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File: 78 KB, 677x1050, F3cc2vjbgAAie-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44323837 No.44323837 [Reply] [Original]

Last: >>44283208

Milk for (You) and (You)'re Children Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.44323893
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>> No.44323942
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monke wen

>> No.44323954


>> No.44323965
File: 628 KB, 1357x1920, 4e2e759d1328dd8f25b85ba00b4cf7c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enoko handjobs

>> No.44323968
File: 172 KB, 1205x707, 1692037712426602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcanum as an eraGame

>> No.44323974
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Better than this NEET

>> No.44323980

They made Pedy into a 2hu?

>> No.44323987

She even calls herself a hikikomori

>> No.44324014
File: 263 KB, 1250x1500, F3iTdy9X0AALcyI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44324044


>> No.44324048

What you mean, its clearly Amane from devil survivor

>> No.44324052

I guess ZUN knows his fanbase well, huh

>> No.44324080

kusoko more like

>> No.44324090
File: 611 KB, 980x1125, 1687596216514751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they made your tribe's pathetic smelly representation, true to real life. Post your spiciest lizardneet memes, thread.

>> No.44324126
File: 12 KB, 400x400, __tenkajin_chiyari_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kinoglossia__c430d9983f30c835edcc4605019426bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont have memes at hand but i do have this

>> No.44324210

my fucking hero

>> No.44324316

I am in love with reimu chan!

>> No.44324450
File: 123 KB, 900x1200, b9c73020c636a79ce2663a638bad2379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with Parsee!

>> No.44324535

What happens in TW if you ask Parsee to break you up with her?

>> No.44324536

You die.

>> No.44324779

You get your balls hammered

>> No.44324789
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>> No.44324797
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>half youkai

>> No.44324842
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>> No.44324849

>lock your door tonight
Anon she's going to murder you

>> No.44324922

>lock the door
Is she telling you you're too short to ride, or that she wants a challenge?

>> No.44324933

She will make so many children with anon that locking the door to keep her out is the only way to keep yourself safe

>> No.44329368

Which of the tohoTW's is the best to play? I recently got the most updated TW from the git and it doesn't seem to have the animated locations that the previous versions had.

>> No.44329374


>> No.44329391

many thanks for the support anon. I hope you and your 'hu have a good day.

>> No.44329395
File: 253 KB, 1400x718, eraFL Masturbator Lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Touhou, are there actual 'inchling' sized fairies? aka 'western' style fairies that doesn't necessarily call out for your attention.

>> No.44329774

According to books yes, but we don't see them in games or manga

>> No.44329781

>Their height is uniformly small, from the degree where they can fit in the palm of one's hand, up to the size of a child below ten years of age. There is hardly any fairy outside of this scope.
From the article on fairies from PMiSS

>> No.44329790

Inchling fairy mobs when

>> No.44329801

Is that your actual address? Anon.....

>> No.44329823

Anon, I think you are in trouble.

>> No.44330846

You know how you can force a tag to look for on a mob in other era games? Like tall, or flat, or big boobs? Why isn't it a thing in TW?

>> No.44331456
File: 55 KB, 339x249, Eiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's having a bad day.

>> No.44331472

Not surprising given recent events.

>> No.44331517
File: 451 KB, 1182x518, Clone wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me of this.

>> No.44331695

Nobody in Gensokyo likes me.

>> No.44331710

They wouldn't like me either.

>> No.44331794

Help them with their job.

>> No.44331828

Rape them until they do.

>> No.44331923
File: 401 KB, 454x549, 1643906078992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the only one who thinks some people act too antagonistic when you're not at yearning, right? Some even do it while you are.
Like it feels like you're supposed to be friends at 1000 favor but some girls will still violently freak out over skinship while on a date with you. While others treat skinship like a 100% normal thing and even ask for more. Mechanically it also doesn't even do anything negative.

>> No.44331937

I think it's partially linked to exhibitionism. Low exhibitionism results in a girl who won't tolerate any PDA, even handholding.

>> No.44331962

>anon discovers different personalities

>> No.44331973

No it isn't that. It's just dialogue being written in a way that makes them freak out, there's no alternatives for anything. Like you can headpat someone and she likes it even if the option just showed up but she has a 50/50 chance to dislike skinship. I dunno, it feels weird. Like you're not supposed to touch some girls at all before they start yearning for you.
I think the game could do with another "fall" state inbetween the complete strangers stage and yearning.

>> No.44331978


>> No.44332008

We do, though? Well, not an actual fall state, but a few characters appear to have lines that acknowledge you as their friend if they are at five intimacy, but not yet at yearning.

>> No.44332565

There's no need for new gameplay mechanics, that's already supported since commands can fail. If skinship succeeds, they're good with it, if it doesn't, they aren't.
Writers treating "success without yearning" as a failure is just poor design on their part.

>> No.44332590
File: 17 KB, 600x550, 319dc45a22e6ca92ac5eefc3fa3c17fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you anon :)

>> No.44332604

Shitkasa. Go back to /aids/ where you belong, Hick.

>> No.44332849
File: 541 KB, 212x219, sex fox coming to sex you at incredible hihg speed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She belongs right here, i'm afraid

>> No.44332852
File: 878 KB, 1420x1142, eraFL Home Base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a difference between using eraTohoK and eraKanon as the base for your game, coding-wise? While some aspects look just like a TohoK interface, some other stuff just looks real fancy. Or is TohoK actually based off eraKanon, thus the 'K' part of TohoK? eraFL specifically states that it is based off eraKanon.

>> No.44332860

The Hick is Sleigh rosebud motherfucking sled. He's a shit maintainer and he should never have came from /vg/.

>> No.44332889
File: 39 KB, 212x219, sex fox on her way to dodge rent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you've got a personal problem that we don't care about

>> No.44332904

He is single-handedly responsible for the death of /egg/ and for the destruction of our community.

>> No.44332928

That is incredibly unfortunate for your personal feelings, maybe you should talk to a therapist about them and possibly look into assisting medication.

>> No.44332960

In spirit they're all based off Kanon. You have a lot of games that are variants but for the most part they're actually not. Coding wise they're not the same at all, if you open up the files for TW and say, AkumaMaid in Visual Studio Code you'll see immediately that the way they do things is different in so many ways beyond design reasons.

>> No.44333126

ooo I like how that looks
hope someone translates the UI

>> No.44333165

Did the dick update die?

>> No.44333190

Hopefully, along with the fag that suggested it

>> No.44333198
File: 2.64 MB, 1199x2820, eraFL tag hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty playable with your usual translators - just that it does make use of '<>' a fair bit, such as showing the name of the command when performing a sexual action ('<< (action) >>') and traits ('<virgin>'). In some era games, despite that, it's pretty okay to leave it around since the amount of '<>' tags being used aren't that heavy. But in eraFL? Well...

Also I'm not sure if it's something with when they switched to the newest version of emuera (it uses Emuera 1824+v18+EMv17+EEv38), leaving Classic Mode sometimes makes the clipboard fail to capture a few lines. It could very well be something the dev did in v0.270 as well, but unsure since the last version of eraFL I played before v0.270 was on both an older version of emuera and an earlier version of eraFL. Textractor would literally just copy a blank space ' ' instead of that line, but it seems to mostly happen during sexual sessions where other than the newest chosen action, it's also describing any ongoing actions (but if multiple ongoing actions, it only skips the first one). If you turn off Classic Mode then it captures all, but it doesn't auto-translate as quickly as it would in Classic Mode.

>> No.44333199

But I thought it was a good idea. At the very least, many parts of it were salvageable. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a bona fide schizo.

>> No.44333206

Right, just bait out more posts, why dontcha. Anyone who thought it was a good idea is a genuine faggot.

>> No.44333314
File: 4 KB, 691x75, other women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really written by the same faggot that made Yuugi kill you on the spot for dating anyone in front of her? Something doesn't add up.

