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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44461800 No.44461800 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>44383683

>> No.44461885
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Love ended with Tiara x Rosetta. Elwero is my new ship.

>> No.44461903
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>> No.44461919

Now we need for the other girls

>> No.44463334

I returned to HBR and it felt like the game got easier but it might just be my imagination because I also got a ton of free growth mats to upgrade the latest units to push story

>> No.44463451

That's why I am waiting for properly difficulty adjusted, gacha free console version with the full story.

>> No.44463526
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Our favorite French gamer from CUE!

>> No.44463737
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>> No.44465269

Why did everyone stop talking about Aster? Did it get a thread on /vmg/?

>> No.44465304


Is Blue Reflection a sign of what is to come for gacha? Will we be getting a new censorship wave?

>> No.44465322

Just take the rating. It's not like children play these.

>> No.44465682

>a sign of what is to come
lol. lmao even.
wake up it is already 2023.

>> No.44465706
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What a fucking downgrade

>> No.44466114

BRS pantsu was posted

>> No.44466473
File: 3.07 MB, 1491x936, Censored Tatariqus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is one banner censored but the other one isn't?

>> No.44466492

I don't even know if those are pantsu to begin with or just show panties like what idols wear.

>> No.44466497

I'm getting worried. I feel like EK is going to EoS soon and I still haven't seen any pantsu collections or model rips anywhere.

>> No.44466505

I was under the impression more people had a negative leaning opinion on the game given the comments. It was day 1 so the number of people who care will drop.
Have a summary on Aster Tatariqus-
>Mixing 2D/3D elements. Some wanted it to be full 3D like in the battle cutscenes.
>Comparisons drawn to previous works like Sakura Ignoramus and Fire Emblem strike concerns for longevity
>Negative reviews being actively deleted
>Requirement to reach chapter 4 to do the real reroll is tedious
>Japanese complain the localization is bad and made for a global audience.
>Complaints about UI flaws but otherwise some players remain hopeful and will continue the game despite how they negatively feel right now
Now a censorship post here >>44466473

>> No.44466549

>full 3D
Why? I love the transition from 2D sprites to 3D. It reminds me of 3DS FE which are among my favorite games in the series.
Why would people compare it to FE as a negative? Is FE that disliked amongst gachafags?
April 6th is not chapter 4. Considering the game begins in April, it takes virtually almost no time to reach that point. It does make it worse for rerolling but at least the banner is permanent so she is guaranteed after 200 days. It's a lot better to just reroll for a god start with good gacha units than to reroll for Tyrfing.

Overall I think the game is really impressive and the only thing holding it back is it's gumishit.

>> No.44466606
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>not even one month in

>> No.44466614

Any comments about the voids?

>> No.44466673

It's still ok for a low budget game.

>> No.44466693

Why are people saying Aster is doomed? It had an even better start than WDS.

Though it's worth noting that the Danmachi game had an even better start than Aster and people on /mbgg/ are also saying that it's doomed too.

>> No.44466725

It's very hard for new games to survive in the post-Mihoyo world. Too much competition so they need to be of exceptional quality to keep users, being just good is not enough, otherwise people just go back to their old trusted games. Aster is a good game but is it superb enough to steal the Fire Emblem audience and keep itself alive? We'll see.

At least they learned from Sakura Ignoramus and the dailies can be done in one minute.

>> No.44466759

How many times are you going to spam this?

>> No.44466760

So you're saying that WDS is also doomed in the long-term? It doesn't seem to be rising up except when there are events and it already seems to be starting to stagnate.

>> No.44466872

Is that new hotness Aster game fully voiced?

>> No.44467003

Not me but people would rather spend money in a gacha that will live over a more risky one

>> No.44467271

Is he wrong? Unless it’s a cash grab gacha made from an existing IP nobody is going to pick up an original game when its production values are just inferior to big hitters like Genshin and Uma.

>> No.44467294
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Damn my luck is really popping off

>> No.44467298

Aster isn’t an original IP though, it imports pretty much the entire PoK playerbase.

>> No.44467377

how's a gacha supossed to compete if you don't have a very large investment?

>> No.44467412

>production values
kek, horseshitfags get the rope.

>> No.44468415

You don't
That's the point

>> No.44468493

companies are unironically giving up on gacha, the very nature of the genre means that unless you are super fancy and shiny people will always go back to their old games from 2016 instead. Look at how much money FGO still generates even though its incredibly cheap and the content schedule is down the shitter

>> No.44468582

Bro, the highest grossing gacha launched in 2020?

>> No.44468589

Should amend that to domestic Japanese companies only.
Japanese companies understand their domestic game market less than Chinese and Korean companies do at this point somehow.

>> No.44468635

Japanese companies are hopelessly behind the trends at almost everything, it's not a surprise that they are getting beaten on their own home turf.

>> No.44468852

What laws are preventing Japanese from making their own genshins?
From what I have seen, Japanese would rather make their Genshin a console game for safter return on investment.

>> No.44468889

If it's a console game, they can just release it, and maybe a few DLCs for it and move on with their next project.
If it's something like genshin they will have to commit their team to develop regular updates and contents for it, so unless they are sure it's going to be a massive hit, it looks like a very risky move that could backfire hard.
alas, they have no balls and resources.

>> No.44468907

Risk aversion prevents Japanese companies from investing sufficient money into competing on the high end (the so-called “muh Genshin production values” market niche).

Actual respect for IP law prevent them from competing on the low end. You need to negotiate extensively with the numerous parties who already have their hands in the pie for an existing IP to release a mobile game cash grab. As the market’s patience for these kinds of cash grabs grows increasingly thin the possible profit margins also drastically shrink as well.
Meanwhile low-end small Chinese developers can just operate in the grey area and say fuck it to all these restrictions and just blatantly steal a popular IP and blatantly steal existing game assets to reskin and sell with disingenuous ads and focus almost their entire (tiny) budget on game production and advertisement instead of paying for negotiating and licensing the IP, thus their wiggle room for profit is still considerably more comfortable even as people get tired of their shit.

>> No.44468949

Isn't Japan's strict copyright laws also one reason as to why they lost to KPop? Japan still doing takedowns and for a long time, not allowing photography at concerts, and not putting Japanese music on streaming, while KPop saw fan uploads and fan photos as free advertising and embraced streaming.

