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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.00 MB, 1200x675, 20221108112157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44437744 No.44437744 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44410552

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels. Discussion of translated visual novels and MTLers belong in >>>/vg//vn/

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44437835

no subject because you guys don't deserve one

>> No.44438438

Make it JAV next thread.

>> No.44438814
File: 499 KB, 802x627, 2023-08-27 13_30_38-ぼ~ん・ふりーくす!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone play this game? is the gameplay good? looking for a good raising sim

>> No.44440724

>Bastardized OP
Why can't we have normal threads...

>> No.44440869

Here you go: >>>/b/905073393

>> No.44441019

>middle finger sprite
Very interesting. OP still a faggot tho.

>> No.44441027

what's the name of that font in the OP image it looks just like the one yuzu uses

>> No.44441100

Skip STD-B

>> No.44441655
File: 974 KB, 828x534, masaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44442192

Wanna know why this thread sucks? Because no one cares about eroge.
>troll posts pic with his MTL visible to rile you faggots up
>gets many replies and you faggots make 30 posts talking about his 1 post still many many hours later
>other anons post about eroge they're reading
>0 replies
It really makes me question why I should post about what I'm reading here. The only way to get a reaction is having MTL in the screenshot. Should I do it too just to get replies?

I could take my blogposting to the /vg/ thread where it's offtopic and I'd get more real replies asking about the game, reacting to my image or even other JOPs discussing it. Not here, at least rarely.

This thread is dogshit because you don't care and you get enraged by any dumb shit. Just ignore it. All this thread has going for it is sharing games and the occasional good discussion.

>> No.44442207

Where is this broad from?

>> No.44442233
File: 732 KB, 567x685, 1614318962983688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study Steady 2

>> No.44442267

Those are some slutty uniforms
>chie-chan VA
Let's fucking go

>> No.44442440

>twintail drill bits
you had my interest but now you have my attention

>> No.44442517

Anyone who cares about eroge are reading stuff instead of shitposting here, as you should.

>> No.44442543
File: 447 KB, 609x857, topimage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in reading Study Steady, but I dropped 恋色マリアージュ after getting pretty far into it. There were scenes I liked, but I felt there were too many empty scenes of just nothing between them and rapid fire meaningless forced conflicts that go nowhere.
Is Study Steady too much like that? I'd like to give ま~まれぇど a second chance.

>> No.44442598

Study Steady 1 is characterized by (in my opinion) an unnecessarily long common route, then routes that mostly revolve around very long H-scenes. (Also, the Live3D animation is kinda bad.) Study Steady 2 fixes the animation and common route parts, but the routes continue to be sex marathons, primarily. There are no rapid-fire meaningless conflicts, really.

>> No.44442867

How long did it take for some of you to finish your first raw VN? Started yami no koe

>> No.44442888

Maybe a week and a half of reading 6-8 hours of 恋xシンアイ彼女. Got fucked by some unexpected Kansai-ben

>> No.44442951

My first raw VN was baldr sky and it took me 400 hours kek

>> No.44442967

I was already doing anime, manga, youtube for months before my first VN so not terribly long. VNDB says Cafe Stella was 40 hours so it probably took me 60-80 lol. Mined 200 hundred or more readings from ti i bet

>> No.44442984

Are you literally me? I'm not sure how long it took me exactly but it was something comically long like that.

>> No.44442992

take the average time on vndb and multiply it by 4. yami no koe is pretty easy though, if you dont understand a sentence you can just assume its some weird sex thing and move on

>> No.44443003

If I didn't grind for weapons so autistically it probably would have been like 350, but yeah, 400 hours on the in-game timer is when I finally put it down.

>> No.44443019

Around 3 weeks

>> No.44443034

I fucked up when I first played it and accidentally did the exe of the first game when I should have been using the second exe. I didn't realize this until after I had finished Rain's route. I went back and redid everything starting from the second exe, so the in game timer was fucked up for me. Also I think I lost my saves anyway + the gameplay obviously ate up a huge chunk of time (did it on very hard) so who knows.

>> No.44443116

Yami no koe has some weird words. but it's fairly short and easy. I just started reading vns in japanese last week and finished yami no koe a few days ago.

>> No.44443199

I think Inganock took me like 40 hours or something. A decent chunk of it was probably autistically trying to find out the reading for words not in the dictionary like 昇降扉.

>> No.44444042

this general sucks.

>> No.44444139
File: 966 KB, 1227x722, 481818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb big tits girl with a weak personality
>this game makes me want to read her route despite hating this trope
that's what good writing looks like. and Freesia is still good here. I think I like her more as a support cast than an heroine.

>> No.44445496
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, 167800392931420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was it so bad?

>> No.44445503

breasts too large

>> No.44445509

looks like AIslop

>> No.44445627
File: 330 KB, 1920x1080, 1671898681529578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's green...

>> No.44445651
File: 12 KB, 720x67, 2023-08-27-181610_720x67_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I looked up the hex color using gimp and MC is right.

>> No.44445804

>Green Gold: Green gold, otherwise known as electrum, is a natural forming alloy which combines gold and silver. The greenish color varies depending on the exact mixture but back in the 73% gold, 27% silver

>> No.44445822

Thanks for the opinion. I might look into it when I wrap up my current nukige.

>> No.44445865
File: 41 KB, 500x800, 大海原.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 大海原と大海原 in four months, reading it maybe every other day.
The recommended reading time is "6~7時間程度".
I had about a year of studying and six months of reading experience when I started.
Be prepared for a marathon. Once you finish your first VN it just keeps getting easier and easier forever, but the first one's gonna be a journey and a half.

>> No.44446295

How should you even play this game? High resolution edition is unity and no H scenes. Is the perfect edition the way to go?

>> No.44446469
File: 453 KB, 2560x1440, 蒼の彼方のフォーリズムEXTRA2_27100038503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam version with patches has Japanese text, H scenes and 2K resolution, it's the best

>> No.44446568

Has anyone read Ikusa Megami here? Is it finished? Don't want to start something that hasn't especially when it comes to Nu Eushully.

>> No.44447193

It's not awful, it's just not as good as some previous hadashi shoujo games. It's a perfectly fappable nukige.

>> No.44447215

Do you think something like Live a Live would make for a good VN? It already has NTR.

>> No.44447424

Not really, it's quite short and has minimal dialogue outside of the Alien pastiche segment including one segment that has no dialogue whatsoever, it wouldn't work well as a novel. You could rewrite it to have more dialogue but that's true for every story ever.

