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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 1920x1200, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44270952 No.44270952 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/

Remember, slow and steady!

Previous thread: >>44256136

>> No.44270965

>slow and steady

>> No.44270971
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1667635926835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.44270976


>> No.44271012

bored of entertainment
what now

>> No.44271024


>> No.44271037

>slow and steady
the ultimate beginner trap

>> No.44271039

heaven use

>> No.44271040

the nuke method

>> No.44271047

developed by the americans for japanese

>> No.44271051

everyone who made it went gigafast
burn out is a meme

>> No.44271052


>> No.44271061


>> No.44271074
File: 1.75 MB, 1680x941, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44271095


>> No.44271144

gonna play マイクラ
i wonder if djt has a srver

>> No.44271156

you can learn great words such as 白樺, 鍾乳洞, 松明


>> No.44271158

>i wonder if djt has a srver

>> No.44271214


>> No.44271238

why does my idiot dad always lurk in front of my room and listens to what's happening in my room?
can't i just talk to myself in peace?

>> No.44271244

thats how you know youre his son

>> No.44271306

cant even read vinnies out loud

>> No.44271342

that boy ain't right

>> No.44271348

Been reading just now and had a sudden feeling. Like it clicked in a way, things just started feeling more familiar, sentence structure, verbs and everything. Been reading for around 2-3 months on and off.

>> No.44271353

keep climbing

>> No.44271369

Trust me when I say, it didn't click.

>> No.44271386


>> No.44271393

Confront him and remind him that you're the master of his home.

>> No.44271396

then fuck his wife

>> No.44271397

I'm not saying I've reached intermediate level or anything. It just started looking more familiar. I still struggle with grammar

>> No.44271403

kruger moment

>> No.44271428

Big up to my kruggah and fuck da hatah

>> No.44271450


>> No.44271473
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based! make lots of mistakes and eventually it will be okay

>> No.44271484


>> No.44271493

for me it only clicks when i hear a cute japanese girl say the words

>> No.44271516

What a nice thing to say, ano-
never mind.

>> No.44271527

for me it only clicks if it's cringe in addition to being cute. (there should be a word for that)

>> No.44271528

he's not the master of anything

>> No.44271534

idk if there's a word for that, but i'd call that video "hilarious"

>> No.44271551
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roricon janaiyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.44271560
File: 91 KB, 627x421, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill still do my best to protect your smile anon

>> No.44271591

protect urself first lil bro

>> No.44271593

That wasn't me. Thanks for the support and overall giving direction guys

>> No.44271597

why do japanese people do this "humu humu" sound

>> No.44271600

This happened to me when I tried to play a game without a texthooker for the first time.

>> No.44271641

audio cue that shows people you're listening
especially important in ボイチャ

>> No.44271654
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>> No.44271682

Does he really know japaneasy? Then why is he outside dressed like a normie instead of reading obscure loli manga? I think he's a scammer.

>> No.44271688

popular = scam
lurk the web more kid

>> No.44271699

I don't get grammar

>> No.44271701
File: 82 KB, 960x540, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way he has normal sexual interests. i bet he is really fucked up on the inside. i can see it in his eyes.

>> No.44271705

Lurk then shit up 2/5ch
Troll Discord servers
Get in Twitter fights
Start writing haiku

>> No.44271710

dont worry about it too much

>> No.44271719

He has crazy Kira Sensei eyes and facial expressions, but at least Kira Sensei is a likeable guy.

>> No.44271747

Just stop trying to translate everything to English in your mind. When you are inmersing, forget English exists and focus on Japanese as if it was the only means to communicate your thoughts. Then the grammar will click.

>> No.44271779

the more you have it the emptier it feels

>> No.44271784
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>> No.44271794

my boss sucks at english, im way more fluent than him, im basically a native esl, but yet hes the boss and im his subordinate, its not fair

>> No.44271817

Have what, anon? IQ? BWAHAHAHAHA

>> No.44271820

Do Jap lolis have terrible grammar and commit dozens of typos, or does the nature of the language basically prevent typos because the sentence would be obviously unintelligible if a single hiragana isn't right?