>> No.44469073

>Twitter taken over by a different management
>Kpop instantly disappeared from Japanese Twitter trends and rankings
At least Genshin's popularity isn't this fake.

>> No.44469099

I can't believe fucking Magikarp Jump outlived and outlasted Lapis.

>> No.44469207
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>> No.44469386

China can treat their workers like literal human garbage
Japan can also do that, but the only thing preventing a lawsuit is the employee having no balls.

One import factor is also that it is incredibly easy for Chinese games to be released in Japan, While Japanese games getting releases in China is a massive pain in the ass because the CCP controls everything.

>> No.44469422

Reminds me that Lapis was kill because the Chinese developer Shengqu could not release the game in their own country in time.

>> No.44469492

Show us a Lapis song with as much soul

>> No.44469573

Couldn't they have gotten a Japanese developer instead, THEN release in China later?

>> No.44469904
File: 79 KB, 374x357, F8E2FC63-CD42-4B7F-9B6F-4AC63DE82382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asterbros, we got too cocky…

>> No.44469937

That's what happens when you have a yuri icon

>> No.44469944

The power of black voids...

>> No.44470184

>game takes too long to play daily, unsuitable as mobage
>story is gibberish and you can't skip it
>nips seem to really hate the guy who is the game main producer.
Next Sakura Ignoramus?

>> No.44470263

>nips seem to really hate the guy who is the game main producer.
Can you elaborate? Were the black voids his idea?

>Next Sakura Ignoramus?
You'd have to fuck up big time to fail as hard as Sakura Ignoramus. Plus it already debuted in the Top 100, so that should be enough to at least not make it die within the next two months.

>> No.44470378

I mentioned Sakura Ignoramus because he was also the producer of that game. I haven't played any of his games so I have no idea why nips hate him that much. Maybe the people who played a lot of gumi games would know better.

>> No.44470386

Not sure about the black voids but back during Sakura Ignoramus release the producer was apparently full of himself about how the game was gonna compete against FGO.

>> No.44470919

>main heroines are a literal who from PoK who is now your little sister and literally Guinevere who is literally still married to Arthur in this game so one giant cuck simulator
Doomed to fail. The nips are shitting on ImaiP ultra hard for his slimy play of putting 4* Tyrfing shards fucking everywhere as mission rewards but putting the actual 4* Tyrfing in the paid shop so you can’t use them unless you pony up some cash to try to squeeze some cash out of the Tyrfing simps before this game crashes and burns in a month like Sakura Ignoramus

>> No.44471040

>pointless feature bloat
>that entire gacha system
If the nips had more backbone they would have to take the app off the store

>> No.44471575

Wish nips shat on Mihoyo etc harder than on their own brethrens.

>> No.44471640

What has Mihoyo done wrong?

>> No.44471872

You don't have to worry about it, nips have their own anti-chink/gook squads that go around and shit on anything that isn't their glorious domestic made kusoge anon, They also treat Cygames as their lord and savior who will save Japan market from the evil chinks.

>> No.44471961

>/mbgg/ went from liking Aster to shitting on it
What went wrong?

>> No.44472207

The banners with the exclusive characters are straight up just offensive:
>200 rolls pity
>paid only gems
>1 free daily single
>tickets don't count towards pity
Low ass rates and not even 4* guarantee on 10 rolls in general.
Afk progession system that nickle and dimes you:
>only 3 units per team unless you buy more slots
>can only store 25 itmes unless you buy more space
Also the 4* Tyrfing situation that >>44470919 mentions.
I straight up thought the unit exchange for shards is bugged until I checked the shop, that's how often her shards were given as quest rewards.
Finally story pacing and all the different enhancment systems make the game feel unnecessarily bloated.
Bar the pacing everything could be fixed but it's Gumi, they will milk it and just kill it.

>> No.44472217

>no content
>shit gacha rate while 95% new characters are limited
>RNG grind
>worse Anni rewards than most JP games

>> No.44472330

Didn't it debut at #1 in some category?

>> No.44472351

So is no one judging Aster by its quality as a mobile game or is it all poorfag seethe from some SEAnigger who is mad he'll have to use this month's salary to afford 4* Tyrfing?

>> No.44472412

>"free" game popularity
You should be very worried if you don't reach first place there on launch.

>> No.44472493

Also for some reason the free 5* they give to you doesn't have a skill.

>> No.44472555

>ranged character that can hit from 4 squares away while still being able to double
She doesn't need a skill.

>> No.44473175
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I've seen nips laughing at pic related, is that Aster?

>> No.44473226

you cant like games here unless they are on their deathbed

>> No.44473545

nothing, they think consoles will save them in the post gacha world lmao

>> No.44473734

Yeah it is lmao, totally original and not taken from HBR.
Just like Sakura Ignoramus didn't copy PowerPro

>> No.44474112
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I thought Aster Tatariqus was a censored game?

>> No.44474313

Applehammer incoming

>> No.44474403

Hard to say until 1st event although Sakura Ignoramus EoS before they did an event at all.

>> No.44474923

Aster is just one big pakurifest in general.
The Heaven Burns Red comparisons aren’t unwarranted, life sims with schedule-based gameplay aren’t anything new and Persona is most well known for it right now but the particular format Aster chose to go with is just blatantly lifted directly from HBR, with nips particularly screenshotting the part where the MC wakes up when a new day starts ad infinitum and posting it all over Twitter with これまじヘブバンw comments. Except unlike HBR, the life sim vs battle gameplay pacing is whack and most importantly, the GAME ISN’T FULLY VOICED LIKE HBR so it’s being mocked as not even being able to copy the good points of the games it’s rolling off correctly.

The fire is being fed by people insisting on comparing it to Sakura Ignoramus which doesn’t help matters. Chiefly the complaint that the gameplay pacing is ass for a mobile game and the same “I shouldn’t have to sit through 20 minutes life/training sim filler to play 5 minutes of SRPG gameplay which is what everyone is actually here for. Also, the plot hook for the future segment of the game is basically exactly the same as Sakura Ignoramus’s which is basically the same as FGO’s first arc so it’s drawing fire on that front as well.

