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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44364318 No.44364318 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44317422

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44364343
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>> No.44364379

i liked this one a fair bit
only did the lolibot's route but it felt very proper robot-like instead of girl with mech parts slapped on
going shopping for vaginas was pretty funny

>> No.44364860
File: 1.23 MB, 1290x1053, 勝手に決めない.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't decide that for yourself! Don't sacrifice yourself! Let me be your support!

>> No.44364863

ah shit forgot to crop it

>> No.44364875

Kino every time

>> No.44364901
File: 326 KB, 1280x720, I understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44364977

Eroge math is hard.

>> No.44365161

enjoying cross channel a lot so far but it's a challenging read. still pretty early in so maybe i'll get used to it.

>> No.44365173

Man yuzusoft old artstyle used to be way better than what they have right now

>> No.44365252

I enjoy this cliche assuming the heroine is being reasonable about it.

>> No.44365277

What's hard about it?

>> No.44365279

I feel like it wasn't until after Senren Banka did the artstyle become worse.

>> No.44365286
File: 323 KB, 1288x723, もう一人の葵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that. I think most of their art is good borderline great. Only time I haven't thought that was with their latest game. Haven't played it but all the heroine designs aside from that blonde angel one just looked so awful to me. It felt modern in all the wrong ways.
Can't say I do.

>> No.44365299

What was wrong with Riddler Joker and Cafe Stella? Thought they had practically the same artstyle. I liked them.

>> No.44365332

it pretty much just boils down to "i'm not as good at japanese as i thought i was." i'm mostly fine reading it but sometimes there's dialogue that i can't understand at all even with a dictionary, and sometimes a single line will take multiple message boxes to click through all of so it's hard to break down. that's all.

>> No.44365365

It wasn't bad but it was around then where the artist started making the hairs extra glossy looking and adding extra details to the eyelashes.

>> No.44365454

Classic old good new bad
Get with the times grandpa

>> No.44365481

cute newfag

>> No.44365509

i spent too much time reading manga and not enough time reading vns and books (´・ω・`)

>> No.44365590
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>> No.44365638
File: 155 KB, 510x720, オンリーワン-~ひかりとはるかの大運動会~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sumimasen, i downloaded this VN from /t/ someguy said he got from here, the thing is it keeps crashin in a certain, any help would be appreciated

>> No.44365644

>in a certain
in a certain part (when the prota is talking to the second girl)

>> No.44365648

this is based

>> No.44365687


>> No.44366018

Try it on XP virtual machine. I have never played it but that usually helps old games behave better.

>> No.44367113

I just got done to watching/reading Bocchi the Rock. Liked it. Any eroge that has the same feel to it?

>> No.44367148

I haven't read it yet but it's related to music.

>> No.44367208

Read these long ago. Should've been more specific. Something that has the zany humor combined with music.

>> No.44367209


>> No.44367265

They cute.
>otoko no ko
Sigh, time to unzip.

>> No.44367267

Is this game a nukige or what? I keep seeing it get recommended but I'm not sure if it's a meme just because they're traps.

>> No.44367306

Could someone reupload 家族計画〜絆箱〜 Kazoku Keikaku Kizunabako collection from that post a couple of years ago: >>/jp/thread/S38378932#p38390369 ?

>> No.44367311

It's the boku no pico of this thread

>> No.44367318

Boku no pico is actually quite good, the animation is way above what you'd expect for shotacon shonen-ai, particularly in ep 3 which has some genuinely impressive SOL moments even outside of the fucking. Plus a catchy theme.
So is ototama actually worth checking out?

>> No.44367327

How about you read it and see for yourself? You're asking this question as everything should be objectified.

>> No.44367334

I want to, I just need to know if I slot it into my plotge reading time or my nukige fapping time.

>> No.44367342

I just glanced at the gallery and it's nothing but H, so definitely not a plotge.

>> No.44367347

guess subahibi's not a plotge then

>> No.44367351

Look at this https://exhentai.org/g/543249/f4e5c94acf/ and tell me with a straight face it's a plotge.

>> No.44367425
File: 787 KB, 1000x750, R.U.R.U.Rmalie (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, it's 27 times bigger than the Enterprise-D, not the OG Enterprise.
I hope somebody got fired for that blunder. How embarrassing.

>> No.44367830


Senren Banka was the last one that looked good.

>> No.44367834

wikipedia vn

>> No.44368599

When did dlsite bent the knee and removed loli from their tags? It was there last time i checked last year. first getchu then dmm and now dlsite?

>> No.44368792

They didn't.

>> No.44370378

When did plotge correlate to low H?

>> No.44370441

Stop being a braindead faggot retard.
We're talking about a short eroge from Otoko no Ko studio featuring 3 heorines where 95% of the CGs are H-scenes. Plotge has never been commonly used as an expression to describe such works.

>> No.44370462

Remove the sand from that self-inflicted axe wound first.

>> No.44370473

Just accept your beating. No need to drag this on.

>> No.44370485

No fighting please, we're all family here

>> No.44370548

You're the one who got absolutely womanly hysterical.
Even the jav guy?

>> No.44370575

Sometimes you get stuck with a downy brother and just have to deal with it

>> No.44370583

Stop projecting your trans shit onto others, and next time you want to say something take context into account and think if you don't want to be called a retard.

>> No.44370586

I just checked more in detail and you're right it still exists, however a bunch of stuff i was looking at that should have been tagged as loli were not tagged, hence my doubts.

>> No.44370653

You're still needlessly angry, like someone on her period.

>> No.44370655

It's worth playing because it's pretty hot.

>> No.44370664

Yes, /jav/ brings everyone together.

>> No.44370686

>>>/pol/ is that way bro

>> No.44370714

>Gets angry about amount sex
>Points wildly to /pol/
Yeah, I don't think I will.

>> No.44370741

You keep babbling about women as a way to deflect but you haven't once addressed your error or the topic in question.
Also not sure what you're on about the about "being angry about the amount of sex"? wtf

>> No.44370765

who are you quoting?

