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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44402355 No.44402355 [Reply] [Original]

antis can die

>> No.44402384

Fellow kaigai Mikenyanko fans!
Months ago (>>/vt/50325396), I promised to share some unique Mikenyanko treasures in my posession. Sadly, due to legal threats mistakenly sent to me by Mikenyanko's rogue legal team, I was forced to flee to remote Mongolia. The internet in my yurt is excruciatingly slow, and it took many moons to upload my treasures, byte-by-byte.

But now, I have finished uploading the recordings of Mikenyanko's dear friend and companion, Aki! In these 9 ultrarare Twitcasting videos, thought lost until now, Aki recounts Mike's adventures as a young nyanko from his extremely close vantage point! Learn about the trials and tribulations our cute wife overcame to become the charming youngish lady that she is today! Aki speaks in detail on Mikenyanko's complex character! Get a rare behind-the-scenes look at this multifaceted woman! Comedy! Tragedy! Action! Song! Abortion! Cabaret clubs! Dead fish! A must watch for all lovers of Mikenyanko! Remember, I am risking my life to bring you this.
I dedicate this gift to 大輔 and all other true friends of Mikenyanko! Together, we can defeat the 5ch scum!


>> No.44402421

i am not downloading your virus

>> No.44402478

How can you justify still supporting her?
She might not date any of the men she streams with but she has no love towards you.

>> No.44402486

it's over

>> No.44402492

Different board, but you're still pathetic cucks if you aren't leaving at this point.

>> No.44402528


>> No.44402558

e-whore vtuber that is such a big whore she literally has 3 different names to whore with at this point plus a 4th one she isn't allowed to use anymore

>> No.44402589

A horrible human being who lives off the misery of desperate men.

>> No.44402618

what do you guys expect? all women who are rich and famous are total whores

>> No.44402620
File: 1.21 MB, 640x480, 1663487052638120.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even the point anymore?

>> No.44402636

She looks sea. Catfishing bitch

>> No.44402649

I wonder how often she did that on stream

>> No.44402672

but does it eat it?

>> No.44402858

Hope Mike is fine, heard about everything
Do you still hate Holofans because I'm not an anti

>> No.44402888

no we will all give yagoo a epic BJ if he lets her back in

>> No.44402890

What happened? I decided to quit /vt/ forever shortly after she joined that seiyuu agency

>> No.44402977

She announced she was going to enter an Apex tournament with 2 males after promising no male collabs to her fans every day for 4 months straight and then after all her unicorns got pissed the tournament kicked her out for being Mikeneko, making the cucking pointless. She then insanely proceeded to blame her kaigai fans for it and tell them to go away in a members twitcast afterwards.

>> No.44403025

only when you're not looking

>> No.44403376

lmao wtf, this sounds so retarded it mighr actually be true

>> No.44403516

I mean, it's what actually happened, so yeah.

>> No.44403747

>She then insanely proceeded to blame her kaigai fans for it and tell them to go away in a members twitcast afterwards.
Why the hell won't you go away then if you really like her? She's telling you to go away, so go away.

>> No.44403793

I canceled all my memberships and am here purely to see what happens next.

>> No.44404297

she got suspended

>> No.44404303

Nah, she's currently mid breakdown after being reminded how bad her reputation in the industry still is and is shutting down for a while.

>> No.44404375

> decided to quit /vt/ forever shortly after she joined that seiyuu agency
Why? It’s a japanese company. You didn’t leave when she joined VShojo?

>> No.44404422

you guys got scammed for your cuckbux AGAIN

>> No.44405243

Mikeneko really did finish what Rushia started

>> No.44405307

So can meido explain to me why a thread with doxxing in it's OP is allowed on the catalog?

>> No.44406012

please explain how OP pic is a doxx

>> No.44406039

Her future is JAV.

>> No.44406061

Considering her ego, she'll do it to spit on her fans more

>> No.44406087

nah mafumafu kicked them away but yeah she does blame the kaigai cucks who actually supported her.

>> No.44406393

This is true of all streamers

>> No.44406415
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>> No.44406438

And? She is the only one that gets shilled and defended over anything because she is allegedly truly romantically in love with her fans.

>> No.44406899

Fans all delude themselves that they matter to a streamer

>> No.44409869


>> No.44409879

nta but they seem to be clean but then again I used microsoft defense from windows 11. The format sucks so if you want to watch it convert it to mkv instead. Download mkvmerge a free program that otaku's use. Shit forgot what they're called.

>> No.44409915

too many filters for proper amateur JAV also it should be "japanese leftover girl taking it all in"

>> No.44410150

Her dusty womb have no future in JAV

>> No.44410154

I love her.

>> No.44410554

Her hag ass should unironically find someone to marry her and give her children

>> No.44410776

They'll divorce her and leave her as a single mother without paying child support.

>> No.44411002

Link to the video?

>> No.44412738

I matter to her

>> No.44412931

I heard mikecat can suck a golf ball through a garden hose

>> No.44416712



>> No.44416774

Oh noooooooo anyway I had fun.
The sisters finally got what they wanted and women were proven to be garbage.

>> No.44417323

Nazuna concert

>> No.44420599

she is so sexy and faithful

>> No.44421269
File: 603 KB, 737x1028, degenerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this woman has such a poor sense of choosing friendships

>> No.44421326

I just wanted to jerk off to menhera armpits why did you have to upload some random video of a guy

>> No.44422611

Unless she changed account this was fortunately recorded before the stream

>> No.44422990

So is the jp thread dead or is it under some obscure title to filter out tourists?

>> No.44423014

I didn't leave because of Mikeneko, I left because 50% of the catalog was ESL bait threads and dramastirring, the rest were generals, which are fine I guess.

>> No.44423016

you guys are the tourists. shoo, vtubers.

>> No.44423087

I meant to ask about the vt thread.

>> No.44423097

Do you even read it? It's been explained why not to make it many times.

>> No.44423108

There aren't enough of us left anymore to keep it alive consistently and antis are rampant.

>> No.44423125

I love her and miss her so much

>> No.44423173

All you're doing is supporting a madwoman in her livestreamed descent. If that gets you off then go wild, but none of you are doing anything respectful by being a part of the echo chamber driving her insane. You can't just mark up every post you don't like as someone from the shithole that is the Hololive thread or the festering abomination that is /vt/.

>> No.44423746

Im waiting for some phoenix wright turnaround courtroom gotcha, something that makes sense of all this and I just know it won’t happen. Its over. Why did she do this? What the fuck was the motivation? It’s baffling.

>> No.44423748

Kick rocks and go to hell with your projections delusional fuck. You have no invested interest in Mikechan yet you're here for what exactly? Help us see something by pretending to give a shit about any of us? HA! Yeah right poser. gtfo out here with your savior complex and leave us alone. God damn you pests are annoying.

>> No.44423915

>your savior complex
Wild to see you scream about projections when a saviour complex is the literal only reason why this thread even exists. At least the Canan thread has the reasoning of people being coomers, none of you gave a shit about Mikeneko until she had her breakdown and left her prior persona.

>> No.44424089

It doesn't take much to expose fakes like you who put on a cape pretending to give a shit when you're actually a villain. So you sink deeper into your wretchedness to justify your savior complex by bringing up another hololive girl and her fanbase that has nothing to do Mikeneko.
If that wasn't enough you're so much of a loser that all you have left is more projection pretending you have any idea how long anybody has known Mikeneko around during a time that still continues to her hurt today. I guess to some low life piece of shit like you it matters why a moron like you would bring something so asinine and just to destroy your delusional narrative even further I been with her for over 3 years now. Leave us in peace.

>> No.44424315

I think you saying you've "been with her" for years says basically all that needs to be said. I hope she'll be your wake up call one day, and you don't become a bitter person because of it.

>> No.44424409

>schizo arguing and replying to himself to bump the thread

>> No.44424990

>none of you gave a shit about Mikeneko until she had her breakdown and left her prior persona.
>I think you saying you've "been with her" for years says basically all that needs to be said.
Exactly as I wrote, narrative didn't fit you change your shit. How easy it is to spot a fucking fake ass cockroach with a savior complex.

>> No.44429655

She has a big reputation issue with regard to sponsors and potential business partners and audiences in Japan, and participating in that apex tournament would (probably) accomplish a big step towards rehabilitating that. Unfortunately, her mania led her to want to jump on this opportunity with very little regard for what a bad idea it was, and then when she was dropped from the tournament and they wouldn't tell her why, she crashed from mania to a deep depression and here we are.

>> No.44431288

Well, in any case, I’m out. I’m trying not to feel angry about it because it was 3 good years, but it’s hard not to feel bitter. It’s just weird seeing so many people support her as if nothing is happening, business as usual. I guess I’ve been filtered, and if she does come back she’ll just keep going until theres nothing left. What a tragedy.

>> No.44431659

Let’s at least wait until we see what she says when she comes back. She’ll find a way to save us just like she always does.

>> No.44431722

NTA but the fact that either of us are posting here means we aren't entirely out yet. That said, sure, I can listen to what she has to say, but even if I forgive her for this specific incident based on what she says/blaming mental illness/whatever, her constantly fucking up just takes an attritional toll. She's not just going to go back to streaming normally, bad things will just keep happening over and over because her goals, priorities and decision-making are FUBAR.