Of course the lion’s share of the game is actually a direct ripoff of Fire Emblem with some new systems from the 3DS series as well as Three Houses being added on top of all the Phantom of Kill modifications to the gameplay it’s added over the years but the thing is everyone walked in expecting that already so only extremely casual players who never touched fgg’s previous games are complaining about that. In fact people seem to be more annoyed it’s not more similar to PoK/classic FE in general and that the billion additional stat upgrade systems they added are overly complicated and bloat the game.

>> No.44474984

>last thread was “I love Aster Tatariqus! I love Tyrfing! Sex with Laevateinn!”

>> No.44475189

It's funny because left is a sexy girl (you) and right is literally (you) lol

>> No.44475296

But right isn’t literally (you), it’s some poor sap living in the past that’s getting prodded into making questionable decisions by (you), a Japanese high school girl living in the far future vicariously living his life to stop the apocalypse from happening.

>> No.44475320

So you're playing as someone playing as someone? Quite meta.

>> No.44475423
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>> No.44475449

>story progression is permanent in Aster, can’t reset and unfuck your progress
>route split is permanent too, you permanently lock yourself out of two powerful units
>can’t even rewatch parts of the story you skipped (which everyone is doing because they want to just get to the gameplay already)
It’s fucking [current year]
What are these dinosaur ass gameplay design decisions from the Stone Age

>> No.44475615

So the black voids did curse Aster after all?

>> No.44475620

>You should be very worried if you don't reach first place there on launch.
WDS only managed to reach #2. So I guess WDS should be even more worried?

>> No.44475672

gotta admit that is pretty stupid and funny for a game showboating its massive story on release

>> No.44475783

You'll be able to go back in the story after you beat it... soon... eventually

Meanwhile any whales who just skipped to the end are just fucked right now.

>> No.44476000
File: 79 KB, 695x687, 404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer until 404 404's?

>> No.44476019

Speaking of 404, I just noticed that it's actually doing better than Engage Kill. Jesus Christ.

>> No.44476254
File: 567 KB, 1920x1080, puyo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half anniversary soon assuming it isn’t ongoing right now since they’re doing free pulls. pacman event soon and puyo puyo later

>> No.44476264
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>> No.44476274
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>> No.44476275

>Puyo Puyo Inorin
>Pac-Man HanaKana
Man they're desperate to breathe life into it aren't they?

>> No.44476286
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>> No.44476423

Enemies are allowed to be as sexy as possible but not playable characters, it's a thing even in Genshin.

>> No.44476799

Among the following, which is the likely order of death?

>Engage Kill

>> No.44476841

I dropped 100k yen into Aster so I bought it another day of life before EoS. Doomfaggots blown the fuck out

>> No.44476867

Engage Kill (eos on 1 year anniversary)
D4DJ Groovy Mix (eos after D4FES Xross mugen Beat)
WDS (eos on 1st anniversary)
Aster (eos on 1st anniversary)
404 (lives on SMT gacha)

>> No.44476878

Be honest /mbgg/: when Lapis first launched (the game) did you all expect it to not even last a year, or did you all expect it to at least make it to its first anniversary?

>> No.44476888

EoS after Yuzuriha birthday

>> No.44476977

People only started saying that several months after launch, I'm asking about the time it had just launched. I was already in these threads back then but my memory of that time is hazy and I don't recall that many people talking about how long they thought it would last.

>> No.44477761
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>> No.44478552

I miss CUE

>> No.44479312
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, Geki×chu×mai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still want 404 to collab w/ at least chunithm or ongeki before pulling the plug

>> No.44479423
File: 89 KB, 576x576, nobody asked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D4DJ Groovy Mix has contents from GekiChuMai if that's what you are looking for.

>> No.44479510

yes both that and Project Sekai have their songs included w/c is nice
what I meant was 404's contents for those arcade games

>> No.44479695

Imagine making an entire new idol game franchise.
Imagine making an entire anime to promote it.
Imagine hiring so many VAs and making so many units.
Imagine actually making it look good, both the anime and the game.
Imagine banking your entire company on this game.
Imagine seeing that game die in less than a year and the franchise dying with it.
Imagine seeing fucking Magikarp Jump outlast and outlive your franchise.

>> No.44480073
File: 1.93 MB, 1942x2102, PrinzEugen_5_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blue Oath is finally dead.
I guess it's the end of the only ship girl kusoge I play.

>> No.44480249

Another one bites the dust

>> No.44480282

I thought Chinese mobage are invincible

>> No.44480403

nobody has ever said that
more chinese shovelware dies in a month than japanese games do in a year

>> No.44480556

Serious question: would Lapis have survived had it launched the same year as the anime, like what IP and WDS did?

>> No.44481268


>> No.44481328

Do you know the artist of this semen demon?

>> No.44481576

Did anyone even know this exists?

>> No.44481694
File: 1.19 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230724_172429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know which game is on a permanent collab mode with O.N.G.E.K.I?

>> No.44484006
File: 79 KB, 640x359, puGzmEGe0EVNXLyQQ5JVNsFEj2MINioVpiG3SYtZb9n5rZLtiF6yrcVEzjSUilLW8YacJ9vcBErN4Hys_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon Kisara half-anniversary unit
Damn, my gem reserves are almost gone after swimsuit Kisara. Dont want to miss out on demon pantsu...

>> No.44484315

EOS soon?

>> No.44484634

Why didn't swimsuit Kisara save EK?

>> No.44485230

>Aster discussion is already dead
If it's dead here would it even survive in /vmg/

>> No.44485237


>> No.44485294

Blame the black voids

>> No.44485295

Exactly one year and one day ago, Lapis announced it was dying.

>> No.44485307

vmg threads can go on for several months

>> No.44485315

I miss LINE Pangya

>> No.44485414

/vmg/ is slow as molasses, there are super old "generals" for games that died months ago.

>> No.44485742

>there are super old "generals" for games that died months ago.
Such as?

>> No.44485852

Dragalia Lost

>> No.44485891

Even a year doesn't seem too uncommon.
Though I'm only seeing a few 11-monthers up right now.

>> No.44485945

Oddly enough, the gacha sub actually seems to like Aster. I wonder why.

>> No.44486178
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>> No.44486525

Pantsu status?

>> No.44486647

There's a Revived Witch thread.

>> No.44486688
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>> No.44487005

I see nothing

>> No.44487114

That's the joke

>> No.44487467

I was asking seriously

>> No.44487593
File: 55 KB, 1077x448, konofan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on with KonoFan?

