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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44136794 No.44136794 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the great works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
Mahoutsukai no Yoru PC:
PC English Patch (Partial Translation):
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru complementary short story):

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Light Novels (Japanese):
Kara no Kyoukai Light Novels (English):
Kara no Kyoukai Animated Films:
Kara no Kyoukai Manga:

Tsukihime VN Collection:
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga:

>Tsukihime Remake
Tsukihime Remake:
English Patch:

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC Collection:
Melty Blood Manga:
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina Community Translation Patch:

Fate/Stay Night [Réalta Nua] Ultimate Edition:
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia:

>Other Type-Moon Works
Angel Voice / Notes:
Fire Girl:
Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade Manga:
Tsuki no Sango:
Tsuki no Sango Manga:
Haru to Tsuki to Sora to:
Clock Tower 2015:

>Type-Moon Miscellaneous
Encyclopedia of Type-Moon:
Type-Moon Comic Ace:
TMdict Glossary:
Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc):
Tsukihime Archives:
Tsukihime Tokuhon:

Previous: >>44117919

>> No.44136810
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>> No.44136835
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>> No.44136846
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I want to see Kiri Nanaya revived in Melty Blood and spending some time with Shiki and Mio and teasing Kouma-kun.

>> No.44136872

Len in red agrden?

>> No.44136876

She'll be there to give Shiki a dream about Arc, reminding him she exists.

>> No.44136891
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I would so fill her with my mana that she would become the Grail

>> No.44136898
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>> No.44136922

UPD, and wormy would be looking at it

>> No.44136934

len is getting announced in melty in a few days, same for the pc version of tsukihime a piece of blue glass moon including H (len will make her appearance for the dream H)

>> No.44137480

I always found it strange how SHIKI never made his way into Melty. Maybe because he doesn't do much beyond raping the imouto and being melted in a school?

>> No.44137530

They already had an idea for him. It was like poison and blood blade shit. Mid-range attacks and him selfdestructing via a counter and fighting with only part of his body.

>> No.44137537

Arc lost

>> No.44137550

Carmine meets Ms. Fortune.

>> No.44137580

LB6 is like a 9/10 due to the NA localization
I imagine you fuckers can actually enjoy it properly

>> No.44137594

It says that some DAA become smitten with non-vampiric beings and raise them immediately to rank VIII. Arc also says that Rank VIII are powerful vampires. How does this work? Is this implying that instead of choosing among their own high rank progeny, they turn the non-vampiric being into DA by carefully sucking their blood and then immediately boost them to rank VIII? Or is it "You're pretty sexy even if you aren't a vampire so when I die, take my IB and become a real Vampire(transform the soul)"?
I tend to think it's the former but maybe the japanese makes it more obvious?

>> No.44137599

Even Roa took that long.

>> No.44137602


>> No.44137620

>Nasu loves FGO and couldn't be more proud
wtf, I thought he had fallen out love after he didn't say shit for LB7.
Did Umino give him an Oberon alt design that he's back at it?

>> No.44137621

9/10 by FGO standards is actually mid all day everyday. Read better stuff and stop trying to gas up the one or two serviceable chapters that appeared in the near decade that the turd has been floating. It's embarrassing.

>> No.44137627

You expected him to announce he hated it for the 8th anniversary?

>> No.44137634

Also Nasu wants to sneak is new batch of OC to replace DAA in the end.

>> No.44137641
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>> No.44137662

Is that Sacchin sprite official? Kinda looks to be.

>> No.44137663

I find it interesting how Takeuchi is rather consistent in "We're heading towards the end that Nasu envisioned" etc etc but Nasu goes back and forth between "I'll do it as long as I have the energy","There is an end and a limit to stamina and ideas", "There really is an end and I hope they don't demand more when it's over", etc etc.
What is the end that Takeuchi talks about if Nasu appears to be cross-eyed?

>> No.44137691
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Yeah, but she doesn't have blood

>> No.44137741

Better than the demake and anything MAhoyo related
Even mediocre fgo events and chapters are better
Good thing FGO is the focus and actually releases stuff to read

>> No.44137743

When was this used in the game? I don't remember it. Was it even used at all?

>> No.44137753

I have no idea. It's just that I found all the extracted pictures from the game.

>> No.44137757

Don't think it was used.

>> No.44137876

Wouldn't be shocked if Nasu was quiet because of samurai game and whatever event Oberon will feature (we know something is coming foreshadowed). Knowing Nasu, it'll be longer than a route if he's involved.

>> No.44137920
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>> No.44137928
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I'm happy for you that the foot fetish events and the like keep you intellectually sated. I expected nothing less.

>> No.44137934
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I grab them both, hug them dearly and bring their ears close to my mouth

>> No.44137963
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>> No.44137999

9/10 by all current english translated TM standards
It feels almost as good as having an untouched foreskin

>> No.44138056

Rin isn't flat.

>> No.44138216

Eop coomer always circles around to talking about their dick. Opinion voided.

>> No.44138315

back the fuck off to your gachashit thread

>> No.44138332

...so basically you acknowledge the fact that Saber has a distorted image of herself due to her insecurities, feeling undeserving of love and having spent an entire life denying her own humanity that is not corroborated but in fact contradicted by Shirou's statement, showing that: 1. She is an unreliable source of information, as you refuse to acknowledge because Shirou is unreliable about something else entirely; and 2. Saber is considered by everyone to be exceedingly feminine and certainly not an unsightly masculine woman only bizarre fetishists find attractive, showing your adducing it in your favour is disingenuous.

Thanks for conceding.

>> No.44138360

FGO won

>> No.44138896

I get it. FGO is Marvel for zoomers.

>> No.44139293
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>> No.44139475

Your ability to completely ignore my main point that Shirou literally calls her "trained" compared to Rin, and her having absolutely zero tone is due to Takeuchi's art skills, and instead just resorted to an entire paragraph of nonsensical seething and Reddit tier insults.

Truly incredibly post, Anon. Nice thesaurus.

>> No.44139730
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>> No.44139737
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>> No.44139745
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>> No.44139928
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>> No.44140018

does the Samurai Remnant JP version have a text option for English like Mahoyo did?

>> No.44140056
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is itazuraneko down for good? should i just download the github?

>> No.44140372
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I need this

>> No.44140497

Foursome between Shiki, Miyako, Mio and Akiha

>> No.44140870
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It makes sense why he wears that shirt now. It all goes back to Aoko.

>> No.44140899
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>> No.44141245
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It's used in ciel true ending, albeit cropped.

>> No.44141536

They do a great job with this. They've shown some sprites or backgrounds like this without anyone really noticing.

>> No.44141568

so far only the Steam version lists multiple text options

>> No.44141582
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We need our own thread

>> No.44141754

Saber's being more "trained" than Rin is an inconsequential detail and portrayed as being barely noticeable. Whining about it is retarded. The fact that you only started using that line as your main piece of evidence while completely abandoning Saber's own comments on her body as the foundation of your argument and as a reliable source of information shows very clearly you are shifting the goalposts after your initial argumentation was shown to be untenable upon proper, holistic exegesis.

>> No.44141931

aoko sets my nuts off

>> No.44141954

i dont get the shiki can kill servants meme
of course he can his feats easily let him beat mid tier servants even without meodp

>> No.44141968

why does roashiki have such a hateboner for hisui

>> No.44141984

I think it initially meant if he kills them do they die in the throne of heroes?

>> No.44142017

Back in the day servants were more impressive, or rather everyone else were less impressive. Ciel at her best could fight them defensively

>> No.44142049

>Ciel at her best could fight them defensively
Even before the remake I called bullshit on that desu. You're telling me OG Ciel couldn't woop True Assassin who's NP has no meaning on her? A middle aged man did it.

