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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44383683 No.44383683 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>44268167

>> No.44383925

Make your bets, will Aster Tatariqus flop? Will it outlast Sakura Ignoramus?

>> No.44383929

>half of the cast are cute boys
It will be super popular

>> No.44384012

What was the need for skirt physics if you're not going to show the goods.

>> No.44384112

New mobages are all uninspired and censored to hell. I only have the new atelier mobage to look forward to now.

>> No.44384129
File: 2.38 MB, 2356x1003, Not pantsu so it's fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canon male MC, but he's not a blank self-insert
>Pantsu are censored because of SDGs
>Story apparently is already completed with multiple routes, which I've only seen in one other gacha game (Eiyuu Senki)
>Gameplay in the academy is just a fantasy Persona copy, and it's coming out before the Persona gacha itself
>Battles are literally a copy of Fire Emblem, they're not even trying to hide it.
>They've not shown monetization at all.

I'm not sure, this is so weird for a gacha game, it's like they made a console game first then changed it to be a gacha last second. It at least has more potential than Sakura Ignoramus but it needs to be good enough to steal the FEH audience which is a big hurdle.

>> No.44384141


>> No.44384222
File: 48 KB, 1127x488, events.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the only things keeping WDS alive are events? I noticed that before each peak there's an "EV" note, then after the peak there is a steep decline.

>> No.44384235
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Sustainable Development Goals, which is the UN equivalent to ESG. It's already taken hold in many japanese companies such as Koei Tecmo. It's why Atelier will be censored.

>> No.44384257


>> No.44384262

Dude you need to remove your foil hat already.

>> No.44384282

You can just go to Gumi's website (which are the publishers of Aster Tatariqus) and see they have an entire section dedicated to ESG https://gu3.co.jp/sustainability/

>> No.44384287

1. Being environment-friendly is a good thing. Sustainability is a good thing. Did you not learn from things like Maui?
2. There's nothing there that suggests SDGs have anything to do with censorship.
Again, take off your tinfoil hat and stop listening to Alex Jones and company.

>> No.44384358
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It's not the E you should care about, but the S and the G. ESG has already taken hold of Nintendo and they've begun replacing japanese in their company with foreigners.

>But how will this lead to censorship
See pic related. This is why Square Enix is so censored lately.

>> No.44384480

You gotta get off your Gamergate juice

>> No.44385078

There is still literally nothing to play...

>> No.44385163

Engage Kill is still alive and not kill

>> No.44385284

NTA but shit like those Japanese student-designed unisex school uniforms and school swimsuits were literally school projects hosted under SDG banner. It was all over TV in Japan. So yes, SDG absolutely has an effect on male gaze fan service.

>> No.44385307


>> No.44385343

You were asking about why the pantsu is a void >>44384012
And that is literally the answer.

>> No.44385385

That wasn't even my post.

>> No.44385409

Then you should heed your own advice and go back to whence you came from, shill

>> No.44385522

I wasn't even the one who brought up that SDG shit. If you want to talk about that instead of discussing games then you need to go back to /pol/.

>> No.44386372

It's the future you chose.

>> No.44386414
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I choose D4DJ Groovy Mix

>> No.44386447

>unisex school uniforms
>boys still pants
>girls still wear skirts
I sleep.

>> No.44386827

Engage Kill is shit

>> No.44386877

Not like anyone here plays anything

>> No.44387834

It has uncensored pantsu

>> No.44388148

>single heart straw
What is the symbolism behind this?

>> No.44388555

And it's flopping harder than Groovy Mix.

>> No.44389089

Should have released the game within a month or so after the anime.

>> No.44389110
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Still thinking about SAO kusoge 1 year maintenance

>> No.44389386

SAO is the new CUE!

>> No.44389528

So basically an EOS announcement. It's going to get scrapped for another project.

>> No.44390314
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Five more days until Fire Emblem Heroes dies.

>> No.44392543

how many months until a new release

>> No.44392690

How long until EOS?

>> No.44394645

I like Hachinai

>> No.44394944

I like Hachinai too but not because of the game.