>> No.44447444
File: 45 KB, 256x361, 21142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to play the first one or even Doukyuusei before playing Kakyuusei 2?

>> No.44447452

No. They have some recurring characters but they're completely fine standalone.
That said, are you sure you want to play kakyuusei 2? Is it just because you heard about the one thing everyone knows about kakyuusei 2 and want to see it for yourself?

>> No.44447488

>Is it just because you heard about the one thing everyone knows about kakyuusei 2 and want to see it for yourself?
Yes I want to see that thing.
Biniku no Kaori and Gatenkei are also on my list.

>> No.44447500

Gatenkei's great but I can't recommend it in good faith if you don't intend to jerk off to it and are just reading it for the plot. Unless you just read chapter 1 and then drop it at the firs ttimeskip I guess.

>> No.44447506

We're not short of short VN's. The caveman arc could be interesting if handled creatively and competently and we'd get explicit unga bunga sex out of it. Imagine Live a Live Rated X.

>> No.44447507

Kakyuusei is good and you should play it anyway. No idea if the Windows ver runs on newer OS but is worth to try, lots of gameplay time even if you use a guide to maximize efficiency and beeline for each route events.

>> No.44447590

If you're gonna play old games you might as well do it the old fashioned way and include the trial and error.

>> No.44450068

I had read like 50+ volumes of manga and played games in Japanese prior picking my first VN, so I can't say my first VN in Japanese took that much longer than the ones after thinking about it. Now if I'm to talk about my first manga or my first game yeah that took forever.

>> No.44450102

VNs don't have NTR

>> No.44450610
File: 107 KB, 433x612, Eternal_Arcadia_Legends_Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Live A Live. Any VNs which captures a similar sense of adventure as in 90s/early 2000s JRPGs?

>> No.44450939

Because apparently writing a good harem is the hardest shit ever for visual novel writer.

>> No.44451146

Can you do better?

>> No.44451207

I am in fact writing something right now and it's going to be amazing.

>> No.44451320

Single heroine moege, almost 3 months

>> No.44451394

First one I truly finished was an otomege which took about three weeks. The following eroge with plot I read actually took longer because the Japanese was far more complex.

>> No.44451937

Post archetypes.

>> No.44452155
File: 2.90 MB, 1662x898, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, bros?
How did we react to this?

>> No.44452193

>One year delay.
I'm not expecting anything good out of this.

>> No.44452200


I'll reupload it sometime this week.

>> No.44452409

That would be awesome. Thanks.

>> No.44452642

Fairly new into the genre, any mainstream recommendations for romance? Really liked Amagami.

>> No.44452935
File: 67 KB, 600x359, de20a283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thing any good? I like its OP song ( https://youtu.be/WV-y_3mkFkU ) a whole lot but I'm usually not too fond of single heroine games. What should one expect from this one?

>> No.44453329

Yubisaki connection

>> No.44453462

Just pick anything from the yuzusoft catalog, i dont think you can get more mainstream that that, senren banka seems to be really popular in china

>> No.44453536

Lovely Cation if you want the dating sim aspect
Making Lovers if you want mainstream romance
Amakano if you want diabetes/OD on saccharine

>> No.44453602

Robots that are fuel by semen

>> No.44453661

wtf is mainstream romance? getting cheated on?

>> No.44453731

Top 50, among which subjectively the romanciest and the normalfaggiest option that everyone and their mom have played and likely to have an opinion on
Also a pretty short common route before the romance starts

>> No.44453751

Very late reply, but it's a Shinto prayer

>> No.44453811

was looking forward to this before all the delays since really liked kieta sekai but after finding out it's not the same writer and they haven't written anything good either I stopped giving a shit about it

>> No.44453958

Thanks for the indirect spoiler anon....

>> No.44454004

The heroines in this look great, I love mature heroines. And the only schoolgirl is a gyaru.

>> No.44454012

A delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is forever bad, long delay sucks but beats releasing an unfinished product.

>> No.44454278

might i remind you there are plenty of delayed games that remain bad

>> No.44454293

My man hasn't read the tsukihime remake

>> No.44454577

文語 grammar isn't even all that rare.

>> No.44454684


>> No.44454838

A game being delayed is a sign that the development process is all fucked up. That'll only make sense if it's a doujin creator working solo.

>> No.44455033
File: 53 KB, 256x360, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read NG恋 if you want a more mature setting and very good hags.

>> No.44455151 [DELETED] 

All of these girls look schoolgirls-aged, but as long as they have the personality of sexy mature women I can get over it.

>> No.44455181

All of these heroines look schoolgirl age, but as long as they have the personality of a sexy mature women I can get over it.

>> No.44455377
File: 774 KB, 800x600, _Hello,world_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of hags, why didn't I get groomed by cute hags when I was a teenager?
I was funny, handsome, innocent and really gullible. I literally met all the conditions for it to happen, so why the fuck didn't it happen? It's not fair bros.

>> No.44455401

You're a lot more ugly and lame than you think you are, Dunning Kruger-kun

>> No.44455574

Damn I was brought back to reality in the fucking eroge thread of all places, what a cruel world to live in lol.

>> No.44456160

It's ok, bro. We're all anime characters here.

>> No.44456538
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, August_2023_Screen_1633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, cute prison uniform. I like the fully-body zipper

>> No.44456582

Use the DLC you coward.

>> No.44456601
File: 100 KB, 1044x600, 2042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your new asage.

>> No.44456607

the WHAT

>> No.44456783

Is it a nukige or is there some plot?

>> No.44456872
File: 998 KB, 1278x718, スクリーンショット_2023-08-28_19-55-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why's there a random 'or'?

>> No.44456898

It's just the writing. The occasional English "and" or "or" shows up from time to time.

>> No.44456963

That's just the MC trying to sound cool, you 阿呆陀羅.

>> No.44457004

Background looks great.

>> No.44457090
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, 1664980169460096.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44457103

dammit i said matsuri instead of sai, the n1chads will come after me.

>> No.44457105

absolute N5 behavior

>> No.44457128

what does the n stand for. nigger??????

>> No.44457139

Still my favourite anime I've ever seen. Probably one of my favourite pieces of fiction just in general. Don't even have a single complaint about it. It's just perfect.

>> No.44457219


>> No.44457315

Even EOPs know what a bunkasai is, I don't know how is this mistake even possible.

