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File: 138 KB, 800x600, 1266491218410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4415246 No.4415246 [Reply] [Original]

Curling eroge, now I've seen everything.

>> No.4415255

Cutting across a puddle of semen with their ice skates...

Perfectly dividing it. Or something...

>> No.4415253

God tier artist

>> No.4415262

If the whole eroge is about curling I have no idea how can it work

>> No.4415266

Curling in skirts? Fuck must be cold.

>> No.4415286

who the fuck cares man, IT'S CURLING~!

>> No.4415295

Next step: Chessboxing eroge.

>> No.4415304

and what would be the name of this curling eroge?

>> No.4415356


こなゆき ふるり

>> No.4415369

left: emotionless/dandere
middle: tsundere
right: moeblob

It's sad that you can pretty much tell everything about an eroge character based on their facial expressions.

>> No.4415377


>> No.4415382

wu tang eroge

>> No.4415390


The whole Nikopol line borders on an eroge already, so...

>> No.4415402

I don't think anyone knows how curling works.

>> No.4415407


>> No.4415409

Jousting eroge. You play as the (female) squire of a knightly onee-sama. Characters must include genderswapped Jacques de Lalaing.

Lalaing was awesome at duels. Read a bit about him, if you would.


A master of the long-lost art of stabbing people through their helmets, in the eyes, with a pole axe.

>> No.4415434
File: 108 KB, 600x450, sumou_event10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liar's making a slapping/sumo eroge, for the record.

>> No.4415446

That calls for a Luchador eroge.

>> No.4415451

So are you the Wu-Tang Clan trying to fuck some women, or are you a woman trying to fuck the Wu-Tang Clan?

>> No.4416790

Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin to fuck wit, so...

>> No.4416805

Curling is the worst sport in history.

Damn it, Japan.

>> No.4416809


>> No.4416828

Skeet shooting is much more boring to watch.
And so is anything that goes on in a boat with a sail on it.
Anything with horses?
Is snooker a sport?

>> No.4416832

I know of that fishing eroge too, but what other niche eroge are out there?

>> No.4416845

Golf cannot fail harder than curling because of Pangya.

Can't speak for the rest.

>> No.4416847
File: 31 KB, 800x533, south_korea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starcraft is the worst sport in history, bro.

>> No.4416857


>fishing eroge

I am more than mildly interested

>> No.4416859


Just don't try and defend skeet shooting with some shooting game.

>> No.4416873

isn't he the sonohana artist?

>> No.4416875 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 497x350, utsubo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When I pulled it out, the look on her face told me she didn't expect something this big and slimy!"

>> No.4416876


>> No.4416882


link please. seriously

>> No.4416889


Skeet shooting IRL is... well... erm... okay it's not particularly interesting. It's better than bench rest shooting though, firing one shot every 30 minutes into a piece of paper.

As far as real life sports though, sadly its about as close as you can get to FPS action without joining the armed forces.

>> No.4416899


Thats the company

>> No.4416901

I'd tell if I was sure it existed.
I'm not >>4416832, I'm just making stuff up.

Protip: have a drink with the old geezer who runs the fishing gear store and he'll introduce you to his daughter who's two years younger than yourself.
You've only seen her as a part-timer during summer holiday in the other routes, but you've been thinking about her ever since the first playthrough.

Play well and you'll get to borrow the boat for a day. With just you and her.

>> No.4416912

Biathlon with cross-country skiing and rifle shooting is pretty cool in my opinion.
Much more fun to watch since they're actually working their asses off instead of just standing around all day waiting for their turn to pop some clay pots.

>> No.4416936

I remember playing a wrestling raise-your-own-luchadora game for the Super Famicon named Blizzard Yuki or something. Very fun.

>> No.4416948

WANT vancouver live stream japan-china!

>> No.4417025
File: 75 KB, 353x616, Your God Is Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An eroge with some actual chess/shogi/go gameplay would be nice.

>> No.4417132

Actually, how about an eroge just based on the actual Wu Tang/Dang. That might make for an interesting setting.

>> No.4417135

A livestream was posted on here earlier. Check the archive and see if you can still catch it.

>> No.4417162

Is the game done? Who won, China or Japan?

I am Chinese but don't mind if Japan wins.

>> No.4417171

make a Biathlon eroge, then we'll talk.

>> No.4417198

I'm Chinese and I don't care who wins. Never saw the appeal of sports, even if it is the Olympics. I'd rather stick with my moe, toohoos, and VNs.

>> No.4417254


This would make the best sports eroge. It's like polo, except you're on horseback, the ball is a dead, headless goat, and the game can go on for days. Either that or jereed, which is something along the lines of free-for-all jousting without armor, with up to 24 players running around at the same time, where the goal is to stab the enemy riders without stabbing their horses.

I now want to see 2D girls playing either of them.

>> No.4417267

a sport related vn, how come it hasnt been made yet?
