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43984236 No.43984236 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1690883

Previous: >>43870432

>> No.43984301
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I love Shiho chan

>> No.43984461

Is isekai mistress on hiatus? also anyone got rebuild world volume 2 part 2 from jnc

>> No.43984572

which one is the first one, minecraft isekai? and for the latter, the parts are always uploaded to catsite iirc

>> No.43984599

>which one is the first one
>the parts are always uploaded to catsite

>> No.43984607

nevermind, just got what u meant kek

>> No.43984627

yeah guessed it was minecraft isekai, iirc that one diverged too much from the WN so if there's a hiatus it's probably because the author is taking time to plan where it should go next
do the afterwords recently not say anything about that?

>> No.43984636

v6 had no afterword iirc

>> No.43984651

Axed :)

>> No.43984672

that sucks, don't think space mercenary is taking too much of the authors time either
anime adaptation for either of those confirmed? who really knows
doubt it, pretty sure the author would have cried about that on an afterword if that was the case, that and most publishers don't really axe anything these days, it's far more common for the author to just drop it silently and never continue but those tend to happen before volume 3

>> No.43984673

>janestyle stopped supporting 5ch
What the fuck? Anons know any good apps to browse 5ch and similar boards?

>> No.43984759

is the wn over? might pick that up

>> No.43984999

Is this a spinoff of the other one

>> No.43985096

Yes, it's the fabled marie route.

>> No.43985372

is there a reason why more (or all) light novels aren't in epub format? i go on nyaa to find novels which are gigabytes in size of hi-def pictures of black text on white pages with some illustrations here and there, while epubs are 10mb in size and lets me read it on my tablet with dictionary lookup support and TTS

>> No.43985391

Which app do you use for epubs? Last time I fucked around with raw epubs, I struggled to find one that had vertical reading

>> No.43985456

it's typhon on android
sorry i'm very new to reading LNs so i'm not sure if it's the best one. this particular app seems to be outdated but all the functions seem to work perfectly still

>> No.43985481

LNs until the late 10s were physical publications, so piracy even these days is mostly scans because that's what people are used to
yes, a lot of publishers are re-releasing old stuff in digital format but piracy is slow to catch up on that front

>> No.43985651

>is there a reason why more (or all) light novels aren't in epub format
Most of the LNs are in epub or some digital format lol, even the old ones. Even most of the scans are actually screenshots of digital files.
There are very few people who pirate epubs. Even fewer among the japanese. They just go the extra step either because they don't know about the drm breaking tools due to their unfamiliarity with piracy, or maybe because they just insuring against obsessive jp ip laws.
They then upload the scans on japanese p2p like perfect dark. Sites like dlraw get it from there and some guys on nyaa upload it after a while.
Btw try asking here if anyone have the epub files for the series you want. Some kind anons bailed me out quite a few times
.ttsu reader is the only good vertical reader on android, though not as feature-rich as I would like. There are some others that support vertical but are generally bugs galore. Don't know about ios.
Typhon would be perfect if someone bothered to fork it and add support for the vertical.... maybe I should try my hand at that.

>> No.43985821

Any porn novels like ツンプリ? That was extremely titillating

>> No.43986072
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>third anime adaptation
is funa the most successful low-key author?

>> No.43986466

I usually use Reasily is typhon much better?

>> No.43986712

Except for the lack of vertical reading and a somewhat obnoxious UI, yes

>> No.43987024

it's not that surprising potion would get it after 8manmai got it. funa seems incapable of talking about one without also trying to sell the other. mitsuha >>> kaoru though.

>> No.43987394

it's my least favorite of the funa stories
at first glance it feels like a happy go lucky type of thing similar to mitsuha's story but then there's some melodrama going on and some plot twists that i absolutely hated fuck that timeskip was retarded i'm still mad

>> No.43988120

Are the links not updated with new novels?

>> No.43988182

>it's typhon on android
it's always an app with ugly ui that's never updated with you guys, isn't it?

>> No.43988227

>I struggled to find one that had vertical reading
How? When did you check? 2005?
Literally, any decent app can do that. I have Play Books and Kindle. Both have vertical reading.

>> No.43988371

>Play Books
Anon... we are talking about readers that are geared towards reading books you own. That aside, for personal files both need uploading to their servers and it's a dice roll whether the processed files display everything correctly or not.

>> No.43988406

Hey, if it works, it works. A good UI is always welcome but a bad one is still better than getting features removed, or worse, getting even more unintuitive in the name of UI/UX

>> No.43988665
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as for me, it's the apple books app

>> No.43988707

Could you give examples of that happening to readers?

>> No.43988757

Play Book is fucking infuriating. Some books are "Processing Failed" and sometimes the text goes off-screen, even for normal English books.

>> No.43988778

I'm jealous of this. Like, how retarded is Google to not provide an inbuilt local epub viewer? Even if epubs weren't popular back when Android launched, they are very popular now. Something like Google Books should be a basic utility.

>> No.43988803

Play books. A few years back long pressing on a word opened up the default android context menu. It used to feel out of place but was handy when trying to use with a stand alone dictionary, because google's inbuilt one is dogshit.
Now it's changed to menu that matches play books UI but adds an extra step for a web search in the browser I want or to bring up a third party dictionary. The inbuilt one is still shit

>> No.43988864

Oh, there's also the more infuriating removal of inbuilt tts in kindle by amazon fucks.

>> No.43988876

good morning i hate cuckold explorer

>> No.43988925

that looks good

>> No.43989388 [DELETED] 

Report and ignore
see >>43985651

>> No.43990926

it's impressive how fast it goes downhill yeah

>> No.43991039

Isek/a/i is that way, schizo

>> No.43991050

Given how far the WN got, what changed in the LN that's holding things up?

>> No.43991139

IIRC the war conflicts got weird and dragged out after the MC gets kidnapped while in the WN it was relatively quick, that was the point i lost interest and dropped it sadly
if i had to guess, the extended war conflicts is what's holding things up due to introducing a few more characters that weren't in the WN

>> No.43991218

>Space mercenary and minecraft isekai are by the same author.
What the fuck? They feel completely different.

>> No.43992281

I don't know I just use readera on both my Amazon tablet and my android phone and it works fine vertically

>> No.43992650

doesn't space merc MC also get laid? i'm curious

>> No.43992729

yeah he does
quickly and unceremoniously too, but the relationships actually develop afterwards

>> No.43992740

>gatekeping light novels
so brave

>> No.43992775

Ahh, that's similar enough for me. Picked up
If you're talking the epub bit, well yea it keeps the corpo dmca's away.
If you talking the report bit, schizos are subhuman creatures and that /a/ immigrant needs to go back to his containment thread.

>> No.43992791

the only one raising a fuzz is you anon
even the "dead language" guy isn't here yet

>> No.43992892

>no u
It's 'fuss', and in case you're trying to imply i'm the schizo
Are all me.
are literally verbatim posts from a previous thread.

>> No.43992898


>> No.43992946
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The anime isn't very good but I like this girl, am I going to be disappointed if I read mainly because of her?

>> No.43992955

I'm all the other posts in the thread. Me and you are the only ones here.

>> No.43992975

Can't hurt to read a few chapters and see if you're liking it

>> No.43993010

>Me and you are the only ones here.
>53 / 4 / 16 / 1
Anon do you have an LN you want to talk about or something to contribute, if not then i'm done replying to you.
Moving on, 43950871 if you're talking about ayaka, i doubt anything she did in v10 is anymore singleminded then she's been previously. moral rigid characters tend to be like that.

>> No.43993019


>> No.43993040

those are all me and my 15 computers.
also funny that you point out IPs and then somehow not manage to notice that >>43992955 was a post from a new IP

>> No.43993049

I'm two of those posts though..

>> No.43993083

Magical explorer sucks and so do it's fans.

>> No.43993087
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So you're the schizo then, cool. no more (you)'s for you. Go back

>> No.43993111

Good job learning how to inspect element bro. Pretend to be someone else

>> No.43993151
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I'm actually every poster in this thread.

>> No.43993424

since you're me can you stop wasting so much time on pixiv and twitter and push forward with your ln reading goals already? fucking slacker.

>> No.43993425

Is there any reason you can't throw on a secure trip if you care that much about verifying your identity on 4chan?
And before you mention the caveats, yes, you will be singled out, shat on indiscriminately, and even filtered by others in the thread just for having a trip... like you are now. At least then some people giving you attention regarding not-LN wouldn't see your post at all and not bother you.

At least here, trying to make people care about the fact that posts you made are in fact yours comes off as the tail wagging the dog, with the "dog" being every Anonymous poster.