>> No.44333319

Surprise surprise, authors are schizo. Hey, Anon, dpes she still pull that shit?

>> No.44333360

Every era codebase has its "quirks" but I despise AkumaMaid's. Finding how anything works is a wild goose chase across files because it seems like they needed to obscure every variable they could. You'd think it'd be simple too, for how basic the game is.

>> No.44333546

>egg has another emotional breakdown because authors can write different characters

>> No.44333555

114-kun tier retardation

>> No.44333577

Get away from me Seija. Get away from me Seija.
Get away from me Seija! Get away from me Seija!

>> No.44333598

Who the fuck is 114

>> No.44333609

Some guy's tulpa, you're better off not acknowledging it.

>> No.44333625

It's the same character you moron. She literally says you can spend time with other women but she knocks you out for doing so.
It's character assassination because Yuugi is lying right there.

>> No.44333635

my hobbies are speed-reading and retardation please excuse my dumdumness

>> No.44334305
File: 4 KB, 672x60, crowd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the fire safety laws like in Gensokyo?

>> No.44334594

Why are you playing era games if you can't read?

>> No.44334630 [SPOILER] 
File: 595 KB, 1400x2032, 0734c04a-13cb-45f8-bd89-2c4bb586ace0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what this calls for?

>> No.44334715

Youkai genocide when?

>> No.44336458

I miss bomber grape

>> No.44336481


>> No.44336564

Why does Sugoi give misleading translations? I've had a few dialogues with Kanako where Sugoi just repeats text rather than giving a proper translation.

>> No.44336612
File: 9 KB, 317x228, era clipboard 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be mitigated by using pic related, send what you want to be translated line per lines.
If you dont have it already, get it here

>> No.44337294
File: 1.46 MB, 1600x1900, 1687137924119840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every stinkin' bum should wear a crown!

>> No.44337311

That's a pretty clean-looking UI

>> No.44337332

That sounds like the kind of stuff era-clipboard would help a lot with.

>> No.44337608

any suggestions on running the game? Any time I launch it it throws a million errors about being unable to recognize its files

>> No.44337714

are you using the executable included with the game?

>> No.44338229

yes, although it did make me install the newest .Net framework before it would run

>> No.44338485

For some reason, the version of eraFL uploaded on the git does that - throws out a million errors, can't even run. The requirement of the newest .Net framework though is I think more to do with the latest Emuera version. The ones that do work, and I play off, is grabbed directly off the JP era uploader: http://book-shelf-end.com/up/

The ones you want are eraRx4028 ('eraFL_v0.270') and eraRx4039 ('eraFL_v0.270_patch_fix4'). Extract both and then copy and overwrite what's from eraRx4039 over eraRx4028. If the JP era uploader asks for a username and password, it's era for both (username: era / password: era)

Since you'll be playing eraFL soon, a starter tip to save you time restarting if you're particular about certain stuff - when you start the game, it'll ask you if you want to pick a unique or customised character. This character is NOT (You) - it's a character you start with (a 'roommate'). The unique characters you can grab by paying 7k dinari (money) via the Quest page, but the customised character can be whatever you want it to be. Male, female, futa, trap, sex god(dess), 100 stat OP character, up to you. After you make (or pick) a character, it then goes into the character creator for (You), but unlike the customised character you could make before, (You) are much more limited (stats-wise, anyway). You still have free choice of most of the traits and such, though. I think the dev (currently only one guy) is still thinking about that process but is preferring to expand the world first.

Note that currently (as of 0.270), other than being assigned the Magician trait for your customised character or (You), it's impossible to have anyone else start out with it, including randoms you generate. The dev is thinking of doing something about this, like adding in an option to learn how to magic at a steep price, but is not too high priority right now. The magic stat works just like how it does in a K-game (helps combat), but is required for a few skills and is used for success probability in a few specific dungeons. But yeah, you could have a random with the job 'Magician' that can't actually magic.

>> No.44338607

Been fixed on the git

>> No.44338732

What do Pain Marks do in TW?
And what increases the likelihood of randomly encountering a mob character when travelling?

Also in TW when you beat someone in Danmaku, when enabled, you have the option to Push Down or Rape.
What's the different between the two? Because Push Down also ties up your victim and you can do any action you want with them (even if it fails a favour check)
Only difference I noticed is greater favour loss and more hate marks for choosing the Rape option.

What is FL? That looks like the ship builder in Era4X

>> No.44338817

Inherited sins from SQN. Shame, it has my favorite sex COMs in pretty much all of the games.

>> No.44338840

>Also in TW when you beat someone in Danmaku, when enabled, you have the option to Push Down or Rape.
Is there special dialogue for this?

>> No.44338876

There is reaction dialog.
The same lines as when you sneak into someone's room and tie them up then have your way with them.
Btw, is there any point where a character will like you enough that when you sleep molest them and wake them up they'll let you continue? I've gotten a couple of characters to the point where they don't get made, but they'll still stop you.

>> No.44338908

No, although that should be a thing since kaguya becomes a total cumslut begging to be inseminated every second of the day, yet when you do it to her unknowingly somehow that's bad.
Compare to Eirin or I think Meiling and Sakuya who if you tsp rape them enough will find out about your powers and start getting off on it since they know it's you

>> No.44338912

I wish they'd quit updating rape and add a framework for consensual time stop sex.

>> No.44338965

The closest thing is when they know about it and you still do it anyway, the dialogue changes once you unpause, and it's pretty lewd as well.

>> No.44338975

Different characters have different tolerances to stuff.

Some are really uptight due to their traits; like Kutaka. Or just plain hate men like Mokou and take forever to even get positive favourability gains.

Some; like Yatusashi; are really easy.

>> No.44338986

She dosen't care about you hanging out with other women. Dallying. Wasteing time. As long as you remain by her side [aka: faithful to her]

She cares about you cheating on her. There is a difference.

>> No.44338991

There already is one, it's called "write dialogue for it".

>> No.44338997

Multiple lovers is not cheating. AMadLad, can you confirm if you're based toggle fixes this?

>> No.44339014

It's not about hating people or having slow favor gain. Use your brain and read it again.

>> No.44339040

Satori forced me to masturbate in front of her and then laughed at me and mocked me. Why is she so mean...

>> No.44339045

It doesn't touch anything beyond the parts which forcibly disable lovers.
Source: I looked.

>> No.44339049

Anon! Do not make me turn into J. Jonah Jameson!

>> No.44339075
File: 282 KB, 1000x1399, 46fb7f4789f45b73e8aaa018eda5cd30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A date doesn't always have to end in sex. It's pretty much the one thing she specifically shouldn't get mad about, it's *just* spending time with a girl. Hanging out. Sex might or might not come after, or if you specifically go to the love hotel.
But in addition to that she has literally 0 problems when you actually get caught fucking other girls or a girl joins in. That could arguably be considered cheating(and even then, it's actually not in this case because of what she said in that image), but she just flexes that you're hers and lets you fuck anyone anyway. Just like every other girl.

>> No.44339078
File: 103 KB, 768x1024, touhou hat thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain mark in TW give you +5 point (Lv1) for your action to succeed.
Because she have blackmail material on (You).

>> No.44339079
File: 35 KB, 315x650, source.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, you want pictures? Here's what it modifies.

>> No.44339103

Get your pretty little portfolio off my desk before I go into a diabetic coma, and get back to work making a better toggle right this second Parker!

>> No.44339237

Well, I was about to do it just for you, but it turns out the Japanese already removed it like six months ago. So I suppose the reason her dialogue is different in >>44333314 is because the author changed their mind.

>> No.44339250

I won't get sucker punched anymore? Based.

>> No.44339420

That pic is from a version where she still punches you, so the author fucked up either way, but it's good that it got removed.