>> No.44271833
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>> No.44271834

How come KANCHO is a normalized joke among Jap kids? How is it normal for a cute loli to have some brat's fingers invade her anus? Wouldn't she feel so incredibly embarrassed that she'd commit sudoku the next day?

>> No.44271840

What VN is this?

>> No.44271841

idk but there's probably common misspellings.
like how americans write "could of" instead of "could have"
every language has that

>> No.44271842

find meaningful things to do. the only way to get bored of entertainment is when consuming entertainment is your main life activity.

>> No.44271843

haber estudiao

>> No.44271846

japanese get traumatized early on in life to make them more bug-like and ready for corporate life working long overtime hours and committing suicide

>> No.44271858

Being able to sodomize your crush with your fingers at any moment and have it played as a joke is a blessing. You'll never have her, but you touched her most embarrassing body part!

>> No.44271860

>just stop trying to understand what you read bro

>> No.44271863

Better than suddenly screaming into someone's ear, risking permanent hearing loss.

>> No.44271869

It's usually oniichan who start teaching this game to their imouto who then spread it at school.

>> No.44271873

Are you an EOP? My native language isn't English, and when I read or write in English my native language doesn't even cross my mind. I just forget it exists unless I have to use it.

>> No.44271877

this one's for moe

>> No.44271884

How do you teach it to imouto without mentioning the butt? Surely no imouto wants to even hear that word, because it's humiliating for her. In fact, performing kancho on someone is an acknowledgement of the existence of butts. A loli doing that is technically humiliating herself, acknowledging that she's human and has a shitter. No girl wants to acknowledge something so embarrassing in public.

>> No.44271889

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.44271890

what are you supposed to do when you finish your anki for the day

>> No.44271900

watch anime
boot up a vinnie/game

>> No.44271901


>> No.44271907

i simply wait for tomorrow to start

>> No.44271912

I want to confront my imouto with the fact that she has a shitter, and make fun of her for it. She pretends to be so cute, but in reality she poops and farts like anyone else. How can she look at herself in the mirror? She should have no pride at all, she's a dirty creature. I want to see my cute imouto embarrassed and ashamed of herself! Cute! Lewd!

>> No.44271919

>How do you teach it to imouto without mentioning the butt?
You surprise kancho her then you explain the game.
We had that thing in my school too. I remember we all did in elementary school after watching naruto we all played this game for a bit.

>> No.44271930


>> No.44271940

Lolis exist in a mental state similar to animals 50% of the time, so they lack self-awareness. That's why JS6 lolis do and say incredibly cringy things despite already having budding tits and a couple pubes. Their minds are still immature.
So no, your imouto doesn't realize that having a butt is pathetic and will instead find it funny. However, if you were to humiliate her in a more direct way, such as paying a bully to pull down her pants in public, she'd be utterly mortified, become a recluse and then kill herself.

>> No.44271942

give me something easy and interesting to read after 6 month of anki
no yotsubatshit

>> No.44271949

Doraemon if you want frequent casual full frontal loli nudity in a manga for kids.

>> No.44271963


>> No.44271966

>How can she look at herself in the mirror?
Yeah! And how do mirrors even work btw!? How come it reflects your image vertically but not horizontally?

>> No.44271996
File: 217 KB, 1303x472, djt input ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not start with reading

>> No.44271997

don't ask me im just a loli teehee!!!

>> No.44271999

That would make sense. You don't write very well in English.

>> No.44272006

Prove it.

>> No.44272010

Let's see your Japanese then.

>> No.44272012

It's actually what I wanted to start but how do you find jp-subbed stuff?

>> No.44272017

kitsunekko has subtitles
nyaa has the video

>> No.44272031

bookmarked, thanks

>> No.44272032


>> No.44272039

You don't write very well in Japanese.

>> No.44272044

What exactly is wrong with my English? Fix it if you can.

>> No.44272048


>> No.44272047

>english response

>> No.44272052

if you wanna watch dorama everything by magicstar on nyaa with [jpn] has subs included

>> No.44272054

Is this where the webm I saw posted on /a/ come from? MMMHGNNNNNN

>> No.44272058


>> No.44272066

What webm?

>> No.44272075

And your Japanese is クソ

>> No.44272082
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Nagata_Kabi_twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the kanji in her eyes?