>> No.43993446

it's ok just take the time to read the uploader or poster's comments on pixiv/twitter and you'll still be improving your japanese reading skills

>> No.43993462


Anyway, it's pretty good, Noel is a complete psychopath and that's pretty entertaining.

>> No.43993478

Some anon recommended this on the basis that Mc is in the same vein as cid and ayanokouji. How based is it?

>> No.43993512

Cid is more like a disinterested autist in comparison, I haven't read COTE to compare.
Though in sheer autistic force of will I think Noel ends up ahead.
Personality wise Cid is morally questionable at worst, Noel is basically a villain protagonist and that's a very generous estimate, but elaborating further would be a bit too much on the spoiler side for my liking.

>> No.43993523

which LN/WN author do you wish have career ending, potentially crippling and dare I say even possibly life threatening injuries? for me it's 信者ゼロの女神サマと始める異世界攻略, 月が導く異世界道中 and マジカルエクスプローラー

>> No.43993532
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Finished マジエックス 8, the Ivy plot was okay but aside from Nanami's interview banter, the volume primarily setting up the evil god cult. Looking forward to finally getting to the susanoo school, if it's any bit as good as 7 was, that would be fun. Also need more Shion

>> No.43993534

anything i hate i end up dropping and erasing from memory, so i don't have any answer
why is zero believers on that list through? QRD?

>> No.43993564

more unfettered and with almost no moral compass than villain, but yes he's based

>> No.43993603

Any examples of light novels that have toilet scenes? Been looking for them but it's hard to search for them.

>> No.43993608

Speaking of Talker, does anyone have JP epubs? can only find images

>> No.43993612

>toilet scenes?

>> No.43993675


Btw did anyone read りゅうおうのおしごと? How is it?

>> No.43993757

isn't this just taking stuff at random from the "published this month" lists last thread?
to answer that question it's actually pretty awkward, it's kinda a romcom but not quite, it's also SoL but not quite, it's plot driven but not really
weirdly enough it works anyway, in simple terms it's a good romance-drama with SoL but you need to be able to handle what comes with something that is romance but not comedy driven, in other words it can get pretty heavy at times

>> No.43993795

I was just browsing through amazon and found it with the best seller tag. I was interested in it anyway, after seeing it on konorano rankings.

>it can get pretty heavy at times
I got my fill of heaviness, I should probably put it for later

>> No.43993817

>konorano rankings.
pretty sure anything there is worth taking a look at as long is around the ballpark of the genres you're into, assuming what caught your attention it's past 3 volumes that is
though granted, not only it's heavily biased to favor modern life SoL and romance, the difference between bunko and ranobe is basically arbitrary

>> No.43994524

Reading this sort of stuff makes me insecure over the amount of r e s o l v e they manage to put on the table compared to me.

>> No.43994696

I just don't like the powerup serum. What stopping him using it again? Author surely can handwave the death penalty like those shounen mc that still live despite using those deadly secret move

>> No.43994712

at the time i put it on hold he said he barely had like 2 years left to live or something like that
i'm going to guess he's going to use the last dose close to the end of the series

>Author surely can handwave the death penalty like those shounen mc
lmao even

>> No.43994848

Doesn't have the option to enable publisher default styles

>> No.43994929

Dragon/Vampire exist in that world. Make him drink/bathe in their blood, there his lifespan fixed

>> No.43994951

it's pretty fun stuff.
I stopped when Ginko won though.

>> No.43995007

funny you mention that because pretty sure he explains multiple times how did the serum work

>> No.43995010

Damn I didn't consider that publishers would put that in their epubs but it makes sense

>> No.43995153

Noel doesn't know everything , its not farfetched if somehow his party feed him Phoenix meat / immortality elixir at the end of the story

>> No.43995673

I used to think light novels being light were smaller and shorter then regular japanese novels, but that seems not to be the case with the handful of novels I've picked. Is it true in general though?

>> No.43995742

A single volume of an A6 Bunko is definitely going to be smaller and short than a regular novel, unless it's like Horizon or something. Did you buy a tank or one of those big, bulky English releases?

>> No.43995955

>ななつま side of fire
Fuck, adding with the torture flashback from vol10 I am going to feel sad when gilcrist goes down. Also godfrey is the real hero of this series

>> No.43996100

The only reliable difference between a light novel and a "normal" novel is who publishes it.

>> No.43996687

No, I just have a handful of novels that are A6 as well.

>> No.43996929

So far most ln I read were ~250p, while novel were somewhere between 400 and 500p
there are exceptions obviously

>> No.43997537

light novel really just means there's a pic of a cute anime girl on the cover
there are plenty of lns that are longer or more difficult to read than other contemporary novels

>> No.43997812

Light novels are usually shorter. I recall some WN authors mentioning that they had trouble fitting their novel into a page limit when they got picked up by a publisher.
Of course then there's stuff like Horizon which is the size of a bible so it probably depends on the publisher.

>> No.43998195 [DELETED] 
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some of them don't give a fuck

>> No.43998249

I don't know what the average length of non-otaku novels is, but I have several LNs that are in the 400+ page mark. Maybe it's selection bias on my part, but it doesn't seem unusual to me.

>> No.43998383

no you're right

>> No.43998659

when it comes to normal novels each book is anywhere between a normal LN volume and a volume and half in terms of length, around the 400-500p zone, but even these get a smaller A6 release more often than not, so the printing format is not a real dividing difference either
for example 新世界より is iirc 3 volumes and they are on the long side of the scale, it has both a manga and anime adaptation too
銀河英雄伝説 gets treated as a gargantuan behemoth of a read, but not only it's just 11 volumes, they are actually on the short side of the scale, it also has adaptations
someone mentioned the only real dividing factor is LNs having an anime style cover and illustrations, if i had to pick a dividing difference that would be it
but then there's things like 女王陛下の異世界戦略 which has an anime illustrated cover each volume but doesn't have illustrations, blurring even that line

>> No.43999351

Anyway, continuing the "here's the new wave of stuff" posts.
>最強英雄と無表情カワイイ暗殺者のラブラブ新婚生活 1
>勇者パーティーを追放された精霊術士 1
>元世界最強な公務員 2
>灰原くんの強くて青春ニューゲーム 5
>才女のお世話 6
>六畳間の侵略者!? 43
>引退魔王は悠々自適に暮らしたい 1
>クソザコ種族・呪われし鎧(リビングアーマー)で理不尽クソゲーを超絶攻略してみた 1
>怪物たちを統べるモノ 3
>ブチ切れ令嬢は報復を誓いました。 4
>魔眼と弾丸を使って異世界をぶち抜く! 17
>ウォルテニア戦記 XXV
I'm definitively going to start losing track of what I already posted and what I haven't.

>> No.43999452

>no new kuma kuma kuma
see you next month

>> No.43999579

I'm looking リビルドワールド I volume 6 part 2, anyone got an epub? none of the op links have it

>> No.43999623

Not jp but thank you anon who mentioned Regressor instruction manual I'm, really enjoying it

>> No.43999644


>> No.43999878

Here you go anon. anonfiles com/feQcP01bzf/_VI_epub

>> No.43999947

Greatly appreciated anon!

>> No.43999984

I thought they were "light" on the difficult kanji.

>> No.44000024

not that anon but thanks too

>> No.44000725

Where can I find a download for Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index? Nyaa only has one volume of it and the other pastebin sites are either borked or don't have it.

>> No.44001297

If anything the Japanese novels regarded as literature are easier on kanji than otaku stuff. At least based in Dazai

>> No.44001562

>one of those big, bulky English releases?
tangential but I just want to vent about how Yen has taken over all the new JNC printing going forward, which means that any series that isn't already being printed will have shitpress's larger book size and scrapbook tier paper quality.

>> No.44001605

That's a well circulated urban legend, but not really true.
I think them being "light" over the printing size is more true than that.

>> No.44001681

I only read morimi's stuff (the youjouhan shinwa guy) but as the other anons said there are no difficult kanji that you didn't already encounter in LNs. It is definitely a harder read though, but not enough to make someone who can read LNs smoothly uncomfortable. That said, considering his genre and writing style I think his works could be considered above average in reading difficulty even among normal lit. In conclusion fundamentally the only difference between LNs and normal novels is how they call/market themselves and maybe the size of the book.

>> No.44001835

Is all genre fiction just called ranobe in Japan at this point?

>> No.44001909

depends on what you mean for genre fiction

>> No.44002058

Anything thats scifi/fantasy/romance/horror/mystery and not a "refined/normal" novel

>> No.44002082

i think by that definition that covers basically everything "refined/normal" ends up meaning "nonexistent"

>> No.44002091

I am feeling down. Please suggest me a LN that stops making me feel down.

