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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44009945 No.44009945 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

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Previous: >>43888656

>> No.44009960
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Happy Birthday Kasumi!

>> No.44010962
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I think I already ask but surely monster strike is kamige if it’s number 1 right?

>> No.44011057

it's the only gacha that actually has fun gameplay

>> No.44011656

I go back and play it often.
Yeah no joke it's kamige. Some people might not like it, but it's generally well received.

>> No.44011880

ah yes the post gacha world... lmao

>> No.44012072

i had fun with it for a time but i got kinda tired of grinding the end game monsters for max lucks.

>> No.44013481

Finally some good news

>> No.44013519
File: 1.96 MB, 2527x826, cute Hiori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Former yuri franchise turns into a straight harem
>Even whores out their previous protagonists

It's still kinda crazy how this happened. Usually franchises turn gay instead.

>> No.44013529

>Usually franchises turn gay instead.
D'you have some examples to back this claim up?

>> No.44013532

why didn't they just make a canon futanari
fucking cowards

>> No.44013594

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. The OG trilogy were triangle love between 1 man and 2 women, and Nanoha fandisk is her literally fucking black mage Chrono into a good guy. Come anime she is all about how pretty Fate's eyes are and later ended up marrying her.

>> No.44013626

That was... 20 years ago. Some anons weren't even born.

>> No.44014067

Every farming series
Last of Us
Mary Skelter

>> No.44014132

It is the natural circle of life. The dick is just too powerful.

>> No.44014460

Happened to Key, though it's not really a franchise, more like a brand.

>> No.44017582

Snowbreak soon...

>> No.44017720

>Former yuri franchise
Never was, secondary-kun. The girls talked about boyfriends since the first Blue Reflection

>> No.44018792

>Engage Kill already dying
>BRS is doing surprisingly okay
>Even Takt had a decent start
Kisarabros, what went wrong?

>> No.44018822

Shouldn't have filled the game with old men

>> No.44018905

i dropped takt faster but i guess its getting some reworks

>> No.44019054

I'll only play if the devs would make a Girl Cafe Gun 3 in the future and publish it themselves like they're doing in Snowbreak instead of bilibili.

>> No.44019288

Is imouto Kana in Engage Kill

>> No.44021362


>> No.44021670

Her pantsu?

>> No.44022291

That I do not know, I don't play Engage Kill.

>> No.44022472
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Meanwhile in Grimoire refrain, a Dakimakura Cover as the 30K Pre-Reg reward. Did any other mobage done this before?

>> No.44022530
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And on Ange Relink, a non-voiced preview of the story.

>> No.44022581

Did they say it will be voiced

>> No.44022924

No idea. Looking at the gameplay preview, all I can guess is that the game will be "half-voiced", meaning the story is not voiced, but the gameplay will be.

>> No.44024431

>meaning the story is not voiced, but the gameplay will be.
Why? Shouldn't it be the opposite?

>> No.44024490

Look, it's my guess, okay? And also, I mentioned that the main story only to be not voiced. Maybe the other side episodes of it will, like the girls' episodes.
Besides, their first mobage was like that too.

>> No.44025242

How long until Ange EoS's?

>> No.44025702

Gundam's always been for fujoshis since the 80s, I'm surprised it took them this long to make a yuri pair
When was Pokemon ever gay though? Is it because of the reverse trap?

>> No.44028313


New WDS story preview. Will it dethrone other yuri games?

>> No.44028563

Engage Kill won and will live longer than towa shitgay. If you think "nooooo muh heckin overrated yurishit cant eos", well...think again.

>> No.44029798

Only with pantsu

>> No.44030076
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, Girl's Frontline 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there even a market for kusoges like this anymore? Nowadays if your kusoge isn't at least high-quality 3d you won't survive a year.

>> No.44031938

Even 3D games die now

>> No.44032085

2d side games have their own share of market since not every nips enjoy those graphic heavy 3d games which eat battery and turn their phones into toasters.

>> No.44032602

Black Rock Shooter?

>> No.44032604

Blue Reflection Sun

>> No.44032837

FGO still exists somehow.

>> No.44032885

i always just assume people are talking about blue reflection sun when they say brs because nobody in their right mind is still playing the black rock shooter kusoge

>> No.44032894

They hope the salarymen who played these games got a few promotions and haven't gotten married yet.
Old money and sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.44032995

lmao even

>> No.44033016

GF2 looks pretty neat, surely mogs the average jap game and even a few chink and gook ones too

>> No.44033953

EoS soon or not just yet?