>> No.44457322

It's bait.

>> No.44457817

Faggot hata needs to die.

>> No.44457835

multiple heroines = shit

>> No.44457846

Haha look mom I said hata again on /jp/!! Rope yourself.

>> No.44457863

kill yourself hata

>> No.44457908

Kys trannylover

>> No.44457929

Imagine having some namefaggot living your head on a daily basis. Sad.

>> No.44458098

Only NEETs think like this. If a company can afford a delay it's always for the better.
Didn't Sakutoki get delayed twice?

>> No.44458141

What language are the background songs in Silverio in? It kinda sounds like Japanese sometimes, but then some lyrics sound like English and others sound Italian.

>> No.44458144

Would Hyouka work as an eroge?

>> No.44458151

No. We have plenty of documented cases of extensions only hurting the end product. Were you here when Daiteikoku had to go a complete system overhaul during the delay?

>> No.44458154

The better question is why wouldn't it?

>> No.44458311
File: 790 KB, 800x600, Aster Aster_Version_1.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Aster, done Saya, Hina and Miyuki routes. This vn is utterly depressing, it makes me realize how much we were robbed by moege popularization and key of all companies defining nakige genre. Aster is the true potential of this medium. Unfiltered and undiluted. Fuck moebuta. Fuck every yuzupigs. Fuck keyfags and fuck

>> No.44458348
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-08-29 04_25_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why she speaks in keigo? To be a jerk?

>> No.44458496


>> No.44458600

No, wakarase is boring.

>> No.44458609

>After story
>It's a story about events before the epilogue
Every fucking time
Just call it omake or some shit

>> No.44458708

Did this anon suffer a stroke?

>> No.44458746

You want depression and you're depressed about the state of the industry, I call it a win for you to be honest

>> No.44458759

Looks interesting, thanks for the rec.

>> No.44459290
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, 56481848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VN for this feeling?

>> No.44459500

9-nine- all the way.

>> No.44459803

Are you saying key nakige is bad?

>> No.44459885

Please don't confuse nakige and utsuge.
When I play something that's between a moege and a nakige I want to cry but I don't want to get crushed for a week by a crippling depression. It's good that the industry moved beyond those terrible utterly depressing utsuge like Aster.
I thank Yuzusoft for almost always striking exactly right balance between crying, ero, and fun.

>> No.44459988

I wonder if there's an eroge powerful enough to deliver suicidal thoughts to its audience.

>> No.44460174

They lack originality and just remix and reuse stuff over and over again at this point, summer pocket cured heroines within timeskip and 5 text lines, like sad heroine syndrome, while true route was a mix of clannad and lb. Infamous key formula is no different than ubisoft or electronic arts trash (assuming you are a gamer and understand my gamer reference)

Yes, of course. Tbf aster story is depressing enough anyway, whole 奇跡は起こらない feels really refreshing at this point, over forced happy endings. Undeserved happy ending is worse than ntr desu.

Good to know.

>> No.44460187
File: 3.02 MB, 1602x1801, 2022-02-02_16-33-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44460280

Modern key is shit just like every other old developer, but you are out of your mind if you think their old titles are bad

>> No.44460549

the one that makes her naked but you have to pay for it

>> No.44460599
File: 338 KB, 814x548, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the Japanese pay 800k dollars in yen for 12 * 2.5 minute episodes?

>> No.44460616

because half of it comes from a small number of well-off enthusiasts and the other half is just from fans chipping in small contributions

>> No.44460655

I'm too lazy to look up the original kekstarter, did Madosoft even mention how long the episodes would be beforehand?

>> No.44460708

Many good studios could make a full eroge with that money.
All that for less than 30 minutes?

>> No.44460710

>scamstarters are still alive and kicking
So if the goal was $70K what are they going to do with the rest of the money?($700K)

>> No.44460718


>> No.44460843

this is the most retarded shit ever. why the fuck would you spend nearly a million dollars for a shitty anime instead of funding more eroge from an eroge company? eroge fans are retarded.

>> No.44460873

You're a pussy. I find nakige more offensive than utsuge. Like the writer thinks I cant handle depressing real shit.

>> No.44460906

Aster isn't the only utsuge, what are you on about?

>> No.44460909

Kazoku Keikaku
pixeldrain com/u/dKMztdnN

>> No.44460980

it's not like people have ever tried to fund an eroge like this have they? so we never know how much a project is expected to cost, compared to the amount they can milk from their fans
I don't know about this one but backing tends to gives you stuff so there's incentive for people to keep paying after the goal, like whales getting a spot in the credits, versus just buying multiple copies of an eroge normally

>> No.44461028

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.44461031

There are crowdfounded eroge yes
Cross Concerto is one.

>> No.44461354

>multi protagonists
>they all have their own love interests
based. fuck moebutas

>> No.44461396

Picked up

>> No.44461419

Haven't played it but I heard it focuses on romance despite the premise.
Sounds great, I need more utsuge.

>> No.44461469

Why would I want to get depressed from a VN when I can be that by looking at my own life

>> No.44461668
File: 977 KB, 1350x1753, w1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a look at these crowdfunding goals
The sorechiru remake sequel got 35% of the money they got for their total 30 minute anime.
Pic related are the crowdfunding goals. Thats a complete game with 4+ heroines and then a bunch more characters from the prequel.

These people straight up got scammed. Are they dumb?

>> No.44461712

I really doubt most writers have the most porn addicted and genre tired shitposting channer in mind minus SCA-JI.

>> No.44461723

Is utsuge really that inducing for crippling depression from the reader when it's is all about empathizing and relating with the characters' plight? It's supposed to make you think in a certain way instead of just feeling sorry for them. Needless pandering and happiness without meaning circling around the protagonist in a lot of eroge is just insincere bullshit.

>> No.44462091

Having story based stretch goals like heroine routes and extra characters is worrying. Makes it seem like the game is not very planned at all, I would be surprised if it ends up being good.

>> No.44462254

>Are they dumb?
They are paying for moege so...

>> No.44462584

Madosoft understands modern eroge market much better than Sorechiru staff. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.44462820

Project of some eroge from 20 years ago vs a successful recent eroge
Even if it had a big following back then, probably not many of them care about the game, or eroge in general anymore

>> No.44462826

Looked into it, like 4 character sprites of the girl plus two background cgs are corrupted so the game crashes, when it tries to load them, sad because all the porn cgs seems to be fine.
it would be easy fix if there was some way to open the files and repack them(this is the hard part)

>> No.44462879

Surprised people would donate to navel when PrincessxPrincess was released in an incomplete state.

