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4417315 No.4417315 [Reply] [Original]

Erika: Ace Detective

>> No.4417327

Hey, if Beatrice manages to get around locked rooms by killing personas, it's only fitting that Erika can solve crimes by killing people herself.

>> No.4417322
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Erika: Ace Detective

>> No.4417351


>> No.4417423
File: 43 KB, 224x203, Beato Troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can kill personas

>> No.4417455

Batzarro is a better detective then Erika.

>> No.4417463
File: 373 KB, 1200x1000, And then there were none.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika: Ace Detective

>> No.4417474
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Personas don't exist.

>> No.4417482
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Regardless of whether or not they can be killed, they can still die.

>> No.4417501

We don't care about you defending Shkanontrice, it still doesn't make it not retarded.
Seriously, Shkanontrice is fucking stupid. It could be totally correct, doesn't make it any less fucking stupid.

>> No.4417524

With two episodes to go, I think the answer will be even more convoluted than that.
Like, watch in amazement as Jessica is BATTLER, Maria is Asumu's daughter, and Gohda was the culprit all along.

>> No.4417536

Well, people on 2ch already figured out that Hachijou Touya is actually Asumu, so...

>> No.4417544

Not proven true til Ryukishi admits so.

>> No.4417546

Let's start with the explanation to Hachijou Touya's (八城十八) pen name, 伊藤幾九 郎〇五七六

Now we agree to use these pronunciations and assign numerical values to them (based on the pronunciation)
伊 (i = 1)
藤 (tou = 10)
幾 (iku = 1,9)
九 (kyu = 9)
郎 (rou = 6)
〇 (maru = 0)
五 (go = 5)
七 (nana = 7)
六 (roku = 6)
Simple enough. We can now get 11019960576 from that.

Taking Touya's (十八 = 18) name into consideration, we can calculate:
11019960576 = 8^18
In other words,
18's 8乗 (18's hachijou, as 乗 can be pronounced "jou", lit. "to the power of")
The pronunciation can now be written as 八城十八 (Hachijou Touya)

Still following? <Good>. The relevance of this can immediately be seen in the second part below.

>> No.4417549

Back to Hachijou Touya's name.

八城十八, which can be taken as 8上18 (城 and 上 can both be pronounced as jou. 18 up 8? 18th exponent of 8. That's the 8^18 = 11019960576. Made the connection? <Good>.)

8 上18 (18 up 8) could also be taken as 18 adding 8; 18+8 = 26
remember the cryptic 07151129 written on the door that was a bank account number? Well,
0+7+1+5+1+1+2+9 = 26
So now we've established a connection between Hachijou Touya 18+8 = 0+7+1+5+1+1+2+9 cryptic account number

Let's work with the 26 we've got earlier.
First, the surname 右代宮 (Ushiromiya) could be deconstructed phonetically and reconstructed as 後ろ38 (後ろ = ushiro, lit. "behind", 3=mi, 8=ya)
Behind 38? Oh: The 38 is behind.
Behind what? 26.

3826 (can be pronounced as mi you ni mu)
み よう に む or flattening them, みょうにむ
myouni, lit. tomorrow can be written as 明日
mu, lit. dream can be written as 夢

明日夢 can be pronounced as Asumu
With 38 behind (後ろ38, pronounced Ushiromiya), we finally get
右代宮明日夢 Ushiromiya Asumu

>> No.4417610

Until Ryukishi07 says otherwise, I'm sticking to my belief that Rudolf fucked a god.

>> No.4417647

What would you do if Ryukishi said Rudolf fucked Kumasawa then?

>> No.4417656

Magic then exists, and Kumasawa was in Virgilia form.

>> No.4417663

Lord, Umineko fans are worse than tinfoil hats.

>> No.4417671

And here we have the Fantasy side! Point and laugh please!

>> No.4417673

Dude... the first half of that comes straight out of Episode 6, when Ange is explaining how she figured out that Hachijou Touya was the one writing the Episodes being posted online.