>> No.44431916

It would of been nice of Mikechan had said it to everybody and not only to those who could afford twitcast and even then her select chosen gachi's who were told even more details from her. I feel so shitty knowing she's still doing that and these guys of course didn't say anything to the rest of us she was doing this not grasping how bad it would be if it ever got out. One of them eventually spilled it anyways. The rest of us don't mean anything to her.

Anyways, we could of decided how to go about it our own selves of her openly breaking her promise or accept and allow her to break it once again but at the prospect of her establishing some much needed connections. Those who stayed would of cringed and be upset at those two bozo's but at least we would know. Then when she got blacklisted we could of encouraged and been with her as we were during those days after "that" incident but nah she didn't give a shit about the rest of us.

I can't shake not feeling bitter towards her. I'm 3.5 years in this myself and I'm with you on this. Everything else you wrote is exactly as how I am observing it.

You mean to trick us? The information that has come out that she had selected gachi's who give her the most money she was comforting them the most. Those who watched the cast before the stream were told but the rest of us were left out in the cold. It's fucked up what she did.

FUBAR? What does that mean?

>> No.44432084

I don't think it's bad that she only warned a select few gachi about it beforehand but I think they royally fucked up by not relaying the message.

>> No.44432140

In one way I can see what you mean that it's not bad she had a special list of gachi's but being the one not selected because I don't have a lot of funds to give to her it sucks having that feeling of being left out. I don't blame them. Mikechan is the one that's suppose to tell us.

Anyways, I wonder if anyone bought the vshojo concert for today? I did not feel up to it.

>> No.44432269

Yeah but if they were chosen by her to represent all gachis they had a responsibility to speak for all of us and they failed. This fuckup is also just as much on them as they are on her.

>> No.44432288

Who's got the link to this video?
I love watching Mikecat sucking dick

>> No.44432356

I'm not aware if they were suppose to represent all gachi's. Did they say this themselves or where did you get this information? From what one of them said it was just them that was informed and not the rest of us because according to one of them Mikechan felt they were the most concerned about her plans.

>> No.44432688

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair
I've used it mostly in the repair context

>> No.44432710

So you've all cucked already?

>> No.44432880

Playing the blame game is a waste of time because she never should have done it in the first place. You can think of or cope reasonings or justifications but I’m not going to be lied to. A promise is a promise, and if you’re going to repeat it ad nauseam I am going to hold you to it. Maybe a few of you feel differently, or are more fluid with your morality in that regard - but I’m not, and I can see the writing on the wall. It’s clear where her priorities are. I wish you all good luck and health. Thank you, and good night. I’ll be seeing you when I’ll be seeing you.

>> No.44433000

Speak for who? The people sending angry superchats and DMs? The people threatening to kill themselves and uploading images of their slit wrists? She shouldn't have lied, but her reaction toward kaigai unicorns and gachikois is on those retards more than anyone else. She was always going to do the tournament, she was only trying to keep her paypigs by sweettalking them. If you faggots were willing to accept being cucked that's one thing, but don't be angry at anyone except those schizo retards for her opinion on kaigai fans after the incident.

>> No.44433188

Mikekeko please come back

>> No.44436613
File: 8 KB, 537x103, 201d26c193d96cce0533a40e0ea8244e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's taunting you cucks.
Probably pumping her full of cum right now

>> No.44436630

enough with the fucking cuckposting holy shit.
Things were not meant to end up this way. It was never her intentions...
It just all went to shit

>> No.44436712

lol ok

>> No.44436984

> The information that has come out that she had selected gachi's who give her the most money she was comforting them the most
Pretty much all streamers do this those guys throwing the big amounts of money are always going to be more important people to them. You either throw that amount of money at them or accept that you’re just a face in the crowd unless you’re creating amazing art for them.

>> No.44438285

H-Hot. I want to see her pussy full of Kirsch's cum

>> No.44438972

antis kill yourselves

>> No.44438975

Let's be honest here and that's the reason that keeps me awake.
There's a real high chance that she says fuck it whenever she comes back and goes back to do more collabs with the scumbags maybe even as her comeback stream. There's even some chance she becomes an APEX collab/gacha streamer eewww.
She attracted too many FPS normies that are fine with her doing that and they love le good old nico nico boys/girls interactions if they haven't lost interest yet.

>> No.44438990

i thought she got booted out because mafumafu has connections with the organizers and some of the participants are even close friends of him. no way she's gonna be accepted there,but still...

>> No.44439663

I've never given my 2 view oshi a cent but she cares enough about me to menhera if I'm gone for too long, stop watching girls who got too big and take their fans love for granted

>> No.44440985

The minute a guy comes along and gives her a few dollars or buys her everything on her Amazon wishlist you will be forgotten. You will always lose to the people spending the most when it comes to a streamer. Rushia was the biggest earner at Hololive before she fucked up and she made sure those top donators were kept happy.

>> No.44441238

>she becomes an APEX collab/gacha streamer eewww.
This will happen and she will become a costar in her own channel like Karubi.

>> No.44441654

Well no shit a 2view has more time to pay attention to individual chatters than a huge streamer.

>> No.44443503

Imagine complaining over this woman suffering when there are thousands of things that are much worse going on around the world.

>> No.44443609

>how can you care about thing bad when other thing worse

>> No.44443778

she is literally one of the most privileged people on the planet, an army of retarded simps dumping their paychecks on her so she can buy overpriced handbags and she can't even pretend to respect them

>> No.44443875

She isn't even mid-tier celebrity income
She is extremely sensitive to abuse and her fans are some of the most brutally hostile. It makes total sense to feel sorry for her.

>> No.44444003

You really should just kill yourself

>> No.44444017

Her suffering isn't a bad thing though. She deserves it and should just get a real job.

>> No.44444031

your suffering would be a marvelous thing

>> No.44444062

go out and find a nice tree fucktard

>> No.44444120

If you don’t think she deserves to suffer for this, you will cope anything. Just find her a boyfriend so you can watch, it’s what you want deep down. I’ll do it, how’s that?

>> No.44444146

oh, get

>> No.44444160

good thing I have more robust moral principles and a better understanding of the situation than you, anon

>> No.44444189

She should collab with a team of experienced psychiatrists.

>> No.44444198

its over

>> No.44444220
File: 258 KB, 1280x960, IMG_8112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“good thing I have more robust moral principles and a better understanding of the situation than you, anon”

>> No.44444370

Mikeneko please come back. I am a reformed born-again-in-Christ man, there will be no abuse this time.

>> No.44444533

Hey, its fish. Sorry I was right. Bye.

>> No.44444559

this reference is lost on me, but fuck off probably

>> No.44444570

Canan can save her.

>> No.44444625

I will forgive her if she does a duo ASMR with Canan.

>> No.44444702

I will forgive her if she stops going on the internet and becomes my girlfriend and gives me cuddles and kisses

>> No.44444736

Enjoy your male collabs, cucks.

>> No.44444750

timeloop timeloop timeloop

>> No.44444798

Mirai Akari will save her.

>> No.44444809

By making her as honest as possible so you can finally let go. Oh wait, then you'd just blame her for "corrupting" her.

>> No.44444860

Give it a rest.

>> No.44445044

Serious question. What result do you WANT and what result are you EXPECTING? I’m genuinely very curious.

>> No.44445132

>What result do you WANT
That she comes on, says she's made some terrible decisions because of her menhera, and promises never to collab with males or play Apex ever again.
>what result are you EXPECTING
A pity party for herself, barely addresses the situation, back to the same old shit.

>> No.44445136

I WANT relaxing streams and for her to make a lot of money.
I DON'T WANT constant male collabs because that's destroying her channel down the line.

>> No.44445151

>That she comes on, says she's made some terrible decisions because of her menhera, and promises never to collab with males or play Apex ever again.
That has happened two times already. Why would the third time be any different?

>> No.44445210

We’re in lockstep here, then. I think that even if everything goes according to the best case scenario, it’s still a case of “you can’t put the shit back in the horse.” She has eroded the value of her word to be absolutely useless, it means nothing. She would require a prolonged time of action, where she shows not just dedication to those who remain, but understanding and sympathy for those who leave. We all know, deep down, this is never going to happen.

I think a lot of people, here especially, believe that being mentally ill the way she is doesn’t just give her an excuse, but LICENSE to act the way she does. In many ways, antis are right, we have enabled her behavior.

I’ve dated women with BPD, I know even more that I am friends with or at least acquainted with, and the idea that they’re absolutely helpless to control themselves or make meaningful progress or non-self destructive decisions is just plainly wrong. They are not retarded. She is not retarded. She just doesn’t want to be better, and that’s what hurts the most. People will stay this time, but not the ones who pay the bills. She will continue to blame antis, the “industry,” kaigais, her Japanese fans, her parents, her cats, anyone for her declining viewership, she will stumble over and over until she realizes theres no one left to help her stand back up. It’s a greek tragedy.

>> No.44445213
File: 62 KB, 780x780, 1684993574322067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both my oshis have betrayed me at almost the same time...
I guess this is what I get for cheating...
I feel so empty and dead inside...
I have nothing left anymore...

