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File: 334 KB, 638x478, 2023-08-08 01_33_38-さよならを教えて 2日目、屋上.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44256451 No.44256451 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44230999

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels. Discussion of translated visual novels (including MTL) belongs in >>>/vg//vn/

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44256572 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.27 MB, 800x600, mamiya's room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Tsui no Sora these past few weeks with my beginner to intermediate JP skill. I read sayooshi back in january and am only just getting to another foundational denpage pillar.

The prose really is nothing to write home about and I find the sudden bursts of philosophical prattling very artificially implemented, but some particular lines really weighed on my mind and I recognise the title as something emergent and unique within the scene it released in. I find the art direction really charming, and the dissonance between the background artwork and characters creates a sort of dirty atmosphere where something is very wrong. My interest lulled during second view as it was kind of redundant and only served to shoehorn a very boring H-scene towards the end, contrasted to the genuinely sweet and lovely one read in Yukito's route. I'm currently making my way through third view/Zakuro's route and taking breaks between reading sessions as the interface and font gives me a bit of a headache after prolonged reading! I'm coming to enjoy enforced reading order more and more.

Thus far, I think I really do like sayooshi more. The iconic sunset colour grading and more concrete character building right off the bat as well as the disquieting repetition I feel was a bit more interesting within the setting; granted it was developed a little later than TnS and is running on a bit of a nicer engine. Having TnS feed through a japanese winxp virtual machine is very cool however. Would be interested in hearing the experiences of fellow anons who have touched on TnS themselves, as well as being very open to opinions regarding subahibi/if it's worth reading.

>> No.44256618

hell of a coincidence, i just started reading a little while ago
have to agree with you so far on the philosophy dumps, but i'm very early in, maybe it will pay off later. i don't particularly like philosophy to begin with so i'm a little biased here also.

not too much to say as i didn't get far. might be the oldest thing i've ever read though, that part is fun.

>> No.44256681

Second best girl.

>> No.44256888

I read this some time ago and it was kinda underwhelming

>> No.44256955

>with my beginner to intermediate JP skill
>I read sayooshi back in january
Could you understand it back then? I found it very hard to follow through the plot. Was harder than Tsui no Sora at least
I also liked the atmosphere of Sayooshi more, but TnS's atmosphere had its charm too.

>> No.44256984 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.21 MB, 1920x1080, me and my wives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sharkge. What a fun game. Not perfect by any means but it has a very fresh feeling to it and I had a great time just immersing and getting swept up in the heroines and the plot. I really enjoyed the island setting and the colorful and detailed backgrounds as well.

>it's a time loop
>the time loop is actually fake
>actually the fake time loops are happening inside real timeloops

I don't think I've ever seen that before and I really didn't think they'd just go for that last part after everything, kek.

The individual routes were all enjoyable but varied a lot. Remi's was the most developed and exciting and really gave that kind of fun B-movie feel I think the VN was going for more than any other route. Kuuko is best girl and her becoming your brocon imouto was way too good.. Amane's was probably my favorite as a romance and really showed her charm (I didn't even expect to like her), but the plot kind of falls off in the second half and felt more like an h-scene marathon with some bits of story in between. Maruri's route was really good but would have benefited from getting a full route treatment with more visuals and actually showing the 3P scene. Touka was the shortest and most underdeveloped, which was disappointing since I really like her as a heroine. Kuuko "helping" you escape by killing everyone in your path was pretty funny though.

Neesan is too much of a hag for me but I did enjoy the story of her route and everything falling apart into the darkest timeline yet as they cling to each other for comfort, it had a unique kind of feeling to it and made me feel more than the other routes for the most part.

I know there's some complaints that the villains went down too easily in the grand route, but I think it makes sense well enough within the logic of the story and there's not that much point in picking at it. They probably should have made more than one backup of their weakest point though. Through the entire grand route I couldn't stop thinking how fun it all was to read. I guess I was the true 野蛸 all along. I think it definitely could have used more CGs, which is something I could say about the whole game really. Though considering how much they emphasized the idea of making something entertaining with what limited resources you have, you could say the parts that are lacking add to the feel of the game in one sense.

>> No.44256994 [SPOILER] 
File: 593 KB, 487x666, remember what they took from you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only strong complaint about the game I have is never getting the original Remi back. I'll never forgive Cube for this.

>> No.44256999

How is the trial of Geminism?

>> No.44257030
File: 1.60 MB, 1440x810, サメと生きる七日間サメと生きる七日間 (58).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neesan is too much of a hag for me

>> No.44257041
File: 406 KB, 552x489, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute hag of course!

>> No.44258675
File: 1.42 MB, 1040x1020, pixivid_12057677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likewise being the oldest thing I've read, definitely enlightening to tech back then and how unique and unforeseen atmospheric horror VNs were at the time. I find the scenes of prolonged Kant waffling especially grating when the BGM tracks are very short and repetitive, paired with my slow reading speed this becomes such a chore. Might actually try to make progress tonight.

Voice acting really helps me, if I'm being honest. Half the reason why I'm struggling with TnS so much is the lack of voices, as my hearing is exponentially better than my reading (sadly). Granted I needed a bit of kanji help during some of Hitomi's breakdowns, but the moment to moment reading went smoothly after a bit of memorisation; the way sayooshi repeats dialogue or general terms for emphasis/shock value assisted this too. I think liking it so much and having such a high preconception of it through fan activity and word of mouth about the title had me really trying to understand. I won't lie and say it wasn't a challenge though.


>> No.44258867 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1440x810, 1665139904059721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually showing the 3P scene
My main complaint about Sharkness Life was stuff like this. It felt like they ran out of budget and cut stuff, like this scene and the Maruri fade-to-black implied H-scene in Funabori-oneesan's route. I hope they release a director's cut version (or whatever) with what I assume is cut content.
Other than that, it was an excellent read.

>> No.44258947

Sharkge is mid

>> No.44259339

>DMM now requires accounts just to browse the site

>> No.44259408

It's an anti-gaijin thing. If you have a japanese IP you dont need an account to browse. Why are the japanese so mean to us? :(

>> No.44259467

why aren't there more parody doujin VNs like 14979?

