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44384535 No.44384535 [Reply] [Original]

50 trillion crocodiles vs every touhou character

>> No.44384544


>> No.44384558

50 trillion crocodiles would be so densely packed that their energetic fields would aggregate to the point of overwhelming the spiritual essences of 2hus, evaporating them like salt in water.

>> No.44384561

50 trillion is such an astronomically high number that the 2hu characters would just get bored and stop, so crocs win

>> No.44384580

50 trillion crocodile 2hu girls...

>> No.44384581
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the jews

>> No.44384588

Don't need every character, just Yuyuko.

>> No.44384598

Remilia being included means the 2hus win

>> No.44384604

The crocodiles collapse into a black hole consuming Gensokyo and winning.

>> No.44384652
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My wife, the queen of AoE

>> No.44384724

Crocodiles can't fly. 2hu wins.

>> No.44384736

Crocs will easily win the battle, but Sanae and Nitori will join their ranks and spend the rest of their lives undermining the crocodile population over the course of millions of years until all that's left is just a handful, which they will then easily dispatch. So 2hu wins the war.

>> No.44384853

Crocodiles have the strongest bite force of any animal, run 22 mph, can withstand bullets, arrows, knives and even a case of one surviving a drop from a 20 foot building. They also wiped out 1,000 Japanese soldiers over night during an incident known as the ramree massacre as well

Now times all that by 50 trillion

>> No.44384880

Does any of that shit matter if they're not immune to radioactivity?

>> No.44384892

Crocodiles have a higher tolerance to radiation than most other vertebrates

>> No.44384903
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>all crocodiles are Autralian saltwater crocodiles
nigger please

>> No.44384922

Crocodiles could just lock their jaws on the scarlet sisters until the sun rises killing em since they vampires

>> No.44384937

This too is my answer.

>> No.44384957

The crocodiles could probably stack up? Plus 50 trillion is a big number

>> No.44384973

Im betting on the 50 trillion crocs, in all earnest

>> No.44384982

Flying is just x height + 1. The crocodiles are powerless.

>> No.44384990

I don't know, at a certain point they won't be able to maintain their balance anymore and the croco-tower will just tip over.

>> No.44385002

Crocodiles can jump 3-5 in the air, climb trees, fences and walls and once they bite ahold of something, it's hard to get them to let go, especially once they do the infamous death roll

>> No.44385001


>> No.44385012

It's a shame that all those actions are futile when their enemy is flying.

>> No.44385015

What can the crocodiles do to Mokou? They can't ignore her because she'll burn them. If they bite her, she'll kill herself with combustion to injure that croc then respawn.

>> No.44385030

Crocnado, there is surely a crocodile youkai and at least Seija will aid them

>> No.44385061

Maybe the crocodiles can ambush attack some of them?

>> No.44385067

Imagine a crocodile youkai using live crocodiles as danmaku.

>> No.44385068 [DELETED] 

Crocodiles easily, most 2hus are women which means they are less intelligent than 99.9% of men (negros included), and men are weaker than crocodiles, so crocodiles win with no difficulty.

>> No.44385089

Some of the heat left from her fire based attacks could probably benefit the crocodiles surrounding the flames since crocodiles are cold blooded animals that gain body warmth from their surroundings

>> No.44385260

They join forces and enslave the humans of the outside world!
Would the absurd levels of heat be more important? I mean probably just being close to Okuu casting her fusion powers would fry you instantly.
>can withstand bullets, arrows, knives
All those things allowed by danmaku rules?
Could it be that 2hus are actually crocodiles and gensokyou is actually underwater and that's how they fly?
>>44384580 was right!

>> No.44385344

NTA but Remilia can manipulate fate, so she can just say that the fate of the crocs is to never win and just like that they lost.

>> No.44385352

Remilia's powers are a bunch of hot air. Anyone that claims she's a powerhouse is either a fanboy or retarded.

>> No.44385379

As if Remilia ever uses those said abilities in the first place

>> No.44385382

Even if you discard teh Remi, 2hu team still got Yukari who can gap all crocs into the sun, Keine who can rewrite history so the crocs were never born, and the 3 immortals who can battle the crocs until the end of the universe.

