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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 327 KB, 1380x1949, F1P3uL5akAAbMs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44052175 No.44052175 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>43979562
Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

>> No.44052177
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>> No.44053460

So many server errors in Tenpara lately what the fuck

>> No.44054106
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I've never been this lucky

>> No.44054525
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Her voice is too high pitched.

>> No.44055018

nice roll. kind of sucks that you have to roll a 5 star 3 times just to get them to 4 stars though, unless I'm missing something.

>> No.44055050
File: 31 KB, 378x440, mayuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try vpn

>> No.44055229

assholes release Zenith out of nowhere

>> No.44055451

Amu looks like she kinda sucks, I looked at her skills and proceeded to ignore her when she spooked me. At least she's a cute girl with a big shield, that's always a plus.

>> No.44055479

how good is she and how is her bedroom? she doesnt look nearly as appealing to me as nadia, so im fine with skipping, but at the same time my only ssr soldier is the master...

>> No.44055530

Her first scene is a somewhat struggling paizuri as her boobs are only moderate while her second scene is doggy shown from the front which doesn't actually show anything, so sadly quite mediocre.

>> No.44055636
File: 140 KB, 722x321, all_in_on_amu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oops, been going all in on her because she's my cutest SSR. I was thinking about buying her accessory with the bugged whale compensation and using the friend point SSR orb and the two SSR orbs from tower to get it to +3. Wish her damage reduction was actually something meaningful like 40-50% or something.

>> No.44055966

when is the next whale? i was under the impression that its something that they will chain back to back

>> No.44056000
File: 513 KB, 1485x1839, 1671655750213472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until the end of the month, we get 3k jewels each day Twinkle is #1 on Fanza's popularity ranking.

>> No.44056142

New 1st gen tank mech looks like lego blocks

>> No.44056259
File: 1.11 MB, 1136x640, hanakishi715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nidhogg's a playable character now

>> No.44056330

how do you get friend points?

>> No.44056343

Go to the friends menu and just add 20 random people. It's one way and people don't need to accept anything.

>> No.44056432

There's a ship attack skill for clearing 5-9

>> No.44056478
File: 64 KB, 611x458, luluca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to superchat her today

>> No.44056496

didnt notice I got 44k race medals

>> No.44056844

So if they keep getting it next month they'll stop giving? Can't believe we're suffering from success.

>> No.44056845

It's impressive how you can drop always 200 rolls on deep one and never get shit

>> No.44056887

They will start giving out less and less, probably only 1k for 1st rank.

>> No.44056895

The generic dmm game has fuckall for roll currency after the one-time stuff and anniversaries so I welcome this period wholeheartedly

>> No.44057053

I'm convinced that rate-up is lie in that game

>> No.44057369

I quit that game last xmas after I got 0/3 pickup after 300 rolls

>> No.44057492
File: 358 KB, 1282x759, image_2023-07-18_091926572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shangri-La starting to feel the heat of their jew-ness?

>> No.44057582

For some reason they made it so the person you are following can remove you and then you lose points for the day.

>> No.44057606

Does bonus points characters matter for the boss fights in the event for Twinkle? They don't drop tickets and are just purely loot right?

>> No.44057625

I have only gotten two rateups from nearly 1000 rolls this year. One was from one of those 50% tickets. The other one was today but I really don't like her VA

>> No.44057638

im pretty sure that bonus characters only affect currency drops for the even shop

>> No.44057870


>> No.44057884

I was actually at 180
Got 3 more SSRs while getting to 200
Neither of the rate ups ofc
The game did get a bunch of extra sources of income since I dropped it over a year ago, so there's a chance I can make it

>> No.44058221

nice, got this even though I only did a few prereg rolls and never opened it after launch.

>> No.44059158

For the current event in JEWPri, am I insane or do you literally have to buy their event currency with points if you want to reach 500? Doesn't look like it's possible to reach it just by doing dailies like past mission events.

You think that opening it up to the iOS/Android store would make them not do this kinda stupid shit. I hope it's them fucking up and not being borderline retarded and deciding to max jew their events now too.

>> No.44059578

>Maint opens, event is available but missions do not give the drops
The first time they did this sort of mission event, they delivered the collectible item if you already cleared missions on the first day. They've never done it since.
>Looked like 10 days total
>Only 45 given each day
That's how my math worked out. Even if it's 11 days you still fall short.

And it's absolutely on purpose too. Some mission events gave 50. Fairly certain they did 49 daily one time too.

>> No.44061035

man i bricked myself by not following 20 people on day 1. thought there would be a practical function for friends to earn friend points and not just follow 20 people.

>> No.44061078

It's pretty common for mist train (and monmusume I'm guessing?) get 1k gems if it ever hits 1st and 3k if it hits 1st enough times or hits 1st for the first time in awhile.

>> No.44061117

Yui Sakakibara is in every single fuckin game on fanza and yet not one of them has entertained the idea of having her sing their OP or official theme song
feel a bit robbed not gonna lie

>> No.44061270

Merueru s2 means 3 notes to the left/right of the target (7 rows total) and not just 3 rows right?

>> No.44061435

No, Meruel hits within 3 notes of movement up and down the lanes. If they're relatively in a line, you can hit the far edges and hit enemies on the other side. Also, always assume -el instead of -eru. Meruel, Pheniel, Ruriel, Namiel, the angels are purposefully being given angel-like names.

>> No.44061554

Should've been obvious since the skill says all units within 3 notes but I guess I'm too used to seeing skills hit left/right
>-el instead of -eru
That makes sense, Meruel's the only one that I don't automatically think it's a ~el for some reason

>> No.44062493
File: 1.51 MB, 1282x759, image_2023-07-18_204239734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get god rank on 3k ticket raid

Level 4 Katia MVP.

>> No.44062568

You're probably still fine; I didn't register anyone until recently either. The only valuable items in the friend shop are the summon ticket and the SSR unbind orb. I think they also handed out 1500 or so points at launch. You should still be able to buy out the monthly items before it resets.

>> No.44062617

Any anon that is good at this game have a suggestion on which character to pick up an accessory for from this post? My impressions of each character before I started investing in Amu: Sasha seems like the weakest of all 4. Ana seems like she does a slight bit less damage than Meruel. Meruel's S2 seems incredibly good if the enemy has a unison lined up. Amu seems like the strongest since her S2 hits the hardest of everyone and isn't reliant on enemy position.

>> No.44062769

Meruel by a longshot. Sasha's adds additional knockback to her EX2 when LBed, but you likely want to focus on having a real damage option first for which Meruel is good. Anna unfortunately has the lowest skill damage modifiers in the game meaning she also has the weakest accessory boosts in the game as they all scale with skill modifiers.