>> No.44463062

Utsuge should be more popular than nakige and we should've get more of these instead of keyshit.
How old we're talking about?
Because tragedy in fiction is beautiful? Because it doesn't happen to me? Tragedy IRL doesn't stop me from enjoying fictional tragedy

>> No.44463107

Does sad stuff make you uncomfortable?
There's always a silver lining to be found in utsuge. It's not like they simply break you for the hell of it.

I join anon on wanting more utsuge but it's not like I have a problem with classic Key works or the kind of drama VNs we often get though.

>> No.44463127

>Because it doesn't happen to me?
How the hell are you reading eroge to say that?
The whole point of enjoying eroge is to feel like all this stuff is happening to you. That's why almost all eroge are written from the protagonist viewpoint, don't have voices for the protagonist, etc.
It's obvious why hopeless tragedy of utsuge would extract very high mental toll on a reader and wouldn't be that popular compared to more lighthearted or at least dramatic stuff with a happy ending.

>> No.44463131

I don't get tragedy in fiction. It's not even a VN thing, but in fiction in general. If I want to get depressed all O need to do is read the news. I want to read fiction to escape. There are some exceptions to this rule, but generally tragedy isn't the reason why I enjoy fiction

>> No.44463171

Sad stuff makes me... sad. Which is the point, I guess.

>> No.44463190

It's just blind brand loyalty at this point. They haven't really done anything damnedly scandalous.

>> No.44463209

Misery porn junkies think that if anything doesn't destroy their psyche it's gay kiddie trash. It's a debilitating type of media poisoning.

>> No.44463302

What about seeing something so good it makes you depressed because you don't have that irl?

>> No.44463312
File: 1.94 MB, 1440x1080, yes this is a VN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some people are just not wired to find beauty and worth in sadness. Based on your posts, and unless I'm mistaken, it seems to be as such for you, hence why I'm trying to dig into it.

To give some perspective, being able to feel sad, especially to an extent where I'm completely engaged into what's going on to the point of being physically hurt, is amazing to me and it's not an exaggeration. The thing is most VNs out there probably don't have what it takes to get me there, but a well written utsuge can.
To put it differently it's like exploring the emotional spectrum of existence in a way that isn't presented as often. You can experience dating a girl and resolve her mundane drama countless of times, but you won't experience having the love of your life dying and leaving you alone with a kid in that many works out there for example.

>> No.44463357

Do you really need to stoop so low and use dumb buzzwords and create some kind of "them vs. us" kind of situation? It makes you look weak. I like all genres not just misery btw.

>> No.44463390

>meet girl for like 2 weeks
>she dies
>get depressed for like 3 years.
if it was someone he knew for a long time i could understand, at least you can impregnate the little sister lmao

>> No.44463401

Could've fooled me. You lot always go for zero sum absurdities.

>> No.44463404

This whole shitstorm started with >>44458311 declaring
>Fuck moebuta. Fuck every yuzupigs. Fuck keyfags and fuck

And you have the gall to complain about buzzwords and "them vs. us"? Are you fucking kidding me? This is a polarized buzzword-filled us vs. them shitshow from the very start.

>> No.44463409

You've clearly forgotten what it feels like to be a hormonal teenager.

>> No.44463414

>Do you really need to stoop so low and use dumb buzzwords and create some kind of "them vs. us" kind of situation? It makes you look weak.
Not that anon but this post >>44458311 which started it all, is exactly that lmao

>> No.44463440

>How the hell are you reading eroge to say that?
I don't self-insert. I can certainly sympathize with the protag, know what they supposed to feel, assuming writer done good job. I can immerse into eroge, setting, world and characters with no issue. But I always separate myself from actual story protagonist.
I like protags with backstory and voice acting more, yes I'm a dirty shameless plotcuck (I still read and enjoy moege occasionally, in moderation). And I know I would never enjoy some vns if I were a self-inserting cuck.
Maybe that's why I can enjoy utsuge as much as I do.

News barely make me depressed anymore since they all about people I don't even know. In vn you spend time to actually know characters. So it's different.
Besides, I want to see interesting characters, which goes along with pain and suffering, unlike moege lol.

>> No.44463442

I'm not that anon though and just because one acts in a polarized extreme way doesn't mean you have to act like an ape and answer in kind though. It just makes you look and unable to be the better man, and ironically emotional.

>> No.44463459

look weak*

>> No.44463490

The appeal is to read how the characters overcome personal struggles and find their own way to cope at the end. Watching depressing news is overwhelmingly soullessness without any conclusion.
That's just overwhelmingly a sweeping generalization and you know it. Utsuge enjoyers can enjoy happy eroge and some (You) pandering but there's limits to how condensing BS writing can be.

>> No.44463520

Shitstorm? All I see is some actual eroge relevant discussion instead of retarded mtl drama, compared to previous thread. You probably need to develop thicker skin tho.

>> No.44463531

As a piratefag, I can't complain about whatever trend is going in the industry
If I can't find interesting stuff in new releases I will just dig old shit, which is what I mostly do nowadays anyway
There are a ton of eroge, I doubt I will ever run out of them

>> No.44463553

Musicus was crowdfunded if I remember right

>> No.44463573

Thanks anon!
Isn't there a non-corrupted version somewhere?
I'd be tempted to buy it on DLSite and reupload it if my debit card wasn't denied there since about 2 years ago...

>> No.44463579

real life story, back when i was a 13 i used to play a lot of pump it up and ddr, meet a lot of people and made a lot of friends and of course a gf we used to do everything together even our MSN email were similar, in forums we used king of fighter avatars she used athena and i used that dude that is in love with her kensou now that i think about it shit was super embarrassing, anyway when I was 17 she died from leukemia i was very sad but not even close to be depressed like that.
not even when my dad died nor when my uncle who became my dad's replacement died from liver failure i got depressed.

>> No.44463597

Yeah, it did really well too

>> No.44463600

>That's just overwhelmingly a sweeping generalization and you know it. Utsuge enjoyers can enjoy happy eroge and some (You) pandering but there's limits to how condensing BS writing can be.
You could say that about any group, but "moebutas" apparently are a special breed of no nuance to you.