>> No.44259597

>Maruri fade-to-black implied H-scene in Funabori-oneesan's route
Honestly for as dark as the story could go, I don't think it's the kind of game that's willing to H scenes with horror elements or anything too uncomfortable, so I wouldn't have expected this one to get a scene anyway even if I think it would have added to the experience. Maruri is definitely pretty starved of H CGs compared to the others though which is a shame.

>> No.44261563

That happened a few weeks ago. At least you can still make an account and purchase things. I can't imagine the complaining type of gaijin ever stumbling across their store by mistake though.

>> No.44261839

Would anyone happen to know if it's possible to either enlarge the window that Baldr Sky runs in, or if its possible to have the cursor leave the window when it's in borderless fullscreen? It'd be nicer if unfocusing the window didn't minimize it, too, but I imagine there's nothing to be done about that.

>> No.44261847

Play it in a VM

>> No.44261870

This, also how I deal with VNs that mute when unfocused.

>> No.44261890

That's a really great idea, thanks.

>> No.44261915


>> No.44262168

Seeking help in ripping or mirroring the patch link from this site

>> No.44262520
File: 212 KB, 465x504, 456868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't find where this game stocks it's chibis.
damn it.

>> No.44263364

What's up with this link, can't even access it with a VPN

>> No.44263519

They just made it impossible to start the DMM app itself + the apps inside DMM on my end on Monday (wasn't just me, a bunch of other people have been affected). You can fix both of these things with a VPN but yeah that's been annoying.

>> No.44264354
File: 418 KB, 2048x2048, エロゲライター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

エロゲスレ who is your favorite eroge writer?

>> No.44264412

華南 恋 and porori

>> No.44264416

Maeda looks so cute...

>> No.44264459

From what little they showed I think it was pretty good, chuuni is my favorite genre so maybe I'm a little biased. Also, the sliding images of the characters reactions was a nice touch imo, the two things I'm not so sure about is how small the text is and the fujobait dudes, but I like their voice actors so I guess we'll have to wait for the full game if it delivers or not.

>> No.44264462

Porori, Sca-ji, Jackson, Romeo

>> No.44264472

>chuuni is my favorite genre
>I'm not so sure about the fujobait dudes
does not compute

>> No.44264509

True to be honest, I'm a fake fan I guess.

>> No.44264779

I love how the only picture of Nasu is the back of his fucking head from like 20 years ago.

>> No.44264803

i don't think he's on here but the writer for aojashin is very hot.

>> No.44265034

I'm curious about the H-scenes in Geminism. Both of the male main characters are played by big name voice actors so I doubt they will be involved

>> No.44265073

Wouldn't be surprised if they introduced another protagonist in the full game.

>> No.44265287

They'll probably be unvoiced during H-scenes

>> No.44265479

It'll be yuri/futa only

>> No.44265817
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, gev_v01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one has the cock?

>> No.44265947


>> No.44266012

Is she joking or are they actually twins?

>> No.44266058

Yep, they are twins.

>> No.44266095

>date with heroine
>she arrives late, is pale and had a headache all morning
>MC: let's go to the amusement park
Oh come on... Go to a damn café or sit in the park or escort her home to rest up you fucktard.

>> No.44266176

sounds based to me. Don't want some bitch's headache to ruin my fun at the amusement park.

>> No.44266339

So how did that work out?

>> No.44266396

>date with heroine
>she arrives late, is flushed red, breathing hard, and explains she's late because she had to give yarichin-senpai a hand and now she's exhausted
>MC: let's go to the amusement park
You're gonna make her go to the amusement park while she's exhausted?

>> No.44266406

None of the date was shown. It flashed forward to MC bringing her home. They had fun but she had to lie down once and her headache continued. She liked the ferris wheel most. At her home she hugged him and the day ended.

Haha very funny. Actually the day before the date a tall baseball guy came to talk to her, she blushed and went with him to his club for 30 minutes or so. Of course nothing happened because it's moege.

>> No.44266412

Which moege? Kanokiss?

>> No.44266435

>Actually the day before the date a tall baseball guy came to talk to her, she blushed and went with him to his club for 30 minutes or so.
Instantly dropped, negative comment, score + review posted on EGS & vndb.

>> No.44266464

Do I play the new hulotte game or some random old chuunige

>> No.44266473

what chuunige?

>> No.44266477

I don't want to influence the vote by saying

>> No.44266485

Play the random old chuunige game. Note that I'm a chuunifag so tell me which game after you decide either way.

>> No.44266493

Sell me on this vn
Why does she want this town to burn?

>> No.44266496

yes you should absolutely play fortissimo and go for momiji aka best girl, i'm glad we all agree

>> No.44266510

Another chuunifag here, there's no need to say more I think.

>> No.44266512

The new Hulotte is meh but old chuunige are also meh. Drop your plans and read old moege.

>Why does she want this town to burn?
The usual, rape
>Sell me on this vn
Mindfuck and rape. Best MC ever written.

>> No.44266514

I will read the new studio pork game instead of either.

>> No.44266535

So democracy means shit to you huh? Good choice though....

>> No.44266544

>So democracy means shit to you huh?
just like in real life *snare drum* haha tip your waiter folks!

>> No.44266940
File: 14 KB, 503x140, ruitomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to fix it? vn name is るいは智を呼ぶ

>> No.44266949

Have you heard of this thing called "google"

>> No.44266966

okay it's work now

>> No.44268201

Can you play only this version of fortissimo? https://vndb.org/v7595
Or do you need to do the first one too?

>> No.44268367

Americans were blackmailing them last year to drop "dubious content" from their site so they just told them to fuck off and removed western payment processors around that time, this seems like the next logical step, hopefully they grow some balls and add the loli tag back now that foreign ips are blocked.

>> No.44268495

Do you self-insert as Tomo or do you want to insert into Tomo? i need it for the R18 fanfiction of エロゲスレ that I write.

