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43870432 No.43870432 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465

Previous: >>43734556

>> No.43871060

I asked in a previous thread but did not receive a reply, so:
Is there a non-isekai slice-of-life LN that isn't a generic romance? Something that feels like the manga Yotsuba&! or Nichijou or Hinamatsuri?

Also, >>43870432
You should recommend another app than Librera. EPUB files, which I assume most people use, are more than just text. They also have in them CSS that is put by the publisher that tells how the text and other stuff should be arranged. Most readers that say they are 'powerful' and 'customizable' and 'feature rich' only take the text and vomit it onto the screen and have it ordered by random CSS choices that user makes. This looks bad and can lead to errors like in Zoku Owarimonogatari the reversed text, which is contained as images, will never be shown correctly in these viewers.
Recommend instead, Aldiko Next https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aldiko.android..
Or if you want to be open source, Readium Kotlin https://github.com/readium/kotlin-toolkit/releases

>> No.43871078

Anyone have COTE 2nd year 5th volume to share?

>> No.43871220

Here https://files.catbox.moe/6sk4li.epub

Btw, any guys interested in pooling money for cote 1st year artbook? Contains all the first year store special ss (and official r18 I think)

>> No.43871270

Thanks bro.
Also are you referring to the ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ トモセシュンサク Art Works?
It's on nyaa.

>> No.43871309

Not that one, this https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E3%83%88%E3%83%A2%E3%82%BB-%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B5%E3%82%AF-ebook/dp/B089NCN7MP/

>> No.43873449

i don't think LNs are a format that lends itself well to what is effectively a SoL gag manga, each volume is too much content per release to make it work
there's some that somewhat eventually devolve into that like death march but that's only after a lot of setup, and even then there's still progress in some way

>> No.43873636
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>non-isekai SoL LN
Real question, by "not-isekai" did you mean high/low/urban fantasy is also a nono or just isekai at its strictest definition?
>isn't a generic romance?
Elaborate. Is it platonic/familial love that you're looking for or "not generic" as in there's no misunderstandings, "Eh, nandatte?," and/or tsuki ga ki--*insert train sfx here*? Or were you looking for pure SoL with barely to no romance?
Anyway, (fantasy allowed): Uchi Musume, (technically) Hataraku Maou-sama, Outbreak Company, Urasekai Picnic, Spice and Wolf, Shin no Nakama, SukaSuka, Archdemon's Dilemma, and also Wandering Bitch/Elaina.
or (fantasy not allowed): ImoSae, Shomin Sample, (technically) Baka to Test, Loliou no Oshigoto, Otonari Tenshi, and anything Nisio.

To be honest, most fluffy devoid of conflict SoL series tends to die after 1 vol (like Bakarina) since they can really only work as short stories, except Shin no Nakama and Otonari Tenshi because they're pure love story first and foremost. Though there is one particular series that fits your search condition perfectly, namely 純愛陵辱 or PLIC. It's non isekai, has major SoL elements, and is definitely not a generic romance, heh.

>> No.43873711

>Real question, by "not-isekai" did you
something something "native isekai counts" something something "status screens bad"
>Urasekai Picnic, Spice and Wolf, Shin no Nakama, SukaSuka
something tells me these fall under the "generic romance" complaint

>> No.43873758

Preferably stories set in the modern world, purely SoL, but supernatural elements of Hinamatsuri is fine. But many LNs, fantasy or otherwise, just feel like a spinoff of a game or something.
Something like Apothecary Diaries is good if you're talking about fantasy.

As for generic romance, I meant something like The Angel Next Door. Hot-popular-girl-falls-for-plain-quiet-guy sort of thing. I am not looking for that. Also, hot-guy-falls-for-plain-girl too. I dropped Dahlia in Bloom and Holmes of Kyoto after 1 volume of each.

I liked the first volume of Alya, there was humour, but I dropped the third volume a couple of chapters in.