>> No.44033967

With how low Re:Stage's income is every month, I'm surprised it's somehow still alive.

>> No.44034022

You mean Maeda, he's the only one who turned to yuri after writing his semi-autobiographical novel where his self insert is a lesbian.

>> No.44034087

It's revenue is currently much higher than it was at launch so they're actually doing pretty good.

>> No.44034999

transbian Maeda when? Given how easily he gets pissed off by random internet comments...

>> No.44035930

Muv-Luv Dimensions is already getting a summer event in 2 days.

>> No.44035948

It's that popular?! A stage show is probably on the horizon soon.

>> No.44037051
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Tfw Chain Chronicle is still alive after 10 years while most new Sega kusoges are failures

>> No.44037128
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ancient low budget games are broken. You can essentially just print money without ever having to hit high numbers.

>> No.44037205

this is not fair

>> No.44038828

Don't forget that the sequel Sin Chronicle was a complete flop.

>> No.44040504

And Sumika is still not in it?

How often is it that the predecessor game outlives its successor? I know SIF barely missed on doing that.

>> No.44041923

Love Live Link Love would have been kino if they bothered to put in some real gameplay as well as not make the in-app video worse quality than YouTube version. Right now the app is not earning any money.

>> No.44042130 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44043489

Nothing about Sumika yet.
I only finished the prologue for now and Yui died, but i don't expect her to stay dead for long

>> No.44043906

I completely forgot that new Love Live thing was even a thing.

>> No.44046298

Do you expect Sumika to show up one day?

>> No.44047167

game is already at rank 84, they will need to hurry.

>> No.44048001

Probably not for a long time, if the game even survive that long.

>> No.44048277

>game is already at rank 84
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.44048405


>> No.44048441
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did you go to school?

>> No.44048485

the seiyuus are cute and I want to marry the dead eyed one

>> No.44048891

I mean these things often go down soon after release so I'm not sure if being 68 this soon after release is good or not. I know if it's already in the hundreds from the start that's DOA.

>> No.44048964
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right now they seem to be following the yuru camp graph very closely

>> No.44052103

It'll 100% flop. Most of these new kusoge are all dying.

>> No.44052610

they're doing a swimsuit gacha today a week after launch, they will get rank 1 and become kamige for sure.

>> No.44053459

>swimsuit gacha and not pantsu gacha

>> No.44053784

>tak op
who asked for this shit? i watched the anime a it was forgotten and lame

>> No.44054583

It has a lot of cosplaying fangirls overlapping with Bandori fans (Roselia)

>> No.44055415

The launch was surprisingly not a flop.

>> No.44055627

i can't imagine global will be a huge success but it'll get carried by jp. or they'll just axe the global servers later.

>> No.44056227
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Do it for her.

>> No.44056358

Post her shoes

>> No.44057450

I forgot global was a thing

>> No.44060360

Will Engage Kill make it to December?

>> No.44061197
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No. After milking the swimsuit banners they will announce EOS.

>> No.44062042

Still doing better than when Groovy Mix is doing swimsuits banner

>> No.44063260

Why is it doing so badly anyway? Was Tsunako not enough?

>> No.44063385

MCs are not faceless

>> No.44063621
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Grimoire refrain begins in about a week.

>> No.44064269

404 eos itsu

>> No.44064714

Is there pantsu?

>> No.44064725
File: 100 KB, 820x852, Screenshot 2023-07-19 161651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not for a few more months.

>> No.44065155

those sales are bad enough that I think EoS has already been decided internally and they're just waiting a little to announce it

>> No.44065175

What about other games? Any that also have this internal decisions made?

>> No.44065232

literally happens every time, Sakura Kakumei decided on EoS 2 whole months before they announced it because their budget was so big it was instantly obvious they were fucked.

>> No.44065261

I am not questioning that. I am just wondering what other games we have been discussing on /mbgg/ is going to shut down soon like 404 Reset.

>> No.44065351

Is it really doing bad?

>> No.44065586

>average monthly rank of 500 3 months after launch
they won't even make their dev costs back

>> No.44065633

Should have made a mini game for each character

>> No.44065789

the producer has gone on record saying he just wanted to work with yoko taro, they don't care they burned money

>> No.44065990

Sega should just fire that guy and can that shitshow before they waste more money for his little power trip.

