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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44051824 No.44051824 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44010656

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44051852
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I love OLs

>> No.44051859

Sanafags in shambles again

>> No.44051937

Imouto fans stay winning.

>> No.44052006

I only played the first one mind you, but I still remember that the game never dared to show more than 10 textboxes in a row before you had to do something. That didn't happen with the alice-soft or eushully games I played.
Still, some eushully games are most definitely 95% gameplay, 5% story. Himegari was like that, and quite frankly.. I liked it that way.

>> No.44052034

>I used to make fun of them 10 years ago for being cakes
>Now im older than them

>> No.44052040

Will I get in trouble for uploading a soundtrack to youtube?

>> No.44052050

Yeah the feds will raid your house and confiscated your cunny collection. Don't do it bro.

>> No.44052068

It depends. Some brands are quite active in issuing copyright strikes. Other ones could stay up for years without any problems.
Legally it's a copyright violation in both cases but you're extremely unlikely to get any punishment for it which will exceed suspension of your youtube account.

>> No.44052102

Does this thread want a player on the /jp/ divegrass team? Can be a specific character or just a concept to be made into a player. For example the Type-Moon thread has Neco-Arc, the 07th Expansion thread has Jestress, but whatever you think would be funny I can try to throw together. Also suggest a name.

>> No.44052104

Any good plotges this year?

>> No.44052105

fuck Sana she's a loser

>> No.44052113

Put Sca-Ji in.

>> No.44052123


>> No.44052124


>> No.44052162


>> No.44052171

Sana would be kind of funny but also kind of a bad omen.

Maybe something Yuzusoft related might be better?

>> No.44052179

Criminal border which features sluts into papakatsu who happen to be virgins

>> No.44052186
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Seems kinda contentious but if enough people agree then whatever.
Just call her "Sana"? Or what?

>> No.44052205

It was always strange to me that 25yo is supposed to be too old and a "christmas cake" nobody wants anymore.
Wake me up when there's a 40yo virgin heroine.

>> No.44052225

I liked the Red Cherish fandisc.

>> No.44052338

eroge with lolis who headlock with their (optionally fat) thighs?

>> No.44052381

>This might suprise you but some moege have characters that aren't just a pancake.
Okay plotcuck. How many imoutos you know who spoil their brother not just for his sake but for their own sake; who let themselves be spoiled when they are in a weak spot? It's a co-dependence relationship rarely displayed in imoutoge.

>> No.44052414

In real life men who have self-respect wouldn't want a 25yo who has already been used unless they are really really desperate, eroge however is basically fantasy so you are able to get 25yo virgins who can fulfill the christmas cake archetype without the bad things that come with it.

>> No.44052474

a 25 year old virgin irl is gonna be ugly as sin or the most frigid prude ever

>> No.44052579

What kind of pathetic oniichan makes his imouto be the breadwinner and begs her for gacha money?

>> No.44052600

If I had a little sister like that things would be a lot different around here.

>> No.44052752

IRL even ugly or prude women aren't virgins anymore at age 25 or even 20. Female virginity is a thing of the past or young age.

>> No.44052878

why does eroge feel more genuine than any other medium bros?

>> No.44052955

you have autism

>> No.44053029

Plenty of girls are focused on their career at that age these days and don't have time to date, so you're not going to meet them either way.

>> No.44053057
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>> No.44053099

One who understands she needs it to be that way because she's desperate to replace their dead mother.

>> No.44053102

What you may be feeling is closer psychological distance with the writers that is not as present in other mediums.

>> No.44053117

>and don't have time to date
Correct, which is why they are having more casual sex than ever and whoring themselves and then wondering why no one wants them once they are past their expiration date.

>> No.44053947

Explain further

>> No.44053979

It has a defined length and a release state where the goal is not just infinitely releasing more chapters/episodes as long as the audience has an interest.
Also being +18. Which has many many upsides.

>> No.44054205

Sana with a mon panache

>> No.44054502
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>> No.44054537

False, virginity rates among young adults these days are the highest they've been in recent decades. Most women don't enjoy casual sex, they were memed into thinking it would be good or "progressive" and at least some zoomers are learning from their mistakes.

>> No.44054540
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VNs typically make you self-insert as an individual who could very well be yourself faced with some sort of wished circumstances. You almost always have access to the MC's most inner-thoughts and feelings. It's like a simulation in a sense. For that to be successful, the writer himself has to comprehend this feeling as well to an extent or another (as most creators create what they personally feel for).

With other mediums it's often more akin to a 3rd perspective where the relatedness gets dilluted through the various elements that make up the work. It's less of a simulation and closer to a spectacle. These are often released in an episodic manner as anon said above, so they often have a certain tempo that is geared towards keeping you entertained which can be detrimental to keeping a cohesive vision from beginning to end depending on how far the writer actually thought things out.
I find that often manga and LN writers are not the kind to think aheadーthey go off a catchy plot and then spiral from it, for better or worse. With VNs everything is written and polished as a whole. Everything the creator is able to do is presented as once, there is no "I'll show this cool thing now and make you hope for something I'm not sure I can deliver later".

Of course that includes polished turds, so I'm not trying to say VN is the superior medium here. In the end I'm only trying to extrapolate on my previous reply and to explain why anon feels this medium is more genuine than others.
All in all it's an interesting topic and there is more to say but I'll stop it there.

>> No.44054552


>> No.44054724

/jav/ still wins at the end of the day.

>> No.44054754

So what is the Punpun of VN's? I think I already have an idea, but try to confirm my thoughts.

>> No.44054782

Just think of the worst and most boring VN you can think of.

>> No.44054788

If we're talking about something popular, highly rated but that is also not necessarily accessible or comprehensible by most people then Saya no Uta fits well in my opinion.

>> No.44054840

Well, what is your idea?

>> No.44055743
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When do we get more maidoge?

>> No.44055948
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You won't but apparently there's a cafe of the game you posted.

>> No.44055955
File: 809 KB, 1000x750, R.U.R.U.Rmalie (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did we stop having every VN open with the MC's childhood friend waking him up?
The early 2000s were a better time.