In general, you want accessories for girls that are high on this list, >>44047009. For supports, you want them for units with knockback or attack buffs.

>> No.44062950
File: 104 KB, 930x435, meruel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Hope this pans out.

>> No.44063387

I didn't have Yuris so I never looked at her mods, but her s2 mods are crazy when you compare them to Lyria who's an attack type. I guess the only disadvantage with her is that she's more likely to trigger rumble and unlikely to win since she has low base stats.

>> No.44063488
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I believe in Mahamut Superiority.

>> No.44064593
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why not use them on one of the login reward chests that arent farmable...

one gives ex and ex up, the other two have the highest hp values if you want to use a shielder.

>> No.44065047
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>not a limited banner
what happened with tenpara?

>> No.44065146

The game barely ranks and I believe compared to other games by the same developer is not doing as well, speaking of which I've been rolling 70 times and I've gotten the same rate up 3 times with no signs of Rosette, shit sucks.

>> No.44065148

I spread mine around to a few 3 stars and am already regretting it. Shoulda used them all on the maid outfit for an omega barrier.

>> No.44065179

I could barely clear whale 2 so I wasn't able to farm it. Doubling my damage on a unit right now seems far more beneficial than getting more HP. I also need to find a unit that works in tandem with a taunter for HP to be useful. It's incredibly hard to recover from enemy chain attacks, even with a taunt up. Also in my experience with other games, launch exclusive items tend to suck so I didn't bother looking at their stats compared to other farmable SSR items. Even if it is better right now, something better will eventually come along.

>> No.44065287
File: 1.31 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230719-033634_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level 50 cap unless you get a dupe is probably kneecapping this game. It makes rolling feel a lot more shitty. Mandatory dupes always suck even where getting dupes is reasonable and it is most certainly not in the standard gacha model. Anyways for the few still playing this game, get lucky on the new mechs? I used up all my dev speedup, but no 3*s. Also I'm amused by how there's a scan skill that still has not been usable for anything since the game released. Repair has been useful at least.

>> No.44065350

>not been usable for anything since the game released
I didn't have the skill myself so I couldn't actually check it, but couldn't it be used on one of the event stages? It was a stage where you could see the entire map, I remember at least two tiles marked with ?

>> No.44065360

yeah. its kinda sad it doesn't seems to perform well.
same thing happened to me rolled for daoyun just because she's cute and I need to went to pity while getting multiple parisa on the way
at least rosette is not limited so you can start saving monthly 100 standard gacha ticket until she is on the standard gacha

while the launch item is good, it's not really gamebreaking. and I think it's a good decision to improve your effeciency in farming whale currency later to access more item

>> No.44065446

There were ? tiles in the story quests, not that it would make or break your runs. It would be much more useful if it could be used on ? warp branches, but alas.

>> No.44065480

Used up all my resources to build the new mechs, I got :
20 Red = no 3 stars
20 Blue = 1x 3* Left Gun, 1x 3* Right Gun
10 Green = 1x 3* Right Gun

>> No.44066102
File: 618 KB, 1350x640, Screen_Recording_20230719-045609_X.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two made me check the entirety of chapter 5 and the event stages and most of chapter 4 until I finally found the stage with the question mark tiles. Wow, this feels exceedingly pointless. I guess they'll eventually make a stage where they actually put these on branches and force you to choose.

>> No.44066120

230 pulls to get one swimsuit in deep one

>> No.44066147

>The level 50 cap unless you get a dupe is probably kneecapping this game.
It really is. If I dump my spark's worth of gems on a waifu and don't get 2 copies to reach level 100, I'm quitting and never looking back.

Speaking of dupes, the SSR pieces from the compensation gave me a new Koharu SSR that I'll never use. Is there an option somewhere in the menus to put her in the shredder so I can turn her into common SSR dup mats?

>> No.44066214

If it's new, you are stuck with her forever. If it's a dupe and you got 100 AW mats, go into the consumables tab of your items list to scrap them.

>> No.44066326

>you are stuck with her forever

>> No.44067508

I wonder how normal attack knockback affects the arrangement, if say she is going second in a unison attack.

Please give your girls some levels.

I prefer it over limited releases disappearing into the ether once their banner is gone, but it's hard to say. Definitely not doing as spectacular as they'd probably hope.
>Brand new girls are limited (Ariska's original for example), more recently a pair of story characters
>Seasonals are randomly limited and not limited
>Possibly the strongest units from anniversary are already back in the common pool.
Maybe they had a bunch of players drop around NY when it was seemingly nonstop limited sets and didn't sell enough 1000year old loli?

I know the game got old for me three months into release and almost dropped it, due to the seemingly random element strength/weaknesses and an early power wall. It's been a low effort game for me since then.

>> No.44067568

I'm 230 and 0

>> No.44070591

They've been doing that since the beginning
Random banners are limited, random seasonals aren't
In fact, I reckon halloween witch isn't limited either

>> No.44071510
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insane value tickets, now im only missing nezemine for all characters from the standard pool.

>> No.44071970

What bgm is everyone using

>> No.44072311

Nice. I'm probably gonna start saving my tix for a few months until the pool fills up since I'm also only missing one character.

Sweetest memory(inst)

>> No.44072388

Trollhammaren - Finntroll

>> No.44072707

Is the healer good? She's one of three 3*s I'm missing and I'm thinking of using the star cluster things to buy her.

>> No.44072768


>> No.44072803

>have the event girl at 5* now and the shop empty
>still have 21k boss tickets
Man, I hope we get something to do with left over stars.

>> No.44072831


>> No.44072898

>I'm thinking of using the star cluster things to buy her.
It takes 500 star pieces to buy a 3* character outright.

>> No.44073083

She can get the fattest shield in the game while healing at the same time. Unfortunately I think her value drops a bit once you can get Sharon to 3* to unlock her shield. It doesn't heal but have a higher multiplier on hp as well as an accessory that extends the duration by 5CT when maxed. She has like half the base hp of Irena but adding equipment should make her pretty close with her multiplier. She's also faster than Irena.

>> No.44073269

>Cutest SSR
Anna was right there though ?

>> No.44073312
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>once you can get Sharon to 3* to unlock her shield.
Nice then that she's one of the characters I managed to get 3* recently. I'll have to hope the next boss isn't too bad since the last 20k from compensation is going towards finishing Mahamut's accessory, along with next month's friend point 3* orb.

>> No.44073722

will it kill KMS to add the actual region name a girl is from and not just the retarded fucking icon that nobody is going to memorize in Tenkei

>> No.44073774
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>> No.44074411

Looks like Twinkle wasnt #1 today, japs need to step up their shilling game

>> No.44074747

cute dork

>> No.44075873


>> No.44076334

Didn't think I was going to be able to beat the 極級 boss that cost 3k tickets, but one Meruel S2 wiped out the entire life bar since there are 4x enemies in a line at the start which was 4x 588% damage. Need to start farming for the SSR gauntlet for her and the chest piece that increases crit/atk.
Not a fan of her in her uniform. Honestly everyone with that red blazer looks bad.