>> No.44268603

new light or clockup (could be another one though, but it will be a chuunige) revealed at C102 with the vermillon/dead days writer

>> No.44268799

No, I will not do a self-insert when reading vn or any other mediums. I'm just looking as a bystander.

>> No.44269363

If you're not self-inserting, you're doing it wrong

>> No.44269528

>new light
i did nazi it coming

>> No.44269535

It's finally our time again chuunibros

>> No.44271284

My penis is ready

>> No.44271371

They can't even release Ori. Just no.

>> No.44271608

Anyone know where I could find an apk for キラキラ OVERDRIVE EDITION

>> No.44271622

found out that kevin guy who spams vndb with dumb topics in illegible English is another fuwatard and hata friend. illeca is also hata's butt buddy. why can't he just kill himself already and not ruin eroge

>> No.44271656

I'm so glad I don't know who any of these people are

>> No.44271670

Why do you let some random retard on vndb make you mad? I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about bro.

>> No.44271681

What the fuck are you even talking about kek

>> No.44271723


>> No.44271733

Do you read VNs in English? I can't imagine knowing anyone's name on VNDB/Fuwa unless you've noticed you share similar taste and decided to reach out

>> No.44271756

stop samefagging hata and kys

>> No.44271783

Not everyone is an e-celeb worshiper like you, get a grip retard.

>> No.44271805

can you really say e-celeb when he's dredging for sympathy over literal forum drama with absolute randoms?

>> No.44271861

I can't imagine getting obsessed with wannabe ecelebs and schizoposting about them, I hope the poster is just one of these people seeking attention and no one is sad enough here to be doing this for real

>> No.44271886

Why does Hitomi think birds like anal?

>> No.44271933

3 new IPs +2 samefags decide at the same time to make their first post to say "what" and defending esltrannies they "don't know". yeah right. kys hata. genuine replies look like >>43350464

>> No.44271955

This is just pure mental illness.

>> No.44271967

Birds shit a lot and like other animals they fuck from behind. That could've gotten him confused.

>> No.44272096

Imagine having e-celebs living rent-free in your head, kek.

>> No.44272163

The same reason he thought mustard in a cat's ass was a good idea.

>> No.44272246

is porori a good writer?

>> No.44272347

so what, your forum buddy is running a bot to see if you mention him and keeps 3 phones on hand to spoof the IP count?

>> No.44272382

I'd wager it's for clockup, i don't think kurashiki works with light anymore
wasn't involved with their last two games

>> No.44272391

>None of the date was shown
Very cringe every time it happens. Good dates are kinda rare in eroge now that I think about it.
Yes, I liked browsing skin care products in mekuiro. And obviously the rest as well.

>> No.44272674

Very good if you like wordplay, poetic prose, and philosophy in your lolige/nukige.

>> No.44273442

What's the song sang in duet by Touma Kazusa and Haruki something something?

>> No.44273845

Any news about the new Innocent Grey vn?

>> No.44274324

Would anyone have any recommended Magpie settings for those running an iGPU? I tried settings posted awhile ago by anons using Anime4K effects and I'm having performance issues.

>> No.44274765
File: 990 KB, 1440x1080, 1687637901860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your iGPU is trying to save you.

>> No.44274774

stop upscaling
if VN devs intended for you to read their VNs in hd, they would release shitty ports that cut off a third of the screen
read VNs the way god intended, with a magnifying glass

>> No.44274887

They do release shitty upscales that cut off a third of the screen...

>> No.44274913

Anon was ironic (I hope).

>> No.44275502
File: 102 KB, 800x600, DCPCV tha endo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally over and it stayed an awful route until the end. On the upside many of the last 11 events were much shorter than before. 1 event was a record ~20 lines long.

This piece of trash route. Why was it so unenjoyable? The writer revealed all of her backstory very early that in her past people would flock around her and ask Tamaki to read their future but when bad things happened they blamed and shunned her. She never had real friends until MC was nice to her. In the present her powers are revealed to the school and in the new term everyone wants, again, their future read. Does Tamaki object? No. Does MC step in to help her? FUCK NO. Everything is bound to repeat and the characters are aware.

Tamaki's miko-bu gains members. First 2 girls who look up to her, then another 15+ who are in it for the costumes and predictions. Then all sports clubs want her to pray for their victories which apparently worked. She works her ass off for others and plays girlfriend for MC. Overworked she gets sicker and suffers. Does MC step in now? NOPE.

How could the writer further ruin this route? Let's introduce the dilemma that mikos are supposed to be pure and virginal, no love allowed. AFTER she lost her purity. Listen Tamaki, your own mother was a miko, fell in love, had you and was still a miko until death. Why are you questioning this? Why does MC never tell her? Why not ask Tamaki's father about her mother's miko/love story? No, the romance must stagnate here.

But let's go harder on the retard writing. Tamaki's health gets worse and she has to cancel her miko-bu training camp. This pisses off all but the original 2 girls so much that all of them quit the club while Tamaki is sick at home. One of the clubs lost a game and blames it on Tamaki not praying hard enough. Genius. MC only steps in slightly to help but makes things worse for Tamaki. Meanwhile Sakura has killed the sakura trees.

Here I thought this would ease up Tamaki's suffering because it's always the tree magic going wild. No, all of Tamaki's powers are natural and not caused by sakura magic. Inexplicably Tamaki's health gets even worse and she collapsed at home, alone. MC calls 119 and she's now in a coma for days. MC asks Sakura for help and she knows what to do but it's risky duh.

The two get Tamaki and bring her to the dead sakura trees. Sakura counts to 10 and MC enters Tamaki's inner world to bring her back. Ohoho what's next? Tamaki doesn't want to go back because... She thinks that if she gives up being a miko MC wouldn't love her anymore. Bla bla he tells her she's wrong and he loves her as a woman. The usual stuff. They exit together and... next day fuck at her empty shrine. ED plays. Epilogue is about her dancing in a new robe she magically hid underneath her miko clothes she wears underneath her school uniform. Tamaki dances for MC, not for the gods. Finally done. NOPE. MC has to narrate for a good 50 lines how strong Tamaki is now and that she always only wanted to help people but also be a girl yada yada yada. Too long. Credits play, it's over.