I could identify the right eye being 自 but no idea about the left eye. Image is Nagata Kabi's profile picture on Twitter.

>> No.44272087


>> No.44272090


>> No.44272099

I don't know if it's from that anime, it just a guess but someone once posted an webm of an anime from ~70's where a loli undresses in front of her father(?) in order to be his moderu for painting purpose
yikes if I'm wrong

>> No.44272101

Self-mutilating lolis are attention whores and their wrists will forever be marked with a shameful reminder of their past. If I saw my imouto cutting her wrists I'd spank her bare butt until it's crimson red.

>> No.44272108

That's Esper Mami, a manga by the same author as Doraemon. It's about a 14yo girl with esper abilities, who poses nude for her father's paintings while she's not out fighting crime. It's pretty fun.

>> No.44272113


>> No.44272116

All lolis are attention whores.

>> No.44272125


>> No.44272127
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>self-mutilation, self-injury
Make sense but wtf the second eye's kanji barely looks like the actual one. Is this what being truly 上手 is like??

>> No.44272137


>> No.44272151
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3021483648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ive seen worse handwriting

>> No.44272152

Explain yourselves, vtumors

>> No.44272162


>> No.44272179

!! sucidal female oyster worrying adults!! Hugging with love and care correction needed !!

>> No.44272180

Oh thank you connoisseur, it seems that I was half-right.

>> No.44272183
File: 881 KB, 1920x1080, DIY.Do.It.Yourself.EP06.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44272210

This gives me more confidence in my handwriting now if this is how bad natives can get.

>> No.44272212

what the fuck is wrong with those anons
lolis are purest beings on this earth, only disgusting adults like you can corrupt them

>> No.44272223

Is that an irl gyaru?

>> No.44272225


>> No.44272238

Lolis are disgusting, sinful humans themselves. Sure, they are super cute and lewd, but objectively speaking they are no better than some ugly bastard. They are capable of having selfish thought, commiting sins and even have asses they shit from.
Being the most atttractive and beautiful form of humanity doesn't mean they aren't human. And humans suck. Lolis must accept they are trashy humans like everyone else and submit their butts to me. I can accept them and forgive their sins.

>> No.44272248

Lolis practice IJIME against other lolis, despite it being an act that can traumatize and drive the other to suicide. How are they pure?

>> No.44272264
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she's supposed to be a foreigner

>> No.44272292

It made sense until you talked until
>Lolis must accept they are trashy humans like everyone else and submit their butts to me
Those who practice IJIME just don't know any better, they didn't get enough love probably.

>> No.44272295

What the hell is this NDE-something form I keep seeing all the time? Why is the te form being used here without it being a connector or an imperative?

>> No.44272299
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>> No.44272306

Western literature: Everybody poops.
Japanese literature: Everybody gets a finger in their ass.

>> No.44272315
File: 2.86 MB, 853x480, anti bully ranger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ijime while im around

>> No.44272316

If forced at gunpoint, would a straight loli (age 11) choose to lick the butt of a fellow loli, or the butt of some ugly bastard?
The fact that she'd even have to think about it, the fact that she'd consider both options gross, already proves lolis and ugly bastards are objectively the same. It's only our subjective love for young and cute females that makes them desirable.

>> No.44272331

言う + ん + でしょ

>> No.44272340

Ijime practicers enjoy the humiliation and shame of others. They are evil. Well, not evil, but certainly HUMAN, disgustingly human, having a need for entertainment, for the morbid curiosity of seeing the bullied classmate butt naked and seeing her reaction to this predicament. They put that need above the well-being of others. Lolis are human and deserving of Hell unless they repent.

>> No.44272357

For each lolis in prison, there is one thousand ugly bastards in prison.
repent? repent from what? repent from being human?

>> No.44272360

what does it mean in this context?

>> No.44272362

brits put milk in their tea wtf

>> No.44272370

I learnt it in 5th grade when our teacher forced us to drink tea+milk to have a complete english breakfast.

>> No.44272371

i put tea in my milk

>> No.44272374

In this particular context, it means の

>> No.44272375
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>> No.44272377

its の but casual


>> No.44272378

if you put milk in a cup of ocha a nip will literally 居合斬り on the spot and behead you

>> No.44272381

then why do they sell milk tea in vending machines

>> No.44272387

I've seen it so so many times but never looked into it until now.

