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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4422599 No.4422599 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /jp/

I'm an /a/non, but this is my first time checking out this board. What exactly goes on in here? Is this where Japanese people discuss their country? Or is it comprised of 'Japanophiles', for lack of a better term?

>> No.4422607

/a/ and /jp/ used to be the same board then /a/ was full of touhou threads so the Moot in His wisdom created /jp/ for the touhoufags

now they talk about VNs, Touhou, J-Drama, Ronrery, and how they hate themselves so much.

>> No.4422612

This is where old /a/ discusses the things that are not strictly anime or manga, such as Touhou, visual novels, and niche Japanese games.

>> No.4422614

> Is this where Japanese people discuss their country?
This, but without the Japanese people.
Or the discussing Japan.

>> No.4422625

Lurk more.

>> No.4422633

/jp/ was made because too many people were angry about touhou threads pushing all the naruto off the front page of /a/.

I'd tell you to ask your fellow retards, but apparently not a single person on /a/ has been around long enough to remember why /jp/ was made.

>> No.4422636

Galge, Eroge, Doujins, VNs

>> No.4422649

Instead of an /a/ thread getting Touhou hijacked an entire board got Touhou hijacked.

>> No.4422658
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etc etc etc

>> No.4422666

>pushing all the naruto off the front page of /a/.
I don't see the problem.

>> No.4422681

Happy birthday, /jp/.

>> No.4422679


That's why you're here and not there.

>> No.4422674

the funny thing is how most threads in /a/ are off-topic nowadays

>> No.4422673

12 year olds unfortunately do.

>> No.4422683

I could have sworn it was tomorrow.
Happy birthday /jp/

>> No.4422684

The Naruto influx pretty much happened after /jp/ was made

>> No.4422687

I for one look forward to /jp2/

>> No.4422689

Holy shit, two years already.
Time sure flies with you guys.

>> No.4422695

I only remember it because it's also my birthday.
Might as well be tomorrow.

>> No.4422698

Oh god, two years. I haven't changed in two years. Now I'm depressed.

>> No.4422718

because I can say something without spurting a meme in every post I make?

>> No.4422724
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>uses a trip
>implying he doesn't spurt memes

>> No.4422726

not off-topic as in like threads that don't have any boards
i mean /b/ threads


>> No.4422738

>>4422599 Is this where Japanese people discuss their country?
No, that's /int/.
This is for Japanese shit, not for Japan.

>> No.4422751
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OP here. I've seen enough; I'm returning to my home. I thank you for your responses and bid you farewell, my friends.