>> No.44142058

killing a hero truly permanently seems like something more in the other shiki's alley.
especially since it's been said killing metaphysical shit is easier for her even though tohno fucking killed earth itself in an AOE to fuck over arc's powers.

>> No.44142095

Nasu said something about servants with average NP but for some reason "average" means something like gay bulge thrown which is rank B+

>> No.44142105

>have guaranteed kill NP
>never kill anyone with it besides a middle aged man

>> No.44142108

I think he probably could. Ultimately everything faces annihilation so the thread should exist.

>> No.44142171

the rules of exciting writing supercede any NP
that means anything deemed impossible will happen
and anything deemed certain will fail

>> No.44142265

The guy who got knocked down by two delinquents with a bat?

>> No.44142375

They were rank 3 DA who later got trapped and tortured by Noel. They were superhuman. Plus there's a difference between "I'm just a normal highschool student" from the start of the story and "I can fall 50 meters and only get fractured leg which heals in a day" when his limiters are off

>> No.44142377

How do you get the bad end in Ciel route where Shiki kills Akiha and Hisui? Trying to finish the flowchart before doing the endings but I still haven't got that yet, do you need to get the normal end first?

>> No.44142430

It's been a while but I think it's choosing the wrong injection.

>> No.44142459

Kill the niggas when Noel asks

>> No.44142484

probably one of the dumbest, and poorly written bad ending in the remake. you know it's shit when you need to have your protagonist make him act like he has a down syndrome just for the sake of cheap horror. a shame because i thought the bad endings were solid overall.

>> No.44142491

I'm kinda bothered by the Fate choices in Melty.
I think Count is the only one that fits.

>> No.44142497

A few very vocal Fatefags claimed he would fry his brain trying to comprehend their existence because spirits from the Throne of Heroes, something, something.
It was always full of bullshit.

>> No.44142499

>Getting ganbanged by plain old rank 3
Weak, a servant would NEVER

>> No.44142500
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Do Shiki getting OP make Ryougi OP too?

>> No.44142518
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Saber got fucked by japanese teacher though...

>> No.44142520

Shiki was mainly OP in Ciel route because he was part vampire, right? His movements were improved.
Aside from that he's just a psychic. He has just normal human physiology otherwise.

The Ryougi powers are that they intentionally double up on personalities so that they can master twice the amount of techniques or some shit.

>> No.44142521 [DELETED] 

How do you farm with Arc if she don't can do 100% twice because of cooldown?

>> No.44142527

3 servants literally got fucked by him, so they probably would yes.

>> No.44142531

Kuzuki buffed by Medea would destroy those

>> No.44142561

What do you mean? Shiki got blindsided and obviously he wasn't expecting the elevator stop in mid air like that. You fuck up sometimes.

>> No.44142571

Kuzuki doesn't have any means to stop them from regenerating. That's why you use consecrated items to deal with vampires.

>> No.44142587

Nah that's for the bad end on day 11
That was it, thanks anon

>> No.44142597

Reminder that Nasu keeps servants weaker than DA because servants aren't his characters he didn't write King Arthur.

>> No.44142598

>That was it, thanks anon
Cutest Kohaku in there, you're welcome

>> No.44142603
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>He has just normal human physiology otherwise.
Except each time he is in the zone
>Wolverine level sense of smell when stalking Arc
>Bullet time reflex when fighting Vlov
>survive 50 meters fall with only fractured leg, it heals in a day
>overpowered Roa, a rank 6 DA

>> No.44142610

By this logic Kohaku is stronger than Vlov.

>> No.44142645

N-no.... my argument...

>> No.44142648

I thought it did a good job of setting the horror tone and that anything can happen.

>> No.44142653

by feat of tepeu bonking a life bar of ort
it only takes a dozen shikis to destroy the strongest nasuverse being since all you need is a shiki per life bar

>> No.44142665
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She was high, it didn't really happen

>> No.44142676
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>> No.44142682

No. His physical nature owes to his Nanaya heritage and their was always differences between how their eyes function if we get into the minutia. She doesn't shorten her lifespan though so she gets the good end of the deal.
>He has just normal human physiology otherwise.
Actually his physiology is different. It's why he can run on walls and ceilings and preform Nanaya techniques.

>> No.44142689
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>> No.44142696

One Tohno since ORT would die from a single dot stab.

>> No.44142697
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Does Kohaku get nearly hyped as much?

>> No.44142699

shiki is at half power btw
if akiha was out slurping life juice out of people he would literally be twice as strong due to not having to split life force between two people

>> No.44142704

The maids are explicitly a special case "for one night" anyway. Yes, Kohaku and Hisui would destroy Grand Servants with their cactus, broom technique and poisoned food.

>> No.44142710

That mash sprite looking really flirty there

>> No.44142714

No? What you posted is all that's given to us, nowhere in the chapter is it stated that it didn't actually happen. You have Noel soloing Vlov if you don't buy Kohaku, is she DAA level? That rounds back to Hisui + Kohaku > Vlov anyway since they beat Noel in the twins' route.

>> No.44142724

>You have Noel soloing Vlov if you don't buy Kohaku
Noel explicitly says she didn't beat him in her win quote, claiming Vlov finally got serious. We later learn she got saved by Ciel in her ending.

>> No.44142728

Noel's win quote indicates Vlov wasn't serious and then she had to be saved. Though Noel in general is underrated and seems to have potential despite getting memed on.

>> No.44142732

Even if you want to do it like that it's clear that something happend to Kohaku and she "can do more than normal". So yeah that boosted Kohaku can fight Vlov in that case. Call it a counter force if you like

>> No.44142740

do i have seriously to explain why shiki on his own volition getting his vision blinded by two dude armed with fucking bat isn't dumb?

>> No.44142764

>taking melty blood seriously
Giant Akiha confirmed for canon

>> No.44142785

Truly pity anyone trying to invade the Tohno household.
>Maid Security force
>Master is a mixed blood monster
>Eldest Son is death incarnate
>Regularly hosts vampires, inhumans and church freaks
>Kouma stopping in to watch the game
>Newly adopted Usui.
>Self-styled Bajiquan master in the making
>Interdimensional meme cat causing all sorts of ruckus.

>> No.44142786

mb, but she still wins against Akiha who beats Vlov.

>> No.44142789

It is? Tatari literally can make any nightmare true. Even Neco Arc is confirmed 100% canon creature from Dreamlands by Abby profile

>> No.44142797

I did not get any of these references

>> No.44142799

I'm arguing against taking Melty seriously lol, follow the chain

>> No.44142801

Because Nasu totally doesn't include joke stories in his works, like the Mahoyo extra chapter for a recent /tmg/ approved example?
She is canon to that specific Melty Blood route.

>> No.44142813

Bad decision? Sure. But what does that have to do with writing

>> No.44142821
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no kidding

>> No.44142832

Okay I guess I just don't understand the argument. One guy said it was a dream and the other guy said it wasn't (??). But both of you are saying "don't take it seriously"?

>> No.44142834

MB is not a good measure to determine who wins against who, unless that's backed up by actual statements on the character's capabilities.
For example, Mech Hisui outright states she has a 000000.1% chance of defeating Dust of Osiris by scanning Dust's capabilities, yet she still wins because it's her story route.
That means anyone can win against anyone since there is almost always a non-zero chance of victory against any one opponent. Unless it's Archetype Earth in which case Mech Hisui says her chances are on the negatives.

>> No.44142850
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>> No.44142885

it's bad writing yes, unless you want me to believe that shiki is that retarded. it's more a bad ending that punish you, the player for picking a bad decision without giving a fuck about any sort of characterization. literally the worst kind of bad ending.