>> No.44055967

The artist's track record would make any meal served here unappealing to me.

>> No.44055979

What exactly do you mean by that?

>> No.44055996

what a great country

>> No.44056074

Well, many popular eroge are series though (Rance, Muvluv, Uta, etc...). I don't really read manga and light novels but I've seen some that just tell their stories with little to no filler at all (like FMA). Manga and light novels can also have Hscenes, they just aren't as long and detailed as eroge. I think it's more about what the creator and audience want rather than an inherent limitation of the medium.

>> No.44056131
File: 2.77 MB, 1441x1079, 水着少女と媚薬アイス.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this, it's about making ice cream that rewrite the girl's mind, so you can turn the mean girlfriend into a masochist and/or exhibitionist for example.
It's really good but i hope Hazuki the blondie has an ending or something she's my favorite of the trio and she reminds me of the best girl in school rumble.

>> No.44056191

what the fuck is that textbox

>> No.44056195
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Soulful. They wouldn't make a textbox like it these days.

>> No.44056216

the low resolution of the game makes it look too big
if the game was 640x480 the textbox would cover half the screen

>> No.44056475

Because it's your favorite form of escapism. Seek professional help.
Eroge is one of the fakest mediums ever, that's the entire purpose of it. The true realism and sincerity is in wildlife/nature documentaries which do not involve humans in any way, shape or form.

/vn/ is over at >>>/vg/ btw.

>> No.44056505

this thread doesnt have that type of culture, best off just skipping here

>> No.44056648

>>>/an/ please go and stay go.

>> No.44056708

I'm pretty sure cafe stella starts like that mate

>> No.44056992

Factually wrong, male virginity rates are the higuest they have ever been while at the same time female ones have been getting lower in the past decade, dating apps stats which are the most normalfag way to get "action" always show the female users far exceeding the male users when it comes to dating and sex.

>> No.44057002


>> No.44057006
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with regular manga and anime you have guidelines to follow, like you can't just have imouto impregnation because it's literally against the law
while h-manga are all short paced, quick place a sex scene within 5 pages before the reader loses interest.
Erotic literature and games don't have these problems

>> No.44057396

So? can blind people see ghosts?

>> No.44057493

Where can i find obscure JP VNs that are not even on nyaa?
It's seemingly listed on ryyugames though, but i ain't clicking that, looks suspicious

>> No.44057720

What game do you want first, mate?

>> No.44057740

Ryuugames is fine.

>> No.44057768

If you are so afraid of some seanigger knowing you jerk off to loli download it through a craptop or use a virtual machine. Zoomers nowadays have no idea what truly was the wild west of viruses 15 years ago

>> No.44057781
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Only problem of Ryuugames is that he put million of ads on his links but the games are legit.

>> No.44057834

and h-suki apparently, I got a game from there that I couldn't find anywhere else recently. They look like they have a good operation going.

I think there is yet to be a game I couldn't find, or you have to jump through hurdles for it (being blocked behind rapidgator paywalls like this one for example).

That said my tastes aren't ridiculously obscure or anything like that. I don't go searching for 1998 doujin games that aren't even listed on egs or anything.
Would be grateful if anyone could find an alt for that one by the way.

>> No.44058446

speaking of anime-sharing and jumping through hurdles, i've found a way to bypass rapidgator premium link bullshit, it's unfortunately very time consuming and doesn't even work half the time. it's this shit site https://www.newscon.org/d1/
you paste the rapidgator (or any other premium site) link and wait around 4 minutes and it'll give you an actual working download link. just make sure when you put the file to download you use a download manager like jdownloader or neatdownloadmanager
as i said half the time it doesn't even work, just now i tried to put in the first part from that link you posted and it said to try again later.
it's a godsend when it does work though
there's more sites like this, leechall dot com is another one, used to work with rapidgator until they implemented the file size limit.

>> No.44058500

The only games I've never been able to find are doujin ones that I could buy online if I'm willing to

>> No.44058566

add jaded

>> No.44058871 [DELETED] 

>skipping ParaLost
For what reason other than low budget?

>> No.44058893 [DELETED] 

>>44047760 (Cross-thread)
>>44048182 (Cross-thread)
>skipping ParaLost
For what reason other than the low budget?

>> No.44058905

>skipping ParaLost
For what reason other than the low budget?

>> No.44059419

so whats the name of this? I'm always down for some loli.

>> No.44059503



>> No.44059574

Not nearly as embarrassing as you

>> No.44059598

Sure 常磐君。

>> No.44059742

Have visual novels made you a more empathetic person, with a higher EQ, and better social skills?

>> No.44059754

I enjoyed reading this post.
In particular I found the contrast of spectacle vs. simulation to be quite lucid, for lack of a less pretentious word.
I also wanted to add my thoughts.

In addition to the constant first-person perspective, I think it's the ability to make choices that really separates VNs from other mediums. Only in visual novels do you (the reader) get to make a choice that changes the whole direction of a story.
Video games also do this to a certain degree, but because they don't want to cut off a player from a huge chunk of a game's content for the rest of a playthrough it's always quite limited. There's no game where you, say, choose to go to pilot school and it turns into an Ace Combat-style action game for the next fifty hours, but if you choose not to you never get to fly a plane at all.
In visual novels the player's choices having a dramatic impact on the direction of the story is so normal it's expected. Because of that, there's more weight even to the start of the story before you get to meaningful choices. After you've read a few VNs, right from the beginning you'll start to consider your options for potential decisions you may be presented with later, already involving you in the story.
The best visual novels really take advantage of this relationship by making your choices the focal point of the story. I always tear up when a heroine I love in a romance VN thanks me for choosing her. In the context of the scene, she's thanking the protagonist, but at the same time, she's talking to me too. Even though we live in different worlds and only one of us actually exists, that moment we share is real.

>> No.44059789

No, thankfully.

>> No.44059798

Rance is a bit of a special case because the greater part of the series was planned out way in advance.
For example in Rance 1 you meet Miki and depending on how you interact with her you can learn about her powers and situation, despite the fact that those only become relevant to the plot of the main timeline in Sengoku Rance, which was released 17 years later.