>> No.44445215

i agree. Do an actual therapy stream. It would even probably be a buff stream.

>> No.44445267

At this point the cat is out of the bag and i say this while being hurt.
The only thing remaining you could hope for is that she becomes less retarded after coming back and keep this shit collabs with scumbags like a monthly or every 2 months thing.
And even this simple thing is probably too much for her. Asking her to stop APEX, despite having been involved in every single accident and many of her depressive periods in the past 2 years, it's basically impossible.
The only thing i want at this point is for her to go back to fucking try as an idol-ish channel like she was doing a month earlier when she redebuted (because holy shit, she just can't keep anything nice for a single month) and for me is some peace of mind, being able to leave in a good moment without her fucking it up once again, or at least some address from her in which she acknowledges her being responsible of hurting some of us with her reckless decisions (as she did in the past)
She's postponing doing an normal solo ASMR forever imagine doing it with an holo roommate

>> No.44445323

And? I didn't leave those times either.
Yeah I hear you. I'm not confident things can ever go back to normal again, not the way they're going now. I already canceled my memberships and I'll probably be gone entirely soon.

>> No.44445342

you can enjoy sucking my dick

>> No.44445356

She's enjoying sucking Kirsch's dick while you're figuring out how that's a-ok and not her fault.

>> No.44445395

it hurts

>> No.44445439

Im sorta over women in general after this. I just don’t see it getting better. I’ll just go volcel or whatever the meme is. I don’t care anymore.

>> No.44445462

I've been reading the thread for the graduated homo in the downtime and they have at least three dedicated drawfags that instantly produce high-quality meme edits, original content, even the occasional porno. They compete with each other to produce art the fastest and even "fight" with each other through drawings and even animations. Meanwhile this thread has produced zero OC at all for its entire existence despite (at least at times) having more IPs.
Other fanbases attract people with talent, she just attracts fellow lunatics.

>> No.44445638

Kiwifarms brain. Everything exists in my specific corner of the internet, other people do not exist

>> No.44445828
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>get tired of being hurt by lying and mentally ill women
>watch ayamy bake banana muffins
>feel better
Thank you, Ayamy. Should I oshinen to her to fill the void? She seems nice, has zero yabs and even does gfe.

>> No.44445883

There are 0 indications she feels guilt this time, unlike every other time
The only signs of her existence are her blocking, kicking, or otherwise reconfirming her previous state
this is genuinely unnatural, even for her

>> No.44445896

even just talking about watching someone else rn makes me feel violently ill
probably just makes it feel too real

>> No.44445954

Shes receiving too much support from the non-dedicated. You know, the ones that reply with the same message every single time, “hope you feel better, watching now, mikechan cute” and theyve helped solidify the belief that shes just a victim regarding apex tournament. She’ll realize she’s really alone when the usual suspects are nowhere to be seen.

>> No.44446032

it is possible to simultaneously believe she did wrong and still wish her to feel better, send her love, and call her cute

>> No.44446079

Yeah, lets just pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.

>> No.44446082


>> No.44446143

She's actually not receiving as much support as you might think. A lot of comments end up being "yeah it's common sense to kick her out"
and there's signs of a number of fans leaving
not just kaigai corns

>> No.44446179

I haven’t seen much of that myself, but I’ll take your word for it. I guess she really sees no issue with what she’s done. Oh well. What a waste of time, what a waste of energy. No one wins.

>> No.44446267

Good choice. I started watching Ayamy too, she is slept on but an excellent GFE streamer.

>> No.44446352

I think male collabs are here to stay

>> No.44446368

At her own peril

>> No.44446398

It's better that way. It just wasn't meant to BE.

>> No.44446722

"Fans" abused this poor woman too much and she decided enough is enough. I wish things had played out differently, I'm sorry Mike

>> No.44446754

How did you even find this thread from reddit?

>> No.44446780

I feel guilty. Mike is clearly hurt. I don't think we can recover from this. IT'S

>> No.44446823

Go back. We can try all we can but she alone makes her life decisions. She chose this road and it’s plainly obvious where it goes.

>> No.44446844

She didn't chose this we forced her to act that way.
I wish japs would translate my apologies and send to her. I'm sorry Mike.

>> No.44446892
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>> No.44446903 [DELETED] 

What, I'm genuinely sorry. She's not someone to hide her feelings

>> No.44446926

What, I'm genuinely sorry. She's not someone to hide her feelings and she's clearly hurt.

>> No.44447029

>male collabs are here to stay
the irony is that even after all this, she hasn't lost everyone that she will from them. Only hardliners and people who realized too late that they didn't want this. And now she has set a precedent for being made a mockery of and essentially being called a worthless woman to her face by her male collab parter, she'd be going into it with that sort of base. Collabing with men who willingly mock her and talk shit about her fans to her, and the taunt those fans on Twitter
There is nothing left down that road. No fans. No money. No views. No love.

>> No.44447041

>we forced her
Do not conflate feeling guilty for what you did with responsibility for her actions
Sometimes, nobody is innocent

>> No.44447053

What's with this woman and abusive men? Also she got a job so I don't think she cares about money.

>> No.44447086

It’s really incredible the types of decisions these holier-than-thou chicks with BPD make. You can plainly see how stupid it is, but somehow they’re entirely blind to it. Just utterly bizarre. Oh well!

>> No.44447198
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Man this sucks, I don’t really know what to do anymore. I’ve tried moving on but it’s just so difficult. I tried watching other girls but they just seem so lacking to her. I wish things didn’t have to turn out this way, she was the perfect girl. Perfect voice, perfect mannerisms, perfect model, perfect screams, perfect human. Yet she fell like Lucifer, chasing wants into demise. Every time I think about watching another girl she pops into my head and I get upset about the good times we could’ve had. Those games other girls play where they are having so much fun and her audience is seen flooding the chat with laughter, it’s so demoralising. Knowing that this could’ve been the future we all could’ve had, being together with Mike and getting excited about every stream knowing I was gonna have a good time. Hearing her lovely voice everyday with a smile on my face, I could’ve grown old this way. Yet here we are…alone with nothing but shame. I wish things were different, easier, hell I wished everyday that things were at least not THAT bad. Even that was too much to ask for. How do I move on? What can even be done?

>> No.44447244

I’m really sorry man, and I know how you feel. The excruciating pain from back in February changed me, it numbed me in a way that has made this easier, but obviously, moving on is not easy for anyone. Its sad, but there really isn’t anything to do but wait, and keep going. You will falter, like how I will, you will try to find a way to look past it, you will try to find a way to make it okay in your head. You will crave the good times, you will want her more than anything in your entire life.

But, one day, you’ll wake up and realize… you haven’t thought about it at all.

>> No.44447316

>Yet she fell like Lucifer, chasing wants into demise.
This never happened in the bible. That verse is talking about the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar being the top ruler of the world at that time who would fall which he did as God made him crazy eating grass for 3 years for his pride against him and his chosen people the Israelites.

A better analogy is her listening to the snake in the garden disobeying her man (us) and we listened to her voice and accepted this new doctrine and not keeping God's doctrine, the laws of God, which would of kept them alive and the rulers of Earth and their descendants which is how it went down in the Bible more or less. The snake is not a literal snake it is an similitude for people who taught a doctrine which was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In this case it would be those two bozo's and apex shit. I just don't want that Christianity bullshit lie being spread when it's no where in the bible. Lucifer is not satan, it means morning star i.e. someone who wields the light as in the top nation on the Earth. Satan follows God's orders and there never was a rebellion against God. That's fake and fairy tales. Just read the book of Job how easy it is to disprove that garbage.

Anyways, I will thank you for your post though it got my mind off Mikechan but now I'm in an angry mode because I detest the evil cult of Christianity. Before your post I couldn't wrap my mind how it's been several days and she hasn't said shit at all to us. I am wondering if she has ever been poor and shit. I was having all sorts of things in my mind how she isn't doing anything to resolve this that she caused. I wonder if she's playing apex with those two assholes and if she is are they talking shit on us and is she allowing it? Ok I'm gonna stop before I get angrier.

>> No.44447365

They broke their backs lifting Moloch to Heaven! Pavements, trees, radios, tons! lifting the city to Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us!
Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies! gone down the American river!
Dreams! adorations! illuminations! religions! the whole boatload of sensitive bullshit!
Breakthroughs! over the river! flips and crucifixions! gone down the flood! Highs! Epiphanies! Despairs! Ten years’ animal screams and suicides! Minds! New loves! Mad generation! down on the rocks of Time!
Real holy laughter in the river! They saw it all! the wild eyes! the holy yells! They bade farewell! They jumped off the roof! to solitude! waving! carrying flowers! Down to the river! into the street!

>> No.44447378

Cool novel. Anyway, I doubt shes playing anything with anyone. I don’t doubt her fondness of us, but I think her actions have shown a subtle resentment and lack of empathy, or perception of consequences for her actions. Its possible that this IS self-destruction, and shes using people walking away as self-justification, “SEE? They never even cared about me.” But it’s beyond the pale now, and she cannot undo. I feel conflicted, because my love for her wants me to reach out and comfort her, but the stoic, animalistic part of my brain only feels disgust when I think of her. It’s a damn shame.