>> No.44395807
File: 1.44 MB, 2894x4093, F4Lxo2WbsAASj0R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Danmachi kusoge is supposed to be released tomorrow

>> No.44396343

I miss CUE

>> No.44396989
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I thought Koei Tecmo was going to tone down fanservice? Why are they whoring out Hinako to Leader-kun? Will Atelier gacha also be like this?

>> No.44397071

I don't understand. Why kill off the franchise just a month after the anime ended? And how come they never did bring back the game? Shutting down the game before the anime even came out is one thing, never reviving it despite promising to do so is another.

It's actually weird. They went like a year promising the game would come back without any updates, then the anime aired for two cours, then not even a month after the anime finished they said they gave up.

>> No.44397083

DIALOGUE+ is still operating swimmingly so they basically made an anime for them, then fired the support cast including /ourgirl/.

>> No.44397094

I can't believe yuri lost.

>> No.44397228

That's what I love about BRS. In the story they tried to save the world with yuri and it fucking failed so bad the world ended so they revert back time and this time they'll try to save the world through the power (You)r dick

>> No.44397250

So BRS is basically one big fuck you to yurifags, and the fact it's actually doing okay is proof that it worked?

>> No.44397313

So BRS is like the opposite of Gekidol story?

>> No.44398279

Anons from earlier thread asked for full version of the MV for Liar Liar OP from #D4DJ

>> No.44398433

Why did the full version take so long to come out?

>> No.44398466 [DELETED] 

To coincide with album release

>> No.44398507
File: 531 KB, 1366x2048, D4DJ グルミク.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To coincide with album release

>> No.44398676

I mean, most other anime songs now have their full version out as soon as episode 1 or even before, this one took over half a season to come out. I don't even think any other of this season's songs came out this late.

>> No.44399201

It's doing barely better than Groovy Mix. Whether it's "okay" is up to you.

>> No.44399904

At least it's not doing worse than Engage Kill...

>> No.44400610
File: 495 KB, 611x399, 140174948502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chink version of Girl Cafe Gun is forcing a verification of the account through voice to let me log in.

It's fucking over. My love for you will never fade, Grainne.

>> No.44400651

How does that even work?

>> No.44400706

You need to call a phone number and get a code, then bind your account with that code.

I always used to bypass most of the bullshit with virtual phones to receive sms but this time I got fucked hard even if I know enough chink to talk with a machine.

>> No.44400983

It's going to take decades for the yuriniggers to recover from this one.

>> No.44401851
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>> No.44401916

Don't all Chinese websites require a Chinese phone number anyway? I know Bilibili/Baidu/other forums do.

>> No.44402024

Still no pantsu

>> No.44402287

9game the service that handles the login of all the games of Seasun in China, asked for the social security number for the creation of the account 3 years ago. Later when the shitstorm of Ai Kayano happened, they asked for the verification of the account via SMS. Today for some reason they asked the voice verification.

It's alright though, the game has been dead for more than a year. Grainne was the only reason of why I went through all the tedious shit until now.

>> No.44402390

Actually it was like 5 years ago. Fuck me.

>> No.44402871

So basically they are deliberately killing off the game?

>> No.44403012
File: 28 KB, 526x295, 135302535580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game has been on maintenance mode for a while. If they wanted to kill it they would just pull the plug because I'm pretty sure there is nothing to buy in the cash shop except the usual basic garbage like gems and the gacha is stuck in a generic banner.

>> No.44403020

Not really, if you are Chinese none of this is an issue.
They are stopping gaijins and kids from playing the games as is the law.
Anons should have learned Madarin and moved to China.

>> No.44404113

NetEase won

>> No.44404122

But where is the pantsu?

>> No.44404191

It will be ok as long as there is no hardcore multiplayer content.

>> No.44404335

a bit late but how does an offline kusoge eos? https://gamebiz.jp/news/373387

>> No.44404368

>Square Enix

>> No.44404393

I liked the Anime, also rip IRL mana

>> No.44404735

THREADLY reminder Lycoris bested their anime hard hence killing its hype post-season

>> No.44404769

Maybe some kinda usage contract something or other ended so now they have to remove it from stores.

>> No.44404923

fuck this game

>> No.44404959
File: 351 KB, 1821x1222, nerfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game is out
>no thread on vg or vmg
It’s over

>> No.44404993

How many people even care about this series nowadays?