>> No.44370873

It's more your irrational reactions than the argument in question now. Deal with it.


>> No.44370935

Your initial question was a fallacy of relevance, don't come talking about rationality. I'll call you a retard any day and not lose a minute of sleep.

>> No.44370952

>He says when he admits to ad hominem.
What did the woman mean by this?

>> No.44370962

Excuse my misuse of your pronouns, ma'am.

>> No.44370991
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visual novels?

>> No.44372562
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>I'm going to have to finish my first VN this week and have to read something actually difficult

>> No.44372596

>Who are you quoting

>> No.44372623

Which VN are you reading now and which one will you read after that? Also congrats

>> No.44372710

my internal monologue.
H2O. I've never read anything else Makura has made so I might read Subahibi or something. I'm looking at Axanael since it seems to be faster paced.

>> No.44372742

oh yo the shark vn looks cool too. IDK how difficult it is but I like the cop lady with big tits.

>> No.44372748

Any eroge that have characters like >>44372369? I can only think of Muv-Luv, Daiteikoku, and Muramasa.

>> No.44372761

Yeah aniki, got ya covered

>> No.44372775

Okay, now try non-bugmen this time.

>> No.44372782

Only bugmen hate anime and the Japanese

>> No.44372799

But Burgers have a long and storied history of hating Japs.

>> No.44372809

And the colonies of Britannia house some of the buggiest bugs to have ever crawled this planet

>> No.44372817

Americans love the Japanese more than anyone in the world. they fly anime characters in their own parades.

>> No.44372818 [DELETED] 

I also heard that Krauts hate Japan more and more because they don't adhere to the self-hating mantra they adopted themselves.

>> No.44372823

And the colonies of Phoenicia house some of the buggiest bugs to have ever crawled this planet

>> No.44372827

Let me know when they start flying Rance balloons in their parades.

>> No.44372834

No, they housed Apes.

>> No.44372844 [DELETED] 

I feel like that honor would go to some spic country. spic weebs are pretty hardcore

>> No.44372856

Cute newfag
There is no rush to read difficult things, the most important thing should be that you are enjoying your time
I have never read suhabibi but i saw a screencap that had 否 in it and i just "nope'd" the fuck out of it.

>> No.44372874

>I feel like that honor would go to some spic country. spic weebs are pretty hardcore
FILLYPENIS, our time has come!

>> No.44372884

fuck off >>>/pol/ fags

>> No.44372897 [DELETED] 

But the root discourse is hating Japs and that's fine here right?

>> No.44372943

nothing difficult about subahibi

>> No.44373305

You can't call someone else a newfag if you're scared of 否

>> No.44373746
File: 134 KB, 800x450, 1679276055549500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this artist. I always get baited into listening to the voice works he draws the cover for even though it being a voice work the art correlates close to nothing to the quality of the product.
So, obviously enough I picked up ハーレム島へようこそ!and I'm having a blast. I haven't had so much fun with a game like this since シロウト家出娘と俺 (which I've been eagerly waiting for the append for close to a year now).
I dig it when eroges let you impregnate girls over and over again as part of the gameplay mechanic. Can't wait for the latest AVANTGARDE coming out in a few days.

>> No.44374767

>【Escu:de】「戦巫〈センナギ〉」発売延期 2023年9月29日2023年10月27日

>> No.44375568

Not a fan of the new Anime-Sharing redesign.
I don't know why they even redesigned it in the first place, the old forum was fine.
It feels weird using what feels like a modern corporate app to download old crappy doujin games from 2005.

>> No.44375628

I've always imagined these sorts of seemingly pointless redesigns are to keep the look up to date so you don't alienate the newer generation of users who view anything that isn't sterile cooperate metro styling as "ugly" or "outdated". Whether or not those sorts of users are worth having around is a different story though.

>> No.44375771

Seems like anime-sharing is blocked in my country now, cool.

>> No.44375801

Yup looks worse now. Happens with 99% of site redesigns.

>> No.44375853

enjoying it maybe
>dude just be happy who cares that you got raped nonstop for a month just be happy lol

>> No.44376004
File: 27 KB, 962x323, a-s search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't used it enough yet to say how it compares to the old one but the one thing they should've modernized they didn't. I STILL HATE THESE SEARCH BOXES. Why are they so fucking tiny when there's like 100 things to select from? No way to resize it by dragging the corner. And it still has all the relevant related options spread all over the list.

>> No.44376060

I know multiple SA survivors who've read Subahibi and enjoyed it. do you think that rape victims don't deserve to be happy?

>> No.44376150

haven't even read it but the idea of
>bad things happened to you so you should just give up and die
is retarded on every level i can think of
to cope is human

>> No.44376231

It looks like MAL now desu.

>> No.44376257

the search function was massively improved, everything else not so much. still filled with thousands of dead links without prunes.

>> No.44376264

Frankly, as long as the downloads still work I don't give a fuck if it looks like Instagram.

Yeah, that's a huge plus.

>> No.44376275

I kept on getting kicked off on the site's old version so I actually prefer this one. Search function was also fucking disgusting and useless for finding artbooks.

>> No.44376343

No, they don't. They've been used and the only remaining path for them is disposal.

>> No.44376436
File: 938 KB, 1000x750, R.U.R.U.Rmalie (35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game does have massive infodumps about the ship and how it works, but they're self-aware enough to have the characters outright go
>alright it's infodump time, we'll get naked so you have something to look at then flood the screen with text so you only have to click 3-4 times to get through it all, and then we'll summarize the key point you need to know (i.e. the ship moves very fast) in one sentence
Best way to do infodumps, honestly.

>> No.44376457

i always avoided this one because younger me thought the text box was irredeemable
you're doing a good job of selling it, though
maybe i'll take a look

>> No.44376466
File: 902 KB, 1000x750, R.U.R.U.Rmalie (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the ridiculous textbox, it's stupid as hell but it's so obviously from an early stage in the medium when people hadn't quite figured out what works and what doesn't and were trying new things. It has a weird charm to it.