>> No.44487939

Not enough bikinis and yuri

>> No.44487962

Didn't it have a couple of canon dykes?

>> No.44488821

Everything is dying.

>> No.44490270

Please don't kill Engage Kill yet

>> No.44490294
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Wanted for murdering multiple mix media franchises.

>> No.44490442

'post gacha world' rolls off the tongue better though

>> No.44491660

another global version eos while the jp version is still ongoing https://twitter.com/sinoaliceglobal/status/1697527216274546817
pacman has void

>> No.44491750

Black voids are currently /mbgg/'s myboom.

>> No.44491811
File: 85 KB, 1234x521, Takt Flop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point in playing new kusoge when all of them seem to be flopping? I want to keep playing Aster but it doesn't seem like it'll last even a year.

Is there even any gacha released in the past 6 months that is able to stay in the top 100 for more than a week?

>> No.44491874

What's so special about TOP 100?

>> No.44491884

What's the point in playing new kusoge when all of them seem to censor panties?

>> No.44491930

star rail lmao

>> No.44492039

We are eating good, hetcisscumbros...

>> No.44492094

Maybe more games should make retarded ads featuring Natasha the underground doctor on Youtube

>> No.44492210

The Instagram and tik tok ads heavily feature the male cast, the thirst if off the charts

>> No.44492963

EK has PTD soul, it will outlive aster, world gai star towa and other overrated games that will have eos announced while EK lives on.

>> No.44494723

danmachi has hestia pantsu. don’t know about the other girls but also has males

>> No.44494744

Play EK please, Kisara and her pantsu need love.

>> No.44495472

>Takt Op's August sales figures dropped by 80% compared to the previous month.
Damn will they be able to recover from this?

>> No.44495506

What kept PTD going is it having one of the best and lewdest costume and photo modes there is. Most players at least wanted having at least those in an offline mode when it died.

>> No.44495515

Why did it die if it has everything /mbgg/ ever wanted?

>> No.44495615

SE never even really cared about it anon. They never promoted it to the point that they didn't even list PTD in their mobage list in Tokyo Game Show among other events.

>> No.44495743

Any Idoly pantsu mods yet?

>> No.44495876

Nobody plays Idoly so we will never know.

>> No.44498095


>> No.44498119

Where do you find mobage mods?

>> No.44499704

Are they even a thing?

>> No.44500216

Only for really big games like Genshin and Star Rail.

>> No.44500271

These are PC games

>> No.44500304
File: 341 KB, 1200x630, aef7b743-f23a-4f0e-a815-3850a7666f2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockchain game is the new hotness in Japan

That's because some people managed to make private servers for that kusoge

>> No.44500399

autists were already creating weird mini game with drag assets (Lily from Granblue) back when the game was still running

>> No.44501516

It's depressing to see dead mobage turn into lost media. All those voices, all those art, all those stories, lost forever.

>> No.44501541

and all that money dropped into gacha lmao no refunds!

>> No.44502206

It's same as dropping money into food

>> No.44504527


>> No.44504652

I'd say it's more akin to dropping money into cinemas or karaokes or arcades

>> No.44505534

>Aster still in the Top 100 all week
Is it actually doing well or is it just the honeymoon period

>> No.44505627

Global version will save Aster.

>> No.44506226

sort of since people havent finished the story yet also they released a swimsuit of the main girl

>> No.44506372

So once the honeymoon is over that's when we expect the rankings to crater?

>> No.44506407

you have to be some level of fucked up if you're not in the top 100 for your first week
expect it to fall since there's a supposedly complete story and god knows what they're going to do for future content

>> No.44506432

Xenologue like Fire Emblem.

>> No.44506514 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 947x1024, IMG_8631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell? I thought Only Jap gacha and Nikke has bikini. While Chink gacha and 99% of Korean gacha like Blue Archive has no actual bikini.
Despite Kishida has banned bikini from Japan in 2022 summer like anime and Jap console games.
I thought Jap gacha would get a pass on bikinis for being irrelevant according to Nakaido. But was Jap gacha not grey zone anymore? Will Jap gacha get burkas like bottom as swimsuit later? (FGO in 2022 and IMAS;SC was like bottom though)

>> No.44506536

>Check my favorite music game (otoge)
>Didn't pass 6000 万円 / month again

>> No.44506537 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_8621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Bushiroad kneel to woke too? Kidani is conservative and hates SDGs/ESG shit. Bushiroad is only Based Japanese entertainment company now.
Hope bushiroad games to make Senran Kagura/DoA like with Bandori chars, with Popipa,Roselia,afterglow,HHW,morf as basic roster, Pasupare and Mygo as DLC. Available on Switch,XSX/S and Steam.(not PS for censorship)

>> No.44506546

The key is staying small and under the radar.
Bandori is flirting with death with these stunts.

>> No.44506565 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 633x1680, IMG_8547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bushiroad is quite noble for not involving in SDGs/ESG garbages unlike Bandai,Koei,Capcom,SQEX.

>> No.44506584 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 3102x5282, IMG_8815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought no Jap gacha have censorship issue, and thought only Jap gacha and Nikke can have bikini for Blue archive has no actual bikini this year, only rashguard(no westerner wear this burkini) and one pieced swimsuit.
Because Jap gacha gets a pass from Kishida's SDGs censorship for being irrelevant unlike anime and Jap console which got bikini banned in 2022 summer.
I thought there is no ethical department in Jap gacha.

>> No.44506588

Their D4DJ has a transvestite and two confirmed lesbians.

>> No.44506604 [DELETED] 

These are casual homo like inmu and trap. Not ESG shit like LGBT. Yuri is not LGBT.

Datte datte a mujou from LL predicted the world ravaged by wokism.
信じたものを求め、地の果てまで行く日 implies Cancel culture.

>> No.44506630 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 850x637, IMG_8736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Japan used to make some great games like persona 5,dark souls 3,FFXIV,FF7R,BoTW,Animals crossing,Sekiro,Nier Automata,Xenoblade 2,DE,Super smash bros uli, Lost judgement, Nioh 2,Like a dragon 7,MH world,RE 7, Judge eyes,Death stranding and DMC5,(according to metacritics)
from 2017 to early 2020, but how can they fall so soon like Sandcastle and gets mogged by Hoyoverse so easily, for having no good game with metascore higher than genshin(81-84) since 2021?