>> No.44002132

i would say kuma bear, BUT...
maybe スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってまし
maybe 賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者

>> No.44002236

short and comfy WN you can finish in 2 hours

>> No.44002238

smartphone isekai

>> No.44002242

is Miya Kazuki, of Ascendance of a Bookworm, going to write another series after it's finished?

>> No.44002318

Probably? She said she want to try writimg something new in one of her old blog posts. But she still have to complete hannerole's 5th year and the planned honzuki sequel so it will take a few years before she starts anything new.

>> No.44003080

I think I mentioned it looking for similar JP recommendations.
Still haven't found sadly.
But RIM is really good, glad you're enjoying it!

>> No.44003087


>> No.44003641

No Dendro 21? The vol 20 afterword said it'd come out in summer.
Not like it'd be a surprise if it doesn't. Those haven't been right for over a year now.

>> No.44006324

Finished COTE Year 2 vol 5.
Pretty good volume, but I question Horikita's choice.
Kushida's main benefit of supporting the class doesn't seem like it'll work in the future, and spying capabilities seem like they'd be limited when everyone knows she's a bitch.
Good way to get rid of Airi who hasn't done anything since like the 1st year second book though.

>> No.44006411

天啓堀北 is the strongest character in youjitsu and will crush ayanokouji like a bug. The author wills it

>> No.44007150

If it wasn't for Ayanokouji saving her ass that test would've been timed out.
Horikita can suck my dick.

>> No.44007934

>>44003641 (Me)
Checked out the AE short he put up instead of the new main story part and
Wow, that's the most off the mark he's ever been.

>> No.44008082

better late than never at least

>> No.44009275
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What is even the point of catgirls without their signature キャラ語尾

>> No.44009922

Scenes of girls using the toilet

>> No.44010776
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Got a kindle for my birthday and I actually enjoy reading on this thing as opposed to a PC monitor, any recommendations for a complete LN virgin? I've bought the first few volumes of Spice and Wolf because I love Korbo

>> No.44010788

He should take a rest from publishing and complete the triflags first for a mood change :)

>> No.44010812

depends, can you read japanese?

>> No.44010828

I will wholeheartedly admit to being a tourist who does not know Japanese

>> No.44010998

depends, what are you looking for in a LN as a virgin?
>LN versions of you're favourite anime
>haremshit shenanigans
>cool action fantasy
>comfy times

>> No.44011120

NTR stuff

>> No.44011202

that does limit things by a lot into what either is by sheer miracle a decent translation, or doesn't suffer much from being a bad translation
but to be honest, it really doesn't matter, you can just read it anyway, the TRULY autistic stuff which is not for LN virgins is something you don't stumble upon by accident and without warning
something i have noticed that transcends genre recommendations, what do you want to read? there's 2 types of LNs, things you read to chill, and the grindmonke thrill stuff
if you want something to take you for a ride, the chill stuff will be slow and boring
if you want something to unwind and chill, the fast stuff will be too stressing to relax to
anyway, time to list random stuff

>isekai smartphone
one of the ones i have seen get praised for having good prose in english, and that tends to mean the translation isn't shit, also the poster child for what probably most EOPs imagine LNs to be, guy gets isekai'd, gets cute girls, gets strong and eventually overpowered, SoL spaced between adventures/fights
relatively low stress as well, more interesting than it sounds at a first glance if you can get into it, very entry level as well

still on the realm of entry level, but don't think "entry level" means shit either, this was the golden standard for a long time and to an extent still is, though some may find it showing it's age compared to more autistic stuff, but that comes from people far deeper into the LN hole
while it has "there's no way anything REALLY bad happens to the protagonist group, right" syndrome, as most fiction does to be honest, this is not relaxing, at all, it's pedal to the metal

>minmaxing my TRPG build in another world, or TRPG isekai
this is outside entry level, but i have also seen it shilled for it's prose, which means the translation is good, and while the terminology can be confusing if you aren't into tabletop RPGs, it's not really hard to follow as a story, i wouldn't call it something you read to chill either, though it has it's moments
some may say this is too autistic for someone new, but that's the point of mentioning it

>evil lord of an intergalactic empire
pretty fast, but a bit love it or hate it, if the comedy is your type of comedy then you will find it very good, if not, you aren't going to stomach a full volume
i recommend this one despite it not being entry level either because those new to LNs tend to come from being manga readers, which means an over-saturation of swords and sorcery, and while this does have magic, it's sci-fi for the most part, mecha even
but is this author is known for, long story short "writing when off his meds", if you don't know what that means you will know when you see it, if you end up liking that "off meds" stuff, also read sevens and otome mob, same author

>reborn as a space mercenary
also sci-fi, but this one is more on the chill side, in some ways it's even closer to smartphone than evil lord, mostly because it focuses more on the adventure itself and visiting locales than the fights, though it does have focus on the fights

>let this grieving soul retire
similar to evil lord in comedy tone despite the premise being flipped around, because of the group antics from the people the MC has to tardwrangle while pretending to be both super-strong and a genius mastermind despite being actually weak is a really good setup for shenanigans
despite the comedy it's actually pretty fast paced, not really chill at all, but it is fun to see the MC bluff his way out of problems

>> No.44011240

Arifureta, without a doubt

>> No.44011268

Thanks Anons, I'll definitely check out Arifureta

>> No.44011270

Kuma kuma bear.

>> No.44011425

Anyone have any idea who it could be?

>> No.44011821

Danmachi is pretty nice

>> No.44015862

On the topic of Youjitsu, I wanted to get into it and I was looking for raws but there are some really shitty quality scans on nyaa, some volumes just seem to be txt files. Does anyone have any better scans or perhaps epubs?

>> No.44016340

Not that anon but i really want to read sevens but get filtered by what people say about mc being a bigger pussy than leon. is he really that bad or is it overblown autism from a

>> No.44016675

main character was basically in solitary confinement for a huge chunk of his childhood so he doesn't know how the world works or what normal human interaction is like and is very dependent on others. and everyone's constantly giving him shit for not knowing anything about anything so he has very low self esteem. like, the point is that you're following his growth but he's kinda starting at zero.

>> No.44018999

That author has an undeserved bad reputation on /a/ due to being read by people that would hate what he writes.
You have to remember /a/ is mostly ironic weebs obsessed with sex, when it comes to interactions between an MC and a female character they ask "it's been 2 manga pages, why aren't they fucking already? what a beta cuck".
The author's "off meds" tendencies means his MCs suffer a lot, and more often than not in surprisingly petty ways while simultaneously not being sufferingshit/grimdark either, the end result is something they can't fantasize with, but can't schadenfreude with either.
It's natural they would hate everything he writes and sevens more so in particular, despite that being his second best work in my opinion.

>> No.44019227
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>Fran has the same birthday as Ray
Just let them fuck already dammit. The next arc better be Ray correcting Fran for 200 chapters straight, else I keep torrenting the hell out of Dendro.
Definitely not someone from Altar/Dryfe for sure and absolutely a ranker if we were to take the running joke seriously. Would be horrifyingly funny if it was Jubei, though that wouldn't make sense going by vol 17's implication. Denyuuden's members seem to be mostly "mild-mannered" (and insan--Superior material) so I can't see any of them in the enemy camp except if they're misunderstood like Desire.
From nu-/a/? Then yeah, that's overblown, mind you they basically don't read anything before 2018 now. Pre-chink/gook invasion everyone pretty much loves MT, Arifureta, and anything Yoraikun shitted out (which includes Shield Hero, Sevens, Dragoon, and Daraku no Ou) despite the translation's varying degree of quality. Of course, the underwhelming amount of translated WN/LN at the time contributes to their success, but that doesn't mean they're all shit compared to current LN/WNs. I can vouch for Sevens' quality at the very least.
>second best
Fuck you anon, that's his best work. Celes has that pure sex energy that Mylene can't beat and its honestly refreshing to see an actually unrepentant villainess that can't be dicked out of evil as an antagonist.
Just be aware that English and Japanese is really different as a language and even moreso in their written form. The anon before is correct in saying TRPG is shilled for its prose simply because it's written like in the form of an actual western literature. Though if you're already familiar with young-adult shit then I suppose it's "about the same."

>> No.44019402

I read that and it didn't have toilet use

>> No.44019510

update after finishing vol4, I don't love her anymore
shit ending despite trying too hard with the meta stuff

>> No.44020375

>mind you they basically don't read anything before 2018 now.
i have seen some new-ish stuff there, otome mob, dorkness and villainess butler still get mentioned every so often
but yeah it's mostly just chinese and korean shit now, the times some jp series gets posted that manga page comes from an adaptation of a literal who series that died with less than 3 volumes
coincidentally the chapter from which it came from can easily be found in the "recently updated" corner of any manga aggregator, but let's not dwell on the details

>> No.44022091

Watching mahoka now but it made me think a gnosis hunter gaiden from nanatsuma would be awesome to read

>> No.44022551

Does authors really get less money when you buy tranlastion?
My jap is too low to be able ro read LN so I intend to buy a book I like in my translated language.