>> No.44404998

no clue. just jerk off to the characters like every other kusoge I play

>> No.44405074
File: 1.68 MB, 1600x900, ag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gl assembling your slut squad

>> No.44405086

I'm assuming no pantsu?

>> No.44405130
File: 919 KB, 3200x2700, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant zoom out very far from what i can tell

>> No.44405156

>bare ass cheeks
>can't zoom
Why have we been forsaken?

>> No.44405212


>> No.44405425

You know the answer. Three letter.

>> No.44405509


>> No.44405981

Both are made by the same studio retarded yurinigger, they probably funded EK with part of lycoshit profits. But lycoshit is dead on the water as franchise so EK won by default, now cry about Majima indirect kissing the main heroine of that yuribait lycoshit

>> No.44406113

Lycoreco is getting a new anime work funded by its own success.

>> No.44406159

So, who's actually hyped for this?

>> No.44406184

>Censored right off the bat
owari da

>> No.44406193

Try /vmg/

>> No.44406577

EK was what Aniplex was betting big on, they didn't pivot to LycoReco until after LycoReco got big after the first few episodes. They clearly didn't expect it to get so popular.

>> No.44406618

Looks like the common Factor for success is yuribaiting, with males

>> No.44407211

the live stream view is kinda low for a game get promoted heavily

>> No.44407344

Is that a bad sign? Was WDS also like that?

>> No.44407538

HBR is the anomaly then

>> No.44407688

That stream had like 1k viewers. It had less than even the Blue Reflection stream yesterday. It's looking like a quick EOS to me unless they can attract the Fire Emblem and Persona audiences.

>> No.44407709

HBR is yaoi

>> No.44407959

Maybe if they didn't have the black voids.

>It had less than even the Blue Reflection stream yesterday
How did the WDS streams do for comparisons?

>> No.44408061

It's kind of hard to leave one game for another one, I was playing priconne global until it eos'd, now I'm playing honkai Sr and I doubt I'll play anything else for a while since I don't have that much time

>> No.44408130

Which is why I am waiting for D4DJ EoS before jumping ship to WDS.

>> No.44408318

You cannot compare a live game to an upcoming one.

>> No.44408384


>> No.44408529

I just saw some gameplay of this, damn the animations look very very bad. Also, why do we need the rarity in the combat UI?
I give it 6 months for EoS.

>> No.44408566

...so like a normal harem arrangement?
It's the one thing yurishitters always forget, every single red-blooded male wants to witness these yuri situations.

>> No.44410132

I once saw the gameplay of lapis re light, I still don't understand it or how they wasted so much money on it... I think they got obliterated by covid while priconne unironically thrived

>> No.44410275

How much money did they blow?

>> No.44411391

Could Baton Relay have lived without Covid?

>> No.44412322

From what I read they're banking hard on it, I mean they had like 5 or more sub units with seiyuu, songs, 3d animation and more shit like that. I think maybe it's hard to integrate the whole music and battle shit together. On the other hand while priconne had the clan system, they weren't idol groups per se and you meet with most of them in events, it could always be played casually and they could reuse and reskin content, also 2d gameplay was simple unless you're a hardcore CB or pvp player and that's mostly due to having to follow specific builds, and auto combat and skip combat is a thing, so farming was easy AF.

>> No.44412441

Lapis was never gonna succeed, it had nothing new compared to other titles. If at least they let you fuck Yuzuriha it would still be alive to this very day...

>> No.44412910
File: 9 KB, 362x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just launched dmm today after not touching it for months and it looks like japan is region blocking everybody again. it's too much effort to get a vpn so i guess they won't have my money.

>> No.44413066

Bilibili doesn't
You can make an account with just email
Tested several days ago with some tactical kusoge that lagged on my emulator

>> No.44413089

What were you going to play

>> No.44413129

BRS. I haven't played it since launch and I was curious if the game got any better.

>> No.44413537

Lapis had very good stage effects for the magical idol theme

>> No.44413546

Chinese chudbro...

>> No.44413639
File: 294 KB, 1528x1016, D4DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idols dress like this?!

