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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.21 MB, 1378x2039, AN-94 (Girls' Frontline) by umber00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44449597 No.44449597 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
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Previous thread: >>44435039

>> No.44449638

Licky licky armpits

>> No.44449659

djt dying is a net positive

>> No.44449785


>> No.44449800


>> No.44449983

need help, i cant find core 2.3k in the op links

>> No.44450054

gunna have a wank then merse in some intermediate friendly streams for 5 hours

>> No.44450278

thread theme

>> No.44450358

gonna emerse in /djt/ for 16 hours

>> No.44450530

toxic faggot

>> No.44450537

good it's making me insecure seeing filthy gaijins being able to speak japanese while I'm just starting to learn. Death to gaijins

>> No.44450540


>> No.44450574

this is the thread

>> No.44450583

nos hit

>> No.44450591

white/brown/black pigs go home

>> No.44450598

thank god im not a buta

>> No.44450606

if you're not nihonjin you're a buta

>> No.44450627

*pulls out gaijin pass* thank god im not a pig

>> No.44450691

gaijin pass isn't real, it's made up by westernized traitor nihonjin which we don't recognize. sorry that's just how it is

>> No.44450731

wheres your traitor recognition pass

>> No.44450753

look a bit harder or do a different deck it doesnt really matter

>> No.44450795


>> No.44450810


>> No.44450816

don't wanna be japanese just wanna consume their media

>> No.44450827

dont go to analgayons page he logs your ips

>> No.44450835

I use vpn

>> No.44450856

went to anal guys page and it gave my computer a virus (hiv)

>> No.44450876

log this

>> No.44450896

Very shit OP.

>> No.44450908

quizler? more like quisling
logh? more like logorrhea

>> No.44450917

>no kanaji on sentences
why is this better again?

>> No.44450918

analcream website gave me a wirus

>> No.44450931

tatsumoto got his deck mentioned in the op
he won its over

>> No.44450936

austria sold out

>> No.44450949

austrian guy was always pro tatsumoto

>> No.44450955


>> No.44450973
File: 22 KB, 668x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i always thought it was about how the plant looks like

>> No.44450982

isnt that the kanji for rice field

>> No.44450996

How do I access 2ch? What proxy do you use?

>> No.44451001


>> No.44451003

a proxy that, and get this, has a japanese origin

>> No.44451009


>> No.44451011


>> No.44451018

2ch has been dead for years, m8

>> No.44451025

kokodayo *pats crotch*

>> No.44451033

>2ch has been dead for years, m8

I heard it's open for japanese ip addresses only

is that wrong?

>> No.44451034

great op

>> No.44451042

Immersion and 漢字でGO!

>> No.44451044

what's the latest ntrge djt has been playing?

as for me? its your mom

>> No.44451050

i've watched a few kanjidego streams now and I can safely say I am better at reading kanji than nenechi

>> No.44451056

so this is the power of rtk

>> No.44451057

neither good nor bad op

>> No.44451063

stfu mlenbitch

>> No.44451130


>> No.44451175

is there any trick or pattern to know if a reading uses a 濁点? or is this something I just need to memorize word by word?

>> No.44451214

So what's the japanese equivilent to 4chan in 2023? I tried 5chan but couldn't figure out how to make an account

>> No.44451263

anyone else watching vivant
it's pretty good for a japanese show altho the latest ep was pretty retarded

>> No.44451283

there are patterns but it's not something that you can learn. eventually you will just see enough that your brain will recognize them

>> No.44451334


>> No.44451337

there isn't. only american culture could produce something as exceptional as 4chan

>> No.44451356
File: 731 KB, 1536x2048, F4nY_Z2aQAAkq9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood afternoon


>> No.44451379


>> No.44451450


>> No.44451502
File: 105 KB, 709x760, Ten Kings of Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.44451519


>> No.44451547

futaba is dead, 5chan is reddit and japanese twitter is full of normal people which isn't fun

>> No.44451576
File: 224 KB, 1411x1747, F4hPKxcbEAEteg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44451580

the rtk

>> No.44451589


>> No.44451608

>tfw no gyaru to milk my prostate

>> No.44451609

you could try misskey but it's slow as fuck

>> No.44451610



>> No.44451650

how much would it take to have a girl finger a bumhole?