>> No.44376513

argh i still can't get over the giant namedrop in the middle though
in case you forgot what game you were playing

>> No.44376535

I appreciate textboxes with names on them so if someone shares a screenshot I can figure out what game it is

>> No.44376542

You couldn't have figured it out from the filename?

>> No.44376546

I mean in general, not that post specifically. Sometimes anons don't post with a filename that says the title

>> No.44376556

How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning?

>> No.44376651

I don't understand this response.

>> No.44376660

I'm making fun of the fact that you're in a visual novel thread but can't read properly

>> No.44376669

That actually sounds genius. Infodumps can be fun but most tend to go on way too long.

>> No.44376725
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, 50851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when vn had soulful ost ...
>双子座のパラドクス OST - LIBIDO

>> No.44376757

not what the work is trying to convey at all
perhaps with your iq it is too difficult

>> No.44376763

>no you're wrong about what the VN was trying to say because you're too stupid to understand it
>what was the VN actually trying to say instead? I'll never tell
every subahibi discussion ever goes the same way

>> No.44376825

why explain things to people whomst've can't understand what is plainly said

>> No.44376830

>muh reading comprehension
>muh IQ
>muh race
fuck off already tourist

>> No.44376845

woah how did you make your text green

>> No.44376868

Eat a lot of green vegetables.

>> No.44376981

Now that the rainbow group is tightening its grip on Japan, ETA until eroge starts recognizing them so they become "allies" of them.

>> No.44377002

I fear we may only be years away from visual novels that prominently feature men in a romantical relationship becoming a major part of the industry.

>> No.44377103

Indeed, I heard these people are called "Fujoshi" (腐女子, literally "rotten girl") and they consume "Yaoi" (やおい) also known as "boys' love" (ボーイズ ラブ). It's so frightening. I hope Trump does something about it.

>> No.44377128

genuinely curious as to how many levels of irony you are operating on, and whether you feel this affects your day-to-day activities

>> No.44377157

Bros, what if they start making visual novels, but for girls? Like you play as a girl and romance men, instead of the other way around as god intended. Surely "they" must be behind this!

>> No.44377162

It changed a little every game, so that every adjacent game feels like the same artstyle but slightly different, but it feels like a different style if you're 5 games apart. For my personal tastes Amairo Islenauts and Cafe Stella are the peaks of their style (maybe that's just because the character designs were perfect fits. for example Natsume, Mei, and Kanna would not look as good in their older style, Masaki and Shaari would be boring in Cafe Stella style.), but all of their games look pretty good. Murasame is still their best little girl

>> No.44377311

okay im not gonna search for or download any new games until i finish some ones i already have downloaded/started
(unless someone has some awesome search method or site I haven't heard of)

>> No.44377376

TOP KEK; welcome to eroge. You'll learn soon enough.

>> No.44377683

Absolutely disgusting looks like the modern version of old internet forums

>> No.44377753

But isn't anime-sharing exactly that — good old internet forum?

>> No.44377773

I'm on 27 VNs where I read at least one route and still haven't finished/dropped them.

>> No.44378208

Yeah it still is, im just sharing my thoughts on the new design, now e-hentai looks better

>> No.44378915
File: 1.08 MB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found a hidden gem...

>> No.44378933

>Those early 00's uguu faces

>> No.44378942

>Those early 00's vintage faces

>> No.44378985
File: 54 KB, 484x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this in the EOP thread. Are there any eroge (untranslated ofc) where this actually happens? Not NTRge but a moege where the MC has a little sister who calls other men おにいちゃん?

>> No.44379283

how are we supposed to know if something has been translated

>> No.44379488

>download https://vndb.org/v10124
>rar instead contains https://vndb.org/v10233
Thanks A-S.

What? I specifically asked for games that are NOT translated.

>> No.44379494

everything is untranslated if you don't bother yourself with the happenings of eops

>> No.44379594

I don't know what your problem is. I asked for something and phrased it to make it clear I'm not an EOP. It has nothing to do with EOPge or knowing what's translated. If you don't know any untranslated games with what I asked for and don't even understand my question then don't reply.

>> No.44379682

I think his point is that if you want a VN where you get cucked by your little sister it makes no difference whether it's translated or not. if anything you're filtering out titles you might enjoy by doing that

>> No.44379866

crazy how much of a kusoge sakuuta is
did the same genius behind subahibi really write this?
wishing all the worse to to ppl shilling this mediocre moege

>> No.44380155

Sounds cool. Do I need to read https://vndb.org/v9196 before this vn?

>> No.44380216

What are your favorite scat VN's? You can be honest.

>> No.44380269

Why do you care if something was translated or not if you are going to read the original anyways?

>> No.44380280

So he can dab on EOPs.

>> No.44380318

he's being paranoid and thinks that people will think he's an EOP just because he got his idea from the /vg/ thread

>> No.44380362

He got a complex with being seen as one of them. Probably is a MTLer lol

>> No.44380726

Nukitashi though.
I'm not that bad but same, don't want to drop but after finishing the most appealing characters' routes I get distracted.

>> No.44380774

Reading more than one route in romance stories is 浮気

>> No.44380828

the only scat scene ive seen that i liked was in euphoria when nemu is a toilet and he makes her eat his shit
come to think of it thats the only scene I've ever seen of that
no, I lie, there was ONE more time

I've seen plenty of scat where its just the girl shitting, not interested in it ever, but unfortunely enemas comes with the territory of the kind of VN i like for some reason

>> No.44380881

That and the other shit eating scene were the only times I've ever ctrled through an H-scene.

>> No.44380943

>but after finishing the most appealing characters' routes I get distracted
I leave them for last but then I never get to their route through the slugfest.