>> No.44059829

>Only in visual novels do you (the reader) get to make a choice that changes the whole direction of a story.
someone never read Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books as a kid. R.L Stine was my jam.

>> No.44059872
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I did actually, I read this one like ten times as a kid.
The issue with these books though is that immediately after you make any choice you're murdered and the story ends.

>> No.44059888

I used to love these as a kid, thanks for reminding me

>> No.44059896

>immediately after you make any choice you're murdered and the story ends
lol pretty much. I remember reading a few of the star wars ones too. Still my go-to example whenever I need to explain what Visual Novels are to someone who doesn't know

>> No.44059939
File: 150 KB, 438x400, z_sdmic003a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was a neet with horrible social anxiety I had a job interview I was stressed out about, and to make myself feel better, I asked myself what Grisaia protag Kazami Yuuji would do for a job interview (I was reading Kajitsu at the time) to make me feel better.
I then went through the entire interview with that exact mindset.
I got the job.
Thanks to the job, I was forced into many social situations, and after dozens of horrible, embarrassing fuck-ups, developed enough social skills to be able to be able to interact with strangers without panicking. I've even made a few friends at work.
Thank you, Juicy Yuuji.

>> No.44059941

>The issue with these books though is that immediately after you make any choice you're murdered and the story ends.
Yeah that's the first thing that came to mind. I loved those books but in retrospect they sort of felt like dungeons rather than branching stories like VNs can be.

>> No.44059955

The star wars ones >>44059896 had more branching stories than the R.L Stine ones did, iirc they had distinct "routes" where you would side with the rebels, the empire, or go it solo. Books are kind of a tricky medium to do that with though.

>> No.44060001

Thanks for the top. I've got a job interview in an hour and will try applying this technique.

>> No.44060104

TADA said that Rance wasn't planned to be a series in the beginning https://hannylaboratory.blogspot.com/2021/04/blog-post_29.html
Miki was probably added as a cameo since Little Vampire is also a TADA game.

>> No.44060164

the romance ones in particular made me realize what relationships should be

>> No.44060213

Anal immediately after confession?

>> No.44060265


>> No.44060334

Yes, and blowjob after with the first kiss saved for the end.

>> No.44060361

yes i only date gyarus

>> No.44060896

Onii-chan Nechatta?

>> No.44060905

Any VN that will address/cure my crippling inferiority complex?

>> No.44060986
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For that I'd recommend a general exercise routine including weight lifting.
Books can help you be a better person but self-confidence is best built by continued effort over the course of many years.
You can even lift weights while you read visual novels; it's really fun. Any kind of curl works great. I started out with 2-pound weights and I've worked my way up to 40-pound ones.

>> No.44061135
File: 3 KB, 96x111, cg865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware that I was exaggerating some (mostly to provide a direct example that doesn't spoil anything deep into the series) but a lot of it was planned in advance. Kichikuou Rance wouldn't exist if it wasn't.
Much of the story was clearly stitched together ad hoc or developed organically, but enough was planned out in advance to give Rance a different feel than most long-running JRPGs.
I certainly can't think of a character like Hunty Kalar in another RPG, aside from perhaps Asagiri Asagi from Disgaea, and she's more of an example of bad planning than good planning.

>> No.44061540

I didn't know the japs called CGDCT with a derogative term like 美少女動物園.

>> No.44061641

Some also derogatively call eroge 紙芝居.
Everything good has some haters in this world, no matter the nation.

>> No.44061810

Does the game actually recognize this as mentally ill behavior?

>> No.44061874

which kamige and must-plays would you recommend for someone who hasn't read any?

>> No.44061880


>> No.44061893


>> No.44061914

art looks great

>> No.44061959


>> No.44062296

There's nothing derogatory or untruthful about them.

https://vndb.org/v15300 or https://vndb.org/v/rand

>> No.44062371

Do the Japs use any terms to differentiate what VNDB calls ADV and NVL? I couldn't help but notice EGS doesn't seem to have a tag for it, and it made me wonder what my fellow NVL enjoyers do when they're looking for a new game. Not that it's that important compared to the content, obviously, but it can add some points for me when I'm in the mood for one.

>> No.44062488

He said good.

>> No.44062695

What would've happened if you had Sayooshi's or Damekoi's MC in mind?

>> No.44062712

Less bite than "porn powerpoints" though.

>> No.44062746

Does he end up snapping and rape all those cunts?

>> No.44062865


>> No.44062900

Cool pov filters x14

>> No.44062935

They are exactly that and usually in the "genre" section, not as tags. Though there might be something in the 属性 section.

>> No.44063282

Ah, that makes sense, serves me right for looking in the "system" section and such.

>> No.44064035

I have to hate Nukitashi now that EOP 15 year olds keep posting it as their quirky meta VN. The soon shall fall the same for Henpri.

>> No.44064041

Stupid hipster. Don't like it so much then stop frequenting where these 15 year olds are.

>> No.44064482

>no updates since mid june
Is /ourguy/ okay?

>> No.44064621

go away

>> No.44064629

Swan Song

>> No.44065186

omochikaeri is the only blog I care about

>> No.44065205

A dead blog by people that never read games or trials and just gave their opinions based on the synopsis?

>> No.44065624

Yes, it was soulful.

>> No.44066470

Waiting for a new kitsune vn i need my fix.

>> No.44067480

I can't believe the sharkge MC is a vtuber

>> No.44067816

Is 3 times per day too much?

>> No.44067825

Sounds like way too little

>> No.44067829

That's about normal I think

>> No.44067916

I stick to once or twice a week.

>> No.44068026

Anyone have a working download link for this? https://vndb.org/v1040

>> No.44068076

this but I take 9 hours to do it once

>> No.44068089

I see it's on h-suki, but hidden behind vip bullshit. If anyone here has vip access, would you be so kind and post a download

>> No.44068252

This, it's always better if you let it build up a bit.