MH Rise,PSO2:NGS,FF origin, Soul hackers 2,FE engage,Wild hearts, Wo long,FFXVI and SD gundam Battle alliance and Armored Core 6has shown the fall of the Japanese game. And so does Shin Megami Tensei 5, which was just an utter garbage. Even Worse, Honkai starrail ,Zenless zone zero and Lies of P will mog any Japanese video games.
Genshin,Starrail,Lies of P,Scarlet desert,Black Myth Wukong and Zenless zone Zero reduces DMC5,Dark souls 3,Sekiro, FFXIV,MHW,Elden ring,RE4,ToTK into a mediocre shovelware.

Elden ring was just a Fraud garbage like Cyberpunk because of shit optimization.
Xenoblade 3 is a Metascore manipulated because Japanese dev have inferiority complex on genshin so they manipulated metacritics like TLOU2.

At least we West still develop good game like Avowed, MS flying sim, D4 and OW2,Halo infinity, AoE4,Elder scrolls 6,STARFIELD,Modern warfare 2,BG3,MK1,Remnant 2.
BG3 and Starfield is genshin destroyer.
Phil Fish was right. Japan has no where to stand in gaming.

Japanese games are dead. The time is for Chinese game, scarlet desert and lies of P.
Any Japanese game since 2021 with higher metascore than Genshin(81-84)?

>> No.44506633

Thanks for calming me down. I almost thought I was supporting ESG by playing D4DJ Groovy Mix.

>> No.44506647 [DELETED] 
File: 798 KB, 631x1680, IMG_8552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite it made Japanese gacha get bikini allowed for being irrelevant. Kishida banned bikini from anime and console game in 2022 summer, which is Japan's strength.

>> No.44506657 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 400x567, IMG_8601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about bikini? Only Jap gacha can have them. Japanese gacha gets strong in summer because Chinese gacha and 99% Korean gacha have no bikini. Except for Nikke. Are bikinis not Jap gacha exclusive?

>> No.44506673 [DELETED] 

But only Japanese gacha can have bikini. But 99% of Korean gacha like Burka archive(2023) and Brown dust 3,epic7 cannot. And No Chink gacha has bikini.
So Japanese gacha gets advantage on summer for having bikini. No Chink gacha has bikini. It is only media of Japan which allows bikini now, sadly...though.

>> No.44506685

North Korea makes better games.

>> No.44506692 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x368, IMG_8835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Japanese gacha can have bikini at least.
No wonder why genshin couldn't be a generational game to Japanese,
unlike Apex,Valorant,Splatoon,Pokemon,MH and Mario kart. Genshin is even mogged by Maplestory and DFO in China.


Man, Hoyoverse is not even on this list. Is it really a Kurofune to Japanese game industry? DFO from Neople earns more than Mihoyo.

>> No.44506711 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 724x1024, IMG_8674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bikini in swimsuit event is which Korean and Chinese gacha cannot do. Except for Nikke. Cuz' blue archive has no bikini, just like genshin. No Jap gacha has censorship issue unlike Korean and Chinese one which lacks bikini.

>> No.44506726 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 1528x1016, IMG_8475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Korean and Chinese gacha doesn't have swimsuit event. Genshin,Limbus and BA having no actual bikini is proof(Nikke is mechanical so doesn't count). Japanese gacha gets advantage on summer because only Jap gacha can have bikini. Bikini is their patent.

>> No.44506740 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 851x595, IMG_8419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But only Japanese gacha can have bikini. Sex sells in weeb gacha. That's why Jap gacha gets advantage in summer.
No Korean and Chinese gacha has bikini. Proof: Blue archive,Limbus company,Epic7,and Genshin and Arknot having no bikini.

>> No.44506741

bikini loli (JK) ouhhhhhhh

>> No.44506755 [DELETED] 
File: 891 KB, 800x1423, IMG_8233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*But Korean and Chinese gacha doesn't have bikini in swimsuit event

>> No.44506772 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 724x1024, IMG_8508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Japanese gacha can have bikini. Bikini is Japanese gacha exclusive. Just like Bloodborne is Playstation exclusive.
For Blue archvie,Limbus company and Genshin has no bikini.

>> No.44506786
File: 324 KB, 1036x1842, bwitchss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only Japanese gacha can have bikini
chinese games can have them but only if you're irrelevant

>> No.44506794 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 500x500, IMG_8228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Korean and Chinese gacha has no bikini, as we can see from Blue archive, Limbus company,Genshin,Epic7,Arknot and other. How to fap with Korean and Chinese gacha if it has no bikini?

Only Japanese gacha can have bikini.

>> No.44506806 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1920, IMG_8503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bikini out of trend?

>> No.44506934
File: 2.31 MB, 1240x1754, IMG_8708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did BA abandon Bikini this year? Korea doesn't have SDGs shit for having 5000 years of history and root-deep tradition and belief...

>> No.44506940
File: 1.62 MB, 720x1080, df06553253e56b77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, censoring card art is not a new thing around the world of mobage. See this censored Shiritsu Grimoire Mahou Gakuen card art for example. This is a game that started service in 2014 and ended seven years later.
See more of the art here: https://seesaawiki.jp/grimoire/d/%a1%da%bd%a4%c0%b5%c2%d0%be%dd%a1%dbSSR/SSR%2b

>> No.44506976

In addition, It's on Apple's call that they want the developers to censor the art of that and Blue Reflection Sun's. If you own an Android Device, this issue will have no effect, right?
Although I believe the censored arts of Grimoire were carried over to Grimoire Refrain if screencaps were true.

>> No.44507002
File: 175 KB, 600x848, IMG_8231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Japanese gacha won't have censorship issue.
For only Jap gacha can have bikini(despite Anime and Jap console game got bikini banned in 2022 summer by Kishida but Japanese gacha are irrelevant so they got pass, according to Nakaido) no Korean and Chinese gacha has bikini except for Nikke.

>> No.44507044

Depends on if the devs are lazy. Luckily Apple and Google don't demand content parity with each other, unlike Microsoft and Sony.

>> No.44507058

What the fuck, who summoned Bikinischizo?

>> No.44507060

But Xbox doesn't censor unlike Snoy. That's why Persona ran to Xbox to not get bikinis censored. P5R has Futaba's bikini not censored in Remaster. Why did Almighty icon got changed in P5R remaster though, from Sun to Spiral?