>> No.44272394

that's just factory produced slob, completely different story
but if you put milk in a carefully hand-brewed cup of 煎茶 you may as well piss in it

>> No.44272404

nips are lactose-intolerant anyways

>> No.44272412

japanese cows give lactose-free milk

>> No.44272413

Repent for being sinful humans and yet act like cute little princesses that don't even poop.

>> No.44272425
File: 584 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44272446

speaking of slob

>> No.44272451

>act like cute little princesses that don't even poop
It's in their DNA to be prude at this age, ロリコンバカ

>> No.44272500
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP05.1080p.FOD.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44272511

You're going to hell for being a pedo too btw

>> No.44272522

tea with no milk is undrinkable plant juice thoevre

>> No.44272547

dude, you're really messed up even for here

>> No.44272555


>> No.44272571

project more

>> No.44272583
File: 519 KB, 1534x900, img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u just suck at brewing *sips*

>> No.44272588
File: 880 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP05.1080p.FOD.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck did i do

>> No.44272599

That's why they are so fun to humiliate. Ashamed lolis are cute, so their disgusting human butts that shit and fart become subjectively lewd and erotic, knowing how ashamed they are of their own humanity.

>> No.44272600

>posts children from barakamon multiple times
>decides to do it again after the pedos come out

>> No.44272607

Why bother making exuses for why you're still drinking milk as an adult? Just drink it straight without the pretense.

>> No.44272608

The bible only condemns fags and liars. Anti-pedos are both. God wanted us to appreciate the female form at every stage, since they are always beautiful. If you don't like hairy pussies, you are a fag. If you don't like lolis, you are a fag.

>> No.44272610

not my fault the new ep released today

>> No.44272621

Nope, the Bible condemns the lust that you feel towards innocent children. The law does too. Good luck out there.
>If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
>Matthew 18:6

>> No.44272626

That loli is cute in the sense that I wouldn't mind licking her armpits and butt. But I could just as easily enjoy her cuteness and innocence without any lewd intent. Lolis only become super hot around 10/11, when their cuteness is taken over by their naughty desires and they can hold a complex conversation and process abstract thinking.

>> No.44272630

You know exactly what you're doing. Look at >>44272626
You timed your post when he was lusting after children to give him more fuel. You're absolutely sick, anon.

>> No.44272641

nice pokemon reference

>> No.44272644

>Lolis only become super hot around 10/11
dis guy's spitting truth fr fr

>> No.44272646

I don't have magic powers. Me jacking off to lolis doesn't "cause them to stumble", because I literally have no interaction with them, and I have no desire to ever fuck one IRL because it can disturb their minds and ruin them. Also, the law doesn't go after thought crimes.

>> No.44272657

>but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
And you've committed this sin with children. You're unironically going to hell.

>> No.44272658

So don't cause them to stumble dumbass.

>> No.44272661

You've commited it with women too, so you are going to Hell. Stop watching porn.

>> No.44272663
File: 203 KB, 960x540, Barakamon.EP05.1080p.FOD.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-[33.17.997-33.20.434].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never time my posts

>> No.44272669

I can tolerate pedoshit but fuck off with your israeli relgious folklore.
If you're going to talk about skydaddy, talk about amaterasu the jap skymommy even if she doesn't exist it'll be funnier.

>> No.44272671

I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I'm not going to hell and any sins that I've committed, I've full repented of. However, you have not repented of any of your evil and you brag about on DJT of all places. You're going to hell because you think your sins are justified.

>> No.44272679

>I can tolerate pedoshit
hi pedo

>> No.44272686

tell that to the pedophiles in the thread

>> No.44272688

well loliconshit is jap culture
issoushit isn't

>> No.44272689

By their fruits you shall know them. I hurt no one and love lolis platonically. You, however, are judgemental and want me jailed for thought crimes. You are evil and Jesus wants nothing to do with you. You produce rotten fruit.

>> No.44272693

>pedophilia is jap culture
pretty sure it's against the law there too

>> No.44272702

I want you jailed for the actual crimes you're inevitably going to commit one day. Also, you didn't repent to Jesus. You're going to hell.