>> No.44413773

average vtuber wear these days desu

>> No.44414357
File: 53 KB, 1032x467, enkiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's... not gonna make it to its first anniversary is it?

>> No.44414363
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Is this good or not

>> No.44414391

Why is there no successful gacha rhythm games oriented at males? Is this some kind of requirement to be a woman or mentally ill to enjoy these?

>> No.44414465
File: 777 KB, 2761x3000, 20230103_122657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there no successful gacha rhythm games oriented at males?
there are. just not mobile games tho
since arcade rhythm games (BEMANI games, SEGA etc) just offers so much more song library-wise

>> No.44414485

rhythm games are pretty different on a phone compared to like ddr or guitar hero etc
women actually get a bit addicted to the phone ones

>> No.44414510

>Why is there no successful gacha rhythm games oriented at males?
SIF? Bandori? ProSeka?

>> No.44414525

I am aware of arcades. I was asking about mobile games since this is mobage thread. Sadly, I live in the middle of nowhere and can't enjoy arcades myself.

>> No.44414589

Is it actually successful? There was a lot of controversies about its devs or something idk. I personally simply didn't like the game itself.
This one was big in the past but it seems like it makes pennies these days.
Despite the majority of the games cast being highschool girls, it is mostly women and children who play this.

>> No.44414678

Why leave out SS and TD?

>> No.44414723

T7S. Please play it.

>> No.44414963

Most D4DJ fans are ojisans.

>> No.44414983

It's not successful though. EoS announcement any day now.

>> No.44414997
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ojisans jims will keep it on life support

>> No.44415333

SIF survived for 10 years and lured a lot people into the franchise. It mqust have been doing something right.

>> No.44415534

What will even happen to D4DJ if Groovy Mix is killed? Would that also be the end of the franchise?

>> No.44417269
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1200, F4QTjc-a0AEZrUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Live game is sexy now?

>> No.44417502

Not even a hint of underboob

>> No.44417862

I guess you can say goodbye to more kinos... :

>> No.44419094

Abyssmare existing has to be a sign the franchise has a future, right?

>> No.44419147

What do you mean by that? It's like saying IVKLore existing means Lapis had a future.

>> No.44419504


>> No.44420183

IV Klore was in the franchise from the start, unlike Abyssmare which is a new addition.

>> No.44420276

SB69 introduced two new bands like a year before FesALive died iirc
Granted the franchise is technically not dead yet

>> No.44421793
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>> No.44422543

Will it survive its first year?

>> No.44423250

With the black voids, probably 50-50 at best.

>> No.44423504

is this bikinifag's(or a ripoff) main lair eh?
only noticing this late

>> No.44423516

No one ever mentions the prime minister of Japan here, so no.

>> No.44423590

his other bit was "muh china" tho.
there's a few mentions of it here

>> No.44423603

We love China here. Future of mobage is Chinese.

>> No.44423925

Nah, that guy has a pretty distinct style of broken English and talking points.
Makes him recognizable pretty quickly. And helps with filtering.
Also, anon here is mainly after panties. You're the first mention of bikinis in two threads.

>> No.44423938
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They are adding another new unit soon

>> No.44423957
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wrong Pic

>> No.44424012
File: 1.21 MB, 1080x1431, Screenshot_2023-08-26-13-06-06-678_jp.co.mixi.monsterstrike-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't die /mbgg/ MSbros are rooting for ya

>> No.44424405

Is he actually still around?
I assumed he'd have killed himself, what with Korea going ultra-crazy with censorship and ratings lately

>> No.44424573

He doesn't seem to have been that active on /a/ lately but, assuming >>>/a/256221496 is really him and not an impostor (the poster uses a different filename format instead of his usual iPhone filename), he was active as recently as a week ago.

>> No.44425107

still in the atelier threads on /vrpg/, his MAIN territory

>> No.44425114

What chances are that the void will only exist in trailer like Samurai Maiden did, or iOS verison, but uncensored for ChAndroid in that FE clone game.

>> No.44425150

I think the first time I ever saw him was in Bandori threads, I have no idea why Atelier would be where he hangs out. Having never played the games, does Atelier even have bikinis?