>> No.44076348


>> No.44077169

>no paizuri for ariska or larunya yet

>> No.44077609

Game name?

>> No.44077653
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>> No.44077878

Tenkei paradox

>> No.44079630

I was gonna say
>the better Yoyuki class has the better art
but the first path looks good with all the animals popping off
that said, my stupid self was so new and hung up with 3 heals and 3 enemies attacked that I never realized her regular skill was better all along
I'd say with the lower costs and better skill uptime, on top of the basically mandatory youko giving her even better uptimes, it's a very good extra boon for yokai meme teams
at least it looks like a serious try and not half assed like shiro or tsumugi

>> No.44080542

She's gonna get shards of martini glass all over her face...

>> No.44081937

I still don't have Venus...

>> No.44081985

They gave out enough free shit to 200 her, you have no excuse anon.

>> No.44082076

I had to 200 ticket this girl >>44077653

>> No.44082261
File: 146 KB, 519x416, techross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one of these shotguns from the shop. This is a pretty fucked up joke.

>> No.44082526

>Was about to go back to playing Ragnador due to the collab
>See Eden's Ritter in third place and decide to log back in and see what's going on for the 2.5th anniversary
>Another El Konig Lucifiel
The rising of my dick is the inverse of how much money I'll have left getting her. Still waiting for the Lucifiel futa scene from that one contest.

>> No.44082646
File: 19 KB, 466x345, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else suddenly get region-locked out of the games list and any links to games from it? I can only access games via direct URLs right now.

>> No.44082684


>> No.44082732

As long as it's not just on my end, I guess. I also noticed it locked me out of the software store and any attempt to access it just dumps me to my existing library page. Which is nice, I guess. If they're going to keep me from using it, at least I can use what I have.

>> No.44082794

I was unable to use my PayPal account that I've been using since I first signed up with DMM. Are they starting to gaijin block?

>> No.44083012

You can get the games via direct link? I can't get anything to load.

>> No.44083079

I can't remember if something like this happened before. Is this a temporary measure against ddos or are they finally pulling the plug?

>> No.44083141

I was getting that the other day, but it stopped. I think it's because I was trying to play on DMM and not FANZA. Everything is working fine for me now.

>> No.44083160

Fucking rip. I'm getting it on the entirety of fanza itself.

>> No.44083164


im not region locked on my near decade old account but for some reason my 1-2 year old account cant access games even via direct link. Japanese really arent aware of what VPNs are, its pretty sad at this point.

>> No.44083204

Same here. Good thing for VPNs, would hate to not be able to play MomMusu anymore.

>> No.44083215

I don't care enough to bother with a vpn to play this shit. If a work around shows up then great, otherwise I guess I'm finally free.

>> No.44083233

As a side note, I can still connect on mobile and it also seems like the DMM Player still connects with no issues.

>> No.44083236
File: 186 KB, 1368x1032, 1679878065836975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip games

>> No.44083361

>region locked out of DMM
>not region locked out of using DMM to log into granblue
I just wanted to be free...

>> No.44083390

I have a mobage account for Grub.

>> No.44083406

But why. Bannning gaijins on DMM makes no sense. Cancerous social media normalfags dosnt even visit this website

>> No.44083418

It's probably related to credit card companies or the chinese. Or both.

>> No.44083457

Thankfully with Monmusu I can just buy stuff on it's safe for work app version if it comes down to it, but I probably wouldn't spend the effort on any other game if they block payments. I imagine anything installed through the DMM App or game player will permanently remain accessible, but browser playing will probably get fucked if that's the only method you use to play DMM games.

I decided to try charging through paypal right now and managed to do so, but did it through opening the store in-game on mobile.

Credit card companies hate anything porn related for some reason. Apparently this was due to huge amounts of credit card fraud in regards to porn related purchases, but I can't imagine that being as much of a problem for Japan.

>> No.44083490
File: 73 KB, 1844x204, 1686536779731526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's probably related to credit card companies, they started blocking overseas cards last year.
Maybe because they were afraid of that Pornhub event the year before that where credit card companies raked Pornhub over the coals.

>> No.44083493

Gameplayer is region blocked too for me, like I can open it up and even download shit with it, but when I go to play shit it gives me a region error.

>> No.44083517

Interestingly enough, the usual region lock bypass methods still work for kancolle. Dunno if I similar thing could be done to bypass locks here.

>> No.44083540

Maybe it's country specific. As a burger, I'm still getting through on all platforms now that I'm checking them. Playing LegeClo on browser, Shangri-La on game player, and MonmusuTD on my phone.

>> No.44083551

I'm a burger too.

>> No.44083571

For those of you getting blocked, are you f2p? How about players with multiple accounts?

>> No.44083575

I haven't spent in years but I used to, no alt accounts.

>> No.44083577

Does it let you go to the games page?

>> No.44083580

I guess im "free". Now i go and suck up some digusting chinese omnipandering trash.

>> No.44083581

I know a guy who can get in on his main, paid account, but not on his alt account with the same exact network, ip, etc.

>> No.44083619
File: 192 KB, 1833x868, dmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, the images on the genre icons aren't loading, but clicking them loads to their pages just fine. If it makes any difference I'm a Commiefornian specifically. A regional block that only covers part of the US would be weird.

>> No.44083637

If I had to guess, it's simply having paid points that protects you. There would probably be legal implications for restricting a person who has already paid for points, but not used them so they likely have a blanket exception for any account with points.

>> No.44083660
File: 121 KB, 1295x567, dmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indonesian here. have no problem accessing the page without VPN which is surprising since my country/ISP blocked DMM and I need VPN if I need to play via browser.
checking on other blocked site and I can't open them.

I think they are moving their server for some reason as well since this >>44055050
tenpara gave a lot of error here and there without VPN but only 1-2 errors per day with VPN (with 3-4 login per day) which led me thinking they do something with their server. nips did get the error too btw

>> No.44083670

1.5 years of playing legeclo and I never watched a single sex scene. going to miss mika and takeru. rip my guild too, didn't do the EX yet.

>> No.44083713

The amount of users in this thread that dont know how to use a VPN is amusing

also the guy that never watched a sex scene on Legend Clover are you a homosexual or something

>> No.44083728
File: 82 KB, 893x483, exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new event

>> No.44083761

Everyone knows how to use a VPN, it's just that no one wants to use it if they don't have to.

