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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44277692 No.44277692 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1690883

Previous: >>44206414

>> No.44277763

Cute cover.
Is the actual novel worth reading tho?

>> No.44278730

>Slow life

>> No.44278861

>Slow life

>> No.44279286

Still looking for recent LNs, particularly romcoms, that have toilet scenes.

>> No.44279339
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>New Dendro
Finally! The wait is fucking worth it. First one on-screen to achieve Superior, and boy did he not disappoint. The dread is almost palpable.
>Permanent, enhanceable, and optimized with barely any drawbacks Nu
It's literally what you would expect from a predatory skill, somewhat worse perhaps, yet in this context the limitation only serves to enhance the terror due to the UBM grading system. Also,
Basically implies that he can use other techniques/skills as long as he ate something that provides said resource, not just the Dragon King-shit. Imagine if Corpse Stronghold weren't killed yet, the skill would just get even more busted. Would be extremely fun if he got another enhancement through Drag-Land though since he's gonna exile himself to 厳冬山脈 anyway.

>> No.44280147

I'm like 15 pages into 86 and about to drop it because of muh racism muh discrimination and muh Colorata and muh eugenics
Does this continue?

>> No.44280188 [DELETED] 
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Just read through this thread on >>>/r/eddit
And yep, this LN is not for me. On to 蜘蛛ですが、なにか

>> No.44280338

Any series that's interesting story wise but also makes your dick hard?

>> No.44280360

Is gang the right term for the factions in rebuild world? feels a little too cyberpunkish and i'm not sure that was the authors intention

>> No.44280604

Assassin's Pride

>> No.44280853

There's really not that much not even in the first volume.

>> No.44280980

It was a bit too much for me; I'm just hyper sensitive to leftist messaging.

>> No.44281006

I know we're getting into "trust me dude" territory but I could headcanon pretty easily that Asato is actually "based" because of all the germaboo tendencies. Also there literally are superior bloodlines in the series. It's certainly not some western lefty outlook at all.

>> No.44281057

All right, I'll finish the first volume at least. I heard it also acts as a good standalone if desired.

>> No.44281209

as someone who dropped it at around v9 because it's becomes a slog of word salad to read, >>44281006 is right
the politics are less "muh rascism" and more "doing this to people is wrong" and "war make people do bad shit". also, the literal bloodline powers of some colorata, especially the not german ones like the MC are as anti lefty as you can get. 86 post volumes has problems but the politics are the least of them

>> No.44281290

before this conversation goes any further, are you reading it in the original japanese or are you reading the translation?

>> No.44281299

陰の実力者になりたくて! 06

>> No.44281336

Translation. Im learning Japanese but only know about 300 kanji so far.

>> No.44281348

You know how western (especially american) stories love having the protagonist be some underdog nobody? Well the Japanese version of this is that actually the MC is some long lost noble/upper-tier birth or something like that. Shin is pretty much a walking Übermensch with godly genetics.

I would not even be surprised if it turns out the translation is "graciously" edited.

>> No.44281349


>> No.44281506

Sasuga shadow Sama!

>> No.44281590
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>> No.44281693


>> No.44281736

>death march
>spaceship isekai
>unnamed memory
october is already packed

>> No.44281912

let me tell you a secret, you can read on par with a professional jp>en translator right now this very instant, even if you have literally zero japanese knowledge besides knowing "baka" means "you're a fucking dumb"
step 1: find a grammar guide, which one doesn't matter as long as it's not tae kim or t*tsu (they give you simpler but wrong explanations), explains gobi like ね and has a verb tenses/conjugation table, you don't have to memorize it, just have it around
step 1.5: if you don't know what to use then grab the ixrec guide, save the page locally too because apparently jp guide sites get taken down all the time
step 2: go to jisho.org and click the search by radicals button, then get familiar with the ones from 1 to 4 strokes, you don't have to memorize, just roughly recognize them
step 3: that's it
from here what you do is just read, which trust me it's far easier than it sounds, you don't even need to learn kana first, you will learn as you go, but it helps a lot
realize japanese is just kanji wrapped in grammar, and this grammar is conjugations and particles and these conjugations and particles are like 80% of a character's personality and narrator tone (so what actually matters) and of course almost none of it gets through MTL
once you get the hang of how chain conjugation works (which is mostly the -te and -i forms) you're basically N3 minus the vocab, which makes you better than anything shitpress has to offer because you will get like 80-90% of the subtext, with the only things you miss are stuff that only comes from experience like 役割語 stuff and knowing which kanji are fancier sounding than others
and for the vocab? i told you to get familiar with the basic radicals, this makes looking up kanji a breeze, you don't even need OCR at this point, just look up the kanji and figure out the conjugation
sometimes you will get plain stuck so there's no shame in using MTL early to double check your translations, but don't rely too much on it, MTL is N5 at best and even chatgpt solutions are barely a step above that
would i recommend this to the average person? of course not, you will take an hour per page when you're starting out, even if it gets easier and easier the more you do it you still need a particular type of autism to find this a good idea
but it would be foolish to think of the average person here to be normal, so if you want to read NOW, literally right fucking N O W, that's how

>> No.44282043
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Thanks. I was planning on doing something like this anyway for Bookworm, since the translations are only up to vol 27/33 and I don't have the patience to wait over a year to finish the series.

>> No.44282089

>The itazuraneko site is dead.
But yeah let's keep pretending there's no intentional malicious sabotage of otaku culture from the west.

>> No.44282090
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>> No.44282133
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Rent free

>> No.44282172

here's the back-up https://djtguide.github.io/index.html

>> No.44282202

>you can read on par with a professional jp>en translator right now this very instant
Which professional JP>EN translator? Because there's a massive fucking power gap between for example the J-Novel CEO/director who translated an entire series based around kanji fuckery and imoutos into English, and the JETfag chucklefuck who was given carte blanche to rape Danmachi with zero creative TL experience because he knew the editor from college.

>> No.44282266

JNC being not shit is the miraculous exception, not the rule, and shouldn't be factored in the averages.
Like someone pointed out to me last thread, you can look outside LNs and realize every JP>EN translation is shit, JNC is still above everyone else by a large gap even if you factor all otaku mediums like JRPGs, VNs, official manga/anime translations and so on.

>> No.44282274

You see i tend to avoid these discussions because while i can acknowledge that learning jp is the best way to read LNs, translation as a process get's painted in broad strokes based on the shitters in the west.
I highly doubt i could pick up a dictionary and be better than the JNC autismos who were basically recruited from BT glory days. Not all their stuff is top tier, but there is a massive gap between them and the rest, hence why people were shitting themselves when they got bought out.
And i'll vouch for how bad the danmachi was and still is.
Obligatory fuck the LN subreddit and it's pantheon of shit eating shills

>> No.44282384
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I do want to take a moment to point out that a lot of tone and voice issues can often be put down to the fact that at 7SE and YP, the editors neither need to know a single word of Japanese nor need to ask the translator if any rewording or cuts they are doing is creating translation errors.
Thanks to a massive failure of quality control on Yen's part leaving both the edited and unedited forms of one particular passage in a volume of Strike the Blood, you can actually have a brief insight into the editing process and how much an editor can monkey with the text without any Japanese knowledge at all guiding them.

>> No.44282439

(That is not to say that fan translators don't also have editors (unless you are js06), but fan translators usually work more closely with their editors than the average 7SE translator who sends their work off to the editor and then is surprised to discover a few months later that their script got censored.

>> No.44282506

>Not all their stuff is top tier, but there is a massive gap between them and the rest,
recently i started reading their infinite gacha translation becase there's no raws on the usual and the WN is effectively on hiatus until the author figures out how to do the final arc
it's pretty bad
none of it is really wrong, but it clearly reads like an N3 trying way too hard, when nazuna started talking like a redneck i had to stop and ask myself why would they do this
normally i would defend them, but the way some characters, though thankfully not all, get translated is well past the margin of adaptation to english and straight into fanfic territory
so yeah it's pretty bad, their arifureta translation was average at best and meh at worst but perfectly serviceable, this is straight up bad
however, it's still decent enough that when compared to shitseas or shitpress it's still way above their level of quality
yes, JNC utterly shitting the bed is still better than the best the other two have put out
i don't know what levels of fuckery have to be in effect for this to happen, but i guess it's a thing now

>> No.44282571

Update posts like these make me feel bad about sticking to the LN for the illustrations, but every time I look at the WN content I haven't read it's far too much for a single sitting, and my autism doesn't let me relax and read only a single 章 at a time.

>> No.44282573

Just finished virgin road 6
I was convinced at the end of volume 5 that it would probably end with the next volume but I guess it's going into Part 2 of the story instead.
I wonder if they had an ending in mind and then changed their mind when they passed the volume 3-5 filter.

>> No.44282594

>vol 6 is only half of the story
how? when i dropped it on vol 3 it sounded like everything was going to go down and end with vol 4

>> No.44282722

The goal and direction of the story has pretty much just kept escalating.

>> No.44284018


>> No.44285012

I only realized there was something off when a character mentioned her name sounds like a dragon after 10+ volumes. Is there a guide like for Re:Zero that lists the differences/changes from the original? Rereading the whole thing instead of moving forward with my backlog is gonna be a hassle

>> No.44285158

>Is there a guide like for Re:Zero that lists the differences/changes from the original?
Fuck if i know, dropped it after the most recent Volume on the likelyhood that 'Lyu' will somehow still lose the bellbowl to wonderbread aiz (been suckered too many times in the past by false harems). All i know is there are a shit ton of them. Lunoire = runoa was especially egregious given the obvious fucking references to the moon with her. Some of the Loki sues were hit hard as well
>Rereading the whole thing instead of moving forward with my backlog is gonna be a hassle
You have my pity anon, i can only imagine being 15+ volumes in only to discover i've been reading a fanfic the whole time.