>> No.44451686

>how much does it take
she needs to pay you

>> No.44451694


>> No.44451752



>> No.44451770


>> No.44451826


>> No.44451981

why don't we all sing a japanese song like they do on /a/

>> No.44451993

your mom sings for me

>> No.44451997

We're not allowed to do output

>> No.44452048

Let's output 好きやねん

>> No.44452238
File: 644 KB, 1920x1080, ソードアート・オンライン S01E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44452446

dame i thought ガチ勢 was がちせい

>> No.44452457

it's せい in vocab but ぜい when it's used as that suffix usually

>> No.44452475


>> No.44452497

Is it smart looking up song lyrics as exercise?

>> No.44452508

Not really a meaningful 'exercise' but looking them up is probably more helpful when listening after when you're still new to understand stuff. It certainly can't hurt anything

>> No.44452513

why are japanese girls so fucking hot
i want 中出しセックス

>> No.44452528

the things i miss most from japan are chiebukuro and 5chan

>> No.44452532

watch one jap game youtuber and you will hear it

>> No.44452533

they eat raw fish and raw eggs

imagine how hot the japanese were if they ate raw meat as well

>> No.44452540

True. Comparing white Americans at the walmart to white Americans at the farmers market is like looking at two different species

>> No.44452551

the walmart ones are hispanic “”white””

>> No.44452605

let's just dictate in hiragana.

>> No.44452606


>> No.44452610

non americans suck at larping as americans

>> No.44452621

nope. I make believe myself british.

>> No.44452647

im talking about the walmart coper

>> No.44452665

your monitor… it’s off

>> No.44452669

i shop at costco bro

>> No.44452686

as long as we all know who the itiban tuyoi djter is you can pretend to be any race you like

>> No.44452697

americans are not a race lil bro

>> No.44452699

post compelling content

>> No.44452703
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, F4ikzCcaoAAPRxP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itiban tuyoi djter

>> No.44452747

that'd be me so yeah we're good

>> No.44452749

h.. hime sama?!?!

>> No.44452750


>> No.44452751

youve embarrassed yourself a few times thoever

>> No.44452777

i saw him when i looked in the mirror

>> No.44452786

Why do they know I'm Japanese with my English? (´・ω・`)

>> No.44452790

i saw him when i turned off my monitor

>> No.44452808


>> No.44452874

Race doesn't matter
There is only japanese and non japanese

>> No.44452875
File: 1.78 MB, 640x720, kick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44452957

this... this is why i'm learning japanese...

>> No.44452960


>> No.44452965

i always leave my monitor on

>> No.44452978


>> No.44453048

Euriece is better than 99% of vn fags without reading a single word of japanese

>> No.44453061

^^ cope ^^

>> No.44453072

Your niece is better than 99% of vn fags

>> No.44453079

smdh @ non lower case tomodatis

>> No.44453106

shaking my dick head?

>> No.44453117


>> No.44453127

一言 means one word or one sentence

>> No.44453130


>> No.44453135

lets have a word

means one word or multiple words?

>> No.44453141

will you lick me? where will you do?

>> No.44453144

nante monkey forest da, koko ha

>> No.44453152

depends.. are you a cute girl?

>> No.44453198

what's the current toy fad in japan like beyblade or b damen

>> No.44453232

I'm the last person people would call cute.

>> No.44453251

touhou sisters!


>> No.44453264

こんばんは more like こんばんですが

>> No.44453272


but you are a girl?

>> No.44453317
File: 194 KB, 1049x942, 20230829_035548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm, bottleman...?

>> No.44453352

dame didnt realize agf uploaded some new vids

>> No.44453355

why does in japanese "licking" mean the same thing as "making fun of someone"? are they stupid? it confuses the machine translations i do

>> No.44453415

koitsu nameteyagaru

>> No.44453428

こいつ 舐めてやがる
Google Translate: "This guy is licking me"
DeepL: "This guy's a fucking loser."

>> No.44453438

>"This guy's a fucking loser."

>> No.44453468

There are two machine translators, one that always tells lies and the other that also always tells lies but is more coherent. Which do you believe?