>> No.44083769

are they going to be adding a new character every week? still still have pheniel shards to farm...

not region blocked here NA

>> No.44083803
File: 1016 KB, 1281x721, twinklestarknights012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its too hard to connect to a japanese IP and quickly switch back to your regular IP isnt it

Koharuko showing up at 70 rolls is an ominous sign

>> No.44083810

magdalena's ex2 costs 3 bars...
aoe + ex absorb + 10 note team push
damage seems pointless with healer attack though

>> No.44083817

You don't use stamina for this new event, so you're good.

>> No.44083821

>its too hard to connect to a japanese IP and quickly switch back to your regular IP isnt it
unironically yes.
I did that for priconne for a few months when they started blocking foreign IPs but then I thought why am I supporting a game that doesn't even want me to play?

>> No.44083849


The amount of laziness in this post is staggering. Alternatively try spending the minimum of 500 DMM points and see if that unblocks you.

>> No.44083861

I already had more than 500 DMM points.

>> No.44083873
File: 5 KB, 978x106, 1659009596082953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Seattle by the way so it seems like they just ban random IP ranges since there was someone else in USA above that could access.

>> No.44083878

>tiddy angel in twinkle star knights is out
well, its time to empty my reserves i guess.
also you can now resize the window in app version.

>> No.44083902

nah, I just liked the game and my japanese sucked too much to fully enjoy the scenes.

>> No.44083912

just jacked off to voice works and doujins instead since the language is far simpler. also my listening is miles ahead of reading narration.

>> No.44083945
File: 1.75 MB, 1615x947, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i do one more 10pull then i can exchange tickets for the 2 star girl lol. are these points going to get converted to red points later?

>> No.44083967
File: 293 KB, 1275x717, mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse I guess. Got some water SSR as well.

>> No.44083977
File: 1.29 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230721-011359_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the 2* on a second ten roll and decided to stop there. Rolling more will depend on what her scene is.

>> No.44083995

>>44082646 here. Also a burger.

>try spending
lolno. Direct links and mobile versions work for now, but if it comes to that I just give up.

>> No.44084019

I was the NA guy earlier. The gameplayer works but the website gets blocked.

>> No.44084034
File: 2.91 MB, 1604x891, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit magdalena is really BIG

are all the people that get blocked from na? dmm and fanza works as usual for me and i live in eu.

>> No.44084246

Well, I manage to clear up to boss 23 in the star knight event, where I died with boss near dead.
Fun little event. I should just go ahead and combine the weapons, eh?

>> No.44084299

is it safe to assume that the boss girl comes out next week? my gems...

>> No.44084342

180 rolls in and I failed to get Magdalena, I can only hope we get first place two more times in the next couple days so I can spark her... Also dumb question, but how do you get the tickets to do the new event? Do they just come from spending stamina?

>> No.44084379

From clearing stages from what I can tell.

>> No.44084564

does mag drain ex per enemy hit or just once?

>> No.44084599

I'm at 160 and no big, titty angel too. A lot of other 3*s and dupes but nothing. I guess this is karma for getting Venus super quick.

>> No.44084689

How big is 1 Note in Twinkle? I've been estimating Meruel's S2 "within 3 notes" as the pictures needing to overlap.

>> No.44084743
File: 1011 KB, 1291x757, damag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

venus chill out, they are already dead.
this event seems pretty easy so far, just cleared lv32 and my strat was solely buffing venus with ruriel to do big hits on stunned enemies. it helps that, unlike the whale, its very easy to knock back enemies.

>> No.44084775

1st try = hit all target
2nd try = missed 1 target (you can see that sophia is not really overlapped but still get hit)

>> No.44084802
File: 825 KB, 1228x592, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt this a little too much? i cant even max this on one character after pooling all resources since beginning lol

>> No.44084826

new girl seems horrendous. just complete and total fucking overkill acceleration for light comps, who are already looping fine with ruriel and venus alternating their smaller accels. honestly would rather wait for an alt of this bitch and hope she's actually useable.

>> No.44085010

she seems fine to me? her ex1 heals and cures stun. her ex2 hits all enemies decently hard, moves allies, drains enemy ex and restores your ex so its cost is not that bad actually. calling her unusable is a bit much.

>> No.44085073

>implying that's what I rolled her for
I didn't even notice she was a healer until I had her.

>> No.44085104

rolled for her massive titties. I don't have any characters that can push units up since the 2 star needs to be 3 stars to do that.

>> No.44085441
File: 1.76 MB, 1248x644, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

level 40 had only 400k health, this is a pretty huge jump. lets see if i can still beat it with bonus coins team.

>> No.44085467

Slightly bigger than what I thought 3 notes would be. I didn't think it could hit if there wasn't an overlap, thanks for this.

>> No.44085504

Got 1000day login bonus today (300 whole gems) in Deep One. I just barely bother with logging in nowadays, let alone finishing dailies.

>Tabatha x Miriam memoria
Knew Tabatha was soon. Do these two have some sort of relevance with each other? Tabatha is always obsessed about her dead brother so nobody else ever seems to be mentioned.
>Roll eight (8) SRs across two 11-rolls
>It's all just common trash
I hate this shit. I don't think I should spend more toward this one, the scene doesn't look like it'll be as good as Vii x Beatrice or Asaka x Nanaba scenes.

>> No.44085567
File: 27 KB, 561x40, notevenclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess im not risking getting hit anymore

>> No.44085576

It's a good thing you can trade the red coins for pity items, so I should be able to get either sword or Rasulkawhatever
But it sucks it's the better option over rolling more to try and nag both, and save gems for some other banner

>> No.44085624
File: 1.70 MB, 1259x705, d87bGHyymy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes big titty angel get! Looking forward to getting all her alts as well.

>> No.44085674

wait you can kill the boss in several attempts and you get some coins even if you lose? good to know lol

>> No.44085768

you can also spend multiple ticket to multiply your damage

>> No.44085788
File: 1.16 MB, 1291x757, damag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, but im trying to go as far as i can playing normally. also seeing this without the multiticket multiplier is satisfying as fuck.

>> No.44086254
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x760, bigdamag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a little too much fun and used up all energy drinks to clear all boss levels. was secretly hoping for more levels after 50, but it was a fun ride nonetheless.

>> No.44086427

Managed to successfully use Paypal via my browser. Now I can try for El Konig Lucifiel again.

>> No.44086450

Any advice for getting your high damage numbers? I can only get up to 15k or 20k.

>> No.44086523

in my case it was just looping ruriel buff with venus selfbuff and unloading on stunned targets when i can afford to. my venus also has 3/4 accessory and skill leveled to 8, so thats a big boost to damage too.

>> No.44086897

Ahh I'll have to try limit breaking her accessory then. Do you have both skills at level 8 or just her EX1?