>> No.44285831

it's gone from killing isekaijins to ntring god

>> No.44286184
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Don't mind me anon, just do whatever you see fit. You'll enjoy it more if you read it at your own pace, though you'll be just in time to see how the war namek ends if you were to read it now. Besides, Taiki's illustrations are probably the reason we got no anime adaptation anyway, so no need to feel bad. Honestly, you should pat yourself on the back for having a modicum of self control to not hound Kaidou's activity report 24/7 like I did. Also kinda related, finally went to the JP wiki and holy hell that one anon that once said the JPfags being much more of an autist than anyone can ever be is rightfully correct in saying so. A fucking article page dedicated just for the sick one-liners.
I still hate what they did to Gareth. A fucking series about heroes, gods, and myths walking on the mortal realm. Each characters had traits corresponding to real-life myths, be it in name, mannerisms, or even their skills. A fucking 5 sec of googling would give you an idea which one they're based on.

>> No.44287426

Pretty sure it stopped being about killing isekaijins after the prologue of vol 1 ended.

>> No.44287482

>A fucking article page dedicated just for the sick one-liners.
but that's incredibly based

>> No.44287676

bro she spent 4 volumes trying to figure out how to kill her girlfriend

>> No.44290396

>those illustrations
Where did all the boobs go? Well, it's not like I mind it

>> No.44291952

halfway into volume 2 of わたし、二番目の彼女でいいから and this shit is frustrating to read. One of the girls is just a comedic relief yandere at this point, every character acts retarded to make sure nothing moves forward and the MC keeps stalling things because of his morals despite him being a pathological liar with no morals 99% of the time.
I'll continue reading volume 2 but unless it surprises me I'm giving up on this series

>> No.44292451

really wish overlap would do audiobooks

>> No.44292460

Hmm, I was thinking about picking that one. Is there a lot of drama?

>> No.44294446

Are there any notable for their depth of mythos and worldbuilding. Something that feels very distinct, detailed, and real.

>> No.44294489

depends on what you consider mythos and worldbuilding, because believe it or not it wildly varies from person to person
a long detailed world history may be one thing, but to another person if it's not affecting the plot directly then it's completely irrelevant filler

>> No.44294522

That is a good point, and I would mostly agree with that assertion.

>> No.44294852

I only completed it recently but I think mahouka matches your criteria surprisingly. There are some idiotic stuff like the Indo-persian union and mistakes in barion lance and synchroliner fusion, but it is detailed enough for an averagr popular science and worldbuilding nerd

>> No.44295339

本好きの下剋上. The culture (history, customs, traditions, mannerisms, introductions all the way down to the cuisine), religion , economy, stratified social structure, the city, regions, and country are so well fleshed out, and done so organically (i.e. few long expositions).

>> No.44295398


>> No.44295727

Nta, but don't be a contrarian. Whatever your opinion on the story is, honzuki's worldbuilding is good

>> No.44295834


>> No.44295859

Ok, why are bofuri vols so fucking costly? It's not like they are crammed with content


>> No.44296011

bofuri is one of those shitpost LNs that were riding the konosuba wave back in the day
you shouldn't even surprised they are costly to milk as much money as possible, especially when the publisher is kadokawa directly

>> No.44297493

とある魔術の 禁書目録 and 魔法科高校の劣等生 IMO deliver amazing world building, it's one of the main reasons why I love them.
蜘蛛ですが、なにか? also in the later parts fleshes out the world incredibly well

>> No.44297741

ゴルダナ帝国衰亡記 ~ハーレムはあきらめてください~
I love the world building in this one.
There is a lot of relevant history, since it's all building up to the fall of the empire, and the world itself has unique customs due to it being an isekai with notable differences to our world.
A lot of it straddles the line between comedy and seriousness.

>> No.44298135

>Mamahaha is illustrated by TakayaKi
>his doujinshi have JKs with pubes
Does that mean that Yume, Akatsuki, and Isana canonically have pubes?

>> No.44299491

"normal" LNs tend to be bunkobon-sized, which are tiny, but webnovel --> novel releases often release in tankoubon format instead where each volume is a lot bigger so you actually do get ~twice the amount of text per volume.

>> No.44300232

I know that and in fact that's why I find it weird. I don't know if it's being published as a tankobon because I only read the ebooks but it definitely doesn't have the amount of text expected in an average tankobon vol. If anything, there's less content than the usual bunkobon vol.
Of course, I didn't look up the numbers but that's how my reading experience went. Definitely not worth the price though

>> No.44300621

It is published as a tankoubon according to amazon jp, but maybe it does the same thing the smartphone isekai books do where they just use a large font so you don't actually get more text

>> No.44301307

they may sound like easy money, but likely only if you have the workflow for it, so probably only kadokawa can afford to piss away money like that

>> No.44301514

Trying to read lonely attack...
I didn't think it was possible for a character to get on my nerves so quickly. It took 11 volumes of NGNL for Sora to finally push me over the edge but haruka has done it in 1.
I know its part of the joke, part of his personality and likely due to one of his skills causing him to be an absolute retard but fuck man he is unbearable around people.
He is alright when he is alone.

>> No.44301617

>and likely due to one of his skills causing him to be an absolute retard
not really, the guy was a total sperg even before that, showing it was the point of the prologue too
don't tell me you're reading the TLs, they suck as usual, but in this case i can't fault them that much because the material is actually deranged and much harder to translate than normal

>> No.44301705

is blaming the translation the latest go-to cope for another anon not liking your crack

>> No.44301725

don't know about that particular series but translations are always shit so it's probably fair

>> No.44301772

In that one in particular the MC is written completely differently, it's not even fanfic territory, that's well beyond that.
In JP he has a paradoxical way of speaking where he always sounds sure and confident while framing everything like a rhetorical question, which is maddening, shitseas doesn't even try, he just sounds like some rando.

>> No.44301803

I was more trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was apparent in the prologue but just attributed that to ehh anyone would sperg out in a situation like this. And maybe it's not that bad like fay from Cannon fodder.
But no he is literally just a sperg
Also I'm reading the WN prob gonna continue on he's annoying but i am interested in developments its not completely instant drop level shit yet.

>> No.44301904

when the raws and TL being completely different versions following the same plot threads is not surprising but expected, does it really hurt to ask?

>> No.44301975

Looking at the latest /a/ thread I must say it is sad in a way to see 七つの魔剣が支配する shilling it by constantly drawing comparisons to Fate/Nasuverse. A work should stand out for its unique achievements, not be shilled as the AliExpress version of something else.

>> No.44301982

*readers of 七つの魔剣が支配する

>> No.44301993

>Still browsing /a/ these days.

>> No.44302016

ye no it's just jp harry potter

>> No.44302025

Because the alternatives are Reddit, MAL, and private discord servers.

>> No.44302040

how is 聖剣学院の魔剣使い ?
I bought the first volumes because the art looked good and the anime is coming up, but I'm hesitating between starting it or catching-up on my other series.

>> No.44302281

That one is an interesting example because it's a novel from an already established author, and if you also read 精霊使いの剣舞 then you will feel the writing is as familiar as usual.
Because of this it certainly feels very 00s despite obviously being newer, and maybe because of that at the start it will feel you're reading a series from the volumes 10-ish onward rather than the start, awkward but it feels very much intended.
As far as the writing goes it has no real direct flaws (unless you count not having immediate sexo a flaw), the pacing is good, there's no plot threads left to rot, the foreshadowing is on point, it flows well, maybe a little too well.
And that's my only complaint, it feels TOO polished, but it is a personal thing when I'm used to rougher but more personal LNs, maybe because of this it's not going to be on that many top 10 lists but it's good.

>> No.44302306

Fuck off Retard

>> No.44302315

in no particular order
all have worlds that IMO at least feel lived-in, existing to a degree beyond just being a kubo-tier template background for the characters and plot. The ways in which each expresses them varies greatly, but they all have authors who clearly have a vision for their world.

>> No.44302730

I will never get tired of shitting on mushoku's sloppy worldbuilding, it has the overlord problem of way too much telling and not showing.
You could remove it completely and aside from that one scene early on when the MC sees the floating castle you wouldn't notice any difference until after the labyrinth arc like 10 volumes in, up to that point it's indistinguishable to what people call a generic medieval isekai with magic, and even after that point the only things that matter aren't a main part of the plot until the final avengers endgame arc, most of them are just the rando antagonist of the volume at best, skippable passing "foreshadowing! yay!" mentions at worst.

>> No.44302743

alright I'm sold, thanks anon

>> No.44302762

thirding that, why the fuck do you care about what /a/ has to say? allowing public perception to corrupt is not an argument, it's already beyond repair thanks to the game of telephone that is
original novel > abridged parody TL > eceleb videos about this fanfic > actual posts on forums
or worse
original novel > abridged parody manga adaptation > abridged abridged parody manga MTL > eceleb videos > forum posts
don't torture yourself by caring

>> No.44302801

Well, I'm not commenting on telling versus showing, or the pace at which the world is revealed to us, just on the fact of the worlds having some depth in the first place. For what it's worth I think Honzuki and Re:Zero could use a little more tell alongside the show, TRPG does too much tell when it should be focusing on what is on show, Dendrogram and Nanatsuma have a perfect balance of show and tell, and I haven't read Mushoku Tensei in over 7 years so I can't remember.

>> No.44302807

maybe you ought to ease your own obsession with abridged parodies and ecelebs

>> No.44302821

I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not mad that some /a/nons keep drawing comparisons to Fate, because I agree with most of those comparisons. I'm just let down that the most succinct way to sell it isn't by describing it properly and fully, but by calling it "Harry Potter but El Melloi and Cosmos in the Lostbelt".