>> No.44453472

where do I get monolingual dictionary files for yomichan

>> No.44453477

some real wisdom for the newfriends

>> No.44453478


>> No.44453500

why is it called machine translation? computers aren't machines. they aren't mechanical. they are electronic devices.

>> No.44453502

>it confuses the machine translations i do

>> No.44453504

Electronic devices are machines

>> No.44453519

well maybe.
but even so, it's not a translation either.
a translation requires an interpretation, and machines can't think, so they can't interpret anything.

>> No.44453526
File: 130 KB, 1758x850, Screenshot from 2023-08-28 12-17-52大草原.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even better without the space.

>> No.44453532

Why is she like this

>> No.44453540
File: 12 KB, 602x119, 1693250592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44453559

well the first sentence says "translation is the communication of the meaning of [...]"
computers cant understand meaning, theyre basically just guessing what a sentence could mean

>> No.44453593

It *is* something you can learn. It's called rendaku. There are specific cases where it happens.

But agreed with you that one's time is better spent just learning readings and one will develop an intuition for when it'd happen (e.g. っ + an h- sound in a compound will become b- or p-).

>> No.44453623

They don't need to understand it, they need to communicate it.

>> No.44453668
File: 226 KB, 619x900, F4mHaoEbQAAKWg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44453669


>> No.44453670

there was no no

>> No.44453682

its on nyaa

>> No.44453694
File: 614 KB, 1920x1080, ソードアート・オンライン S01E23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44453726

what am I supposed to search for? No hits for 緋色月下 狂咲ノ絶

>> No.44453728

Very huggable

>> No.44453741


>> No.44453793

Is kanji study alongside vocab worth it?

>> No.44453844

is calligraphy alongside english worth it?

>> No.44453880

Is Japanese alongside Japan worth it?

>> No.44453889

are the jalup decks worth it

>> No.44453892

this literal baby ankid for 4 hours
what did you do today?

>> No.44453896

is anything worth it?

>> No.44453915

imagine waking up tomorrow as a 6 foot 1 inch tall, 8.5/10, fit, chad version of yourself. what would you do?

>> No.44453931

prob rewatch kaleid

>> No.44453939

the usual cuz it'd just be another day in my life

>> No.44453964

if i could get 2 inches overnight i wouldn't use it to break the 6 foot barrier

>> No.44453970

In that case, I'd fuck my sister, she prob won't know I'm her brother since I've changed that much.

>> No.44453984

whats the problem with her knowing

>> No.44453995

she has morals unlike a hikkineet like me

>> No.44454055



>> No.44454063

kakkeeee jan

>> No.44454074


>> No.44454079


>> No.44454088

Imagine how much Marine cringed while listening to this shit.

>> No.44454111


this one is better

>> No.44454116

cant imagine waking up shorter

>> No.44454152

crazy how djt thinks 6+ feet and 140+ iq is something crazy

>> No.44454155

gonna need to ask all the sub 6'6 <140iq non millionaires to leave this isnt the thread for you lil bros

>> No.44454163

that’s the best objective height after that you go into freak territory

>> No.44454173

Heh, looks like I'll be here for a while.

>> No.44454175

always weird to see gaijin singing songs they can't understand

>> No.44454191

idk its only a little above average among northern europeans

>> No.44454211

like 15% of the boys in school were taller than me btw

>> No.44454265

and maybe you dont know but the last president of america was 6'3" its like ok youre somewhat tall but nothing freakish

>> No.44454505

what is the japanese word for playground? when i google 遊び場 i get indoor playgrounds but what i want is a word for outdoor places with maybe a swing or two and a slide

>> No.44454544


>> No.44454547

average djter in japan

>> No.44454568

>ywn be arrested in japan and have everything you say subtitled in katakana
why even live

>> No.44454570

i cannot see shit with all the mosaic pixels in the way

>> No.44454585


>> No.44454621


>> No.44454782

it was a hakujin
i bet he browses djt

>> No.44454945

>this girl is being raped by a pajeet
>i know, better start filming instead of saying anything
lmao japs are such cucks

>> No.44454955

hakujin janai

>> No.44455005


If I become homosexual after Japan makes gay marriage legal, i'll be sentenced to burn to death with my lover if I go to Jigoku over it.