>> No.44086930

>cleared level 40 with 1 second left because my venus was confused and everyone else kept getting into rumbles
I should really start using the ticket boost to increase my damage
Also I thought barriers were godlike, but it turns out any boss with status effects makes them useless.

>> No.44087099

>japs hate gaijin and gaijin money

>> No.44087143

only ex1, i dont use her second skill at all.

>> No.44087183

Update: I can no longer access games via direct link on web. Mobile still works.

>> No.44087260

Ty DMM for killing your overseas revenue. It forced me to install Twinkle Star Knights on the player and get the bonus gems.

>> No.44087436

you guys from burgerland? every time i see these posts im checking if it works for me and im not sure if anyone from eu complained yet

>> No.44087513

I haven't had a single problem yet from the US. At worst it made me relogin to my browser.
Though I'm in the middle of figuring out setting up a local dns server that puts all Japan traffic through a vpn, but needless to say, I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.44087911

>At worst it made me relogin to my browser.
That's what happened to me right before I lost access to everything. I was on MGCM and it was fine, then I tried to open FKG and I couldn't access anything anymore. Was within the span of about 10 minutes last night.

>> No.44087951

its kinda weird because i havent seen any kancolle players complain about this yet

>> No.44087955
File: 83 KB, 888x501, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys spenders? Location doesn't seem to matter based on what I've seen in random discords.

>> No.44087966

Also so far reports from people trying to spend money today to see if it unblocks them doesn't seem to work.

>> No.44088002

I am from Brazil and got blocked too

>> No.44088065

>Are you guys spenders?
nope, purely f2p. im playing from poland and both fanza and dmm games seem to work as usual. the only noteworthy thing about my account is that i created it in 2014, so its pretty old.

>> No.44088192

Yes, back around New Years. I still have exactly 8 points from whatever I got then.
But this has been a threat and on the back of my mind for a while so I still want to implement something elegant to prevent Japan from figuring out I'm a filthy gaijin across any of my devices.

Otherwise, I don't really know where to look to find a news posting about such changes. Not that they would have any reason to announce restricting access to gaijin.

>> No.44088206

Italy here, got blocked. Not sure if I've spent that sum since 2020, but I surely spent more in the past.

>> No.44088288

nevermind i just read about someone having this problem with kc too. dude ended up trying a bunch of different shit and it eventually let him in after clearing cache several times lol

>> No.44088376

Kancolle has viewers that bypass region locks so 99% of foreign users wont have trouble. Kancolle's been geoblocking since 2020 anywau

>> No.44088388

dmm blocking you is not the same as kancolle blocking you, its a completely separate thing.

>> No.44088411
File: 328 KB, 937x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many mats do you get from 2/3* dupes? Should I roll 2 more times for Magdalena pieces?

>> No.44088483

normally you get 70 for 3* and 10 for 2* but i think you get more for on banner characters? never got on banner dupe so not sure

>> No.44088570

120 for on-banner dupe.
Then it's only 105 pieces to get the remainder to 200 instead of 750 going from zero, assuming these buttholes are using the same increases as the other games that use this crap system. I can't find where that info is, though I'd be the wiki already has the increases.

>> No.44088749

I got a bonus for 3* dupe, not sure if I got one for 2* dupes though. Definitely didn't get any from exchanging gacha medals though.

>> No.44088763

is fire element kinda shit or is just my fire team so weak? its the only element where im having a lot of trouble in the tower

>> No.44088781
File: 117 KB, 843x1123, EFBCBBE6ADA3E7BEA9E381AEE3838FE38383E382ABE383BCEFBCBDE382B3E3838FE383ABE382B3_EFBCBBE6ADA3E7BEA9E381AEE3838FE38383E382ABE383BCEFBCBDE382B3E3838FE383ABE382B35FE588B6E69C8D2E706E67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


90% of fire characters are attackers so they already struggle gaining EX. Mahamut is the only support and she's more of a push support so she only has minor turn manipulation and mostly defensive buffs.

>> No.44089002

Where's that discord. Is it public? I wanna ask some stuff

>> No.44089009

It isnt DMM itself blocking, its a portion of the all ages games that block like FKG that Kancolle is part of. The latter is infamous so it gets third party clients that bypasses geoblocking. There are some exceptions like Iris Mysteria that requires a japanese connection at all times.

>> No.44089964


>> No.44089968

Tabatha appears with Malta during some events and they have a 3P scene.

>> No.44090376

I still can't access the website, murrican. Mobile app store works fine and game player, though I only have Twinkle on it, also works fine. I've spent some money but that was MANY moons ago for slots in kancolle.

>> No.44090503

>3k boss
>full union line up immediately at the start
Well that's 3k tickets down the drain. At least it was a neat little thing.

>> No.44090522

if you're interested, i just tried the free version of proton vpn and it worked fine

>> No.44090707

yes, east coast
same thing happened to me about 20 minutes after the first guy posted the picture in this thread.

>> No.44090759

I got 5k dmm points for monmusu during their anniversary which was a couple of months back. still region locked on website (and 1k paid gems unused that I can't use now unless I go on through fanza)

>> No.44090779

Wait were you guys talking about DMM the entire time? I've been region blocked on that for forever but Fanza has always been fine.

>> No.44090786

>calling her unusable is a bit much.
Yeah, she's exactly not unusable, just very bad. Mainly because she only does one potentially useful thing (ally acceleration), while other units also do that same thing, but way better and for less EX.
Speaking as someone who rolled her for her huge tits and is now trying to use her in the event, I really wish event currency bonuses would apply if you just had the character. Actually having to use her on my team instead of one of my better characters is really annoying.

>> No.44090787

Fanza for me. DMM is almost always region blocking anyway. That's why the usual fix was always "Just play the R-18 version."

>> No.44090924

>3k tickets down the drain
bro just retire the run before you die and you dont lose anything

>> No.44090947

i used her all the way to level 50 in the event and she did fine. very rarely i needed her ex2, but it was saving my skin when i did. other than that shes a superb battery.

>> No.44091278

Huh, the one page that still goes through without vpn is the daily missions page for that piddly amount of medals/dmm points.

>> No.44091498

Is it really that hard to implement a favourite scenes/character list? I think I've only seen it in otogi and magicami. Deep one has one too I think but that game has been buggy ever since they let you put more than one character on your home screen.

>> No.44091566

I didn't know you lost tickets, since everything else doesn't get eaten when you fail. At least I haven't paid enough attention to see if anything else gets eaten.

>> No.44091599

Yeah, I noticed that. I don't really engage with it, but I keep it up in a tab so it gives me the login bonus every day and it hasn't rolled me off to the not available page yet. I wonder if you'll even be able to claim them, though, since you have to do so by opening a link.

>> No.44091689

You totally can. The exchange pages are also under the mission.games domain.