>> No.44339496

eraFL is a new project that just started last year. It looks like era4X in some aspects because they both use the same base. Even the combat part of eraFL is exactly the same as era4X's personnel combat. Where era4X is based in speese, eraFL is based on a world at the cusp of a magical industrial revolution, with magic and related stuff around in the world, but there are stuff like magic-powered paddle boats, magic doll musketeers and magic factories around. Though those things are mostly just in the background right now as the setting/lore of the game and not anything you can directly be involved in.

>> No.44339693

I see that a bunch more era games got put up on the git, including eraKami. eraKami is quite interesting, but I guess just incomplete? Some things like pulling luck lottery and the ema painting doesn't do anything (not implemented), but then there are a few more minor things like the alignment system that I don't understand, and aren't explained anywhere (probably incomplete as well?). It's supposed to tell people, shrine maiden prospects and the people in the region around your shrine, what sort of god you are. But it always quickly defaults to 0 regardless of what alignment you start out as, and just performing shrine maiden duties give a ton of negative alignment to that shrine maiden? Maybe they weren't able to separate shrine maiden training with the actual sexual training ('communion ceremony') part of the training system and gave up eventually.

>> No.44339733

I like what I've been able to figure out of it so far but its way too untranslated for me to make much progress in
still want to keep my eye on it and hopefully someone gives a go at translating it

>> No.44339805

>Though those things are mostly just in the background right now as the setting/lore of the game and not anything you can directly be involved in.
Just like 4X

eratohoT is the one that caught my eye.
It's the usual trainer like SQN but the twist is you're tentacle monster that captures touhous, and I guess trains them into brood mothers

I remember on one of the 8ch threads someone was talking about a game where a pink wind had turned everyone into horny futas except Marisa who was the player character, you had to fight other characters and purify them, losing would result in fun.
What was the name of them and has that been uploaded onto the gitlab?

>> No.44339843

Speaking of 4X, is that game still being worked on?

>> No.44339923

Looking at the JP era4X Development thread, doesn't look like it. It's pretty much just being topped up by randoms shoving in patches to add a few things or fix/adjust other stuff. Despite that it's often within the top 10 threads on that board, though.

>> No.44340354

I notice that era games lets you designate a hu to become your sibling or half sibling but can you make them your adopted sibling?

>> No.44340865

no point since there is no content

>> No.44340885

I don't see the correlation

>> No.44340937

Mechanics-wise, there's no difference between blood relation and adopted - both are just 'siblings' and is pretty much only used for Incest exp/trait purposes. If an era game wanted to make a the difference between a blood related sibling and an adopted sibling actually matter, they would better off making <Blood Relation> and <Adopted> traits instead and slap on modifiers accordingly.

To answer your question specifically, sure that is possible. Just how far you want it to go depends on how much writing and coding the dev/author is willing to go just for it. And as >>44340865 mentioned, most era games don't even acknowledge them as your actual sibling in interactions unless specifically written in, so on top of already almost no incest content (beyond parent-children, mostly sexual), adopted siblings are non-existent as it is.

>> No.44340942

Honestly i don't care whether people write content for it or not, I just want it purely for roleplay purposes

>> No.44340957

/egg/ is cringe

>> No.44341007

Either way, someone has to add it in one way or another. era by default only acknowledges blood relation siblings; mostly your children. So if you want adopted siblings, it will require someone to add in a mechanic to get it, as mentioned. If you're not satisfied with it just being a trait, and want it to be shown somewhere in the family details section of a character's ability detail page, then you need someone to also edit that section add variables and not break anything in the process. If you want to actually make adoption matter, then it depends on how much you want it to matter - adoption equivalent to Best Friend(zone)? Adoption being counted the same as blood relation siblings but doesn't count as Incest? Power dynamics between blood relations and adoption?

But well, you want it purely for roleplaying purposes, so there's the 0 effort required way and at least minimal way - 0 effort way is just (You) keeping in mind that this specific character is your adopted sibling and roleplay it in your head, while the minimal way, if you want to see it somewhere on their page, is to add an <Adopted (Sibling)> trait tag in the ERB and just assign it to that character. Or create an option to freely assign (and remove?) that tag.

>> No.44341788
File: 3 KB, 324x145, starvation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she gonna die?

>> No.44341926
File: 628 KB, 1789x2048, 1676640152948625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the reason for her diet.

>> No.44341968

She'll be fine as long as nobody tries to put an oversized cock inside of her.

>> No.44342061

she looks happy

>> No.44342062

Don't spread false information, putting a cock in touhous actually makes them stronger. It's a real thing.
Just make sure she's properly stretched first, and use lube.

>> No.44342161

What do I do with the plain water fetched from wells?

>> No.44342172

Why is Kossy so angry over that? That looks fun as fuck! Stupid ungrateful bitch.

>> No.44342186
File: 1.44 MB, 1414x2000, __matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_pocche_ex__926db50289937410fd490c0b1706d6ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kosuzu is human, anon. Putting large objects inside of her just leads to horrible injuries. She should be with a cute manlet instead.

>> No.44342198

You put it in the sake bug jar in the kitchen. Of course, you gotta wait until it works it's magic and actually turns whatever was inside into sake first.
Also, if you decide to have a garden, you have to water your plants somehow. I recommend you buy your gardening tools asap.
Sounds like a manlet cope to me. Try jumping up, maybe your words will reach someone.

>> No.44342365

You know who waters my plants? Goblins. You're calling someone a manlet while doing goblin work. I'd tell you to do some self-reflection but I'm not sure if you could see the mirror over the sink.

>> No.44342377

You're the one who wants to try policing who enjoys what kind of cock. And don't diss my goblin bros, they're useful, unlike you.
Be quiet you miniscule mongrel, your squeaky noises are annoying me.

>> No.44342447

It's the other way around, anon. I'm too big, so I'm forced to pursue oni and other powerful youkai who can handle me.
It's a harsh curse to be unable to marry a lovely village girl and have many beautiful children together, but we all bear our crosses, and I will just live with this sorrow as best as I can.

>> No.44342479
File: 78 KB, 1606x319, 1680559803727921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got removed, and even then it would only make any modicum of sense to have that toggle if it didn't allow you to have Yuugi (or whoever girl you're dating) as Lovers after this event or something.

>> No.44342486
File: 297 KB, 1409x1650, 6ca6f8850f9d5bc3151141683eb94177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just admitting to your own inability to make a girl accept you. You greenhorn, don't talk about things you have no clue about. The local inchling can take the biggest size available if you know what you're doing.
For shame, anon. Oppantsu-sama would be disappointed.

>> No.44342745
File: 2.27 MB, 1526x2160, Medi_Whos_Who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinmyoumaru's a youkai. She's not beholden to the limitations of the human body and isn't all that vulnerable to physical damage. The village womanlets don't have the same unfair advantage against massive male members. Trying to jam it into Marisa's will just lead to hemorrhaging and permanent injury.
You have to be more considerate with the ladies, anon. The fate of the human village relies on it. Human females should be with human manlets. The unfortunate tall men born amongst them should accept their responsibility as human sacrifices to youkai virginities to calm them down.

>> No.44342850

You could always just rub against the entrance and fire hose the cum into the womb from there. There are no excuses for not sticking with human women.

>> No.44342872
File: 221 KB, 1386x1586, 1692137228350756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, enough of your shitposting. If you were trying to be funny you actually were, but you're dragging the joke out for far too long. Both Kosuzu and Marisa can take my huge dick with no pain at all, so - and I do not say this lightly - it's just a skill issue on your end.
I'm sorry.

>> No.44342918

Show me her pain marks.