>> No.44302835

Also, I'm fully aware that Honzuki having almost no tell and primarily show is a stylistic choice to show us how blinkered and full of gaps Myne's perception of the world is, and that all is eventually revealed in time. That's fine, it just doesn't stop me from wanting to know more sometimes, that's all.

>> No.44302859

I'll never get tired of people inventing things to complain about with MT, while never giving any specific criticisms (which more often then not amount to easily disprovable falsehoods, complete with empty buzzwords galore). The entirety of the lore regarding say laplace for example completely set the stage for what came afterward from the first dozen volumes. the only thing that felt like handholding in the latter half were the disciple reveals, and even then, they add to the characters motivations at the cost of the muh surprise factor (anyone paying attention saw geese coming a mile away anyways)

>> No.44302908

one of the most obvious measuring sticks to world building IMO is the names
Good: names with clear cultural consistency according to the origin of the people or places in question (slightly tweaked Germanic names in Honzuki)
Bad: names that are a mish-mash of various earth cultures with no rhyme or reason and don't tell you at all about where a character is from (Mushoku Tensei having the Hebrew name Paul, the Latin name Rudeus, the Nordic name Norn, and the Arabic name Aisha in the same family)
Chaotic: Shinja Zero naming every country after a brand of liquor

>> No.44302946

>cultural consistency is required for good worldbuilding in fantasy
Midwit take.

>> No.44302962

Maybe Paul and Zenith heard these cool foreign names during their globetrotting adventurer days, and decided to use them. Names travel between cultures all the time thanks to migration, that's how the Greek name Theophanu ended up as the modern American Tiffany.

>> No.44302977

>but by calling it "Harry Potter but El Melloi and Cosmos in the Lostbelt".
But didn't this happen here too?

>> No.44302983

it's not an absolute requirement,but it helps a hell of a lot with suspension of disbelief and seeing the world as a real place with people in it, and if the author took the effort to ensure something as simple as that there's a good chance they took the effort to iron out other details too

>> No.44303051

Yes, however my post was prompted in particular by the most recent episode discussion thread in which the world's backstory of the alien gods and foreign planet incursions was boiled down to the Types and the Foreign God. It's not meant as an attack on /a/ in particular, I'm more talking about the practice itself. It's not bad per se, it works fine as a one liner way to sell a series among a list of other series to someone who has never touched it, but there's so much more that could be said with 2000 characters a post.

>> No.44303078

>but it helps a hell of a lot with suspension of disbelief and seeing the world as a real place with people in it
If the world doesn't have characters/events/conflicts that feel real/relatable or logical, Cultural name references to real world equivalents are nothing but window dressing. It feels like you're putting the cart before the horse.
>and if the author took the effort to ensure something as simple as that there's a good chance they took the effort to iron out other details too
There's also a good chance of the contrary outcome, where more time was spent on minute details than the larger world narrative.

>> No.44303182

like i said it's not a hard and fast rule, it's just an obvious general measuring stick. names like princess pina colada shatter the illusion of reality

>> No.44303193

>suspension of disbelief
Midwit buzzword.

>> No.44303206

The writers are writing for a Japanese audience not your westoid clapbrain. To their intended readers Pina Colada is equally as foreign as Aerith, Saladin, and Hohenheim and belong to the same consistent cultural sphere.

>> No.44303232

>it's just an obvious general measuring stick
Except it's not... why would that be the bar to good worldbuilding compared to say, logical consistency throughout a work, or relevancy of the worldbuilding to the narrative?

>> No.44303253

if it has no effect on the plot then it's pointless wiki filler, simple as

>> No.44303298

How the hell do you end up in this thread and care about something as pointless as names? Most Japanese authors make up completely nonsensical fantasy names. Just deal with it; it would be like if you were tasked to make up Chinese-sounding names.

>> No.44303371

because consistency of naming is just one visible aspect of internal logical consistency.
actual midwit take
desu you're ascribing more weight and level of caring to a general rule of thumb than I ever was. I didn't even complain that the country in honzuki was called Jürgen Schmidt

>> No.44303395

This is why nobody likes MTfags.

>> No.44303413

>get's BTFO
>muh boogeyman

>> No.44303426

Hard to take an argument about naming consistency seriously when multiple cultures are in any world which throw the consistency out of wack.
If anything everyone having fully consistent names is proof of poor worldbuilding, because it implies only one culture.
It wouldn't even work for post apocalyptic stories when in those people from multiple backgrounds come together to form the last society or societies.

>> No.44303445

>MT gets brought up
>literal video essay arguments start to get thrown around
>be surprised when nobody likes MTfags

>> No.44303609

i didn't say they had to all be one culture, but that names that make sense in the context of the character and place origins and consistently delineate cultures or groups help with making a world feel more real, and having taken the effort to do that is one obvious (as in visible) metric of effort put into world building. not that it's the sole or even the most important one, or even one that makes or breaks works. Yeah characters events and conflicts that feel logical are all important too but I'm not talking about those, just about one of the more visible aspects of a writer's efforts to make their groups and cultures distinct

I don't know why I needed to spell all this out but apparently you can't say shit without everyone taking the most extreme interpretation of your post and then acting like you're Taliban levels of fanatic about that interpretation for some reason

>> No.44303679

That's how tribalism works. See above, post that happens to be prompted by an /a/ thread gets shoehorned into a two minutes of hate against abridged parody YouTube videos. It's like Cato the Elder but at the end of every post he adds that Konosuba must be destroyed.

>> No.44303697

>because consistency of naming is just one visible aspect of internal logical consistency.
It's the least relevant one. By your own admission, it's not a hard rule. obvious general bars are super majorities that are super commonalities and as >>44303298 pointed out, in the context of LN's specifically that is nowhere near the case.

>> No.44303711

yeah but I didn't say it was the most relevant one did I?

>> No.44303758

Can you tell me that Cat²'s setting isn't helped to a significant degree by the author making some properly Chinese sounding names though.

>> No.44303805

You said this
>one of the most obvious measuring sticks to world building IMO is the names
and I wouldn't argue that is the case at all with regards to LN's.

>> No.44303811

Eh, I've seen Japanese authors use mixtures of real generic European names, random foreign words, and mythological references more often than I have seen them come up with true fantasy nonsense.

>> No.44303873

see >>44303609 I'm not writing all that again

>> No.44303899

i'm going to guess the guy saw a girl named alice and got triggered

>> No.44303947

In almost every series I've read, they'll run out of normal/common European names at some point and then make up something bizarre that's not a real name.

>> No.44303966

Well to be clear, I mean only series where non-Japanese names are predominant of course.

>> No.44304202

I read it the first time, your just goal-shifting now from obvious to visible to 'distinct' ect.
The moment you said names are a general measuring stick is where your point fell apart.

>> No.44304210

As for me my pet peeve is when the name of the royal family is the name of their kingdom (Mia Luna Tearmoon, Theiamillis Gre Forthorthe, etc)
It truly reminds me of famed real-life monarchs Louis le France, Vittorio de la Italia, Franz Josef von Austria-Hungary, Nicholas Russiavitch, and Elizabeth Great Britain.

>> No.44304296

乙女ゲー世界はモブに厳しい世界です 12 epub anyone?

>> No.44304297

obvious meant visible from the start. the fact you are taking the word "distinct" from a completely different context and calling it goalpost shifting means you're either not reading or don't want to read. as per my original point names are one of the most obvious general measuring sticks, but I never said they were the most reliable nor the only metric, and I stand by that.

>> No.44304426

>Elizabeth England
>Elizabeth Scotland
>Elizabeth Northern Ireland
>Elizabeth Australia
>Elizabeth Canada
>Elizabeth New Zealand
>Elizabeth Bahamas
>Elizabeth Jamaica
>Elizabeth British Overseas Territories

>> No.44304496

In which ones does that happen?

>> No.44304537

>check the usual
>only up to v9
how? isn't this fairly popular?

>> No.44304539

>but I never said they were the most reliable nor the only metric, and I stand by that.
No but you did say this:
> if the author took the effort to ensure something as simple as that there's a good chance they took the effort to iron out other details too
And in the context of LNs, this isn't an obvious sign of good world building.

>> No.44304563

why would that even be a problem when depending on the novel it is in fact a show of power from the founder of the nation?
though this is mostly a byproduct of settings where the dominant species on the planet isn't humans but monsters, iirc in death march the one to do it was an isekaijin even

>> No.44304573

七つの魔剣が支配する has a chick named fucking "Recedy". That might have been passable as last name barely but not a first name.

>> No.44304589

real life names can often get stupider than that

>> No.44304616

I mean true but even ladasha would have unironically been a more believable name.

>> No.44304626

I'm now reminded of Kage jitsu's name fuckery, which is chaotic but also really clever. I'd say that one had a good world for what it is.

>> No.44304728

It's Lesedi. She's African (African (True), not a mutt)

>> No.44304749

Isn't that one where the author said he was bad with npc names so he straight up memed with them? That one was fun.

>> No.44304764

I stand by that too, but I never said there was more than a good chance
I have to repeat you're ascribing way more weight to this than I ever did or intended to

>> No.44304780

The picture on volume 8 explicitly spells it "Recedy". There is also the girl named "Yurushur".

>> No.44304800

yes, and it wouldn't even be lore breaking if it turns out the cult leader is another isekaijin like cid and was also shitposting in-universe and that influences the cultures
at first it was a shit theory but the library scene in vol 5 shows it may be true

>> No.44304824

I didn't bat an eye at the name desu. It at least rolls off the tongue
>Shadow of shido(Shadow)
Yup thats the one. Kage is It's own brand of name autism.