>Pedophiles have molten copper pumped into their anuses until it pours out of their mouths. Homosexuals see their lovers covered in flames, and are forced to embrace them, only to be burned and torn into pieces themselves

This punishment can be accomodated via Tendai Buddhism, which is apparantly very strict. My lover in question is Shingon Buddhist.

Do you think Japan will make gay marriage legal, knowing it would change Japan and throw Buddhist questions?

>> No.44455048

you really got a bad roll if you're gay and religious

>> No.44455097

what do you mean roll
both of those are a conscious choice

>> No.44455105

free will doesn't exist

>> No.44455129

setting aside free will
you can obviously be genetically predisposed towards spiritualism

>> No.44455297


>> No.44455380

these chikan simulator videos are the immersion i have been looking for.
truly the most realistic, 日常的な scenarios that every gaijin is sure to find himself in at least once when visiting japan.

>> No.44455440

some kids were born without moves

>> No.44455527

should I immerse with linnies or vinnies?

>> No.44455540





>> No.44455571

immerse by watching chikan videos on youtube

>> No.44455576

why do they need 梅 竹 松 when they already have 丙 乙 甲

>> No.44455598

for me? i prefer innies

>> No.44455671

winnies for me

>> No.44455673


>> No.44455708

Can someone here proficient in Japanese answer me this question:

If two Japanese words are combined, and the first word is an attributive noun, but shares part of its definition with the noun it’s modifying, is the redundancy interpreted or does the shared definition become one?

For example, if I made up a fake word like Shinkami (both meaning god), would a Japanese speaker interpret that as ‘God God’ or just ‘God’?

Please don’t respond with some ChatGPT shit. I want a Japanese speaker to answer this question, or someone who has a strong enough grasp of Japanese grammar. If that’s not you, please fuck off.

>> No.44455734

ye dk

>> No.44455746

nobody cares about how realistic the made up japanese in your retarded weeb webnovel is

>> No.44455750

i do i am very concerned

>> No.44455757
File: 443 KB, 3392x2400, Dagashi Kashi - 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any online grammar exercises? Genki is cool and I quite like it, but I'm wondering if there are some tests I can take online, or websites that quiz you.

>> No.44455764

yeah just read and see if you can understand what you're reading

>> No.44455766

i speak japanese literally every single day and have for over a year and a half
your question is bad
why would you make up a fake word like that? not only that it is confusing because 神々 is a thing

>> No.44455776
File: 10 KB, 832x91, image (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 100: Update late today because got stuff to do and today mark the 100th days since I start learning Japanese and this is also first date back to school as well.

>> No.44455777

Do you have any 日本人 in your なかま?

I have two.

>> No.44455780

no but I have にほんじん in my 仲間

>> No.44455782

thought something special would happen on day 100
like you getting isekaied or something
i am very disappointed

>> No.44455786

神々 is just a plural form of ‘God’, is it not?

I personally am not using the word ‘shinkami’ for anything. I’m simply using it as an example to pose a question.

Whether or not a word exists to describe my example is not the problem.

I’m asking whether or not, based on native understanding on Japanese, i.e., a Japanese speaker, would interpret the redundancy.

>> No.44455803

but the question sucks because you dont explain how you present the word
written or spoken would make a difference
if spoken you would have to explain it or make it obvious otherwise
if written you would need furigana and something written with furigana can clearly mean what ever you want it to

>> No.44455817

basically not only is the concept of the question trash the example is also particularly bad lol and the motivation misguided at best

>> No.44455820

Its like a dull hammer if you will

>> No.44455822

how long has it been since someone asked a good question in this blessed thread?

>> No.44455827

Is this retard here often? Why does he reply like this?

>> No.44455831
File: 25 KB, 742x273, 1685713103683722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44455844

Ok I got one wrong, but you can't blame me for putting you in there.

>> No.44455849


>> No.44455850
File: 7 KB, 411x161, 1669180384580640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44455851

i can and i will

>> No.44455860

That's our culture please understand

>> No.44455868

all me btw

>> No.44455874

>our culture
No, it isn't. That's called /vg/ general faggotry and you should learn how to reply normally.