>> No.44272707

my bad, I mean otaku culture
lolicon is one of the most famous slang from in the otaku culture
You're on the otaku culture board my wigga

>> No.44272708

How can thoughts be against the law? Only actions are persecuted. Should the law consider you a potential out of control rapist for fantasizing about naked women?

>> No.44272717
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last two eps are simply top tier

>> No.44272719

The law should consider you a pedophile when you fantasize about children on the DJT.

>> No.44272720

>he actually swallowed the antipedo bluepill
Deep down you know it makes no sense. Repent and jack off to cunny in peace. You've been fed lies and probably took the mark of the beast already. Stop watching TV.

>> No.44272731

You don't even believe in Jesus Christ. Everything you say is just you trying to justify your evil lust. If you go to jail, anon, don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.44272736

what does any of this have to do with matt

>> No.44272740

Christianity punish you for crime of thought, I don't know what you're obsessed with it.
My theory is that pedo like (you) who are morally wrong on the sexual plan want to be morally right in another field so they compensate by being a lot more religious, that's why the church is full of them.

>> No.44272748

Matt is a pedo.

>> No.44272752
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP05.1080p.FOD.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44272756

Wow, the pedophile, now fully realizing he is both caught in his sin and not the least bit sorry that he fantasizes about children OPENLY, is now trying to say that the person criticizing his sin is the pedophile.
That is very ironic.

>> No.44272760

>I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I'm not going to hell
Says the triple jabbed buffoon. You are beyond salvation now.

>> No.44272768

the loan is big?

>> No.44272771

I never took the vax, but nice try. I know you don't believe in Jesus. Nobody as sick as you ever does.

>> No.44272774

Is there a news channel with soft subtitles?

>> No.44272787
File: 18 KB, 700x486, 1691617788184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even consider other sources like youtube videos

>> No.44272788

>subbed news

>> No.44272795

nta but I think its 小女ラムネ

>> No.44272814

i believe in the egyptian god ra
i dont worship idols that were invented in mockery after

>> No.44272817

youtube is normie garbage

>> No.44272819

have fun in hell, pedo

>> No.44272851

Islam / christianity are not religion, they're more busy worshiping the life of their e-celeb momo or issou and obsessing about their "perfect" life rather than praying to the true god directly.

>> No.44272852

Fuwa or moco?

>> No.44272857


>> No.44272866

Nobody is a "pedo". Finding young girls attractive is normal, as long as you don't actually rape them. The modern concept of a "pedo" was only invented after society got cucked by feminism.

And the stereotype of a sweaty, fat, horny, cruel pervert that salivates at the sight of little girls and is destined to do something awful was fabricated by the media. Most "pedos", which are simply healthy men who didn't fall for the feminist scam and constant media brainwashing, are completely invisible, don't show up in statistics and don't do anything wrong. That's why all the statistics and studies performed on "pedos" show those results and confirm the stereotype. The only "pedos" that are exposed as such and able to be studied are rapists, degenerates and criminals.

You fell for both scams. You are going to Hell, antipedo cuck. Keep living in your fantasy world.

>> No.44272870

>Islam / christianity are not religion
Religion, as defined by St. James:
>Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress
>and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
^ DJT fails at this hourly.

>> No.44272891
File: 336 KB, 983x708, 57945975497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for you if you're from the US.

>> No.44272893

buddhism does this best

>> No.44272902

>Finding young girls attractive is normal, as long as you don't actually rape them
lmao you can't even control your masturbation addiction. now you want to believe you can control your ability to only imagine raping little girls. dude you're messed up
people like you end up in jail, one way or another

>> No.44272903

Imagine living in a country where victimless thought crime is a thing. Cuck.

>> No.44272907

no, actually christianity does this best, due to the eternal forgiveness that is given to its followers by Jesus Christ and thus allowing them to do charitable acts to all of humanity.

>> No.44272910


>> No.44272916

>Most "pedos", which are simply healthy men
Pure delusion.

>> No.44272919

It's only "rape" because it's statutory rape. It's not an intrinsic desire to rape and hurt someone.