>> No.44425180

that's because he joined with Ryza (yes they have those) like every other nonces

>> No.44425225

Where did he even originate?

>> No.44425242

no idea. best bet's on vee though

>> No.44425267

this game looks kinda good to me which means it's gonna be hot garbage most likely so no.

>> No.44425298

But what caused him to turn into what he is? I can't even tell if he's Korean or Japanese, all I know is that he really hates Kishida, likes bikinis, calls himself a netto-uyo, and keeps ban evading.

>> No.44425361

I don't know, but we should put him in charge

>> No.44425681

Inexplicably based

>> No.44426518

/ourgirl/ has become SukeraSparo's go-to seiyuu now

>> No.44427168


>> No.44427753


>> No.44427778

Momo, Tiara, Miharu, Lilja

>> No.44430474
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>> No.44430764

1 more day till another disappointing release? or will jp mobages finally catch a break??

>> No.44430961

We haven't had complete flops in a while.

>> No.44431265

Sakura Ignoramus?

>> No.44431557

There is this upcoming mobage about fairy tale princesses

>> No.44431657

But does it have pantsu

>> No.44431849

Depends on how censored it is and if you can actually date the girls.

>> No.44431960

If the answer to both is no, it's gonna have a quick death?

>> No.44433191

Chinese? Name?

>> No.44435290

Lapis with pantsu

>> No.44435294

>fire emblem clone
>can't date girls and do eugenics
what are they thinking

>> No.44436160
File: 1010 KB, 640x842, batoga anko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somehow this morning i remembering this game
god i miss my students so much
i remember there's archive for the story, anyone have a link?
and i remember playing this song so much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz_YhEyS9Vs
and lastly FUCK COLOPL

>> No.44439736

I think the girl with the blonde twin tails is the only love interest

>> No.44439886
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/mbgg/ is wrong again

>> No.44440010
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>> No.44440700

What about the other characters?

>> No.44441182
File: 3.65 MB, 1920x1047, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only home screen (so far I hope) that has a bed and one of the most explicitly dressed characters as a choice. In the other ones like pic related they're properly clothed and/or just standing.

Game so far feels kind of empty and fairly expensive if you want to get more characters or rather more versions of them since there aren't that many of them to begin with. I'll stick around since I really like danmachi universe, but the combat feels weightless so to speak, but there's no "oomph" behind movements like in genshin for example. It feels incomplete in a way, combat gets repetitive very quickly since the dungeons boil down to button mashing -> go to the next room ->button mashing etc. Hopefully they'll add more stuff to this game over time, like interactables, random events/sequences to make dungeon actually feel like a dungeon. I had no idea there was a thread for all this on /jp/. I've been checking the archives across the website to see if anyone's talking about this game and there's nothing...

>> No.44441264

When was the last time a game that debuted at #1 died?

>> No.44441792

Never after, I think it's chinese

>> No.44442018

Isn't today just pre-download?

>> No.44443212

but where is the money?

>> No.44443405
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At least some of them managed to get into Alice Gear.
Not quite the same as having their own game and regular content, but the models are nice.

>> No.44444787
File: 498 KB, 2561x1080, 1681116657842385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aster Tatariqus waiting room...

>> No.44445512

They are killing those so EK can live, good news.

>> No.44445931
File: 563 KB, 630x349, 1677663629257470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRS is celebrating free swimsuit rolls like every other game

>> No.44445955

is hinako in the game yet? not like it matters i guess since i'm not going to bother with a vpn to play the game at this point.

>> No.44446074
File: 180 KB, 1435x908, role-5_55e3b25a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny cunny

>> No.44446114

From what I understand she was just announced four days ago and is set to release in a few hours from now?
>t. not the BRS poster and don't keep up to date

>> No.44446509

elaborate? are foreign ips blocked or something?

>> No.44446522

the dmm pc client blocks gaijin ips now. i'm sure you can bypass it if you want to just run the game through bluestacks but then I would have to start a new account.

>> No.44447146

kinda weird that they would only do that now instead of just region locking from launch. oh well, i quit a month or so after launch anyways so doesn't really mean much to me.