>> No.44022570

also is amazon a good place to buy them?

>> No.44022584

That completely depends on the contract.
They might get some money for each copy sold (but a less than they would with a japanese copy, because the translation publisher also wants their cut), or they might not get any extra money at all, if the translation rights were sold for a fixed fee.

>> No.44025109

for trpg the way the original japanese was written in the first place (according to the translator) made it easier to produce interesting english sentences out of them. fwiw i do find it more interestingly written than some of the YAshit that i've been memed into recently
and by that i mean the text itself is pleasant to read and not just something i have to get past to find out what happens in the plot next

>> No.44025128

as the other anon said it depends on their contract, the overseas publisher will typically pay a minimum guarantee (the so called license fee) and any additional royalties above the MG to the Japanese publisher, and then the Japanese publisher will pay out whatever portion of that the author's contract says they will get

>> No.44025563

Are there any extra vols other than the original 31+1 ss gaiden for mahouka?

>> No.44025942

I like arifureta but hate hajime and yue the most, what a weird feeling

>> No.44026337

more like weird taste

>> No.44026789

there's nothing like the smell of a new physical ln

>> No.44027452
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>> No.44028179

they really are putting out death march audiobook volumes fast
the last one wasn't even 2 months ago i think

>> No.44028511
File: 706 KB, 736x1243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next ones are planned for august, september, september (2 in a month?), november

>> No.44028767

Even more new stuff.

>春菜ちゃん、がんばる? フェアリーテイル・クロニクル 9
>回復職の悪役令嬢 エピソード3
>隠れ転生勇者 ~チートスキルと勇者ジョブを隠して第二の人生を楽しんでやる!~ 1
>蔑まれた令嬢は、第二の人生で憧れの錬金術師の道を選ぶ ~夢を叶えた見習い錬金術師の第一歩~ 1
>永年雇用は可能でしょうか ~無愛想無口な魔法使いと始める再就職ライフ~3

>ライアー・ライアー14 嘘つき転校生は本物のお嬢様と大胆過ぎる嘘を企てています。


>鍛冶屋ではじめる異世界スローライフ 8
>聖女じゃなかったので、王宮でのんびりご飯を作ることにしました 9
>転生社畜のチート菜園 4
>剣と魔法と学歴社会 ~前世はガリ勉だった俺が、今世は風任せで自由に生きたい~
>廃村ではじめるスローライフ ~前世知識と回復術を使ったらチートな宿屋ができちゃいました!~
>新クトゥルフ神話TRPG シナリオ集 ピーターセンの忌まわしき物語
>バケモノ屋敷のメイドさん ~美醜逆転世界で三人のご主人様からの愛され生活が始まりました~

>人生に疲れた最強魔術師は諦めて眠ることにした 2
>お飾り王妃になったので、こっそり働きに出ることにしました ~愛する旦那と大団円を目指します!~
>聖女と皇王の誓約結婚 2 恥ずかしいので聖女の自慢話はしないでくださいね…!

>冴えない社会人、家出ギャルにモテる。 ちょっと距離近すぎませんか?
>スパイ教室10 《高天原》のサラ
>ダブルクロス The 3rd Edition クロウリングケイオスリプレイ 黄昏の探求
>ソード・ワールド2.5サプリメント アーケインレリック ‐種族と秘宝‐
>ダブルクロス The 3rd Edition データ集 アイテムアーカイブ
Yes the last three are under the ライトノベル category despite the titles and synopsis.
All of these labels fall under the kadokawa conglomerate.

I will keep track of new releases and post it all at the end of each month to make it easier to follow (and reduce the spam), starting with 7月, maybe I will post every 2 weeks if you guys actually like these posts and don't find them annoying, I won't post each LN volume the day of release because it gets in the way of actually reading.
But don't let that discourage you, if you're autistic for a particular series then post every new release.
If any of you know some label or publisher I missed please give me the name, no publisher is too obscure and it will help the list feel more complete, even a single release a month will be mentioned.
Except for alphapolis, fuck them.

>> No.44028789

is it a push for audiobooks in particular or just for death march ones?

>> No.44028842

Anyone know where to get the raws for モブから始まる探索英雄譚? Nyaa only has up to vol 3 and it's book scans too.

>> No.44029061

kadokawa has been going wild lately

>> No.44029081

>春菜ちゃん、がんばる? フェアリーテイル・クロニクル 9
i'm convinced i'm the only person on this planet still following this but they keep releasing new vols

also thanks for posting these anon

>> No.44029437

so many audiobooks yet so few for things i want. will probably start konosuba next year.

>> No.44029804

Why is kadokawa splitting their publications over カドカワBOOKS and 角川スニーカー文庫 and a bunch of others, yet some series like 異世界のんびり農家 and 陰の実力者になりたくて! are seemingly under no real label and are just floating around on the main kadokawa page on their own published by just "Kadokawa" (In the epub it's even listed as 発行 株式会社KADOKAWA) which apparently has no individual store where to see new releases at, they also don't seem to appear on the big 新刊カレンダー list at all, the closest list I can find is the 新文芸 list which has EVERYTHING but no future releases.
Why are they like this?
What is their problem?
Is there another obvious store I'm somehow missing?

>> No.44030604

this reminds me I forgot to read death march for a while
now there's 3 volumes to read

>> No.44030831


>> No.44030874

it's overlap, i would be surprised if someone doesn't have the epubs
sadly i don't have said epubs

>> No.44031661

thank you anon

>> No.44031755

what? even now Sevens is regularly mentioned in isekai thread as one of the pinnacle harem novel alongside LTBE and main heroines, the MC being a beta bitch at the start is true but it's generally tolerated because of the insane harem cast and mr lyle

>> No.44031796

>open /a/ after months of not browsing it, go to isek/a/i
>crypto-/p*l/ OP
>something either korean or chinese and also literal r*ddit memes within the first few posts
>go to the bottom of the thread
>NTR posting and shitposts trying to pass off as writing prompts
yeah nah, that place is a lost cause, it would end up tarnishing sevens' reputation if you use it to shill it, especially when you're bringing up CNshit within the same breath
sevens is good on it's own merits

>> No.44031831

LTBE is good though

>> No.44032657

Any denpa lns? Something like Subahibi or Lain?

>> No.44032902

wouldn't most urban fantasy stuff count

>> No.44032924

What's with mahouka's author and his obsession with over-describing clothing fashion?

>> No.44032935

uhhh denpa onna? what even is denpa novel?

>> No.44032974

It's kino.

>> No.44032989

if it's what i think it is, it basically means "weird shit"
think yume nikki but not actually a dream and slightly less deranged because it has to happen within an established reality

>> No.44032996

meant for >>44032935 lmao

>> No.44032999
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Thanks anon, you're a real hero.
Yeah, so far I think the one that's about equal to TRPG's prose would probably be Faraway Paladin, since that one was HEAVILY influenced by LOTR. Also, new volume soon r-right?
Marginally better than the sea of trash that's Chink/Gookshit/Burger FOTM? I could give you that. Pinnacle harem novels? Hell no, Dungeon Dive wins in how bad the yan in yandere can get, Bahamut wins in how diverse yet memorable its characters can be, Sekai no Owari no Encore wins in the terms of how bad the world hates its MC, Vanadis wins in the senki category, Demon Lord's Tale wins in how much you want to kill yourself for how fluffy it is, HxH wins with a single mention of Reiri, and even fucking DxD wins in how hot-blooded the story can be. Hell, I haven't even mentioned actual pinnacle harem LNs like Rokujouma, a series that's so good it can singlehandedly support an entire publisher all on its own for ~15 fucking years. If you think it's unfair to compare published LNs to a Chink WN, then I give you MT, how would you defeat that huh?
Chink/Gookshit is really only popular due to its "novelty," which will fade away once you've read enough series to understand that it's as formulaic as "generic isekai" WN/LNs, and LTBE is no exception to that if you would actually care to break it down pieces by pieces.
Utsuro Hako, Haruhi, and Urasekai Picnic probably? What are you looking for exactly though? The irregularity/discrepancy of what's supposed to be a normal situation or just the horror aspect of it?

