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4438082 No.4438082 [Reply] [Original]

What Touhou game would you recommend for someone who never played it before?

Tips for beginners are also appreciated.

>> No.4438090

I'd recommend not playing it, because shmups are gay.

>> No.4438089

hold shift for focused movement

>> No.4438093

Imperishable Night is the easiest game.

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody if you like fighters.

Hold shit for focused movement.

>> No.4438097

Start with Perfect Cherry Blossom, use shift for focused movement, use your bombs before you die.

>> No.4438102

The 7th game.

Don't be afraid to bomb, learn to stream, don't move too often, watch replays, learn the mechanics, learn to not watch your hitbox.

>> No.4438109

Playing the lower difficulties does not help with the higher ones. If you want to beat Lunatic, play Lunatic.

>> No.4438131

Imperishable Night will spoil you rotten. Start with PCB.

Hold shift for focused movement, but don't forget about unfocused movement.

This isn't space invaders, don't camp the bottom of the screen.

You get bombs. Use them. If its ether you die or you bomb, bomb, always.

Stage 4 is going to rape you, regardless of what game you start with. Be prepaired.

>> No.4438138

Thanks so far guys!

I'll check out Perfect Cherry Blossom.

>> No.4438139

EoSD or bust

>> No.4439763

Why do bullets sometimes kill me and sometimes they don't?

>> No.4439789

Is that Polysics? Damn I want a pair of those glasses.

>> No.4439791
File: 77 KB, 850x796, alicefrustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imperishable Night is the easiest game.

My confidence is crushed. I can't get past Mystia on normal.

>> No.4439796

graze motherfucker
the white dot on your body when holding shift is your hitbox, bullets hit that, you die. anywhere else is fine

>> No.4439812

Lunatic only. Get shat on. Realize how easy every other mode is.

>> No.4439809

Yes it is.The girl pictured leaves the band soon.Unfortunately they stopped selling the glasses on their merch.

>> No.4439801

dem grazes man

>> No.4439819


Come on, anon. Even I can perfect the first three stages.

>> No.4439820

Oh i haven't noticed a dot - checking it out.

>> No.4439832


Perfect Cherry Blossom or Imperishable Night.

>> No.4439853

Imperishable Night, easy, using Reimu/Yukari

>> No.4440124

Do I make more damage while holding shift?

>> No.4440162

Depends on the game/bullet style.

>> No.4440189

Oh great, more new people.

>> No.4440269

sorry to fuck with your secret club.
I see

>> No.4440313
File: 332 KB, 700x1300, 78c38e4f2a8d847e44bbcb415041bae1ce3a4517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh great, more people that are interesting in what I am even though its supposed to be an elite underground thing.

Really anon?

>> No.4440365
File: 397 KB, 700x800, yousuckmokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4440377



>> No.4440388
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Thank you.

Now if will excuse me, I shall take my leave of this thread.

Sorry to disturb you.

>> No.4440406
File: 422 KB, 416x478, MP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bullets themselves also have a smaller collision box than their initial size would suggest. Generally, the larger the bullet is the more leeway you'll have. You'll just have to experiment to get a feel for the sizes. Be careful about EoSD's bullet hitboxes, they're pretty unforgiving.

Pic related, but don't put yourself in that situation if you can help it.

>> No.4440428



>> No.4440611

1. How do you beat Yuugi's Unnatural Phenomena card?
2. How do you get past all those spreadshotting amulet fairies in Stage 4 of SA?
3. Any tips on surviving Stage 4 of UFO?

>> No.4440640


Roleplay faggotry is not acceptable here.

>> No.4440643
File: 108 KB, 204x204, yuugi18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4440752

I can beat Flandre on any day ending in Y, but I hate PCB with a fiery, burning passion... yet everyone describes it as one of the easiest. I don't get it. Prismrivers are the spawn of Satan; there is no question about that. I'll be cruising along just fine after handing Alice's ass to her, and all of a sudden it's like, "Hey, you can't go up against Youmu with 7 lives! Nobody not no how! Let's make you have 2 lives. Muhuhahahaha!"

>> No.4440769

I'd recommend EoSD. It's the one I started with.

>> No.4440871

I tend to lose about half my lives against Youmu's nonspells.

>> No.4440930

The prismriver you hit most in their first group attack decides the next spellcards you'll be facing. Figure out who you find easier, and concentrate on her. The rest of the spells should be pretty simple.