>> No.44463606

Yeah I recall now, I remember being pissy about how the productions for Musicus really didn't line up with what they earned

>> No.44463622

lol you're just mad cuz you got called fat, dude. no hard feelings piggie ;)

>> No.44463632

Cool anecdote, but not everyone takes loss as non-chalant as you. Hard to acknowledge being in 4chan and all, but there are sincerely emotional people who turn into wrecks when they see dead people no matter the connection.

>> No.44463640

>finally showed his true colors.
And this is why you deserve only shit thrown at you.

>> No.44463646

I'd be super depressed if I lost my chance to fuck Haruka too.

>> No.44463652

What's funny is that they did another one for console ports, and it was a success too

>> No.44463690

>he doesn't deny it
kek thinskinned moepiggy squealing LOUD when plotCHADs keep on winning

>> No.44463714

>plotCHADs keep on winning
Kek, reality is not on your side.

>> No.44463721

Winning so hard they had to cry that nobody makes games for them anymore and their shitty companies are dying left and right

>> No.44463741

>keeps on getting fatter and fatter from yearly releases of regurgitated moeslop
Yeah, they won all right lol

>> No.44463767

I didn't think I'd see so many anons openly shitting on plot and drama in this thread but I'd say it's rather fitting with the times we live in. Thinking and feeling too much can be a bit scary I get it.

>> No.44463768

Yuzusoft and Madosoft are the most successful modern eroge companies while all the utsuge companies are long dead.
Plotcucks have already lost this fight.

>> No.44463773

It's called eating good, plotpig. You're malnourished for content.

>> No.44463785

I wish Alicesoft was still in its prime to serve as the equalizer of both moe and plot.

>> No.44463797

you are all too autistic

>> No.44463805

Your plotge, your utsuge, your nakige, your moege will never have a production value as high as my Milk Factory masterpieces, anyway
You can stop fighting

>> No.44463807

I'd rather be anorexic than beat anorexia with VNs loaded that's equivalent to HFCS.

>> No.44463890

doubt it, but if you find it, post it.

>> No.44463926

>there are sincerely emotional people who turn into wrecks when they see dead people no matter the connection.
You're talking about a fictional character in a story written exclusively around drama and stir emotions.
If it walks like a duck.

>> No.44463948

It doesn't really happen.
don't get me wrong. I love struggle. I enjoy drama.I love character getting beaten down, raising up and find a way to overcome tragedy and find happines fand fulfilment in the end. but tragedy for tragedy's sake? that's just not my thing. Kinkoi's true route is one of the few exception to this rule.

>> No.44464001

Maybe you could request it on anime-sharing/hentai-sharing who knows.

>> No.44464159

Yes, fiction can deliver the same effect. Stop being such an unaffected passive fuck.

>> No.44464166

how about... nah

>> No.44464169

Okay, nothing left for you then.

>> No.44464181

Stay the edgy 15 year old. No loss on my part.

>> No.44464193

nah means nah my man. time to let go.

>> No.44464235

Let go of this
*unzips dick*

>> No.44464262

>tragedy for tragedy's sake
That's pretty much why I don't like certain VNs that insist on shock value like most of the Clock Up games. It's just stupid garbage meant to get a reaction from you. It's pretty easy to tell if the author genuinely wants to convey something serious to the reader vs. some misery loving chucklefuck for the hell of it.

>> No.44464273

*look at dick*
*Its 2 inches*

>> No.44464281
File: 402 KB, 670x500, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet a lot of people and made a lot of friends and of course a gf
Nice and beautiful anecdote though, I would read your VN normiekun.

>> No.44464286

t. all the sweating butas in this thread

>> No.44464301

fabled white man

>> No.44464308

two years later I meet a another girl, she was older than me by 4 years but we hit it off real good, we used to play ragnarok online and gunz at a local internet cafe almost everyday.

>> No.44464327

>ragnarok online
god I miss that game. It was a more optimistic time, right before the internet started really going to shit. Every time I try a new MMO I'm just chasing that feeling

>> No.44464407

You're supposed to look up not down.

>> No.44464418

That's your job, hon.

>> No.44464421

Would you play a Ragnarok eroge?

>> No.44464434


>> No.44464441

The sub doesn't tell the dom what to do.

>> No.44464477

Listen you massive butapig. You spend your entire time opening your mouth big and wide for the latest yuzuslop every year. Literally just waiting for your overlords to spread their butt cheeks and unload their slop into your mouth. Looking up and swallowing all of it is exactly your role.

>> No.44464484

>plotcuck seething
Kek, he finally lost it.

>> No.44464521

The absolute state of エロゲスレ

>> No.44464568

It feels kind of validating if something beautiful can be made out of tragedy because when it happens in real life it's just sad and that's it. Whereas fictional tragedy can at least have beauty in the sadness. Of course, there's also the cringe type that's purely for shock value that I don't care about.

>> No.44464581

>It's pretty easy to tell if the author genuinely wants to convey something serious to the reader vs. some misery loving chucklefuck for the hell of it.
Can you recommend me something from the former? Bonus if it has an happy ending

>> No.44464640

It's utterly depressing. Even MTL skulduggery seemed less disgusting than this.

>> No.44464717

Only a Silverio Ragnarok eroge

>> No.44464904

Probably everyone and their mom had read it already but Fata Morgana.

>> No.44465026
File: 1.59 MB, 1274x682, カルタグラ〜ツキ狂イノ病〜《REBIRTH FHD SIZE EDITION》.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get back to the point lads.
I just finished Cartagra and I want to know if Innocent Grey is working on another mystery VN. It's hard to explain but the peculiar atmosphere they create in their novels plus their amazing cast of very breedable girls make for a very addictive reading experience. I literally finished the whole Kara no Shoujo series back to back, and without fail the mystery has been the shittiest aspect of all their games, especially how they solve those mysteries at the end (Cartagra being the best example of this, shitty mystery but the brothel setting was exceptional, Shuugo leaving very quickly from that place is undoubtedly one of the biggest flaws of the game). It may sound contradictory but I still want them to make another mystery VN because I really think it's thanks to the mystery that the points I like about these games really shine, however shitty that mystery may be.

>> No.44465041

You can always read Caucasus. Although that game has its own share of issues.

>> No.44465153

I already read it, all these shitty games have a lot of problems but in terms of enjoyment I think I would put it on the same level as Cartagra. For reference:
But still I think all these games are great and definitely worth playing (with a guide or else they will not be more entertaining than a swift kick to the balls).
I think the only one I still need to play is PP -Pianissimo but at this point I think I'm just going to wait for a remake.