>> No.44343083

That's dangerous, anon. And not really all that pleasurable. There's plenty of short kings in the village who can provide the adorable and wonderful village girls with the happiness they deserve, they don't need to force themselves into a relationship with a lower caste male cursed to be unnaturally tall.
Besides, if I didn't do my work to keep dangerous youkai in check, what would happen to the village? Nobody would be safe from their lust-filled rampage.
Just leave me to my unfortunate fate. It's just how things are meant to be.
That sounds like Kuda-gitsune lies, meant to undermine the village and destroy Gensokyo. Fortunately, no man will fall for such a trick, and they'll safely leave the village girls to their short brothers in arms.

>> No.44343128

Just exterminate the filthy youkai wretches. Every man deserves a human woman, even one as deformed as you.

>> No.44343594
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1600, 108842221_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kosuzu is very small
And she is very cute
People just don't realize that she is very cute because she is very small.

>> No.44343737
File: 622 KB, 822x664, 1671501250845770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mari-chan is still the smallest of them all!

>> No.44343787
File: 215 KB, 514x510, 1644889963319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite my stature, I am but a man. I cannot hope to go against these monsters.
I asked the Hakurei to save me before, but she merely called me a wretch who should know his place and perform his duty for the sake of Gensokyo's balance.

No, the warm, loving touch of a human female is simply not meant to me. But it's alright, I know that with my sacrifice, at least others will be able to find happiness while I'm trapped in an endless orgy with perpetually lust-filled youkai.
Life is simply unfair.

>> No.44343872
File: 242 KB, 480x270, south-park-penis[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any eventual perks for having a big dick in TW?
Or did the penis envying nipps decide to make it only a curse?

>> No.44345395

In some era games, especially the ones more faithful to the traditional eraKanon (or if it's easier, think TohoK) style, the size of your dick is one of the determining factors on its full erection length (with the others being your body size and build). This is then further modified by Race, so you could have say tentacles that are able to shoot out literal litres of cum at a time. 'Limp' length is not usually displayed since ultimately it's just flavour.

Now, why is this important? In those era games actually making full use of this system, the length of your dick determines how much cum you shoot out at a time in a normal ejaculation. I suppose they are kind of using it to also determine the 'size of your testicles' at the same time or something, unless an era game wants to make that, or your cum generation rate, a separate thing. Except for special races like tentacles I mentioned, most characters will range anywhere from 2ml - 24ml on a normal ejaculation. This is because these games usually also keep track of stomach, vaginal and intestine capacity, in that if the amount of fluids in them exceed their capacity, they either overflow or cause distensions (e.g. cumflations), which are usually shown by the temporary change in that character's Waist measurements. eraKanon games always have the 3 sizes on display, after all.

Then we have TW. Not only do the 3 sizes not matter at all and only function as flavour, the original authors of TW wanted to somehow present the whole '(race) is difficult to impregnate' thing. After all, in the traditional eraKanon system, all females are treated equal - that is why in TohoK, the undead and goddesses can be as easily impregnated as a human. A few era games do try to change it up a bit by adding modifiers, but that's irrelevant to TW. In TW, rather than playing around with that sort of stuff, they just went with the approach of the Outsider (You) being the equivalent of a human fruitfly and are probably able to create a small lake from just cumming all day at the best possible conditions. Maybe they were extreme cumflation fans, until enough 'normal' people joined in that they changed it to the way it is? Or maybe it's just a bit of initial lazy coding that somehow went long enough to become a core mechanic of the game.

Well, and that in eraKanon games, there are stuff like vaginal, anal and urethral stretching exp, which can be gained by the relevant tools, or as you may have guessed, forcing massive things into small tight holes. But this doesn't exist in TW, so essentially just like the 3 Sizes, 'dick size' is just flavour too and is only really used as a trigger for special dialogue from 2hus. Perhaps the move initially was to try to gradually pull things back to the traditional era style.

>> No.44345408

It sounds like it should be recamped.

>> No.44345730

>Not only do the 3 sizes not matter at all and only function as flavour
But they do. It's not just flavor text, you should try actually playing the game before you start spouting incorrect facts about it. Just because your caressing skills are maxxed out and you have Forbidden Knowledge so that an average girl can take a big dick on the day you met her, doesn't mean the whole system is just cosmetic.
You got tools, you got pain marks from penetration. You have to stretch a girl out before you can go in. Sometimes this takes days. There's even a tip that mentions bigger isn't always better. The dick size, player height and 2hu height is all utilized here.
>A few era games do try to change it up a bit by adding modifiers, but that's irrelevant to TW.
But it's exactly how it is in TW. Certain races have a much harder time getting pregnant, but then there's also the fertility cycle(just like in other games), the prayer, new year bonus, thick cum. What else can you even do? Make youkai have 5 separate rng rolls instead of just one? What are you asking for here.
>Maybe they were extreme cumflation fans
This is probably true, you start out with 1.5 L in your semen tank. But there isn't really any effect to dumping more than that amount into a girl, most of them get 100% fill rate from 1 - 2 L anyway. It's not exactly a bad thing, but maybe someone can make a display function that cuts the last two digits out of the display if you really have an issue with it? Along with hiding the line that states the girl is so filled she looks pregnant. But only if we also get an expansion to the cumflation mechanic, I think it's hot.
>stuff like vaginal, anal and urethral stretching exp, which can be gained by the relevant tools, or as you may have guessed, forcing massive things into small tight holes. But this doesn't exist in TW
But it literally does. There are tools, you got vibrators, you got anal vibrators, beads, fingering. Forcing your dick in and dealing with the hate mark later. Everything that normally affects it, does so in TW. TW even allows you to stretch a vagina out with your fingers while keeping the hymen intact, just so you can tear it with your dick. Except for urethal, that's not a type of sex you can have in TW, true.
I don't understand what version and how in the hell are you playing it to arrive at these conclusions.

>> No.44345743

Imagine the amount of STDs you could get from fucking her

>> No.44345746

NTA, but fuck you. Cumflation stays.

>> No.44345762

Is a 16 cm length cock and 12 cm girth good enough, anons?

>> No.44345788

I know, you're the retard that always jumps into conversations without even reading the entire post.
Read the sentences about cumflation again.

>> No.44345796

>hiding the line
>make a display function that cuts the last two digits
Looks like you hate it.

>> No.44345805
File: 480 KB, 300x170, read, nigga, read.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But only if we also get an expansion to the cumflation mechanic, I think it's hot.

>> No.44345824

Now that 114-kun is here, any kind of discussion is impossible. Move on, he'll just troll and act stupid for the next few hours.

>> No.44345841

I just misread their post, no trolling or stupidity was intended. Fuck man, you assholes always pull this bullshit.

>> No.44345873
File: 50 KB, 499x500, 1480093067290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you always act like a complete moron.

>> No.44345946
File: 2.97 MB, 3088x1904, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_noppo_ayumu_1226__99a77a84f417ec750a2ae9b19ca11504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think 2hus like Yuuka Kazami would enjoy the feeling of having sex with a 16 cm length and 12 cm girth cock of their loving husband?

>> No.44345958

No, because those are not my dimensions.

>> No.44345959

Nah, not unless you really want to put Pain Marks on girls, since jamming an oversized cock into a tiny, poorly prepared vagina is one of the few reliable ways of gaining them.
Other than that, a big dick just makes it harder to penetrate, for no actual gain. There's unused function that modifies pleasure depending on dick type (with tiny and warted penises decreasing pleasure and the Miracle Malleted extremely large one increasing it, with no effect for normal big penises), but since it's never actually called, all penises act the same in gameplay.

I guess you do get unique dialogue for characters talking about how they're swallowing your oversized cock, though, so that can be pretty hot, at least.

>> No.44345968

>There's unused function that modifies pleasure depending on dick type
Why is it unused?

>> No.44345985

when the nips put in their sizes they had a meltdown when it came back as small, and they removed it to keep them happy.

>> No.44345995

Sounds like something Anon should look into revamping.

>> No.44346016

Okay, but you aren't her husband. You must be getting confused, anon.