Anything Nisio is not getting translated. Monogatari is stuck on Zoku and Pretty Boy Detective Club and Zaregoto on 3rd volume. I've given up hope for that.

Which of these has an official translation?

I didn't enjoy Devil is a Part-Timer and Spice and Wolf. I enjoyed Otherside Picnic but that's very far away from what I am looking for.

>> No.43873768

>But many LNs, fantasy or otherwise, just feel like a spinoff of a game or something.
i fucking called it

>> No.43873842
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>Which of these has an official translation?

>> No.43873899

>Which of these has an official translation?

>> No.43873924

>As for generic romance, I meant something like [every single romance story ever].
What do you even want then?

>> No.43873965

GJbu is the best match I can think of. And no, there's no official tl and even fantl's stop at vol 3 I think. There's also a new LN about JK SoL from majotabi author

>> No.43873992

lots of the ones you mentioned have quite a bit of conflict or battles like shin no nakama, outbreak company, hataraku maou-sama, uchi musume
pretty sure that's not what he wants
though what he's asking for really doesn't work well as an ln in the first place, it works as a manga because even when not that much exciting shit happens you still have cute art to look at and to keep you turning the pages
but just reading 300 pages of text about "and nothing happened" is just not exciting and would die immediately, as you've pointed out

>> No.43874002

a non-isekai slice-of-life LN that isn't a generic romance and that feels like the manga Yotsuba&! or Nichijou or Hinamatsuri

>> No.43874008

Not everyone is autistic enough to learn a dead language for very little practical reasons. You should stop gatekeeping this already niche medium.

>> No.43874016

it's not really a thing, and for good reason >>43873992

>> No.43874024

I'm pretty sure this particular niche is doing fine in Japan, and that's all that matters.

>> No.43874028

yeah now try it again with less buzzwords
from what I can gather
>a non-isekai
this just means "status screens bad" >>43873768
this says nothing when most LNs have SoL segments
>that isn't a generic romance
what does this MEAN when you're excluding all romance from your definition?

>> No.43874027
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i will gatekeep the ever-living shit out of it because there's nothing worse than eops trying to discuss a story even though they've only read a fanfic-tier tl

>> No.43874036

Oh, it's you again.

>> No.43874047

now that i think about it, even fucking kuma kuma kuma bear has battles even though (excluding the isekai setting) it probably comes the closest in terms of what he wants the story to feel like with a lot of mundane shit going on

>> No.43874061

if kuma counts i'm also throwing in 賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者
it has battles yes but it's also as comfy meandering as it gets

>> No.43874070

Ok well, then tell me how to learn kanji and I'll always prefer the original text.

>> No.43874078

you don't learn kanji, you learn words
read this learnjapanese.moe
though you should go to djt if you want to discuss this

>> No.43874082

Look up a word in the dictionary when you don't know it. Repeat.

>> No.43874089

>niche medium
Lmao even.

>> No.43874093

Most translations are pretty good or just fine. You're just making a big deal out of the few that aren't

>> No.43874099

kanji is unironically the easy part
the hard part is verb/adjective conjugations and context/speech pattern meanings
MTL will help you with the kanji, but it's not going to save your ass from the latter

>> No.43874103

>Most translations are pretty good or just fine

>> No.43874105

Lmao no.
Most translations are so bad that when an actually decent translation like smartphone, dendro or TRPG come out they get praised for having the best prose ever when at best they are only above average when it comes to chuunikino prose.