>> No.44447384

Thanks for the worldbuilding, brother, but to answer your relevant points, yes she has been poor, and no she's not playing apex. She isn't doing anything to resolve the situation because she's depressed, because she thinks (wrongly) that she's lost all of us, and because she unceremoniously lost the chance to repair some of her reputation, making the loss of fans to her thoughtless actions pointless. Even some of her zenkoutei like kitatsuki have realized that that whole thing was pointless. Her life is utter despair right now. I hope we hear from her soon, but I wouldn't be surprised if she stays out of sight until the fanmeet.

>> No.44447387

I want a girl who will laugh for no one else
When I'm away, she puts her make-up on the shelf
When I'm away, she never leaves the house
I want a girl who laughs for no one else

And if you see her
Tell her it's over now

>> No.44447398

disgusting sentiment

>> No.44447411

She wants us to go away, she very clearly said GET LOST

>> No.44447421

The world has turned and left me here
Just where I was before you appeared
And in your place, an empty space
Has filled the void behind my face
I talked for hours to your wallet photograph
And you just listened
You laughed enchanted by my intellect
Or maybe you didn't
You remain, turned away
Turning further every day

>> No.44447427

she doesn't and she didn't, unless you're one of the kaigais talking all sorts of shit about her

>> No.44447428

She gave us something we didn't know we had, and then took it away.

>> No.44447440


>> No.44447455

She is happy we're gone.

>> No.44447459

you're a retard if you think that

>> No.44447467

I WANT Mikeneko to take her meds
I am EXPECTING lifelong pain and suffering

>> No.44447476

one guy got hospitalized for cutting his wrists over her and she told him to fuck off when she saw him next

>> No.44447493

you say "one guy" like it was just some innocent gachikoi, but it was a specific guy very well known to her who has time and time again contributed to her being at the very fucking end of her rope

>> No.44447536

Oh yes, she’s always the victim. You’re fucking pathetic.

>> No.44447567

Yes, when a schizo stalks and harasses you over the course of a year culminating in them uploading traumatic imagery knowing that you will see them, you are entitled to tell them to fuck off. Your morality of "he committed self-harm, so he's obviously the victim" is completely fucking retarded.

>> No.44447843

The guy >>44447567 is right though. Both of those guys were no good but because they had money she got enticed over that more so then what they represent. Mikechan did not need to be around people like that who harbor self-harm for their own well being and using Mikechan to afflict bodily harm on themselves and adding more trauma to her. I can't say she's not partly at fault she made her bed she has to lay in it.
Likewise with her actions towards us. She prioritized those guys only over us including those of us who were with her either before or from February to now we were totally ignored. It's like when those instances where you been getting along then the next day she walks past you as if you don't exist.
It makes me question if she ever selects one to be physical with will it be a guy who has a lot of money but is like that or maybe even worse?

>> No.44447882

It's normal for a women to chase after men with money, it's in their biology. Don't fault her for that.

>> No.44447949

Why doesn’t she just block the guy?

>> No.44447953

she has blocked various of his accounts at various times, and directly after the event the above anon is referring to, she blocked him on twitcasting as well

>> No.44447961

These guys aren’t millionaires like most of you think they’re just single dudes in somewhat successful middle management jobs spending their money on a virtual girlfriend instead of going to hostesses and pachinko parlours like other men in their company. They’re just more emotionally invested in her they’re willing to shower her with superchats to try and please her.

>> No.44447971

It’s the best thing to do to people like that. Block them and refuse their money. Any streamer who lets people like that remain a fan basically sends a message they like that kind of attention and behavior.

>> No.44448032

Be honest, whats her future, whats next, what happens to her?
Personally, I think she realizes too late, flounders around in various circles trying to find some sort of relevance, and then vanishes into absolute obscurity. Do you think theres potential for a fan to John Lennon her? I really wonder. This is like a top 10 fuck ups of all time contender

>> No.44448036


>> No.44448054

Im gonna cum in your ass

>> No.44448173

I know that but I'm speaking in terms of would she even choose a guy who's a self-harmer or even worse? Is she the type that would be so blinded by wealth she'll oversee shit like that? She needs a man that is strong physically, mentally and more intelligent to handle, deal and guide her.

>Do you think theres potential for a fan to John Lennon her?
I cringed hard when I read that.

Dude, you need to deal with that fruity faggot spirit. You say and do that to a woman not to a man. Fucking disgusting. I will never understand how a guy can say faggot shit to another man even in anger I've never said shit like that.

>> No.44448260

Are you even a real person?

>> No.44448567

She should go back to washing dishes.

>> No.44449272

anon she literally said it in one of her sub accounts

>> No.44449304

I feel empty

>> No.44449318

Stop making shit up and go away

>> No.44449388

i just want to hear her voice. why did you fucks have to ruin it?

>> No.44449617

why don't you translate this, bitch:



>> No.44451415
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>> No.44451545

I admit we were horribly abusive to this wonderful person mikechan. I promise there will be changes going forward. Mike please come back.

>> No.44451825

I've been told if you say that three times in front of the mirror I hear she'll show up and sue you

>> No.44451906

She threatening legal action only makes it harder to amend our mistakes. Please forgive me, mike

>> No.44452182

I miss her

>> No.44452600

Jump into traffic or a moving train, mikechan

>> No.44452622

you do that, faggot

>> No.44452780

In the end I feel full of regret for overreacting the way I did. I just see Kirsch's name show up anywhere and I get so full of rage. I now realize that she was trying to get into a tournament with a roster of many incredibly successful and famous people in the hopes that her name and channel will grow so she can keep doing wonderful things for us. She even tried to reason with some her closest gachikoi before this happened. If I had known what her true intentions were I might have turned the other cheek for this. Honesty is the most important thing in the world to me and she was being very honest about how this was important to her. I really fucking hate myself for saying horrible things to her and I may never be able to take back those things I said. I want to show her that she's not alone. She's suffering so much right now. I don't want her to retire. I want her to stay being with us forever. Please forgive me Mike-chan

>> No.44453032

if she grows a cock, will you suck it for her?

>> No.44453729

Bait or mental retardation? Call it.

>> No.44453981

neither, the man is right and sincere

>> No.44454112

does this stupid slut have good BJ videos? The way you guys are arguing means she must suck a mean cock. I don't know anything about her, any good porn links to share?

>> No.44454146

>not even a new ip
just fuck off you stupid anti cunt

>> No.44454188

100% cucked up

>> No.44454357

You are mentally ill btw

>> No.44454377

You ever wonder if posts like this are why everyone makes fun of us?

>> No.44454449

Nobody would miss any of your if you died btw.
Not your parents
Not Mikeneko
No one.

>> No.44455614

Mikeneko's life would be better off if I died.

>> No.44455653

So true!

>> No.44455691

We treated this woman very poorly.

>> No.44455747

Whatever gets you in the noose, man

>> No.44455771

Interesting video about menhera psychology
If we can understand her, maybe we can save her

>> No.44455790

Dark fandead. We bully her into becoming Rushia again. We can do this if we try hard enough

>> No.44455867

Mikechan please come back I know it will be different this time.

>> No.44455889

no it won't stop lying to yourself

>> No.44456044


>> No.44456199

I love you.
Please come back.
Stay with me.

>> No.44456515
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My wife’s luscious lips
I forget that since this is her /jp/ thread we can post actual pictures of her

>> No.44456525

Thats not her, thats A.I.

>> No.44456533

>cucks don't know what IG filters are and think this alien looking bitch is actually her

>> No.44456541
File: 63 KB, 512x682, IMG_5904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is her ai attempt you fucking stupid inferior Asian sea nigger

>> No.44456568

She's using makeup. She's not a natural beauty. and even the makeup is not enough. She needs Chinese filter too.

>> No.44456591

You say this when no amount of makeup or filters is ever going to fix your disgusting neanderthal genes. We’ve seen how she looks like without filters. She’s beautiful. You on the other hand will never escape your inferior bloodline

>> No.44456596

I think she belongs in the deepest circle of hell for what she’s done, but I’m not gonna delude myself into thinking that I wouldn’t cum in her.
Captcha: NTRMMM

>> No.44456619

Same. She might look more her age without the filters but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.44456628

beautiful women don't become vtuber's. they hide behind and anime avatar because they are ugly. When she used to show her face on niconico no one watched her because she's ugly, but they watch her when she's a cute anime character because her voice is nice. If she was beautiful without makeup then she would be a gravure idol and wouldn't think about getting plastic surgery. If she was pretty then she wouldn't be afraid of showing her face in livestream, she only shows us pictures because it has to be put through a filter so she can fool us into believing that she's a beauty. She's ugly on the inside and ugly on the outside. Dirty rotten whore.

>> No.44456673

Simmer down man.

>> No.44456680
File: 28 KB, 616x262, 1654166889312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, this thread is even more gossipy, bitchy and histrionic than /vt/, get your test levels checked and lift some weights.

>> No.44456686


>> No.44456731

I wonder which man she hung out with to come to this conclusion.