>> No.44033058

if you mean a new fujo paladin volume, pretty sure that one's dead or in "indefinite hiatus"

>> No.44033197

>peak harem
are you for real, it's a little better than generic LN harem slop but it's the same shit where theres barely any romance development and the mc is a typical herbivore who doesnt touch his girls until the last few volumes. i might take you seriously if you mention horizon or something but you're just listing typical LN slop
oh wait let me laugh even harder

>> No.44033224

>Rokujouma, a series that's so good it can singlehandedly support an entire publisher all on its own for ~15 fucking years.
that's harsh on HJ, but sadly not really wrong
hate to say it but they haven't luckshit anything that hits the jackpot in the same way arifureta did for overlap, matty and ryuu no oshigoto did for GA, or mira did for GC
there's dendro but that's a cult classic if anything, there's roku but that's well past the point of "oh fuck this is too long, oh shit, of fuck, i don't wanna read it"
then again, both matty and mira are also approaching that point, slowly but surely

>> No.44033264

>/a/ immigrantcore eop taste

>> No.44033271

Unless I'm getting them mixed up, I remember HJ has isekai smartphone.
Between that, rokujouma and dendro they don't seem all that lacking to me.

>> No.44033286

i doubt anyone in current day nu-/a/ even knows HxH exists, shit's too fucking old for the modern zoomer, let alone bahamut or vanadis, etc
even stuff like date a live may be beyond them at this point

>> No.44033312

>DaL vol 1 was over a decade ago.

>> No.44033320

>i doubt anyone in current day nu-/a/ even knows HxH exists
probably because it's a completely forgettable battle harem academy slop

>> No.44033527

>Chink/Gookshit is really only popular due to its "novelty,"
Was, past tense.
Feels like even normalfags are getting tired of it these days.
Even nu-/a/ keeps coming back to shilling the series that got them into that shit to begin with like LTBE, reverend baby's first unfettered and sad penis, nothing new seems to have staying power.
Meanwhile the JP LN side still gets new stuff that manages to hold a cult and niche following if they manage to get past the 3 volume filter.
Not even just isekai either, avoid whatever kadokawa is shilling this month and you can find the full spectrum of genres, except for mecha which seems to be perpetually stuck on it's deathbed for the past decade and counting without actually dying for good.

>> No.44033582

I have to say, he got great sense if he is the one who gave the ideas for dress designs in the illistrations and anime. It was surprising (and a pleasure for the eyes) to see the characters in so many dresses.
But it is obnoxious trying to read the paragraph-spanning clothing descriptions that comes out of nowhere

>> No.44033617

>Also, new volume soon r-right?
I am absolutely sure he would relapse even though he seems to be back for now. Don't put any hopes on this series getting completed anon, it would be all the more painful when it doesn't

>> No.44034124
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Oh, but we're talking about harem LNs though, not an ecchi or smut series, so I don't see how the characters not fucking like rabbits every other volume being a problem. Don't tell me you're the type that thought that only sex matters in a relationship? That's honestly kinda sad. Besides, personal taste aside, Rokujouma being able to nab the Oricon spot everytime it got released even after 10+ years has passed speaks for itself.
Because you haven't read it. I'm willing to bet five bucks that you only mentioned Horizon because you've just remembered someone posting Horizon LNs in the past few threads (which might be me, if it was about the size/length, got no proof though), or someone saying there was an orgy in the last volume, and/or Nate's mom got mating pressed like a slug for a week. I know there was a Kawakami thread in /jp/ not long ago, but I doubt that you're part of it anon. Besides, it's really more senki than a battleharem LN, with all the faction and autism. I apologize in advance if I'm wrong though.
Well, I dunno. Mind telling me what's wrong with it? Of course, other than the normalfag response like >pedotensei, >muh ED, etc. At least with my own experience I can vouch that each Turning Point plot-wise hits like a truck emotionally, though I'll concede that Rudy's harem felt a bit one-dimensional after they got married (particularly Sylphy).
Not gonna deny that I'm an immigrant, but I was arguing with another immigrant, so I think it would be proper manner to speak of series they should know too. Said it before but, what's the point in mentioning Legend, Lapis Heart, Antique, Vermillion, Alph*polis shit (Hero BBS, Kawazu), that one Janny WN, Sayonara Ryuusei, Tsukikageshit, and other things that I personally like but nobody knows since that would be just a waste of time and mental strength if it elicits no discussion. I'm not a shitposter and I don't want to shitpost either.
What was the last mecha LN again? Heavy object? Knight's and Magic? That one toku series by Campione's author featuring Buddhist elves? Lord I miss mecha/tokushit, they're always fucking cool in concept.

>> No.44034542

Also, is tatsuya's military connection getting revealed an anime-only addition?

>> No.44034649
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Just end it please, it's like less and less happen with each volume because the author is lost with his billion minor characters no one care about.
>but just before we end I think I'll make some side stories about serasu

>> No.44034710
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>What was the last mecha LN again?

>> No.44035373

He was writing at a decent enough pace until he became addicted to filling in timeskips.

>> No.44036452

I was talking about farway paladin. Could probably be applied to trpg as well though as it seems like schuld recently went through something like a mental breakdown and stopped updating the WN.

>> No.44036786

>LN's manga adaption's scans are being constantly uploaded
>only 4 of 11 volumes have been scanned/uploaded
god damnit
which sites the best for buying LNs online and the easiest to rip?

>> No.44036924
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Speaking of last thread's anime adaptation
>Bisco got a second season
Well then, congratulations Biscoanon, your series still have a future. Fuck, I hope a certain something will finally get an actual adaptation 20 years later like Spice and Wolf, but with budget this time. Speaking of which, no further announcement for ShaFro? I swear Katarina got one of the deadest activity feed in all of Narou.
Nah, filling the timeskips in TRPG is acceptable for both plot and meta reason. We don't have an exact measure on how the EXP is calculated anyway (unlike Danmachi) so Schuld can write whatever he wants to stretch the plot. The meta/real life situation however is that we'll immediately catch up to current WN content in like ~2 years at most without the padding, so unless he's going to axe the WN to go fulltime LN author (like Rebuild World), he's got to add more and more padding while simultaneously working on his draft/(WN). Though honestly speaking, we might get another Fujo Paladin on our hands.
Spoil me anon, I heard Oliver got raped by Pete in the later volume, was that correct? Knowing the author and Alderamin, anything can really happen and I might actually continue reading this if it's true.

>> No.44037071

On which vol did you stop reading? The spoiler happened in the latest vol released a few days back. 剣花団 starts getting twisted from the end of vol 9 and vol 10 absolutely killed it at making oliver as pitiful as possible (also makes the spoiler all the more heavier in context). Read it anon, it's great

>> No.44038481

i'm convinced this author is responsible for 90% of mecha in the current LN era just like how shinkou is responsible for 90% of the LNs with 賢者 in the title

>> No.44038714

probably amazon directly, just buy the epub/ebook version instead of the normal one

>> No.44039052

not the anon you initially had a beef with, my problem with MT is that it's something a normalfag from what they think an "autistic otaku LN" feels like but not actually doing that
usually those die before 3 volumes because they run out of ideas on what "the animes" are but MT is one of those cases where they manage to pull through
by itself not a problem, different perspectives are good after all, but the problem is what comes out of it, rudeus becoming super strong early but being crippled by being unable to use touki, mana pool growth being limited only to childhood and so on feel like things the author came up with to patch up plot holes, or most likely, had to come up with, because someone on narou mentioned "so now the MC can just train a bunch of people and get a world-conquering army, right?"
then there's things like body reinforcement techniques being called in-universe as touki, which just feels like the author patting himself on the back for reinventing the wheel, or spending a non-negligible amount of page count early in what is basically explaining that the MC does not in fact have an universal translator installed in his brain, which quickly becomes irrelevant anyway because after volume 7 or so basically everyone important speaks the common human language
and the climatic emotional moments that feel straight out of a hollywood movie, paul just randomly dying after insisting to push forward wouldn't be out of place in a marvel movie, same with the seconds orsted fight, and frankly the entire last third of the entire novel for that matter just feels like "avengers, assemble!", which is a weird contrast between that and the MC just wanting to live a slow life but being in a fast paced action series
all of it together and it feels rudeus is being railroaded into the story by a GM going "nuh uh" at every opportunity because a munchkin is trying to break the game too hard, but rudeus is not even that, he's just a rando, the guy is an in-universe ironic weeb that wanted emotional connections with someone else but had bullying trauma in the way

>> No.44039391

Matty's author is actually turbo autistic, he doesn't count among mere mortals.
I don't even know how it's physically possible for someone to have so many ongoing LNs, helping with their adaptations, and still release volumes at a decent pace and at a timely manner.

>> No.44040305

why are you so obsessed with ironic weebs enjoying the animes the wrong way
just bee yourself

>> No.44040327

and for that matter do you not see the irony in unable to appreciate moments of pathos (not even whedon quips, just basic emotional drama) because you can't stop thinking about marvel movies while simultaneously being upset about how many levels of irony other people are on?