Never did the writer touch upon how her club was deserted or how sports clubs blamed their failures on her. The girl overworked herself and was in a coma for days. Did they feel bad for her and apologized? We'll never know. This writer dragged it out for so long but didn't touch the important bits. There was also a sub plot about Sakura's grandma knowing Tamaki's mother and sealing Tamaki's memories of MC. This was briefly mentioned in Tamaki's inner world but not explained.

Tamaki's abilities. Not caused by the sakura but real miko powers that weakened because she fell in love and became less pure? Then why did she gain her precognition years ago on the island.

Her headaches and all the health scares. They were caused by her powers weakening? Really. Not the overworking to please everyone? A magical coma because she's an impure miko... This writer sucks.

What I'm also angry at is Tamaki got 3 H-scenes. Other new heroines like Alice has 1 H-scene.

What I liked about Tamaki's terrible route was her first H-scene CG:
How the lighting accentuates her curves, the way her hair and clothes spread out, her delicious plump breasts, the detailed panties and the well placed shot of her ass. Such high quality art.

That's it for this route. It only took me a few days to read but I'm exhausted. The bad aftertaste's still in my mouth. It could've all been prevented if only Tamaki had said she can't read futures only get visions she can't control sometimes. Or MC could've lied and said that he played a prank on the beauty contest that caused a lamp to almost fall on Kotori. That Tamaki only shot an arrow last minute to prevent it. Or they could've said no to giving predictions and prayers to every asshole at school. Nope, need the drama and minimize the romance. Shitty writer.

>> No.44275737

What is a capo

>> No.44275748

I didn't read because I'm really autistic about spoilers but you are a certified king for writing this.

>> No.44276021

I think the inconsistencies could be due to the large number of writers involved in the VN, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't give a shit about what the previous author wrote. I especially find it hilarious that the main character doesn't tell that his mother was a miko her whole life, he is literally the biggest villain in the novel for no reason at all.
At least your suffering made for good reading lol.

>> No.44276267

Speaking of Da Capo, any recs for games with a main cast that's mostly 中学生?

>> No.44277059

that is a nice picture

>> No.44277394

Just go through the list of available options and find what works best for your card while looking acceptable to your eyes. You can't seriously tell me this didn't occur to you.

>> No.44277814
File: 91 KB, 741x83, fsr34fds2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just finished dorosera. Anyone know other vns where the first 90% of the vn is just hot sex and then only on the last 10% do they actually become a couple? As someone who regularly drops vns after the confession, it was the first time for a very long while did I get to see the credit roll lol.

Others games I can think of that fit the criteria would be shoujo graffiti and kamisana.

>> No.44277943

I wish TM didn't exist so Meteor was forced to actually write something again before he dies.

>> No.44279653

和泉 妃愛?

>> No.44279683
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, 1654020293401599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44279906

Kurumi's route in Tenshi Souzou is like that

>> No.44279979


>> No.44280648

This shit has casual sex degeneracy

>> No.44281330

>HEAVEN BURNS RED free on steam
Can i finish the game without throwing any money?

>> No.44281453

Sure, it's possible and they are rebalancing the game to make it easier for new players.

>> No.44281484

Is it actually worth finishing though?

>> No.44281531

Depends on what you want from the game? I think the comedy is good and the drama while not peak Key still shows potential. Just play and see for yourself. I would recomend to play at least to the end of chap 2.

>> No.44282159

Ratings are extremely high on vndb. I didn't expect that.
Voters say it takes 100h to complete.

>> No.44282404

More questions: does the game even have an have ending? Gacha supposed to be endless right? Also, how is the gameplay?

>> No.44282968

does the game even have an have ending?
Maeda said in an interview that he has plan for the story to go for 5 years and he already decided on how it will end but there are rooms to continue after that too.
>how is the gameplay?
It's pretty standard turn-based JRPG with a few twists (like you will game over if one party member die). The balance could be better and they are overhauling it right now. Personally I like the challenge and they nailed most of the story boss fights pretty well if you play with story accurate characters.

>> No.44283340

Go with Lanczos I guess. Should still be miles better than the default fullscreen especially with the antiring.

>> No.44283391

How do I stop downloading new VNs and actually finish one? I always get bored because it takes 4-5 times longer to read with my level of Japanese. Maybe I'll try something with good plot this time instead of moeshit

>> No.44283428

Idk. Try reading something short to practice instead.
Also, I've accepted that I'll never finished my hoard, so now I'm just downloading VNs for collection's sake.

>> No.44283444

Usually, the hardest part is the beginning where you get introduced to most or all of the unique jargon for the setting/genre and the writer's particular style, idiosyncrasies, pet words, etc. It should get measurably easier as you go further into the work. Although, as long as you're reading, it really doesn't matter if you keep jumping around since you're still learning.

>> No.44283524

read things that don't need to be 100% finished
pick up something purely for a heroine you like and you'll only have to make it through her route
the heartboner is a good motivator

>> No.44284446

If you are reading moeshit which is usually short then you wont make it to the real stories.

>> No.44284496

Which VNs are the best to prepare yourself before reading ones with the hardest Japanese like Bradyon Veda and Mareni works

>> No.44284527

wrong thread buddy, fuck off to djt, this thread is for people who know jp already

>> No.44284541
File: 401 KB, 616x838, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To even begin to properly understand Visual Novels you have to start from square one

>> No.44284546

but bro, they don't do anything there but shitpost.............

>> No.44284557

preparation meme is a part of djt mentality either way

>> No.44284582

study grammar and read more

>> No.44284583

Just like the other anon said, preparation is a meme. Just keep reading, and you will know when you are ready.

>> No.44284924

bradyon veda

>> No.44285109

Nah, if you're an overthinker then you'll be ready even before you think you are. Just have to try reading and see if you can handle it.