>> No.44304857

It's close enough to Lesedi that I'm putting it in the same column as Gai Greenwood and Altria Pendragon

>> No.44304859

On hand that feels to konosuba-ish, on the other hand i can see it working if done differently

>> No.44304897

nasu pls

>> No.44304902

Pretty sure the idea of otherworlders influencing said other world over the course of centuries or even millennia, which often includes their shitposts being taken completely seriously, is an idea older than narou itself.
Yes you could be a pedantic ass and bring up greek examples but I'm talking about VNs and JRPGs from before the 10s, though they wouldn't be ISEKAI isekai by today's standards.

>> No.44304931

Fair point.

>> No.44304944

>which often includes their shitposts being taken completely seriously
one of my favorite things ngl
surprisingly funny and kino at the same time

>> No.44305022

>Isekai exists.
>/m/fags make mecha real.
Read dendro.
And knights&magic.

>> No.44305195

romaji a shit

>> No.44305599
File: 131 KB, 700x1000, makein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell, the heroines in this are fucking obnoxious. Entertaining though. But I would have immediately dropped it if it was a serious romance.
Also the illustrations are extremely cute

>> No.44305628

You would thin so, and yet...
Also looking for 俺は星間国家の悪徳領主!6/7 if anyone has epubs

>> No.44305680

Zombie senpai is best girl but no way in hell she'd win

>> No.44305711

Also how is the author able to pass jokes on dazai and mishima through the editor lol. There are even jokes on their deaths

>> No.44306315


>> No.44307546

there's tons of legitimate critique you can use for slop like MT but you nitpick the most irrelevant shit, why?

>> No.44307655
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>> No.44308489

Does anyone have a local copy of this? https://jpddl.com/manga/745541---05-zip.html
It's the only rip of vol 5 (aside from official sites). Not in a-z, rawdl, comics888, shobon, etc. last I checked

>> No.44311476

Buy from Amazon and then click cancel order, free book! Make new account when it stops working

>> No.44314671

did the author die

>> No.44315733
File: 1.16 MB, 1443x2048, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found too late that this series has been axed. Just finished reading volume 1 and really enjoyed it, not sure if should even bother reading vol 2 now.

>> No.44315854

Give it two more years and you'll stop waiting.

t. Rokka no Yuusha enjoyer.

>> No.44316508

How related are Familiar of Zero and Re:Zero?

>> No.44316550

You would need to start with Grimoire of Zero if you want to get started on the Zero cinematic universe.

>> No.44316694

Really? That's too bad because she looks really cute and I have had it on my back log for a while. Anyone know of any other characters with this design?

>> No.44318375

Was it actually axed or did the author give up?

>> No.44321133

any anons still reading grimgar? and have the epubs up to date?

>> No.44321190
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>> No.44321274

On vol 4 now. Those periodic writing inserts are a great idea. It is nice to see how the heroines' developing relation with the protag is reflected in their novels

>> No.44322561

man danmachi vol 19 is coming out next month and i had no clue

>> No.44323241

How do you spend time once you catch up to the latest volume of something? I've been hopping between different LNs to distract myself from the fact I can't read more of what I just finished reading but this is a never ending cycle I see no light at the end of this tunnel

>> No.44323456

Working 52 hours a week seems to help.

>> No.44323460

I should already be caught up but I'm slacking off.

>> No.44323471

I'm not at that point yet for LNs but I assume once you have caught up with a decent number of series there will always be one of them with a new volume around the corner, so it should be easier to not get too fixated on a single series.

>> No.44324185
File: 208 KB, 266x375, 20th_den_moku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate having to learn 関西弁 for this shit.

>> No.44324240

before i purchase volume 7 and 8 of 七つの魔剣 for myself, does anybody happen to have it? scan or epub is fine
it's a bridge you'll have to cross eventually

>> No.44324471

do you need to read the BL ones?

>> No.44324476

Where do you got vol 6?

>> No.44324650
File: 119 KB, 1239x891, 12_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd learn anything quickly if the class was this extreme

>> No.44324870
File: 155 KB, 705x1000, 公女殿下の家庭教師15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

反逆者として王国で処刑された隠れ最強騎士 2
黒鳶の聖者 6
貞操逆転世界の童貞辺境領主騎士 3
10年ぶりに再会したクソガキは清純美少女JKに成長していた 3
ネットの『推し』とリアルの『推し』が隣に引っ越してきた 2
凡人探索者のたのしい現代ダンジョンライフ 2
反逆者として王国で処刑された隠れ最強騎士 2

虐げられた追放王女は、転生した伝説の魔女でした 4 ~迎えに来られても困ります。従僕とのお昼寝を邪魔しないでください~
長い夜の国と最後の舞踏会 3 ~ひとりぼっちの公爵令嬢と真夜中の精霊~
大衆食堂悪役令嬢 2 ~婚約破棄されたので食堂を開いたら癒やしの力が開花しました~
ウィズレイン王国物語 1 ~虐げられた少女は前世、国を守った竜でした~
お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛 5 ~生産系魔術で名もなき村を最強の城塞都市に~
死ぬ運命にある悪役令嬢の兄に転生したので、妹を育てて未来を変えたいと思います 1 ~世界最強はオレだけど、世界最カワは妹に違いない~
宮廷魔導師、追放される 1 ~無能だと追い出された最巧の魔導師は、部下を引き連れて冒険者クランを始めるようです~
ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は、元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する 5

賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者 19
はじまりの町の育て屋さん~追放された万能育成師はポンコツ冒険者を覚醒させて最強スローライフを目指します~ 3
魔王スローライフを満喫する~勇者から「攻略無理」と言われたけど、そこはダンジョンじゃない。トマト畑だ~ 2

公女殿下の家庭教師15 英傑殺しの氷龍
俺のアパートがダンジョンになったので、最強モンスターを従えて楽々攻略 大家さん、従魔士に覚醒したってよ
堕天使設定のV系ヴォーカリスト、召喚された異世界で救世主となる 1st 黒き翼の序曲
スパイ≒アカデミー 真実を惑わす琥珀
超探偵事件簿 レインコード オレ様ちゃんはお嫁さん!?

勇者刑に処す 懲罰勇者9004隊刑務記録V
物語の黒幕に転生して 進化する魔剣とゲーム知識ですべてをねじ伏せる 3
チュートリアルが始まる前に3 ボスキャラ達を破滅させない為に俺ができる幾つかの事
異世界のすみっこで快適ものづくり生活 ~女神さまのくれた工房はちょっとやりすぎ性能だった~

悪役令嬢に転生した田舎娘がバッドエンド回避に挑む話 死にたくないのでラスボスより強くなってみた 1
魔王を討伐した豪腕勇者、商人に転職す アイテムボックスで行商をはじめました 3
迷宮食堂『魔王窟』へようこそ 転生してから300年も寝ていたので、飲食店経営で魔王を目指そうと思います 3

シャーロック+アカデミー Logic.2 マクベス・ジャック・ジャック
夏凪渚はまだ、女子高生でいたい。1 探偵はもう、死んでいる。Ordinary Case
アルカリレットウセイ #コンパス 戦闘摂理解析システム スピンオフ

>> No.44324876
File: 188 KB, 750x1066, 二度転生した少年はSランク冒険者として平穏に過ごす 前世が賢者で英雄だったボクは来世では地味に生きる 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

彼とカノジョの事業戦略 2 詐欺師は、“嘘”をつかない。
僕を成り上がらせようとする最強女師匠たちが育成方針を巡って修羅場 5

アラフォー賢者の異世界生活日記 ZERO -ソード・アンド・ソーサリス・ワールド- 1
神様のミスで異世界にポイっとされました ~元サラリーマンは自由を謳歌する~3
カリグラファーの美文字異世界生活 ~コレクションと文字魔法で日常生活無双?~1
春菜ちゃん、がんばる? フェアリーテイル・クロニクル 10
走りたがりの異世界無双 ~毎日走っていたら、いつの間にか世界最速と呼ばれていました~2

劣等眼の転生魔術師 ~虐げられた元勇者は未来の世界を余裕で生き抜く~ 7 ~虐げられた元勇者は未来の世界を余裕で生き抜く~
ログアウトしたのはVRMMOじゃなく本物の異世界でした ~現実に戻ってもステータスが壊れている件~ 4 ~現実に戻ってもステータスが壊れている件~ ~現実に戻ってもステータスが壊れている件~

友人に500円貸したら借金のカタに妹をよこしてきたのだけれど、俺は一体どうすればいいんだろう5 5

国に最強のバリアを張ったら平和になりすぎて追放されました。そのバリア、永続じゃないよ? 1
転生した大聖女は、聖女であることをひた隠すZERO 3
二度転生した少年はSランク冒険者として平穏に過ごす 前世が賢者で英雄だったボクは来世では地味に生きる 10
魔物喰らいの冒険者 1


異世界で最強のスキルを生み出せたので、ひたすら無双することにしました。 ~俺だけがステータスを勝手に操作~
狂戦士なモブ、無自覚に本編を破壊する : 3 【特典SS付き】
「雑魚スキル」と追放された紙使い、真の力が覚醒し世界最強に ~世界で僕だけユニークスキルを2つ持ってたので真の仲間と成り上がる~

好きな子に告ったら、双子の妹がオマケでついてきた 2

>> No.44326716

the chibis make it look too silly

>> No.44329271

p sure it's supposed to be silly

>> No.44329647

Completed all 5 available volumes. Very entertaining. Stops just short of being a romcom which works very well for the series. Also I no longer think the heroines are obnoxious, they are very cute. The illustrations are top notch, probably half the reason I find the characters so character-y(?). Hope tiara and komari gets more screentime (and progress) in the future volumes. Also, the author should get off his ass and publish the next vol soon. It's been six months since the last and there's no word about the new vol when it should have been out already. These guys should learn from kinugasa.