>> No.44040362

how did you got that out of it when i said rudeus was one in universe?
my issue with it is the pathos feels cheap because it feels too scripted
yes, all fiction is like that, but it's the job of the author to make you believe
i can't get that with MT because at certain points it just felt like [insert sad moment here] and my reaction to it is "oh yeah, it was a matter of time"
at the time rudeus is giving off a farewell on his dad's grave he ends up doing a title drop in the original japanese that doubles as an oath to take things seriously, but for real this time, and sorry but i couldn't help but laugh, i know for a fact it's supposed to be emotional and kino but it's trying way too damn hard to make it happen

>> No.44040413

you said rifujin na magonote was one

>> No.44040456

Kawazu was shit.

>> No.44040493

I too would go through a mental breakdown if I had to force myself to read Descartes and Kant just to write a LN

>> No.44040571

If the issue is that dramatic and emotional moments feel too predictable and scripted, then that would be a better description of the problem than "feels straight out of a hollywood movie" or "avengers, assemble!", because that can mean different things to different people.

>> No.44040613
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>not the anon
Ah no, not a problem, I'm not even exactly defending nor attacking any of the series I talked about. I just hate it if someone shitted on/hyped up a series without any elaboration, no standard to refer to, and/or not even a comparison. Our perception of something will always be biased, especially depending on how much knowledge we already had about said thing and what it's related to. Hell, I might even be willing to join in on shitting on Rokujouma/MT if they actually had a sound argument.
With that said, I do have a personal beef with nu-Chink/Gook/Burgershit though, but not a specific series in particular. IF, and that's a big if, the first anon compared LTBE not against Sevens or other (Japanese) harem novels but any Gu Long/Jin Yong series instead, then I would honestly concede, because they're the real golden standard for Chinkshit, though that really only apply to published (actual) /lit/shit.
>actual argument against MT
Thank you, now let's discuss shall we?
>patch up plot holes
Understandable. Laplace factor, Rudeus being a Toukilet, and limited growth does seem to be a gimp. Though I don't agree with the "train a bunch of people" part due to (for what it's worth) his communication disorder early on. Probably the only thing I deem unrealistic about MT would be that, since he's spent half of his life being a failure, but never had any major reflux after it's "fixed" except after a certain rat incident. So yeah, you're right on this point.
>basically everyone important speaks common
Eh, not really that much of a problem for me. It's like how English is used as a global language in real life and practically everyone must learn it to work, even those living in a literal shithole of bumfuck nowherekistan.
>climatic emotional moments
Now that's hard to say. On one side, Rudeus at this point of time is for all intents and purposes a "normal" man with a family, so his first priority being to keep his family safe is narratively correct and we've also been introduced with Turning Point early on so the "marvel moments" as you said it is not really out of place. On the other side, you're absolutely correct in saying that Rudeus could break the board if he's left unchecked every time though most probably won't due to his traumas. But then, if we take the "Honki Dasu" part of MT at face value, he will at some point break the board no matter what. So given the choices we had, I think I still prefer the marvel ending than the slow life ending.
Got quite disappointed by the magic Quidditch death match so currently stuck at 2 volume after that. I understand that it was meant to showcase that mages only care about their endgoal no matter how petty it was, but it really only clicked after that. Am liking how the Necromancer arc goes though, and Oliver being the nicest person with high moral values in what's basically hell full of psychopaths is a real nice contrast against Alderamin's woe is me protag (the princess in this one is a real bitch though, so Ikta really is pitiable).
Eh, not as bad as Mamare's MaoYuu kickstarting an entire generation of Yuushas instead of Eiyuus, which goes with a shitstorm of MTL wordpress site using Braves for like what? 3? 5? or more years straight. At least it serves as an easy filter though.
Now them's the fighting word anon. Kawazu was the best thing that Alph*polis ever licensed after Hero BBS and nothing after that ever comes close. *lphapolis, alongside Gate, TsukiMichi, The New Gate, and Re:Monster can go die in a ditch somewhere I can't see. Isekai Tensei Soudoki should then be taken by someone more competent though.

>> No.44040656

>and the climatic emotional moments that feel straight out of a hollywood movie, paul just randomly dying after insisting to push forward wouldn't be out of place in a marvel movie, same with the seconds orsted fight, and frankly the entire last third of the entire novel for that matter just feels like "avengers, assemble!", which is a weird contrast between that and the MC just wanting to live a slow life but being in a fast paced action series.
>translation: Am i fitting in here guys
You're just like the "normalfags" you claim MT is catering to if you think these two things came from hollywood and marvel.

>> No.44041121

>I just hate it if someone shitted on/hyped up a series without any elaboration, no standard to refer to, and/or not even a comparison. Our perception of something will always be biased, especially depending on how much knowledge we already had about said thing and what it's related to.
frankly understandable and agreeable, weirdly reasonable in the middle of a spergout involving people admitting to being from nu-/a/
>Eh, not really that much of a problem for me. It's like how English is used as a global language in real life
by itself is not the problem, i have seen worse instances of the language barrier being a thing, and MT in a vacuum handled it relatively well
no, what annoys me is bringing attention to "oh, language is hard in another world? who knew?" which blatantly points to the fact it does get skipped with plot devices in a lot of novels
but then rudeus just sprints past it with the superior brain of a kid learning faster, which it's FINE, a bit of a cop out but it's FINE, but then even that stops mattering later on as well, so what was the point?
so it's not good as a "this is how it would REALLY happen REALISTICALLY" subversion/deconstruction or whatever, but it's not good on it's own merits either, because it just stops mattering
yes it's a irrational pet peeve i have no reason to be upset about but it still rubs me the wrong way, but i will stop now before i carry this all the way to whining about JP to EN translations again
>But then, if we take the "Honki Dasu" part of MT at face value, he will at some point break the board no matter what. So given the choices we had, I think I still prefer the marvel ending than the slow life ending.
feels like the author tried to have his cake and eat it too when it comes to SoL and epic kino showdowns, and in my opinion this comes from the author being an "outsider" going basically ad lib and mixing elements that can be mutually exclusive
it's well established rudeus is indeed just a normal person, the guy didn't have turbo autism like cid or hajime or what have you, he didn't have some sort of ideal he was willing to die for, he's just a normal guy
which is fine, it works on slow life stuff, things that are chill and at most have one jobber antagonist each volume to have a climax, and a lot of the writing in MT leans towards this, his shenanigans at magic school for instance, and before that it was relatively episodic journeying on the demon continent
both which while not exactly no stakes, it was not a nail bitingly at the edge of your seat sort of thing, yes maybe he got basically kidnapped by the beastkin once, but he's chill with it, everyone is fine just enjoy the ride, no big deal
but then something does happen that turns it into a nail bitter, namely the first fight against orsted and the ramifications that result from that encounter for example, and before that it was the teleport disaster itself
which again on a vacuum is fine on an action series that if nothing else is intended to be "at the edge of the knife" ordeals like say, i don't know, maybe black summoner is known well enough as an example?
yes the MC will be ultimately fine, the series would be over if he kicked the bucket, this is not a longer senki after all, but for a scene you can buy into the "what if"
but this doesn't work well together in the way it was done with MT, those reading it for the chill adventures will get cold water poured on them by a real threat, which results on complaints like "it was good until eris left"
those reading it for the fast action will find the turning points epic but also groan at all the "filler", which is the source of the complaints about the "academy arc" and then some, it's pretty obvious
and while both can be mixed, in MT both detract from the other, the stakes can't be TOO high because that will just escalate the powerlevels too much and make the political drama pointless, and the author already had that problem and had to pretty much both nerf orsted with the no mana regen nonsense which also turns him into a plot device, defeat condition, and makes the stakes into "don't make him use mana" all at once, but the SoL gets undermined by "so which of these plot devices is going to die next for shock value?" and did leave me with a sour taste

>> No.44041576

>Oliver being the nicest person with high moral values

>> No.44041900

you still haven't given any evidence of rifujin being an outsider entryist ironic otaku besides that it feels like that to you which is some real no true scotsman shit

>> No.44041910

>Gate, TsukiMichi, The New Gate, and Re:Monster are all shitpolis
are they just fucking cursed or something

>> No.44041992
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by your logic nobody can ever write a story about a non autistic person who just wants to live peacefully but is forced into taking up arms by a tragedy and the powers that be who want to deny him his peace
it MUST be a peaceful MC for a peaceful life and a battlejunkie MC for the battle life
As for me I think that's a shit restriction, why should an MC only do what suits them?

>> No.44042134
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I mean I kind of get what what the post is trying to say but that sounds more like the writer having issues with tone and stakes management than anything to do with being an outsider. Muv-Luv Alternative does the rollercoaster of stakes thing ranging from dumb SOL shenanigans to PTSD and blood pumping action, and from interviews and side materials I'm fairly confident that the writer of that is by no means an outsider.