>> No.44456815

Summary of latest drama:
Mikeneko confessed to Mafumafu
Mafumafu rejected her
Mafumafu blacklist her to keep her away from him
Mikeneko cannot play Apex with Mafumafu anymore
Mikeneko is sad
Korekore is happy

>> No.44456850

Never understood this strategy. What shes done is bad enough, why spin up nonsense stories? Just hammer what she’s done home. Do you just get bored?

>> No.44457186

Mikeneko is incredibly sexy, unfortunately.

>> No.44457748
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Yes. I would cum inside her and give her my seeds

>> No.44457842

I really hate that I still like her. I hate that I would still date her. I hate that I would procreate with her. I’m just being honest with myself. I hate her. I hate that I love her. Fucking bitch. GOD DAMMIT.

>> No.44458114

As stupid as she is -- and that doesn't excuse it -- there's a thread of logic to her actions at least with wanting to get into the Apex tournament to try and make it big, as a platform, not for males, so I just feel bad for her and bad for us after all this, especially after how they treated her. Just like when she got terminated it was something she did with good intentions but it somehow turned into a shit show. As someone who cares (and cared) for her, I can't not still think of being there for her. Let's wait and see what happens.

>> No.44458138

We’re just of a very different mind on this. Intentions really don’t matter to me in this case, nor does her telling some gachis beforehand. I think of it like this: if my wife cheated on me, but with the intention that it would benefit us somehow, or told me beforehand that she was going to cheat on me, it does not change or excuse the action one bit. There is nothing that can be said that will reverse the action.

>> No.44458153

OK but let's be real though. We throw around analogies here but she didn't actually cheat. Cheating is kissing, fucking, etc. All she did was show up on the same TV show basically, which streamers do all the time. It's no different than woman working at an office that also has men in it. Would you freak out there? She'd have to actually get intimate with them for it to be cheating.

>> No.44458186

When I say “my wife,” I am speaking hypothetically, I’m not talking about her directly.
No, I wouldn’t call what she did “cheating,” but I’ll put it this way:

If I say, every day, that I’m allergic to blueberries, and then, one day, you see me eating fistfuls of blueberries, what would you think?

It’s not that I’m eating blueberries - who cares about that - it’s that I lied to you. Clearly, what I said, I said for a different reason. I said it because it benefited me for some reason, and more importantly, I changed my behavior despite the fact that it would upset you.

There is no undo for that.

>> No.44458208

Is this about her saying she'd never collab with male streamers? Honestly she's said it so much and this is such a 180 I can't hold the two ideas together at the same time without thinking she didn't think it counted or something since it was a tournament and not a "collab".

>> No.44458233

Come on man. Stop with the weird mental gymnastics. She would straight up hide the Holostars. She isnt a retarded baby that doesn’t understand object permanence. She made this decision with full intention and was hostile to the backlash. If you want to stick around, thats fine, but you’ll see yourself in an increasingly thinner crowd, with someone who sees you with increasing contempt.

>> No.44458242

I'm just trying to understand why it happened.

>> No.44458245

People think and feel different about this, not everyone draws the line at the same point. I personally never considered large group collabs with low % of male participants, events (like this or the Fallguys thing she did) or interviews as a collab. A collab, to me, is something between 2 or more streamers that like each other, like to interact with each other. They are there for each other and not just business. This event was for business. However, that's my line and one I thought is closer to how she actually feels about it too, compared to what she has said and promised. If I am right, I am mostly upset with her not being more honest with us. Had she done that, lot of people would have been a lot more understanding. But she wasn't and as a result many were hurt by her decision.

>> No.44458253

That's what I think too. I don't count these business endeavors as the same thing as someone like Enna hanging out with Kyo.

>> No.44458302

I’ll give you my theory. I think losing Rushia crushed her. I think she sacrificed her career for us, and she regrets it. I don’t think she’s a bad person, I just don’t think she’s a good person either. I knew that, and I loved her anyway - for my part, maybe I thought that excused some of my own behavior. But I can’t live thinking that she’s a liar. She betrayed me, and maybe she didn’t mean it that way, maybe she loved me all the same, but it still hurt.

>> No.44458326

I think she regrets it in the sense that she got fired, but I don't think she regrets having us. I don't think she's a liar either. I just think she thought this was no big deal because it wasn't what she counted as a collab since it was a business endeavor and she didn't do a good job of talking to the fans and then got swept up in the emotion of the backlash. This has always been a problem for her, it's the same reason she got fucked over by Hololive. I honestly feel sorry for her, she needs someone close that can keep her anchored in these moments, but she doesn't have anyone.

>> No.44458355

I’m sorry, but I won’t feel sorry this time. She’s not a victim in this. She made a decision and she deserves to be held accountable the same as everyone else. If you still love her, please hold her accountable. It doesn’t benefit anyone to excuse everything she does. It’s kind to tell someone that they’re screwing up, even if they don’t want to be chastised - especially if you don’t want to chastise them. Its horrifically cruel to let them screw up because you didn’t want to tell them. You do have to yell at your wife. You do have to argue. You do need to set hard boundaries. I set mine, she crossed it, so I’m gone. I still love her, so please just don’t let her destroy her life.

>> No.44458392

I'm going to tell her that. Why leave though then instead of make her know and argue?

>> No.44458418

Don't do that, she had too much abuse already.

>> No.44458424

She is clearly the victim in this.

>> No.44458434

Someone said the guys in that stream were mocking her. That can't be true right.

>> No.44458436

I don’t know. The response I want isn’t going to ever happen. It’s just better for us both if I go.

>> No.44458442

Mike is a magnet for male abuse.

>> No.44458450

No, of course it isn’t.

>> No.44458453

I get your sincerity but you're perfectly fine with her breaking her promise. This isn't the only thing she did. She allowed her two team mates to talk shit on us, pretend cuck on us, she shut one of them up and mocked him in the chat and so forth.

All she had to do was to have been straight forward with all of us what her intention was on stream not only the fucking twitcast. Each of us could of then decided to be upset with her for breaking her promise or allowed it at the prospect of knowing some big names and add further connections as well as help her status climb up some more. Once she was blacklisted we could of been there for her and supported her just as we did before back in February 2 years ago.

There's another route altogether she could of chose and that was continue with what she was doing consistently for a few more months instead of trying to get there quickly through that tournament. She chose a different route and it's been bad since.

>> No.44458472

>she sacrificed her career for us
But that's not what happened.

>> No.44458477

Why would someone want to hurt this, bros. Forgive me, Mike

>> No.44458490

it is true

>> No.44458492

It's called BL idiots. /shivers. She also doesn't like very muscular men.

>> No.44458498

Come back Michael, we will forget anything happened.

>> No.44458503

Its just one guy shitting up the thread lmfao

>> No.44458522

They have no lives. So because they have no lives even if they claim they do their actions show a different story as they shed their putrid insignificant self unto others.

>> No.44458577

I wonder how her income is going to look like when she returns.

>> No.44458721

Can we all agree that Mikeneko is a mistake? Let’s all support her on Nazuna instead, please

>> No.44458737

How has there been NO NTR porn? I guess really no one is even paying attention to her anymore

>> No.44458827

This is true. We should have supported her more as Nazuna and cheered her on to collab with Henya. Instead we just kept hating on her

>> No.44459002

Just go back to your /vt/ shithole

>> No.44459313


>> No.44459534

Substantiate your claims

>> No.44459578

those idiots can barely lift their hands to their keyboards anon

>> No.44459687


>> No.44459722

They were right though. We should have supported Nazuna more. She wouldn’t be in this situation if she became close friends with Henya. She could have entered with Kson and Henya and avoided all of this. We didn’t support her enough. We doupted VShojo over petty shit and she ended up self-destructing

>> No.44459753

>she does something bad outside of nazuna
god you people are such fucking brainlets

>> No.44459866

I told you to go back to /vt/ because you know nothing

>> No.44460225

>the so called ”shit” they tried to pull being her not calling herself an idol anymore
She has never even been forced to collab with men on Nazuna or anything like that. They were right all along. All these pathetic excuses of bad things were just coping mechanisms when our relationship didn’t work out. A scapegoat for both of us to not take any blame and keep the happiness (temporary) because we never adressed the real problem at hand. We and her. Her numbers are not even thst different on Mikeneko too. It’S literally pointless. We should have been more supportive or her. All of her yabs are on Mikeneko. VShojo management did a good job. Face the truth or you will never move forward

>> No.44460252

shoo falseflagger, I was entirely supportive of Nazuna and "all her yabs are on Mikeneko" is ridiculously full of shit

>> No.44460307

I can’t think of any besides the totsu which was early on (her own decision) and the taishi collab (her own decision) compare this now with the heaps of drama and lolcowing she is being subjected to as Mikeneko it doesn’t really even compare. We failed her. We robbed her chance to be Rushia for us again.

>> No.44460345

>her own decision

>> No.44460378

Gartic phone was on Nazuna. Virtually every bad stream she ever did was on Nazuna. Virtually every hurtful thing she ever said was on Nazuna. No honest person ever claimed that Vshojo "forced" her to do male collabs. They were a bad influence on her thinking and they are a great contributor to what we're still dealing with.