If you want to fuck Emma Watson but she wants nothing to do with you, it's not "evil" to imagine yourself having sex with her. You don't want to rape and hurt her, even though fucking her IRL will always be rape because she doesn't want you.

>> No.44272928

"masturbation addiction"
It's not healthy to not masturbate anon... you'll end up with ED.

>> No.44272930

I really do hope you go to jail one day. The world and djt will be a better place.

>> No.44272935

allowing them to steal a bike and then pray because god forgives them

>> No.44272940

>It's not healthy to masturbate to children anon
is this what you meant to write, pedo?

>> No.44272949

Not adressing my argument once again. Jesus would despise someone like you. Keep hating others because you watched too much TV, that's surely what God would want out of you.

>> No.44272950
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Daily Japanese Thread

>> No.44272956

theoretically yes, but most people are too prideful to seek forgiveness and thus end up in hell. the pedos in this thread are living proof. they know it's evil, but i think they really don't see an issue with their behavior

>> No.44272962


bet that uppercaser and the jesus guy cant even understand this

>> No.44272965

I'm not the pedo, I'm rather attracted to 12-14 years old girls therefore call me hebe. thx.

>> No.44272968

I don't hate you, I just really don't want to see you anywhere near children.

>> No.44272971

What behavior motherfucker? Who cares what someone jacks off to in his mind, as long as they are good people and don't have any mental disturbances? Are you gonna go after foot fetishists as well?

>> No.44272978

>as long as they are good people
>and don't have any mental disturbances

>> No.44272989

kek freak

>> No.44272990
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did my reps

>> No.44272995
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>> No.44272999

Your worries are unfounded, even if you believe you have it all figured out. I'm a perfectly normal person aside from a couple fetishes, just like you can be around women you find attractive without being a danger to them or acting like a creep. I'm just like you, anon. Stop judging others because of mistaken assumptions and propaganda. I'm perfectly content with my life, my job and my girlfriend, I have no desire to do anything bad to anyone IRL. I'd have to be a total psychopath to want to hurt someone.

>> No.44273000


>> No.44273003
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the church and pedos both want what's best for children

>> No.44273006

why are pebbles like this

>> No.44273012

Mockery and dismissal are the language of the devil.

>> No.44273025

You sound like a total psychopath. Have you told your girlfriend you fantasize about children?

>> No.44273030

There are no psychopath on 4chan, only broken souls.

>> No.44273033

If it's an exclusive attraction, you are sick. If it's simply a preference and you can date older girls just fine, that's pretty based.

>> No.44273034

So you haven't told her yet? Jesus...

>> No.44273042

he actually is implying that's exclusive. he's been posting about it on here for a little while now

>> No.44273044

I guarantee you I'm not. Stop doubting me just because you don't like something about me. I've dealt with plenty of narcissists and psychopaths in my life, stop comparing me to such scum for no reason. They make my blood boil.

>> No.44273047

good job anon *headpats*

>> No.44273057

sorry if that hit a little too close to home lmao

>> No.44273060

why does djt attract so many mental freaks

>> No.44273067

Nobody can be exclusive. I don't believe it. He's probably just posting about lolis because that's what he wanted to talk about.

>> No.44273076

i think its just two random people wanting to argue for no reason
dont feel like either of them really believes in their positions

>> No.44273085

I'm seriously not trying to offend you. You just have all the tendencies of a complete psychopath, and I'm concerned about what will happen to you if your condition ever worsens. I'm not trying to be mean here, but I really do think you're in need of some form of therapy before it's too late.

>> No.44273087

mr black and mr white on a bait campaign no doubt

>> No.44273098

anon, pedophilia is a real thing and these people on here aren't joking when they talk about what they'd like to do to children

>> No.44273118

So I just wanted to comment on an artist I follow and say that "they should make this into a manga chapter" (君これ章べきです). is this the grammatically correct way to say it?

>> No.44273132

only the mentally ill would seriously consider learning japanese

>> No.44273133
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yes, thats correct

>> No.44273144

yep, perfect.

>> No.44273153

Sorry, I don't believe it's a real thing. The studies on it are faulty because they only sample disturbed individuals who commited crimes. I think it's a preference that can't be satisfied IRL, so most just suck it up and settle for regular women. Only a faggot wouldn't be attracted to women, so even if you prefer 12 year olds, you'll be happy with a woman as long as you aren't a faggot.