>> No.44142903

>Shiki can beat servants because of his MBTL feats against Mash, Ushi, Dantes.
>MBTL is a dubious source because Kohaku beats Vlov in it.
>Kohaku's feat doesn't count because it's a dream.
>It's not a dream. Noel beats Vlov too.
>No, Noel loses to Vlov and gets bailed out.
>She beats Akiha and Akiha beats Vlov.
That's the summary.

>> No.44142935

In that case we can stop using any story as measurement. Like in Rin vs Caster or Kuzuki vs Saber. Who should win on paper and who won?

>> No.44142950

I don't get how this bad decision leading to a bad ending is meaningfully any different than any other bad decision that leads to a bad ending in the game but whatever I guess.

>> No.44142952
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>> No.44142960
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>> No.44142968
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>> No.44142981
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>> No.44142995 [DELETED] 

Isn't that precisely why Shirou beating Gilgamesh is something that's guaranteed to happen in all scenarios?
You need to keep in mind certain outcomes are meant to be next to impossible. Which is why you can't really discredit an entire game by claiming oh x beat y so the game makes no sense, but you also can't take to be able to discern whether it was a 1 in a million chance.

>> No.44142998

everyone in those matchups got bailed out by someone else

>> No.44143015


Isn't that precisely why Shirou beating Gilgamesh is something that's not guaranteed to happen in all scenarios?
You need to keep in mind certain outcomes are meant to be next to impossible. Which is why you can't really discredit an entire game by claiming oh x beat y so the game makes no sense, but you also need to be able to discern whether the scenario is meant to be a 1 in a million chance, as it's often the case with fighting games.

>> No.44143056

I thought that Shiki was supposed to be a Batman-esque peak human who has to lie down after every fight because he's anemic from having his life force stolen by SHIKI, not a literal super soldier.

>> No.44143067
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Precisely what I mean about people trying discredit MB. You should read how scenarios are set and not just go "b-but Kohaku" when it's either a dream or some sort of one time boost for her. Shiki fighting servants is legit because, for example Ushi being Ushi she's 100% serious when fighting someone worthy. And after the fight she was impressed with Shiki speed saying that he should easily pull same shit she can if he put his mind to it

>> No.44143073

the other bad endings doesn't make shiki act like he has a negative IQ, or at least not nearly as much. i remember laughing my as off during the whole scene upon my first read-through, the idea of anyone being fine with getting blindsided by two degenerates with bat shit talking through the whole scene is legitimately one of the dumbest shit i've ever read. doesn't help that the bad ending has no effect on a horror standpoint since it was THAT obvious.

>> No.44143082

Running away from the hotel is clearly dumber. I'm not sure what your problem is.

>> No.44143101

Nanaya clan was literally incest powered supersoldiers

>> No.44143128

>Saber's being more "trained" than Rin is an inconsequential detail
absolute state

>> No.44143160

are you talking about the bad ending where shiki and mio got burned by vlov? that bad ending was pretty cool actually, and definitely not as dumb. it was very sudden too, and had some cool interactions. much more valuable, and scarier compared to the straight up comedic bad ending i'm talking about.

>> No.44143174

Shiki thinking that he could just waltz out and escape from the vampire bullshit he got caught up in is 1000 times dumber than getting blindsided because he let his guard down.

>> No.44143202

>Rin is described by Shinji as having muscle
>she is stronger than Saber
>described as training to be fit
No reason to not say Takeuchi was a coward for not drawing her toned either. Oh wait both barely are lmao

>> No.44143218

Yes. They should've both had some tone since they are explicitly said to be in good physical condition.

>> No.44143248
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>character gets punished for doing something dumb
>"what the fuck was Nasu thinking?"

>> No.44143313

Uooooohh. Imouto belly erotic.

>> No.44143324

TM should let him draw TsukiR manga adaptation instead that meta spinoff

>> No.44143399

Anon, you have severe autism.

>> No.44143443

shiki unwillingness to get involved with the supernatural is an established character trait. is this dumb? yes. but this is still a decision i could see shiki take. meanwhile shiki getting blinded on his own volition is extremely dumb considering he was aware that 1. the place was fishy 2. they are armed and was in fact ready to engage in combat since he had his knife ready. so yes not only this is peak autism, but also pretty comical writing.
(you) gets punished for picking the wrong choice. this is the issue with that bad ending, not only this make shiki act like he has a negative IQ for no particular reasons, but it doesn't add much on a narrative standpoint outside of what we already know by that point of the story. it's not even good horror since it's ruined by the poor writing, and awful dialogues. it's just terrible.

>> No.44143474

Nasu shouldn't have said them to be in good physical condition if Takeuchi didn't want to draw them toned.

>> No.44143483

I really can't imagine feeling this strongly about a bad ending. Shiki abandoning Arceuid is completely out of character and also incredibly stupid. If the "vampire delinquents getting the jump on Shiki" bit bothers you this much, that ending is objectively worse by that criteria.

>> No.44143504

Noel retreats from Akiha and gasses her up while doing it.
Shiki vs Servants is all about how awesome he is in every encounter. His ability, his body, his spirit.

>> No.44143507

Awful thread.

>> No.44143533

Knife vs Katana. Shiki is fucking crazy. I never want to see "But Katana>Knife" ever again.

>> No.44143554

More than a half of bad endings seems to be written for the sake of having enough bad ends and Ciel sensei lessons and they don't make any sense. Most bizarre is the one where you visit Makihisa room. It feels like it's only there as Red Garden tease.
>Shiki reads Makihisa diary
>sound of the door opening
>Shiki reads Makihisa diary
>sound of foot steps
>Shiki reads Makihisa diary
>Goto fucking talks to Shiki
>Shiki reads Makihisa diary
>Shiki gets stabbed in the back
>surprised pikachu
And Ciel sensei just say to pick someone to guard the door but it can't be Arc or Ciel. And you can't even ask anyone

>> No.44143569

This scene has so much purpose though what are you even talking about?

>> No.44143591

no it isn't out a character, at least by that point of the story. shiki unwillingness to get involved with the supernatural is established in the narrative, and if i remember well even after leaving the first time shiki still has a choice to comeback to arcueid thus perfectly showcasing the dilemma within shiki. and yes it does bother me because how poor the writing is, shiki literally let himself being shit talk during the integrity of the scene, standing like a fucking NPC -- just to eventually let himself getting blindsided by 2 armed dude. it's peak comedy.

>> No.44143624

"unwillingness to get involved with the supernatural" is not the problem here. It's the being irresponsible and not trying to atone for your actions part. It's completely out of character which is why going through with it is a bad end.

>> No.44143628

Shiki suddenly becoming deaf for no reason is stupid though

>> No.44143633

It's a great scene. It foreshadows the true horror of RG and the Tohno's mysteries as well as how no one is ready for this. Him being so engrossed just emphasizes the impact of the information and the bizarre nature of the situation and family. It also reveals some insight into Saiki's true nature, his potential goals and even the possibility that he has Kiri's iron rod.

>> No.44143635

Most girls in shape just look slim and you only notice the muscle upon touching them. They are not very inconspicuous. Rin and Saber look fine.

>> No.44143639

>hungry_clicker made a nanaya fan art

>> No.44143692


>> No.44143708

>irresponsible and not trying to atone for your actions part
nothing about this is particularly out of character considering how the whole scene was framed. not sure what you are implying though. are you saying that every bad endings are automatically out of character?

>> No.44143709

Reminder that Noel can lift 1 ton through pure physical strength. That's averge-Servant level for an average executor, comparable to someone like Katou Danzo and EMIYA.
Makes me wonder if humans are stronger in Tsuki.

>> No.44143724
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>> No.44143749

>nothing about this is particularly out of character considering how the whole scene was framed.
He literally never acts like this in any other similar scenario where he makes a mistake and needs to correct it.

>are you saying that every bad endings are automatically out of character?
A good chunk of them are. Really, it's not something anyone should care too much about.

>> No.44143794

She uses a sacrament.

>> No.44143805

Smug.TM personified.

>> No.44143810

>are you saying that every bad endings are automatically out of character?
Not every but some definitely and not just in Tsuki. F/sn established that Shirou goes "brain off, charge" when he see someone in danger. But there are few choices that allow you to chose to run away or leave someone in danger. It gives you a bad end as punishment for going against Shirou character

>> No.44143817

>Makes me wonder if humans are stronger in Tsuki.
The ones that matter at least.

>> No.44143821
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>> No.44143833
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>> No.44143845
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>> No.44143942

In the scene in question she explicitly did not use a sacrament, and she destroyed a steel beam in her rage. The narration stated she could have torn her muscles and ligaments as a result.

>> No.44144001

link me the scene. That's cool if true.

>> No.44144010

I can sorta see Neco-Arc being a meme, but why the fuck does Nanaya have these stupid memes like wifi is okay if it's close to the router?

>> No.44144057

Here you go: https://youtu.be/T9PZQzD3Y1s?t=9524

>> No.44144169

Thanks. Yeah I guess humans(at least the badass ones) in Tsuki are fucking insane. Shiki getting SnuSnu'd by emotionally unstable Noel.

>> No.44144174

Because he's awesome.

>> No.44144236
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He’s literally me…

>> No.44144658

Was in the shower and was thinking.

TM separated into two world types. One stabilized by Alaya and one where Gaia manifests. ORT shows up in the chapter where AE:MetaEarth(an IF that couldn't become the real one) appears and is full of Tsuki elements. This sort of fits thematically with the idea that only in that LB could ORT appear and ORT is said to squirm in worlds of Gaia and sleep in worlds of Alaya.

Brain of the earth in normal timelines is extremely hard to form and the TA species was created to output it(contrary to in the AU where it shows up 6 million years ago). I think this may indicate that Alaya or humanities impact on the world as a paragon species that is independent of the world is responsible for why the Brain is so hard to form and probably only exists in worlds where Alaya has been weakened despite the concept of Archetypes existing in the magecraft world.

>> No.44144779

That's part of why it's unlikely for Arc to exist in Fate worlds unless she exists as the Brain of the Moon like in Tsuki no Sango.

>> No.44144798

But humanity wasn't particularly weak when Ixquic was born in LB7. They were stronger and more advanced than in PHH ever were.

>> No.44144801

I think gaia manifesting very likely refers to Arc as its will being born.

>> No.44144838

Well, she's actually in the form of a deinos so aren't they the paragon species instead?

>> No.44144842

Shibusawa: I played the console versions of Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Tsukihime later. Those were also shockingly wonderful experiences. The scene in the prologue where Shiki splits Arcueid into pieces made me scream. It was the shock of a sudden turn for the horrifying combined with the unquenchable curiosity to see where that was going to go. I had never played a game that shocking before, so this got me good. And I was happy to see Mahoutsukai no Yoru's protagonist, Aozaki Aoko, also appear in Tsukihime. I really like the way the two games connect.

Nasu: Thank you so much. I'm sure our readers must be shocked to hear the words "Aozaki Aoko" coming out of Shibusawa Kou's mouth, but I must assure you, I'm more shocked (laughs).

The console version of Tsukihime only covers Arcueid's and Ciel's routes, so we're looking forward to the continuation.

Shibusawa: Wait, there's a sequel? Really?!

Nasu: The old version of Tsukihime, released as doujin software, has Near Routes portraying the battles against vampires and the Far Routes portraying the secrets of the Toono family and Shiki's roots. The console version contains only the Near Routes and the continuation is currently under diligent development.

Shibusawa: If the Toono clan is getting a detailed showing, then Tsukihime was concealing a much grander story than I imagined. I'm already hyped for it. I'm coming out of this interview with more than I could've ever hoped for!Shibusawa: I played the console versions of Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Tsukihime later. Those were also shockingly wonderful experiences. The scene in the prologue where Shiki splits Arcueid into pieces made me scream. It was the shock of a sudden turn for the horrifying combined with the unquenchable curiosity to see where that was going to go. I had never played a game that shocking before, so this got me good. And I was happy to see Mahoutsukai no Yoru's protagonist, Aozaki Aoko, also appear in Tsukihime. I really like the way the two games connect.

Nasu: Thank you so much. I'm sure our readers must be shocked to hear the words "Aozaki Aoko" coming out of Shibusawa Kou's mouth, but I must assure you, I'm more shocked (laughs).

The console version of Tsukihime only covers Arcueid's and Ciel's routes, so we're looking forward to the continuation.

Shibusawa: Wait, there's a sequel? Really?!

Nasu: The old version of Tsukihime, released as doujin software, has Near Routes portraying the battles against vampires and the Far Routes portraying the secrets of the Toono family and Shiki's roots. The console version contains only the Near Routes and the continuation is currently under diligent development.

Shibusawa: If the Toono clan is getting a detailed showing, then Tsukihime was concealing a much grander story than I imagined. I'm already hyped for it. I'm coming out of this interview with more than I could've ever hoped for!

>> No.44144880

was shirous only mistake was not reading the contract correctly
>wow so i get to participate in stopping mass loss of human life like a hero?!
>yes totally
>note:only after a large number of people have already died so you're basically a time janny

>> No.44144935

Yeah, but normal humans also existed with Camazots and his kingdom.

>> No.44144945

When was this interview?

>> No.44144949


>> No.44144950

TM Ace.

>> No.44144958

Oh shit, so it's seriously confirmed Red Garden is being worked on!

>> No.44144996

pretty sure red garden being worked on is nothing new. the question was more if it was actively being worked on. nasu using "鋭意製作中" makes me want to believe it is since that would kind of track with his recent absence.

>> No.44145069

I don't think it matters really since I'm thinking the issue is because in normal worlds the prime species is mankind and they're so different compared to any other lifeform that came before. This is probably linked to why the earth has trouble making a Type. Their paragon species is individually weak and as a collective will eventually kill the planet so its actually more parasitic than symbiotic.
Deinos are a lot like True Ancestors thematically in that they've eliminated the concept of wastefulness and never really made mistakes(Tsuki themes that call back how Arc becomes human via mistakes(Hers and Shiki's) ). Roa randomly drops that DA cannot steal the seat from humanity because they're fundamentally flawed as organisms despite their transcendent might. But they're likely weakening the world of man given what we can speculate.

>> No.44145222

>Roa randomly drops that DA cannot steal the seat from humanity because they're fundamentally flawed as organisms
I don't think Roa said they are too flawed compared to humans. It's more because they are too unique and becoming a Dead Apostle requires inherent talent, so not everyone can become one.

>> No.44145255

Flawed because they can't reproduce.

>> No.44145332
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In other words it's more that they are TOO perfect, you could say.

>> No.44145494

Kek, I guess so. Though in TM that gets frowned upon so they don't qualify metaphysically(narratively)

>> No.44145503

>needs to eat or dies after 1 year
lmao fucking useless

>> No.44145628

No. It wasn't. It was loathing himself and feelings he was undeserving of happiness leading to his not forming a real relationship with anyone and thereby having nothing in life outside of saving others. Next.

>> No.44145697

Here's hoping TsukiR far side is rewritten to a point where Arc gets to play a tertiary role, much like Akiha and the maids did in the first instalment. It's only fair.

>> No.44145711

I don't really want Arc to show up where she doesn't need to but at the same time I kind of want to see Arc with depression.

>> No.44145774
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>game is titled "Tsukihime"
>"I don't really want the tsuki hime to show up"

>> No.44145792

You emotionless killing machine Arc? Any form of Arc is good in my book. It's just not fair for her to be removed from the story entirely.

>> No.44145799

the title was just a bait, it was never a story about arcueid

>> No.44145800

>You mean

>> No.44145802

Imouto hands typed this post.

>> No.44145837

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44145857

She already doesn't appear in the real meat of the game in Tsukihime.

>> No.44145914

I have faith in Nasu. He will surely write ARC in Red Garden.

>> No.44145990

there is nothing to write about arc anymore outside of her true ending, or whatever. why is this so hard to understand for arcfags that the plot of the far side happen because shiki doesn't get involved with arc?

>> No.44146021

He's killing Arc in Sacchin's route.

>> No.44146036

There's an immutable connection that Shiki has to the church/vampire half of the story because already at the start of the story Mario and Noel are convinced that Shiki is Roa and that Arach is living at the Tohno house.

>> No.44146042

She can make a short appearance in the fight with Nrvnqsr. It's pretty clear she was involved with Nrvnqsr before Tsuki near side began.

>> No.44146074

slender white imouto hands...

>> No.44146095

And Roa doesn't appear in Far Side and Arach is probably there just to make Kohaku into a dindu nuffin.

>> No.44146126

Why is Ciel's mom Japanese?
Why is the guy Noel was lusting after in her flashback, Japanese?
Why does Akiha give Shiki, French tea to drink?
Why is the movie that Shiki goes to see with Arcueid a French romance?

>> No.44146136

that shit doesn't need to have anything to do with arcueid

>> No.44146146

And yet it's all about the curry in the end

>> No.44146174

Shiki being Roa's 16th reincarnation.

>> No.44146212

Can we have an Akiha/Arc route please and thanks

>> No.44146219

Executioner Arc will arrive to kill Shiki. Akiha inverts to fight her. Arc actually gets killed by the Tohno siblings and fans get depressed for another 3 years until Arc gets her True End. I could see it happening just to rub salt in the wounds. Don't try and turn this into a power level autismo thing btw fags.

>> No.44146220

Arc and Akiha meeting each other is one of the most kino scenes in all TM works.

>> No.44146230

>Don't try and turn this into a power level autismo thing
>makes a post about a power level autismo thing
Imoutofags pls

>> No.44146236

He already knows Akiha clears, why bother discussing this?

>> No.44146239

People are acting like Far Side won't have any vampire shenanigans when we already know there was a vampire massacre at the hospital in Shiki's past.

>> No.44146252

Wait, what the fuck did I miss?

>> No.44146257

this theory is retarded and a poor attempt to link everything to arcueid when the whole premise of red garden is dealing with the tohno, and shiki's past. this just doesn't work narratively unless nasu rewrite everything fundamentally. the only route where arcueid could make a potential appearance is sacchin based on what we already know, but even then the premise is kinda retarded. arcueid involvement within the story will always be tied to shiki cutting her in 17 pieces, without that arcueid is merely a killing machine that doesn't have much room to get involved in the narrative.

>> No.44146258

T-that didn't happen. It was all a dream. Shiki's currently lying in bed.

>> No.44146274

Everytime Shiki schizos out when a woman is getting sucked on.

>> No.44146278

She just gets shredded like cheese in a different scene who cares

>> No.44146280

There are a lot of hints but the one that directly shows it is the scene when Shiki sees Vlov bite the woman in the hotel.

>> No.44146290

I see, did I miss a scene or something when vlov bites the girl at the hotel? As in, some rapidly flashing images or was it actual text and I'm retarded?

>> No.44146332


>> No.44146342

The prologue already starts with young Nanaya speaking to Young Arc so there’s definitely already some changes to how their meeting went. It is arguably one of the biggest changes considering in the OG that monologue should’ve been about the forest alone.

>> No.44146346

Well... yes.
There are flashbacks to the Saiki hospital that's burned down and a unidentified Ghoul outbreak people suspect may be caused by Shiki or SHIKI and that at one point Shiki was an actual reincarnation. The reason for this is Ciel is called Quinze(15) and there is SHIKI's coffin with the inscription for 17 on it. So whose 16? Roa as Elesia has the number of reincarnations redacted so it is very suspicious.
A bad end with Shiki where Noel steals his soul has him freeze up at seeing a young girl with the dead behind her. Whenever this image happens Shiki reacts strongly(Hotel, Noel when she's grabbed by Vlov, the Bad End) andd Shiki clearly hates the hospital. It stands to reason he was a resident at a separate hospital where Saiki gets burned and the ghoul outbreak occurs but doesn't remember. In the flashback Shiki sees no lines on the ghouls and actually only starts seeing lines the second time he wakes up which is like 1 scene after the first time and he hears some random girls voice. Between the two scenes the windows change and the initial windows look closer to what is seen in the flashback so putting it all together Shiki has some missing time where he suffered some hardcore trauma. Again.

>> No.44146367

Shiki also straight up admits he felt like he only spent about a month in hospital despite him actually being there for half a year.

>> No.44146384

the 17 pieces scene will always be a special moment for shiki and arcueid, you can't simply write another scene leading to the same result without hurting that iconic scene. that would be poor writing.
probably arc true stuff. seriously, why are you guys so desperate to get arcueid involved within other heroines routes? there is much more to tsukihime than arcueid, and the original is already an evidence of that. she already had a significant role in ciel, she doesn't need anything else outside of her own conclusion.

>> No.44146393

I see, thanks for explaining. The hospital's being two was easy to pick up, but I really can only blame myself for missing the hospital flashback in the vlov scene and thinking the ghouls were just his imagination at the other people in the hotel.
I wonder what the first hotel means for saiki and akiha

>> No.44146437

Well Akiha is mentioned in the journal mentioned here.
She's undergoing surgery. Possibly related to Arach. Shiki recalls being in a dark room and someone seeming like Arach in the beginning. Akiha is accredited by Saiki with some responsibility for why he's like how he is. So maybe Akiha destroyed the hospital to protect Shiki or something after he turned into Roa or protected him from whoever caused the vampire outbreak if it wasn't him. Maybe SHIKI was taken there too.

>> No.44146475

>why are you guys so desperate to get arcueid involved within other heroines routes?
Literally where in my post did it say this? Stop creating boogeymen in your head. I never said that Arc necessarily has to appear in the other routes but just as the prologue changed, who’s to say Shiki’s past also didn’t especially when Far Side routes already involves vampires, specifically in the hospital? And Arach being close to Makihisa who is totally not a DAA btw. You say it’s retarded but I’ve yet to see you do a break down to disprove the theory other than you crying how it’ll ruin Shiki’s past.

>> No.44146518

kek. Why are imoutofags so insecure?

>> No.44146543

You don't seem to understand why Tsukihime was split into "Near Side" and "Far Side"

>> No.44146553

NTA but
>the 17 pieces scene will always be a special moment for shiki and arcueid, you can't simply write another scene leading to the same result without hurting that iconic scene. that would be poor writing.
He got a point. It would be super meh and is probably why she'd be kept at a distance or get involved off-screen with things not directly related to Shiki. Nasu will return to them in Arc True but might do dream shit or whatever here and there in the other routes I think.

>> No.44146557

It's a Remake anon.

>> No.44146612

So? Arc's route is practically the same and even Ciel's route follows the same general beats of the OG despite all the giga autistic stuff he added.

>> No.44146616

It's not Arc if she's not sliced and diced by Shiki. I don't care to see some boring murder robot.

>> No.44146637

I was referring to the theory of Shiki being one of Roa’s reincarnations. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be related to Arc and have Arc necessarily appear in the mansion girls’ routes just because Shiki had a murder fit once and got everyone involved in the hospital. Nasu could still use that Roa reincarnation plotline and have it fully developed in Arc True’s route with Shiki finally being able to face Roa as his true enemy. What I find retarded are people outright denying that Nasu won’t change anything when he already did. As proven with how the prologue starts and Shiki’s past involving another hospital with vampires in it.
Why do you fags keep bringing up about Arc appearing in other routes when literally nothing in my post even implied this?

>> No.44146655

>I was referring to the theory of Shiki being one of Roa’s reincarnations
This theory is retarded. Stop it.

>> No.44146661

i'm not denying that vampire will play a role within the far side though? the sacchin route exist, after all. likewise it's evident that something involving vampire happened in shiki's past but it doesn't necessarily have to involve arc? you are essentially basing everything upon the premise that shiki is one of roa’s reincarnations, a dumb theory that don't make any sense.

>> No.44146690

>Why do you fags keep bringing up about Arc appearing in other routes when literally nothing in my post even implied this?

I do think vampire stuff will be incorporated. I just commented on that point since it stuck out from his post as being quite strong and you guys replied to that post.

>> No.44146743

Wouldn't pre-Shiki Arc be Eco-Arc?

>> No.44146755

>Why do you fags keep bringing up about Arc appearing in other routes when literally nothing in my post even implied this?
Because imoutfags are insecure as fuck. It's heartwarming to see them.

>> No.44146776

Damn you’re retarded. Again, I never said that Arc necessarily has to appear in the mansion routes because of this. An important plotpoint that will have Arc involved in the route is to have Shiki actually meet her and Shiki ignoring her can still happen in Far Side. It’s like you don’t know how Nasu develops his routes. He could still leave the Roa reincarnation as a mystery/hint in the mansion routes and have it fully developed in Sacchins where you know, vampires actually take the spotlight again especially when Roa says it TWICE in both routes that Shiki lacks something to be truly his enemy and you have to be retarded not to see it’s building up to something.
And going by the teaser trailer order, Sacchin’s route could be the last one in Red Garden before Arc True.
You saying that Young Nanaya meeting Young Arc is something reserved for Arc True basically has you agreeing that Nasu DID change something with Shiki’s past already. And I’ve yet to see you breakdown that theory and explain why you think it doesn’t make sense because you just keep seething at Nasu making changes about the original story.

>> No.44146785

Anon arcfags are coping hard on a 5min true ending that will be included as a bonus like LE, and creating shit theories to get her involved in the far side, lmao. It's clear who is insecure.

>> No.44146788

Well, yes if you go back to when she first manifested but pre-Shiki Arc is executioner Arc who never spoke and only existed as a weapon.

>> No.44146795

You guys are all retarded.

>> No.44146810

>the Roa reincarnation
This shit doesn't make sense, why are you coping so hard on your own fanfiction?

>> No.44146829

>still hasn’t explained why it doesn’t make sense
Not even worth getting a (You), retard. Off yourself

>> No.44146833
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>> No.44146837
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>> No.44146880

Adding to this, Sacchin’s route is involved in telling “Tohno Shiki’s story” so it’s not just a mansion thing exclusive anymore

>> No.44146892

Sacchin route is a bait. Mio will be the real heroine and Sacchin will go with Vlov since she can't live among humans anymore as a vampire.

>> No.44146896

anon, nasu always considered the far side as tohno shiki's story even in the original. re-read plus-disc, he talk about that briefly.

>> No.44146897

>ntr'd by otome hero Vlov

>> No.44146900

Arcueid haters are so funny

>> No.44146924
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I want to save her.

>> No.44146938

Satsuki will become a DAA and turn Shiki into her Knight.

>> No.44146940

It’s mansiongirlfags coping they’re not the last route anymore or the one that’s exclusively tied to Shiki’s past, and Sacchin’s route being possibly the HF of the remake.

>> No.44146955
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I like how Mio references Tsukihime.

>> No.44146956

Shiki along with Arc will stop Satsuki

>> No.44146965

Mio is Shiki's sister. His actual, ACTUAL imouto.

>> No.44146971

That doesn't make any sense either

>> No.44146977

Nice cuck shit, but no Shiki handled far worse than Sacchin already.

>> No.44146979

she has the gray eyes. She's only a panther because she's one of chaos' beasts

>> No.44146980

Double imouto route

Imagine the proper and prim Akiha dealing with sassy hobo imouto Mio

>> No.44147002

Mio's route branches from Akiha's route when Shiki embraces her and says it's his turn to protect her.

>> No.44147013

Nice self projection, lol. Should I remind everyone that some Arcfags are genuinely thinking Arc will get some sort of extra route because of a Nasu quote referring to the manga epilogue?

>> No.44147024

Shiki likes Big Cats
Is a Big Cat.
Kiri is her enemy.
Mio doesn't have Saiki attached to her name in credits.
Protects and monitors Shiki.
Puts him out of his misery after he falls to his inversion and kills his love.
Has Nanaya eyes.
I think the term changeling gets used in the game. Was it alongside psychics? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Says dogs are no good since Shiki wouldn't be able to play with it.
Probably not really his sister. Maybe his cousin or something but she's definitely getting a Shiki statue.

>> No.44147034

Nasu has never written a route split, and if he were making one he'd do it in Kohaku route so shiki gets yandere imouto

>> No.44147035

What about the Nasu quote referring to an extra route?

>> No.44147036

Did you actually play the game?

>> No.44147041

I mean yes, she's a Shiki statue definitely. But the Nanaya's are all about being peak human so abilities like turning into a panther doesn't fit their profile.

>> No.44147078

That was referring to a true end, not route. I'm sorry but you aren't getting a new game, just an extended epilogue like the manga.

>> No.44147085

Could be a mutation in their powers or something. The way she clings to the wall when introduced and the Nanaya techniques requiring being a 4-legged beast makes you think... Maybe she's some mixed-blood Kiri spared and grew up with Shiki if not a Nanaya.

>> No.44147086

No it was referring a route.
>最終決戦の場所は校舎から離れる? それとも、最後にアルクがヒロインの統合ルートがあるなら、あえて渡り廊下に拘るのもアリ。

>> No.44147095

Why are you ignoring Neco-Arc saying to expect the True Arc route? Or Nasu's notes referencing the possibility of a unified route?

>> No.44147100

Hot. I need art of Vlov x Sacchin now.

>> No.44147103

ShikixVlov is actually real and better.

>> No.44147127

That's not from the game though, just notes Nasu wrote upon re-reading the original.
Neco-Arc was referring to a true ending, not some brand new route.Since Sasaki is heavily involved in the remake, it's probably gonna be a short bonus ending when fully clearing the whole game (like with the far side teaser).

>> No.44147173

No. She wasn't.

>> No.44147177

>Since Sasaki is heavily involved in the remake
he isnt heavily involved in the remake lol. he just got to play it before it was released and Nasu saying he was trying to surpass it (he didnt).

>> No.44147187
File: 70 KB, 466x659, Arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasu quoted the corridor fight not once, but twice.
Also pic related being her 3 years after a *certain route* in Tsukihime Remake and Mario commenting that he thinks he’ll be back in Souya after a few years. If Nasu just straight up wants to do a 1:1 epilogue of Sasaki’s ending he wouldn’t need to add this changes, especially when he stated in one interview that he wanted to surpass Sasaki’s adaptation of Arc’s route.

>> No.44147192

He storyboarded some scenes too.

>> No.44147242
File: 151 KB, 864x864, Smug priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying, faggot. Mansiongirlfags have been acting smug about the Tohno Mansion routes being the meat of Tsukihime because it exclusively tackles Shiki’s past, but now they unironically have to share it with vampires lmao.

>> No.44147276

I hope this is people just trying to start shit on purpose rather than them actually feeling this way.

>> No.44147331

Inferiorgirls fags should just shut up.

>> No.44147465
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>> No.44147921
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, 1690518961514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked the red garden teaser, isn't this the same background where Shiki kills and drinks someone's blood on the night of day 11? I remember that scene saying he found someone he'd been looking for so long.

>> No.44147957

It looks like there are warehouses or something in the foreground of that CG and they're quite far from the centre of the city.

>> No.44148488

If I've never liked fighting games, is buying Type Lumina a stupid idea?
Does it have a story worth reading?

>> No.44148796

Arcfags are getting insufferable. They really want her to be part of routes where she doesn't fit because, God forbid we not focus on Arc once. She already gets to be the face of Tsukihime despite only being in 2 routes originally and only her route being adapted in manga, anime and games. Ontop of the possibility of getting a LE like true end to undermine the other heroines. But no she clearly doesn't appear or get enough attention for you pigs.

>> No.44148808

This but I want it all with Akiha
I want Akiha everywhere

>> No.44148812

It's funny how you are essentially solidifying what I said. There is absolutely nothing about a "true route" being remotely mentioned. Arcueid will receive her true ending but the idea that it's anything outside of a short epilogue like a brand new route/game is extremely delusional.
Who are you quoting? More vampire is a great thing. Still none of this will be related to Arcueid though.

>> No.44148859

>Arcueid will receive her true ending but the idea that it's anything outside of a short epilogue
Different anon here but there is still stuff like Roa panteon ritual and Shiki new power which supposed to be explained in Arc true. I mean there are like 2 hours worth of reading difference between Ciel normal and Ciel true. It might not be literally whole new route but it could be quite long expansion of what we got

>> No.44148882

>There is absolutely nothing about a "true route" being remotely mentioned.
And there’s nothing about an “true ending” being mentioned either. It’s just you assuming it despite Nasu already mentioning about a possible joint route and him mentioning people are probably wondering why she only has her OG route. It doesn’t fucking matter if you think it’s something included in Nasu’s notes. What matters is he’s actually thinking of doing it while writing the remake and it isn’t going to be a 5 minute LE epilogue like you retards think, especially when Ciel True itself is 2-3 hours long already and Nasu’s going out his way to justify Arc getting a happy ending.

>> No.44148926

> More vampire is a great thing. Still none of this will be related to Arcueid though.
Sounds like you’re the one coping bro. Nasu has never written a vampire center plotline that isn’t related to Arc one way or another. She won’t appear in the Tohno house routes, but she will definitely show up again in Satsuki’s

>> No.44148928
File: 33 KB, 680x763, For_important_negotiation_Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I want more of the main character of the story, any problems?

>> No.44149160
File: 420 KB, 600x800, 1690534959581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wanna fuck him so bad

>> No.44149173

we know Akiha

>> No.44149321

sounds like you haven't read the story bro. vampire are 100% connected with the tohno, and shiki but that still doesn't mean arc will be relevant in the far side. honestly if you want more arc just play F/GO.

>> No.44149335

My theory is that Shiki will have a quintsome with Miyako, Eco Arc, DA Noel and Len

>> No.44149382

Shiki's going to be in Far Side, don't worry

>> No.44149394

I still don't get why Shiki would give a particular shit about Satsuki for him to do something so drastically different than what he usually does (killing her).

>> No.44149423

The same reason why Shiki is ready to throw his life away for a girl he meet one week ago

>> No.44149467

He likes Arcueid because of a mystical connection, likes Ciel because she helped him out, but Satsuki? What's special about her?

>> No.44149598

>friend since middle school
>shiki find her attractive, and openly stated to arihiko that he target her
>will get involved in vampire shit
I've seen route start for a lot less.

>> No.44149839

Did you not read the OG game? Shiki is willing to have her sick his blood since he wants her to live over Kipling her at first. He changes his mind once he remembers Akiha. If given enough time he’ll think of her as the most important person in his life.

>> No.44149875
File: 320 KB, 800x1173, 1668725866512731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ciel, which VN is she from?

>> No.44149929

Arc x guda cock

>> No.44149985
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>> No.44149992
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>> No.44149994
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>> No.44150004
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>> No.44150006
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>> No.44150016
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>> No.44150023
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>> No.44150026
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>> No.44150032
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>> No.44150033
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>> No.44150041
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>> No.44150105

In remake he knows that she likes him and she is his type. He keeps her in friendzone because he doesn't want to ruin her normal happy life. The moment her life gets ruined with vampirism he will go I can fix her mode

>> No.44150396
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>> No.44150404
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>> No.44150958

Link? I don't remember Shiki killing someone.

>> No.44150968

Yeah it's pretty fun with cute story segments and some story expansion or foreshadowing. It'sgot some more laid back slice of life stuff you wouldn't normally see so much Game is fun too if you give it a try..

>> No.44151014

Nanaya reproductive instinct. When he realizes DA are barren he'll kill her.

>> No.44151318
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>> No.44151351

He's coming?

>> No.44151393

In my mouth.

>> No.44151554
File: 320 KB, 1237x1325, IMG_6237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like one of the Tamano 9 are in the Samurai game. I’d recognize that link hair anywhere.

>> No.44151569
File: 48 KB, 276x528, IMG_6238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink* hair

>> No.44151626

I don't see why he would. Tohno is already doing some of the Nanaya shit.
If anything then the assumed Red Garden Update to Melty will probably make it so using the Nanaya install actually changes his name in the UI.

>> No.44151633

Baby-making sex with kohaku

>> No.44151674

He plays completely differently.

>> No.44151687

Her womb is barren, all the abortions and Plan B pills made her infertile.

>> No.44151731
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>> No.44151743

Just look at the clothes. Same design.

>> No.44151775
File: 667 KB, 2133x1513, dbd02907f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is dropping with Len, yes.

>> No.44152132

why is arc's hair important

>> No.44152149

Hair is important in TM in general. Like Touko using hers to make a contract with Beo.

>> No.44152163

I don't think it's ever stated to be. Princess Arc's MBBACC profile states she must take back her stolen hair for her body to become that form, but it says nothing about her becoming stronger or anything along those lines.

>> No.44152210
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>> No.44152222
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>> No.44152261

>rin has bigger tiddies than Arc

>> No.44152270

That doesn't mean anything because Shimosa introduced Tamamoface and Kiyohimeface NPCs that are specifically not them and just lookalikes.

>> No.44152437

Uh, no she doesn't? Those breasts look moderately sized, just like Rin's always have been.

Also you unironically have sub-90 IQ if you think or say Rin is flat.

>> No.44152477

Arcueid is a fatso anyway

>> No.44152506

Akiha pls...

>> No.44152521

Go back to writing fanfiction, Akiha.

>> No.44152547

That form is her at her strongest though with all her capability. A woman's hair is everything didn't you know?

>> No.44153089

So now that Tsuki is coming to PC, any chance we're getting Mahoyo?

>> No.44153124

The PC version only got announced because of the official localization, it's dead

>> No.44153178

Mahoyo is dead. They’re never going to work on anything else again besides the movies.

>> No.44153264

What makes you say that?

>> No.44153346

I made it up.
I made it up.
I made it up.

In short, I made it up.

>> No.44153539

Did you not see the last thread and TM ACE 15? Nasu is too tired to want to work on more Mahoyo VNs. He just cares about Tsukihime and FGO now.

>> No.44153625


It's not really that bad if you read it. It's more like don't expect that effort of micromanagement.

>> No.44153695

Oh yeah, he did say it's just way too much work didn't he? He can always do what Akira Toriyama did for the DBS movies, give the the animators or a different writer a napkin sketch they can work off for a potential Mahoyo movie.

>> No.44153702

>cares about Tsukihime

>> No.44153747

I mean it's confirmed that he's writing Red Garden while Fgo is on filler arc. It's like the only non fgo thing he still writes about

>> No.44153814

Confirmed where?

>> No.44153828


>> No.44153836

I mean where is it confirmed that he's writing Red Garden while Fgo is on a filler arc?

>> No.44153842

Hopefully his autism makes him write what he wanted to do with Mahoyo 2 and 3 in a book or character materials so it’s not all just movies.

>> No.44153852

Order call=filler arc

>> No.44153872
File: 1.67 MB, 2614x3092, c56e40f85e56fb513992e056262e80f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not believing in the mushroom

>> No.44153890

Red Garden being worked on is not equivalent to Nasu writing it while fgo is in filler. But whatever, I guess that's one way of interpreting it.

>> No.44153942

Nasu literally disappeared from the web for months and only confirmed being alive in new TM Ace where he said that Red Garden being "under diligent development" so unless it'll be some 3d action game instead VN, which require lots of development other than writing, I'll say he's writing it

>> No.44153985

It's going to take him 2 years to direct every scene and make sure everything pops just right from all the buildup and foreshadowing. That's not even factoring in anything he implants for future development.

>> No.44153991
File: 1.06 MB, 2100x2400, FzWheG-acAEWsmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was confirmed alive last month in chaldea breakroom. I choose to believe he's writing it too though.

>> No.44154015

>It's going to take him 2 years
So it'll will come out just in time when Filler Call will end

>> No.44154046

2 years is a pretty reasonable estimation honestly. it's gonna be TM last VN, so i don't mind waiting for more granted it's polished, and worth the wait.

>> No.44154063

Forlornness: sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned.

"If you're feeling suicidal, please call this hotline"

>> No.44154105

Apparently the forlornness at the end of the tunnel us what keeps Nasu going.

>> No.44154236

Well, I don't really care about that joke of a setting but he's mentioned stuff like that a few times. Whenever he pulls the plug I expect a hard end making it impossible to return to since he wants it to contrast with FSN where Shirou's story continues in the world after and they always bring up the end because that's the theme.

>> No.44154410
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1662221826920367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to sleep for at least 8 hours every night, drink 2 liters of water, consume a balanced diet and avoid junkfoods.
Also play gacha, it's good for you!

>> No.44154422

Thanks Ciel. I worry about your future as you’ll probably be in the gacha soon…

>> No.44154445
File: 244 KB, 512x512, cut_neco01_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you sensei.

>> No.44154462
File: 202 KB, 1863x1048, B M W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiha is an absolute fraud as imouto character and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Will Mio finally give some redemption to Tsukihime?

>> No.44154471
File: 82 KB, 1280x769, e7e1c243245fd3750bf61c739849dbf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself Ciel

>> No.44154539

Can you shut up about Mio? We all know that she’s gonna die in RG as being the next Illya. Akiha is the superior imouto.

>> No.44154573


>> No.44154606

You can't just compare Mio to the best girl in FSN and then say Akiha is superior.

>> No.44154659
File: 219 KB, 1448x2048, 209c1ccd3211049efab4fd4e9f7acf63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this wrong and not killing yourself immediately.

>> No.44154704

thinking about picking up Fate/Extra after I finish HA but I hear the story is great but the gameplay is god awful, am I better off just using cheats?

>> No.44154710

I'm sorry, but no. Akiha fit only one criteria, whereas Miyako fit two rather easily. It's frankly hilarious that Akiha isn't even the best fake imouto character in the story.

>> No.44154743

I understand disagreeing with me but the last part was not necessary.

>> No.44154745

You can definitely not call Extra's story great.

>> No.44154751

what? Akiha and Mio both fulfill the bottom two.

>> No.44154765

I don't have good taste in media, so I have a feeling I'd love Extra anyways

>> No.44154789
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>> No.44154809
File: 443 KB, 1280x1810, 56c5b3db44cf9109fe7785da77d68cf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just thought it was funny.

>> No.44154857

yeah, it gets old pretty fast

>> No.44154910

Sakura fans really are the worst. You should take the advice you told him you toxic bitch.

>> No.44155003


>> No.44155030
File: 2.03 MB, 2105x1488, c5e1ce668bf4c96e4226803ab05a60f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon, don't be mad.

>> No.44155184

There has never been a good thing related to gacha of any sort.

>> No.44155264
File: 73 KB, 170x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is she up to.

>> No.44155525
File: 535 KB, 2048x1536, 1690589104300785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli Tamamo
I will now buy your kusoge

>> No.44155556

Sex with Nanaya.

>> No.44155566

Hisui calm down.

>> No.44155655
File: 825 KB, 1891x2048, IMG_6242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this character looks like shit kek

>> No.44155671

is this really wadarco? the face looks so flat

>> No.44155684

rare wada L.
Her Extra Kirei was also pretty bad

>> No.44155687

Low T

>> No.44155711

Wataru Rei.

>> No.44155742


>> No.44156069
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>> No.44156105

Nerobros... what is our response??

>> No.44156140
File: 391 KB, 1518x1075, 1690596643421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already got a loli version over a year ago.

>> No.44156142
File: 1.34 MB, 800x1513, 31d76bf1d142470164d07403bf66ed43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got ours already

>> No.44156262

>TM last VN
It's depressing.
I'm so happy that they working at it. But the fact that it's true and we'll never see another VN from them is fucking sad. It's like end of an era. Doesn't help that I'm getting older, too. I remember reading og tsuki or hollow ataraxia for the first time. It was so fun.
It is wrong to think that way, but I just couldn't help to think that it could have been so much more.

>> No.44156316

They didn't say it's their last VN.

>> No.44156325

It will be though

>> No.44156335

I'm too hopepilled to believe that.

>> No.44156337

Do you honestly expect for Nasu to go back to making VNs when the gacha eventually dies? He will either try again with some other gacha or fuck off to retirement because he's nearing 50.

>> No.44156340

>the gacha eventually dies
if only

>> No.44156345

Nip writers don't retire at 50.

>> No.44156376

>retirement because he's nearing 50
So? He is a writer. Tolkien was 45 when he wrote LoTR. And there are older writers out there.

>> No.44156380
File: 197 KB, 1334x750, IMG_6246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two will be in Samurai Remnant as Rouge servants to play as. She’s one of the Tamano 9 called Tamanao Aria.

>> No.44156394

Gee, Cu, why do you get to be in the Extella games and Remnant?

>> No.44156455

That Tamamo looks drugged

>> No.44156514

Eiichiro Oda doesn't even think about finishing One Piece even though he's almost 50 years old too

>> No.44156527

I thought it was the final arc.

>> No.44156556


>> No.44156569

Cu feels like the face of Fate at this point.

>> No.44156597

Have I been bamboozled? It was my understanding that he said it was the last arc himself.

>> No.44156716

Loli Nero and Loli Tama are both dogshit. Fate can't do cunny.

>> No.44156717

It's just, you know one story arc gets published over several years, right? I'm afraid to imagine how long the final part will be.

>> No.44156731

Yeah, honestly looking worse the more that gets revealed. Saber no good? Switch out your servant with these randos you find across japan.