>> No.44447172
File: 18 KB, 736x373, gaijin_goes_home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would dmm do this? did gaijins not pay the uma tax and now must suffer the consequences of not having a pc version?

>> No.44447249

what emulator are you guys playing aster tatariqus on

>> No.44447265
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Aster Tatariqus is so fucking soulful.

>> No.44447312
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>> No.44447362

i use ld player

>> No.44447379
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Doujin time?

>> No.44447388
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i like this smug cat

>> No.44447396
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>cute pink swordgirl calls you master
I'm hooked...

>> No.44447415

So instead of black voids they all wear shorts?

>> No.44447496

>fire emblem but more graphics
will hard flop unless they can collab with fe

>> No.44447497

DMM thread is just using proton free with split tunneling for DMM player games.

>> No.44447508
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>> No.44447524


>> No.44447557

>6 reviews

>> No.44447665
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risemara tier list from game8 if anyone cares, expect it to change a bunch possibly though since it's only day 1.

>> No.44447743

>I'm using the bottom 2 and the booby blonde in A
It's over.

>> No.44447746
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In all seriousness the risemara tier list should have you rerolling for pic related
>only 1 free roll per day
>need tickets to roll otherwise because it's a paid gem banner
>you also don't get pity points with tickets so you need to either use paid gems or wait 200 days
Maybe it's just because I have no idea where to get free tickets but this seems like the gacha that really matters

>> No.44447788

rerolling is super fast. just go back to the title screen is and pick アカウント再作成 in the settings and it'll reset your player data plus you can skip the tutorial.

>> No.44447844
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This is just PoTK character

>> No.44447865
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BRS bros? Our game is officially too lewd to be on iOS...


>> No.44447883

taimanin collab when also how lewd?

>> No.44447908
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This too lewd for Apple.

>> No.44448095
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gl bros

>> No.44448106
File: 2.71 MB, 1764x1023, 1684629002883583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore Aster Tatariqus and please play Blue Reflection Sun instead. You can now have Hinako in your harem. Truly the day that every Blue Reflection fan has been waiting for.

>> No.44448112

>was happy that i got 2 ssrs from the gibs
what the FUCK

>> No.44448163

and uninstall

>> No.44448284

Can you unlock 4* Tyrfing with the shards they gave you from mission? I see her icon having the red dot in the Style menu but I don't see a way to unlock it.

>> No.44448460

>You can now have Hinako in your harem
Fucking based

>> No.44448479

wish they released a pc client for aster tatariqus
emulators suck

>> No.44449791

Nips can't into PC client, the best you may get is DMMplay version.

>> No.44450069

So can someone answer if the game actually still has black voids?

>> No.44450075

DMM client has lower resolution than tablets

>> No.44450984

And so?

>> No.44451526
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1665076001444982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's blue voids too if that's more to your liking.

>> No.44451639

What about Android version?

>> No.44451709

Jiggle physics?

>> No.44452177

Same thing in Android. It's an ESG game.

>> No.44452257

Will they also change the card images for android?

>> No.44452340

Only for iOS

>> No.44452788

Can you go on dates with her or is she just a "guest" character that appear for one event and then leave like the others?

>> No.44452837

You can't date any of the previous games MC so far.

>> No.44453045

So from what i understand
Noire isn't actually her master, (you) in the present is

>> No.44453324

I'm tired rerolling. I'll try BRS on the side starting now.

>> No.44453835

lifting weights and training my knitting yepp thats the stuff

>> No.44453853

>Aster Tatariqus baits you into thinking reroll is easy
>Actually the reroll doesn't end until you do the story for 30 mins to unlock a banner.

>> No.44453926

Many such cases. Is it really >>44447746

>> No.44454050

That's the banner I'm talking about. You're pretty much forced to reroll until you get the girl otherwise you might have to wait 199 more days to get her if you don't wanna spend.

>> No.44454224

>ai always attacking my pegasus
leave her alone

>> No.44454416

I think they just go for the easiest to kill. My pegasus is starting to get 2 shot by enemies. Her mobility is good but without the equivalent of Canto or 2-tiled ranged javelins using her is hard.

>> No.44455547

I got lucky and got her with the free 10 tickets.
Also is the game broken? I can't use AP potions and i can't unlock the free Tyrfing with the fragments.