>> No.44067112


>> No.44067659

the characters in takt and the rearranges of the tracks are beautiful, the story's alright but im displeased about the amnesia angle
the gameplay's eh but i hope it lives

>> No.44068107
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muv luv only made it to 56 with its week 1 swimsuit event.
It's ogre

>> No.44068948

male swimsuits? mech swimsuits?

>> No.44068965

no, all females.

>> No.44069731

takt op won

>> No.44070111

its doing significantly better than i expected but im not sure if it'll be sustainable

>> No.44070174

I mean what do they even have left after swimsuits? More OC characters nobody cares about? Sumika? You gonna start putting mech pilots into maid outfits?

>> No.44070240

>You gonna start putting mech pilots into maid outfits?
Only if the mech gets a maid outfit to go with it.

>> No.44070434
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Im looking forward to the gacha world post GF2

>> No.44070495
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they did that in the dead in a year DMM gacha from 2016

>> No.44071813

I'm gonna be laughing like a madman when this shit flops

>> No.44072656

How is #56 supposed to be bad?

>> No.44073191

>the very first event of the game, week one, is a swimsuit event, telling anyone actually giving a shit about the setting and lore to go fuck themselves
>Gets literally half of day 1 sales
I'm gonna be honest, it's not bad numbers. The game is so low budget they might even make their dev costs back, despite having to develop the game twice. I'm just really, really worried about how the game will do long term, since it's been hard confirmed to carry the whole IP on its shoulders. I don't think the people in charge are okay with just making their money back. If you're a fan of the IP you even have hours of video evidence of the original creator talking about how he convinced the game director the follow the FGO/HBR content format of releasing long story chapters twice a month instead of having consistent content updates.

>> No.44073676

That one mobage that was talked about here that has black voids (forgot the name), how's it doing right now?

>> No.44074000
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https://twitter.com/destinyc_info/status/1681913352673710080 eos

>> No.44074020

Aster Tatariqus? It's not even out yet.
Seeing who's behind it, only the most insane people would try to jump into it.

>> No.44074142

wow honestly i'm impressed this game went on for as long as it did. never got into it at the start.

>> No.44074199

>Seeing who's behind it
Elaborate further.

>> No.44074217

Gumi, Aniplex and the guy who worked on Sakura Ignoramus.
See the issue?

>> No.44074221

So basically you're saying it will be another short-lived failed Aniplex mobage?

>> No.44074268

They already announced global release so they must have plenty of confidence this time, either go big or go home now.

>> No.44074300

JP is not the main server of this, what about KR/EN?

>> No.44074305

Dead too, though apparently there will be some kind of offline or memorial version.

>> No.44074741
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JP version release date. Global/EN is still later in 2023

>> No.44074831

Valiant Force 2 EoS speed run

>> No.44074931

i have a little hope for this game, looks like it could be nice but idk anymore honestly. was hoping archeland or brown dust 2 could scratch the srpg itch for me but neither of them stuck for me.

>> No.44074957

Brown Dust 2 is a glorified puzzle solver with god awful gear system and Archeland is kneecapping itself with its shitty management.

>> No.44074981

All strategy games ended as puzzles in highest difficulies.

>> No.44075330

I remember playing this game. It had great music but a boring game cycle.

>> No.44076327

game was a bit weird on top of the fact everyone already knew it was a cash grab

>> No.44076408

Yeah the devs have good ideas but they don't know how to run a game at all.

>> No.44080107

What do you mean?

>> No.44082458

Engage Kill's killing when?

>> No.44083224

Current dream gacha: 3D, cosmetic gacha only, visible panties (panties come from gacha), fully voiced story and events, all-girl cast, no self-insert, and the girls kiss each other on the lips and date each other and marry and have magic babies, good soundtrack.

>> No.44083649

this but then at a point in the story the self-insert joins the team and starts converting the girls.

>> No.44083684
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>> No.44083698

to boys? Based.

>> No.44083778

i can't believe the jp mobage industry is collapsing in just 5 days...

>> No.44083915

post gacha world ends. new era of gacha soon

>> No.44083965

WDS is going to be the first flop in a while

>> No.44083987

hasn’t every recent gacha flop?