>> No.44042309

Damn I should read muv luv it seems cwazy

>> No.44042350

it is if you like NTR

>> No.44042360

>Eh, not as bad as Mamare's MaoYuu kickstarting an entire generation of Yuushas instead of Eiyuus, which goes with a shitstorm of MTL wordpress site using Braves for like what? 3? 5? or more years straight. At least it serves as an easy filter though.
Time to rant.
This one is just bizarre, it's like every shit jp writer in existence collectively decided to do similar things for shits and giggles.
It's still ongoing by the way, first isekai, then nu-isekai (also known as "native isekai"), but even that got old and they went back to isekai, it's so bad that the trend got parodied with konosuba, then the parody got parodied with overpowered hero.
And yet almost none of them get past 3 volumes, how do bandwagoners fuck up so badly? Even hell mode can easily stampede past the 3 vol mark, despite big kadokawa behemoths raking in big bucks smaller publishers will green light almost anything, how does almost nothing else manage to make it? It's not like they try to make short stories either, they all die right after the setup for a longer story.
Virgin road may be shit, but it at least changed things up so it's not explicitly yuushas and a maou despite following the same framework, then bam, instant cult classic, even won a writing award IIRC.
Onmyoji, changed the framework slightly, has a cult following, that's all it takes.
Then it went even further downhill with the kicked from the party genre, but when was the last time something came out of it that didn't die instantly? Shitara cheat na yome? That one is ancient, it's one example out of endless stuff that just dies, after the bandwagon went deeper into otome territory I stopped caring about it.
And it's funny, because picking up stuff from the new releases posts some are promising, but those don't really use that framework.
Not like all stuff that uses yuushas and maous are shit, I can shit on death march all day but even that's a 6/10 for me, but sometimes it feels shit writers are legally obligated to use this framework.
I'm not even asking for anything that's good, just for series to stop dying out of the blue at volume 2-3 from eternal hiatus right when they start to pick up the pace, grab something dead and 9 times out of 10 it has a yuusha and maou setup somewhere.

>> No.44042389

>it's like every shit jp writer in existence collectively decided to do similar things for shits and giggles.
You want views? You do what's popular and shove it all in the title (since the narou rankings page has no synopses or tags, just titles).

>> No.44042398

>and from interviews and side materials I'm fairly confident that the writer of that is by no means an outsider.
Didn't he admit to only writing an isekai because it was what was trendy at the time?

>> No.44042400

>Schwarzesmarken prologue will never be finished
thank you Kouki for being a dumb retard. and I guess the author is at fault too.

>> No.44042413

Views don't matter if it dies halfway into the first arc if not sooner.

>> No.44042461

>in 2001

>> No.44042603
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First pass through chapter 5. Probably adding Enki to the list of based characters but what the fuck is going on

>> No.44042605

Shit reading comprehension from my part, didn't realize you were talking about muvluv on that half of the sentence.

>> No.44042663

rwead it, it's gwud
07 stuff is probably the poster child for a rollercoaster between SoL fun and PTSD trauma machines, yet that works
arguably it works because the contrast makes the other side comfy harder and hit harder respectively

>> No.44042748

don't think refusal of the call stuff really fits rudeus, those involve actual refusal or begrudgingly doing it
for rudeus it's closer to procrastinating after the call, then if possible powerleveling when the plot catches up to him, almost like a kid cramming for an exam
which i must admit makes sense for his type of personality at the start of the story, but makes no sense after jobbing constantly and even having to get bailed out by orsted, especially when he ends up with a family which gets put on the line if he were to fail

>> No.44043024

>be a mage
>average at best in cqc
>lose to literal god tier swordsman even eris would have trouble with alone
>somehow this is jobbing
I'm really trying to not be a dick here, but what are you on about anon? The word salad critiques your making easily fall apart when you make blatantly wrong assessments like this.

>> No.44043053

>be a mage
THE best mage since laplace himself mind you
>average at best in cqc
because the author crippled him as a toukilet for plot reasons
>lose to literal god tier swordsman even eris would have trouble with alone
>somehow this is jobbing
yes, the sole purpose of rudeus losing solo against someone strong is to establish how threatening they are, this is the literal textbook definition of jobbing
that and so the author (and by extension the fans) has something to point at and say "see? he can lose, therefore rudeus isn't a mary sue"

>> No.44043204

I thought you died from the torture that is reading this.

>> No.44043228

The same laplace that got split in half by an idiot demon in tank armor? mages have always have been shit against cqc hax in MT
>it's bad when MC's have clear weaknesses
Name one mage with touki that would have faired any better than rudeus did against the water god hag or the death god schizo knight. Go ahead, i'll wait.
Your premise only begins to make any sense if rudeus was ever depicted to be strong as a swordsman. The story beat you over the head with how average rudeus is in swordplay, yet you're essentially getting mad MT doesn't go full shonen and have rudeus pull shit out of his ass against literal god tier swordsman...
>mary sue
Anon, stop using words you very clearly do not understand.

>> No.44043299
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>Speaking of last thread's anime adaptation
>>Bisco got a second season
Volume 9 next month too by the way.

>> No.44043511

Is there a way to limit the chapters you export into Narou ripper app in the OP? Trying to open an 800 chapter epub is making ttsu lag.

>> No.44043611

it's not so much a refusal of the call, just shit happens and then BAM you gotta fight now
like velvet at the start of tales of berseria

>> No.44043674

>because the author crippled him as a toukilet for plot reasons
I don't understand your complaint. From almost the start, the author gave the MC a strength and a weakness, which stays consistent for the rest of the story, so throughout they are always needing to figure out how to play to their strength (abusing quiet/flexible casting and high mana pool) while compensating for their weakness (building his terminator armor, partying with frontliners).
What does saying "for plot reasons" mean? The MC can't just bulldoze everything or else there wouldn't be a plot? What's the problem here?

>> No.44043707

Pretty sure it would be far easier to not have the MC scale infinitely than do 2 balance patches after the fact.
Shit feels like rifujin realized a bit too late, oh shit the MC can just drain his mana daily forever and become a god eventually, gotta patch that by limiting growth to childhood only, then realized, oh shit meleefags can just teleport behind u and functionally accelerate their thoughts during fight, if the MC gets that I can't make any real fight with stakes because it's not like DND where caster and martial classes are separate, everything works off mana, gotta patch that.

>> No.44043720


>> No.44043729

If anything else fails, epubs are glorified webpages on a zip, you can edit them after the fact and split them into two or multiple parts.

>> No.44043877

>gotta patch that by limiting growth to childhood only
Only going off my memory of reading the story before the WN finished and watching s1 when it aired I guess, but wasn't this already brought up when Rudy was first raising his capacity by mentioning the world's belief that it was fixed?

>> No.44043960

>rifujin realized a bit too late, oh shit the MC can just drain his mana daily forever and become a god eventually, gotta patch that by limiting growth to childhood only,
how is this different from honzuki and mana compression techniques only working before a certain age unless you pay one hundred billion dollars to get into the rozemyne four step program

>> No.44043972

How do we save the mecha genre? Furigana: Please tell me you guys know some mecha stuff aside from KnM, I will even take scraps (novels with less than 3 vols).

>> No.44043986

to be fair bookworm is pretty bad on that front too, i just wouldn't exactly call that one combat centric

>> No.44044046

since you were actually talking about rifujin, going by this interview he already liked reading isekaishit before, and finding syosetuka ni narou let him to write what he loved reading and get views, rather than continuing to fail to get published professionally at a time when the industry wasn't yet gobbling up all the narou-kei it could find


>> No.44044115

>a lot of corpo speak to say nothing
yeah but what did he read? if he only knows stuff like overlord and slime he's not any better than the average nu-/a/ fag

>> No.44044133

I swear MTfags are a rifujin cult at this point.
It's fucking obnoxious.

>> No.44044142

>d-doesn't count

>> No.44044153
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>anon complains author is a normalfag/ironic weeb (how can a nip be a weeb?)/entryist who wrote isekai because it was popular
>look up interview to try to verify anon's complaints

>> No.44044172

>Literal /a/-tier shitpost replies.
Just what I would expect from MTfags.

>> No.44044181
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>I have literally no argument

>> No.44044199

i will never understand the mtfag obsession of simultaneously wanting to be above those icky otaku yet wanting to be part of the cool kids club

>> No.44044237

Are these "MTfags" in the room with us now, anon? Can you see them? What are they saying?

>> No.44044323

either you're making up someone to be mad at and then tricking yourself into thinking that everyone is a hivemind of that person, or anyone who likes something because they think it's done well or does something slightly differently must hates "icky otaku"
either way take your meds

>> No.44044787

If you ask me, the biggest cult around here is the kagefags.

