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4399110 No.4399110 [Reply] [Original]

If I've understood correctly, Marisa is the only one in Gensokyo fighting in full power all the time while others limit their powers and follow the danmaku rules set by those who made the boundary? Doesn't that make Marisa by far the weakest inhabitant then?

>> No.4399121
File: 153 KB, 515x574, its_daze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4399125

marisa beat quite a few youkai in pc-98

>> No.4399131
File: 91 KB, 283x334, marisa-watashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4399135

It is a game where you control a loli with guns who can fly. Why does the story matter.

>> No.4399151
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That's why she requires to borrow/steal books of magic from Alice and Patchouli.

>> No.4399160

Look, I'm Marisa whoooooooosh *flies around the room* MASTER SPAAAARK!!!! *explosion* Ufufufufu~

>> No.4399164

For a human who uses nothing but hard work and guts, she's pretty damn powerful.

She could probably roast a few mid tier youkai no problem, and put up a fight for some higher ups.

>> No.4399166

Good Lord. Thank God you're not at AɳoɳTalk.com.

>> No.4399167

She beats EX Bosses that fight at their full power.

>> No.4399183
File: 359 KB, 602x850, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Reimu then? she's just a ordinary human girl too, right? she must be insanely powerful compared to Marisa, taking into account even gods obey her rules in Gensokyo.

>> No.4399192

She doesn't use her full power unless she specifically says so (see: most 5th/6th/EX bosses)

>> No.4399198

It's the yin yang orbs which do the job.

>> No.4399221

Not quite. Marisa is working to her full potential, she trains and works hard during her time off screen while Reimu fags about and drinks tea. During the duels I don't think there's a canon statement about anyone's effort level excepting Alice.

>> No.4399370


>> No.4399391

She has natural talent. Marisa has to train to do what she does

>> No.4399396

It's a word. It's a bit archaic, but it's not incorrect.

>> No.4399408
File: 364 KB, 951x1309, Medicine Danmaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Not saying Marisa is some retardedly over powered character, but she uses what she's got well. For what it's worth on the note of who puts in the effort, Medicine has been noted as a youkai who doesn't understand the concept of holding back, so Medicine was fighting at her full ability from the start. She's too simple to do otherwise.

>> No.4399486

Really? Okay then.