No, but they are funny, especially if you have the basic knowledge about the authors in the question and their stereotypes. But yeah, the repeated joke got stale by the 4th vol.

>> No.44330029

dlraw, but it's scanned images

>> No.44332247

>the repeated joke got stale by the 4th vol.
Getting past vol 3 at all is already more than most can brag about.

>> No.44333876

i like how everyone reading this end up hating the experience somehow

>> No.44333889
File: 2.74 MB, 1200x1800, 234564645676575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished it. Despite the themes and messaging clearly clashing with what I think, the story alone was fantastic. A great read.

>> No.44333919

I mean the Russian army is mobilising disproportionately from minority ethnicities of Russia to support the special military operation so it's not like the writer is just inventing a dynamic to be mad about

>> No.44333953


Apologies if it's already been brought up/discussed,but SAO is getting a 2nd spin-off LN called Gourmet Seekers,about people who ignore the Aincrad death game,and only want to cook and open restaurants.

>> No.44334009

>下準備 passed the preliminaries for the dragon novels contest
Nice timing. Hope it gets the author out of blues and continue with this and trpg

>> No.44334038

did his plan of "haha, i'm totally not stalling for time and running in circles, i'm just padding the novel to get more LN illustrations" not work out?

>> No.44334086
File: 518 KB, 1360x1804, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LN is barely even halfway through currently written WN material, he's nowhere near the stage where he actually needs to delay anything. He's just autistic enough to write an entire original volume about Nana just because he liked Lansane's pictures of her even though volume 9 was originally planned to get back to WN material. And then he broke his brain researching Descartes and Kant while writing it.

>> No.44334228

That doesn't sound like autism, that actually sounds like trying to pass off unmedicated ADHD as being productive.

>> No.44334275

I suppose it's productive enough if the readers are happy with what comes out the other side. Stephen King passed off coke binges as productivity after all.

>> No.44334887

very helpful, thanks anon

>> No.44337496
File: 284 KB, 633x900, resize_image.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The many years of waiting will soon be over. Just two more weeks (no really).

>> No.44337502

so how many years gap for LN considered as axed?

>> No.44337919

I don't think you can assume that unless there's an official statement somewhere. The Slayers author had like an 18 year gap or something in between books.

>> No.44338092

>Dum spiro spero
Probably the penultimate vol

>> No.44338122

Yeah the series was definitely in "endgame" territory with volume 12 which was why the sudden stop in activity sort of pissed me off.

>> No.44339528

>Getting past vol 3 at all is already more than most can brag about.
I remember how 天使は炭酸しか飲まない vol3 ended on big cliffhanger and author begging fans to buy the book so vol4 will get made. Apparently he did it again in vol4

>> No.44339574

is the romcom genre oversaturated? feels like it's impossible for most to make it these days

>> No.44339619

isn't the trend right now otonari tenshi clones
and or cohabitation? it's the classic MC saving different girl each volume that are getting axed left and right

>> No.44339643

anime and LN trends aren't synced, though if something blows up big like kusosuba it can overlap
sadly otonari tenshi was not an example of that and that trend has been in the downswing for a while now, feels like things are back to love triangle drama or "will they won't they" stuff

>> No.44340992

IDK how it goes in Japan but in English JNC have publicly stated that romcoms are their worst selling genre, by a lot

>> No.44341929

The madan setting is one of the most deranged and autistic declarations of dominance ever convinced in the history of mankind in it all, worldbuilding, power and magic system, mythos and legends, character interactions and character developments, politics and power struggles, all of it.
It actually puts both tolkien and game of thrones to shame and makes them look like books for kids, especially because it's a real senki.
Go read it, starting with 魔弾の王と戦姫 and enjoy the ride, it's over 35 volumes total once counting all the books and still ongoing.

>> No.44344117

>read light novel
>lost interest mid-way

>> No.44344388

If I took a break from koujo denka after volume 3 am I missing out

>> No.44344649

No, drop it, it's shit. Well, except maybe vol 5.

>> No.44344686

I am at volume 8 of Spice and Wolf now.
Are there any interesting plotline later on?

>> No.44344757

the original madan from mf bunko > all the dx bunko derivatives
kawaguchi sensei really needed the mf editors and it showed in the mila route

>> No.44345153

thanks anon

>> No.44345229

I only see 11 volumes on Wikipedia. Am I looking at the right LN?

>> No.44346311

>official statement somewhere.
And where somewhere usually is?

>> No.44346858

the publisher's news or blog section

>> No.44347540
File: 146 KB, 705x1000, 81F+4q7D5cL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wiki lists basically everything bro

>> No.44349668

aside from the ending it's pretty consistent all the way through
if this is a positive or negative it's up to you

>> No.44349882
File: 1.73 MB, 1443x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished reading vol 1 of koujo denka and enjoyed it. However Ihis is almost certainly another series where the best girl gets cucked by lolis so I'm not sure if I want to continue reading it.

>> No.44350070

I still enjoy it, but it feels stagnant if I have to describe it.
I just take it slow then.

>> No.44350683

She barely exists in vol 1, the next volume has a lot of cute scenes with her
Also the protagonist is more tolerant of her being touchy than the others. Similar to how he plays favorites by being nicer to エリー, he lets his guard down and shows his inner self when he and リディア are alone

>> No.44352606
File: 202 KB, 839x1200, F3zQiiqbAAAzdGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another qt that's getting sent into the bell slaughterhouse

>> No.44352689

Are the people here the same as VN general? There seems to be an overlap.

>> No.44352739

That thread is not readable

>> No.44352755

Isn't that Riveria?

>> No.44352757

If you mean エロゲスレ, yeah I post in both.

>> No.44352961

i believe it's Nina, Eina's younger sister who we saw in Oratoria vol 13 but this time from Bell's perspective

>> No.44354345

Everytime I finish or catch up to a novel nobody talks about it anymore. Even when it used to be the talk of the town when I started

>> No.44354359

well, which novel did you finish/catch up to anon

>> No.44354528

Has there ever been axed LN while the comic adaptation continues?

>> No.44354781


>> No.44355322

is that the raw or the translated one? In my usual place the raw only goes up to v8.
On the same note, where can I find the raw volumes for "Blade & Bastard"?

>> No.44355449

i assume the raw since shitseas are up to volume 11. I'm here once again to ask for >>44304296

>> No.44355482

have check that discord?

>> No.44355507

what discord?

>> No.44355545

thememeway barely has anything dlraw doesn't, and the few they had that it didn't were extremely popular stuff like MT which got recently updated anyway
in fact most people from there just take raws from dlsite and pretend they are their own purchases, because they mostly use bookwalker for some reason

>> No.44355644

>because they mostly use bookwalker for some reason
why would you buy from anywhere else

>> No.44355680

>why would not want to own a copy of what you paid for

>> No.44355684

why would you ever use that DRM rental site and not kobo or amazon?

>> No.44355689

it's cheaper and you can get the epub easily anyway

>> No.44355698

how do you rip bookwalker?

>> No.44355700

Lmao even.

>> No.44355715

>thememeway is just a bookwalker shill discord
not even surprised with how hard you pushed that discord recently

>> No.44355722

there is a cracked version of the desktop app that can rip. Only works for books you bought though, yomihoudai books don't appear on the desktop app so you can't rip them.

>> No.44355731

see >>42527125

>> No.44355734

At that point just save yourself the hassle and use amazon.

>> No.44355909
File: 34 KB, 400x300, s-l400-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level of Japanese do you need to read Boogiepop?

>> No.44355949

you don't really need past N3 which is the "can read basically anything short of ultra autistic shit like to aru or nisio with minor and only occasional dictionary help" tier
what is has is that it's fairly unorthodox in both it's prose and plot structure, but that would trip up even natives if you aren't used to that, you also get used to it after like a volume tops

>> No.44357728

You described n1, n3 is can't read Pokémon and dragon quest without running into new words tier

>> No.44360673
File: 354 KB, 1241x1772, 2720495_tilarna_exedilika_and_matoba_kei_cop_craft_dragnet_mirage_reloaded_drawn_by_murata_range.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what happened to Cop Craft novels? I read that the latest volume was released in 2016. Was it haxed?

>> No.44360961
File: 855 KB, 1300x1920, 1669678731383371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still hounding Kaidou's activity feed 24/7 anon. Our boy is finally here. Also,
>The top /m/ isn't even an actual mechafags, (s)he's just an actual schizo
Like pottery.
>Knights and Magic
It's already finished innit? Last I remember was the WN's forest namek though.
Just start the discussion yourself, someone might latch on eventually (hopefully). But,
Wrong thread and board. Anything with more than two of the following conditions:
>Already finished (not axed) for a while
>Had a passable/decent/sovlful anime adaptation (worth one/two/three points respectively)
>Published before 2016
>Had a TL (particularly from the BT era)
Tends to have enough fanbase and power to stay in mainstream boards like /a/ around once in a month on its own, and that's without needing to resort to >isek/a/i (which is a good thing). The "discussion" part might be iffy but hey, can't have a cake and eat it too anon. And no, the story doesn't matter, do you think anyone(seasonals and speedwatchers) remembers the plot of Horizon, DxD, Grancrest, or even Monogatari? No, they only only remember the eyecandy, use them to get traction before actually starting a discussion when you see some fags trying to rile shit up. Speaking of which, I've only just noticed now that Grancrest had the same illustrator as Regios, that sure took a while.