>> No.4440940

Cross-weaving patterns can die in a fire.

>> No.4440943


Youmu is overrated as shit. Her final spellcard alone is easy as shit. You only need around 3 lives for Youmu.

You'll get better at the Prismrivers with time and experience

>> No.4440977

The Prismrivers are very slightly harder on hard than normal. They fit well in hard mode.

>> No.4440996

1 try to fly on one of spirals as they spawn- less bullets. Once you defeat panic, it's suprisingly easy spell.
2 You can see pattern in their shooting. each pair leaves safespot. Last one is bombable- every bomb except reimu b and marisa a leaves clear screen and that fairy leaves shitload of powerups
3 dont stand under the "pillars" big fairies make. Focus only at dodging and red ufos. midboss is memorable. Murasa's nonspells are practiacally the same- you dodge one = you dodge all. 1st spell- try to make her throw anchors all over screen plus dont stick to the bottom. Vortex is difficult, but again, dont stick to the bottom. Third spell is memory. Survival- try flying so that you can fly unfocused through circles she make unfocused (vertical or horizontal) to the other edge of screen.

>> No.4441040

EoSD, PCB or IN are all valid choices.

>> No.4441110

MOF is pretty easy, on par with IN on easymode.

>> No.4444380

Play EoSD or PCB. Not IN.

>> No.4444548

What's EoSD?

>> No.4445337


Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, the 6th game

>> No.4445344

i was getting my ass kicked in PCB in the 4th stage on easy. I guess i just suck

>> No.4445364

EoSD: Enjoy your twitch dodging, this is a pure skill game. First three stages are okay, Remilia is alright as far as final bosses go (Scarlet Gensokyo on Lunatic/Scarlet Meister aside) but Patchouli and Sakuya will rape you. Take time to learn Stage 4 and 5 too, they rely on memorizal.
PCB: Easiest game, you can use SakuyaA, bomb everything and still win. A good start. Stages are memorizal heavy all around. Learn to redirect Youmu around.
IN: Probably second easiest, probably easiest on Normal. Border team is broken. Will kill your deathbomb reflexes, this is not good.
MoF: Also probably second easiest, has the easiest boss battles overall due to the sheer number of bombs you have, but doesn't give you as many lives.
SA: Second hardest, will ruin your shit. ReimuA or bust, Marisa's larger hitbox makes her nigh-unplayable on higher difficulties. Learn Orin well.
UFO: Hardest, UFO catching is the worst mechanic on Touhou. Incidentally only game I haven't 1cced on Hard or above.

Before you disagree my opinions beat yours.

>> No.4445368


>> No.4445369

MF or IN is the easiest so start with them.

>> No.4445371

>EoSD takes skill
>memorizal whatever the fuck that is

>> No.4445376

>PCB easier than IN

Suck a dick.

>> No.4445387

I find EoSD is the one you should start with: it's not one of the easiest and will be a good training for the latter ones (after EoSD I played PCB and beat it after 4 tries).
Also: no hitbox so you will have to learn not to watch your character too much and have to rely on watching the bullets.
And Sakuya, one of the most compelling match you can have. Always fun.

>> No.4445408

Why do people always rate SA as difficult?
Yamame is generally easy (unless she moves down during her opener on Lunatic)
Parsee is all tricks and memorization.
Yuugi is full of safe spots.
Satori is normal, but you already have 7 lifes and can bomb if you need.
Orin has 2 hard spells which you can bomb if you need to.
Okuu gives you more lifes than you can possibly lose and her cards are generally easy (except for Petaflare) or have a rather safe spot (fixed star)

>> No.4445618

So i started playing PCB and after a few rounds on Normal to get used to the controls, i play it on Lunatic.
The Game is raping me very hard.

>> No.4445683

That's normal. When you notice you're getting slightly better at lunatic go back to a lower difficulty and realize how much better you've gotten. This tactic sadly doesn't work for lunatic though as there is no difficulty above it.

>> No.4445708

As time has gone by ZUN has made his easy mode easier so if that's your default mode you'll find it easier than the others.

Though its difficulty mainly comes from two things. It's full of gimmick patterns, even in the main game, And, continuing the tradition from MoF, it's a lot more about bullet herding and streaming than older touhou titles, so anyone used to sitting in one spot as the pattern dodges itself like in ESOD -> IN is going to find themselves trying a lot harder.