>> No.44068357


>> No.44068467
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>> No.44068830

i never touched their games, cant handle dual protags
one's always going to be the sacrificial pawn and the other is going to be significantly better, and im just gonna dread reading the former's sections

>> No.44069138

Once a day and if I can build it up it's even better. The ones after the initial one are just worse and it feels like a complete waste so I've grown to pretty much never do that.
I rarely even use H-scenes for that now unless I feel special about the girl. I just enjoy getting stimulated and internalizing the impression I get from reading them. On paper the idea of using all H-scenes for that purpose is fun though and I used to do that in the past, but I can't see myself doing that now.

>> No.44069146
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>> No.44069217

I never understood what the deal with Micchi and Zen was. Was it one guy pretending to be two people? Was it two people trying to do manzai? If Zen was real and not joking why did he hang around the medium so long despite hating it? So many questions

>> No.44069248

You've never seen the type that use otaku media as a venue for their pretentiousness?

>> No.44069279

I have. It's just that usually between every dozen or so rants about how garbage something is there's usually a treatise on why X is the greatest, deepest thing ever written and how on the surface it's a normal moege but below that is a well researched and well written exploration of German Idealism or whatever

>> No.44069299

Green Guy's a Type Moon fag. Says all you needed to know.

>> No.44069314

I think he has some reviews of the few eroge he liked on there somewhere

>> No.44069329

I guess that does explain it
Haven't read all of his reviews but the nicest ones I've found go like "it's ok but they were too ambitious and bit off more than they could chew"

>> No.44069386

that's a big cast if they all have a route

>> No.44069490

I think the only game he fully praised was Natsu no Ame. Looks like any other moege but must be really good for him to like it.

>> No.44069491

hopefully it doesn't feel as rushed as raillore, but the quantity of heroines make me doubt the quality.

>> No.44069513

I wonder what they're up to now. Blue I can see being neck deep into Gacha and Vtubers. Good chance Green went into further depression and maybe go to therapy to fix his perpetual unhappiness.

>> No.44069526

Accany or bust

>> No.44069560

It really doesn't look that good desu

>> No.44069642

What would Green have thought about Sakutoki?

>> No.44069655

disappointed by chapter 5 like everybody else

>> No.44069855
File: 44 KB, 433x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this rare?

>> No.44069970


>> No.44070008

Is 湖 rare?

>> No.44070178

Nukitashi was always the meme reddit VN. literally all the chapter names are Marvel references lol.

>> No.44070201

niggas there can't fucking read at all, they think japanese can't be learned by listening only

>> No.44070370

speak like a white man

>> No.44070666

I don't think you get it, even if you do that then in that case you will just feel inferior to everyone that started earlier than you, or progresses better than, you or is stronger than you, or even worse, inferior to the people that never even did that and yet still achieve what you wanted to or have the things you wanted to. And the feeling that everyone around you recognizes you as inferior.

>> No.44070721

There is no VN that will cure this, get therapy instead.

>> No.44070793

NTA but exercising daily, even just small a small amount of exercise/stretching to keep yourself from being rusty can only be positive to one's mindset.
If you strictly want an experience that will change your thinking then the answer is that all VNs can do that (yes, even a nukige) because what matters is the connections you yourself as an individual end up making while experiencing it. If you're unequipped when it comes to introspection and self-work then I guess you'll need to pay someone to do that for you or eat pills yes.

>> No.44070941


>> No.44070972

NTA, but many years ago I lost literally 150 pounds and got absolutely jacked to help with the loose skin only to one day realize I still felt just as shitty so I went back to doing nothing and just hugging my PC. Some people are just fucked in the head. I used tot think it's chemical imbalance but apparently all of that was just a 80 year long scam that got debunked last year.

>> No.44070978

>I used tot think it's chemical imbalance but apparently all of that was just a 80 year long scam that got debunked last year.
can you elaborate on this?

>> No.44071273

in 1950 scientists were cooking up random drugs for shit like tubercolosis only to discover some of the drugs they made had the unexpected side effect of making people using them happier for a reason they really couldn't understand. So they started looking into it and eventually found out that the drugs fucked with the natural breakdown of serotonin, a brain chemical. They then went "low level of serotonin must cause depression" and ran very, very few studies(which they also rigged) to prove that, at which point people just ran with it and the shit started selling like crack around the 90s. Somebody finally bothered doing the research and it tums out serotonin most likely has absolutely no connection to depression at all, which means it's some other reaction not related to a chemical imbalance that makes people happier while on them, AKA you just feel better because you're fucking high.

>> No.44071293

So my decision to regard the medical industry as largely quackery trying to milk you of your money was right again.

>> No.44071395

SSRIs absolutely are modern day snake oil concocted to make pharma bucks, but they don't get you high. They make you feel weirdly hollow inside and stop you from jerking off. I guess feeling nothing is better than feeling crushing despair, but actually fixing a person's problems (usually caused by their shitty wagecuck job, the assholes in their life, their lack of a love life, or all of the above) would be the real way to fix depression. A pill ain't gonna do it. A pill just staves off symptoms and makes it harder for a person to live without the pill, so that the pharmaceutical company can keep selling its product.

>> No.44071436

>They make you feel weirdly hollow inside and stop you from jerking off.
That's what they did to me. First one I took gave me really bad gas, second one gave me horribly delayed ejaculation (like over an hour needed to finish) and fucked with my vocabulary (couldn't find words that I was searching for that I knew I knew). My family said I would laugh at stuff inappropriately sometimes too while I was on them. Eventually I just quit cold turkey, which you're not supposed to do, and felt a thousand percent better.

>> No.44071490

>couldn't find words that I was searching for that I knew I knew
This happens to me but I've never taken any drugs

>> No.44071534

just wait until you learn about Chiropractics

>> No.44071556

Debunked or not, that you put your faith into a so-called scientific reason to explain why you were depressed is exactly what I tried to highlight in the post you're replying to. If you can't be analytical about it and find out the causes and effects that makes you feel how you're feeling then no one will do it for you.
Mental illness is just a word. Until you deconstruct it yourself you'll just be at the mercy of whatever authority you're outsourcing meaning from.

>> No.44071609

what if I'm depressed because I don't have a harem of exactly 72 virgins? How do I accomplish this goal?