In fact, I was poking around and found that I could exchange the pachinko balls I had lying around, even though the daily pachinko page is blocked off I think? I was always under the impression that you needed a phone number to claim those.

>> No.44091698

you lose 1 stamina when you retry any stamina mission.

>> No.44091722

>You totally can. The exchange pages are also under the mission.games domain.
Good to know.

>> No.44091828
File: 477 KB, 816x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tabatha x Miriam
The swimsuits they wear in the memoria come precisely from a Summer event from a previous year where they interacted.
I guess they're pair up is they both try to appear serious and 真面目 but fall for the dick, but then again that's like half the cast.
And then there's the flat/big boobs jokes.

>> No.44092215

No, I was talking about fanza. I thought it was implied since they share topup. Only X versions were accessible through browser but even that's blocked now.

>> No.44092343

Do lanes wrap around in Twinkle? I'm wondering if the "hits one lane to the left/right" skills work on the first and last lane or if you just lose 1/3rd of your damage.

>> No.44092366

I missed the experience of being slightly excited to get free SSR weapons from the event shop, as compared to constantly whining about that dickweed Dagon not dropping some stupid donuts

>> No.44092442
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, AnnounceImage063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay swimsuits
But I get the feeling that they're gonna do Triple rate-up banner

>> No.44092620
File: 330 KB, 1024x1024, Card_CH008__SR_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Per the datamine, every character has a swimsuit, and some even have multiple illustrations (thus multiple rarities?), so there will probably be a part 2 banner with at least three more swimsuit memory drives on rateup.
Also, they announced lots of upcoming content on the official news site. There will be a new battle mode, and apparently pilots will be able to equip more memory drives.

>> No.44092729
File: 127 KB, 545x680, 36ab3b3532c5b8a5ac153e104d31d644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man why they give her that swimsuit, they should've give her swimsuit like pic

>> No.44092805

Finally something to spend my 75k gems on.

It feels weird how costume design can be strangely conservative in a porn game. MonmusuTD really stands out with a few designs and costumes, but some other games never seem to go that far. With 3d models, they should have a lot more freedom, but I guess they wouldn't want to blow their load so early on shit like microbikinis and reverse bunny suits.

>> No.44094309

why don't you test it yourself and see if the skill hit 2 or 3 targets
if you don't know how to determine how many targets you hit, this video might help >>44084775

>> No.44096199

It doesn't. You lose half of your damage if you use Sasha's EX2 on the very first or last lane for example.

>> No.44096533

How many of the event weapon do you get in Twinkle? I've only got three copies of the weapon, 1 from the subjugation reward and 2 from shop. They did sell 2 gold energy orb too, I guess you have to use those on it if you want to max it?

>> No.44096615

you got all of it, i guess we can hope that they will add more shit to the shop in a week? i dont particularly love how rare are materials for upgrading gear, but at the same time pretty much all my characters are naked, except for like 3 attackers and im doing fine so i dont know how to feel about it.

>> No.44096629

It's not worth using orbs on because 2 star iron swords give the same amount of EX and you can farm them really easily.

>> No.44096765

Ah, thanks. It's more OCD at this point as I'm used to event stuffs being maxed out easily. I'm panicking on the other event as well because I'm nowhere near to buying out the shop or 5*ing Feniel yet.

>> No.44096846

But isn't that just breast envy shenanigans? Most girls have some sort of angsty past connection with one of the others. Like Rosette and Rin (the clumsy one, not the flat one)

Right, I forgot Miriam had that sort of swimsuit skin last year, even if I remembered Tabatha's swimsuit.

On the event page, the rightward button under the event title shows the rewards given for specific level clears. Another 3-star orb is given for clearing level 20, but no other weapons.

Do at least the three 'cheap' stamina refreshes, and only skip with a team full of bonuses. Right now I'm finishing up boss counts for achievements, but have ~100 or so left to 5-star her. I still have to buy all the random skill books and extended normal crap but usually I focus on what seems limited first.

>> No.44097161
File: 884 KB, 1254x681, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my feniel is 5* with some leftovers and i didnt even buy all shards from the shop, the 3k boss really helped a lot with 6shards for each run. if you are running out of time you could just use stamina drinks that they are giving out daily in both events too.

>> No.44098417
File: 1.25 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230722-140936_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually start using ticket boost when in the 40s
Whew. I can still win on a single ticket with a knockback team, but that takes way more time and actually thinking.

>> No.44099054
File: 768 KB, 1280x720, a pokeball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks nubby

>> No.44099195
File: 182 KB, 535x172, PIOJSAPO_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 1 note the red line (half a portrait height) or the blue line (1 full portrait height)?

>> No.44099569
File: 127 KB, 536x170, perma stun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new 2 star is okay I guess.

>> No.44100171

should be half
a full lane should be 20 or 21 with characters acting at 0 or 1
had a slow character show a (1) but they could act after 20s on the timer
should be able to full 10 full portraits

>> No.44100544

Nice lancer quest

>> No.44102073

>want to get her to 3*s
>desire sensor throws me Lilia and Sasha dupes and then Magdalena instead
Though yeah, Light seems to have every fucking thing at this point and the game's only been out a couple of weeks.
>single target DPS
>CT reduction
The only thing they don't have yet is a barrier user, but frankly speaking, they can be played so that the enemy never even gets a turn.

>> No.44102853

Distribution thor huh. That would make for an interesting couple if they go for a main with huge breasts and loki support.

>> No.44103347

I'm in the same boat. I didn't realized the stamina filled up so fast in the game and was only playing once a day for the first week or so. I'm probably going to buy out the reports/books/friendship items/limit break crystals instead of getting her to 5 stars. Also I figure there will eventually be a rerun where they reset the cost of fragments in the shop.

>> No.44105464

meant to read the legeclo story but spent the time playing twinkle star knights instead, oops

>> No.44107542

I like the models of that sousai no yabou game I just hope the game is good

>> No.44107772

Isn't that AI art?

>> No.44107855

Yeah. It even uses the leaked NovelAI model so it's as generic looking as AIslop can be.

>> No.44108488
File: 2.05 MB, 1515x850, sousainoyabou004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of Cookie Clicker

>> No.44108558

This looks like a Chinese game. Is it even voiced if it's fully AI

>> No.44108711

It's voiced but not fully

>> No.44108871

how good the h-scenes are?

>> No.44108959

>DMM (R-18)
I hope they choke on a bundle of dicks.

>> No.44109239

sex scenes start off looping with only moaning voices and no actual dialogue at 60 fps because its AI generated garbage. I think I might archive it a bit for laughs. I also have no idea how to rewatch them but im guessing you need to buy more property.