>> No.44465365

How different is the cartagra remake to the original?
I have read neither.

>> No.44465499

are these threads better than djt for talking about japanese?

>> No.44465525

Everyone MTLs everything here though

>> No.44465610

The most notable changes are: now Shuugo has a voice (he has a good voice actor, the same as in KnS1, but he definitely makes the hscenes worse), HD resolution (it's not stretched, backgrounds and CGs are redrawed), new sprites (I personally like the old ones better but they are both good), new op, new songs and the most important one, new endings. I'd say there's no reason to play the original other than to see the old sprites, if you're going to read it definitely play the remake.
I am going to say it again, if the captcha to post something were a simple kanji test this would not happen.

>> No.44465613

Now that DeepL is kill, what do we (我々) use now to MTL?

>> No.44465621

Fuck, the first reply was meant for >>44465365

>> No.44465714

Installed an old game called Idol Mahjong Final Romance 4(new version still has not been uploaded afaik) but after trying to start it a 16-bit high color error appears. Changed the setting in the exe compatibility tab to display 16-bit high color and still didnt work. Any workaround not involving a VM?

>> No.44465737

We use our heads to MTL, bro.

>> No.44465769

Try dgvoodoo.

>> No.44465827

that's hyouka right? is it ever coming back? I don't remember that scene
>Would Hyouka work as an eroge?
yeah that be interesting, but rather more as mystery investigation game would be cool
I wonder is it worth going through the manga?

>> No.44465849

who is this slut again and does she get pounded on her game?
or any debauched eroge with a character like that?

>> No.44465883
File: 167 KB, 700x374, 1659957433370493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pounded on her game?
Not by MC-kun.

>> No.44465918

>that's hyouka right? is it ever coming back? I don't remember that scene
Yes. Never ever. Perfect time to rewatch it then.
>I wonder is it worth going through the manga?
Maybe this is somewhat unrelated to this thread, but there's no reason not to read the novel, especially since it even has several jp audiobooks in case you find it easier to understand it by both reading the novel and listening to the audiobook.

>> No.44465953

so is that ntr or what?

>> No.44465956


>> No.44465963

Is a shame how sprite hit the lottery with aokana and then decided to waste all their money on that anime adaptation that flopped and then proceed to waste all their money on some gacha that flopped even harder

>> No.44466004

>Maybe this is somewhat unrelated to this thread, but there's no reason not to read the novel
oh so its actually those text heavy novels?
>several jp audiobooks in case you find it easier to understand it by both reading the novel and listening to the audiobook
that is a good hint too maybe I'll look that up

>> No.44466006

I just remembered how they had fucking suwabe voice Reiji in KnS2 and then replaced him on the remaster/sequel
My heart was crushed that day

>> No.44466077

There is a collection of torrents on nyaa called "Japanese Audiobook Collection" with hundreds of light novel audiobooks in case you're interested (it would also be great if there were more seeders hehehe)
Wtf, I didn't know this... I'm so used to Waruta's voice for Reiji that I can't imagine it any other way, although I won't lie, Suwabe sounds like a very good candidate for that role.

>> No.44466090

You can't disable the MC voice during the hscenes? what is that homosexual chicanery?

>> No.44466116

I mean, you can, and I could have easily turned it off, but I wanted the full experience kek. Plus, I think it's a bit rude to disable his voice after all the effort he put into recording it right? No moan goes to waste is my motto.

>> No.44466133

nta but I'll try to remember to grab that next freeleach

>> No.44466150

And now they're using the Aokana money that saved them from bankruptcy to make an all ages yurige

>> No.44466157

>all ages yurige
I may need to actually buy a sprite game again

>> No.44466259

And now they are wasting the money from extra 2 for some all ages yuri trash lol

>> No.44466271

Same,why do they think making a catalogue search hard keeps out normies? The nihongo IS the gatekeeping.

>> No.44466289
File: 402 KB, 1276x198, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is steins;gate supposed to be displaying chinese text? this is a pirated steam copy

>> No.44466305

>Bubuzuke is still alive

This makes me super happy,after the bad news about that one guy nana-G,7-G or however his name is said, I was thinking Bubu had croaked. Especially since he hasn't released an eroge since 2019. Although I do wonder what he's been doing since,VNDB has nothing on him......

>> No.44466333

I literally typed "vn" (without " obviously, I shouldn't have to point out that but you never know with retards) and got this thread.

>> No.44466424

DeepL still works though?

>> No.44466455

>all ages yurige
>instead of zwei or if
Yurishit is one thing but all ages is taking the piss
I hope they bankrupt again
are you sure that's a different character and not just a different artist being lazy with the cg?

>> No.44466459

The most powerful computer in the world
Your brain

>> No.44466475

It's a CG from the cashgrab gachashit

>> No.44466494

Nasu hit the lottery by removing the porn from tsukihime and selling a ton so everyone else think they are typemoon and can pull off the same shit, im looking at you, laplacian.

>> No.44466504

what? are they going the gacha route too?

>> No.44466535

no he's talking about when aojashin got localized and the writer(?) tried to defend all the changes

>> No.44466559

>hate it when companies go all ages
>skip all h-scenes anyway for all non nukige games
why am i like this

>> No.44466574

I'm the same. It's because removing H-scenes is a portent of incoming greed driven business decisions

>> No.44466583

But didn't Laplacian also remove all the porn from Hakuchuumu and still made a fortune? Are hscenes really that cursed?

>> No.44466586

It's the sign of a dying company desperate to reach a wider audience

>> No.44466592

Hello, literally me. How are we doing tonight?

>> No.44466594

Nasu won the lottery a long time ago with Saber who became an iconic character despite the bland design and personality
Which I will never understand, even in FSN itself the other characters are much more interesting

>> No.44466599

>>skip all h-scenes anyway for all non nukige games
Can't really imagine myself skipping the h-scenes of my favorite heroine or heroines in non-nukige. I skip the non-favorites everytime in plotge.

>> No.44466616

I don't dislike Saber but her popularity also bewilders me. Literally every other type-moon VN heroine I find more interesting.

>> No.44466727

Literally me

>> No.44466889
File: 218 KB, 1663x1437, oy985dntceh91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yurishit all-ages aside sprite is still cool and has not abandoned their original fans like Laplacian did.

>> No.44467039

I read the school uniforms and sex scenes(through a patch) were still present in the chinese version but im not sure
Also they still have not announced anything despite saying they would so who knows how it went for them

>> No.44467062

For me, it was less about Laplacian going all ages hell they replaced h-scenes with nice cgs of obscured sex but visual handholding which i really like, though the change from high school into university for case 1 was really retarded and it had more to do with Ono being a pretentious cunt about it

>> No.44467373

Are the most expensive physical eroge warrant the price in regards to their quality?

>> No.44467423

I always masturbate to the first h-scene in a route out of respect for the heroine.

>> No.44467465

She's Agrias Oakes but with a better PR team behind her.

>> No.44467594

Kill yourself.

>> No.44467728

I killed myself. What now?

>> No.44467787

they got any decent vns in the afterlife?

>> No.44468019

If you consider VNs like ふしぎ電車 good then yes, plenty

>> No.44468488
File: 1.38 MB, 1282x724, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody knows how to fix this graphic glitch on monobeno?

>> No.44468495

What setup are you using? Japanese locale and everything? Did you install the game off an iso?

>> No.44468506

japanese locale and location, and yeah installed from the iso
that glitch shows both using Wine and running on Windows 7

>> No.44468508

Weird. What graphics card are you using? I can't think it'd be that but I can't think of much else. When does the glitch occur? Is it consistent? Can you consistently trigger it?

>> No.44468550

I don't think is related with my graphics card, but is an AMD APU, tried Auto, DirectDraw, Direct3D and GDI render modes, none of them seems to do any difference, and yes, I can reproduce it consistently, I think it happens because the game tries to draw an specific natsuha's eyebrows

>> No.44468552

Have you applied relevant patches from https://web.archive.org/web/20210921143101/http://www.lose.jp/official/monobeno/download or https://web.archive.org/web/20211025072649/http://www.lose.jp/official/monobeno/download-old ?

>> No.44468553
File: 15 KB, 485x326, 1 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amd gpu? seems like gpu memory issue lol
try changing this

>> No.44468555

Maybe uninstall and reinstall?

>> No.44468597

going to give it a try
still the same, it that monobeno happy end?
just tried on the windows 7 vm, still not working

>> No.44468603

You're playing happy end, aren't you? You should be.

>> No.44468611

Yeah I downloaded 『girlcelly』 [120427] [Lose] ものべの -MONOBENO- 初回版 + Tokuten + Sofmap + Update 1.1
I'll download happy end, I guess...

>> No.44468614

You understand that Happy End is the updated rerelease which contains both the full original game and all of the sequel/fandisc content, right?

>> No.44468622

It sounded too good to be real

>> No.44468632
File: 174 KB, 2560x1440, P5qWqRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last route I did and the first one I actually shed a tear at, and it was the one I was least expecting it. I thought her rewriting her own memories was corny, but somehow the family theme and last few scenes hit me right where it hurts.

>> No.44468648

Really? I thought her route was by far the worst in terms of the emotional drama (even thought the SoL and co was pretty good).

>> No.44468656

and comedy*

>> No.44468712

scan the barcode on your loli to proceed

>> No.44468757

Didn't work, I'm giving up in this version :(
I'm downloading happy end this sunrise

>> No.44468953

Why would you want to read the old version anyway? Happy End is like strictly better

>> No.44468969

Same as the other anon I'm surprised you liked her route but good for you.
I think I might've enjoyed the extra routes more if I had played them when I first read the VN (since I played on release day and these were only added a few years later).

Are you done with the VN now?

>> No.44469188

Maybe he doesn't want a happy end for his lolis?

>> No.44469242

Doesnt Happy End have some rewrites?

>> No.44469327
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, 1690625873722289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumi + Sumi after were really good. Too bad they didn't put that amount of effort into the other routes

>> No.44469462

>doubt it, but if you find it, post it.
I'll give it a try.
>Maybe you could request it on anime-sharing/hentai-sharing who knows.
Yeah, I'll try that as a last resort.

>> No.44469548

Trying to remember this one eroge I installed in my PC. You're band just broke up and I think the whole point was to pick up girls for some reason I've forgotten. Early H scenes if I recall.

>> No.44469559


>> No.44470422

>>44469462 here, could you please tell the specific corrupted cgs and sprites?

>> No.44470581
File: 96 KB, 946x57, 1544330552019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to change font in Yoakena 15th anniversary Brighter than Dawning Blue version? I really want to change this ugly ass font to default MS Gothic.

>> No.44470621


>> No.44470698
File: 119 KB, 987x93, 1662916175157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind.

>> No.44471119

Is there anyway to search titles on VNDB through synopsis alone?

>> No.44471200

try using google but limit your result with inurl:vndb.org

>> No.44471363

"gangbanging anon's girlfriend vndb.org" sadly resulted in no useful results.

>> No.44471484

Your best bet is to use database dumps from https://vndb.org/d14 and load it in a local database where you'll attach some sort of full-text search to the "description" field of the "vn" table. Unfortunately there is no index on that field in the live database so it's unlikely that you'll be able to search it as is.

For some limited searches you could use https://query.vndb.org/ and write there queries like "SELECT * FROM vn WHERE description ILIKE '%anonymous%' LIMIT 10;" or something like that.

Of course you'll need some basic knowledge of SQL to do either of those things.

>> No.44472091
File: 1.30 MB, 1289x747, screenshot01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy end is working perfectly, still, I can't help but feel like I'm playing fanfiction

>> No.44472368

how the fuck does a VN trigger a gpu driver bug kek

>> No.44472413

Looks fine, what's the problem?

>> No.44472521

If you'll have the same problem again then you should check your memory. It really looks like some sort of memory corruption.

>> No.44472549

It can happen if it uses a lot of video or Live2D.

>> No.44472616

Her smile finally returned after you removed the glitch from her forehead. I won't lie, that was a bit touching. Sniff.

>> No.44472642
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, apeiria_2020-02-07_12-59-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this, but I haven't had any memory problems since then

>> No.44472675

Such a joyful conclusion

>> No.44472703

It maybe a problem in some rarely accessed region of memory. It might even be a problem in a part of the memory which is usually reserved for integrated video. If you have a integrated graphics card (APU) then your best course of action is to set video memory as low as possible in the UEFI and do proper low level memtest on all the rest of the memory.
Memory problems could begin subtle but could easily lead to a lot of catastrophic silent corruption eventually. It's better to catch them early and replace problematic memory sticks if that's what causing it. Underclocking might sometimes solve such problems in some rare cases too.