>> No.44071634

Bro you're not going to believe this...

>> No.44071660


>> No.44071664

This was never "debunked" because it was always well known in the scientific community, it's just pharmaceutical companies and doctors lied to the general public making it seem like we knew a lot more than we actually do.

>> No.44071665

No human is born that way. This wish sits on top of a myriad of complexes. So to accomplish this goal means to become conscious of the reason behind the curtain until you realize you want to fuck your mother. At this point only mommy nukige will be of help. Good luck anon.

>> No.44071709

But my mom isn't a virgin

>> No.44071731

haha why are you depressed haha just build a fucking time machine what is wrong with you lmaoo

>> No.44071732
File: 5 KB, 378x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, so this is where the power of VNs comes in.

>> No.44071832

Interesting premise.

>> No.44071896

>Have access to the perfect medium for escapism
>Still get depressed
Autism truly knows no bounds

>> No.44071928

The problem is that if you're a habitual reader, eventually you become smart enough to realize life is pointless.

>> No.44072070

It just becomes a reminder of what I'm missing out on

>> No.44072378

That's only a problem if you believe it's one though.

>> No.44072533
File: 1.43 MB, 1026x800, extia TS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversion complete. She doesn't even remember that she used to be a boy. She thinks she was always Marina's little sister.

God, I love this shit.

>> No.44072634

That's creeping Alzheimer's anon.

>> No.44072683

Any torrent for the complete edition and does it really have everything?

>> No.44072930

Is that the oniichan from the other game?

>> No.44072962

I thought that was my childhood friend yukikaze for a moment

>> No.44072994

Not with that chest she isn't.

>> No.44073252

Any good eroge that has really good h-scenes and a good story? Bonus points if it doesn't take long to hit the h-scenes. I thought Kyonyuu Fantasy would scratch that itch but goddamn the story is boring and the h-scenes feel samey.

>> No.44073402

It is. In Chapter 1 he's the older brother of Marina. In the second game he's the childhood friend of Marina. In the third game it assumes the other girls got defeated by the demon king and in desperation he uses the transformation system and turns into a girl (he keeps his dick when he untransforms but looks like a girl in every other way).

The evil organization's plan is to brainwash him and make him think that he was always a girl, was always the younger sister of Marina, and turn him into a real girl (they are successful). It makes sense why in the end but I won't spoil any more.

>> No.44073423

I wonder why there aren't any otomege set in the United States. It's mostly European and strangely enough Arab themed settings. Is the US not "sexy" enough to put in ikemens?

>> No.44073481

Obesity isn't attractive in most places.

>> No.44073482

>genital mutilation at birth
truly the most sexy setiing

>> No.44073495

Otome settings are done solely on the basis of sexy outfits to put men in (i.e. why taishoroman is so popular).

>> No.44073520

Cowboys aren't sexy?

>> No.44073522

Only to other men. That's a BL setting.

>> No.44073660

If you look at how Europe is portrayed in anime vs. how the US you can see how Japanese perceive both. With Europe you have the interesting architecture, nice food, rich history, cool clothes and romantic vibes. With the US it's mainly a "look at how diverse and extroverted people are, wow everyone is so loud and friendly". So with that in mind it's clear why Japanese otaku girls would dream about dating European guys and not American ones.
For those who want a more exotic itch Arab settings can be appealing, especially since in the recent years you have franchise like Fate who portrayed them relatively well too (think Egypt etc; no I'm not a Fatefag).

The idea of dating an American guy just sucks. It'd only work if you were to write something about an alien invasion I guess.

>> No.44073665

Sorry I typed like shit I'm tired.

>> No.44073678

Aren't those beefcake mechanics?

>> No.44073740
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, ましろ色シンフォニー_-Love_is_pure_white-_Remake_for_FHD_2023-07-20_07-55-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, this is why no one takes NBR seriously.

>> No.44073783
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>> No.44073799

Why are imouto fuckers like this

>> No.44073930
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>> No.44073950
File: 2.08 MB, 2100x2800, ec9fbcc49e147b76f8cc049a85502894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable and tolerable type of incest is either NBR or homocest between close in age siblings or cousins.

If you’re a fan of blood-related hetero incest or intergenerational parent/child anything, unironically seek help.

>> No.44073967

Ironic shitposting when Mihari loves her Onii-chan.

>> No.44073997

that's why I said homocest hehe

>> No.44074010

there is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck my mom or my daughter

>> No.44074029 [DELETED] 

Cousins are fine.

>> No.44074101

She loves her Onii-chan (male). Genderbender is just a way of deNEETing him.

>> No.44074156

>unironic troon apologist

>> No.44074190

what's the point of stating you like incest when you pull shit like this
nbr is not incest
homocest is weak shit by nature

>> No.44074226

have we really reached the point where you lunatics freak out over basic gender bender story tropes

>> No.44074257

yes, actually

>> No.44074294

That's correct; she meant the person :^)

>> No.44074320

onimai is the troonest anime in the history

>> No.44074440

I'm super bored, any good console dating sims? PSP PS1 PS2.

>> No.44074628 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1024x600, patpatpatpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing interesting to say i just want to show you a cg i like a lot.
It was a good read but why is it so short ...

>> No.44074727


>> No.44074744

My virgin eyes

>> No.44074821

Is she pregnant?

>> No.44074905
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1686702136877059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up for one hour? And here I considered giving jannie a raise...

>> No.44074996

thats a really nice cg, added to the backlog

>> No.44075006

It's censored.

Yes,protag has to make a child with one of the youkai girl in order to save the whole tribe.
Of course the kitsune is the best choice here.

>> No.44075130

/jp/ doesn't need jannies that much since this place don't really attract subhumans like all the other boards

>> No.44075495

>this place don't really attract subhumans
I see you weren't here a few years ago when /vt/ didn't exist.

>> No.44075619

Girls love loud extroverted guys

>> No.44075672

>loud extroverted guys
Often ranking rock bottom in Oshii lists.