>> No.44273154
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nemuiiiiiiiiiiiii、 demo atsuiiiii neee

>> No.44273166


>> No.44273172

To clarify: Kokomi is her given or personal names. And sangonomiya is her surname or family name. But per Japanese custom the personal name is last. Which means kokomi is her last name.

Kokomi = personal name and last name

Sangonomiya= family name and first name.

>> No.44273180

Thanks for the concern, but I swear to God I'm not a psychopath or anything of the sort. You know nothing about me. All you know is a bunch of posts I made debating a controversial subject, maybe that's why I sound too passionate or whatever.
I need therapy for other things, like narcissistic abuse in my childhood. But my sexual preferences have been with me ever since I was a kid. I was never abused, I just kept liking the same age ranges even as older girls entered my strike zone and expanded my tastes. I have no intention of fucking a kid, no compulsion and no struggle to avoid doing so. I'm just as normal as you, with the same libido as you. I can live my whole life happily without doing anything illegal or creepy, I'm just pissed off because some people want to take things even further and punish thought crime or ban harmless things like lolicon. That's overkill.

>> No.44273190


>> No.44273194
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>> No.44273203

It's time for mods to erase /jp/ for good

>> No.44273206
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not your blog faggot, go back to your containment and stay there

>> No.44273216

not your schrink, pedo
also you don't have no girlfriend

>> No.44273229

true true
i'm married

>> No.44273233

You definitely show patterns of narcissistic abuse by the way you describe your experiences, but I'm also noticing psychopathic tendencies when it comes to you promising you won't do anything "illegal or creepy." I've seen this behavior before and it always is accompanied with criminal behavior. Either you're planning something now, or you will be, but your thoughts of harming children will eventually get the better of you if you keep fantasizing about them.
You're genuinely a sick individual who needs some kind of intervention. Tell your girlfriend or your therapist about what goes on in your head and see if they feel the same way about it as you do.

>> No.44273237

does anyone want to practice reading hentai comics together while we fap and learn kanji? no homo

>> No.44273249

what will you use to broadcast it? cytube?

>> No.44273259

you can come to my house

>> No.44273266

I'll ask daddy first...

>> No.44273304


>> No.44273362
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>> No.44273375

>I'm also noticing psychopathic tendencies when it comes to you promising you won't do anything "illegal or creepy." I've seen this behavior before
What else am I supposed to say in response to your accusations? I'm promising it and being adamant about it in order to have a civil conversation with you, because you seem convinced I'm some sort of psycho. I know how they operate, and I know what you mean, but that's not the case here.
My girlfriend doesn't give a fuck about some dumb fetish because she knows me personally and knows I'm not a cartoon villain. You know nothing about me. I may as well have a fetish for any other weird thing. As long as it doesn't interfere with my life or my morals, it's a kink and that's it.
I'm not saying you are wrong in reacting that way, I'm only saying you are reacting to someone who isn't me. I'm not the kind of person you are assuming. They exist, of course, but I'm not like that. Stop being so paranoid, dude.

>> No.44273396
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is this... fucking.. blodposting? my eyeserinooos

>> No.44273415

everybody already knows you're a pedo

>> No.44273423

Matt is a pedo and he lorne japaneasy.

He was not tochen japaneasy by a teacher.

He lorne japaneasy by himself.

>> No.44273433
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>> No.44273489
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now who stole from whom

>> No.44273506
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Day 82: A little bit late today but I got it through although today was kinda heavy for me on my mental state.

>> No.44273512


>> No.44273520

Hello everyone!

I have been learning Japanese for over a year, and I have been using Anki and Duolingo. I have recently started using Bunpro for grammar. I know that textbooks are better than apps, but I have tried learning with Genki, but I can’t learn that well from textbooks. It’s a great resource to use though, and I have enjoyed using Genki for conjugation, grammar, and vocabulary. I’m currently on Section 3 of Duolingo. I like Duolingo because it works well with my learning style, which is why I like using apps/websites.