>> No.44361096

what the heck

>> No.44361213
File: 505 KB, 1000x1409, 異世界拷問姫.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the anons who recommended me picrel
just finished volume 2 and it already feels like something bad going to happen in later volumes

>> No.44361807

not much new stuff for series i'm following
>春菜ちゃん、がんばる? フェアリーテイル・クロニクル 10
god damn they keep pumping these out i'll catch up one of these days

>> No.44362068

why would you want to start any "discussion" at all on /a/ though

>> No.44364253

Glad you like it. One of my favorite series, if anyone has something similar - let me know.

>> No.44364965

I don't think animeonlys actually care about stuff being finished like they say they do.
These days it's pretty much sakuga with ufotable style CGI overdose or nothing.
After anime got truly mainstream anything with fanservice never gets called good anymore.
The average anime watcher is barely aware of anything released between 2005 and 2015.
Let alone actually reading the source material, even if it has a translation.

For how much they circlejerk themselves to death about isekai stories never ending but wanting them to end (and weirdly complaining that only about isekai in particular) and simultaneously praising "battle harems" for a classic old good new bad, they never seem to actually revisit them or actually tune to the new seasons, and going out of their way to actually read them now that some of them are actually ending is unthinkable, I question they even know their animes come from books.
Does the average f/a/g even know DaL already ended? Probably not, I doubt people even realized it was airing, and that was just last year, imagine something older.
Season 5 also "soon", and does anyone give a shit? Here there's probably at least three whole dudes who care, but outside of here I don't think that many even remember DaL outside of clock memes, if they remember it at all.

>> No.44365047

yeah but
>adaptationonly gets into lns
>they look up an old favorite out of nostalgia while remembering their "next season when!?" prayers
>they have a what the fug moment when realizing what got adapted is less than 10% of the total story
>and likely that the ln still ongoing after a decade or more
is amusing every time

>> No.44367581

How do you guys find anything at all without seeing it here or NU first? What the fuck.

>> No.44367600

browsing amazon jp

>> No.44367793

I will also preach to the same choir, there's barely any juice left on /a/ these days.
To aru threads? Haven't seen one in ages.
Nisio ones? Who?.
Twintail ones? Complete ghost towns the rare times they happen.
Anything less popular than these? Can't remember the last time I saw a thread for them
Funny you bring up the isekai general when even that's dead when nobody is going on an off-topic wikipedia-expert rant about some inane shit but about no series in particular.

>> No.44367878

the real black pill is accepting the fact thanks to propagandist efforts anime and otaku culture as a whole is no longer the mainstream FOTM, the f/a/d is ending
the real red pill is realizing this is a good thing and jp creators will barely be affected when the west either doesn't pay for shit and when they do creators barely see the money from CR and LN/manga/game "localizations"

>> No.44370509
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 510GCPMd+rL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo this released this week, i'm pretty sure it was scheduled for a later day originally

>> No.44370514
File: 104 KB, 500x500, 61dvLOfLmAL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also hachinan is getting audiobooks apparently

>> No.44373454

why did this get an artist change anyway, it sucks

>> No.44373463

touzai was too expensive so they switched to the manga artist

>> No.44374812

Does kadokawa own audible or plan to?

>> No.44374857

Slowpoke here that just caught up with 七つの魔剣 just now and phew boy that last volume. I actually enjoy relationship drama so I'm all for this. Bring it on.

>> No.44375002

>I actually enjoy relationship drama
legitimate question

>> No.44375066

It's exciting. I love it when characters clash and have issues with each other. It's as cool to me as when they pull out their super autism moves in fights.

>> No.44375183


>> No.44375255

I dunno how much you already know about the series, but sure. Pete pretty much takes advantage of Oliver's good nature and coerces him into having sex with him behind Nanao's back. Guy almost kills himself trying to protect everyone and ends up with three bitches kissing him. Also just a lot general seething and jealousy in general (particularly Rita in regards to Katie). I don't know where the author is going to go with this, but I look forward to it.

>> No.44375623

I'm mostly caught up
DAMN peto got a hold of oliver's horn? bokuto you mad lad!

>> No.44375803

glad i dropped this

>> No.44375804

glad i picked this up

>> No.44379056

Any good writing software for japanese with grammar and spelling correction?

>> No.44380821

microsoft word

>> No.44381026
File: 3.36 MB, 640x480, 1691988651320134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon. It nailed the Dark Fantasy atmosphere decently yeah, though can't really say I like the direction from the second arc onwards.
Have you tried Dungeon Dive/異世界迷宮の最深部を目指そう yet? Same artist, Dark Fantasy too. Haven't actually finished it but it gives off the same atmosphere as Fremd Torturchen/異世界拷問姫, quite willing to say it managed to showcase certain parts better even. If we were to make a comparison, I suppose you could say reading Fremd Torturchen is like watching a girl play (slaughter)house using decayed barbie and dollhouse made out of carcasses while Dungeon Dive is akin to spectating a blind girl playing house using actual toys but she's doing it on the edge of a cliff in the middle of the night, it's quite suspenseful.
Heh, I really can't see Spellblades finishing without Oliver ending up like his mom, and that's only the best case scenario.
>Reign of Seven Spellblades? More like "How to Utterly Fail at Interpersonal Relationship for Non-Muggles."

>> No.44381755

is there a translation or scans out there for Innocence: After the Long Goodbye? I can't find one anywhere

>> No.44383165

rent free 24/7 in ur head

>> No.44383277

>Replying to a nearly 5 day old post.
That just comes off as projecting.

>> No.44383312

Probably just a seasonal migrant only now reading the thread

>> No.44383343

Honestly I would say both dive and fremd are one of the best examples of dark fantasy done well I have in recent memory, far above even things like berserk.
One of the main problems I have with dark fantasy is that it wallows too much in it's misery and/or cruelty for the sake of it, and while I don't have any issue with that inherently, I do take issue when that's all there is, there's no payoff, the wallowing itself is very much the point like the author is trying to make an statement, but that doesn't really end up with an interesting story.
However in both dive and fremd the darker aspects are not the end goal, but the vehicle the story uses to unfold itself.
This of course is not exclusive to these two or even dark fantasy in particular, recently I have found rebuild world (LN) also uses it's darker aspects as a tool (heh) for the sake of the story.
Which is good, because it makes people care about all the dorks in the story and gives the darker aspects tangible meaning.

>> No.44383532

does anyone else tend to zone out during long fight scenes?

i sometimes feel bad because i realize that some really cool shit just happened that i only glossed over

>> No.44383544

That means you weren't born a chuuni

>> No.44383550

i used to do it until i started reading stuff in japanese after like a year of studying it, then it got more engaging
if my imagination improved or the TLs are simply shit as usual is hard to say, but it's probably both

>> No.44383569

i'm always reading in japanese but it still happens to me

>> No.44383700

I'm the opposite, when fights get to a really detailed blow by blow I reread it sentence by sentence to make sure I really have a good image in my mind of what's going on

>> No.44383703

That means you were born a chuuni

>> No.44384149

depends if the writing is good

>> No.44384163

That's basically the most non-answer you could have said.

>> No.44384479
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, EC1554_sub01_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ヘンダーソン氏の福音 9上 coming October 25th. Overlap Store limited edition bonus is a rubber TCG play mat.


>> No.44384540

now that this gets brought up, isn't it weird there's no real LN merch? what little stuff happens to get sold is always with the anime adaptation, and you would be lucky to get more than a few posters with the blurays
meanwhile jrpgs end up getting anything from special editions, figures, posters, shirts, mats, all the way down to literal tableware, all from official sources
yes part of it is falcom and square going crazy with it, but you rarely see anything of the sort from LNs, and you just know there's people that will buy it, especially if they want to support the author but already brought all the volumes so far

>> No.44384649

no but I also enjoy playing TRPGs by myself so I'm the type to enjoy imagining the details of fights

>> No.44384678

Yeah I'd love to at least get acrylic stands for anything that makes it over 7-10 volumes. Maybe their market research shows them that all the biggest spenders are secondaries though

>> No.44385842

Reminder falcom did model kits for the kiseki mecha.
It was so in demand that the valimar one needed a re-release.
There's definitively people that would buy an avid or nemain model kit.

>> No.44386404

Bros...the isek/a/i general is making fun of us again....

>> No.44386451

You mean the NTR and KR media general?

>> No.44386553

They don't even read novel anymore. They only consume butchered manga adaptation or webtoon

>> No.44388921

Well he'd have some ground to stand on if they didn't have Yostar JP literally rewrite the game in order to have it fit Japanese otaku culture.

>> No.44389896

>though can't really say I like the direction from the second arc onwards
is this after the demon extermination? im reading vol 3 and was surprised that the mcs are taking on the last 3 demons that quick
elisabeth's powers are just too OP at the moment

>> No.44389932

That's plain inductive fallacy, lol. If anything it just points to the fact that the other gook stuff gets shit upon because they fail at emulating the otaku culture's soul while blue archive succeeded and gets praised for it

>> No.44390357

How do you keep up with release dates? Calendar events? Or are there specialized rss feeds?

>> No.44390383

1. Make an rss feed out of the author's twitter's account. This can have a very bad signal to noise ratio depending on the author. Also musk broke nitter again, but the dev is currently working on a fix so hopefully that gets rolled out somewhat soon.
2. Occasionally check the publisher's website.
3. This thread

Dunno if there's anything better.

>> No.44390556

i love this voice actress
she's so good at playing the mob characters

>> No.44390581

I use this http://alert.shop-bell.com/
Sends an email when the new vol from a series you follow gets an official date for sale

>> No.44390619

Depends on what do you want to follow.
Just a few LNs? Pretty easy, simply look at the publisher then look at their website.
Every publisher has set times each month where they release their next wave of stuff, some have a bunko and novel label and release twice a month (like HJ) and some simply release twice a month, but they still are consistent.
All the LNs? That's when it gets tricky, you basically have to follow all publishers individually, but following the main 7 is usually more than enough unless you follow something very niche.
Also ガガガ文庫 who are the biggest small publisher.
WNs? Just follow the author's page.
LN TLs? Pretty sure you can get better fanfics by getting someone here drunk.