>> No.44455888

I made a GP (good post) earlier so you must have been asleep of taking a shit

>> No.44455890

djts roots run deeper than /vg/ howeverbeit

>> No.44455895

please understand

>> No.44455903

i gave a pretty consice explanation of just how fucked up what you are asking is
there is nothing more to say about it

>> No.44455904

language doesn't have strict unbreakable rules just patterns
you can probably find examples both for and against
especially if its fucking made up the reader will decide based on context how it feels

>> No.44455909
File: 2.01 MB, 640x360, 1660775721097229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn how to reply normally

>> No.44455915

You guys have nothing better to do than to willfully shit up a 4chan thread all day? I hope your parents are proud of what you've become.

>> No.44455922

Trying to switch to Monolingual in Yomichan but every time I try to upload Oubunsha I get a 'Dictionary has invalid data' error. Anybody know why it would be fucked

>> No.44455928

>gets genuine replies
>it's not what he hoped for
>throw a fit

>> No.44455933

Read that as mongolian at first

>> No.44455935

Congrats on keeping at it. I expect to see your post on May 19th celebrating a full year.

>> No.44455940
File: 11 KB, 399x284, 1627061418098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44455953

if you knew anything about japanese culture youd understand why were hesitant to (you) each other needlessly
its just part of the full emersion method

>> No.44455971

You guys are not genuine. You've come to purposefully worsen these thread so that less people will come here to learn Japanese. And the people that do stay here get less useful replies because these threads are filled with your garbage that no one replies to. Your motives are perhaps ideologically motivated in some way. You're pathetic.

>> No.44455978

idk but just use this one it's the best
旺文社国語辞典 第十一版

>> No.44455979


>> No.44455989

that's the one im trying to install friend

>> No.44455996

the kind of question a ngmi would ask desu

>> No.44456002

i make sincere helpful posts all the time
also your logic is bad cuz giving a bad answer to bait autists to correct you with useful information you didn't know is an ancient internet tactic with a very high success rate

>> No.44456007


>> No.44456011
File: 318 KB, 601x912, 1662318608268823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people told me than anime japanese sounded completely different from real japanese but holy shit it really does

>> No.44456021

Every time I lay down I wish a frumpy japanese schoolgirl would sit on my face.

>> No.44456028


>> No.44456036

imagine coming to the intermediate thread and going alright nihongo scholars REAL ANSWERS ONLY if i say 神神(シンカミ) will the average nihonjin intuit it as god god or godly god hey you faggots tell me the truth this is simple question which one is it

>> No.44456042


>> No.44456048

God godly

>> No.44456054

Ok that was my warmup question.
Here's the real one, how do they interpret this?

>> No.44456071

i would have went with 上神之紙髪(かみがみかみがみ)

>> No.44456082

i have sex an average of over twice a day and i have a job
i just happen to be better at japanese than you

>> No.44456087

i have sex 17 times a day loser

>> No.44456098

I haven't had sex

>> No.44456105

holding out for my wizard powers

>> No.44456107

you didn't have to do all that lil bro

>> No.44456125

i have sex with og

>> No.44456133

I want to force a japanese boy to wear girl clothes and fuck him

>> No.44456193

djt needs a new takanenohana for it's healing

>> No.44456450

post a 写真 of 彼女

>> No.44456475

i wasn't able to save og

>> No.44456593


>> No.44456626


>> No.44456824

there was no no..

>> No.44456895
File: 3.03 MB, 2774x4096, 1688141091245546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many characters should I be reading a day?

>> No.44456899


>> No.44456908

a lot

>> No.44456923

never going to make it if you don't read at least 8

>> No.44456931

>What is environment
Life happens anon

>> No.44456939


>> No.44456942

they are the easiest way to learn grammar and dictionary vocab and get very basic reading practice

you don't have to pay for them, someone uploaded the whole thing to mega. i'd recommend stopping after intermediate and mining your own shit.