>> No.44075701

thats like the first word I learned

>> No.44075706
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>> No.44075721
File: 315 KB, 836x601, secUNBX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I loved hamidashi

>> No.44075739

What is the most graphically demanding eroge out there? Anything that can chug a Surface at least?

>> No.44075772

I've been banned for posting H CGs

>> No.44075817 [DELETED] 

When did Noel take off the chest cloth?

>> No.44075821

wake me up when a real mother say that mothercon is hecking valid.

>> No.44076157

Anybody got the next, if you could upload them.

>> No.44076285


>> No.44076317

>i know what would help our birthrates, fucked up kids!

>> No.44076337

better than no kids

>> No.44076346

that's a lie

>> No.44076367
File: 1.93 MB, 1222x909, 168985908803863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are eroge novelizations still a thing?
Who the fuck would read one of these instead of the actual VN?

>> No.44076394

I get it if it's regular, non-gameplay eroge
But why that gameplay centric one

>> No.44076398

People with complex etc, some years ago I read an article about how people who read books believe themselves to be smarter than people that read manga, they went and tested this in some prestige high schools and university, turns out there wasn't that much difference in fact book readers could only comprehend I believe was only 80% of what they read.
Manga readers on the other hand high a higher comprehension percentage because they would often reread the same manga more than twice.

>> No.44076442

A few of them are most likely cut content which they feel would be more cost-effective to simply go novelization instead of re-hiring seiyuus and artists.

>> No.44076530


>> No.44076540

I remember there were a lot of discussions about what is the best way to read Dies, so was there any conclusion in the end?
Read Amantes and then get full save for Acta to read the h scenes OR Read Acta and then skip through Amantes for the new content?
If there is anyone who tried both, what was the most comfortable experience?

>> No.44076550


>> No.44076596

the same reason why eroge on switch exists

>> No.44076615

the most comfortable experience is to just not fucking bother at all with that shit vn

>> No.44076625

>Have both versions installed
>Read Acta Est Fabula
>Complete first route(Kasumi)
>Load AA, turn skip all text on, use f7 to skip to next choice and follow the choices for Kasumi's route - you can skip to the end of her route instantly
>Read the Side content that unlocked
>Go back to Acta est Fabula, read the next route(Kei)
>Repeat the same process
I recommend just reading the final route (Rea) with Amantes Amentes, there's some added stuff to both endings which are really nice. The only reason I recommend not just going with AA is because I believe it censors some of the more unsavory backgrounds for characters

>> No.44076658

So there is actually some kind of text censor outside of h scenes?

>> No.44076688


>> No.44076695

80% comprehension is pretty average for those kinds of tests, especially since a lot of them ask random details you wouldn't remember unless you intentionally memorized them. Also, if rereading is allowed then you have to make the book readers reread the books too to be able to fairly compare them to the manga readers (and there are more details in books than manga so it's not a great comparison anyway). Either way, I don't think those types of book readers are reading eroge novelizations.

>> No.44077094
File: 103 KB, 638x826, 雫-しずく.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one I'd want to read is shizuku's novel to see if its less shit than the VN

>> No.44077189

but the VN was good

>> No.44077242

Any time travel VN about MC teaming up with himself in the past and future and stuff like that? Feels like a very underexplored time travel genre. The few times in media it does show up, with some exceptions, its just the present day guy and either himself from the past or the future.
Or, more appropriately for a VN I suppose, a harem game where all the girls are the same girl just different versions of themselves along a timeline. Though I would prefer if it were the MC.
Either way, you could have an entire cast with one VA! Why isn't this here yet?

>> No.44077315

>you could have an entire cast with one VA
this is literally Sasasagu but with parallel worlds instead of time travel

>> No.44077330

Good h-scenes are subjective, what someone finds incredible hot others can find it boring and vice versa, maybe try mamagoto, i doubt you will find good story where the sex scenes start early in the story.

>> No.44077341

Are you missing anything in the final route by by going strictrly AA over AeF? If it's just the endings, wouldn't playing AeF and then switching to AA for the end better in theory?

>> No.44077348


>> No.44077449

Yes. There's one detail that's explicitly left out in AA. Granted it might be something you possibly know anyway given that the characters are pretty well known for it but still.

>> No.44077642

I see. No I don't know anything about the game. If it's only one detail that's fine, but I was more asking in terms of missing/altered text or censored scenes.

>> No.44077648

>I was more asking in terms of missing/altered text
It's that.

>> No.44077847

Okay thanks. Then AA then AeF for extra final content it is for all routes.
I was just confused by the wording which implied to read the final route only with AA and not AeF.

>> No.44077875

Because that's what that guy said. I'm a different anon; guess I should have clarified. If you want my opinion, I'd say read Rea's route the first time in AeF, then read it again in AA but get the same ending as you got in in AeF (for those couple of extra scenes), and then finally get the big grand ending that's AA-only.

An alternative would be to read AeF until you get that after that altered text part (probably hard to guess what this is if you don't actually know) and then switch to AA, skip forward and then play the rest from there.

thanks light

>> No.44077904

how come no one still bothered to make a patch that would have combined both versions together with all the content? is the engine that bad or something?

>> No.44077935

Good question. I know people have come up with ways to inject scripts into Malie, but I'm not sure if anyone was actually able to edit scenes which is what you would need to do in this case.

>> No.44078002

Which eroge are made with White People in mind?

>> No.44078009

Got it, thanks.

>> No.44078024

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.44078034


>> No.44078042


>> No.44078068

i was that one coming.

>> No.44078085
File: 624 KB, 1025x526, 黒人VS白人_i0FdL3XqlL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this, what other eroge will you see such biting social commentary on the current state of America?

>> No.44078087

the characters are literally stereotypical depiction of japs

>> No.44078218

George Flloyd truly was an icon.

>> No.44078224

There are quite a few actually, it's probably one of the more common modern settings aside from Japan (obviously).
https://vndb.org/v8593 - loli police officer MC vs terrorists in New York
https://vndb.org/v25197 - journalist MC in a city that is totally not New York
https://vndb.org/v10631 - high school girl MC in New York (possibly notable in that her grandfather seems to be a pre-presidency Donald Trump expy)
https://vndb.org/v25912 - the greek god cupid is an office lady and participates in a reality tv dating show in a city that seems to be a cross between LA and New York
Strangely there's also an official Gossip Girl otomege for mobile with art by Kurahana Chinatsu.