>> No.44390631
File: 62 KB, 717x625, Screenshot_20230822-145116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you coping

>> No.44390645

>KRshill still at it
do you not understand the irony of showing the original KR credits when talking about the JP fanfic to make it fit with JP otaku culture?

>> No.44390668

Go Back

>> No.44390670
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1060, 'Light' Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/'s LN thread finally devolves into a series of "reed reel lihtehrahtur" insult
>even though the only reason the term "Light Novel" exist was just for marketing purposes, and there were less thought put in said decision than the difference between tankobon/bunkobon
>Not to mention the fact that an "actual novel/literature" can be readily converted into LN like in the case of In-Spectre/Kyouko Suiri or Hyouka and vice versa, plus the existence of Kawakami whose whole fucking series requires you to have an academic degree before you can even start reading the opening page
Whew, that's kinda sad.
>after demon extermination
Ahyup, just not really a fan of only one correct answer (of which it's always strife), and also not really into the way the clerics being (mostly) portrayed in a bad light then definitely evil past vol 3.
>last 3 demons that quick
It's just the usual case of powerlevel going off the rails. Later part even goes ham with the amount of OP characters which honestly makes you think just why the hell would they rely on only one scantily clad girl, even though they can mass produce aberrations (La Mules, etc) even before getting demon meat.
Yeah, I guess my major gripe would still be the text basically saying that it's the faith that's wrong (rather justified in this case though) when something goes south but it's the characters' own individuality that's right when they did something good. At least we were given each faith's tenet in series like Faraway Paladin to decide for ourselves whether it's "good" or "evil" without being forcefed. Huh, guess it bothered me more than I thought if I managed to make a wall of text out of it.
The fuck happened? It's pruned. Also did the fucking general spawns another tripfag? That place is cursed to hell.

>> No.44390716

Thats literally sca-ji entire point about industry threat you retard. Imagine a korean writing japanese otaku culture shit better than the actual japanese themselves. With result so sucessfull that its indistinguishable and welcomed by the japanese themselves despite the two country relationship being the israel and palestine of the east. So many WN/LNs nowaday stick to the same formula while korean writers are not only adapting to isekai style/otaku culture but also making their own spin on it by focusing on social commentary, drama and character interaction instead of just wish fullfillment escapism for jap salaryman

>> No.44390733

>The fuck happened? It's pruned.
The KR shill who you can see here >>44390716 went on a samefag rampage with a bait OP straight out of /v/.
What is surprising is the thread actually got pruned at all, normally those threads are left all the way to bump limit.

>> No.44390772

A few korean weebs churning out good jp otaku content isn't equivalent to entire korean industry being able to do it anon.
>So many WN/LNs nowaday stick to the same formula while korean writers are not only adapting to isekai style/otaku culture but also making their own spin on it by focusing on social commentary, drama and character interaction instead of just wish fullfillment escapism for jap salaryman
Lol. Lmao. Also stop cross-posting your own posts from /a/ faggot

>> No.44390798

why did you have to bring this inane argument here

>> No.44390824
File: 1.54 MB, 1274x1630, 1692705304577aDK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not feed you's to tourist schizos
Any word on picrel being legit?

>> No.44390830
File: 887 KB, 866x1298, img_1658769909051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not just blue archive. original gook novels like raeliana and solo levelling are now getting anime adaptation offer from japanese publisher and is well received in japan, and those arent even that good. Imagine if the actual god tier gook novel are getting adapted

>> No.44390862

>/a/'s LN thread finally devolves into a series of "reed reel lihtehrahtur" insult
while it's been that for a while now, apparently a lot of western media companies had their bubble pop, so gotta rev up that anti-japan propaganda
>The fuck happened? It's pruned.
basically what the shill here is posting but far more spammy
>Imagine a korean writing japanese otaku culture shit better than the actual japanese themselves.
according to who? ironic weebs? it's yet another CN/KR FOTM gachashit, call me when any of them can print money by doing literally nothing like nasu can, because they sure as fuck aren't going to be surpassing 07's, shunkou's or kamachi's turbo autism or the thematic weight and flow of nisio, kaido or kawaguchi any time soon
>So many WN/LNs nowaday stick to the same formula
you don't have to out yourself as a tourist this hard anon
forget anything like dendro, i have yet to see anything even close to isekai smartphone, and it still is the golden standard now that arifureta passed the torch
even the most wanked one which is dungeon defender was a poor attempt at copying "gotcha bitch" MCs like NGNL's, and even then it promptly spiraled into a corner due to inconsistent powerlevels and the author running out of ideas
it's telling when the most highly praised KR novel not only got canned out of plagiarism accusations, but also only lasted 4 volumes before the 5th became a literal schizo rant

>> No.44390905

>07's, shunkou's or kamachi's turbo autism or the thematic weight and flow of nisio, kaido or kawaguchi any time soon
None of these are even remotely close to sca-ji level. Please at least read subarashiki hibi first before you newfags embarass yourselves

>> No.44390917

>original gook novels like raeliana and solo levelling are now getting anime adaptation offer from japanese publisher and is well received in japan,
Again, lol. You never visited jp side of the interent, did you? Those adaptations are entirely a top-down enterprise, being pursued by the korean companies for market penetration rather than responding to the on-ground demand. There's nearly 0 discussion or fan content regarding the stuff, at least outside of private circles. Seeing from the korean series rankings on sites like piccoma, they probably do have some following among teenagers. But considering the fact that they never top the sales rankings even on piccoma and are unable to move any fans into creative action, a hallmark of otaku culture, they are failures for now

>> No.44390919

overlap is quick with their anime announcements and the most recent ones in their website were

>> No.44390924

New thread when? put this one out of it's misery

>> No.44390937

Capeshit got a lot of anime adaptation back in the day. Doesn't make it better than your regular LN tho

>> No.44390948

Somehow I'm not surprised a forgettable eroge publisher that stopped doing anything over a decade ago only to come back with a remake then vanish again is scared of KR slop.
You could at least wait for page 7-8, if you don't want to ride out the 6-12 hours from there to page 10.

>> No.44390949

>it's yet another CN/KR FOTM gachashit
Nta, and I don't play blue archive but from what I know due to osmosis I think it's a rare exception. It's soul is mired in jp culture through and through is my impression.

>> No.44391127

>It's soul is mired in jp culture through and through
Yes and no, that sort of stuff is strong so it will show off even on copies of copies, but once you actually enter the derangedly autistic side of JP media you realize it's just trying to copy the anime/manga adaptations of it's time.
It's not hard to spot either, there's a lot of writing cues that you can commonly find on adaptations but not really in the source materials, first it was a concession to simplify and streamline the plot and dialogue to fit everything in short anime chapters, eventually animators became people that only knew anime, and this is what they are copying.
This does get brought up a lot in interviews and gets mentioned even more out of context in english discussion to shit on "the weebs" but part of the reason that gets said is because animators became animeonlys essentially.
I shouldn't even have to elaborate on why this is a problem.
This is not even bringing up yet it's yet another KRshit that centers it's lore around the kabbalah, which they have been doing since the DaL anime, except instead of having it for the sake of coolness they have it to pretend it gives the lore extra depth unironically, then doing nothing else because they think just that is enough.
>but from what I know due to osmosis I think it's a rare exception
It's too superficial to really have a lasting impact, but it's more than the usual CN/KR gachashit like genshin impact.
If you're talking about that time it overtook touhou at comiket, you have to realize the girls have simple designs that are easy to draw, making bandwagoning even easier.
The problem with that position is that anything else can easily take the same spot, which has happened with pretty much every FOTM gacha so far, or did you already forget the kancolle era?

>> No.44391139

remember back then when people argued ATLA was an anime and then when that came back with RWBY?

>> No.44391247

And now it's back again with the newest netflix calarts series.
Feels like normal people have a goldfish memory.

>> No.44391586

Every time I hear you faggots bitch about /a/ it sounds like it keeps getting worse.
Is it a long term raid or what?

>> No.44391734

it's a falseflagging boardwars raid where some nigger posts shit in /a/ mocking /jp/ and then vice versa

>> No.44391789

More and more crossboarders from /v/. Similar to what happened to /jp/ except it's a slow agony

>> No.44391831

this paired with the fact those crossboarders hate japan and don't even try hide it
a few years ago they at least tried to hide it

>> No.44391919

>Have you tried Dungeon Dive/異世界迷宮の最深部を目指そう yet?
I was going to try it, but if I remember right- I was discouraged by some dudes saying (major spoilers:) the MC isn't interested in any of the girls and only ends up with one of them, none of the MC's actions are of his own will or something and theres some time-loop shenanigans that invalidates some of the novels Not sure if any of that was true, but it was enough to make me look for something else.

>> No.44391944

>and theres some time-loop shenanigans that invalidates some of the novels
not talking about this in particular but in general, this is a too one dimensional way of looking at things

>> No.44392029

Yeah you're right, my bad.

>> No.44392065

The scenario director details how they hand over the scripts to Yostar JP, so that they can adapt it to Japanese culture and have to change the script for KR to account for those changes once Global and Korea reaches those stages. It's a collaborative effort.