>> No.44285750
File: 1.45 MB, 1001x750, Muzukashii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44285837

nukige ftw

>> No.44286037

just stop giving a fuck like seriously I remember playing this vn on the psp when I started, the mc would describe the sunsets on his school classroom in a very detailed way which is okay once, but he did it like 4 times, like I know it's a fucking sunset dude I've seen one before irl, hell I can tell is a sunset by the fucking cg god dammit.
he would also explain the most simple shit in the most roundabout way or repeat himself just talking in circles. Just stop giving a fuck, like 60%ish of what they say it's completely worthless not important shit.

>> No.44286252

You niggas still read VNs?

>> No.44286476

Don't you have a gacha game to tap on and tiktok videos to go through?

>> No.44286496

Why are you making yourself read if you don't like it? Just because you find it worthless doesn't mean others should follow your advice.

>> No.44286531

then don't.

>> No.44286667

You need to touch grass and get a life

>> No.44287428

Damn Kanako's moans for Natsume were hot as fuck
I hope they won't ever give her an お〝お〝 お〝 お〝 お〝 script again like they did for Amane, that was fucking trash and boner killer

>> No.44287607

Nah Amane's os were really hot. Natsume's sex scene performances are just an abnormality. Even for a genius like kanako probably a once in a lifetime performance, theres nothing hotter

>> No.44288902

This a gayjean saying it?

>> No.44288914

Ever read books? They do the same shit. It's called being paid per line.

>> No.44288925

I need to know what VN's you nignogs are talking about.

>> No.44288952

obviously yuzuslop

>> No.44288998
File: 20 KB, 250x300, Malebtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's nihonjin

>> No.44289457

was playing renai royale (w/ cheese) before bed and had a dream that i could equip a "necklace of fire" onto whichever character i wanted in the settings screen
this replaced their tachie with a version that was on fire, and all their voice lines were replaced with unintelligible screaming

i've never been more disappointed in my life to wake up and find it wasn't real

>> No.44289514


>> No.44289617

moedramage... i need it...

>> No.44289874
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, japanese_is_hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44290035

Is Yuzusoft the Miel of moege?

>> No.44290088
File: 1.32 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-06_09-18-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the parts where they tiptoe around the reveal when the characters know what happens are pretty bad for me, or when they explain some plan or motivation and it just gets long winded
pic not related

>> No.44290131

Any vn where an oujo-sama heroine tries to talk/adapt to the pleb?

>> No.44290217

Are they taking the piss at the wypipo?

>> No.44290294

what's so great about it? i'm not gonna get myself hyped over bland vanilla h-scenes.

>> No.44290312

Isn't that the whole point of himeo route in damekoi?

>> No.44290406

>he needs some degenerate fetish to get off and can't appreciate simple good sex with a cute girl

>> No.44290431

after reading hundreds of moege that all have similar scenes you need at least something to spice things up

>> No.44290438

the only sane writer in this world

>> No.44290447

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44290485

There's that scene in Muv-Luv where Meiya eats 庶民 food or whatever they called it.

>> No.44290529

Do you have to have a certain degree of schizophrenia to be considered a good writer?

>> No.44290570

not schizophrenia but confidence. if scaji was constantly second guessing himself on whether the shit he was writing was pretentious we wouldn't have gotten sakuuta.

>> No.44290585

You have to think differently from everyone else to do anything remotely unique and high quality with creation in general. Controllable schizophrenia is an unironic gift from god plebs will never achieve in their lifetime.

>> No.44290615

Are you one of those dudes who sees something slightly creative in a piece of media and goes "dude they must've been on drugs when they made this xdd"

>> No.44290658

Is it really mental illness if you aren't trying to kill others and ruin yourself at the end?

>> No.44290692
File: 2.18 MB, 1536x864, 1665007179199554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trial is up

>> No.44290727

Purple is so cute

>> No.44290742

in an age of offensively bad character designs, these are okay

>> No.44290865

Brown hair is kind of bad but the others are fine

>> No.44291193
File: 251 KB, 256x371, 天ツ風~傀儡陣風帖~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to read Kikaijikake before Amatsukaze?

The VNDB lists Amatsukaze as a sequel, but it looks very different from Kikaijikake.

>> No.44291404
File: 1.54 MB, 1046x935, cartagra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows what are the changes/new things added in the rebirth version?
for some fucking reason this thing won't run after the intro and locale emulator doesnt work

>> No.44291568

Quintessential normalfaggot post right there.

>> No.44291583

It's amazing how I've seen this CG so many times because of this thread and it still looks like shit.

>> No.44291593
File: 883 KB, 1100x2088, chii_pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left one really is better with her hair attached. Purple is best.
Sadly they all seem affected by a case of melon breasts.

>> No.44291618
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, BLJS10266_screenshot_2023_08_12_04_02_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why they had to make this girl my type

>> No.44291646

You are in luck. Generic Tsundere-chan can be found in every second game.

>> No.44291724

You don't strictly need to, but you should, especially if you're planning on reading the rest of the Machina series. They're both good, but the gameplay systems and scenario in Amatsukaze are such an upgrade that it's hard to imagine playing them in reverse.

>> No.44291738
File: 4 KB, 164x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also any idea on how to extract these pak files?
i want to see the cgs

>> No.44291840

I've seen lots of non-normalfags who always prefer to consume say that, too. It's just jealousy and cope to call it mental illness because they're actually unremarkable people in reality.

>> No.44292041

I don't think you necessarily need to have mental illness to be a good creator but some demons seems to go a long way. Anytime an artist or band I liked that had members that had some vice be it drinking or drugs, but then they suddenly get their act clean - their work is noticeably worse.

>> No.44292152

Why are they so different from each other? Kikaijikake looks like science fiction and Amatsukaze is feudal Japan

>> No.44292201

My criteria for normalfagging is rather high I'll admit. Most people using mental illness buzzwords fall into that category to me. Your second sentence sums it up well indeed.

>> No.44292227
File: 257 KB, 1282x752, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, got me there

>> No.44292307

Is she referring to the kind of wounds that teenage girls do to get attention? Because I had a gf in high school who not only cut her arms but also her belly and that wasn't very sexy at all. I would even go so far as to say that the traumas caused by that relationship triggered my addiction to eroge, THAT'S how bad that relationship was. But on the other hand I never had sex with her so I can't be sure if what she says is true.