>> No.43874123

you don't understand the picture
you can classify a translation as "good" (whatever the fuck that even means) as much as you want, it's a still a very different text, written by a different author, based on their personal understanding of the original text
you can make a translation feel less bad to read by e.g. making it flow well with a nice prose in the target language or trying to retain as much nuance of what the translator understood from the source as possible
but you can never make it truly accurate, it's just not possible, simply due to how a translation is produced

>> No.43874147

first you get that hunger after hitting the last translated chapter on something you REALLY like
then it comes the MTL cope after you learn to look up the original japanese name of whatever you were reading
then you realize the translation you were reading is barely any better than edited MTL
then you end up with either a hover dictionary of constantly pasting things on jisho to get exactly what something means or to try make sense of out MTL gibberish and end up learning some kanji
then you start realizing a lot of meanings even in official translations are made up
then you start learning conjugations, ending particles, role language, and so on, because may as well
then you realize almost no translation actually translates those things properly, if at all
then you start going back to things you already read out of curiosity
and that's when it hits you what was dead boring monotone with basic prose in english and whose only interesting parts were "spiced up" by the translator actually have depth with the dialogue context and decent prose in the original, and all of it got lost in the translation

>> No.43874148
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Aw damn anon, you're making this hard for everyone.
>spinoff of a game
Then there's no need to worry, the fantasy series I recommend barely has any game elements. At most there's things like Uchinoko/Musume's "fire magic goes boom" or Shin no Nakama's Job/Occupation at worst, though it's a central part of the plot for the latter so it shouldn't be taken as a game element.
>Generic romance
Should I take that as you also wouldn't like something like Oregairu/SaeKano/Bunnygirl Senpai? But you like Alya and (assumely) Monogatari etc., that's honestly kinda iffy. I'll just take it as you only want mostly platonic series.
The best thing that should meet your conditions though should be ImoSae, Baka to Test, Archdemon's Dilemma, Uchi no Ko/Musume, and Shin no Nakama. All of them (bar Baka to Test) has pretty much pre-established relationship from the get go and is pretty much just fluffy SoL of friends/family/lovers goofing around with barely any relationship dramas. Loliou should also barely falls into your conditions, but vol 5 above goes quite heavy in the romance department, while Elaina definitely fits your conditions, but I would personally not recommend it unless you like glorified sociopaths as mc (and not like CoTE's brand of sociopaths to boot).
>official translations
Oh are we finally doing this again? This makes the JNCfag/Steiner worshipper within all of Dendrofags happy (probably)! Cmon anon, practically everyone here agrees that every TL is shit, be it official, MTL, FanTL, etc. For official translations, there's probab--scratch that, there's only JNC that's worth throwing your money at. So really, you shouldn't give a damn for quality if all you can do is read other's translations, seriously. Though I already anticipated that, so you can rest easy since every LN I stated before has an official TL, except Baka to Test (try Baka-Tsuki instead).
Exactly, that's why I just treat something with major battles every 3-5 vols as "no conflict at all," heh. It'll massively reduce the amount of recommendation otherwise, even if the SoL part is significant enough.
Hey, searching around the deep dark Nipponese spoopy history with your Yuribuddy is definitely not a generic romance mmkay? What, next you'll be saying JK Haru is a pure love story? Though that's technically not untrue, only pure love and overwhelming lust for the big Not!Geralt cock would allow you to travel down Anor Londo of Certain Death in the Dark Forest of Eternal Damnation with only your panties just to fuck the demon lord like a hooke--Usain Bolt on steroids.
Pic related. We just recently got this.

>> No.43874417

>that image
i'm glad i started learning japanese over a decade ago so i don't have to deal with any of this bullshit now
that goes beyond the usual fanfic levels, that's just an abridged parody

>> No.43874596
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>while Elaina definitely fits your conditions, but I would personally not recommend it unless you like glorified sociopaths as mc

>> No.43874632

wtf i thought this was cute and comfy like mira's novel

>> No.43875177

>Claims to be superior moonrune reader
>Still looking at official TL's for some reason
Really makes you think.

>> No.43875233

Those privileged need to look at how bad other people have it every once in a while to really appreciate it.
It's also good dark comedy sometimes.

>> No.43875246

In fairness, I heard a bit about nukitashi's utterly disastrous TL too and I don't even care for the game.

>> No.43875806

The last localized volume of the Spider LN volume 16 was out on 20th. Any Torrents?