>> No.44346020

It's not getting revamped.

>> No.44346041

Maybe if you took one of the thinner hipped ones and stretched her out like taffy? Thats genuinely concerningly thin considering the length.

>> No.44346047

Why not? Inb4 lol it will somehow lead to cuckoldry or some other literal bullshit. Like fuck, they added something which invalidates that, and you somehow think dick size actually having an impact on the game will lead to worse things?
I bet you're the same goddamn asshole who made them give up on the ass update.

>> No.44346087
File: 446 KB, 850x786, 1547938523131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's true. You're just spewing sewage out of your mouth, there's no point in discussing anything.
And for the record, the ass update isn't cancelled, dumbass.

>> No.44346093

The same better be true for the penis update.

>> No.44346112

Told you. He got called out immediately so he's currently trying to shitpost about anything to keep himself involved.

>> No.44346121

The only difference is that it isn't actually wanted. You're the only one who asks for it, and it's just your way of shitting on the game.

>> No.44346125 [DELETED] 

Me expressin gmy opinion is not "shiutposting". Nobody here has given an actual reason for why dick size shouldn't matter in the game. I feel the same way about ass size and height. Weight shouldn't be in the game, that leads to sizefaggotry.
Should we not add nay new features to the game at all, out of overblown fear that it will somehow make the game worse?
I guess no yandere for Hisami.
I guess no new characters at all, in fact.

>> No.44346130

Why don't you code it then?

>> No.44346138

That isn't true. Beggy has expressed interest in stomach distension and abdominal bulges.

>> No.44346146

I do not see how dick size is such an egregious thing to add.

>> No.44346148
File: 11 KB, 1493x133, certified braindead phoneposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're the one who wants to remove features, huh.

>> No.44346159 [DELETED] 

We have no weight measurements in the game. If htye are in the game they should stay. Jismi isn't in the game, no removal there. I want her to be in the game, just like yanderes. But we can't have nice things. Nobody wants to add onto the game. We're at the mercy of our Japanese overlords.

>> No.44346182
File: 172 KB, 850x1200, 1687790258763564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats genuinely concerningly thin considering the length.
Really? It doesn't seen that thin to me....

Maybe I measured incorrectly

>> No.44346183

The problem is that it's not just an extra size or three, it's the whole penis affinity system making way for sph, making girls hate having sex with you and implying they like other cocks more than yours. On top of the degenerate actually wanting to add horse and dog penises as their own traits separate from size.
It's all been discussed already, and even taken to a poll. It's just not a good idea.

>> No.44346215

Then simply remove everything that's bad, and keep the remainder? Every suggestion gets modified and watered down until the distilled remnants are safe for consumption.
Like, that's how processing happens.

>> No.44346223
File: 8 KB, 1533x101, certified braindead phoneposter 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? I can't understand moronese sometimes.
Anyway, you're still just only one vocal guy who wants this penis affinity in at all cost. Majority is against it.

>> No.44346242

Bill Gates wants to do something like that IIRC. He wants to process human waste into distilled purified water.

>> No.44346248

Says the moron.

>> No.44346249

NTA, but penis sizes are not penis affinity. There is a distinct difference.

>> No.44346281

Sleigh confirmed for being into anal. What are his limits? What is he not into?

>> No.44346287

But it means the whole suggestion needs to be trashed. The entire thing.
What you probably want instead is to copy the sizes to match the amount boobs have, but that's barely even related to the original suggestion. Like a few extra big dick sizes and a way to make yourself bigger/smaller through both alchemy and prayer, like the proposed ass system.
It's simple and inoffensive enough, without making your a 2hu into a horse cock slut or making her always yearn for a tiny shota dick when her lover is actually big.

>> No.44346289
File: 172 KB, 1317x1448, 1665789178535451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleigh begging for /jp/sie cock

>> No.44346350

Yes, and? Sometimes you have to melt the ore back into molten iron before you can smelt a decent blade from it.

>> No.44346373
File: 704 KB, 640x484, 1690620450683903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i walk back into /egg/ and stumble face first into a retarded discussion

>> No.44346378

Who are you quoting?????

And that would imply that no one gets bored and decides to stirr the pot a little.

>> No.44346413
File: 3.72 MB, 2508x3541, 1665367361961640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is talking about the affinity suggestion. More sizes was never separately suggested. It might be a good thing, provided you can actually influence your size legitimately and without stupid arbitrary limitations like "only once a month" after the game starts.
But on the condition that the affinity suggestion is 100% rejected and the fag behind it is banned from contributing to this one.

>> No.44346527

Glad you agree that the suggestion was garbage. Now, since vinum already has extra butt sizes and is working on an ass prayer, why not also do exactly that for the penises?

>> No.44346612

>Who are you quoting?
I don't think I quoted anyone anon, I just remarked how I stumbled upon an absolutely retarded discussion. That's all.

>> No.44346678

Will they even work put in the work, work fuck?

>> No.44346685
File: 42 KB, 640x360, FsT9Fv7aAAkxK8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg laying when?

>> No.44346701

Never ever nothing will ever be worked on. No yandere mode, no recognition of multiple lovers, no new dialogue, no new features, nothing. Nobody wants to work. No immersion. No fun. Nothing ever.
Dead game. Dead thread.

>> No.44346703
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, 4cb397dfcadbecf06c69381698367135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, what about that anon that was writing for Kutaka? Someone was apparently working on wingjobs, but what about the eggs?

>> No.44346711
File: 580 KB, 1364x967, c65c8b3d25d121837e4af75f12f6bf48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys 114kun, you shitposted enough for today.

>> No.44346713

Too bad, wingjobs are "anatomically impossible".
Prove me wrong, Rosebud the Sleigh.

>> No.44346733
File: 713 KB, 850x1202, __komeiji_satori_and_reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_meimu_sdazzxc__84dae99c35050edcf1747bd6316195a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was talking about adding an egg laying feature to his Kutaka's dialogue on the discord the other day

>> No.44346762

Dumb picture, ravens don't lay chicken eggs

>> No.44346771
File: 179 KB, 650x591, 1462296763885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to write a little something for one of the characters with less than acceptable amount of lines but your endless faggotry makes me want to never share it here.

>> No.44346778

All eggs look the same on the inside.

>> No.44346794
File: 6 KB, 248x29, r&amp;h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44346800

What character?

>> No.44346851

I'll keep it a secret for now.
I work rather slow, it's just in case anyone wants to put their own spin on her and I don't want to hype anyone up for my first blind crappy attempt at writing. I'm fine with just making a third dialogue set for her.

>> No.44346861

The only way I can think of 'wingjobs' working is if it's literally just rubbing against it like armpit sex, or something. Probably should implement armpit sex before even thinking of 'wingjobs'. Then we can go into more degeneration and start going for hairjobs, and then tailjobs based on the type of animal tail it is.

Or let's just focus more on animal ears and tails. In particular, be more specific about them. My mind was still half-broken after that one session in TohoK, where I imagined my character to be a fluffly fox girl by taking the appropriate traits, but then since you can only pick <animal ears> and <animal tail>, the game assumes your <animal tail> is more like that of a cat's and they were using my tail for penetration. Not fluff. I want to fluff Ran's tail but I'm afraid it might be treated as just any other tail and if tails being used sexually ends up in TW somehow I'll be forced to imagine big fluffy tails like Ran's being used for penetration again. I don't want to [Bite The Dust] just to avoid this

>> No.44346885

Criticism is good for you, and you can't get it if you don't put it out there.

>> No.44346900

Sorry, but Vin Diesel isn't adding ass size or armpitjobs anymore. Too many whiners and threadshitters here made him change his mind.

>> No.44346987

Honestly, Anon needs more coders. I feel like they're review system is unbalanced beacuse half the team not knowing how to do shit with Git.