>> No.44381065

Soukan Yuugi
I'll be honest, it's because I'm a massive anefag and pretty much anything tagged with
>Protagonist's Older Sister as a Heroine
goes into the download list, especially if she/they are of the tsun type and an extensive course of dickotherapy turns them into their brother's tradwives.
I've even read Mebae.
I've even read Enki Dekinai (cucked the childhood friend with HER sister, though)
I praise every god every day that Atelier Kaguya still exists. Big tiddy oneechan wives banzai!

>> No.44381461
File: 4 KB, 193x93, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duality of man

>> No.44381757
File: 21 KB, 790x448, 1686041516892835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep boop

>> No.44382058

What kind of mentally ill faggot would go through the trouble of doing this?

>> No.44382074

Could you share that? The one on Nyaa is dead it seems.

>> No.44382417

Thanks for getting my point! With the nonsensical replies here I don't think it's me being the paranoid one. Anyway I didn't get any recs, as always. Useless bunch.

>> No.44382567

Love that dude's style and the work he did for the 人妻×人妻 series

>> No.44383111

This one is seeded, the other one is dead. It's also up on ryuugames.

>> No.44383194

Suzune would have been so much better as a normal big titty oneesan
They should've made Nozomi the token loli instead

>> No.44383358

New Hulotte sure has some meaty nipples

>> No.44383364

Doubt they will ever have anything better than milking in common route

>> No.44383372

can gf and vn coexist

>> No.44383401

I'm always impressed with how juicy the girls get during H-scenes too.
E.g. 神愛 in this scene: https://litter.catbox.moe/x3oga2.png

>> No.44383456
File: 83 KB, 800x450, cover1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44384587

Anywhere I can download Memories Off 8? All torrents are DEAD

>> No.44384790

I rarely saw namedrops in VNs, mainly because most titles are made-up words that kinda related to the games' themes, or overly long descriptive names.
It's neat when they can actually fit the namedrop into the dialogs.

>> No.44384992

Every chuuni that I read always had the namedrops

>> No.44385079

Make sense. I don't usually read chuunige.

>> No.44385115
File: 202 KB, 1120x630, chu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Installation: Done
seiya-saga guide: Added to bookmark

Yep, time to read a new eroge.

>> No.44385348

damn I like the looks of this one

>> No.44386107

I don't usually like namedrops but the Sakura no Toki one at the beginning of the game was cool since it explains what the title means without being cheesy.

>> No.44386220

she's got the JAV ass in a good way if you know what i mean

>> No.44386269

Shitty textboxes are soulful.
But thank god for opacity settings in modern games.

>> No.44386375

If you mean the terrible and vulgar taste in pantsu then I suppose I get what you mean yeah.

>> No.44386410

>from an early stage in the medium when people hadn't quite figured out what works and what doesn't and were trying new things
this is from 2007 textboxes were figured out by then
they just wanted to be silly

>> No.44386441

I thought it was Tenshin when I opened the image but then realized that I know exactly what that is.

>> No.44386483

I have that downloaded. W-Wanna read it together?

>> No.44387126

where do you download the jap versions of translated vns? I'm trying to find ayakashibito and I think I'll have to resign myself to read the english version
every uploads on sukebei before 2015 are dead and ryuugames only have the english versions unless they uploaded the japanese ones before the games got a translation

>> No.44387186

AB lol

>> No.44387498

Don't know about that one but the vast majority of them are on nyaa, AB and ryuugames. Never had too much trouble unless you're looking for something very old and obscure. I personally couldn't imagine reading a VN in English but you do you bro.

>> No.44387543

You can remove the patch from the english version

>> No.44387575

oh yeah thanks lol
wish every translators would do that

>> No.44387590

Sure. Im only doing the chu2hime route so you can spoil me on the others when you finish.

>> No.44387629

The Steam version, might or might not come bundled with Steam emulator; Goldberg emu should work if it's not included already.

>> No.44388000

What are some good mystery VNs with lots of twists that came out in the last 2-3 years?

>> No.44388041

Any thoughts on Magical Charming? Is it as good as other VNs by Tom? Walkthrough sure looks like fucking hell.

>> No.44388158

Just because a nyaa torrent says no seeders doesn’t mean it’s true. Half the time I open a dead looking torrent it works anyway

>> No.44388169

I'd never look at a walkthrough before playing a VN. Looks like a recipe to get spoiled hard.

>> No.44388375

You don't look at it very carefully, you just skim through it.

>> No.44388382

Depends on the VN but I'm quite paranoid of that as well so I tend to avoid them.

>> No.44388939

I always check to see if there's a recommended order or anything else to know because I don't want to miss anything or get locked out of content. Thankfully modern games don't really do that.

>> No.44389325
File: 239 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_001123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heya frens, I think you guys might appreciate this more

>> No.44389345
File: 314 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_011152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder, how you call this type of character?
its a refined himesama, that somewhat verbally abuses and teases the mc, bit of tsundere

>> No.44389369
File: 255 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_103619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhat dominating aura, step on my balls kinda vibe, but sweet and nurturing
also, finally got to get some scene with her

>> No.44389394

typical maid character when I read doujin

>> No.44389563

I call it meido

>> No.44389588

In KKK, where can you find the等級 information from characters beside the main cast?

>> No.44389596

it unlocks later in the game

>> No.44389626

I've beaten it already, only need to read the gaiden epilogue. I just don't know where to find it in the menu. It's probably something really stupid i'm overlooking.

>> No.44389727

Yeah i also read that simon doujinshi that came out suspiciously close to when kaguya-sama started airing

>> No.44389778

There's 3 buttons on the side of the page with the MCs with their group names

>> No.44389851

Thanks. For some reason my resolution didn't show those buttons but i can still select them by hovering over the border. Cursed as fuck but at least i can finally finish up everything.

>> No.44389925
File: 178 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_133904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this teasing bitch

>> No.44389938
File: 196 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_134355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am hereby hard
also quite surprised there was such a scene like this, now I'm curious if there is something like this to any other routes
also damn shame it doesn't have a proper full scene with the swimsuit

>> No.44389942

Are you talking about all the boring lore infodump stuff on the character pages? Man, I can't believe people read that.