>> No.44456954

the jalup

>> No.44457002

no you dont

>> No.44457029


>> No.44457061
File: 411 KB, 1920x1080, 1693280113766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44457107

足フェチ bros we keep winning. this bitch next to my wearing sandals may as well have her titties out

>> No.44457127


>> No.44457140


>> No.44457157


>> No.44457166


>> No.44457311

確か when nihonjin say stuff like 'kirei ashi' or 'miryokuteki na ashi' they're talking about 脚 but if they say ashi fetching they mean 足 ki ga suru. So if you say you love beautiful ashi that actually sounds normal. But you could easily be a footfag in disguise

>> No.44457317

this language is fucking impossible

>> No.44457320

why don't the japanese simply change the pronunciation of 足 or 脚

>> No.44457328

the people in charge have a vested interest in being able to remain incognito footfags

>> No.44457346

they just need to combine 脛 and 腿 into a new 40 stroke kanji

>> No.44457355


>> No.44457436

when people write japanese subtitles for words that have multiple possibly kanji for the same word, how do they choose which one to use? is it just the writer's choice or do consult the script of the show? if it's an adaptation of a written work, do they consult the written work to see which kanji was used and copy that? do autistic japanese fans get mad if the kanji in the subs is different from what was used in the written work?

>> No.44457538

mo such thing as japanese

>> No.44457557
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OK for real, what's something actually interesting I can listen with this useless language? Last time I asked, all you fags only told me about gooner eceleb shit

>> No.44457561

another episode of
>why am i learning this language again
how does it keep happening

>> No.44457589

American cartoons with a jap dub

>> No.44457608

mlp is good for you

>> No.44457620


>> No.44457665

窮屈で退屈な日々の中 突然 キミは現れた

>> No.44457678

Shouldn't it be が here

>> No.44457679


>> No.44457680

I was also thinking the same thing

>> No.44457689


>> No.44457694

dev is

>> No.44457704


>> No.44457710

this is why I'm learning japanwse

>> No.44457718
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>> No.44457759

ZUN's wife

>> No.44457762

sad because my favorite 男の娘 recently got a boob job and i had to unsubscribe

>> No.44457775

the masculine urge to watch cute japanese women pretending to be anime

>> No.44457821


>> No.44457844

linnie audiobooks are a goldmine of never-ending high quality audio entertainment

>> No.44457855

>long distance marriage
>nothing in common
>mad he doesn't buy me anything
>i think he's a pedo because he spends money on 30 year old failed idols

>> No.44457867

she's not wrong

>> No.44457872

she's not wrong to be jealous of avatars

>> No.44457873

i'd side with the dude if he was just watching them but as soon as give your money to toobies you are mentally ill
too bad

>> No.44457892

vtubers are just higher quality miis

>> No.44457896

Sorry i wanted her to say my name

>> No.44457898

a wife getting mad at her husband obsessing over 2d is japanese culture.

>> No.44457900

miis don't have voice actors

>> No.44457905

in that mii rpg game they make sounds

>> No.44457907

lmao asians are so petty

>> No.44457909

paypigs make buyfags seem mentally sound by comparison

>> No.44457911


>> No.44457939

他の国にお寿司が安く出回るよ! やったね!

>> No.44458004
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>> No.44458145

デブおばさんフェチ is the most blessed
the only problem is wanting to ask every single chubby woman with long gray hair out

>> No.44458175


>> No.44458190

there is simply nothing like the 垂れ of a fat 婆

>> No.44458351


>> No.44458376


>> No.44458410

dont care

>> No.44458426

Would you?

>> No.44458445
File: 22 KB, 600x450, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.44458491

Do you guys do anki casually while doing other things, or do you concentrate and dedicate however many minutes it takes explicitly to anki?

>> No.44458523

I do it throughout the day walking the dog, cooking, dead time at work etc
nowadays it only takes 10-20 minutes to get through my cards as new cards are scarcer to find, but this is also how I did it when I had 20+ new cards a day

>> No.44458551

I dont do anki

>> No.44458566

we dont do a*ki here

>> No.44458705

untranslated incest hentai

>> No.44458826
File: 581 KB, 2398x1854, Screenshot 2023-08-29 053909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a better deck, there are some great anki decks out there. Mine plays audio and has kanji/explanations, all of it taken from anime for PRACTICAL USAGE.

