: 406 KB, 2048x2048, There was an attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will try standing up again tomorrow

>> No.44522970

Japanese just think it's a cool symbol, no way it's anything deeper than that.

>> No.44523201

how are you so fucking new lmao

>> No.44523258
File: 380 KB, 1170x1560, F5MK3lTa4AAbbFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birthday Sophia (S)

>> No.44525339

does amita joining the same agency mean that sumipe will perform more business yuri in the future?

>> No.44525348

theyre both married

>> No.44525372

to each other

>> No.44526301
File: 465 KB, 1109x1479, jiena_gaim-utadoriofficial-1696483147037467034-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half the Abyssmare has birthday today

>> No.44526513