>> No.44292313

I assumed she meant like gripping your arms so hard during sex that it makes scratches.

>> No.44292321

Ah yeah, that makes more sense.

>> No.44292329

nope, it's wristcutter scars
the joke being menhera is hot to some people (me)
sure it's probably horrible irl but there's lots of things that are horrible irl but hot in concept

>> No.44292429
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44292441


>> No.44292448
File: 1.03 MB, 828x758, 1602763215561381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44292477

Obviously she's referring to リスカ
You don't watch enough degenerate Japanese videos on youtube.

>> No.44292645

All the changes are listed on vndb. And as a reminder, it's probably not a good idea to look for images of a game you haven't played yet.
No idea why the game doesn't run for you though, maybe download it from somewhere else.

>> No.44292741

>Why are they so different from each other?
The Machina Chronicle timeline spans thousands of years. And yes, you do need to do Eve first if you want to make sense of the true ending of Amatsukaze.

>> No.44292972

>Orange hair, green eyes
I'm seen this somewhere before

>> No.44292995

If only it had come out a day earlier I would have read it. I literally just started reading something else, damn.

>> No.44293003
File: 31 KB, 256x362, 69175[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> http://www.waffle1999.com/game/101imoutokanojo/

holy FUCK it's not vaporware. can the dream team come together again to top Hnk????

>> No.44293570

>And yes, you do need to do Eve first if you want to make sense of the true ending of Amatsukaze.
And is Ogeretsu Daihyakka necessary as well? Or is Eve a good entry point?

>> No.44294241

Ogeretsu is relevant for Eve but you don't need to do it since the important parts (involving Souichirou and Ai) are recapped in more than enough detail. Similarly, Machina no Kiseki is technically relevant for Felshis but I wouldn't say it's essential. Eve is the best starting point (and is also a great game on its own merits). Thinking back now, I guess you could play Amatsukaze without Eve if you are okay with a few details near the end going over your head, but I also started the series for Amatsukaze and I ended up liking Eve the most, so you can use your own judgment here.
Eve can be a bit annoying to play after your first clear because of the gameplay but it shouldn't be too bad if you do the minimal amount (Senpai -> Tierra, in that order, which is also where all the good parts are).

>> No.44294250

And of course by senpai I meant ファム because I forgot about the word filter.

>> No.44294435
File: 55 KB, 703x548, interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you read that interview? game sounds insane.

>> No.44294583

thank you very much for the detailed answer, anon!

>> No.44295012
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, suigetsu_gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded Suigetsu Grand Package and it's a really half-assed remaster. The available settings are pathetic and you have to click on everything to even know what other options there are, not even drop down menus. The game doesn't remember my fullscreen setting and always starts windowed. The backgrounds look blurry and with NVL textbox hidden are extremely bright. In NVL there's no indication who's speaking but the backlog shows character names, lazy. The weirdest decision they made is that the Windows key skips text. No backlog jump but at least voice replay exists. Only 50 save slots.

Also didn't expect Suigetsu to have such a packed script. A lot of long narration makes it read like a novel with few pictures rather than your average VN that's heavy on the visuals.

>> No.44295141

it runs now
have to change the cpu affinity in task manager

>> No.44295186

eh. it's not homo if it's cute

>> No.44295301

>t. lead writer of the last ensemble game

>> No.44295304

it's not cute if it's homo

>> No.44295438

Is A-S dead for good?

>> No.44295505

She's cute and beautiful and erotic

>> No.44295514


>> No.44295660


>> No.44295754

I just went there to grab some links.
Although, time will tell if this UI change will help or hurt the site.

>> No.44295763

Is fairys a subbrand of sprite like yuzusoft sour?

>> No.44295781

iirc it isn't, as they released extra 2 under the same name too

>> No.44295796

I guess I just assumed because this seems wildly out of step with their previous releases and companies usually do that under a subbrand.
Also a ps4 game in 2024? Really?

>> No.44296041

What is this?

>> No.44296219

pixeldrain com/u/JwnqdhwU
downloaded at 4kb/s

>> No.44296428

That new BISHOP featured on bugbug again, 9/29 release day.

>> No.44296437
File: 160 KB, 937x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh it works when I go to the site directly. I always use a bookmark to the search and that gives me a 403 error so I assumed A-S is dead.

Looks like other bookmarks are broken too. Well at least the site's not gone like itazuraneko.

>> No.44296475

Bishoujo Mangekyou 8/25, I thought it was delayed?

>> No.44296562

this coming out the same day.
why you do this to me.

>> No.44296701

anyone can upload new asapro tiral on gdrive? These nipsites are cancer.

>> No.44296766

>downloaded at 4kb/s
You are a goddamn hero anon, hoping >>44226798 will find out about this since he was the first one requesting it.

>> No.44297016
File: 2.30 MB, 1302x846, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will they stop using google translate?

>> No.44297029

google translate wouldn't make that mistake

>> No.44297036

aho. google translate wouldn't make that typo. engrish typos are cute and soulful

>> No.44297518

The announcement of the delay was at 7/25
The magazine probably already went to production at the time

>> No.44297567

>msgk imouto with fang
>no main route and probably not even a mini route

>> No.44297869

cute engrish

>> No.44299148

Garbro worked for me on another game with that format.

>> No.44299350
File: 4 KB, 222x272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garbro extracted it but for some reason the files has no image extensions

>> No.44299415

Try adding them manually? I think there should be an option in garbro to do it when you extract though, check whatever it says in the export dialog.

>> No.44299443

pixeldrain fuckyouchinkmoot com/u/WXxZLvcM

>1.6 GB .zip
>550 MB of it is OP video
I'm sure spending 2 hours @ 200 kb/s DL speed wasn't worth it, but hey, maybe senpai will be lovely enough to make me keep reading.