>> No.44385392

i put it on the touhous because of truly stupid shit like yuyuko basically being a walking instant death machine at a very far range, or yukari just throws most of the crocs directly into the sun.

>> No.44385552

What if the 2hu girls had no knowledge that crocs would start spawning in gensokyo and the crocodiles ambush some of the stronger youkai say in their sleep for example

>> No.44385580

Why does everyone always assume that 2hu powers are infinite instead of Yukari getting tired after holding a gap open for a few minutes or Flans own body falling apart the more she uses her ability?

>> No.44385724

I think flight gives them a very big advantage over a ground enemy that can't use projectiles of their own.

>> No.44385755

How differently would the fight play out if the 2hu girls couldn't fly?

>> No.44385764

>toehoes can fly
it's over crocobros

>> No.44385785

People just idealizing x character cuz they like it, and people not liking character they like getting eaten by crocs I guess.
Also probably some tendency since people started x vs y character battles between different fandoms and shit where everyone thinks that stronger character = good, so people will always pic character at better than their best feat in whatever inconsistent fictional world.
>Flans own body falling apart the more she uses her ability
Don't really remember that, did I miss it from touhou 17.5 or something?
Depends a lot on how they specifically work, but ZUN doesn't go into details so it's hard to tell.
But as far as I know Yuyuko could technically defeat anything living that doesn't have magical/spiritual attacks and as undead will eventually, after years maybe kill everything.
Undead tend to be very op in almost every setting with seemingly infinite stamina and maybe being only put to death again through magic.

>> No.44385795

Sturdier youkai like Oni will probably be fine. I don't imagine their skin can easily be bitten through.

>> No.44385825

>evaporating them like salt in water
Come again?
I think it'd be more like the Tang Scene in EoE except with more pichuns and all the 2hus getting warmingly embraced by trillions of cold-blooded reptiles.

>> No.44385828

That is if their skin can handle a bite force of 3,700 PSI plus the death roll

>> No.44385829
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We have history to guide us:

>> No.44385832

Has there ever been a canon depiction of a Touhou getting tired from using their ability?

>> No.44385834

I think one time Yuugi spilt a single drop of sake

>> No.44385841

I think the old 2 Trillion Girl Scouts vs the Death Star piece had an applicable point.
>I'm going to give everyone a reference so they understand just how much a trillion is. This isn't commenting on anyone's intelligence or brilliant insight. This is simply the fact that all throughout human evolution we have never had to deal with numbers as large as a trillion. The upper limit of the best Kings and Emperors probably didn't exceed dealing with more than tens of thousands.
>For reference, let's say you had two stacks of 100 sheets of paper each. When you aren't looking, I stole four sheets of paper from one pile. I then picked up both piles and threw them on opposite sides of the room. They crash into messy clumps. Do you think, just by looking at those two clumps, you would know which pile was missing four?
>Now let's increase the number. Each pile has 1,000 sheets of paper and when you weren't looking, I stole 40. After I throw them across the room, could you tell which pile was missing 40?
>Now both piles have 10,000 and I steal 400.
>100,000, I steal 4,000.
>1,000,000, 40,000.
>10,000,000, 400,000.
>100,000,000; 4,000,000.
>1,000,000,000; 40,000,000.
>10,000,000,000; 400,000,000.
>100,000,000,000; 4,000,000,000
>1,000,000,000,000; 40,000,000,000.
>Since OP numbered the Girl Scouts at 2 trillion, this means that the fighters on the Death Star could kill 80 billion of these Girl Scouts and they would still not notice a difference in the number of them.
>I don't think there's enough ammo in all the Stormtroopers' weapons to kill all of them. I don't think that they could even stay awake long enough to kill all of them before they pass out from sheer exhaustion.
>Even for Darth Vader, I would need to see feats before I think he could lead the Death Star's standing forces against that large of a number of foes and succeed.

