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43989967 No.43989967 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say the Great Hakurei Barrier broke, how would religions from the Outside World react to the existence of youkai?

>> No.43990037

with sex

>> No.43990052

>how would religions from the Outside World react to the existence of youkai
I figure exactly the same they have been acting up until now. Which, if you'll remember, was sort of the primary cause for Gensokyo's creation.

>> No.43990225
File: 2.14 MB, 5564x2560, Japanese Christians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip and Tear

>> No.43990335


>> No.43990689

jokes on them, demons are just a species of youkai

>> No.43991548

amakusa 2hu will come out before mima

>> No.43995733


>> No.43996064

christianity wouldn't adapt
change my mind

>> No.43996096

Christianity has in the past and regularly acknowledged the existence of other mythological figures. Books like Enoch view them as fallen angels which taught mankind forbidden secrets in order to set them astray. A few more gnostic sects interpret the "no gods before me" commandment as one explicitly confirming other gods exist. And for Catholicism and Orthodoxy, central leadership exists to guide and help it's followers understand new developments.

>> No.43996120

They wouldn't accept any other god and youkai might just be lumped into the same category as demons

>> No.43996151

Wars would break out rapidly with people/governments learning how to harness the powers of youkai/"gods".

>> No.43996169

Yes, but that's not a part of the original statement. Christianity easily could adapt to such a revelation, certainly more than something like ayy lmaos landing. If anything it would probably attract more people to the faith if people saw things like vampires were very real.

>> No.43997246

>Books like Enoch
Isn't in Christanity

>> No.43997855

It's still looked upon favorably by many Christians, and that particular view of other beings could easily be accepted as canon. Also understand that the book not being canon does not mean the events within never happened, but that it is not seen as biblically important to the salvation of the soul.

>> No.43998933

"youkai need salvation from jesus"

>> No.43998941

Why would it adapt?
They would have youkai hunts.

>> No.43999086
File: 220 KB, 500x797, Pleydenwurff-Wilhelm-Liber-chronicarum-Nürnberg-1493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is cool with the supernatural as long as they show reverence to Jesus and are not evil.

>The sea bishop or bishop-fish was a type of sea monster reported in the 16th century. According to legend, it was taken to the King of Poland, who wished to keep it. It was also shown to a group of Catholic bishops, to whom the bishop-fish gestured, appealing to be released. They granted its wish, at which point it made the sign of the cross and disappeared into the sea.
>Another was supposedly captured in the ocean near Germany in 1531. It refused to eat and died after three days.

There is also the legend of Pope Sylvester II and 'Meridiana' the Succubus.

There was also the debate about Cynocephalus and other creatures by 9th century monks and the story of Melusine who married a French king.

>> No.43999584
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>There was also the debate about Cynocephalus and other creatures by 9th century monks and the story of Melusine who married a French king.
There's at least one Saint who is sometimes portrayed as a Cynocephalus.

>> No.43999666

You know what's weird, in touhou we know that youkai can worship gods like humans do while also eating humans casually, how would christians think of that?

>> No.44000215

Would not like or tolerate it if they're eating Christians.
Most likely purge/terminate/exorcise with extreme prejudice.

If eating Non-Christians have them repent if they were peaceful and cordial with Christanity or ship them off to fight/Crusade against enemies of Christendom.

>> No.44001067
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After a while humans would start wondering where the other supernatural nature reserves are, and may try to force them open after studying Gensokyo's barrier.
Meanwhile the Lunarians would probably be on full panic mode and prepping for another human incursion.

>> No.44001093

Why would Lunarians be in panic mode?

>> No.44001112

think of how far human technology combined with the power of youkai would go

>> No.44001314

The US would invade with fairy-human hybrids.

>> No.44001432

Outside world is inferior tech-wise, but knowledge of the supernatural levels the playing field. Imagine LoLK 2.0 as a joint Gensokyo-Earth effort.

>> No.44001785
File: 2.95 MB, 2001x1311, 094c0bbfd6ce9d9d449f38ece16b2ba6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Hakurei Barrier falls. Havoc sweeps Gensokyo as all the residents of the land are exposed to the beliefs and non-beliefs of the outside world. Some of them manage to survive and either hunker down or scatter throughout Japan and to a lesser extent the world. Reports start to pile up on youkai sightings and other strange events.At first ignored, things become too much to ignore. The existence of magic and paranormal entities is announced to the world. Mass upheaval follows. Entire books on history and scientific theories have to be rewritten. Religons try their best to adapt as millions of people turn to them. Some like Shintoism and Buddhism need little change. Others need more. It takes years for the Vatican's theologians to announce that the existence of formalized rules like magic and belief prove that God exists and set it in motion. Cults form around gods and powerful youkai. Conflicts between these cults are commonplace.

Governments of the world make secret deals with the residents of Gensokyo. In exchange for using their influence to control the narrative for them and protect them, the governments get insight into magic and the divine. These are used in top secret projects or slowly released to the public when deemed necessary.

>> No.44001796

Hold on if the gods of Gensokyo survive on the faith of humans then who created the humans? The Abrahamic god?

>> No.44004080

Alright here's how it works
>Humans start to ask themselves "who created me"
>Humans start to believe there's some divine entity who created them out there
>Suddenly that divine entity poof into existence from their faith
Apply this to everything else

>> No.44006534

if the hakurei barrier broke, the youkai would cease to exist unless there was another gensokyo-like haven.

thats the whole point of the setting retard

>> No.44008520

Explain why Yukari can go to the Outside World then retard.

>> No.44008672

they already know, the vatican archives existing since the IV century aren't just for show

>> No.44008679

I don't know how religion would react, but brother Ima do so much fucking in the name of God when I go on a crusade to colonize all those cute youkai.

>> No.44008806

yes. the first mover, the necessary non contingent will

>> No.44008834

read >>44004080

>> No.44008836

they dont need it. one astronaut and his gang (Buzz Aldrin) who celebrate a
holy communion in the moon wasted the lunarians

>> No.44008991

The Youkai's identities immediately destabilize without the barrier keeping the common sense out, with only the few youkai who can still exist in the outside managing, though even they are heavily affected.
Their power would dwindle rapidly in the face of the outside world's collective "this shit's retarded", and anyone who actually believes in Gensokyo would be considered a crackpot who needs to take their meds.
It would be a cataclysmic event for Gensokyo, killing off many of the youkai, with the survivors being changed forever, assuming that there are any. At the very least, there would be no threat to the rest of the world, since the youkai simply cannot exist there any more.
I'm not convinced she actually can. It's entirely possible she's just bullshitting because her youkai identity is dubious at best and I don't believe for a minute she's able to sustain herself in the outside world like a famous bakedanuki, oni, or goddess.

>> No.44009015

>Apply this to everything else
there was a time when mankind was not, yet existence of all thing preced us, God as the monotheist undestand it, Needs nothing, not even faith.

>> No.44009224

i think the most interesting question is would magicians, hermits and celestials be affected?

>> No.44010694

Why does she look evil in that pic?

>> No.44014583 [SPOILER] 
File: 435 KB, 1000x504, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the artist is known to be a grimsokyochad.