>> No.44299746
File: 41 KB, 876x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt work for some reason
even tried all of the image extension options when extracting it and when i try to open the file in garbro it said that it cant be opened as resource archive

>> No.44299803

ffprobe them to see if they're even valid image files

>> No.44299961
File: 1.70 MB, 870x1039, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give up
if any anon is interested in getting the cgs, character sprites, etc. here's the file
also if anyone extracted it please upload it to the panda
>pixeldrain somethingsomething
also here's the ost if anyone wants to listen
>pixeldrain forfucksake

>> No.44299993

bro spoilers....

>> No.44300030

They're encrypted

>> No.44300043

so the engine is the only thing can use it?

>> No.44300115

Yes, until someone reverse engineers it

>> No.44300200 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 1110x776, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the nips response in ripping cgs?

>> No.44300272
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, BLJS10266_screenshot_2023_08_13_01_00_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44300336


Apparently some Aquaplus worker decided to do his own doujin VN

>> No.44300643

Where can I find the RE-BOOT patch 1.11?

>> No.44300702

wait, is it a full remake? the style looks completely different

>> No.44300901

https://www.net-ride.com/free_dl/index.php?R_km_url=jpFY with a JP IP seems to be the only way right now

>> No.44300933

>4 hours to download
Well... it's not that bad...

>> No.44301147

the only ones that have full new artstyle (sprites + background cgs) are the epilogue routes which includes a yura route with normal and true end
but they've also redrawn all the old spirtes and cgs but there's still the hint of the old artstyle like the coloring

>> No.44301498

>yura route
well damn, now i just might check it out

>> No.44302759

I have to admit, Amin games are very well optimized Their games run very well on my low-budget 2010 laptop.

>> No.44304007 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to finish all the routes iirc to get into the sacrament routes (revamped nagomibako routes)
also they've added short routes to the game with additional scenes
>rin route if shugo's quick enough she survives albeit her one eye got plucked
>toji route shugo even have a sex scene w/ a short hair toji like in kns2
>takako route she got some new cgs, from the looks of it shugo saved her

>> No.44304040

oh i forgot
this is the route guide i've used

>> No.44305343

i didnt even know that the wagahime gacha game came out, it's so dead that nobody bothered to datamine the ero
it's dead in less than a year

>> No.44305360

himanatsu has awakened something inside of me...
any daughterwife vinnies to reccomend ?

>> No.44305361

i was going to give it a full re-read anyway, it's been like a decade since i first read it

>> No.44305491

it's worth a read especially if you're waiting for a yura route

>> No.44305507

I'm interested too and I want to take a look at this eventually but I have a feeling most I'll find will be nukige. There is no such tag on vndb and in essence, when done right, such development is relatively spoiler-y and I'm not sure I would want to know per advance. I was lucky (or dumb) enough to only realize things were heading this way while pretty deep into the VN, which made the experience even more so special to me.

>> No.44306142

Oh wow TS stuff with progressive transformation looks so wrong, just turn him into a girl at once.

>> No.44306394

tried installing cartagra's remake and the game tried to give me a seizure with it flickering and flashing, i'll try giving it a reinstall but this is weird

>> No.44306428

https://vndb.org/v18874 kind of. It is a nukige but not just a nukige. I don't think it's much of a spoiler to mention it in this context.

>> No.44307217
File: 470 KB, 1920x1080, コイバナ恋愛【体験版】_NUIyJf0rdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the trial, I'm now looking forward to reading more when it releases.
So far I'm liking purple and orange the most. The other sub heroines honestly overshadow the hell out of black and pink right now. The fact that they're going to end up dating MC's friends instead is pretty fucking bold of ASa Project to do. They're not even subtle about it either.
Oh well, I'm still interested in seeing how far they actually end up going with this because you almost never see this in modern moege.

>> No.44307226

so is the Cartagra remake the definitive way to play the game for the first time?

>> No.44307231

>because you almost never see this in modern moege.
Perhaps for the same reason you almost never see polio.

>> No.44307314

that's supposed to be pink hair?

>> No.44307327

For content, more modern engine and HD graphics yes. Not if you prefer the old sprites.

>> No.44307365
File: 290 KB, 545x655, コイバナ恋愛【体験版】_i1w68z768E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very light but yes.

>> No.44307996

i'd like to thank asaprojekuto and renai royale both for enabling my garbage fetish
thank you very much and i wish you the best

>> No.44308238

Anyone got the new sakutoki music disks?

>> No.44308537

> they're going to end up dating MC's friends instead
Goodbye asaproject, you lasted too long after doing the same game 4 times

>> No.44308688

Are the subheroines with boyfriends really that good? I thought they all looked kind of unattractive desu

>> No.44308689
File: 1.16 MB, 960x539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works on my machine
if it crashes/lags after the intro, change the cpu affinity to 4 cores or something

>> No.44308732
File: 2.71 MB, 1643x925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These four?

>> No.44308736

ONE ~輝く季節へ~ remake opening

I expected better

>> No.44308744
File: 262 KB, 374x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>44308732 This one too I guess.

>> No.44309919

Does anyone else from the old staff beside Hinoue work on this?

>> No.44310247

Considering how they hide staff for scenario - probably no.

>> No.44310867

Oh well if they keep the old scenario as is then it's probably won't be too bad. Would be funny to see all the wacky settings being kept though.

>> No.44310928

>rin route

>> No.44311197

600mb? What does this even add?

>> No.44311335 [SPOILER] 
File: 563 KB, 454x781, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she finally got her happy end with shugo

>> No.44311455 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 921x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know for what he did in kns3, i say sugina miki still got what it takes to draw porn albeit he's more subdued now, the new scenes have like 2 cgs of sex scenes but for the heroines that died in the first game, he actually drew few more cgs of them

>> No.44311507
File: 103 KB, 1024x1449, __meguro_miyuki_sayonara_wo_oshiete_drawn_by_jyouwan__210849f9d7f9dd5313f54d32c7892345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also only have one hole.
Nerd>emo>angel>loli cat>hag>airhead>smoker

>> No.44312788

damn, really made me want to read hnk to be prepared for this

>> No.44313025

24 years later and they can't make a op song better than a fan project based on ONE.