>> No.44084002

sure feels that way. almost every mobage i've tried that came out in the past several months has ended in disappointment. the ones that i managed to have some fun with were ETE and dolphin wave lol. i also wanted to like 404 but it just kinda sucks.

>> No.44084123

Is WDS really a flop?

>> No.44084151

On the contrary Japanese twitter user is predicting that it will be the new king of rhythm gacha: https://twitter.com/ejieota585/status/1678772868530970630

>> No.44084173

Is this guy any reliable?

>> No.44084181

Yes I found it by searching グルミク サ終

>> No.44084198

Groovy Mix still hasn't shut down though

>> No.44084208

5 days

>> No.44084213

Apparently they just cancelled the monthly live events.

>> No.44084223

Is that a bad sign?

Why five days?

>> No.44085097

Groovy Mix would be doing better if it had pantsu

>> No.44085322

This but yuri

>> No.44085764


New pantsuge soon?

>> No.44086228


>> No.44089037

It better have pantsu or it will be dead on arrival.

>> No.44090410

404 had pantsu yet it was DOA. Even pantsu wasn't enough to save Engage Kill.

>> No.44090774

it has very little pantsu. you can only see the first character in the party and it’s battle mechanics or whatever you call it are the same as princess connect where each character has a certain position so if the tank doesn’t have pantsu you’re out of luck

>> No.44091556

At least Groovy Mix recovered from last month's historical new low revenue.

>> No.44091978

But is it too late?

>> No.44092007

Depends on if World Dia Star is a direct competition and if Bushiroad has new project lined up.
They bitched quitted Assault Lily Last Bullet when Heaven Burns Red which has near identfical setting made historical revenue.

>> No.44092023

Yuri Bikinis in D4DJ the day WDS comes out. Trust the plan.

>> No.44092947

Damn, WDS got very famous rabbit vtuber to shill it

>> No.44094884

I think Bushiroad just had a meltdown over Pokelabo, they also took the symphogear gacha away from them at the same time

>> No.44094897

Why? Pokelabo did nothing wrong. Klab literally killed their Love Live games and it still hasn't recovered with the new ones.

>> No.44094907

Klab got stripped of their LL games.

>> No.44095100

Will that be enough to save it?

>> No.44095170

Save it? World Dai Star is the new hegemony game. The question is how many it will kill.

>> No.44095175

I don't work at bushiroad so I can't tell you, for all I know they fucked each others wives.

>> No.44098399

The anime was a flop so yes, game is guaranteed to flop even if yurischizoid bawwwwws about it. I think it flopped harder than lapis anime.

>> No.44098772

WDS will survive if they add microbikinis to differentiate it from the competition.

>> No.44099271

Did the anime really flop? Source?

>> No.44100154

The best way to speedrun a EoS is to start catering to the yuriniggers.

>> No.44101447
File: 269 KB, 1080x1080, World Dyke Star .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy flying lesbian tits (anime)

>> No.44103541

Catering to yurifriends is the best way to keep your game alive

>> No.44103682

We shall see about that.

>> No.44104347


>> No.44105306

As if that helped Lapis

>inb4 sensei

>> No.44105877

Did WDS announce a Troupemaster yet?

>> No.44105889

Sirius troupemaster is a hag.
I think another one has another hag.
And Eden has the lesbian herself as the owner. Same as the one with no Sense.

>> No.44107845

WDS has no self-insert I believe.

>> No.44108017

2 days until WDS saves modern mobages?

>> No.44109707

There are already at least 2 faceless men in WDS. One in the ojousama card. The other one is being tackled by the tomboy.

>> No.44110019


>> No.44110026

Recent flops proved that Pantsufren are fucking useless. More useless than useless lesbians.

>> No.44110602

Which recent flops apart from 404 and EK?

>> No.44110662

That's the thing... In the first place there aren't many pantsuge and when you do get them they flop...

>> No.44110927

Maybe they flopped for reasons other than being pantsuge. BRS and DW are pantsuge and they're doing decently. EK was doomed more by how the anime wasn't very good, the game came out months after the anime ended, and it being a Square Enix mobage instead of being a console game like it should have been.

>> No.44112076

That new Closers game.

>> No.44112165

I demand evidence.

>> No.44112357
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Not again!
No event yet though

>> No.44113190
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It's not exactly a pantsuge because only the reflector/eroded forms have pantsu, everyone else is censored. at least the game has proper bikini...

>> No.44113424

Who is the left girl?