>> No.44347079

Someone is literally working on wingjobs right now. And it is probably going to be like that, or slight jerking motions with feathers or tips of the wing tickling your glans. Not as good as sex, or a BJ/HJ.
But just like you said with the fluff, these wings should probably have several options like a wingjob, caressing them or wing hugs. In addition there have to be feathered wings, bat wings, fairy wings, one wing for Sagume, six wings for Sariel, whatever wings Shinki can grow, whatever it is Flandre has, maybe Cirno's ice wings?
And then do a similar thing for tails, with one tail, two, three, 9, fluffy ones, bunny tail(can't really jerk you off with that), wolf tail, cow tail, monkey tail, Yachie's tail, etc.
And even after that, you need to consider extras like Nue's "wings" with the holes, Youmu's Myon, Satori/Koishi's veins, and whatever else you can use in a lewd way. I'm saying it's a lot of work, and it'll take time.

>> No.44347134

No but seriously, look at all their MRs and Issues.
Most are months old.

>> No.44347222

It's essential to grab some if you want to do mixing to produce some of the items, like the no-sleep potion.

>> No.44347347

>whatever it is Flandre has
She had bat wings like Remilia but damaged them, she hung decorations on the remains to look pretty.

>> No.44347355

Will we ever be able to upgrade settlements or invest in money sinks? I have too much money.

>> No.44347435

Good luck with that

>> No.44347587

You mean since Flandre was defeated by Remilia near Christmas, she had the idea of using Flandre as part of the SDM Christmas Tree decoration of the day and decorated her as such, including giving her a red-white dress to act as 'Miss Santa'. Except Flandre ended up breaking the tree and ruining the event, which made Remilia angry, and Flandre's been grounded in the basement ever since then.

>> No.44347684

Your fanfiction is weird.

>> No.44347748

Does anybody here wish we could customize the player character more?

>> No.44347763

It's a text based game so not really.

>> No.44347770

Yes. I want the characvter traits to actually have more of an influence beyond dialogue. I ate the penis affinity thing, though. It's pretty much worthless.
That changes nothing.

>> No.44347801

>I ate the penis
I bet you did, you slut

>> No.44347804

What's wrong, are you bald and tired of Ran evening out your nonexistent bangs or something?
How do you even customize a self insert character, nigga it's just you. Having every character check for every miniscule detail like a scar on your ass of what type of neckbeard you got is unreasonable. Would be nice, but you shouldn't expect that to be a thing.

>> No.44347807
File: 354 KB, 1610x2048, 8eaa1f8ed52eab8ab77adc68b33d41a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/egg/ anons eat penis...

>> No.44347815

No more unreasonable than not having it as an option. More options in games like these are a good thing. If you're not properly handling your autism, why are you even here?

>> No.44347846

Yea, go program it then instead of talking out of your ass. And make sure you write at least one line for each 2hu mentioning each custom option. I expect every 2hu to react to the scar on my arm, admire my muscles and rub my hairy chest.
Go on, make it happen, mr. autism is my superpower.

>> No.44347852

The only MRs more than a month old are Pops's dumb shit which will never get accepted, you should be asking why they're not closed rather than why they're not merged. Most of the rest are from the past week.
The issues older than a month are almost all feature requests which is an argument for more coders, but not relevant to reviewers.
Now, could it still use more activity? Sure, but that's a matter of finding people willing to work on text porn games as a hobby without causing a shitstorm everywhere they go.

>> No.44347863

Why are you like this? 2hus having lines for already existing character traits, like your apparent age, heigh, et cetera is nowhere near anything like having custom character traits such as scars.
What even is the point of that non sequitur?

>> No.44347881

>2hus having lines for already existing character traits
Yeah, that's the problem. Barely any of them do. How many is it? 3? 5? Out of 160+?
And I'm not telling you to curb your enthusiasm, I'm telling you to go do what you want to see. Program your desired customization in.

>> No.44347903

We need to kill all Discord users and reclaim /egg/ from the tertiary tourists.

>> No.44347921

Contribute something first

>> No.44347930

My presence alone is enough of a contribution.

>> No.44348147
File: 473 KB, 934x1151, 1687580959948042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Kosuzu's favorite meal in TW is egg on rice

>> No.44348159

I always knew Suzy was a lewd girl.

>> No.44348165

Apparently the Discord finally found out Pedy's pregnancy tweak breaks Thick Semen. Which we in the thread have know about for weeks.

>> No.44348223
File: 119 KB, 270x283, Sanae big breast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I like that big breasted Sanae portrait.

>> No.44348259

hope suzu's mom shows up in canon so we can have some chicken and egg on rice, if you know what I mean

>> No.44348285

Sanae's sanaes...

>> No.44348307

Why does mokou have you confess your powers when you confess to her

>> No.44348449

I think the whole point of it is that she consents to TSP sex. I think she's the only one who can give you consent before you make her experience it.
But I agree, it should be player's choice whether you keep it a secret or tell her about it.

>> No.44348476

Sanae's BIG sanaes...

>> No.44348501

Fucking smelly hobo Mokou keeps walking into my house uninvited. I hate hobos.

>> No.44348507

But isn't egg technically their menstruation? Why would you want to eat that?

>> No.44348516

Why would you want to eat any eggs? I wonder.

>> No.44348521

do you not eat eggs, anon?! it doesn't matter what it is to them, it's about what it is to US, and to US they area TOUHOU GIRL'S EGG, I would eat that everyday

>> No.44348532

No, a menstruation isn't just shedding an unused egg. It's also shed uterine lining, various mucus and secretions, and potentially any spontaneous abortions (more common than you think for a poorly formed embryo to get rejected, shed, and die very early in development.)

>> No.44348538

Depends, unfertilized eggs are basically the same thing.

>> No.44348547

No actually, an unfertilized egg is just the egg cell (the yolk and white) and the calcified shell. The albumen and other structures only develop in fertilized eggs.

>> No.44348590

it's biologically the same function as periods: purging unused eggs and reminding the mother of her failure as a female.

>> No.44348604

>Biologically the same function
Now you're moving the goalposts. I'm not here to argue if you're 'right' or 'wrong' to dislike egglaying or the concept of eating any egg at all ever. I don't care about you or your tastes. You posted incorrect information, or rather, asked if your own assumption was true or not. I simply posted to inform you, and any other readers, of the actual facts about unfertilized eggs. These facts will remain true regardless of your subjective feelings, which need I remind you I have no interest in engaging, on the matter. That is all.

>> No.44348614

If you don't like her just kill her.

>> No.44348620

Ah, it's another everyone who disagrees with me is the same person episode.

>> No.44348621

Lock your door you bum.

>> No.44348627

Have you tried not fucking smelly hobo mokou if you don't like her?

>> No.44348629
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>> No.44348656

I've never done anything to her and she keeps following me around everywhere. It's like she's stalking me.

>> No.44348681

That's just yandere trait being tested. Pay it no mind, she shouldn't rape you. Yet.

>> No.44348741

You WILL impregnate a hobo.
You WILL marry her.
You WILL like it.

>> No.44348784

>go to sleep with Reimu
>wake up next to Okina
>please deliver a letter to Reimu
>she's 1 room away
Is every single girl in Gensokyo autistic?

>> No.44348811
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>> No.44348819

Everybody in Gensokyo is an autistic idiot. Sakuya? An idiot. Sanae? She abandoned common sense. Youmu? A total dork. Reimu? She follows her intuition. Need I continue?

>> No.44348837

I would really prefer if you'd stop posting.

>> No.44348858 [DELETED] 

Too bad, so had. Mald more.

>> No.44349016

reminds me of Eiki asking me multiple times to deliver a letter to Komachi knowing that she's slacking off... while she's in the same area, doing her job

>> No.44349035 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44349146

that's gay

>> No.44349169
File: 494 KB, 1556x1307, eraDandTEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more silly era games like this around. Pretty much Wizardry with 2hus, and no sexual training stuff - you can perform sexual attacks to make your opponent(s) climax to submission ('faint') instead. Otherwise clothing acts as 'lives' and when you get to 0 HP while naked you get knocked out. I love this sort of ero-cute stuff

>> No.44349564


>> No.44349567
File: 845 KB, 673x1009, 1690710081660373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need this in eraTohoTW

>> No.44349573

Lycoris flowers?

>> No.44349578
File: 475 KB, 1000x1250, 86881930_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More outfit sprites, you silly anon.

>> No.44349597

I'd prefer less outfits. Actually, remove all clothing from all hu's.

>> No.44349617
File: 107 KB, 858x1200, 1609002890923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it'd be nice but putting every 2hu in every outfit would probably destroy startup performance. Not to mention that someone has to draw all these 2hus in all these different clothes. And all the different boob sizes.

>> No.44349723
File: 219 KB, 512x512, 1667418815364825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With LORA trained on Kaoru's art it can sort of work, but the amount of bloat will be immense.

>> No.44349858

I want to buy the chainsaw but the store for it isn't available anymore. Any hints?

>> No.44349862

Cummies update? Poggers!

>> No.44349875

Why is that dumbass making yet another issue that will never be resolved instead of just asking in the thread and setting up a poll
I bet he'd also have answers from the discord

>> No.44349881

Explain how removing the cap for the semen you splooge into your waifu's womb is a bad thing?

>> No.44349914

Use your imagination, coward.
When will you wake up and realize that portraits are just a crutch, and that the real power of text-based pornography lies in the endless potential and variations you can do with text and your own will.
Anything goes once you're no longer restrained by these false idols.

>> No.44349923

People with aphantasia should not be forced to suffer that indignity.

>> No.44350003

I dunno, it doesn't appear like a bad thing but it kinda defeats the point of having hard to impregnate races in the first place. I mean, it's already possible to just keep filling a girl with everything you have for the whole day anyway, this is just about ease of impregnation. Besides, uncapping it forces *every* player to deal with kids from nearly every time they have sex or to turn the pregnancy off entirely.
You might be able to just dump a container's worth of cum into all 3 hourais and guarantee impregnation on the same day. I think it's enough that we have a cheat that forces pregnancy already. Maybe this cap should just be raised instead of being uncapped entirely, but I don't know enough about balance to say what new values we should have. Like double the current ones? Raise them by 50%? I actually think impregnation is good where it stands right now, having a harem might mean you do not want everyone to get pregnant all at once, and if you're a monochad you already have repeated praying to Oppantsu sama which makes it like 60% likely to impregnate even the hardest girls.
Think about it in a different way. What if I want to be able to impregnate my girls, but actually only with a minimal chance? It's legit, my human lover is basically constantly pregnant, I think that's a little too often and I'd actually use a drug or a prayer that makes her harder to impregnate just to make her have fun from sex but spare her the strain of constantly raising kids while I have the same chance of impregnating the youkai. It could be a potion that increases or decreases fertility just so you can have much finer control over your chances, accomodating those who do want everyone constantly preggers and those who actually want the hourai experience.
Not to mention, japanese are still going to have the old system and any new impregnation related stuff is gonna be based around that. Kaguya still thinks she can't even get pregnant even after raising a couple of her own children, right? This is another part of the problem.

>> No.44350006

iirc pregnancy chance caps at 1.5 liter anyway?

>> No.44350025

Perhaps these "people" shouldn't be playing a text porn game.

>> No.44350030

Ah sweet, I can't wait for AnonTW to be abandoned.
Guess which fuck has spoken about it before? Yeah, I found that out on a different board.

>> No.44350100

Shitty devs just love taking control over things like this away from the player. Besides, it's pops. His whole branch is entirely based around things happening outside of your control, you're a fool if you think he wants to take a suggestion that goes against his vision.
Just deny the dumbass, it's not worth explaining why.

>> No.44350244
File: 701 KB, 2245x1792, Emuera1824+v16+EMv17+EEv34fix_2023-06-01_00-00-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 room away
Hah, amateur.

>> No.44350305

Because it only affects pregnancy chance, which has a particular level of challenge by design. Overcoming that challenge is what gives a sense of satisfaction, and basically the core idea of what makes games what they are.
There's already a significant amount of mechanics in this game that affect pregnancy chance, including thick semen, the pregnancy cycle, ovulation drugs, prayers, and talents, and learning how to use them is a key part of the gameplay.
It's not actually all that hard to impregnate anyone, you just need to actually engage with the game to do so, which is how games are supposed to work.

>> No.44350308

There is no challenge once you've played the game for 10000+ days. We need something for those who love drowning their women in cum.

>> No.44350417
File: 375 KB, 1147x534, 1670170053994667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, look at her getting so shy she can't even deliver it herself!

>> No.44350450
File: 337 KB, 1000x1500, F3uipuLbsAA4QVa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope she gets a stalking mechanic or something

>> No.44350991
File: 1.96 MB, 886x1200, 1662660471288084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is beanoanon still working on him?

>> No.44351948

I like how there's a funny conversation between you and Marissa if Reimu gives you a letter to give to Marissa

>> No.44354476

>and of course this retard latches on yet another abominable trashy shithu lmao
Have you given consideration to the fact that your opinions are invalidated by your shitty ideological beliefs and disdain for this community?

>> No.44354924

Devs hate inflation. It's over.

>> No.44355236

Inflation isn't the same thing as tying impregnation chance to the amount of cum you put in a womb. How many times do we have to tell you.

>> No.44355251

I think most people dislike inflation anon, although debtors naturally benefit from the reduction in value of their loans and interest, the hardworking man who saves his money is directly attacked by loose government spending bills.

Oh you mean cumflation? I guess it's a little goofy anyway, not a hill I'd die on.

>> No.44355256

>It's already quite excessive being 50+ times the value of regular human production
That means they're going to remove our based sperm and make it "realistic"

>> No.44355281

There's no cumflation in TW, because to prepare for your arrival Yukari placed triggers that open gaps in 2hu wombs when you cum enough to exceed capacity. It all conveniently goes into a gigantic tank located in Old Hell. Yes, that nuclear reactor is actually running off the life force generated by your sperm. That's just how much value your cum has to Gensokyo and everyone understands this, so that's why no one cares about the amount of cum you're pumping into the girls.

>> No.44355282

No they're not.
Why are you always acting like this? Just go play a multiplayer videogame, you'll get attention there too.

>> No.44355286

Until a dev confirms otherwise, my concern is valid.

>> No.44356002 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 764x312, 8468468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is though, isn't it? if you cum too much in someone's belly it says their belly "looks pregnant with all the cum pumped into her" or something like that, what are you guys talking about?

>> No.44356076

>not about pokemon
what the fuck

>> No.44356102

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44356160

>game simply details how you came so much into someone their stomach is bulging a bit
why are you like this

>> No.44356176

assuming you're replying to me ( >>44356002 ), cum inflation is one of my biggest fetishes and I'm glad TW describes it, I was just questioning why anons were saying the devs hate inflation and that TW doesn't have it

>> No.44356177

The voices in his head

>> No.44356193

I don't even think TW has cumflation, it's just a single comment line that you can really even miss it most of the time. Just that. It's not overly graphically described or anything like that. It just says "you came so much it bulged a bit".
How can that bother people? How can you even consider that cumflation?

>> No.44356208


>> No.44356209

you don't understand, someone I don't like isn't negative about it so they must love it
that means I have to hate it with every fiber of my being

>> No.44356233

the game could be so much more but devs are lazy and the community mentally challenged
But it is well maintained, I'll give you that

>> No.44356306
File: 368 KB, 1697x2005, 1657865786233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of that, how would cumflation even work in a game like TW?
Make it harder for them to walk around normally? A debuff during danmaku? Make others react to someone suddenly looking 9 months pregnant?
Or should it just be some flavor text describing a couple of stages of fulfillment? I think that's the way I'd want it.