>> No.44455825

>is the game broken

>> No.44456833

With all the Aster talk here maybe it's better to make a thread at /vmg/ if there isn't already one.

>> No.44456892

How many fucking cutscenes do they expect me to watch...

>> No.44457390

why did yen have to be so cheap it's tempting me to whale on JP kusoge
Thinking about how all these packs in Aster will be inflated as fuck in Global makes me sad

>> No.44457882
File: 33 KB, 494x621, B65D4DED-C1F0-4EE4-8345-E5CD40A4D720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>port the main heroine of your previous game to a new IP where is now the slave wife of a new MC who technically isn’t even (you)
Is this how 2007 OG Saberfags feel watching her FGO alts slobber over Gudao cock?

>> No.44458135

The plot is kind of weird in this game.
(you) actually live in the far future and go back in the past to possess someone (the MC) and affect his choices to change the doomed future.
The game will probably have (you) go to different era and use different MC until we get to the future/present.
As usual Laevateinn is the second heroine after Tyrfing and is staying in the future to protect (you).

>> No.44458149

if shit like that happens you simply have to accept that the people in charge only care about money and adjust your expectations accordingly.
I'm always reminded of how FGO unironically has a chapter where one of your characters gets brainwashed and proceeds to have sex with hundreds of men before returning to normal like nothing ever happened

>> No.44458249

Anyone here interested in putting together a guild for Aster or do we simply not have enough people?

>> No.44458261

Bro the original PoK literally had a plot point where every girl was split into like a hundred copies of herself each one ending up with a different master and murdering each other in mad frenzy for hundreds of years until at the end of the first arc (you) triggered an event where every copy reintegrated into one person with all the accompanying memories of brutal sex with multiple masters coming along for the ride.
And yes, Tyrfing copies canonically romanced multiple masters since every Tyrfing alt up til the end of the first arc was a different Tyrfing and they all have romantic chara stories with different masters, with only poverty default Tyrfing having chara stories with main story master.

>> No.44458296

The second arc was batter on that aspect as (you) where the only master even if it was more or less a different world.
Then came the last arc where (you) are gone the whole arc and multiple masters are back.
(you) only appear right at the end of the arc.
Then the epilogue stories have (you) back but not really doing much beside babysitting the two new characters.

>> No.44458591

Fuck no the second arc went even harder on the Tyrfing NTR.
Nadia (human Tyr) couldn’t fucking shut up about Almace and they got like three CGs together and played up the “princess and her knight” aspect of their relationship so hard. When Nadia went to retrieve her powers and become Tyrfing again all she did it do she could “protect Almace and the others” with (you) being a complete afterthought. Then Tyrfing became a loli.

>> No.44458616

>Lancelot is designed to look like male Almace
>Noir is designed to look like male Tyrfing
What did Gumi mean by this?

>> No.44458652

didn't Almace become a (you) simp?
In the end the only potk character i cared about are Laevateinn, Failnaught, Cassius and Tipheret.
I'm only rolling for them in Aster, managed to reroll 5* Cassius.

>> No.44458657

What's the original game?

>> No.44458680

Phantom of the Kill

>> No.44458899

Phantom of the Alchemist Code/Grand Order: Three Houses of the Visions Burn Red

>> No.44458956

>Longinus is the only character to get a VA change between games
Was KanaHana too expensive for them?

>> No.44459260

I thought it was a brand new ripoff of Fire Emblem. Didn't know it is actually the Avengers of mobages.

>> No.44459314

Why do you all even care about Aster but not the other new games like WDS?

>> No.44459345

I don't play /u/ games and i was already a fan of Potk.

>> No.44459362
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Because my wife Laev is in it

>> No.44459388

>a fan of Powercreep Walmart Emblem

>> No.44459399

Looks line AI art

>> No.44459404

>she is probably going to release for something like anniversary
>She will probably be on the same type of rate up as Tyrfing
When i fail to get her will be the time i drop the game.

>> No.44459478

>Laevateinn is actually the main main girl for the future arc this time around and not just awkwardly punted around to a bunch of random subplots playing second fiddle to Tyr/Almace while having schizo fights with Ragnarok

>> No.44459508

Never played the Japanese version, all she did was give off mad incest vibes on global

>> No.44459553

>Master of Walmart Takahiro
What is WDS gacha walmart of?