There are a few seifuku panchira shots though.

>> No.44114020

Is Reverse 1999 a mobage? Been seeing lots of news of it lately

>> No.44114408
File: 276 KB, 487x1281, Akari_Hoshizaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on the left is Akari Hoshizaki from O.N.G.E.K.I., a rhythm/bullet hell arcade game from SEGA and the third game of the Performai series (Maimai and Chunithm are the other games, hence the commonly named GEKI!ChuMai).
What you probably do not know is that this and Re:Stage! Prism Step collaborated each other, numerous times.

>> No.44114649

So is them collaborating again a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.44115203

It depends. But then again, no confirmation if they are collaborating for the mobage again for the nth time.

>> No.44116797

How the fuck is Muv Luv salerank so high?!

>> No.44117497
File: 1.14 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230724_163436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it was kind of obvious they would collab again
Re:Stage and ONGEKI Bright Memory (the latest version) already did two collabs this year and they released new cards from the arcade game like pic related into Prism Step, but there were still some ONGEKI girls who didn't have theirs added after those two events, so tmit was obvious they were going to have another collab soon to add the rest in
Not to mention in the last live event they revealed an entire new collab song between the two franchises that's still not in the game

>> No.44117695
File: 56 KB, 1054x520, dSqMMmJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muv luv bros I really don't feel so good

>> No.44117811

Good. WDS is next.

>> No.44117937

before the game launched a fan bought stocks from the new parent company so he could be a part of the digital shareholder meetings, and he was told the entire muv luv IP would be shitcanned if the game fails. He then tweeted about this at which point the original creator of he IP confirmed it's real and also tweeted about it. So now hardcore fans are paying hostage money even though the game is shit

>> No.44119523

When the fuck are they bringing out Sumika

>> No.44119568

Towa Tsugai revenue started dropping once the stage play was done. Now it's on the same level as Assault Lily. Weird.

>> No.44119770

So I guess yuri wasn't enough to save it after all.

>> No.44119788

Yurifren are saving their hard earned money for World Dai Star.

>> No.44120230

did compass anon die? where’s the post update about the new furry oc? I think it being neutral element is interesting but my new account lacks cards that have penetrate for reduce cooldown

>> No.44121140

Anons were so mean to him earlier

>> No.44121146

I'm just being lazy. Soon

>> No.44121150

Replied to the wrong post............

>> No.44121239

world dai star will flop

>> No.44121273
File: 200 KB, 1528x1016, WDS Rival Mobage .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if WDS out-gays this.

>> No.44122682
File: 157 KB, 1332x956, wds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another kusoge that doesn’t allow you to pre download data

>> No.44123965

But WDS was supposed to replace Lapis... it can't flop...

>> No.44124190

When was the last time a game that had a million pre-regs still died within a couple of years?

>> No.44124237

It only has 500k tho?

>> No.44124247

I know, which is exactly why I asked.

>> No.44124416

What game can even reach 1mil?

>> No.44125512

>released on the same day with Chain Chronicle 10th anni
It's over for the latter

>> No.44125892
File: 1.73 MB, 1796x1026, 20230725_202605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Nanigashi, the winner of the final hero design contest, has released. Until the 6th August there will be a 7-day login bonus and a hero gacha with a 6x rate for getting him.

Nanigashi is a sprinter whose dash attack applies a new darkness effect to enemies, temporarily blotting out parts of their screen.
His hero ability reduces the cooldown of all piercing-type cards and it also makes him element-less. This allows for mono-element decks and prevents enemies from doing bonus advantageous-element damage to you, however you also can't deal the same bonus damage to them.
His hero skill sends out a wave of attacks in multiple directions that deal moderate piercing damage and inflict darkness on anyone hit.

In other news, August's season will be themed on Lovey and the NieR collab will be rerun from the 27th ~ 6th.

As for hero balancing,
>Defence modifier increased from 1.25 to 1.30
>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.95
>Normal attack damage increased by 3%
>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Normal attack damage increased by 2%
>Hero action damage increased from 10% to 14%
>Activation speed of AoE cards increased by 33%
>Activation speed of barrage cards increased by 12%
>Health modifier increased from 0.95 to 1.00
>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Normal attack range increased by 5%
>Dash attack range increased by 5%
>Activation speed of AoE cards increased by 9%
>Health modifier increased from 0.55 to 0.60
>Hero action damage increased by 4%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.35 to 1.40
>Hero skill requires 7% less to charge
>Health modifier increased from 0.90 to 0.95
>Hero action charge time reduced by 0.1s
>Defence modifier increased from 0.80 to 0.90
>Normal attack damage increased by 2%
>Hero skill requires 5% less to charge
>Hero skill range increased by 1m
>Hero ability bonus range increased by 1m
>Attack range increased by 1m
>Hero skill requires 3% less to charge
>Hero action consumes 7% less of the hero skill gauge when in use
>Defence modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>Hero skill requires 4% less to charge
>Hero ability bonus HS charge increased from 15% to 16%
>Defence modifier increased from 0.60 to 0.70
>Health modifier increased from 0.80 to 0.85
>Hero skill requires 19% less to charge
>Defence modifier increased from 0.80 to 0.85
>Hero skill requires 5% less to charge

Nanigashi looks and sounds like a homosexual. It is also a national travesty that Blanche has not been buffed for eons despite the new sprinters/buffs the old ones receive.

>> No.44127664
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x675, 1668339684027294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you excited for WDS in a few hours?

>> No.44127698

is there auto? have to wageslave in two hours. I’ll probably reroll for a bit then quit and wait for next kusoge

>> No.44128487

>rhythm game
haven't touched one in months, why not.

>> No.44128499


>> No.44128592

does it give the lowest rank or based on last rank/score you got?

>> No.44128648

Who cares about winning

>> No.44129677

Did WDS save /mbgg/

>> No.44129704

Correction, auto is limited by 30 times,
probably because 0 stam = 1* reward, 1 stam = 2 * reward etc

>> No.44129729

Very mid, just like the anime. The TPS autists from /a/ will say otherwise.
But again who knows, maybe the paying JP customers like mid.

>> No.44131365

Does WDS have pantsu?

>> No.44132834

Can they afford to deal with Konami now?

>> No.44133298

UmaMusu EOS when?

>> No.44133331

WDS debut around the same sale ranking as Project Sekai!

>> No.44133834

Is Shine Post the only hope left for Japanese mobage?

>> No.44134056

I believe in Birdie Wing too

>> No.44136436

Looks like it's going to flop...

>> No.44136763
File: 9 KB, 361x51, 1676190245247651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takt flop didn't flop?

>> No.44136878

Now that world dai star flopped, whats next.

>> No.44137132
File: 1.13 MB, 1980x1438, 1676777817094171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aster Tatariqus

>> No.44137197

>black voids

>> No.44137373

Its fucking shit. Why are there accesories and CE's in a rhythm mobage? Why can't you level up your girls cards more than your own level? Literally shit decisions, if I want a rhythm one I'll just go back to project sekai for the really hard beatmaps and thats it.

>> No.44137622

Pantsu status?

>> No.44138097
File: 1.54 MB, 1081x608, 1674831592251560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel.

>> No.44138102

Uma is the same and it's one of the most profitable games on the market.
WDS is hegemony confirmed.

>> No.44138108

That's supposed to be a swimsuit?

>> No.44138124

Did Idoly Pride fine the ultimate loop hole?
>Draw panchira
>Call it swimsuits

>> No.44138134
File: 965 KB, 477x498, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44138379

I miss PTD.

>> No.44138434

It had a good run.

>> No.44138484

>pre-censored with meme darkness
Whats next next

>> No.44138750

Idolmaster Shiny Color 2 Song of Prism. Literally the WDS killer. WDS looks like a trial version for that lol.

>> No.44138852

I miss Toji.

>> No.44138875

I miss Lapis and Spyce
And everything nice

>> No.44139284

So does WDS actually have pantsu or not? The game's been out for a day and no one here has been able to answer that question.

>> No.44139328

Please play it. It's looking to topple Project Sekai as the best rhythm game. I think it may even has a chance to contend with Uma Musume.

>> No.44140020

>I think it may even has a chance to contend with Uma Musume.
lmao even

>> No.44140040

It has better, actual gameplay

>> No.44140089
File: 171 KB, 680x356, 1690028666242343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44140107

Does WDS have hornier cards than this?
It didn't even get first place. Looks like it's over before it even started.

>> No.44140112

Who is 1st?

>> No.44140127

Dunno on Appstore, but it's Pokemon Sleep on the Play Store.