>> No.44385852
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People don't realize just how big the number of 50 trillion is.
Assuming there are around 200 hus, each one of them would have to fight 250 BILLION crocodiles.

>> No.44385870

Also a big ass problem with calculating power in touhou specifically is that there's barely any fights to death unlike in 99.99% of settings with fights and superpowers/magic.
I mean it's probably the only setting with vampires were not even a single vampire has died that isn't pure comedy.
Do we even know how to get permanently rid of anything in touhou that isn't a human? Sure le youkai starve of fear and gods need faith, but direct deaths... I think we only have the fortune teller.
If you coordinate just a bunch of fairies against anything that isn't able to capture them would they win given enough time since they have infinite troops refiling? I guess the hard part would be to coordinate them tho.
Consistancy is also pretty wacky which doesn't help.

>> No.44385882
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Difference here is that crocodiles, such as saltwater crocodiles and nile crocodiles are much stronger then lions with larger individuals even preying on lions, tigers and sharks. Some of the largest individuals like gustave, the crocodile who ate 300 people was even known to prey on hippos

>> No.44385886

But how easy are they to make friends with in comparison?
Did you even watch the whole video?

>> No.44385919

Given his reputation, Gustave should be a prime candidate for turning into a youkai.

>> No.44385951

With living beings there is still the problem of morale, if you see people walking to death you won't follow, and logistics I guess since feeding and transporting armies exist even if games tend to skip that.
And if you want to take the numbers games, fairies haven't been shown to ever stop respawning so they count as infinite troop restocking, also horai immortals and youkai can also reappear, ghost dying by a crocodile doesn't really seem legit, so direct confrontation against all touhous is pretty much impossible without magic powers, not because they are stronger but because there is no possible way of winning.

>> No.44385992

Not that I can recall at least. I think it's a safe assumption to make that they'd eventually get tired if only because I doubt using their powers are as simple as breathing to them, but maybe not.
Counterpoint: fighting isn't actually a requirement. If they don't spawn in Gensokyo from thin air all it takes is someone like Yukari just making a big old gap around Gensokyo that blasts anything that crosses into the sun, or just floating it up above them.

If they do just spawn from thin air then there's a debate, since again, 50 trillion is a large number. I'd imagine that'd be enough crocs to make a straight line the span of the globe a hundred times over. Putting them in a small box cut off from the slightly bigger box that is Japan, a country not even half the size of Texas, and it's pretty much just over. Even including the trillions that'll be packed up so high they'll die in space just the sheer weight would kill basically every inhabitant of Gensokyo barring the immortals and people who literally don't even live in it. I'd even wager it'd crush all of the Underground but I'm not really sure how much force would be needed to shatter the Earth's crust.

>> No.44386003

And yet crocodiles can't stop Australians from jumping on them and shoving their thumbs up their butts.

>> No.44386025

What If hypothetically all the crocodiles were capable of direct confrontation with all the 2hu girls and the girls, such as the aforementioned fairies couldn't respawn

>> No.44386039

Australians aren't human

>> No.44386044

Then they wouldn't be crocodiles anymore?

>> No.44386057

Magic crocodiles

>> No.44386133

So not crocodiles? The point of the thought experiment isn't to change it beyond its intial specs, you say "what if they could hurt ghosts" just gives me or anyone else a reason to say "what if Reimu had her trusty Anti-Crocodile spray?" and further change it into something that's no longer really fun to think about.

>> No.44386139

what species of crocodiles are exactly being used in this scenario?

>> No.44386160

Imagine this scenario: A group of fairies are flying over a sea of crocodiles, mocking and laughing at the animals who desperately snap their jaws trying to bite the fairies when they fly too low. Then, as the cocky fairies ignore the crocs and begin talking to each other, one of the big reptiles launches high into the air and manages that catch one of those pesky overconfident fairies, dragging her down to an eating frenzy. A loud scream from the unfortunate fairy is the last thing her friends hear while they hover in shock above the excited group of crocs who are still fighting over pieces of the dumb fairy.