>> No.44044802

>if he only knows stuff like overlord and slime he's not any better than the average nu-/a/ fag
You are just imagining shit to be pissy about at this point anon. Btw, the isekai he mentioned loving reading was zero no tsukaima fanfiction which narou was initially popular for.

>> No.44044893

IIRC the scene in the anime is basically 1 to 1 adapted from the novel.

>> No.44044924

do those even exist
feels like that's one of those things everyone read but nobody has as a main thing to fanboy over

>> No.44044958

Yeah just did that. Deleted the files in Calibre and it auto removed the deleted chapters. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.44045064
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>> No.44045263

A recommendation for something like Silent Witch? Something without too much romance would be great.

>> No.44046190

From the synopsis it looks like someone introverted stressed out over having a lot of responsibilities only someone strong can do and there's comedy off that.
Is it?

>> No.44046686

>fat asian pedo otaku incel = bad
>pedo otaku incel BUT in a white caucasian shota body = good
what did rifujin mean by this

>> No.44047957

Yeah, essentially that. She's a witch who could use a lot of strong spells without the long chants others have to do, which makes her one of the strongest people in her kingdom, but she has severe social anxiety which makes it hard to do normal stuff like shopping or conversation except with a few close people. In fact, she developed magic without chants because she was too scared to even read the chants out loud during her lessons. The story is about her doing a mission assigned to her in addition to slowly growing as a person. Also, she's good at mathematics, which is instant love.
Nothing too complicated or deep, but a quick, light-hearted and sweet read before sleeping.
I'd say Bookworm is the closest or was the closest before it became a political mystery.

>> No.44049547

It's not that bad, honestly. The setting and the characters are cool but the story itself is normie-tier garbage.

>> No.44049763

there's no problem, >44043707 is just arguing in bad faith. It's pseudo-intelectual nonsense at best. MT isn't god's gift to LN readers but not for the reasons that anon is pulling out of his ass.

>> No.44049774

yeah i never got far into mt and i know some overzealous fans were annoying when the anime came out but mt haters seem far more insufferable.

>> No.44049796

they usually pop in here every now and then, but objectively speaking dendro and jrpg fans seem to run this place. Not complaining, i've come to appreciate the autism those series cultivate

>> No.44051113

Kinda sounds similar to strange grief, which has an MC who is actually weak but has to keep up the pretense while tardwrangling his group of really strong friends.

>> No.44052408

As a dendrofag it's weird to see it has such following here, maybe it counts as a small cult following but still, really surprising when not even HJ itself shills it.

>> No.44052444

there's two anons here who like to talk about dendro i wouldn't call that a cult following

>> No.44052555
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Just finished reading vol 1 of pic related
I was curious since it got an anime announcement and read it to see how it was.
It was pretty enjoyable so I might continue reading but I feel like I was left blueballed by the end...
Why didn't they just kiss for fucks sake!??? This is why I hate romcoms AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.44052655

>It got an anime.
Oh trust me, everyone says they hate romcoms until they make the mistake of getting invested into a drama-romance, that sort of thing can leave deeper emotional scars than any 3dpd relationship.
After a scarring you start to look at romcoms with a mentality of "haha, look at these cute dorks, they look like the perfect couple already".

>> No.44053748

Seven spellblades is what people think mobuseka/sevens is in terms of being off the meds... and i love every bit of it. This shit got wild after volume 4 and shit just keeps getting more unhinged

>> No.44054214

small but important difference, nanatsu is like unmedicated autism altogether, similar to dendro it starts off weird but reasonable and then you realize it's not going off the rails, it never had any, it just pretended to for the prologue and maybe the first arc depending on your standards, yes it's high functioning autism, but it's still autism
>BEHOLD, if everyone acts like the turbo autistic pragmatic MC of their own story, then what will we witness?
mobuseka/sevens/evil lord is medicated autism that sometimes goes off meds, because it's actually completely normal and comfy, then the author off meds and in the writing itself it comes off as the author thinking of it as normal
>fun times training with a scam artist, fun times killing space bandits, fun times killing the antagonist of the volume, fun times saving a girl somehow kept alive despite being literal minced meat for who knows how long, isn't it all so fun and lighthearted? :D

>> No.44054674

I still can't believe the marie route is getting a LN adaptation before arifureta's after story.

>> No.44054730

Literally what is the point of stories where the protag is already experienced or really strong?
The most enjoyable part of any story is the rise of the mc.
The main character should always start from scratch

>> No.44054763

dunno, depends on the story

>> No.44055002

not every story needs to be tailor made for your specific tastes. i can only take so many "grow from zero" strength development arcs before i get sick of shonen. i'd rather cut to the interesting part, which isn't the question of whether mc will succeed at doing some action, but the question of how the world will change based on that success, and if that's what was truly desired. for me the best lns follow unintended consequences stemming from mc doing whatever the fuck they wanted with their newfound power.

>> No.44055023

Has anyone read the OP LN?

>> No.44055038

if you mean 不死探偵・冷堂紅葉 it basically just came out, so not really

>> No.44055055

Not really?

>> No.44055073

i mean i haven't read it
it's also not from a noticeable author at first glance, it's a new series and i'm not sure anyone here has read the wn if there's one

>> No.44055095

added to backlog at least

>> No.44055548

Traveller was basically the second RPG ever made right after D&D and instead of starting at level 1 you generate an entire career for your character and if you don't optionally interrupt character generation most player characters start as seasoned veterans in their 40s. Zero to hero is really just one way of doing adventure stories.

>> No.44055574
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I can't believe she's fucking DEAD.

>> No.44056145
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Peak literature according to MTfags

>> No.44056249

No opinion on MT as I haven't read nor watched I just think it's funny he calls himself a ナイスガイ on the first page apparently

>> No.44056277

i think the irony is intended?

>> No.44056360

Is there a site like NU, but for en/kr/cn novels translated into japanese?

>> No.44056371

Hopefully not.

>> No.44058129


>> No.44058185

So level 9999 gacha is pretty much "what if my character's cheat power was to have my full FGO roster" then

>> No.44058223 [DELETED] 

>mahouka vol 16
How the fuck did this author managed to continue after this without getting hit by that tokyo metropolitan youth law

>> No.44058564

How good is the translation for Seven Spellblades LN?

>> No.44058699

No such thing as a good translation

>> No.44059011

The translator has actually read ahead and does a decent enough job of adapting Nanao's speech patterns so that puts him leagues beyond average shitpress output

>> No.44059372
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Why Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear LN isn't as popular as the anime?

>> No.44059725

new thread?

>> No.44060558

bump limit here is at 310 bro, you get like a full day before hitting page 10 after bump limit too

>> No.44060820

mobuseka and anoseka are also co releasing. we’re getting v2 at the end of the month

>> No.44062179
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W-what am I missing anon? From what I got by reading behind the lines, at least lil Oliver seems to be a saint when compared to the other characters, with his first thought just before the soul bonding ritual being will it hurt his mom's soul by doing so. Also, Shannon by far is the best girl ever. Hope nothing bad will happen to her. Yeah, that's impossible innit?
Nah, they took what they can. Publication matters more back than then the publishing company itself, adding that *lphapolis actually made sure to give each series manga adaptation, that does seem to be a good reason to agree with their deal. And to be honest, they do have a sound reason when making the Digest-version/axe the WN policy, since nobody would buy the LN if they have the exact same content as the WN. Hell, even Danmachi got that treatment.
Now, an actually cursed series would be Kuro no Maou and its author.
>Got published by a literal who company with almost 0 promotion
>Manga adaptation got axed after 30 chapters
>Author's second series (Jujutsushi) got a publication offer (with another literal who company), but then it get canned with only 1 volume since the company went under

>> No.44062182


>> No.44062889

I think in Japan it just straightforwardly means meek and reserved

>> No.44063023

Better than those that blast their luck out of nowhere at least like the author of lazy dungeon master.
>Got published by overlap and got one of the best artists they have on the cute/sexy side.
>Manga out almost instantly also by a good artist.
>Arrived at a time arifureta was close to ending which means overlap losing one of their big cash cows.
>Only real competition at the time was romcoms with 1-2 volumes, most of which ended up going nowhere because overlap was throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
>Perfectly on track to be the next big thing with that publisher.
>Multiple volumes of episodic SoL and blueballing later, it's gets axed.

>> No.44063210

Yeah, oliver is a nice person but I doubt you could call him a "nicest person with high moral values". At the end of the day he is just another mage who is ready to wage the world's survival (on the smaller odds at that) just for his conviction. He is no less mad than katie in that sense. Also see his talk with katie's parents.
On a side note, this is what I like the most about this author, the way he manages to bring out that subtle creepiness even in good characters

>> No.44064013