>> No.44313273
File: 1.00 MB, 780x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to the sub couples (who have no h-scenes)
As you can read thats what these are called.

>> No.44313286

I thought they made them look less good on purpose so people wouldnt mind them not having H or being available to MC

>> No.44313308

I unironically think they all look better than the actual main heroines

>> No.44313319

Twintails is okay but the other two look cheap and generic, all the main heroines look cuter except maybe brown.

>> No.44313382

page 72: new Aikotoba, white haired heroine looks very cute
page 82: milking girls simulator

>> No.44313404

they don't need h-scenes because you can fuck the same heroines in their previous games.

>> No.44313437

But I want to watch my bros fuck them...

>> No.44313438

Honestly, as fucking crazy as this is, if they give me good reasons to root for these characters I think it could make for a pretty interesting story. As long as they carry significant weight in the plot, are interesting, and aren't just a comic relief or some kind of weird NTR fetish I don't see a problem with giving a few spare bitches to my bros.

>> No.44313481

i'm okay with this under the condition i get to high-five the bros after we finish banging our respective ladies

>> No.44313532

This would be pretty funny ngl

>> No.44313536

there shouldn't be any spare bitches. a female has a sprite? she gets a route and my dick. bros can have offscreen spriteless girls.

>> No.44313581

Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Next thing you know the main heroines find a boyfriend when you don't play their route.

>> No.44313608

> a female has a sprite? she gets a route and my dick
But in this case that would mean betraying several of your most loyal brethren though? Does bros before hos mean nothing to you?

>> No.44313721

those hos shouldn't be my bro's or they shouldn't have sprites. can't have both

>> No.44313772

What about games with multiple MCs where the girls are split between them, is this NTR?

>> No.44313790

only NTR if one MC is better than the other

>> No.44313793
File: 81 KB, 528x496, 1445747019658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I opened this shite this morning and now it's nearly a day later and you fuckwits are STILL going on about this.

>> No.44313808

I won't stand quiet as NTRfags invade my moege

>> No.44313820

Is it NTR if you have mom and dad characters with sprites in a moege (and no mom netori route)?

>> No.44313823

You okay bro? Would you prefer us requesting ddls or hook codes or asking "Is this rare?" or mentioning ecelbs or are you here for Sakutoki? Whoa we're really missing out on quality there by talking about the latest trial of a controversial new game.

>> No.44313829

I honestly always hated milfs because of the unusually easy cheating implications

>> No.44313832

Both are low quality desu

>> No.44313833

Only if the mom has a hot sprite

>> No.44313864

Agreed. If you want high quality you should try /vg/vn. Safe travels.

>> No.44313933

Why do you think so many moege moms are single?

>> No.44313946

So if this is because we're going to コイバナ with each other that actually sounds like it could be cute. I feel like it could also be cringe though.

>> No.44313981

the idea of being able to help your bros out with relationship problems and vice versa sounds honestly really appealing to me, whether it's a serious or comedic context
i'm getting real tired of the
>let's make him as unlikeable, annoying, unreliable, scummy, flaky, etc. as possible so no one feels threatened by having another guy around
type friend characters, give me some bros who've got your back in this fantasy i am being sold

>> No.44314087

Naderevo, heroines hooked up with side characters when you didn't do their routes.

>> No.44314188

Those 6 are all brand new characters

>> No.44314207

Not him but I'm here waiting for some kind anon to dump a link to the Sakutoki Vocal CD.

>> No.44314372

the blonde is literally the imouto from 2 games ago. she cut her greasy menhera hair a bit, that's all. you can find the other 5 in their respective games and fuck them there.

>> No.44314378

So any clues around on whether these have scenes? Or are they just comic relief characters?

>> No.44314395

>>44314378 Nvm I'm dumb it's literally written in the pic, it says none.

>> No.44314408
File: 35 KB, 102x135, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or yuri scenes I guess?

>> No.44314440

so cucked by women, amazing

>> No.44314451

Maybe they're planning on adding them in the FD

>> No.44314526

Probably 温泉 or some other 裸の付き合い

>> No.44314537

what game is blue haired girl from? she was my favorite sub heroine.

>> No.44314688

>The imouto is the first to get the dick in Tomefure Second
WTF were they thinking

>> No.44314699

Sounds based to me

>> No.44314706

the CG after that is probably my favorite in the entire game

>> No.44314765

is marine just dead? they were my favourite studio. shame their last game was so shit

>> No.44314793

Lune's last game was like 4 months ago anon

>> No.44314842

marine isn't the same as lune., even if they're both subsidiaries of the same company. marine has a specific style of game, and lune does their own thing. marine's last game was 3.5 years ago

>> No.44315395
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play 極限痴漢特異点 but every time I launch the game I get stuck on the “warning” sign and can’t go further. I’ve tried re-changing locale, running a locale emulator, changing compatibility settings, change time zone and windows display language, etc. nothing worked. Can anyone help me ?

>> No.44315632

Just a random guess but have you tried seeing if the game recognizes your input? Like plug a controller and see if that helps.

>> No.44315825
File: 111 KB, 752x411, rori omanman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uooh this is the stuff of dreams

>> No.44315910


>> No.44315934


>> No.44317223

try changing the name of the folder

>> No.44317425

New Thread

>> No.44318104

I enjoyed Tsui no Sora a lot back when I read it. While it's sure not very polished, I can probably state that some of its rough edges end up adding to its charm.

I really like the atmosphere and the horror artwork. Definitely feels very omnious and while a lot of people usually recommend skipping Tsui no Sora to read the remake, I think reading the original before the remake actually complemented my experience a lot. Sometimes it felt SCA-DI built a continuous discourse where it's hard to just skip one game without losing some thematic substance.

Good game. I would call it a rough gem. I just fucking hate the weird sex scenes holy shit, glad the Remake removed all that literal shit.

>> No.44318129

We deserve it considering how moralfags and lefties are currently targeting Japan.

>> No.44318186

DLsoft DMM still works fine without VPN, only their physical section requires accounts for some stuff. It's always been that way.