>> No.44507064

Yeah but they demand content parity with each other. Also Xbox banned Gal Gun remake.

>> No.44507078

After the return of Amita and all the non-/jp/ schizoshit coming true, I am starting to think those clocks get it right more than 2 times a day.

>> No.44507084

What the fuck is going on here? Is Bikinischizo talking to himself or did someone summon him and is feeding him?

>> No.44507151
File: 94 KB, 742x1024, IMG_8679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Japanese gacha lose their bikini too? It is only for Jap gacha, and Korean and Chink gacha have no bikini.
Proof:Blue archive,Limbus company,Genshin have no bikini.

>> No.44507236
File: 271 KB, 1528x1016, D4DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as bikinis?

>> No.44507289

If it is sleeveless, maybe would be count as bikini garb.

>> No.44507297
File: 289 KB, 1528x1016, Bikini Garb.jpg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks sleeveless to me

>> No.44507307
File: 80 KB, 850x1180, IMG_8666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Kuma-san would be better than goats because BG3 showed that bears are cute onaholes.

>> No.44507361

Who is cute onahole, womyn or goat? Bestiality is new norm.

>> No.44507380

Collab sex when? Bandori even did with Revue Starlight. Is D4DJ too lowly for them?

>> No.44507396

What in the world is all of this autism today? It's more than usual.

>> No.44507402

Lazy sunday

>> No.44507580
File: 319 KB, 1528x1016, F5EGvOvasAACJak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like cute girls

>> No.44507631 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 600x338, IMG_8230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese and Korean gacha cannot have this type of costume. Nikke doesn't count for being not biological.
See blue archive having no bikini this year, only one peiced swimsuit and burka like ugly rashguard, which are unfappable.

>> No.44507981 [DELETED] 
File: 870 KB, 950x1440, IMG_8685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite funny that no one calls Blue archive "censored" despite it has no actual bikini this year and only Ugly rashguard and one pieced swimsuit which no one would fap with.

>> No.44508238
File: 72 KB, 800x360, BlueArchive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually because Blue Archive did have bikinis and other shit this year that no one complains though anon.

>> No.44508447
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, Konami....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shouldn't have allowed D4DJ in the OP.

>> No.44508532

>his posts still haven't been nuked
Oh come on. I know /jp/ moderation isn't the greatest, but in other boards he would have been gone by now.

>> No.44509133

I'm bored of Aster Tataranus. What's the next kusoge we're going to play? Will the Atelier gacha be good?

>> No.44509539 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 600x338, IMG_8422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanako's ugly rashguard(in my standard, this is definitely rashguard. Not bikini.) looks like semi burka though. No one faps with this. Pic rel is how actual bikini should be. Not the burka like this ugly rashguard shirt.
Rashguard is for toddler(didn't meant for physical age considering trans-age),coward and beta.
Bikini is mature, and for brave and alpha.
Bikini stands for swimsuit consists of Bra and loincloth like part.
BA proved that only Jap gacha can have bikini in swimsuit event. No Korean and Chinese gacha have bikini(except for Nikke),

>> No.44509562 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 827x1414, IMG_8625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least only Jap gacha can have bikini.

No Korean gacha and Chinese gacha can have bikini. Except for Nikke.
Proof: Blue archive,Limbus company, Genshin. Their "swimsuit" event's "swimsuit" is all burkas. No actual bikini.
How to fap with Korean and Chinese gacha if they lack bikini?

>> No.44509593 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 850x621, IMG_8675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is genshin-level burka. This is how actual bikini looks like. No Korean and Chinese gacha have this type of swimsuit.

>> No.44509626 [DELETED] 


>> No.44509650 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz Korean and Chinese gacha have no bikini. For Jap gacha, it is only media where bikini is allowed in Japan now, for Kishida banned bikini from anime and Jap console games. But Jap gacha gets a pass for being irrelevant(According to Nakaido).

>> No.44510957

So when do we expect Aster's ranks to go the Takt route?

>> No.44510997

Isnt Takt op doing super well?

>> No.44511064

Shite Post is going to save this general. Trust ze plan idolbros.

>> No.44511173

Why aren't they doing more Lives while the game is being developed? Lapis did more lives virtually during COVID than Shine Post at this point.

>> No.44511232

Maybe it is because they are improving the gameplay of the average idol game. The game is going to be so good its going to kill horseshit in a week.

>> No.44511398 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1024x812, IMG_8862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because no Korean and Chinese gacha have bikini. Proof: BA has no actual bikini this year. Only ugly rashguard(including Hanako) and one pieced swimsuit. No one would fap over these.
It proved that Only Japanese gacha can have bikini. Despite it is only Japanese media where bikini is allowed for Kishida banned bikini from Japan like anime and Jap console game. Jap gacha gets a pass for being irrelevant according to nakaido.

Bikini is only in Japanese gacha. Jap gacha made bikini in swimsuit event. Right?

>> No.44511452 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 947x1024, IMG_8631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Only Japanese gacha can have a bikini?
No Korean and Chinese gacha have bikini(For Nikke, doesn't count for being mechanical).

Proof? Blue archive has no actual bikini. Only Ugly rashguard and one pieced swimsuit as "swimsuit" this year.
And Limbus company and Genshin are proof that No Chink and Korean gacha have bikini too.
Japanese gacha had no censorship issue unlike Korean and Chinese gacha. For they get a pass for being irrelevant according to Kishida, while Anime and Jap console game gets bikini banned since 2022 summer.

Top is swimsuit event in Jap gacha, Bottom is Korean and Chinese gacha.

>> No.44511835

I had a steep drop in sales on August compared to July.

>> No.44512048

D4DJfag should just fuck off to /vmg/

>> No.44512196

I have a good feeling the console version will have gacha. If KEY made the game I would get your point but they did not.
Nobody chooses to make less money. Especially Wright Flyer Studios. It's more likely to become 'lost media' because of the WFS partnership.

>> No.44512567

Konami has decided to spend budget suing Uma instead, not a bad play with a good chance of return in the post gacha world

>> No.44512631

Japanese people don't play mobage for the gameplay

>> No.44514101

Idol rhythm games aren't known for their innovative and diverse gameplay. This is why the island monkeys love them so much, all of them are the same reskinned garbage.