>> No.44389948

never managed to get an invite...

>> No.44390056

Is Ritterorden actually good or is it doujinslop overrated by tryhard ecelebs

>> No.44390153
File: 471 KB, 1024x1024, Littlelolden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody knows and yet it's immediately obvious

>> No.44390274

God bless you

>> No.44390305

Gentle femdom?

>> No.44390341

Somewhat, its like composed and teasing at the same time, but when she gets naughty completely looses it

>> No.44390451

how about you read it before talking crap about it

>> No.44390472

Did you read it, bro

>> No.44390549
File: 1.21 MB, 1058x657, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows

>> No.44390607

If you like it why not give an actual opinion instead of playing coy about it

>> No.44390869
File: 220 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_160655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that hit the feels, quite unexpected for a game that is supposed such degeneracy
but anyway, I keep forgetting to ask
but anyone else played this?

>> No.44390913

>just started reading it
That's cute

>> No.44391411

Read it and find out for yourself. It leaves a lot of plot threads hanging but the true end is satisfying enough. One good thing about the game is the writer seems to be a historyfag and he tried to make the setting somewhat realistic, fantasy elements aside. For example the knight order the MC belongs to employs a tactic similar to the samurai's horseback archery with longbows for mobility and range. Not really an expert but that's my impression.

>> No.44391487

is it weird to say that porn in a visual novel just doesn't turn me on as it used to, but fanservice gets me hard? I skip the h-scenes these days, but I see a pantsu shot and my dick raises up.

>> No.44391534

No, your taste just got more developed over time. Maybe you will get an awakening soon.

>> No.44391543

Same as me bro

>> No.44391582

I still get off to H-scenes but I'd trade a few excess scenes for softcore fanservice CGs. Pantyshots, boob grabs, changing scenes, tripping and getting stuck in a girl's panties etc. Gimme gimme.

>> No.44391584
File: 1.27 MB, 1232x717, 4848481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally her route is over. it's the most 6/10 route I've read in a while. bland like her. Shion's fight was great though. her route is next, I can't wait to see her and Tsubaki's match.

>> No.44391649

something like that just happened to me today with
>>44389925 >>44389938
the teasing and groping was super hot, but in contrast, the scene later didn't have has much mojo over it
but at the same time, it isn't enough to get me off, but ecchi situations are surely what gets me going

>> No.44391741

that's hot as fuck. I'll take a look at the game.

>> No.44391977

>I can read this
holy shit I'm going to make it!

>> No.44392420

I don't really get erections at VNs anymore unless i find something extremely hot

>> No.44392745

Once I got more into h-manga I couldn't really look back anymore. Still like VNs for the story, moe-factor and gf simulator, but I just ctrl everything now as well.

>> No.44392753

This isn't /djt/

>> No.44392777

h-scenes are my least favorite part of eroge 9/10 times

>> No.44392847

No need to be rude to newfag-kun, just ignore DJT-tard comments and they'll assimilate eventually. I'd rather have him then some open MTL-fag. Or would you rather have these threads die eventually?

>> No.44392949
File: 92 KB, 800x600, soranana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarely fap to non h-scenes but pic related is the reason I still have Sora o Tobu, 7tsu Me no Mahou in my laptop. Hot as fuck, even hotter than her actual h-scene.

>> No.44392998

good posters > dead thread > MTL-fag > DJT-tard

>> No.44394704

Do you guys remember a VN about a guy who sucks at life so the older girl at his work decides to just take care of him? That he doesn't have to try hard anymore, just leaves everything to her?

>> No.44394981
File: 773 KB, 1277x719, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cringe at this. Why'd they have to bring No Longer Human into it. First time I even remember of Yuzusoft referencing any books and it's this one.

>> No.44395189

So this might be off-topic, but what's the best way to learn Japanese for untranslated stuff like this? I'm not going to Japan so I don't need it to be fluent, but learning to read untranslated VNs and other pop media would be a boon. I'm tired of being a EOP

>> No.44395258

Are you mentally challanged or is this your first day on /jp/?

>> No.44395321

First day, sorry, I'll shut the fuck up

>> No.44395331

just read in japanese all day

>> No.44395459

What? You want some Chudcore like Yukio Mishima?

>> No.44395565

i like both

>> No.44395576
File: 965 KB, 1000x750, R.U.R.U.Rmalie (39).png Undoubtedly the best VN light has ever made by a mile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's R.U.R.U.R finished. Excellent VN, I'd highly recommend it. I don't want to say too much about it because a big part of the VN is figuring out what exactly is going on and I think knowing too much would worsen the experience, but I can't think of anything I've read quite like it, it's completely unique and quite weird. It's obviously not perfect, some routes are better than others, some h-scenes are really short and weird and out of place and it feels like they're just there beause they were worried about going too long without one, but man when it hits it hits, particularly some of the final scenes at the end of the game I would've said Mizubashou was best girl, but after Mizubashoul's actions in Benibana's route I'm going to have to go with Benibana. Also it has an absolutely stellar soundtrack.

>> No.44395619
File: 211 KB, 1282x767, friendless loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what IS this creature
i'm not into bullying but she gives me the instinctive urge to get her drunk at a seedy dive bar on cheap tequila, do unspeakable things to her in a public toilet with sticky floors, and then leave her semi-conscious and half-dressed in there and never call her again

picked up as soon as someone seeds

>> No.44395625

You convinced me to play this someday

>> No.44395647
File: 304 KB, 1000x750, R.U.R.U.Rmalie (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so out there and a wild mix of denpa, mystery, sci-fi, SOL, and chuunige. I picked it up on a whim because, bluntly, the title was funny and it had /ss/ and got way more than I bargained for. I do think a lot of people will bounce off it because of the odd mixture of everything it's trying to do, but I loved it.
Also by far the best French pronunciation I've heard in a VN.