>> No.44356467

>Make others react to someone suddenly looking 9 months pregnant?
That's a tall order, considering no one reacts to others actually being pregnant.

>> No.44356490

That isn't true. Check again. Tewi, and certain other characters...

>> No.44356500

Hm, I guess I've missed them all.

>> No.44357626

He can't help it, he can only converse like that. He's either of the tribe, or he's spent so much time in the cesspools where they hang out that he's adopted their speech patterns, thinking it's normal and that's how people talk, so now he's acting like their quasi-mouthpiece.

>> No.44357637

...And which tribe would that be?

>> No.44357639


>> No.44357656

If you aren't going to use your words to elaborate your point, whatever it might be, you leave me choice but to write you off as yet another schizo.
I wonder, just which board did you come from anyway? People really need to quit advertisting Era games elsewhere.
We have enough tourists...

>> No.44357693

The Discord tribe lmao

>> No.44357715

Is that right? Consider me shocked. I always knew it had to be a cabal of habitual threadshitting addicts, and not just a few random ne'er-do-wells.
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.44357861

Oh noes, the strawmanning shitter clearly playing the fool is adding me to his shit list, whatever will I do? Lol

>> No.44358297

Yukari keeps bothering me by freeloading in my house and I lose sleep because she stays really long and I don't feel comfortable sleeping anywhere around her. It's like she does it on purpose, what is her fucking problem?

>> No.44358352

Stop time and slap her silly.

>> No.44358374

Have you tried raping her?

>> No.44358392

Stop time and fuck her silly.

>> No.44358398

This isn't a punishment to someone like Yukari.

>> No.44358407

Ok have you tried NOT raping her?

>> No.44358409

I'm not gonna cheat on Kagerou just because Yukari is an annoying, evil bitch...

>> No.44358463

Then stop time and fuck Kagerou silly.
>"But how is that gonna solve any-"
Stop time and fuck Kagerou silly. Now.

>> No.44358484

You know you can just pick people up and carry them across the map, right?
Try it. Preferably during a blizzard. They're not smart enough to get back.

>> No.44358489

Have you tried raping Kagerou in front of Yukari?

>> No.44359577

>Yukari is an annoying, evil bitch...
Have you considered maybe she just likes you?

>> No.44361292

the real power of text-based pornography is when you'll be able to feed it into a good image gen AI in real time and get custom illustrations for every situation

>> No.44362027

Oh noes, the strawmanning schizo samefag with an agenda against the community and the devs who make the fucking games he supposedly plays clearly playing the retard is larping about random internet strangers adding him to their "shit list", whatever will I do?

>> No.44362045

Can we get a toggle for the request where 2hus ask for you to teach them music?

>> No.44362233

Yeah, that's called imagination.

>> No.44362250

Yeah, that's called schizophrenia. I need dialogue and sprites.

>> No.44362270

Write/draw them right now.

>> No.44362286

Already have a colleague working on them! Doing the same with adding actual backgrounds to the game. Wait warmly for the release.

>> No.44362298

Those look pretty bad. I don't think people are gonna use them, but you do you.

>> No.44362324

It's kind of retarded to judge a WIP. Every single thing that has ever been contributed to game the game was initially shit.

>> No.44362329
File: 1.08 MB, 2480x3508, __eternity_larva_touhou_drawn_by_shouxishao_jiuyuan__e0c9a68b0c23583832c03f9f20480460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagination and schizophrenia are two very different things.
I'm sorry to hear that you are a subhuman with a broken mind, but no amount of AI will ever fix you.

>> No.44362343

I'm sorry you're a shit human being. One day, you might find somebody willing to share your bed.

>> No.44362354 [DELETED] 

[/spoiler]I'm having difficulty finding saucy information about Anon's devs.

>> No.44362453

Fucking waste of human incompetence, new jap release, no new release from west still.

>> No.44362531

I don't have a dev

>> No.44362841


>> No.44362856

It's annoying to get constant spam from 2huis asking me to teach them something I don't want to teach.

>> No.44362860

I'll see if I can do it.

>> No.44362865

Thank you for looking into the matter.

>> No.44362866

>1) scape-goating/ set-up-man/ framing/ frame-up/ transference /shifting blame/reverse projection/ tableturning/: setting up another as the villain to avoid culpability for one’s own deeds; attributing to the attributer what he attributes to yourself

>> No.44362917

Requests are not about what you want but what they want, though.

>> No.44362925

I guess we should remove the other request toggles, then! Enjoy getting spammed by fish and wood.

>> No.44362935

>I guess we should remove the other request toggles, then!

>> No.44362943

I'm glad you're not in charge of development.

>> No.44363018
File: 1.81 MB, 1827x1000, 1627240048076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem with it is that the idea is kinda unfitting. Like I already have a mental image of the various places in Gensokyo and those backgrounds are gonna mess with my fantasy. There's also the problem of inflating the file size with high quality images, having poor quality, or just having very limited art and nothing for say, Mystia's stall, SDM garden, the gate, Satori's palace with the animals, no night/winter/autumn alternatives, no woodcutting/stall/foraging/gardening alts etc. Like I can already imagine all the 2hu rooms looking the same, there's no way there's gonna be enough art for every area. And whenever we get new areas like Makai or reworks of the existing ones it might need new art, who knows if the creator is still gonna be here a year from now. Or wiling to work on it.
As long as it's gonna be optional I'm not going to complain about it though. I'll just never touch it.

>> No.44363046

Then don't use them. It's not like they're going to be mandatory. Also, I doubt they will inflate the file size. Also:
>I can already imagine
Good for you.

>> No.44363064

>Also, I doubt they will inflate the file size
Then you don't understand how things work. You're not actually involved in creating that, are you?

>> No.44363070

Are jamming sessions fine?

>> No.44363073

You're making a mountain out of a mole hill is what it is.

>> No.44363081


>> No.44363098

You're bitching about an opinion. I'm probably going to use it for one day just to check it out and never touch it again no matter what you say.

>> No.44363114

You're opinion is just shitting on it and making up reasons to hate it. There is no indication that the art will be limited, that their won't be night/seasonal alternatives, and et cetera.
Nor is there any indication that it's even being worked on!
Getting upset at theoretical features that haven't even been implemented yet is kind of a pissy move. You're pissing in the thread.

>> No.44363199

Now you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. If it's gonna be high quality then that's great, power to them, but you gotta use critical thinking. Of course it's gonna create issues. Any art in era games does, really.
>any indication that it's even being worked on!
Look at the git and stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.44363304

I don't mind either way, but the zip size getting inflated could indeed be a concern. The best solution is likely offering the backgrounds as a separate download, which also prevents having to download them again every time the game gets a small update.

>> No.44363330

>a separate download
Ooo, good idea. Just make a separate pack with every picture you could ever want.

>> No.44363342

Of course there had to be a retard who takes it to the extreme.

>> No.44363346

My 8 gb RAM PC can barely play eraTohoTW

>> No.44363355

Don't attempt to play MegaTen. That bitch might destroy your PC.

>> No.44363368

Of course. As expected you need some powerful stuff to summon and bind demons using computers!

>> No.44363461

What the fuck is automatic moans?

>> No.44363503

Default sex dialogue.

>> No.44363527

Generic "ahn, ugu, ihi, my pussy" moans for when a 2hu doesn't have lines for the specific sex interaction.

>> No.44363593
File: 610 KB, 2508x3541, 1680235315049693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread?

>> No.44363597

New Thread, by entering this thread you have agreed to impregnate and love as much 2hu as possible


>> No.44363971

lol kvetch some more kiке

>> No.44364079

Hey rabbi whatcha doin'