>> No.44078324

why are these all otome games

>> No.44078355

that's not a loli it's a gross adult

>> No.44078387

Man I still can't believe there is no otome with loli protagonist outside of that under the moon one, it's so hot seeing how innocent girl get slowly groomed out from her perspective

>> No.44078433

you know youre a faggot when you prefer reading about ran through 学園 students over reading about lolis

>> No.44078455
File: 53 KB, 333x451, 1646939749032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under the moon chick is hot, but she ain't loli either
the closest is https://vndb.org/v19886
awesome artist, I came hard to her works.

>> No.44078471

I once had a friend on twitter who was an autistic female lolicon who could only get off to loli because she could only relate to that being small and flat
The demand is there

>> No.44078475

>check egs
>half screenshots with flat chest and half with cow tits
Is there time skip or something?

>> No.44078560

magic de aging

>> No.44078579

I read this while laughing and then realized the exact same thing just happened in my country.

>> No.44078617

Nukige with French heroine?

>> No.44078619

americans are such snowflakes, in slavic countries it is considered a common sense to avoid any contact with cops whenever possible because they can fuck you up whenever they feel like it and there is nothing you can do regardless of your skin color

>> No.44078629

>under the moon
It looked interesting until I checked the CGs and noticed her large breasts. Like even beyond preferences it doesn't really fit her body type very well.

>> No.44078709

What are some of your favorite otome games?
I know nothing about this side of the spectrum and I'd be interested in reading one but just based on the VNs you posted there I really don't see myself playing any of these.

>> No.44078720
File: 11 KB, 320x240, c289405sample8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man why do you have to ruin it for me like that, the getchu cgs looked like my ideal of lolige

>> No.44078755
File: 748 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I had to share my disappointment, sorry.

>> No.44078765

Does she at least behave appropriately?

>> No.44078814
File: 490 KB, 2048x1536, 2023_02_12_173_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found her a lot more appealing than most otome heroines, mostly because of the color scheme and pretty face
a couple weeks ago jaypee posted one of those otome femcs and holy shit the horseface, pretty men can do a lot better than the average femc

>> No.44078871

Who knows. I'm getting genuinely interested so I may read this in the near future.

>> No.44078889

Color scheme is why i actually liked this one https://vndb.org/v6656
Wish there were more like that

>> No.44078910

There are a lot more female lolicons than you might think, both lesbians/bis and self-inserters. A lot of loli artists are female.

>> No.44078920

Is this the one where she masturbates to death?

>> No.44079026

I guess technically if you want to put it in the most misleading way possible.
She dies in one ending after having (off screen, implied) sex with a tulpa.
It's a decent game. Might go down better with a general audience than most otome games? At least I've seen positive reviews from people who aren't usually otome fans.

>> No.44079704

I see, it makes more sense with context. I'll play it sometime since the story seems good and MC is cute.

>> No.44079815

What I like about otomege is the wide age range the heroes(?) have.
You can have anything between 14 and 50 in the same game, which is unthinkable in the average moege.

>> No.44079828

That's just reflecting female tastes. who the hell wants a 30 year old woman

>> No.44079853
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>> No.44079860

99% of the fujos i know skip the ossan routes and complain about how the side character shotas aren't the ones getting routes instead.

>> No.44079861

Honestly, skill issue

>> No.44079868

I like how both characters retain their faces during H-scenes which is actually unthinkable for the average moege

>> No.44079870

how do you even know fujos

>> No.44079872

are females really into shotas?

>> No.44079881

I see you've never heard of Inazuma Eleven.

>> No.44079898

i grew up liking anime along with my childhood friends who are mostly girls, then they made friends with similar interests at school and i've met some of them

definitely, the ones i know at least have a strike zone that's either "the shota in kuroshitsuji" or "the butler in kuroshitsuji"

>> No.44079910

>my childhood friends who are mostly girls
Are you a VN protagonist?

>> No.44079946

A lot of the time shota routes in otome end up featuring a timeskip before they 'really' get together or some gimmick where the shota is actually a shapeshifter and has an adult form., and if they don't the age gap is minimal, like MC is 16 with a 14 year old boy.
You find more true female shotacons (into pre-pubescent) with fujoshi (BL, gay stuff, not straight like otome) more often I think. I find it tends to be correlate with more bizarre fetishes like guro, ie https://vndb.org/v10730/ or https://vndb.org/v32501 so it's possible that it's more to do with shock value than actually being into little boys.

>> No.44079987
File: 97 KB, 800x600, 20181013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of them are lesbians so...

>> No.44080042
File: 839 KB, 806x629, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn for such a small guy he's got giant ass hands

>> No.44080053

The strangest part about this is that everything else looks fine, good even, except that fucking arm.

>> No.44080066
File: 87 KB, 271x167, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, everything else besides that guy's arm, and that girl's wrist
for some reason nips have trouble drawing hands since the dawn of time

>> No.44080081

That wrist is well within acceptable standards in my opinion. OK maybe you could draw a bent wrist better, but I won't lose sleep over it unlike that guy's arm + hand.

>> No.44080215

https://vndb.org/v18649 so as this has now gotten into 63 place, has anyone here read it? i have heard some stuff about that koihime series but i have never seen anyone who actually played any of them
what is it about? is it rance style rpgs or it's more story focused? is there any playing order or something?

>> No.44080235

that's not limited to japanese people, everyone has trouble drawing hands

>> No.44080311

Romance of the Three Kingdoms but they're girls.

>> No.44080313

>is there any playing order
Yes but it's confusing.