>> No.44395963

Just read

>> No.44396414

Light's sub-brand makes some fun stuff in general.

>> No.44396424

The textbox is an absolute offense, hope someone went to jail for that.

>> No.44396536
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-08-23 07_27_42-サメと生きる七日間.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been really liking the VN but Remi's incessant H-scenes are probably the worst thing I've read and her behaviour in them have been utterly nausea inducing.
I plan to push through it because I'm interested in other heorines and the work as a whole but it has been fairly disappointing to be honest.

>> No.44396767

just ctrl them then

>> No.44396794

>her behaviour in them have been utterly nausea inducing
what does she do?

>> No.44396822

The only good H-scene in her route is the first one, the rest can be skipped, her route drags on for way too long already anyways.
Is this the first route you did? Route order is pretty important in this one.

>> No.44396946

No, but I remember a VN about an older girl who sucks at life so that her younger brother decides to just take care of her. It's this one

Read Bakuane anyway.

>> No.44397274

The sharkfag shilling it for months must be in shambles

>> No.44397377

its this

>> No.44397398

Thinking a game that is generally liked and thus posted about occasionally since it's release is just one person shilling is peak schizo.

>> No.44397994

Precipitates your first time with her on a sofa next to where a young girl is sleeping. Acts like a massive whore and have you do her the whole night there. Then in the morning sucks you off while you're on the phone with your mom, purposely making it heard, making you come twice. Then later that day, as you both skip class, make you fuck her in a locker room, acting massively slutty and dissociative the whole time because she's "coping about life".
Though I do wonder if nukige readers in this thread wouldn't be into this.

>The only good H-scene in her route is the first one [...]
Nah it was awful. I'm coming from a VN which had good and sensible H writing and these are pretty bad in comparison, especially more so since they were all played over 1 CG that barely had any variations.

For people saying "just skip", nah. I'm not gonna die if I read something I don't find very good. I like to thoroughly read what I start so I can form proper opinions on works I consume. I don't relate to the skipping mentality of the majority of the posters in this thread. You do you though.

>> No.44398022

Forgot to reply to this >>44396822;
>Is this the first route you did? Route order is pretty important in this one.
yeah, I don't like Remi so I'm trying to get her out of the way first. I already got a route order I'm going for that's apparently good so no worries.

>> No.44398242

Personally I only liked Tsubaki and even then, Momiji and Setsugekka from the prequel completely mog her

>> No.44398287

oof. maybe I can get into it if I like that heroine but I always hate sex while on phone, it's dumb and gives me NTR vibes. I've read a moege before where a nympho fucked MC with another heroine in the same room pretending to sleep and I hated that scene but I already hated the nympho heroine before and then even more after.

>> No.44398315


>> No.44398331

>I've read a moege before where a
Wait a second I've read that moege possibly. If you're talking about Koisuru Resort, that was fucking hot desu.

>> No.44398346

Sounds ok, not gonna lie.

>> No.44398527

Yeah that's rather vulgar.
For what you mentioned I could like that depending on what the dynamic between the characters is like, i.e. potential for 3P or something but more often than not I'd probably not be into that either.

>> No.44398566

is is >>44398331 lol. was already lukewarm on Rihoe but after that scene I hated her. she even propositioned 3Ps and haremshit. didn't feel like moe love. in a game full of retarded drama her route drama took the cake.

>> No.44398585

I still use the 3P/harem scenes in that game sometimes. But yeah I'd agree it wasn't always very moe. Also, sango's route had the dumbest drama in my opinion.

>> No.44398680

the 3P and harem scenes were boring to me. the 3 after story appends also felt like a waste of time. I liked the conflict in Sango's route but it was badly written. they repeated Sango vs Konami 2-3 times with almost identical dialogue.
worst route overall was Nagisa. stupid drunk slut. writer really had to ruin the smart philosophical adult lady. kusoge overall. liked Shiori a lot but writing in her H scenes was offputting. Umi most consistent girl. they could've made a single heroine game out of the prologue without the island and it would've been a hit.

>> No.44398730

I pretty much thought all the routes were garbage except Umi and I guess Shiori was OK. However, I did enjoy the H in the game alot overall so it ended up just being a nukige for me.

>> No.44398814

I hated the H scene BGM and in half the routes the MC was turned into a rapey asshole from his usual kind, selfless and mature self. didn't work for me as fap material but I still look at the CG of Sango in the shower sometimes. she needed a scene with her hair open.
did you read the fandisk? I felt relieved to be done with Koirizo I couldn't stomach more of it but I'm curious about the FD.

>> No.44398833

The FD is on my todo eventually but I think it's a crossover with some other game I haven't played so I didn't get around to it.

>> No.44399259

first you need to learn the basics of course, and for that there is /djt/
but you wont get good overnight, and you wont get good if you don't immerse, creating a catch 22 situation
you just need to jump into it, and what I do, I least with eroge, use JapReader, it shows furigana, can export to anki, and translate with deepl

>> No.44399408

Anyone know of someone maintaining a "reasonably complete" list of games that have minimal or, I don't know, "ambitious" mosaic censorship? Considering the relevance of the topic of mosaic censorship in eroge and JAV obviously, I wonder whether or not such lists exist.

>> No.44399587


>> No.44399639

what is the most "useful" vn ever for you ? A game you'll never uninstall and always come back to from time to time ?
for me it's Senren Banka and Amakano2+

>> No.44399840

Most likely not. Considering that there are 45K VNs in VNDB and 3-5 CGs from each are needed for automated analyzis (by the most important part, the software which is yet to be written), imagine the amount of work required to make the end result reasonably worth using.

>> No.44400830

monster park 2
3 never ever

>> No.44400930

Just keep on reading like everyone said and do some studying/practice on the language every single day. Reading should be your priority 100% once you understand basic grammar and some words.
Also avoid anywhere social on the internet besides maybe this thread and other non-EOP generals. EOPs cannot do anything by themselves and will pull you down no matter what.