>> No.44386167

So if all the touhous were flightless humans I guess some like Okuu would still be able to hold up if we consider the intimidation factor, if she nukes a bunch of them I doubt the rest would run towards the fiery hell that she makes or even get close, Okuu might even destroy almost all life and make earth a nuclear wastelant.... then again if she isn't human she probably would survive either to her own powers, Yuyu on another hand would be similar but if she is human she might die of the amount of bacteria of decomposing corpses.
Yamame could maybe be useful if her powers could craft a illness specifically for crocs that spreads like wildfire due to the accumulation she could fuck the crocs.
Many could end in a lose-lose situation.
If touhous coordinate since Yukari can go to the moon she might have a save space that crocs couldn't reach(well maybe crocs couldn't even enter Gensokyo).
And there even if they don't directly kill them they could wait for them to starve if they take enough provisions to the moon, I guess girls like Suika could still come and go from earth since she can transform into mist, Sumi could use telekinesis to get stuff safely, Reimu could become untouchable, and so on so they could maybe restock, even getting some crocodile meat if things get really bad.
I speculate more in the 2hu favor since it's funnier to do and magic is broken.

>> No.44386175

Satori passed out in CDS from reading too many minds.

>> No.44386180

Saltwater crocs I assume, maybe with Hakuroukens for teeth to get rid of immortals idk
Nice story Akyuu, how is your fairy torture manga going?

>> No.44386189

crocodiles if i remember correctly have some of the most powerful immune systems of any animal, so unsure how effective the illness aspect maybe

>> No.44386233

Well, that was one snake youkai in FS implied to be the former killing machine irl

>> No.44386264

That amount of croc will make gravity collapse on itself, creating a black hole which only Yukari can escape

>> No.44386363

what if we used the 40 prehistoric crocodile, deinosuchus?

>> No.44386366

Probably, crocs are pretty op in the animal kingdom, still being that many with all the pooping it could end up very bad for them... maybe long term something could be done, but maybe other indirect abilities might be a better option. I guess powers that cast storms, and things that might alter turn them against each other might be a better way of fighting them.
If the crocs are 5^13 and earth has a surface around 51 * 10 ^13 square meters that would still make it about a croc every 10 meters if they are evenly put on earth so I don't think they are anywhere close to collapsing gravity unless they are overlapping.
I posted my numbers because I might have fucked them up so plz correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.44386380

crocodilian supremacy

>> No.44386442

Can the 2hus make a pact with the crocs? What about diplomacy?

>> No.44386469
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Cirno's ice based attacks could be pretty effective towards the crocs too since crocodiles are cold blooded animals that aren't very tolerant to cold temperatures

>> No.44386886

Your math is wrong not because of the numbers but because the presumed playing field is Gensokyo, which is presumably much smaller than earth by virtue of essentially being a part of Japan ripped out from the country. We can make assumptions on its size all day, but my personal one is it's no bigger than Hokkaido so you should use that as a baseline. Still probably not gravity collapsing levels but it's definitely going to do some damage just by their sheer weight.

>> No.44387683
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>> I'd imagine that'd be enough crocs to make a straight line the span of the globe a hundred times over.
Assuming the average length of a croc is 4 meters and that by the span of the globe you mean the Earth's circumference, it would be more like five million times over.

>> No.44388966

Crocodile jaw strength will see them bite the gaps closed, ignoring the fact that having Yukari on your team is a jobber flag.

>> No.44389281

Steve Irwin is probably in gensokyo, he could solo them all easy

>> No.44389303

Just be thankful he isn't fighting stingrays

>> No.44389318

He will never be in Gensokyo, because we'll never forget him ;_;

>> No.44389321

>aren't very tolerant to cold temperatures
Wow, that's pretty bigoted of them.

>> No.44389361

Some touhou powers are infinite. Mokou and Kaguya can't die even if they want to.

>> No.44389522

Immortality in this case is more of a buff/debuff rather than a part of their powers, but the Hourai immortals can explicitly feel strained which implies they can't just constantly be firing off on all cylinders. Though I wouldn't count them as part of the equation to begin with because by default they will literally always live and thus can't be truly defeated. Kaguya especially considering her powers are bullshit.

>> No.44389583

ok. so the crocodiles lose.

>> No.44389643

This fight is a stomp unless the crocodiles bring in 50 trillion niggers for help

>> No.44389656
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>> No.44390034

Can some math nerd with too much free time do the number-crunching?
How many stacks of saltwater crocodiles would be required to fit 50 trillion of them within an area the size of Hokkaido? How tall would these stacks be?
I'm guessing this shit would reach into space.

>> No.44390455

I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a complete stomp, feel like the crocodiles could wipe out some of the cast

>> No.44390502

Worthless characters like Akyuu would die (but she's close to dying of old age anyways), Kosuzu, Miyoi and other weak ones

>> No.44390532

As if they wouldn't form some sort of impromptu phalanx with weaker characters in the center to be protected by stronger ones

>> No.44390748

Where did you get the idea that Flan gets hurt by using her own ability? Seriously, I want to know. Either this had never been said or shown and you're retarded, or I've missed the source for this and am, myself, retarded.

>> No.44390754

>girls fly away
>crocodiles dye from thirst/hunger/overheating/pressure/lack of oxygen (depending on crocodile packing strategy)
>girls fly back

>> No.44390998
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Melanosuchus Nigger

>> No.44391105

I think he meant that Flan's powers are too strong for her own good

>> No.44391152

while its true that some people overestimate the powers of 2hus, we have retard secondaries who insist they are barely stronger than a normal human, give them made-up limitations, ignore any strenght they displayed etc.

>> No.44391195
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Feel like most people don't realize how massive crocodiles are as animals, largest individual I believe was almost 30 feet in Australia in 1957

>> No.44391209

They are, however, not magic. End of story

>> No.44391218

Crocodiles transcend past magic. Magic can't do shit against a croc's massive jaws. Cirno would get turned into an ice slushie

>> No.44391231
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They dont even need to lift a finger. They just need to wait. Most of the cast have greatly extended lives or outright immortality (sorry humanhus). Crocs also cant hurt them via physical means. Unless maybe the crocs become croco-yokai? But even then the croco-yokai would just switch teams. So its an eazzy win for the girls. Now Id like to see the special needs people who lowball 2hu rationalize their way out of this. I wonder if Yuyuko would like croc meat?

>> No.44391564

Croc taste like chicken

>> No.44391607

Touhou characters are fueled by my fap sacrifices, the dead spermatozoa from me have long exceeded magnitudes of trillions

>> No.44391638

Youkai also need to be feared in order to exist, and the crocodiles could theoretically win by eating the world's human population that way there will be no one left to fear the youkai thus granting crocs the win

>> No.44392032
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I'm gonna get you!

>> No.44392116

Yuuka would be useless, Crocodiles have their balls hidden inside their bodies so Yuuka's signature ball-destroying kick would have no effect on them.

>> No.44392172

Croc and ball torture

>> No.44392184

Just means she has to drive her foot down a little deeper!

>> No.44392987

If, say, this fight takes place not on earth or Gensokyo but on some battlground where technically 50 trillion crocodiles could fit and be evenly spread, then it wouldn't even take a while for them to all die. 50 trillion is A LOT, but a number of 2hus can also just basically super-nuke them.
There's that one popular video called "1 trillion lions vs the Sun". That's basically what's gonna happen.
Now, if the crocodiles were using the spellcard rules...

>> No.44393059
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Hold up

WHY are fifty trillion crocodiles in conflict with every touhou character?
WHY did this conflict escalate to physical violence?
Isn't there any other way to resolve this incident?
Think about the fairies.

>> No.44393087

Fairies can't think, they're just flying onaholes

>> No.44393887

Sadly, the crocodiles are all fans of Kancolle.

>> No.44394164

fan of what

>> No.44394173

Fairies are now crocodile food

>> No.44394222 [DELETED] 

reimu literally canonically nerfs herself so much for foes to be able to even touch her

>> No.44394238

Good answer.

>> No.44394402
File: 788 KB, 1280x960, Moe expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of math at all, but, taking a 4-meter-long crocodile's average width to be 50 cm, we will have the whole island covered with 41.727 billion crocodiles. That leaves us with the need to stack the crocodiles 1,200 times, with quite a few towers taller than the resulting heap, although every building in Hokkaido would be buried deep beneath the crocs.

Now, let's assume they have all been genetically engineered to achieve a size standard of 6 meters length, 75 cm averaged width (between the 1-meter-wide torso, head, and tail), 50 cm height, and an exact ton of mass. It will then take 20.856 bln crocs to fill the island and roughly 2397 stacks of them to run out of our 50 trillion, so, taking for granted the ridiculously unrealistic assumption that the crocs don't get crushed into mush under the weight of upper stacks, we end up with a heap that doesn't even approach stratosphere, let alone space.

>> No.44394642

Humans have modern weaponry, thats not happening. And besides that plenty of them lived outside gensokyo where fear was nonexistent (see mamizou) and Yukari visits the outside world. And what about beings like the Celestials? It said crocs vs all the touhou girls.

>> No.44394649

Incident involving Croco goddess or croco yokai. Reimu is solving this shit then going back to bed.

>> No.44394760

It happens with every character that looks like a girl, no mater the setting, I don't see this shit happening so much with superman or goku... or maybe it happens but I don't know since I don't visit the places where those type of things would get discussed.
Youkai and Gods yes, and afaik we have no decent info on how that exactly works.
Unless I'm misremembering most of the cast of UFO was sealed in hell and still seem to exist perfectly fine.
>WHY did this conflict escalate to physical violence?
Because if they don't stop them they'll kill every human in the outside world. Which which would make Shinigamis overwork and make stuff in hell even worse and nobody wants to have another flower incident, except maybe Yuuka, but c'mon they don't want Komachi to cry.
I guess fighting Yuyu would be close to fighting the sun, can't do shit you die.

>> No.44394834

yuyuko would eat them all :D

>> No.44394899

Vore all the crocs I guess

>> No.44395041

The crossover i didn't expect.

>> No.44395432

Can the crocs even all fit inside the barrier? with such a large mass they might just cause too much carbon choking everyone and themselves

>> No.44395786

Thank you, that's the exact scenario I was curious about. 50 trillion sounded obscene so I assumed space was a reasonable estimate. The sky has more space than I give it credit for.

>> No.44396682

What if the touhou cast do manage to win, but its a Pyrrhic victory to to all the damage the crocodiles have caused? Plenty of not most of the humans in the village would be killed one way or another, and the environment would suffer as the crocodiles might have eaten or killed a ton of animals. Having to get rid of trillions of corpses is no easy feat as well. We could also bring up >>44395432 if trillions of crocodiles just fell on Gensokyo and there was nowhere to hide, then the human cast might not have a chance.

>> No.44400277
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>> No.44400508

>Having to get rid of trillions of corpses is no easy feat as well.
Ironically that'd be the easiest part, there's a dozen 2hu's that could essentially be garbage disposal including the zombie/ghost's tummies but otherwise it would indeed be a pyrrhic victory no matter what.

Raises another question of what would be a win condition to begin with, as previously stated the immortals are literally impossible to kill on any level, but does it still count as a win if it's just a handful of people? What about those who aren't from Gensokyo proper like the Enma or Komachi? Do important cast members like Reimu passing away constitute an insta-loss?

>> No.44400536

Hi frens

>> No.44400771
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Crocodiles also have some capacity for regeneration it seems

>> No.44401515

Maybe it could be considered a win if someone like Reimu was taken out

>> No.44403074
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So I guess after all this, it's safe to assume that the crocodiles will lose against every single touhou girl?

>> No.44403143

The only power related headcanon I disagree with is that they all have super strength and durability. While they might be a little stronger and sturdier than the average human by default, I imagine truly significant strength and durability is only possessed by certain species and individuals that specifically went out of their way to gain those things. The rest have to rely on magic, some other trait quality to their species, or a combination of both rather than just pure brawn.

This isn't to say that you can easily kill the average youkai of course. Just like fighting a wild animal in real life would be, it would still be very difficult to do without the proper equipment.

>> No.44403167

If Marisa can survive the shit thrown at her in CDS and in the games, then other combatants definitely can.
Even Cirno can throw an ice boulder like 3x bigger than herself, at least.

>> No.44403236

That's danmaku though. Meant to be non lethal but I imagine getting hit by it still feels something like getting tased.

>> No.44403252

Crocs are dumb as fuck. If there are 50 trillion of em so close together we can expect them to eat each other since they're known to engage in cannibalism

>> No.44403293

can't just suika become a giant and stomp them

>> No.44403424
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>> No.44403695

What if hypothetically the crocs had human level sapience and could physically harm all the characters (just for the god sake of making this more fair)

>> No.44404102
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And also what if we also used the prehistoric more agile and terrestrial land based crocodile, the quinkana instead of saltwater crocodiles

Since I feel this croc might be more suited to battle in a terrestrial environment like gensokyo

>> No.44404563

Baste und Kirbypilled

>> No.44404629

>super strength
Well if you have flight you could assume that you can at least lift your entire body + what your body can lift naturally, you might be able to lift even more considering that you can also accelerate your own body. The way of how magic flight exactly works is a bit tricky to know tho.
They use many things in spellcard duels that are lethal for humans.
>average youkai
I believe every playable character and probably also every boss is above your average youkai. Even if x japanese myth says that they could be beaten by swords and such, I haven't seen anyone saying that Youmu is breaking the spellcard rules.

Then you would have "secondary required superpowers" like heat resistance since gracing a single bullet of Okuu would melt steel, and humans usually boil way before steel melts. And radiation resistance.

I think it depends a bit of what you take more as an inspiration for deducing their powers, if you go by games every named character seems pretty tough, but on the mangas there are some moments like Eirin not being able to lift the sake pot thing the fairies stole that water it down a lot.
Also new info lowers sometimes how strong a character seemed, ZUN liking to be vague doesn't help in trying to measure anyone's strength.

Maybe they would also need flight probably, maybe also projectile attacks, which is making them pretty close to a dragons I guess.
Can't deny that crocs are S tier animals, but magic is broken and doesn't always have physical limits, the problem with crocs isn't that much of not being good enough physically but rather them not being able fight immortals or be able to fight nuclear fusion.

>> No.44404671

Compared to other animals like say lions and wolves they definitely are much larger, stronger and definitely more durable

>> No.44405327

Spellcard rules are weird, but my assumption is that it just takes the idea of something and turns it into a painful force rather than one with any true weight behind it. So if someone throws a table at you, they're not throwing an actual table at you, they're just throwing a big table shaped wad of magic at you that stings more than a fair bit. So Okuu isn't actually giving you radiation, Nitori isn't literally drowning you, Shou isn't actually hitting you with bendy lights, so on and so forth.

>> No.44405444

The crocodiles swarm together to form a giant super croc to fight her!!!

>> No.44405501

Three of the Touhous are literally immortal, so regardless of the crocs' strength or numbers the hus would win eventually

>> No.44405605

This is a reddit "meme", isn't it? Please go there instead.

>> No.44406714 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 860x1000, Gold!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh heckin chonker
crocodiles vs 2hus! So funny! But its actually not funny because plebbitors actually debate in earnest who would win in such a stupid matchup involving super natural beings who cant even be harmed physically! How much gold do you think this thread is gonna get?

>> No.44406761

ambatukam omaygot aaaahhhh

>> No.44407023

I haven't seen a post this embarrassing since that time anon accidentally made a thread.

>> No.44408423 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 301x458, RetardAlert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''I haven't seen a post this embarrassing since that time anon accidentally made a thread.''

>> No.44408478

What if we crossbreed Yachi with one of the crocs?

>> No.44409874

Sorry but Yachie only fucks deers

>> No.44412682

Crocodile dragon turtle