You need to play https://vndb.org/v16463 BEFORE the one you linked.
The play order is this way.
Main game. https://vndb.org/v1967
Fan disc https://vndb.org/v3987
Sequel/fan disc https://vndb.org/v16463 this where things get a little confusing, this Eiyuutan sequel was released in 3 individual parts, each for each general Gi, Go, Shoku.
and later packed as 123+PLUS which all the 3 previously released parts plus extra chapter.
AFter you get https://vndb.org/v18649 which you linked, this one too was released in 3 individual parts, this one being the Gi version. https://vndb.org/v20591 Go and https://vndb.org/v20592 Shoku.
NOW after this you have Eiyuutan 4 https://vndb.org/v31814 (Go) and Eiyuutan 5 https://vndb.org/v31815 (Gi) Eiyuutan 6 is still in the works.

Now things are confusing because although they are sequel they are most like fandisc hybrid so some do reference the previous works but they are mostly "if" scenarios but they do take some of the previous plots in consideration, so you should play them in order.
Btw the Shin Koihime † Musou - Premium Package Gi, Go or Shoku are basically the indidual Eiyuutan game with the individual Kakumei game for the respective generals.

>> No.44080328

More VNs need to start with some variation of 「ここ。。。どこ?」

>> No.44080369

What about 「卵」?

>> No.44080377

Why all of them are 50+ hours long? Is there much point in playing all that autistically with the guide to get 100% or i can just do 1 playthrough and call it a day?
Will i miss something in the sequels if i skip some routes or episodes or whatever it is or the main story is the same just with different girls to fuck?

>> No.44080406

Only the main game has routes for their respective generals, the rest are basically just pick your faction and be done with it, they do reference some of the events that happen in other games though.

>> No.44080730

i have read some discussions on vndb and people saying that the kakumei is a complete remake of the original kiohime and there is no point on reading it
how true is that?

>> No.44080898
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, ネコと女子寮せよ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did nobody tell me how good this game was? Every girl worships the protagonist like he's the second Jesus, you can play the entire common route with your pants off and dick in hand because every other scene is one of the heroines throwing themselves on the protagonist and moaning into his ear begging him to fuck.

>> No.44080993

>how good this game was?
everything you said after that tells me it's a bad game. heroines shouldn't be slutting all over the protagonist in the common route. it has to be a slow grind to make them fall in love.

>> No.44081037

I think you would be happier with nukige if that's the case

>> No.44081080

Sounds garbage

>> No.44081100

You guys wouldn't get it. This is different from a nukige since a nukige will jump you into sex from the start. This game is better since there is teasing and build up. The entire common route is the MC almost having sex with girls, hell, even when he's in a situation where he's milking a girl's tits while humping her ass, he never gets off to it. There's build up so it feels hot as fuck when you enter a route and actually hit the sex scenes. It's different from a sex-fest nukige.

>> No.44081126

>I like blueballing To Love-RU ecchi in my ((( moege ))) common route with horny sluts
read nukige.. or manga

>> No.44081132

Based and in the peak of his 青春

>> No.44081153

It's hilarious how you call this blue balling. Blue balling is reading 5 hours of boring student council high school drama before even getting anywhere close to fucking a girl.

>> No.44081154

>This is different from a nukige since a nukige will jump you into sex from the start.
Back when i read the maid oppai game i had to read like 3 fucking hours of "lore" and introductions before getting into the action, and it was for nothing because i ended up dropping the game after like 5 scenes
The worst thing of all of this?, it has been 7 months since i read it and i pretty much remember all the lore and the scenes of interest during the opening, meanwhile i read 3 moege routes last month and i already forgot half of it.

>> No.44081250

it's not though. blue balling is getting teased with nudity and pervy situations with dumb horny bitches without being allowed the goods. nekowhatever is just that. real moege don't have any ero in the common route and the heroines start at 0 affection (minus childhood friends, sisters and cousins). slowly making them fall for (you) is not blue balling, it's getting the job done right. if you like this ecchi shit in your ((( moege ))) you're probably also a haremfag. neck yourself and stay away from moege.

>> No.44081259

Majority of nukige are soulless with vulgar and gross chara design. This >>44080898 is cute and good for your soul.

>> No.44081265

I love loose women.
If I had a super power it would be instant sex

>> No.44081304

>You guys wouldn't get it. This is different from a nukige since a nukige will jump you into sex from the start

>> No.44081346

>a nukige will jump you into sex from the start
So you don't know what you're talking about, got it.

>> No.44081368

Never thought I'd see a day where someone would ackshually me about nukige

>> No.44081607

Play Tomefure if you haven't already

>> No.44081722

Most cops in the West don't openly advertise themselves as gangsters in uniform, Ladislav.

>> No.44082021

>slavs piss and shit their pants from fear of cops
>calls others snowflakes
the iron is strong in this one

>> No.44082289
File: 27 KB, 1144x66, anon understands moegejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44082423

Why is the BGM always so loud by default. I don't think I've ever had a VN where I didn't have to turn it down.

>> No.44082451

It really is always consistently loud. Pretty much any time I start a new game, the first thing I do is turn the BGM down, even before I read a single line.

>> No.44082460


>> No.44082626
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x768, NemuAndHaruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44082798
File: 242 KB, 1064x482, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back, what went wrong?

>> No.44082868

did girlcelly dieded?

>> No.44082921

I could go for a time loopge now (not shark)

>> No.44082936

Damn I remember this.

>> No.44083029
File: 3.01 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away its not your route anymore

>> No.44083032

That's the point.

>> No.44083043

That's the problem

>> No.44083047

That's the point, anon. You are supposed to think this is weird and intrusive and out of character for her.

>> No.44083063

The intrusiveness is out of character but the sexual persistence isn't desu
I get it's going somewhere I'm just biased against Remi

>> No.44083072

You know what they say, a fake can't compete with the original
don't read that if you haven't read her route

>> No.44083084 [SPOILER] 
File: 636 KB, 530x672, where is she.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't found out if she still exists somehow so don't tell me, but damn I would have preferred this version so much more.

>> No.44083462

Will Sana fans finally have a spine to show some love?

>> No.44083480

I'm going to make a new thread with some nukikusoge I've been reading's OP just to hurt them

>> No.44083681

Do it.

>> No.44084165

it better be hasshaku

>> No.44084233

It better be soon. The thread is already just a couple of new threads away from getting archived.