>> No.43875978

>This makes the JNCfag/Steiner worshipper within all of Dendrofags happy (probably)!
I'm just happy they picked up infinite gacha, it's pretty kino for a "just desserts" story, I'm not even one of those revengefags that seethe over the MC not going full murderhobo and praise something when they do (though light certainly is revengesexual), I just enjoy the monumentally glorious dabs on jobbers.
Sucks I can't find the raws online, I would just read that otherwise, the LN expanded the WN a lot too.
Is anyone else reading it and willing to share the raws? The name length is ridiculous but it's:

>> No.43876016

>>spinoff of a game
>Then there's no need to worry, the fantasy series I recommend barely has any game elements.
From my experience, those that complain about "game systems" are just looking for things to be mad about and will call basically anything a game element.

>> No.43878449

you mean kumo desu ga?

>> No.43879791

Is it THAT bad? Does it get worse than what that image shows?

>> No.43880983

It gets worse

>> No.43883599

Love reading while drunk, hate wasting good books because of that. Might unironically stop drinking because of this.
Another option would be to find a series that I don't enjoy while sober and can stomach while drunk but at that stage what's the point

>> No.43883852

what's wrong with just reading it again while sober?

>> No.43884174

i might read bear bear bear kuma this way

>> No.43885261

Rereading COTE, on 7.5 of first year and I still get frustrated seeing Horikita covering for Kushida just because they're classmates.
Really don't get it at all.

>> No.43885467

>Shit meme that excuses bad translation
You act like it's not possible for a translation to be overseen directly by the source. if the Authors/publishers cared more about their works being translated accurately, they'd either do it with no middle men or have the licensers submit their work for review. That wont happen so naturally the best way to avoid fanfics is to learn jp. But if accurate translation weren't possible, no one would be able to learn multiple languages regardless of their difficulties (which is funny because some regulars love to point out how quickly they learned jp)
If horikita is actually gay for kushida, it wouldn't surprise me. Though brocon kino would nice too.

>> No.43885659

Lol, just wait for 天啓 horikita and the accompanying seethe

>> No.43885820

Would be funny if Kushida gets Sudou expelled or something.
I would laugh at the Horikita seethe.

>> No.43885848

part of the problem is english is a bad language for chuunikino in the first place
there's like 6 main "tones" in my opinion when it comes to this
>that ultra grandiose tone where two people are in conflict (not necessarily a fight, but it almost always is) and are throwing the full weight of their souls at each other
>that absurdly sugary tone you get with romance or romantic-ish scenes, which can make even the most jaded men giggle and fidget like giddy schoolgirls
>that ominously tense tone that can only be described as "oh shit, oh fuck, oh no, fuck fuck fuck" but in excruciating slow motion
>that "unbreakable", "reversal" or "ENTER" scene where you can hear the OP song start to play (spiritually if there's no anime adaptation yet)
>that moment when a jobber is so hopelessly outmatched, either in combat or in a scheme, and the seconds are counted before they realize it and have their own "oh fuck" moment of sheer despair
>both dark and dry comedy, or honestly just comedy in general
i have almost never seen any of them get translated properly, it almost always comes off as just cringe in english instead, even if it's a "proper" translation
and in my opinion this is one of the primary benefits of being proficient at japanese, really "getting" this sort of thing
i know it's tiring to suck JNC's and steiner's dick in particular yet again, but the only translations i have seen in recent memory that do a good job at making that come across well are dendro, TRPG, and smartphone of all things, and all of them are JNC translations
but even those aren't perfect and the awkward language used to make it happen does detract from it somewhat, especially when the TLs lose the text-furigana multi-meaning coolness like 99% of the time
to this day the level of epic, for the lack of a better word in english, felt on beat drops like the very first usage of 応報は星の彼方へ (ペイバック・オーヴァー・スター) in context is incomparable to just calling it "Payback Beyond the Stars" in english, it's just not the same

>> No.43885910

good morning i hate cuckold explorer

>> No.43885922

wasn't this ritualpost over lazy dungeon master?