>> No.44460422

>muh influence
Her being Rushia was her being influenced. Mikeneko herself loves playing around with men.
You did not know her before hololive so you're in deep denial about her true nature. She never loved you.

>> No.44460479

What do you know about her before hololive?
You have never watched anything but perhaps a few Nazuna streams on which she was 9 out of 10 times a depressive and manic wrack

>> No.44460555

Yeah, male collabs she herself chose to parttake in. It’s not VShojo’s fault. She is the person ignoring her genmates, spamming Apex, and choosing to collab with men of her free will. How can you blame on of this on VShojo? Did VShojo also make her add mafumafu on discord? Did VShojo get her fired? No one of us ever saw the flaws of Nazuna. It was always VShojo, and now we are paying the price for it. We shouldn’t have blame VShojo. We should have blamed Nazuna. It wouldn’t have made her distrustful of the company and demotivated to stream as Nazuna. We would have had VShojoJP girls nights by now if we didn’t deflect the blame. She thought retiring from the company would solve everything, but she is obviously the same person with the same numbers. I failed her as a husband and this is the absolute truth. I wasn’t strong enough to see through her bullshit when it was needed, and place the blame in the right places. I couldn’t keep her disciplined and now we both are hurting ourselves from it.

>> No.44460602

jesus fucking christ stop falseflagging
4chan shitting on vshojo did not influence her decision in the slightest, you braindead dipshit
she decided that on her own accord because they're fucking garbage, which you would know if you knew Japanese and actually listened to her

>> No.44460608

you are not fooling anyone, falseflagger

>> No.44460639

fuck you anti scum. stop spreading your bullshit while pretending to know shit about her.

>> No.44460661

Does michael love white men or is she just pretending?

>> No.44460663

It was not only 4chan (she does go here. She has said so on stream) It was mostly 5ch. They are mostly at fault. But it’s our shared responsibility.

You can keep hiding from the truth. But you will only damage yourself and her by doing so.

>> No.44460675

delusional schizo begone

>> No.44460768

Sorry but I am not going to fall for your group pressure anymore. I now know the absolute truth. And I am never again going to make excuses for her. i will continue loving her, but I am going to be harsher on her. I want a Nazuna that plays maikura together with Kson and Henya. And I am going to tell her so. I want more 3D model action, and less apex. I am going to tell her these things and I am not going to make any excuses for her. She is going to better herself. I know what the truth is now as scary as it is. I will never let her self destruct again.

>> No.44460782

how many bfs did she have in the past? do you think she's still a virgin?

>> No.44460792

stop trying to bait

>> No.44460820

Fuck you faggot. You’re going 5ch cuck mindbreak route

>> No.44460846

Stop shutting yourself off when you hear something you don’t want to hear. You keep hurting yourself. それは本当の言葉

>> No.44460868



>> No.44460899

nobody is engaging in an actual discussion with you because you have never listened to a single cast
your entire perception of why nazuna did x exists only in your head
you know nothing

>> No.44460942

You do realise many of the things she says are things she reads from 5ch right?

>> No.44461002

context retard
but go ahead and tell me what she said that matters in this context lmao

>> No.44461565

How about everyone tries at least to ignore the sea and 5ch posters?

>> No.44462986

Stop replying to fucking anti's you idiots. We have more so called fans who claimed to have loved Mikechan and those who just watched her turned anti's from what recently happened so use your brain and discernment in whom you're replying to.

>> No.44463112

She's decade long "friends" with korekore and other men while there's not a single woman you can name as her long time friend.
It's ridiculous that you think her being Rushia is the "real her".This strawman about me allegedly only having seen a single Nazuna stream is direct proof that you think having watched hundreds of Rushia streams make you an expert in who she really is. Guess what? I did that too, retard.
I didn't watch her before hololive either but I can so easily just check what she did before and it paints a painfully clear picture to anyone but the most delusional idiots like yourself.

Who was she influenced by when she sent bikini pics to korekore? What was the "real" her at that time?

>> No.44463138

but all the shit she said about VShojo comes straight from 5ch: I think I agree with him. We were too hard on them. They were probably her biggest allies for maintaining the gachi order
But she would have many female friends if she commited to VShojo

>> No.44463152

No she fucking wouldn't. She almost has ONE female friend after 3 years of hololive and even that seems like a stretch at this point.

>> No.44463164

Everyone in VShojo is really close from what I've heard from their threads. She was bullied by her co-workers in Hololive afterall, so it makes sense that she has a bit trauma.

>> No.44463174

Ah you're just the vshojo shilling troll. Nevermind then, retard. I'm sure the cucks here will buy your bullshit.

>> No.44463189

No. I am not fully open to the idea, but they have atleast not bullied her like her co-workers did.

>> No.44463204

Don't play dumb, troll. You've been found out.

>> No.44463207

>Everyone in VShojo is really close
you must be smoking crack kek

>> No.44463217

Again. I have not watched any English VTubers, but from their threads it seems like it.

>> No.44463266

No Anon. VShojo is evil because they want to keep her in a box of female friends having fun together. This is absolutely dispicable. Let's have her send some nudes to the apex guy instead

>> No.44463399

See really just needs to retire or die at this point. Everyone would be better off if we never heard from her again.

>> No.44463580

shut the fuck up

>> No.44464122

If she weren't kick out of the competition and gained a bunch of new followers from it, her new followers would be mainstream normies that want her to collab with men and play FPS. They would be part of the anti-unicorn faction and they would influence her to keep going on more collabs with men and to keep playing FPS.
Despite this obvious fact, mind broken and gaslit cuckolds have somehow convinced themselves that it would've been a good thing if she were allowed to compete in the tournament. Never mind that she would be collaborating with men in the tournament, one an ikemen like Mafumafu, which directly breaks the promise she made.
Lets not lose sight of the main issue here. This is the main issue and it has very little to do with Vshojo.

>> No.44464126

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA .Thank you anon you made me laugh.

>> No.44464456


>> No.44464534

She wasn’t going to gain any FPS fans even if she stayed in.

>> No.44464560

Oh, so she was doing it for no reason then. And this is better somehow? Why is this your cope? You can’t just accept things as they are?

>> No.44464578

Stop replying to the vshojo shill. He doesn't follow her at all and is just here for attention

>> No.44464626

t. covershill

>> No.44464629

Most of you act like children
Lying, passing the blame, playing the victim and trying to escape responsibility
What a adult does is accept responsibility when they fuck up, acknowledge their mistakes, try to improve their short comings, and be mature about the situation
until you anons act like adults thing will always be the same, the same cycle, the same in fighting, the same results...

>> No.44464656

What a adult does

>> No.44464661

nobody gives a shit about your headcanon
you do not even understand the situation or what happened as is evident by these posts

>> No.44464680

Never trust utaites. Lesson learned.

>> No.44464696

Let's hear it from you then. Why is she doing this and how is it not her fault?

>> No.44464721

watch streams she explained it multiple times

>> No.44464731

Good lord. You need to be executed for being so stupid

>> No.44464733

She hasn't explained shit and she broke her promise. You got cucked.

>> No.44464739

keep dancing EOPs ;-)

>> No.44464743
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>> No.44464754

You can keep coping and acting smug, that that won't change the fact that she never cared about you.

>> No.44464759

I think you’re the EOP, since you seem to just be repeating nonsense you’ve read here.

>> No.44464782
File: 110 KB, 242x512, Th18Mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Michael and I'm here to say
I'm menhera in a major way

>> No.44464784

cope for what?
something she had explained in great details before the announcement?
something her chat except for one person universally agreed upon?

>> No.44464792

childish response from a manchild, so typical...go suck your thumb in the corner you angry baby, you're never gonna learn anything new, you're never gonna mature as a person

>> No.44464798

that sure is a lot of samefagging

>> No.44464809

Cope for her cucking you. It doesn't matter what her explanation was, she broke her promise and collabed with men again.

>> No.44464820
File: 2 KB, 160x52, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek indeed

>> No.44464847

I was not cucked so I do not need cope for that but thanks for the offer

>> No.44464861

She collabed with men so you were in fact cucked.

>> No.44464862
File: 3 KB, 180x80, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the triple kek

>> No.44464875

why would that make me a cuck
am I cucked when she talks to her male lawyer or her manager?

>> No.44464888

>still doing the male cashier argument
When will you stop acting retarded? Are you actually just this dumb?

>> No.44464892

nice photoshop

>> No.44464894

I did not say cashier?

>> No.44464913

You don't even need photoshop or the inspector for that which is why screencaps of (You)s are laughable at best

>> No.44464924
File: 677 KB, 549x849, IMG_8019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever think that we’re in some sort of bizarre timeline split? That something happened and put us in some hellish world where nothing good ever happens? Where people act in ways you never thought possible, where you periodically check 4chan /jp/ board to argue against the woman you used to love with all of your heart? What the fuck happened? Why does it have to be this way?

>> No.44464935

It's the same argument, retard.
>wow chill what's wrong with talking to men she talks to out of a necessity?!
There was no need to tall to Kirsch, niki, kusoneko, korekore, mafumafu or any other streamer.