I’m wondering what other apps/websites I can use to keep improving. I tried Busuu, and it placed me into A2 (N4), and I’m not sure if I should be higher. I probably know about 2000 words, and I usually finish a Duolingo lesson in 3 to 5 minutes. I only struggle with some lessons occasionally.

I love learning Japanese, and I want to keep learning and improving every day.

I know that there are other apps: Renshuu, Busuu, Lingodeer, Memrise, Mango, and many more. Would any of these be helpful?

Any suggestions would be extremely appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

>> No.44273536

yes it is optimal to have a different app for every day of the month

>> No.44273538

they released in the same month which means they just came up with an epic melody indepently of each other

>> No.44273553

they're everywhere. they can just express themselves more freely here

>> No.44273559

what if it's the same composer

>> No.44273626

pretty based

>> No.44273670

how many unique words are there in lotgh

>> No.44273693


>> No.44273702


>> No.44273735

made me laugh

>> No.44273822
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>> No.44273833

why would someone watch this show in 2024

>> No.44273838

i'll let you know next year

>> No.44273847

bro your 四捨五入

>> No.44274095

everytime I try to make a japanese twitter it just turns into porn

>> No.44274255


>> No.44274296

If I am asking someone to explain the difference between X and Y do I use "chigau" or another word?
Right now I have "______は______と違った何が期待してますか?"

>> No.44274389

Don't try to write or speak japanese for a few more months, you are going to cripple yourself and everyone around you

>> No.44274453

Look up 「XとYの違い」a couple of times and click the chiebukuro links. Use the OP's question as a template for however you'd like to phrase it.

>> No.44274455

I got a project that requires some JPN fluent translators to help me out with. I got some machine translated gibberish, but I doubt any of it is actually accurate or fluid for the native speaker. Where could I find people willing to help me out?

>> No.44274631

Thanks. This thread's gatekeeping will not stop me from improving my 日本語

>> No.44274721

sigh, really? them too?

>> No.44274745

Most countries on this planet are fiscal and/or cultural colonies of America (I'm only partially joking unfortunately)

>> No.44274918

Japan is only protected by the language barrier. Their culture is the most susceptible to this trash in the entire world. Their entire language is built around being polite and politically correct, and Japs are brought up to follow orders no matter how absurd. Once the language barried breaks down, expect to see everything you love about the country ruined, and every Jap girl suddenly shaving her pussy, getting a fake penis and cutting off her tits. Gender roles abolished, people censoring their own speech AND thoughts, all kinds of horrors await.

>> No.44275493 [DELETED] 

i believe that japan is afforded some privileges of tradition because of their geographical position on the edge next to a rival castle, like poland

>> No.44275520 [DELETED] 

fuck that post was an hour ago
dead thread deleting my post out of shame

>> No.44275601

Don't understand the point, everyone keeps a tab open anyway

>> No.44275604

wtf? why does it matter if the thread moves slowly. retard.

>> No.44275620

djters are a special breed

>> No.44275787

i bought a book containing very short simple stories in japanese. the level is very basic but im hoping it will improve my reading speed

>> No.44275837

1 more book than me

>> No.44276071
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>> No.44276089

how the fuck do you know about my masturbation addiction

>> No.44276568

i finally finished all of kana. do i start kanji or move to grammer?
also for こんにちは、why does "chi" followed by "ha" change to "wa"?

>> No.44276590

Why do I still have trouble with some kana after learning more than 1000 kanji and reading a lot? I can barely write them properly compared to kanji either. Squiggly lines and rounded shapes fuck my brain up, I can't ever draw them with the right angle.

>> No.44276611

>i finally finished all of kana. do i start kanji or move to grammer?
>also for こんにちは、why does "chi" followed by "ha" change to "wa"?
because of grammer

>> No.44276617

konnichiwa comes from kono nichi wa (speaking of this day). The wa is the ha particle. So it stuck after the phrase became a proper word.

>> No.44276661

it's not この, it's the 音 chinese reading of 今 like in 今夜、昨今、自今、今来
今日 こんにち is an 音読み word

>> No.44276703


>> No.44276721

I'd want to too if I was that bad at japanese

>> No.44276740

is this japanese?


>> No.44276744
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Yep, this anon needs vtubers.

>> No.44276984


>> No.44277191
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>> No.44277331