>> No.44401878

I never uninstall anything, ill just send it to the archive, i don't really open them again once i finish them, if i want to reminiscence something i have the sharex pics i took when i read them

>> No.44401937

>says there are many compulsory rape scenes, skipped them, but rates H-scenes 11/10
>only read 1 route but rates story a 9, characters and game 10/10
some people shouldn't be allowed to vote or review

>> No.44401954

stop stalking retards on vndb

>> No.44401974

But the sounds.

>> No.44401996

it's on the main page. there's also a 9/10 for shark game and a 7.5/10 for asairo. this is why ratings mean nothing, retards can vote

>> No.44402028
File: 14 KB, 484x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmoaing at his curve

>> No.44402033
File: 21 KB, 708x467, 1667955145198856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep boooop

>> No.44402039

Do you guys keep diaries or blogs about the untranslated titles you read? Ever since I stopped reading English translated VNs, I've been keeping writeups to myself since it's becoming increasingly difficult to find conversations about the games I've played, especially when it comes to doujinge.

>> No.44402089

Yeah in my head

>> No.44402092

Nothing wrong here. It's his first VN he read and he made an account to rate it. I'm sure he's about to finish his second VN or he forgot to rate his others.

>> No.44402135

At that point just open up a blog and write your own thoughts on the stuff you read

>> No.44402221

Open a blog and enable the comments section. With a little luck your page will come up in google when someone searches for the name of the game, maybe people who have also finished the game will comment on your page and say something nice.

>> No.44402309
File: 78 KB, 650x149, 1668021913801437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the rest?

>> No.44402361

if you do >>44402135 >>44402221
become the blue guy - the story ends, you believe whatever you want to believe and like any moe slop so long as it has imoutos or lolis.

become the green guy - you stay in Wonderland and show everyone how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.44402504

To be fair, if I were ever to write a review on vndb, I would make a different account to do so for that one VN. I dont want people stalking me or something

>> No.44402698

multi accounting is against the rules. just set your account to private and you don't get stalkers

>> No.44402779

Ratings are a subjective metric of how much you enjoyed the game, so you rate 10/10 a game even if you only read 1 route.

>> No.44402781

None of you are interesting enough to stalk

>> No.44402812

My curve looks like this because I drop 90%+ of the games that deserve less than a 5.

>> No.44402828

No one on vndb is interesting but schizos still find some to latch onto

>> No.44402838

That's good. Why would you waste time reading something you don't like?

>> No.44403040

How else would you earn the rights to shit on it?

>> No.44403046

oh heckin no not the internet stalkerino!!11

>> No.44403140

go back

>> No.44403152

Maybe playing something you enjoy is a better use of your time. Just a thought.

>> No.44403178

If you unironically think that game is a 10/10 then there is something seriously wrong with your brain.

>> No.44403238

but >>44402779 says that if I only read zako imouto's route and it's a 10/10 to me I can rate the whole game 10/10. not that I'd do that. I only vote 10/10 when I like the school uniforms and I don't like the REBOOT uniforms so it's a 1/10.

>> No.44403265

To me, if a game is not interesting enough to finish all the main routes I will never give it above a 6.

>> No.44403270

That's nonsensical reasoning. The point is to assess the entire game not just bits and pieces of it.

>> No.44403280

If even one heroine checks off all my fetishes then games a 10, simple.

>> No.44403310

I came a lot to a single guy in a VN. It's a 10 and I am also a faggot.

>> No.44403334

I've read a few homo nukige but never got a boner. Does that make them 1/10s? Yurige were also bad but gave me chubs, 5/10s?

>> No.44403366

Be your own man anon

>> No.44403378
File: 337 KB, 544x530, 1683183253099025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These I guess.

>> No.44403520

i cant fap to any given scene more than once

>> No.44403615

I tend to make a .txt for VNs I read to dump thoughts in there and save lines I liked yeah.

>> No.44403686

I just accept that I'll never discuss VNs with anyone.

>> No.44403820

give バブみ eroge pls
loli preferably

>> No.44404188

When I was newer to reading Japanese and every book I dropped meant flushing weeks of progress down the toilet I saved the furious rants that resulted in .txt files.
I've built up over half a megabyte. I like to read through it when I'm bored, there's some refined anger in there. Very entertaining.
I haven't written any entries in a while because my rising reading speed means that it's harder for me to have truly painful drops. Even if I make it almost to the end before I drop, I'll still have invested less time than I did into any book I read when I was starting out.
I generally don't take notes for VNs I like because I want the details to be fuzzy so it feels fresher when I reread.
I do think keeping a diary is great way to liven up the third or fourth time you read a VN though. I kept one for my first Japanese read of 逆転裁判 and had a blast doing it.

>> No.44404233

This is exactly what discord is for, lol

>> No.44404281

Are you lost? I don't know where you come from if you believe there are Discord servers for people reading untranslated VNs.

>> No.44404307

You know you can just post about the games right
what's stopping you?

>> No.44404317

I wish more people would make posts about the games they play here desu

>> No.44404697

How the fuck there are only 3 whole entries for this

>> No.44404784
File: 239 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230824_013823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy molly, this game just keeps on giving, but is quite a hassle to figure out how to get events

>> No.44404790

/jp/ is too slow for me to feel blogposting is appropriate so I never do more than write brief comments every now and then, I guess I can do it a bit more, at least it'd be on-topic and about eroge

>> No.44404865

i have nothing interesting to add except to concur
impressions and comments are appreciated
may this shift the tide away from the indifferent silence of the majority(?)

>> No.44405280

What's the recommended route order for Silverio Vendetta?

>> No.44405359

I'm playing with this route: Millie---->Chitose---->Vendetta
I'm currently reading Chitose route, although I've temporarily put it on hold due I'm not in the mood rn for h scene. I might just pick it up again next week when I'm more in the mood for it. Love it for tomboy and strong heroine. On the other hand, I found Millie's route to be average.

>> No.44405398
File: 16 KB, 256x271, 47279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any day now...