>> No.44458844

i dont like anime i just like fat obasan 雌豚s (3d)

>> No.44459140

if you stay up really late and it is a new day for anki, do you do your reviews before you sleep so you don't have to do them after you wake up or do you wait till after you wake up?

>> No.44459202
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>> No.44459324

she's going to use this to justify cheating on him

>> No.44459538

ai artwork?
something looks off

>> No.44459636

please be of legal age

>> No.44459800

>an ad on every card

>> No.44459833

>no target word
do ankidrone

>> No.44459881

ugly card

>> No.44459932

anki cards need to have a piss yellow background

its the law

>> No.44460057
File: 108 KB, 2410x1632, Screenshot 2023-08-29 072432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new word and explanation with every card, it's a great anki deck.

>> No.44460190

get owned

>> No.44460216

yea we do your mom

>> No.44460400

we all do animecards here. they are like the superior updated version of anki drone cards

>> No.44460426

169 lol

>> No.44460458


>> No.44460536

69 ur mum

>> No.44460558

your mum was born in 96 yeah?

>> No.44460583


>> No.44460695
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>> No.44460732


>> No.44461047

>linnie audiobooks
Are you talking about Winny (P2P) or something else? don't get any hits for this.
nyaa has some nice stuff but it's mostly LNs

>> No.44461068

linnie = retarded djter speek for "LN"

>> No.44461073

i think people use some program to download all of audible after opening the free trial

>> No.44461086

you mean thieves?

>> No.44461102

i think in this case it just fasttracks what you're already allowed to do. the audible free trial is technically unlimited other than the amount of days you have access

>> No.44461130

what would you call someone who gets a drink at mcdonald's and pulls out a bucket for the refill?

>> No.44461134

retard literally googling linnies, lmfao

>> No.44461157

>some program
For anyone wondering you can use this

>> No.44461163

is there some way to report piracy enablers on github?

>> No.44461175

contact General Wendig

>> No.44461184

Eh, it's just removing drm from what you already payed for. Wouldn't even call it piracy. It's like recording something from netflix so you can watch it later

>> No.44461199

we can let audible decide what they think about that

>> No.44461224
File: 49 KB, 562x546, 1666621990962241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a legend

>> No.44461243

god i love mountain dew

>> No.44461387


>> No.44461673

couple of inches

>> No.44461684

you can become one just like "her"

>> No.44461695

No I cant

>> No.44461703

with enough ""s yes you can

>> No.44461759

still cant understand song lyrics

>> No.44461761

take lsd

>> No.44461909

Reading the bible in jp. goes hard

>> No.44461912

whats hard about this?

>> No.44461952
File: 63 KB, 712x1000, 純文学.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read REAL literature

>> No.44461955

might be a good idea but my mind goes to dark places on lsd

>> No.44462170
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>> No.44462174
File: 826 KB, 1122x669, 1667008295246000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard you were downloading linnies

>> No.44462200

i would call them 69M

>> No.44462223


>> No.44462330

okay matt

>> No.44462399

brown hair + black eyes is the best combo

>> No.44462651


>> No.44462657

if you have taste you know what i mean

>> No.44462664

is there a difference between りょうふう and すずかぜ ?

>> No.44462665


>> No.44462699

ye one sounds chinese

>> No.44462736

this might be a little too late in the thread,
but whats the deal with
how the fuck you suppose to distinguish between one another and is there a difference in meaning?

>> No.44462746

you will automatically know when it's yameru and when it's tomeru after you know enough japanese, and yes

>> No.44462798

Same with 起きる

>> No.44462805

ill download ur helmet motherfucker

>> No.44462814

uploading cum into your mom

>> No.44462858

joe donda

>> No.44462861

Ok, now this is just silly.

>> No.44462869

Mnemonics are so dumb lol you're just memorizing more stuff instead of simply remembering

>> No.44462871

there's another reading of 起きる?!