>> No.44459590

The first arc she isn't really herself and the story with her brother happens before the first arc and before she meet (you).
She is one of the most for (you) character and even her brother is the closest to a best friend (you) have.
But like the other anon said she keept getting shafted for other characters.

>> No.44459680

>She is one of the most for (you) character and even her brother is the closest to a best friend (you) have.
But Arun != (you)
You literally fight Arun at the end of the Elysium arc for god’s sake

>> No.44459719

are you kidding? fuckign normie otaku fags

>> No.44459746

Isn't Arun the kid Lev brother meet then he grow up and become the antagonist in the first arc with the black killers and he die at the end?
Also (you) where created by Yggdrasil, it's also the main reason (you) don't appear in the last arc.
I should probably read all the arc again, it's been way too long.

>> No.44459897

Arun is the kid Zero met
He is also the Master of the entire Earth arc
Tree (you) from the Elysium arc only met Zero twice

>> No.44459968
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>actually pulled through with the 10 tix
don't flop please i'm never this lucky

>> No.44460025

>Guinevere is set up to be Noir’s love interest, with Lancelot and Dilatan as the homo and incest alternatives
>Japanese MC proceeds to summon them forward in time and plow them with her futa cock

>> No.44460034

Can't you all just make an Aster thread?

>> No.44460431

Unironically this. We have a reputation of EoS to maintain here.

>> No.44460790

>nooo, how dare the mobile games general talk about mobile games

>> No.44461229

>This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere.
>don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere.

>> No.44461272
File: 85 KB, 1255x539, 1681431167486290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that almost every new kusoge seems to be flopping hard?

Dragon Quest Champions debuted at #6 and stayed there for a while but three months later it's already dead.

Is it actually over for the Japanese gacha market?

>> No.44461329

There's no way it will survive in /vg/ and /vmg/ doesn't accept generals.

>> No.44461357

/vmg/ is slow as fuck. If BRS and WDS can survive there then Aster can.

So you're saying Aster debuting in the 60s may not be enough to keep it alive?

>> No.44461432
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Japan is moving back to low budget console games. Shit like upcoming Macross game literally has a gacha style crossover setting. I have preordered Yama no Susume game, and I am also waiting for Revue Starlight game.

>> No.44461591

That looks exciting

>> No.44461601

It won't flop, at least not for now.

>> No.44461615

Why do you all care about Hinako of all girls

>> No.44461633

I prefer Hiori anyway

>> No.44461641

We're healing.

>> No.44461646

Still better than Engage Kill

>> No.44461659

I will be so sad when Engage Kill dies

>> No.44461663

That sounds very sad

>> No.44461672

Ruka and Hiori will always be superior to Hinako

>> No.44461689

Shu should just get engaged with Kisara already.

>> No.44461708

We should all play Engage Kill

>> No.44461732

Engage Kill does not deserve to be kill

>> No.44461733

I want to see Kisara kissing Blue

>> No.44461739

It's because they are an export-oriented economy.

>> No.44461753

What did you expect from the country that gave us FGO?

>> No.44461757

Ran out of ideas

>> No.44461762

I will keep Tiara alive in my heart

>> No.44461776

Rosetta didn't deserve to retire.

>> No.44461782

Not really.

>> No.44461784

I'd "lift" weights and "train" if you know what I mean.

>> No.44461801


>> No.44461853


>> No.44461867

mid4dj chud...

>> No.44462680

uh yes, that's why I talk about the post gacha world and anons are like uoohh pantsu

>> No.44468405

Nakaido has been talking about this shit for a whole year, the short story is:
>there have been so many flops companies and investors are scared of committing
>The Japanese mindset and laws make it impossible for them to compete with china
>The one advantage Japan had, popular IPs, became less and less valuable as more and more Kusoge were released. Doing an IP game is now only good for being a REALLY short cashgrab because sales collapse so fast. Yurucamp from like 3 months ago is already hitting rank 550, and Muv Luv from last month is already hitting rank 300.