>> No.44405684

I'm trying to get into critical writing about video games, so I often keep my own notes in a personal discord archive server that only has myself as a member. I do journal irl but typing is faster for quick emotional reactions.

>> No.44405875

Every time I wrote something negative or critical people shit on me for being 'jaded' because they feel personally attacked when someone doesn't like a game they liked, so I just stopped posting anything except funny or interesting screenshots. Probably the same braindead fags who give every somewhat readable moege a 10/10 on vndb.

>> No.44405894

I don't know you posted but it might have had more to do with the way you criticized than just that you did criticize, especially since you seem to be turning your nose up at moege. Whether I read a game or not, people who shit on moege and cute/fluffy aspects of works for being shallow or lesser seem like missing the heart of otaku media as a whole. Should be obvious but I'm not saying every moege is the best thing ever either.

>> No.44405900

if no one replies (which they won't because I'm not playing the latest yuzusoft or whatever hot meme is) i feel dejected and sad and like I wasted my time
better not to take the risk

>> No.44405924

Even if no one replies during the thread, people might be glad to find your comments searching archives. Whenever I finish a game I always check warosu to see if anons talked about it before.

>> No.44405932

No I don't think I was being unreasonable, I judge moege, drama shit, plotge differently and I like all of them when executed well. Some people here are just retards.

>> No.44405946

Fair enough, there's definitely some retarded shitposters here

>> No.44406084

You picked a really niche hobby im afraid you will have to deal with the consequences

>> No.44406116

Never played a madosoft game but i listened to the first few episodes of a wagahigh jikkyou and immediately felt deeply compelled by kaoruka (and to a lesser extent the blonde fukukaichou) despite not caring for the arstyle at all. Now I have to read it myself just for her and probably end up playing every route. The scenario and her personality eclipsed the art

>> No.44406168
File: 30 KB, 597x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've witnessed your interactions and while some people most likely didn't interact with you earnest, I'll have to say the problem was that you indeed seemed to be very harshly judging works in a way that seemed dissociated from the genre it's part of.
Here's the latest occurence I could remember on top my of head: >>/jp/thread/43985518#p43991009
I have not read this VN so please don't use the "I'm sad you're shitting on my favorite work" argument.

If you can't comprehend why you're not having your way with most anons in this thread while expressing yourself this way then you probably need to ponder about it some. You type and get angry at a VN like it's supposed to be entertaining you. You seemed angry at the fact that this work is valued and yet you couldn't appreciate it, as if you felt "cheated" or something, because you constantly try to objectify everything all while failing to realize you're merely projecting your own subjective values.
In the past, anons and myself have asked you what were your favorite VNs multiple times, NOT as a way to mock you but simply to understand more of you as an individual to understand where you're coming from, but you were always too paranoid to afraid of getting hurt further for ever giving an answer to these questions.

To sum up this whole thing as "the same braindead samefags/shitposters!" is really not doing yourself a service and you know it.

>> No.44406350

What hair color should a kitsune have?
or does it depend on the breed?

>> No.44406551

>pic related
The comment that killed that sanafag

>> No.44406645
File: 1.27 MB, 1491x1048, char03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44406666

if you guys seed the nyaa download i'm 100% playing it...i'll also seed it forever, i always seed

>> No.44406869

pls don't be harem ending only

>> No.44407191
File: 397 KB, 640x480, cokuzai_kkuSvOsLky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original poster here. I just don't because it's a lot of otome
But I guess I should start posting more here since I also like eroge a lot, too. 酷罪を受けるべき者 was the last one I really liked.

>> No.44407395

Can somebody help me? I remember there was this VN with angels or some shit. On its poster was some angel girl with a mechanical? wings. Not a lot of people read it, even in Japan, not to mention outside of it. But it had a really fucking banger song for OP. That song is what I'm looking for. I've already tried to look for it using different tags on vndb and looking at different titles with 歌がいいゲーム pov on egs, but with no luck. I think it came out between 1999 and 2010. inb4: It's not Steel

>> No.44407439

Madou Koukaku?

>> No.44407471

No. It had like no more than 5-15 votes on vndb and no more than 80-120 votes on egs. While looking for it, I even remembered Saikano, but it's a different thing altogether, not even a VN.

>> No.44407549

And 中央値 for it on egs was about 69-73 I think?

>> No.44407564

Could be https://vndb.org/v451

>> No.44407583

Nope, that's not it.

>> No.44407591

Do you remember anything else about it, like colors or the girls design or pose?

>> No.44407644

I think that text box's design was light blue, and girl on the poster was praying, with her face turned to the left and closed eyes?

>> No.44407682

Is it this? https://vndb.org/v4329

>> No.44407708

isn't the board being slower better for lengthy reviews, it means it stays up for longer so it gives people a chance to give a serious read and also less shitposting replies
that being said it suck when you talk about something no one knows about

>> No.44407739

No. Honestly, I already think it's impossible to find it now, considering how little I remember of it.

>> No.44407755

Your description reminds me most of the sayooshi cover to be honest, but that's obviously too popular to be what you mean.

>> No.44407776

Yeah, that's not Sayooshi.

>> No.44407845

Have you tried looking at your browser history? If you're like me and never empty it it's probably still in there. If you say you browsed its egs page then open them all and go through each tab one by one until you find it.

>> No.44407907

I looked at it egs page a really long time ago now. I just remembered now that some anon back in 2018 or 2019 or 2020 was praising this VN's OP and he asked if somebody could upload it, and some other anon told him that it's up on AB.

>> No.44408174
File: 250 KB, 1288x719, 口にしたら.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44408269
File: 256 KB, 1275x480, 1664366738937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I fucking found it.

>> No.44408339

And there's even that post from 2018 in the archive. Someone even uploaded this VN back then, but it looks like mega link is no longer available.

>> No.44408445

The melody reminds me of Gundam Wing or other old anime like Bee Train stuff.

>> No.44409703


>> No.44410560

New thread:

