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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4430066 No.4430066 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4430076

/jp/ is hugging /a/? Dawww

>> No.4430077

Nothing wrong with being an elitist faggot.

>> No.4430088

there was a time when /a/ used to be called elitist faggots ;_;

>> No.4430089


>> No.4430100

Gosh, just because all the other boards are filled with mindfucked retards doesn't mean we have to, too.

>> No.4430106

ya, then moot made jp, and they all went here...

>> No.4430112

Why does it bother you?

>> No.4430114

I know right ?
If you aren't a social reject or an antropomorphic sack of shit you don't belong in /jp/

>> No.4430121

elitist faggot.

>> No.4430126


>> No.4430129

Yes and we would scare off people who liked anime too.

>> No.4430134

rejects who are not elitist faggots go to /a/

>> No.4430135


>> No.4430142

But only /a/ cares for names.

>> No.4430149
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>> No.4430152

elitist faggot detected

>> No.4430153



>> No.4430155

neet is leguin

>> No.4430156
File: 142 KB, 500x500, nmh itapots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/ here, /jp/ WISHES, that they were just half as elitist as us.

>> No.4430159

Nice job bumping the thread, morons.

>> No.4430160


>> No.4430171


>> No.4430175
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>> No.4430181

I loved that album.

>> No.4430184

There is a difference between being elitist and the feigned elitism that comes with being a hipster faggot.

>> No.4430195

It's pretty sad that /jp/ gets alot of hate. This is one of the boards that takes care of its community, despite the stupid drama here and there.

This is from an /a/ point of view.

>> No.4430207
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>> No.4430222

Haters gonna hate.

Why is /a/ always so butthurt about /jp/, exactly?

>> No.4430241

even the /jp/ mads are elistist faggots.

if one posts something here that the mods simply do not like, it gets you a perma-ban.

meanwhile in another thread somewhere some faggot is spamming porn on a worksafe board.

talk about not doing their jobs

>> No.4430252
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butthurt? you /jp/ kids love throwing that word around. moot loves /a/ and loved people can't be angry

>> No.4430271

Are you being elitist about elitism now? That's pretty meta.

>> No.4430272

Elitism is a good thing for an anonymous community.
It encourages higher standards and faster, more thorough integration of newcomers.

>> No.4430273

more like jp is butthurt over /a/.

a bunch of elitist faggots who thought that they were better than everyone else wanted moot to make them thier own board.
the result that the pile of crap known as /jp/

moot should merge them back together just to tell the elitist faggots

>> No.4430283
File: 88 KB, 1194x173, oh_moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fear something they dont understand
There is also a massive amount of hate on /a/ for /a/. A large portion of people on /a/ actually dislike what /a/ stands for, even though they want to partake in discussion about anime and manga.

Also anyone else notice a large drop in quality on /jp/ recently?

IMHO /a/ is now a shitfarm.

>> No.4430309

Like hell people who frequently browse /jp/ would seriously try to use the word "butthurt".

>> No.4430315
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/a/ used to be elitist too. But somewhere along the line they lost their way. And look at them now: they constantly complain about "the big three".

Back in 2004-2007 /a/ the big three barely even existed. We didn't even have to use that term for those series back then.

And modern /a/ claims to be better. That's funny.

>> No.4430331

you forgot your sage

>> No.4430339


>> No.4430342
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>used to be

>> No.4430348

elitist faggot detected...

>> No.4430357

yes this thread.

>> No.4430358

>>4430252 moot loves /a/
And /b/

>> No.4430381
File: 15 KB, 448x336, Crocker1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the feeling but you are wrong.
The only feeling of community around here comes from the fact /jp/ is inhabited by a handful of retards who circlejerk every day on whatever subject they deem worthy of their social disability.

And all thing considered, the content is less to blame than the "community" itself, so if there is one thing that should be diluted on this board, it has to be the users. Yeah the elitists faggots.

/jp/ worked hard on getting all this hate, don't take it away from them. They are better left alone in their corner, just like in high school.

>> No.4430403

>Trying to troll when it's clear this is the first time you've actually visited /jp/ for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.4430412

/jp/ doesn't care about /a/. Some of you wanna discuss cartoons? Okay. Have fun with that. If /a/ didn't show up to troll here every time moot started crying because the board he made to discuss Touhou/VNs likes discussing Touhou/VNs /jp/ would very quickly forget it existed.

>> No.4430415

elitist faggot

>> No.4430416

>jp is butthurt over /a/

You f/a/gs are the ones who go here to shitpost all the time, while no self-respecting /jp/ poster would ever even look at your pathetic board. So, what's your problem?

>> No.4430428

Yet another person who does not know why sage is used.

>> No.4430433

It's not elitism.

It's taking it easy.

>> No.4430447

ohh you sound like you are making yourself better than I...
elitist faggot detected

>> No.4430464
File: 196 KB, 649x744, Bitch-Shrine-Maiden-HATERS-GONNA-HATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here since the split cause i like doujin games.
I also got a good job and a wife. That makes me a better man than you.

Just tell me to get out of /jp/ like you usually do

>> No.4430478

u mad?

>> No.4430488

>I also got a good job and a wife. That makes me a better man than you.
This depends on your definition of a better man. Are you speaking morally? financially? socially? familially?

>> No.4430489

elitist faggot detected

>> No.4430501

wait, what is /JP/?

>> No.4430514

/jp/ - elitist faggots

>> No.4430516

And I live on the Moon in a space mansion made out of gold.

Try again, NEET /jp/ Anon. Like I'd really believe anything some guy posts on an image board.

>> No.4430525

>he doesn't know what sage is for

>> No.4430527
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>> No.4430529

>I also got a good job and a wife
That just makes you a sucker. Enjoy living your life for others, I'll be here sleeping until mid-afternoon everyday and taking it easy.

>> No.4430532

u mad!

>> No.4430551

As if both boards aren't horrible


/jp/ - completely overrun with Elitist faggots

>> No.4430552
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Detecting large amounts of elitest faggotry in the /jp/ sector, requesting back up, over.

>> No.4430567

Why don't you go home to /b/? I'm sure they miss you.

>> No.4430571

>Like I'd really believe anything some guy posts on an image board.
Holy shit that makes you so distinct from the rest of the rabble

>> No.4430600
File: 81 KB, 320x240, doitagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be sure of anything when you have your head so high up your ass?

>> No.4430610

Sure, that's the least i can handle.
Enjoy your papercuts

>> No.4430614

Honestly, it always seems the other way around to me. /jp/ seems to have a deep seeded hatred for /a/ and any time they're mentioned it seems like you guys live to be rude to them, It almost seems quite like butthurt.

not that /a/ is any better. Any time /jp/ is mentioned on /a/ all you hear is LOL ELITIST FAGGOTS xD

>> No.4430622
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>> No.4430647
File: 45 KB, 704x396, 1253618967061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP is on the wrong board, try /mu/.

They don't seem to realise that their LOL SO DEEP music actualy sucks ass
Like drone, I mean wtf.

>> No.4430665

/mu/ often has awesome jazz threads.

>> No.4430673

Why can't we all be nice to each other ( ゚ ヮ゚) 

>> No.4430678

Every board on 4chan is elitist.

Why even bitch about it at this point?

>> No.4430681

we can all agree that /sp/ is the shit though, right?

>> No.4430692

Can you guys learn to not bump a shitty thread? /jp/ isn't elitist, we take it easy. We just don't like new people because we are hikkis and NEETs duh. We don't change for you, you change for us. Or y'know, read the rules or something.

>> No.4430699

That was before we all decided to move here, gee.

>> No.4430704

When does /a/ ever get mentioned here? Aside from when they're raiding?

>> No.4430752

>sage elitist faggot detected

>> No.4430785

1. pre-split nostalgia
2. dissing bad posts
3. anime-related discussion

>> No.4430791

/v/ery ret/a/rded /b/oy detected

>> No.4430792

I've seen it a few times, not very often mind you, every once in a while /a/ gets mentioned then everyone goes on and on about their stupidity ect ect. ..

once I saw some poor people from /a/ create an uminkeo thread because /a/ was being super assholes to them "take it to /jp/" shit and they did they're little "continued" thing and everyone jumped on them like flies on shit. It was kind of sad.

>> No.4430802

>implying that you are better than /v/, /a/, and /b/
elitist faggot detected.

well i'll give you the /b/ part.....

>> No.4430814

/jp/ lacks the mass of retarded trolls, mass of underage posters, and flaming your boards have. we prefer to take it easy

>> No.4430818

4. some passerby from /a/ mentions it casually (happens often nowadays)

>> No.4430819

I must have somehow missed all these posts. Doesn't really seem like I'm missing a lot, though.

>> No.4430821

elitist faggot detected

>> No.4430842

It's rare nowadays. People got over the split, gave up on talking about anime here (with the exception of VN adaptations and Touhou doujinVAs, of course) and "go back to /a/" only shows up in troll threads, if you hide them fast enough you won't see it.

>> No.4430844
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>> No.4430853

learn what sage is. it sure isn't that petty insult you think it is

maybe come over when your balls have dropped

>> No.4430867


>> No.4430870

It was sad.

they couldn't post on /a/ becuase /a/ would sage bomb them, troll them, and imagespam them.

they couldn't post on /jp/ because /jp/ hated them, also they didn't really like us much either.

I think /x/ offered to let them use their board but they declined on account of the ever so many /b/ raids.

>> No.4430880

y'know maybe look for 1 of the 30 umineko threads on /jp/ at any time of the day?

>> No.4430884

Everyone posting in this thread is a cunt.
Including me.

>> No.4430887


No, people jumped on them because of RPing, not because Umineko.

>> No.4430901

True. But I doubt they wanted to "assimilate" into our...."culture"

guess that's truly their problem though.

>> No.4430906

no this was at a time after the /seacats/ board was created. There were no more RPrs

>> No.4430917

I remember this thread, it was full of roleplaying faggots.

>> No.4430920
File: 55 KB, 224x441, b4ce70246622ccea411c31a15bbb5641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did you just say?

>> No.4430921

I'll take elitist jerks over narutards and normals any day.

>> No.4430931

then this must have append on two separate occasions then, becuase there were most definitely no role players in the thread I saw. I remember the people bitching about how they still didn't get left alone, even after all the rp fags left.

>> No.4430946

Sage is for the BBS, not imageboards. It is stupid for here and doesn't add anything. moot should just axe it.

If you find that your post isn't worth bumping a thread over, that should tell you your post isnt worth being posted at all.

>> No.4430940

I'd take /b/tards and narutards over you any day.

>> No.4430947

I'd take /b/tards and narutards over you any day.

>> No.4430959



>> No.4430972

Why supress it? Just make it invisible. Seriously, stop being dumb.

>> No.4430991


My post isnt worth bumping the thread but i just wanted to let you know that you should get the fuck out.

>> No.4431068


It isn't dumb. Sage makes sense on the BBS because you have every thread available to you at once. Sage does absolutely nothing for an imageboard. I shouldn't have to go past page 1 to know what threads are being posted in.

Notice that there is minimal sage in Futaba compared to 2ch. Less than 4chan even.

>> No.4431081