Shite Post is not only the same reskinned garbage, it also only has ugly goblins as the main roster. It is bound to be a great success no matter of what.

>> No.44514295

I am not playing BRS anymore.
160 rolls and I have only rolled spooky random characters. Hinako is simply not happening.
That said 160 rolls in 4 days is a lot.
Highly recommended for fun gacha times.

>> No.44514739

Why give up now? You still have 40 rolls left to mercy her

>> No.44515274

Anon there's still 11 days left in the event. You can get 11 free rolls from the event + 6 from PvP and the rest you can get from doing tower if you haven't already.

>> No.44515750

Why isn't Shine Post out yet?

>> No.44515897

Is CUE! back yet?

>> No.44515934

CUE! will live on in ONGEKI...

>> No.44515972


>> No.44516138

They have CUE! songs, what's there to explain
Does SEGA publish their songs through Pony Canyon or something? Seems weird having both Re:Stage and CUE collab with ONGEKI, even if only one of them was a full collab with cards and special 3D models and it wasn't with CUE

>> No.44516257

Why did they shut down CUE! anyway? I thought the anime did just fine for a mobage ad, even more than Hachinai or Lapis.

>> No.44516272

not him, but i don't think there is any law. they just don't have the technical expertise to produce something like genshin.
not that it's technically impressive in the first place on a global scale when it comes to video games, but compared to the standard png collectors that japs put out, it is

>> No.44516278

IIRC the game shut down (or at least entered one of those "maintenances") before the anime even finished airing
Or was it before it started airing at all?

>> No.44516282

It's been three years and I still can't help but wonder if Baton Relay would still be alive today had it not been for the pandemic, or if it was just doomed from the start and would probably still be already dead now.

>> No.44516350

It was shut down about a year before the anime aired. In fact at the time people wondered why they even shut down the game if the anime hadn't aired yet. It was meant to be a temporary end of service but less than a month after the anime ended they said they were ending the whole thing. Feels like a rug pull if you ask me.

>> No.44516359

>Sold out to the CCP
>Inconsistent writing
>Lack of interacting with your characters in a genre where the whole point is collecting characters you like
>Heavily timegated in absolutely everything
>Slow banner cycles
>No season themed events
>No holiday themed events (xmas/new year/halloween/valentine's/etc)
>No skins
>Mandated chinawank in story
>No content compared to other gachas (m-muh 3D is not an excuse)
>Extreme laziness and disregard for user QOL improvement requestions
>Removed daily in-game login bonuses and put it on some external website because they need more internet traffic I guess
Arguably a lot of whats in that list is primarily due to the first point, but whatever. They also seem to have figured out a successful formula with Genshit, and they will NEVER try anything creative anymore or stray too far from it. Their content-out:money-in ratio is abysmal now, probably the worst of any gacha company in the business. I loved Mihoyo back in the HI3 days. After Genshin, they've been all downhill. It really baffles me how Japan simply refuses to make a proper Genshin/Star Rail "killer" that honors standard gacha traditions, because it sure as shit isn't going to come out of China.

>> No.44516393

What rug is there to pull if the anime newcomers had no game to waste money on
They basically had the equivalent of a seasonal moe anime except with way more image/character songs

>> No.44516993

I mean promising the game would return, keeping up the facade for over a year until the anime aired, then going "sorry, we're not coming back after all!" within a month after the anime finished.

>> No.44517053

no refunds lmao
lmao that's the primary reason that we're in a post gacha world, where rentseeking production companies are more interested in getting whales to spend on their low effort copycat gacha and the others are looking to an extent running back to console or investing in anything but gacha

>> No.44518135

Did anyone here even play CUE

>> No.44518190

peefag did

>> No.44518347 [DELETED] 

Because Steam is better platform for Japanese games. and it is best platform for gaming now for PS will be finished off by MS buying Blizz. Steam has no Chink game. And No gacha in steam. (GBO2 doesn't count as soshage)

>> No.44518374 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x368, IMG_8835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder why Genshin couldn't be a generational game(国民ゲーム,국민게임) level like Apex,Valo,Splatoon,Pokemon,MH, smash bros,DBD,Mario kart. and these are not even mobile games.

>> No.44518455

>Lack of interacting with your characters in a genre where the whole point is collecting characters you like
Gacha is not a genre.

>> No.44518571

>PS will be finished off by MS buying Blizz.
lmao, as long as hoyoverse titles continue being PS console exclusive they'll be fine
I mean, compared to the EoS minefields here...

>> No.44518605 [DELETED] 

Is Steam not that strong as platform yet? Steam has modding.

>> No.44518626 [DELETED] 

If genshin is black ship, why cannot it get on World's grossing media franchise unlike DFO which is predatory as hell too? Maplestory BTFO'd Genshin as well.

>> No.44518639 [DELETED] 

But Xbox and Steam has Game pass. Genshin cannot benefit from game pass.

>> No.44518767 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 400x567, IMG_8601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Gacha games are mainly for sexualization. BA has no actual bikini this year and has only ugly rashguard and one pieced swimsuit as "swimsuit", being burka archive. It proved that only Jap gacha can have bikini. Bikini is Jap gacha exclusive so they get an advantage on summer. No Korean and Chinese gacha have bikini in swimsuit event. How to fap with Korean and Chink gacha which lacks bikini? No Jap gacha have censorship issue for being a grey zone by being irrelevant despite the Bikini ban on Japan by Kishida in 2022 summer. Jap gacha is only media where bikini is allowed in Japan. Anime and Jap Console game got bikini banned by this Feminist Prime minister.

>> No.44520511

I miss Cue and Lapis and Spyce

>> No.44520530

Stop lying. No one played any of these games here.

>> No.44520589

I played Lapis until EoS then jumped ship to D4DJ just when it launched the gachi yuri unit

>> No.44520614

I don't even see the link between het core Lapis and gachi yuri DJ

>> No.44520646

If you played Lapis you would know they keep feeding (you) the sex change potion.

>> No.44520699

Counterside has everything except maybe bikini loli and it's Korean. For BA, honestly with the amount of doujins it gets it's better fap material than Jap games. I mostly agree though JP are the best at sexy designs, now if only JP games did anything good beyond that... Mesozoic era design decisions in 2023...
I'm losing hope for any new JP gacha sticking around. It's gonna be the same FGO GBF that survive thanks to launching back when dinosaur design was still acceptable

>> No.44520959

It's not most of the time that the girls give (You)-Sensei the Sex Change Potion. The only potion that (you) got splashed on in the main story was the Infatuation Potion. The Sex Change Potion was for what, Millefeuille's and Yuzuriha's character stories?