>> No.44462877

as for me feeling

>> No.44462881

not, it's the meaning

>> No.44462895

True but both are read the same, whereas 止める changes reading based on meaning

>> No.44462915


freshly awaken accident

>> No.44462924


>> No.44462961

yeah this
I kinda a get a it a little bit, but its very little a nuance of difference
and even then, it often gets me by surprise
it would make more sense if 止まる was used more often

>> No.44462971

maybe youre low iq lil bro

>> No.44463025

止まる = intransitively stop, like a moving object coming to a stop
とめる = stop something, like using one's power to stop a moving object, stopping someone from making noise, etc
やめる = transitively stop an activity you are doing, like stop clapping, stop dancing, etc, stop going to the gym, quit a hobby
As for 止める vs 辞める in やめる, 辞める is more long term stuff like quitting a habit, job, hobby etc,
やめてください please stop (that thing you're doing that I don't like)
とめてください please stop (the baby stroller from rolling down the street)

>> No.44463041

transitively stop posting

>> No.44463042
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>> No.44463052

why do you type like a retard

>> No.44463058

just saw a guy post on another board that he learned 28 kanji in half a year

>> No.44463061

what's wrong with it

>> No.44463067

he’s just like me (i rarely see new kanji unless i actively seek it out)

>> No.44463078

kanken (nintendo) master

>> No.44463081

but he was a beginner

>> No.44463093
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>> No.44463098

never seen a new kanji
i just know em all

>> No.44463111

the rtk

>> No.44463193

ignore him. you explained it well

>> No.44463201

>ignore him
lmfao mlen bitch cant help himself

>> No.44463321

warui?? warui??

>> No.44463467

thanks, that's what I thought, don't mind the other retard that can't even come up with a answer besides shitposting

>> No.44463536

he just cant help himself huh

>> No.44463562

>don't mind
already suspected it from the (47) (48) (49) samefagging last thread and thought id let him slide but hes still the same obnoxious mentally ill pos i see

>> No.44463658

this language just becomes more and more beautiful

>> No.44463680

threads finally getting good

>> No.44463687

no thread like a dead thread

>> No.44463691

its always the manlets who are the unhappiest inside

>> No.44463728

there are japanese men who aren't depressed though

>> No.44463746

fallacy of the converse -50 iq penalty

>> No.44463755

They have less space to store happiness.

>> No.44463802

bullshit all japanese men are depressed

>> No.44463808

storing happiness in deez nuts

>> No.44463844

>Men who did not graduate from high school are on average more than an inch shorter than average-height men are and are up to two inches shorter than the average college-educated man.

>> No.44463876

the 6 foot barrier is real

>> No.44463913

why is downloading raw manga so hard, even the OP's links are down

>> No.44463931

malnourishment is a real thing
one of the reason why Asians are shorter on average compared to their Western counterpoint

>> No.44463941

conspiracy to erase the original from history and preserve watermarked localized garbage for eternity

>> No.44463958

they are shorter even when there is no malnutrition
height is 90% heritable

>> No.44464156

because everyone cooks their mangos

>> No.44464275

the japanese

>> No.44464284

whites are an inch taller than blacks

>> No.44464430

one of my japanese friends told me he read a manga version of 罪と罰 and i wanted to slap him

>> No.44464781

the manga is the best version

>> No.44464802

i don't read anything of western origin

>> No.44464821

i do if it's translated to japanese
japanese lotr is so much better

>> No.44464866

if you can read it in the source language you probably should

>> No.44464872

>japanese lotr is so much better
og is rolling in xer grave

>> No.44464878
File: 3 KB, 231x148, aiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga just set back public opinion of 外人 40 years

>> No.44465037
File: 1.41 MB, 850x888, wanker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't lurked for a couple of years or so
what happened to this wanker?

>> No.44465072

he fought japan and japan won

>> No.44465075
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>> No.44465088

probably nothing after getting told to fuck off to his face

>> No.44465110
File: 134 KB, 1231x565, matto meeting his idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44465116

had a fallout with yoga, took an online marketing course and tried to scam retards with a hundreds-of-dollars pitch accent course, then fucked off to japan apparently

>> No.44465126

dont leave out the part where he was stalking tokyo irl streamers for camera time

>> No.44465137

last i knew he did a false DMCA to take down criticism. victim vowed to persue. how did that resolve?

>> No.44465198