>> No.44392069

nobody cares gook lover

>> No.44392265

Where to download new/niche LN raw beside dlraw and z-lib?
>inb4 mememway discord

>> No.44392328
File: 117 KB, 850x988, 1691548417793144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The KR one? Probably, didn't manage to see what they did with isek/a/i (since I got surprisingly hooked by that one Marisa storytime thread) but could confirm other threads being invaded by fags saying KR winning the culture war since around C102 where they used BA for the intro booklet instead of 2hus (then proceeds to go on the exact same rant he used here when he got called out after actual Comiket anons said it's always been different per year). Also yeah, definitely a /v/tard.
>/a/'s LN thread
This one is a bit iffy, there were several attempts (around once a month at most) where anons genuinely tried to make an actual LN thread to do some proper discussions, but it usually fails after a bit of >TL war and >reed reel lihterahtyure. The one's currently happening right now is definitely a bait though, but LNs (particularly those with anime adaptation) in /a/ does generate quite a bit of (hate and) shitposters anyway like Loliou's LRD, Danmachi's Aizschizo, and Bikinischizo. Thank goodness Dendro had no anime to shitpost about heh.
Not really incorrect, but you would need more context for that. The story's almost like Ihoujin in that he indeed has a purpose in conquering the "dungeon," but he kept being in the worst place at the worst time doing the best thing he can that always results in the heroines getting more and more yandere in the worst way possible, so it keeps getting sidetracked. It's still amusing despite its flaws though, at least the plot's more coherent than 音使いは死と踊る.

>> No.44392433

I gotta be honest, I love yandere heroines, but I don't want to see any of them "lose." If he only chooses one of them and just sidelines the rest-- I'd be pretty depressed. I'll order the first book though to give it a shot

>> No.44392441

buy them

>> No.44392530

unfortunately the more niche the harder it is to get up to date pirated raws
fortunately these days with amazon jp it's not THAT painful to get copies if you have the money

>> No.44392547

How come both LNs are getting the most hate on /a/ ?

>> No.44392553

typod i meant to say in general how come lns get so much hate

>> No.44392600

A combination of the usual anti-intellectualism and being proud of never reading anything but also a strong anti-japan sentiment.
Especially when the same type of person also uses the dumbed down manga adaptations and fanfic novel TLs to push their anti-japan views.
With the recent things it's hard to pretend it's not a coordinated effort to try kill japanese otaku culture, it's no longer a funny schizo theory, it's just a fact now.
The fact they keep pushing blue archive and other KRshit so much is proof they are fully on board with a "replacement" operation which is fully politically driven.
The language they use doesn't even leave room for plausiable deniability, when you have someone coming in screaming "Imagine a korean writing japanese otaku culture shit better than the actual japanese themselves." it's impossible to pretend there's no blatant agenda being pushed .

>> No.44392682
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so much light novel discussion in today's Light Novel General. Finished reading vol 3 today and Stella was cute, more likeable than her sister.

>> No.44392907
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Just keep in mind that it's pretty old, like Sevens/MT old and that it's literally the only series the author ever writes so the first few volumes can be quite rough (especially with the pronouns if you're reading TLs, it's not much of a problem otherwise), like Master of Monsters kind of rough. But other than that, the fact that it got adapted and still stands strong at 16 (still counting) volumes should speak a bit of its capabilities, and desu I personally liked the loop arc myself.
Why don't you guess anon? Perhaps it's because some niggers hate the fact that a series (they didn't care about) got adapted at all, or maybe because most animeonlies feels emasculated when they're discussing shit with LN readers (or as they say, "gets spoiled a lot"), maybe because they love the series so much they started to hate it, maybe because they can't fathom the idea of an anime adaptation at all (because of course all animays are originals right? Says so in N*tflix!), perhaps because being unironically invested in a series is "cringe," or maybe because hating something doesn't even need any reason, effort, and meaning at all. Different person takes different strokes anon. And no, I really doubt those that says "reed reel lihterahtyure" actually reads the undiluted original version, though that's probably just sour grapes on my part.

>> No.44393001

>Just keep in mind that it's pretty old, like Sevens/MT old
just to be that contrarian, but neither of these are really old, they are from the 10s generation sure but they aren't OLD like say shana or to aru from the early 00s
older or it being the first volume doesn't necessarily mean worse prose or roughness either, that's fully dependent on the author, for example how mishima did need a few sevens volumes to get the ball rolling and by otome mob and evil lord it was smooth sailing (for the most part) but aizawa made kagejitsu as a shitpost on narou and it reads like shit but then the LN is somehow far chuunier and flows fairly well
and these are middle of the road examples with nothing too extreme like wonder authors putting out gems from their first volume with no previous works that make you wonder if they worked as ghost writers before, or ones that have been writing for years with zero improvement whatsoever in terms of roughness *cough* looking at you overlord and nonbiri *cough*

>> No.44393225

I still can't believe komarin isn't from the 00s, it feels like something from that era.and from an already established author.

>> No.44393360

>for example how mishima did need a few sevens volumes to get the ball rolling and by otome mob and evil lord it was smooth sailing (for the most part) but aizawa made kagejitsu as a shitpost on narou and it reads like shit but then the LN is somehow far chuunier and flows fairly well
how ironic since evil lord was also written as a high effort shitpost. I feel like these two authors are kindred spirits. Both their current works have me asking myself wtf am i reading, and i mean that in the best of ways.

>> No.44393426

>perhaps because being unironically invested in a series is "cringe,"
I'm glad I never had a phase for this.
Probably comes from being around for the 00s era of otaku culture where it was almost universally scorned outside otaku circles, hating something you like for dumb reasons feels pointlessly counterproductive.
And it's pretty obvious it comes from those too spineless to take a stance and defend what they like, instead they attack it themselves to have nothing to be ridiculed with, in an anonymous forum no less.
I can't imagine being that weak mentally despite being into the animays which promote force of will, perseverance and being true to yourself in a majority of cases.
Doubly so in LNs and VNs which tend to have MCs that are complete autistic madmen with superhuman determination.
>I really doubt those that says "reed reel lihterahtyure" actually reads the undiluted original version, though that's probably just sour grapes on my part.
Argue with them one of these days if you feel like it, poke enough and they will accidentally confess they haven't actually read any reel lihterahtyure, they just consume the movies and TV adaptations.
For extra fun, go read them yourself and see how wrong the shills can be, I doubt it will be enjoyable but broadening your horizons doesn't hurt long term, at worst it lets you better appreciate what you have.

>> No.44393485

It's often memed Mishima is a better writer when he's off his meds but pretty sure the same goes for Aizawa.

>> No.44393573

>Both of them did the sentient blobs of flesh shtick unironically
No doubt.

>> No.44393951

>there were several attempts (around once a month at most) where anons genuinely tried to make an actual LN thread to do some proper discussions, but it usually fails after a bit of >TL war and >reed reel lihterahtyure.
feels like after people got their TL bad fill here they don't do it in the LN threads there
this breaks the balance when that used to push back the >reed reel lihterahtyure circlejerk to have decent threads
with that gone it's yet another japan bad thread

>> No.44394148

Artist looks familiar, what's this from?

>> No.44394152

Does anybody have an epub version of リモンスター ?

>> No.44394184

They don't read, you can tell from how they talk, they drop book and author names and say how good they are to look smart but never elaborate.
I want to think you guys here read, I can recite almost the entirety of dendro's EN TL, because I'm an EOP, but working on fixing that and I can't be the only one that can talk with autistic detail about those novels you get really into.
Those guys don't, ask for details and they will run around vague statements before telling you to read it yourself, or worse, they just repeat a bare bones summary they found after 5 minutes of googling.

>> No.44394536

Any anon reading 天才王子の赤字国家再生術? Is it too stupid or did the author put some thought into it?

>> No.44394741

Complicated question, because kind of yeah, but with quite the caveats.
Before I go into any spoilers at all, if you want to read this to see someone be 5D chess style of smart, I would not recommend it.
It's not like comedy kingdom builder series where the MC bullshits his way to success, he legitimately tries, but it suffers from the usual curse any R E A L I S T series suffers.
Now for some light spoilers:

And that is just the MC not being all that smart, but the presentation of the genre requiring the story to pretend it has 10000 IQ, which has mixed results.
Right out of the gate I will just say get ready for the MC to straight up be dumb, not in an incompetent way (though a few times he gets close to that) but more like mentally slow, is the word?
If you like ultra autistic genius MCs this guy will just piss you off, I can guarantee it, especially when he doesn't fail.
If you're used to MCs like in COTE you will scoff at this guy, but if you're more of a normal person you will find him relatable at times.
And that's the thing, yes it's a kingdom builder but it's character driven unlike others of it's genre, primarily with the main duo, and this dynamic is what fuels the plot forward, which in my opinion is more than enough of a reason to read it, managing the territory is not the plot, it's the vehicle for the plot.

TLDR: It's decent and has thought put into it, but it's a bad kingdom builder story, so don't read it for that reason.

>> No.44394764


>> No.44394862

>character-driven, somewhat decent kingdom building
Thanks anon, actually that's kind of what I am looking for. The kingdom-building parts need not be completely realistic, just need enough effort put into it by the author instead of taking the readers for smoothbrains

>> No.44394887

Also somewhat related but does anyone here follow schuld's 下準備? Please suggest me some series like it where the protag has 0 or near 0 special powers and have to reach their goals entirely through intellectual machinations.

>> No.44394903

you mean like notorious talker?

>> No.44394911
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>> No.44394922

Didn't read it but from the summary, yeah, something like that. But preferably more subdued and down-to-earth

>> No.44395057

Thank you.

>> No.44395117

Is this like Batman whose superpower is prep time?

>> No.44395122

kys capeshit fag

>> No.44395288

Yes, but only the time before reincarnation

>> No.44395558

Konosuba and re: zero

>> No.44395686

Yeah, no lol. They are a bit different than what I had in mind when I mentioned 下準備 as an example

>> No.44398362

lmao even