>> No.44521040

Sensei uses sex change potion for inane shit like helping out student volunteering or going to girls dorm.

>> No.44521102

good good better for JP to focus on anime manga lives and merch in the post gacha world lmao

>> No.44521131

Are they not as profitable as gacha money?

>> No.44521212

gacha money scales big time digitally compared to the others which need lead time to produce something physical to get otaku to bite

>> No.44521426

Wizardry Variants Daphne will save the JP gacha industry.

>> No.44521430

What if they don't sell out? Also are otakus buying? Otakus stopped buying BDs.

>> No.44522448

well, if you ask /a/ they'll say that streaming is enough these days top jej.

>> No.44522539


Will Shine Post be able to take on Idoly Pride and World Dai Star?

>> No.44523308

Only if it has pantsu

>> No.44523442

Given that WDS didn't make it to the Top 100 at launch and only did so due to swimsuits, is it screwed?

>> No.44523487

hey guess what the danmachi kusoge has a PS4/5 version planned, wonder if they are doing wel-
>topped at 15 two weeks into release, at 45 atm
lmao, they're doomed

>> No.44523509

>topped at 15 two weeks into release, at 45 atm
Is that supposed to be bad? That's better than either WDS or Aster.

>> No.44523515

All these numbers sound pretty good when compared to >>44506536

>> No.44523562

We don't even know what game anon was referring to. Though I suppose his game has the excuse of being old?

>> No.44523581

>checks otoge
t7s? lol

>> No.44523816

Not even 3 years old

>> No.44523838

What game then? It's not Gurumiku is it? If it's three years old and still alive it must be doing something right.

>> No.44524012

So will WDS and Danmachi

>> No.44524035

WDS is just a month old

>> No.44524371

Will WDS survive to Kokona's birthday next year

>> No.44524591

Somehow WDS wasn't as sexy as I expected

>> No.44524711
File: 54 KB, 373x500, 1665050529750704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asterbros we recovered

>> No.44524937

But is it actually doing well or is this just the honeymoon period

>> No.44525525

Just honeymoon period. Everyone who didn't rush the main story and exploit free quests is fucked because those who did are extremely ahead of everyone else.

>> No.44525773

Wait did this game have PvP?

>> No.44527137

What's the next KAMIGE that will make it big?

>> No.44527156

D4DJ 2

>> No.44527300
File: 12 KB, 850x125, IMG_8883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See BA losing steam for lack of bikini. BTFO'd by Nikke which is only K-gacha with actual bikini(Guardian tales is smol pixel so pass) 喝! death for those who lost their belief(in guardian tales comic).

>> No.44527312

BA? Who the fuck faps over their ugly rashguard like hanako?

>> No.44527433

Our friend utterly mindbroken after being utterly BTFO in the BA /vg/ general and now our friend spews even more nonsense than before.

What our friend does is so pathetic, complaining about a lack of bikinis anime and games, but ignoring anime or games if thry actually have bikinis. That or moving the goalposts and say they don't count and call them "burkas" just because the narrative was shattered. Show our friend a bikini and somehow it still won't count no matter what, all because our friend has a narrative that must be maintained despite all evidence.

>> No.44527870

project mugen or whatever the fuck it was called

>> No.44528903
File: 440 KB, 960x1280, Atelier x Atelier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44528976

This is a visually appealing game.

>> No.44529079

i don't know why but this game gives me priconne vibes. is it just because of the catgirl sidekick?

>> No.44529109


>> No.44530114

>WDS is dropping again

>> No.44531662

I love Kokona
I love Tiara
I love Kisara
I love Mana

>> No.44531761

But Kotono is the MC with Sakura as rival and main love interest.

>> No.44532034

I love Kokoa
I love Tiara
I love Yuzuriha
I love Mana

>> No.44533389

How do we bring back Tiara?

>> No.44533682

Add her as an isekai unit in Gurumiku and make her gay

>> No.44534139

Maybe he meant Re:Stage Mana?

>> No.44534366

>Casually mogs mid4dj

>> No.44534379

R:S is a successful game. It doesn't get lumped with the others like that.

>> No.44534826

I play Re:Stage and even I think IP is a much more successful game

>> No.44534917

>a Web3 franchise
>mogging anything

>> No.44536691

Web3 is still a thing? I thought people lost interest after that whole FTX thing.

>> No.44536721

I think Gonzo is trying to do some crypto anime franchise shit

>> No.44537792

For me it's Viorate

>> No.44537890

Well, Judie. Not Viorate even though she is in too. Resleriana looks too good for a mobage, Gust should release an offline version for console when it croaks to not utterly waste the assets.

>> No.44538059
File: 182 KB, 1436x808, 1689659808779297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shit myself that day but I got a Hinako a few rolls before 200 and redeemed the other today. Thanks friends.
I'll be clearing the event shop and running to f100 for the extra lesson slot now.

>> No.44540080

Ruka and Uta pantsu?

>> No.44540254

>magicami jp announced EOS 2 weeks ago, gonna happen on october 31st
Why didn't you guys say anything

>> No.44540292

belongs in DMM general

>> No.44540323

Damn, I remember when it was hyped as the Genshin of H-gacha with one gazillion investment.

It even had a collab with Lyrical Nanoha.

>> No.44540359

>Damn, I remember when it was hyped as the Genshin of H-gacha with one gazillion investment.
no, you don't

>> No.44540369

Magicami is older than genshin but yeah they had some ads like "1 billion yen game" or whatever

>> No.44540375

1.2 billion yen

>> No.44540391

Genshin was in development and beta testing not long after Breath of the Wild came out. Chinese tendies were trashing PS4 at the time to protest it.

>> No.44540404

>genshin is the magicami of mobage

>> No.44540420

that's 8 million dollars not 100

>> No.44540480

What's the dark souls of mobage?

>> No.44540536

Dragalia Lost

>> No.44540548

Moedroid run & Double Jump Ringo-chan

>> No.44541674

>Nanoha collab
found the issue.

>> No.44542214