>> No.44109374

wow... seems like they tried to make a game with cost as low as possible

>> No.44109416

Got Luriel to 3* and I feel the power now. Basically impossible to lose on lvl50 of the event with Mahamut but timed out on the last 20% with no boost.

>> No.44109973

I have also been region blocked from DMM games.

>> No.44110474

Did they fuck up twinkle? Every time you go back to main quest select it jumps to ch10

>> No.44110576

it's been like that since launch. one of the many infuriating UI choices.

>> No.44110616

among other dumb stuff:
- missions button on the main menu does not include event missions for some reason. lost a week of stamina regen items because of this trash.
- daily quests not kicking you back to the daily selection screen after finishing. you have to back out 2-3 times to select the next mission.
- the tiny clickable circles for mission selection that are way too close to the bottom menu bars so you end up clicking them by accident.

>> No.44110663

I remember it staying on the chapter page when you clear a stage before though. It's annoying just progressing through hard stages now.

>> No.44111004
File: 1.03 MB, 1512x849, sousainoyabou007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have no idea how to rewatch sex scenes, let alone how to fuck your retarded yakuza henchwomen

>> No.44111142

Also the retarded developers try to lock levelling up buildings by x10 x100 and so on but they dont realize what rapid clicking mouse functions are.

>> No.44111238
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, ShangriLaDrive-1683342349479575552-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Event reward swimsuit Meimei
but her rarity got downgraded according to datamined stuff

>> No.44111672

got a link to the full datamine?

>> No.44111878

Takeru swimsuit please.

>> No.44112735
File: 1.64 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230724-014922_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend another 60 rolls just to get Koharuko to 3*s
Okay, this was worth it.
>CT reduction buffs stack
>it gets below the amount Luriel and Venus propels
>your turns become fully contiguous while Luriel and Venus ramp your attack to kill anything levels

>> No.44112875

check panda or hitomi la

>> No.44113442

Sariel and I don't know, Hanzo?

>> No.44113545

>that fucking 3 stun

>> No.44113756
File: 642 KB, 1576x418, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ssr drops actually exist

>> No.44114388

Just checked and Venus isn't on any of the gacha banners. Guess every unit is going to be limited.

>> No.44114483
File: 44 KB, 839x462, light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats. it's the rarest drop of all light equips

we haven't got maintenance or new gacha after venus gacha expired. but I doubt they will add venus/mahmud that fast
looking at other dmm games, they usually delay it for 3-6 months since they first appeared or drop them all in one patch on irregular time (also delayed so you won't get few latest units when the patch drop, looking at deep one)

>> No.44114558
File: 35 KB, 648x291, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whale (demon/mystic w/ race boost)
>story ch.6

>> No.44114674

huh i expected rates to be lower since its my very first ssr equip drop. also where can you see rates anyway?
wouldnt make a lot of sense to make characters limited since you can still buy them for star pieces. it also wouldnt make sense to not expand elemental/racial crystal pool, like look at fire crystals where anna is the only 3star that you can get from it.

>> No.44114757

Like the other anon, I wouldn't have expected them to re-add her to currently running banners.
The main problem is how they never specified how they're coming back, just that they might. All of the new girls are like this. So unless they establish a consistent method, expect them to pull her out before something major or whenever they want a bonus.

Those are likely rates from the 3-star equipment box.

>> No.44114797

it is the rate from *3 equipment box
just to show that some equipments are rarer than the others

>> No.44115713

Oh my bad, thought mag's banner started after venus' ended.

>> No.44116531

Decided to roll all the way from here >>44084599 to 200. Didn't appear, had to pity it. Oh well, at least I have her now.

Speaking of which, been too busy to actually start the game besides logging in and just managed to rush the first event until I got one copy of the event girl. Guess I'll wait until her inevitable revival to fully uncap her.

>> No.44117494

in twinkle star knights gacha tickets dont expire and i can hoard them right

>> No.44117714
File: 21 KB, 139x135, 1676227564073154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean these tickets, yes you can hoard them.
If you mean the tickets you get from rolling on the gacha banners that have a time period, no those expire and turn into useless gold.

>> No.44117761

Is this why I have 4 fist drops before 1 staff

>> No.44117841

yeah i meant them.
>If you mean the tickets you get from rolling on the gacha banners that have a time period, no those expire and turn into useless gold.
wait what? the only way to get the red points that you can exchange for tickets is standard banner?

>> No.44117846

I'm starting to run out now that I have skill upgrade mats so I hope they at least give a good chunk

>> No.44117917

>the only way to get the red points that you can exchange for tickets is standard banner?
yes. the red points don't expire though because the standard banner is forever.
you should probably still save your jewels for the timed banners instead of the standard banner though.

>> No.44118610

do you know how much gold per roll? I have 120 and I thought they were going to turn into the red tickets.

>> No.44118695

It definitely does NOT turn into red points. If you click on the gacha details there's a line that says:
We will find out how much gold we get in ~3 days when the points for the first timed banner expire.

>> No.44118708

There should be an option to exchange it though, no one is going to roll on the normal gacha enough times to get the guranteed 3* ticket

>> No.44118879
File: 302 KB, 1000x1030, F1a2qYpaMAEyfOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already got a SSR swimsuit card
So this is the power of the main heroine. I kneel.

>> No.44119274
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a double length event and they took the chance to give all the new girls SSR swimsuits, Olivia got the hottest one in my opinion.

>> No.44119385
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I want Frikka's too but if Olivia spooks me I won't complain.

>> No.44119461
File: 1.77 MB, 1281x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Events where almost all the huge cast shows up voiced are always so nice.
We get a select ticket each half of the event, you can roll until you get one of the two and use the ticket on the other one, or just don't roll and get who you want.

>> No.44119474

hurry up and release Asclepius swimsuit

>> No.44119483

nevermind both girls I dont care about

>> No.44119629

i'm not even a loli guy but that thor is a way better design than both of the rollable units. sariel? and hanzo?

>> No.44119690

What games are we playing bros?

>> No.44119746

I like hanzo

>> No.44120808
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Holy fuck, I got ZERO SSR from that

>> No.44120824
File: 806 KB, 1282x759, image_2023-07-25_042840362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 singles to get SR+ Koharu.

Stopping for now until we see which one is SSR in the second batch.

>> No.44120996


>Fruful dead

It lasted four years, what happened?

>> No.44121064

>Shangri-la challenge stage
That was actually not completely trivial. Boss is completely immune to map skills. However, if you can manage to kill the main boss before dying, the rest of the enemies can be auto-battled with your remaining two members.

I went 120 rolls before getting her as the only SSR I got. However I've had good luck with all the previous banners, so I just considered it my luck balancing out.

>> No.44121171

>the blue mech is the tank
what a twist

>> No.44121263
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im not gonna lie but im actually having fun playing this garbage, bugs forcing me to refresh every now and then.

also Fruful was never good, was probably being helmed by 1-2 monkeys being paid peanuts all this time.

>> No.44121331
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>> No.44121409
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sex with eclesia

>> No.44121411

>40 rolls for both Hanzo and Sariel
>10 roll gets me Swimsuit Michael who I've been missing all this time
Well this is going to drain my luck for the other Mika currently being delayed by extended maintenance.

>> No.44121534

damn, I'm going to miss kabiru. If I had to guess, they were probably struggling around the time they made a unit pay only. Then the new game mode came out and it was pretty obviously whale only to reach the top rewards, which they had never done before.
It was a lot better than angelic link for a wave sim imo. There wasn't an artificial progression stop and the highest difficulty content was really satisfying to clear. Not sure if angelic link gets better, but I got to the point where they had phys/magic immune enemies and it was just annoying.

>> No.44121639

Just beat the last stage in the Shangri-la event,
I'm on the very edge of the content curve with multiple highly invested characters, and I only won with one unit left at 1% HP, so I'm guessing there's some dumb gimmick I don't know about that makes it easier.

>> No.44121867
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meh I dont really want to paint Hokusai either

>> No.44122122
File: 1.21 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230725-044539_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The popup at the beginning specifically tells you to use the mech with thermal buildup resistance to prevent the DoT effect, but that can't possibly make the difference.

Rather, it's just a single target DPS check. If you kill the main boss, the node becomes quick clearable. Setsu has 2 gold attack NPCs which if you get 2 each of can be leveled to 100, which when combined with her new SSR will chunk the boss.

>> No.44122578

F. Had to go 80 rolls for her, but got spooked by 2 of her other SSR versions.
And I still don't have Summer Koharu.

>> No.44123429

a limited for a girl I actually like after I spent 100 rolls in the first non dud banner in months

you win this time, ten

>> No.44123546

They were probably both too generous with currency but also started doing no-ceiling sets.
Never took it seriously, but the times I did it usually resulted in nothing. Though I still have no idea what the homerun minigame is for.

Still not sure how they managed to give all of the villains better designs compared to 80% of the fruit knights.

>> No.44123788

I want this milk

>> No.44123897

Looks like I'm spending the rest of my gems on the collab then. Are there any DMM/Fanza games with the VA of Cabille (first villain you meet in game). She was the main reason I got into Fulcute along with that weird ad of a woman with fruit.

>> No.44125433

She probably has a character she voices in every game.

>> No.44125483

Magicami for something with a small cast where she gets a lot of scenes, but yeah
>>44125433, she's everywhere.

>> No.44125517

probably the most easily recognizable name would be Asuka from the taimanin series

>> No.44126080

So does nobody use the consumables in this game? Do they set the difficulty under the assumption that you would?

>> No.44126138

Easy skip on current banner then

>> No.44126150

I mash on party revives all the times when I was still playing

>> No.44126364

They're going to nerf forced knockback in twinkle aren't they. Luriel/Venus is too strong otherwise

>> No.44126517

I simply forget they exist most of the time.

>> No.44126518

rather than knockback being too good, i think that defenders are too shit. whats the point of focusing damage on someone if they are going to die in one hit anyway? similarly heals are kinda pointless.

>> No.44126794

Are consumables refunded if you retire the quest? Or are they gone forever like pokeballs

>> No.44126807

They get refunded, so feel free to experiment with them.

>> No.44126989

>Asaka selfcest memoria
Fuck I shouldn't have wasted on TabathaxMiriam

>> No.44127122
File: 957 KB, 1260x707, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this events shop was a lot easier to clear out, i still have 20 boss tickets left.

>> No.44127512

I think it's just going to be nonstop memoria this year if this is what they're going to do.

>> No.44127525

knockback is bad since it's still affected by weight. on the other hand, forced teleport like maha is what made it broken
stacking buff/debuff from same skill instead only refreshing also made those + the new *2 broken

and since we will get new story today, everyone will have budget venus by then

>> No.44127557
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Thor is looking the best this summer so far

>> No.44128346

which character is budget venus?

>> No.44128367

This better not be naizuri, but it wouldn't be legeclo if it didn't have it

>> No.44128394
File: 172 KB, 1196x672, Memoria_AsakaRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it would let me roll the memoria for the girl I use the least since I can never get her to come out of gacha.
>Missions are for the beach memoria instead

>> No.44128430

The fuck, they added 'craft essences'? As if they didn't release enough limited shit every month.

>> No.44128545

Yep, jpegs.
I don't know if you ever played, but you know how once in a blue moon the sub card on someone would jump in to attack? These are equips that increase that happening and give bonus stats if it's equipped between the two featured girls.
The sinister part: They also come with a 3P scene that's a lot more thorough compared to furniture
This is the only one I've naturally rolled. The others I had to trade for.

>> No.44129202

Because I'm retarded and there was an anon on here that wrote a pretty passionate post about the game and probably knows all of the mechanics.
Thank you.

>> No.44129506

Anyone know what the region-specific skills on rainbow evolved event equipment in FKG does? Or if it varies by region, then specifically Bergamot Valley.

>> No.44129858

nice hooks

>> No.44130217

nah, I'm not into little girls much less stuff that look like pasties regardless of the chest size
at least I'm glad it (and D1) didn't fall for the muh 1st rank 3k until august meme and managed to beat twinkle, only to lose to fucking minashigo
good to see they are still strong

>> No.44130244

oh finally powercreeping VAugusta + Ephtra combos
that's one limited I won't have to get now, with how shit aigis' gacha is, this is a win

>> No.44130311
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oh ok thats why terus is needed.

>> No.44130373

creepy eyes

>> No.44131025
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>> No.44132003
File: 1.21 MB, 1268x703, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold is not a problem if green books are so rare...

>> No.44132205

Turns out the missing clear to reach 710 was Floor 9 with blessed Kentou Kanami.

>> No.44132648

the event shops don't stock all types of items equally. they will probably have more of those books either next event or the one after it.

>> No.44132736
File: 3 KB, 398x70, hianon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what are the odds that some anon randomly found me and followed

>> No.44132893

last event was catered to feniel so it gave more stock on angel and fire related items.

>> No.44133039

Yea, I'm sitting at 180000 gems. The homerun minigame was for a material to unlock a custom 6th weapon for old units. They gave a buff to the skills and stats.
I also got into the game after seeing her design. I'm going to miss her so much. Even if she voices characters in other games, they likely won't be similar.

>> No.44133055
File: 369 KB, 1280x718, Twinkle Star Knights 2x Magdalena 2023-07-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It somehow happened again and I haven't even gotten the 2* yet.

>> No.44133551