>> No.44472722

It's still hilarious. If you rape your GPU, obviously you can run out of memory but this shouldn't be resulting in graphical glitches like that. Well assuming properly implemented drivers and that the graphics application isn't doing something weird (it's a VN; nobody should be doing anything too exotic).

>> No.44472787

Anon said he was running on integrated graphics. It's not weird to imagine glitches can occur.

>> No.44472796

Not with properly implemented drivers. Integrated just means it has weak performance. It's not supposed to mean it's broken.

>> No.44472801

AMD has pretty good integrated graphics on Ryzen. It would be rather doubtful for that to be the cause.

>> No.44472804

Anon didn't say he was running a Ryzen though. I was envisioning something much older.

>> No.44472814

I bet something older would probably be unacceptably slow to run Live2D games.

>> No.44473002

Which vinnie should I MTL next. Any moege recs?

>> No.44473050
File: 70 KB, 313x450, VJ008761_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one for you.

>> No.44473091

moegay is for faggots
read a plotge

>> No.44473145

Remember to ignore disgusting MTlers to avoid contracting any disease they may bring :)

>> No.44473174

a yuzusoft title we could use some more of their quality discussion ;)

>> No.44473186

Wat plotge, bro. I read Moogy's Muramasa fanfic a while back. Should I MTL that too

>> No.44473217

what otome is this. I can't read Chinese

>> No.44473222

>Wat plotge

>> No.44473245

>it's a VN; nobody should be doing anything too exotic
Anon, you've got it backwards. VNs are implemented in a more buggy haphazard way than real games.

>> No.44473253

You're not supposed to recommend kamige

>> No.44473337

It's just low quality bait.

>> No.44473430

>responded to low quality bait himself
Average IQ in this thread is double digits.

>> No.44473439

Looks cute. Thanks boss

>> No.44473442

I don't think you understand what a bait is.

>> No.44473480

I don't think you understand whenever a message is posted to get people to pay attention to them. You must mentally damaged. :)

>> No.44473497

In English?

>> No.44473537

Retardo, I posted that and it is definitely not bait. You guys are so retarded that you are repeating the same thing that happened in the previous thread. It was a mistake to post that smiley face though lol

>> No.44473616 [DELETED] 

It's bait because you wanted people to pay attention to you. It's that simple. Are you retarded? You're like that one black kid in class who shits his pants on purpose and then tells everyone that he's a dindu

>> No.44473716

Take your loss and just stop posting retard. You'll be forgotten by tomorrow.

>> No.44473750

Remember to change your menstruation pad, bro

>> No.44473889

How is it a kamige?

>> No.44474023

Sorry I deleted the game already, the backgrounds cgs are the schoolyard during rain I think and the sprites are the girl bending forward and yelling/surprised sprite, there are like 2 variations of her wearing her bloomers, the corrupted one is her wearing her normal clothes which is why the game crashes earlier on.
Honestly, forget about it.

>> No.44474085
File: 36 KB, 148x272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone have an idea as to why KKK won't correctly render 長音符 or whatever the hell these are called vertically, as opposed to horizontally? There's exactly one font that works for it (MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB) but using that results in Chinese versions of runes appearing. It's not a huge deal, but it's annoying.

>> No.44474222

Must be a font issue on your computer because the default font worked fine for me. Have you tried reinstalling them?

>> No.44474238

are you an NTR enjoyer?

>> No.44474304

No dice even after reinstalling, sadly. The most bizarre thing is that say, MS Gothic or Meiryo displays these characters fine in another vertical text game, Albatross.

>> No.44474362


>> No.44474389

It only happened in that one scene

>> No.44474434

So I guess is a game bug, like a damaged sprite? My OCD makes me seethe so much

>> No.44474490

Do you have the same bug? Then it's probably a game bug or maybe driver related? I have a nvidia card

>> No.44474537

h-suki never added the patch i found to the download page of the game
man i put a lot of effort into that little writeup

>> No.44474539

Iirc i had nvidia on my old laptop, but also tried on intel and amd ryzen

>> No.44474616

Throw two links at them this time
is a "crack" (actually exactly the same .exe before PlayDRM/Enigma Protector mutilated it) for

>> No.44475059


>> No.44475792

I may just post it in the forum for the game this time.

>> No.44476394
File: 342 KB, 1920x1125, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use motoyalmarum

>> No.44476438
File: 271 KB, 1288x723, スクリーンショット_2023-08-30_19-08-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worried about something, pacing halls
>imouto comes up and says she'll undress out of nowhere
>proceeds to manage to call the protagonist a pervert
Maybe ange had a point.

>> No.44476603
File: 156 KB, 500x700, sona_cheer20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this?

>> No.44476642

it was cute

>> No.44476643

I read the first hour and dropped it. It didn't leave much of an impression.
I'm not a fan of Liar-soft in general. I hate using the phrase "style over substance" but reading their works does leave me feeling like I want something more substantial.
I am planning on giving 絶対地球防衛機メガラフター a chance soon though, it looks pretty fun.

>> No.44476664

Yeah the ending just pushed all the right buttons for me, probably because I know what its like to deal with not wanting to face your family, despite knowing its the right thing. The SoL parts were also great.
I'm going into the ALKA route right now.

>> No.44476942

I had half forgotten, but I do actually remember feeling a little about the ending though. Mostly about how everyone on the island was there for her and like a family to her though. It was hard to have any sympathy for her real parents and the ending didn't change that for me. They just seemed like huge cowards who didn't really deserve her.

>> No.44476991

It was hard for me to judge whether her parents were right or wrong because Japanese society is so different, so maybe having parents who went to jail is really a huge thing.

>> No.44477019

I can understand why they were hesitant, I just didn't like how wishy-washy and kind of deceptive they were about it. If they had any intention to try and be her parents they should have been thinking more about how all this would impact her than they seemed to be doing. Not even keeping in contact with her until MC dragged them over, even after the big climax where she called to them, was a bit much.

Also if this wasn't a wholesome key VN the parents whole story and actions honestly would look like some kind of scam being played on her desu

>> No.44477145

It's the weakest of the Josou series.

>> No.44477186


>> No.44477887

Why so early?

>> No.44478281

what wrtieup are you referring to?

>> No.44481895

The thread is still alive?

>> No.44482010

There were only 3 threads left when I made the new one. Guess the board was slower than usual.