>> No.44140163
File: 278 KB, 606x686, 1690447068625934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Key, Also HGBR global soon?

>> No.44140173

Is Tencent even a bad thing? I've heard that being under Tencent, whether a subsidiary or them having a stake, doesn't really mean much since they tend to be hands-off, they just want an umbrella.

>> No.44140180

When was the last time a game that ranked #1 or #2 at debut ended up EoSing?

>> No.44140182

Bad for players, good for business

>> No.44140191

Explain, I've only ever heard about their console stuff. Plus, they can't be any worse than EA or ABK can they? Or even Konami and SE.

>> No.44140195

All the time since it's the norm to be 1st in the free rankings at launch.

>> No.44140198

I guess all the yuri is just female camaraderie in the end.

>> No.44140204

They are literally Chinese EA in terms of fucking up IPs and devs.

>> No.44140382


>> No.44140401

Muv Luv

>> No.44140460

Celebrating 2nd place, world flop star...the race to eos has started

>> No.44140490

No one competes with Pokemon.

>> No.44140575
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, 1683352299625978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sen no Kiseki: Northen War and Wizardry Variants Daphne

>> No.44140600

1. It's still alive
2. It debuted at 112

>> No.44140636

I'm actually not joking. Is WDS actually going to do well long-term, or does the #2 debut not mean much?

>> No.44140681

Sleep has been out for a while already.

>> No.44140687

Can you wait a few days for more data?

>> No.44140737

I mean based on previous patterns

>> No.44140743

No data, no pattern

>> No.44140958

>I'm actually not joking
if you're revenuefagging you're already a shitposter

>> No.44141063
File: 451 KB, 1080x2982, EE1adVz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It's been 2 weeks
2. free rankings isn't sales ranking you absolute ape

>> No.44141156

Project Sekai debut around the same ranking.

>> No.44141239

This is fucking dreadful. The next Pride of Orange.

>> No.44141379

Is that supposed to be bad?

PuraOre had a worst start. Debuted at #346 in the rankings. Lapis debuted at 264 but went as high as 169 two days later before slowly declining.

>> No.44141459

Lapis had the excuse of having a sudden release.

>> No.44141500

Newfag here. Is this general really a place to discuss mobile games and not just its sales and popularity?

>> No.44141544

>Is this general really a place to discuss mobile games
absolutely not, the thread is largely occupied by /vg/ newfags who think the entire point is to revenuefag constantly and post the same shit over and over
nobody plays games here

>> No.44141546

no, here's a place to talk about EoSed gacha. you might be looking for /vmg/

>> No.44141547

There's a whole board for this.

>> No.44141577

Even Engage Kill had a better start than WDS. That's... not a good sign is it?

>> No.44141700
File: 87 KB, 1228x537, average kusoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty bad. Gachas need a good start because average revenue tends to quickly go down as you can see in for example Yuru Camp's chart. Bad start means you didn't hook as many users so when revenue stabilizes game becomes unprofitable.

And few gachas can pull a Blue Archive and actually come back from dying, WDS would need to do something unexpected like exhibitionist theater.

>> No.44141724

No, we also talk about pantsu.

>> No.44141739

And yurige, dead or alive!

>> No.44141752

No one has answered the question of if WDS has pantsu or not.

>> No.44142337

No one here has played it.

>> No.44142537
File: 719 KB, 2357x1326, 1664244134935112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone just wears black shorts.

>> No.44142560

We need more proof. What about in the acting scenes?

>> No.44142630

I'm not playing anymore but the acting scenes don't let you control the camera anyway so I doubt you can even see below any skirt in them.

>> No.44142640

I guess the only way to find out is via mods or model rips.

>> No.44143091

What does taking casual photos have to do with acting and what is the relation between the player character and the cast?

>> No.44143122

>black shorts
virtually no improvements in pantsu. idoly is the superior casual mobage.

>> No.44144825

I don't think a rhythm game can be called casual

>> No.44145016

There is no need to play wds in a post Idoly and soon post Song for Prism world

>> No.44146993

I love Mana

>> No.44146995

I love Kotono

>> No.44147001

I love Kisara as well

>> No.44147011

WDS will live

>> No.44147012

Especially alive

>> No.44147018

There are some

>> No.44147023

Imagine if PoO was still alive

>> No.44147030


>> No.44151800

Yeah anon. I'm still salty about PTD having no offline mode.