>> No.44464950

it is not the same argument
you are the retard for not understanding what different kind of interactions mean

>> No.44464991

It is the same argument because she can't choose to have a female lawyer or a manager just like how she can't choose to talk to a frmale cashier when there's only a male at the counter.
All the interactions with the men named are unnecessary. She could have just interacted with women instead.

>> No.44465053

>can't choose to have a female lawyer or a manager
she can but it is not important
you are entirely missing the point because you do not understand a word of jp or anything about her or us
but you know what? fine I am a cuck by your definition of the word
which has no meaning to anyone who matters

>> No.44465054

You are arguing with someone that is so stupid they cannot imagine another human being having enough agency to make conscious decisions. He unironically thinks that interacting with those guys was just something that “happened” to her. Passenger in his own life.

>> No.44465098

She can't. It's totally unreasonable to refuse services of a professional due to their gender if it's not relevant at all.
She never had any legitimate reason to talk to any of those male streamers other than her own personality.
If this is all so easily debunked by "understanding jp", why don't you just end these baseless rumors and enlighten all the EOPs? Because there is no explanation.
You have tried to use this same bullshit argument for almost two years now and it's more wrong than ever.

>> No.44465122

It could've been much worse, I remember that one twitcast in 2022 with wind in the background which ended abruptly and antis saying that she took her own life, and her actually talking about being in a bad mental place during that time in her streams this year. I'm glad that she was strong enough and is still with us.

>> No.44465144

She knowingly broke her promise, but a bunch of the unstable subhumans here also chose to send her completely unhinged messages and are now already trying to take them back. Superchatting about how she only cares about money or writing a novel on twitter and then crawling back days later is pathetic. Not to mention the freak who slashed his wrists and then tried to casually chat during a twitcast with zero shame.

>> No.44465156

>Because there is no explanation.
There is but it's much more entertaining to watch clueless clowns speak with conviction about subjects they know nothing about.
>You have tried to use this same bullshit argument for almost two years now and it's more wrong than ever.
It's actually never been more correct.

>> No.44465182

Those subhumans should have listened more closely to her casts and the guy who posts on 5ch is 90% the reason why everyone started to hate unicorns. He should have left a long time ago

>> No.44465192

More and more people are turning against her. I bet you're having a GREAT time seeing that.

>> No.44465199

I couldn't care less

>> No.44465219

>you shouldn’t turn against her
>why? She did something wrong
>no she didn’t, youd know that it you were paying attention
>paying attention to what?
>I don’t care that people are turning against her

Fucking UH-MAY-ZIN!

>> No.44465222

Of course you don't. You think all those thousands you spend on her every month will result in a real relationship one day after everyone else has left.

>> No.44465237

Okay, so I’m not crazy for thinking that it’s just been one retard burying his head in the sand and shitting up the threads with nonsense for years now

>> No.44465247

You aren't turning against her because you have never been with her so why should I care about someone like you?
But I don't superchat except for special occasions such as anniversaries and nobody ever expected of the relationship to turn into a normal one. How would that even work with so many husbands? You know the mansion is a joke for a reason

>> No.44465252

So you're just a shitposter.

>> No.44465258

>says the shitposter

>> No.44465278

You said you don't care if people hate her. You're doing this all on purpose to taunt anyone who actually listenes to her and believed her.
If you barely donate you wouldn't know what her bullshit excuses for acting like this are.

>> No.44465288

Oh look >>44464759 called it

>> No.44465328

>You said you don't care if people hate her.
I don't care if people like you who have never cared for her hate her. Sure it is frustrating because you know nothing about her but you are not someone who is making an effort to so why should I care about you?
>You're doing this all on purpose to taunt anyone who actually listenes to her and believed her.
It's the opposite. I'm making fun of idiots who never listened to her nor believed in her.
>If you barely donate you wouldn't know what her bullshit excuses for acting like this are.
But I do as does everyone who had listened to her streams before to the announcement. Her 'excuses' are valid, sound and logical reasons.

>> No.44465331

Yeah, it’s bait.

>> No.44465337

But you did not hear her exlanation because you don't donate to her. You are just a shitposter.

>> No.44465339

yeah, do not make a new thread while she is on hiatus

>> No.44465367

I heard her explanation because she explained it twice before the announcement. Once in a mengen cast and once in a mengen on youtube and thrice after the announcement of the blacklisting so what are you even saying?

>> No.44465369

Lmao dumbass tried so hard without knowing anything about us and her lol

>> No.44465372

Actually, this.

>> No.44465381

that is the vshojo shill
he has been at it for months in the thread on /vt/

>> No.44465398

This insufferable retard has been doing this for over a year. Anyone who disagrees with him even slightly is an anti, or “doesn’t know,” because they aren’t a “real fan.” He’s been fucking her over more than anyone.
“You’d know if you were a real fan.” “Know what?”
“You know, know.”
“See. Fake fan.”

>> No.44465411

Well said mr. fake fan

>> No.44465420

And if you do know you just have the wrong translation and are an EOP unlike the N1 nipponese sensei over here.

>> No.44465422

We can safely ignore you, anti-kun.

>> No.44465451

anon was right about clueless clowns
the vshojo shill is pure comedy
please tell me you are the same guy who searched the archives for milk

>> No.44465466

But that anon is the clueless clown.

>> No.44465468
File: 121 KB, 800x940, c56f47bfc33210e26b732ac19df9b683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Kanji Kentei Level 1 and through the power of understanding Japanese I can say with certainty that I love my wife Mikeneko

>> No.44465477

But she doesn't love you.

>> No.44465478

have a final (you)
see you tomorrow, vshojo shill-kun

>> No.44465491

Really funny how you think you can just take was said about you and turn it around. It doesn't work like that.

>> No.44465511

reminder that nothing hurts her more than seeing fans turn into antis

>> No.44465521

She has no one to blame but herself for whats happened to her fans. She betrayed us and left us to be insulted and threw a pity party for herself. A relationship works both ways.

>> No.44465524

This post was fact checked by real /jp/ experts and fact checkers, verdict: False

>> No.44465531

That clearly not the case.

>> No.44465557

Well, it would probably be a good idea to throw out some kind of signal to avoid that because twitter just feels like a funeral right now

>> No.44465578

Are we the last beacon of hope left?

>> No.44465599

Reminder we love VShojo in here

>> No.44465601

Then why does she keep lying to you?

>> No.44465603

Yes. Until she streams again and doubles down on male collabs.

>> No.44465617

To the remaining holdouts, I say this without a shred of hostility. I loved her, and until very recently, I believed she loved me too. I still believe that at some point, her words were true.
But things are different. She loves the attention. She may even love the money. But she no longer holds a romantic or appreciative love for you. I understand your reprehension. I understand your ambivalence.

You have to move on.

It doesn’t have to be forever. You don’t have to hate her. But its time to let her go, if you truly love her, you will let her go for now. She needs to learn a lesson. Maybe one day, she will regret her decisions, she will cry out and beg for what she had, and on that day you can decide to return. But until that day, you have to let her learn. You have to let her fail. We’re as much her parents as we are her lover. Don’t be a bad parent. Don’t be a bad lover. This isn’t good for anyone.

>> No.44465645

Least obvious anti

>> No.44465655

Nobody knows what Mikeneko is thinking

>> No.44465662

Its very clear that I love and care about her more than you will ever hope to.

>> No.44465672

I think she was pretty clear when she told overseas fans to go away before her break.

>> No.44465686

It's fine if you're one of the two left who donate a lot, though!

>> No.44465703

If you truly loved and cared about her you wouldn't be restricting her highest potential that she could have very well achieved in VShojo. The closest thing she in retrospect could have had to her old workplace, only this time, she'd be revered, respected, honored, and acknowledged. You should have encouraged her to seek what she was missing, and after CPE I plan on helping her regain her true potential as Nazuna. If she keeps up as Mikeneko or Ria, she is a mess. If she stays faithful to Nazuna, she will feel better and loved by others around her once more. You and I both know this.

>> No.44465722

Oof, let's unpack this. Get this through your head- she. is. NOT. your. slave. You don't tell her what to do, okay sweetie?

She chose to become a full-time Apex streamer and become a couple channel with her boyfriend, and you need to hecking respect that, okay chud?

>> No.44465728

>believing a womans outbursts during an emotional moment
you never said something you didnt really mean?

>> No.44465731

You need psychiatric help

>> No.44465732

this. utaites are the normies of the east.

>> No.44465734

Can the anons who reply to every bait kindly fuck off back to /vt/? Don't forget to take the falseflaggers and VShojo-shill with you. Appreciate it.

>> No.44465773

Mikechan, please do a 2 hour ASMR stream for us. Do this and everything will be water under the bridge.

>> No.44465839

The replacement cable will arrive in the mail any day now

>> No.44465846

If VShojo was more like a regular org it could have been really good for her. The problem was there was really lackluster management, especially on the JP side, and there were no rules or even really guidance. For some people that's freedom and it's exactly what they want, but it wasn't what she wanted or needed and she's said as much.
That said, a lot of people focus on the wrong stuff and talk about it being a "bad influence", which I guess means they imagine the other girls telling her to "tell those incels to fuck off" or something. That's a really misguided way to think about it, because if she's doing well she has an easier time loving us just like we love her, regardless of what anyone tells her. She doesn't have to go join a giant male Apex collab if she feels she's doing well. That's the problem. And I'm not sure anyone, from any org, could deliver that for her.

>> No.44465863

As other people have pointed out, she has talked SO much shit on the Japanese, for worse reasons, that you would have to have skin as thin as tissue paper to get mad over that.

>> No.44465891

Her Japanese fans also having nonexistent spines doesn't make things better

>> No.44465904

Her excuses for the tournament and her excuses for her response to the response to the tournament are fundamentally seperate things
She prioritized certain things and chose certain actions out of mentally ill obsessive desperation, and then made it worse with defensive manic overreaction.
She is not blameless, and if you actually cared about her, you wouldn't want her to think that she is. "Blameless" is not the same word as "the perpetrator" or "the one at fault" or "the one deserving to be punished", and it does not mean that her actions and the reasons behind them cannot empathized with.
If you can understand that, though, you shouldn't have a hard time applying it to the responses of her fans. Her selective blindness was a major reason for what happened, you're not going to help her with your own form of selective blindness.
The one thing she needs now most or all, is clarity.

>> No.44465923

Is this the only sane post in this thread? I think it might be.

>> No.44465930

Can't do: ASMR, post fanbox updates, play good games

Can do: Play Apex, male collabs, yell at fans

>> No.44466042

Kek. You niggas are crazy

Go to the gym and learn some muay thai or boxing or something, forget about this oriental ho

>> No.44466067
File: 337 KB, 1664x2586, 31b6edd420be173d35f4226c6759e0a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did back and shoulders today

>> No.44466107
File: 190 KB, 1040x1692, IMG_0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, you think everyone here is a chinless incel? Hell you’d find it hard to believe that I was even a fan of japs or their culture if you saw me on the street

>> No.44466241

She'll marry a Korean.

>> No.44466261


>> No.44466344

Did he actually do that? lmao
Best thing I heard in a while. I hope he finishes the job while at it

>> No.44466352
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, 1672860526899111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44466373

Don’t post this creature here

>> No.44466374

>She chose to become a full-time Apex streamer and become a couple channel with her boyfriend, and you need to hecking respect that, okay chud?
This. We love Korea and NTR here.

>> No.44466390

She needs to sell NTR ASMR.

>> No.44466399

Did the apex schizo kill himself too?

>> No.44467072

The past few days we've had no choice but to let her go as she's detached herself from us and has not said a single word. From what I hear she did come on only to block some mf's on twitter though I have no idea how they know that.

Anyways, so there's plenty of time for us to think about the situation and some have written their thoughts. I get what you're saying but I disagree about being her parent. That bit is strange to me. I'm the man and she made a terrible and short cited mistake on per part and as her man she needs to understand, acknowledge and accept she fucked up and if she actually cares she will admit her fault, ask in sincerity for forgiveness then we can discuss the matter further and squash any lingering resentment and rebuild and continue walking forward hand to hand.

>> No.44467101

...right. You should be saying that to the fucking anti's and vshojo shill and other trash coming here and not us fandead/nekofami's. Those mf's low life losers stay here for hours on end.

>> No.44467116

nta but this reeks of a stupid female bitch wrote this or some nasty disgusting faggot or tranny.

>> No.44467154

Some people think women are essentially children and the man has to lead them in the relationship like a dad. True?

>> No.44467206

That is 100% what they want. If you’re trying to chat up a girl and you weren’t talking about your dad within five moves, you’re fucking up. If you think I’m kidding, try it.

>> No.44467213

The man essentially takes over her father's role but not as a parent but as her ruler and should lead with wisdom while she in turn helps him out as his helper and companion. There's more to it but that's a quick tl;dr. For instance my dad helped my mom out on almost everything including if things were to happen to him she would be able to live on her own while also leading the house and advising her.
She did her part for him too but basically I'm just speaking in what the man's role is as her and me have our own roles to fulfill. She has her role which only she can fill and I have mine that only I can fill. So in what I wrote is about that. I'm not sure what the other anon is talking about treating her like a parent.

>> No.44467427

Talking about your own dad??

>> No.44467447

Yeah. It sounds weird but you leverage it into talking about hers. If you can find a way to skip that and go straight to talking about hers, then you’re doing great. Its just sorta unnatural.

>> No.44467555

That happened to me by accident lately. I don't get how that turns into the girl wanting you though.

>> No.44467585

I'm definitely not sane, just occasionally not retarded

>> No.44467599

Her relationship with her father determines your strategy. This always works for me, but I don’t know if I’d be taking advice from someone on the mikeneko general

>> No.44467934

You don't need to do any of that. I would just be her man genuinely and lead her. She might come to me and then speak about her father maybe resembling him in some way or filling a role that she did not have or whatever.

>> No.44468135

How long would it take to read all the bullshit posted in this sad sad sad thread?

>> No.44468148

Too long for it to be worth it. Hopefully no one makes another general, it’s clear that this lady’s time is up. So sad.

>> No.44468181

I need a place to see if she ever follows up with anything on this.

>> No.44468198

Do you think she is calling it quits? I'm hoping she doesn't quit

>> No.44468200

/vt/ has had and will likely have a thread about her even after she retires.

>> No.44468206


>> No.44468209

Thats true. Not a fan of her at all anymore, but that boards rabid obsession with spreading nonsense narratives about her is nuts. They’re just a different breed of unhappy loser I guess.

>> No.44468211

I don't think so. Not even getting terminated from Hololive made her quit. I don't think it would be a sudden thing but a slow fade if it ever did happen. She is probably recuperating and reflecting.

>> No.44468215

Anon literally asked. I'm not going to post there since i'm done but if he wants somewhere that's what it is.

>> No.44468260

No irony, that's great to hear

>> No.44468267

>She is probably recuperating and reflecting.
>probably reflecting
Boy am I glad to not be this delusional.

>> No.44468274

Lol reflecting, when has she ever done that?

>> No.44468295

it took me like 40 minutes and I skimmed through the last few posts and I came to the conclusion that I am nowhere near as schizo about who I support as these fuckers

>> No.44468418

Nearly everyone here is either madly in love or was madly in love with this person

>> No.44468586

I don't care antis.
I love my wife. I forgive her. I want her back. I hope she streams again. Even if she just is Nazuna full time. I love my wife. I want her back. I forgive her. I hope she streams again.

>> No.44468593

You don't know shit anti-san. Leave.

>> No.44468598

You don't know shit anti-san. Leave.

>> No.44468606

Yes, yes, surely after mistake number... uhh... 527 mike will finally reflect on her actions

>> No.44468613

You're not even hiding it anti-san.
You stick out like a sore thumb. You're here to start shit.
Wife will reflect whenever she wants to. Now leave this thread, fuck off to your Holoshill hugbox and never come back.

>> No.44468693

You don't deserve to watch Ayamy

>> No.44468701

Found the anti

>> No.44468939
File: 82 KB, 749x259, 1689528320807028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another new male follow, she loves them.

>> No.44468971

I recognize this one. He plays a lot of apex with no name indies.

>> No.44468990

At this point, is honor killing the right option? Good lord.

>> No.44469006

Okay, it’s over

>> No.44469013

just shut the fuck up already you retarded incel islamofascist cunts

>> No.44469203

Aaron kill yourself

>> No.44469271

Do not make another thread

>> No.44469997

hardly a good sign but also hardly outside the norm
prognosis was already fucking grim so ironically it's too awful for this to shift it much for me
the blocks were a much worse sign imo

>> No.44470008

Why not? There's clearly a lot of discussion to be had.

>> No.44470052

This is why you don't tap the glass at the zoo

>> No.44470083

>antis shitposting
yea right

>> No.44471013

Aaron you can reedem yourself! Just get a rope!

>> No.44471452

That guy is extremely nonthreatening compared to the ikemen she usually goes for

>> No.44471723

yeah go hide in your discords you pussies

>> No.44471802

Who the fuck is this bitch? Why is she in the catalog?

>> No.44471811

go back to your smelly 2hu feet thread

>> No.44471994

She used to rule the world...

>> No.44472057

she never ruled anything but stinky soulless otaku wallets
go jump ship to a different GFE streamer and close the tab

>> No.44472166

Alright let's go hide in the discord

>> No.44472363

The longer the silence goes on the less I believe she ever really cared

>> No.44472405

she hasn't cared since Rushia graduated.

>> No.44472800

she is fucking depressed you minus-iq-idiots

>> No.44472886

And she's not going to get better putting herself out there on the online sphere where her mere existence is controversial, you single celled organism. Supporting her as a fan is the literal worst thing you can do on every level when in reality she's been depressed for years and needs some serious therapy and me-time.
But of course I imagine you'll quote the "support is bad!" part since you use her to fill an empty hole in your soul rather than actually genuinely caring about her, freak.

>> No.44472925

She needs your money
Pay up

>> No.44473270

I'd like to let it slide
But it would be nice to know
Why all the blinds are closed
It would be nice to know

>> No.44473274
File: 349 KB, 542x396, 1682938873160187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's he holding up through all this?

>> No.44473295

She screamed at him for getting her blocked from the tournament and told him to fuck off

>> No.44473393

She’s such a caring, grateful, and self-aware person