>> No.43885930

Fuck off back to /a/

>> No.43885941

It's a shame nanami is trapped in such a shit series.
And I say this as someone that defends almost anything with more than 3 volumes as long as it's not too shitposty, yes even stuff like her majesty's swarm.

>> No.43886296

While i disagree, Nanami definately is best grill. All the girls are likeable but her and Nee-san have the most personality and banter.

>> No.43886344

>But if accurate translation weren't possible, no one would be able to learn multiple languages regardless of their difficulties
that's like saying being able to play both the piano and the flute means it's possible to accurately port music from one instrument to the other, you're plainly insane

>> No.43886445

Stupid fucking analogy
Reasonable take. Drawbacks aside, if jnc translation were standard/commonplace, you would see far less complaints. Not perfect(nothing is really), but accurate. Also dont forget the southern drawl tone used anytime kansai dialects are involved. ughh....
You shut your whore mouth, Sudou needs to get that tomboyussy

>> No.43886467

>Also dont forget the southern drawl tone used anytime kansai dialects are involved. ughh....
I meant the reverse
Kansai > redneck

>> No.43886493

I haven't read the raw but Andrew Cunningham's translation of 七つの魔剣が支配する felt adequately chuunikino to my dekinai ass

>> No.43886529

that guy is in a similar boat to steiner and dendro or quof and bookworm in that he seems to be an actual fan of the series outside of just cashing a check, he actively reads new volumes as it comes out and posts his impressions on twitter.
both passion and knowledge of the work in question can go a hell of a long way.

>> No.43886561

I'm of the opinion a huge part of the reason JP to EN translations are so bad is intentional sabotage to discredit JP/otaku media in the west.
There's no other reason why would translators of the "I'm FIXING the original with my changes!" opinion are so commonplace.

>> No.43886577

>Stupid fucking analogy
it's an accurate analogy
1:1 translations are impossible, the best you will get is absurd gymnastics to make the chuunikino sound halfway good, like trying to make a trumpet sound like a piano through absurd gymnastics and post-processing

>> No.43886608

>if jnc translation were standard/commonplace, you would see far less complaints. Not perfect(nothing is really), but accurate.
i disagree, anyone autistic will just learn japanese regardless, anyone that doesn't care is not reading the LNs to begin with
there's this small group of people that exists with
>the curiosity to care, if only to know what happens next after the anime season ended/they caught up with the manga
>but not interested enough to actually learn japanese (something something muh dead language for very little practical reasons)
that group of people would stop complaining about prose and there would be slightly more respect towards LNs, but let's be real, in the west they are going to be dismissed as "slop for weebs" regardless
at least it would stop these threads from being 30-60% complaining about translations

>> No.43886651

no it's retarded, music and language are two inherently different things. The absence of some japanese words in english doesn't make translation as a whole an inherently flawed process, stop being purposefully daft.
Now this i can buy. Comedy LN or anything on the degen side get hit the worst. I too use to give think it was just a translation thing until i became aware of just how altered Kage jitsu was. Turns out the schizos in /a/ were actually right for once.
>that group of people would stop complaining about prose and there would be slightly more respect towards LNs,
But here's another possibility, that group could get invested enough to learn jp and read ahead thanks to the increased respect for the medium. But yeah western perceptions also play a part here, fucking burgers.
honestly the translation complaints come and g based on the last couple threads i was on. I like to think we all agree learning jp is the best course of action.

>> No.43886673

Music, math and pain are the only universal languages, and I'm not so sure about math.
Every living being can enjoy music.
Every living being can feel pain.

>> No.43886715

Both of these are wrong tho

>> No.43886718

Regardless of whether i agree, this was pretty deep i respect that anon.

>> No.43886723


>> No.43886734

How come none of you told me about ご主人様とゆく異世界サバイバル!This shit is the bees knees! Ogre is best girl

>> No.43886927

Anything with comedy heavily suffers when translated, not only you have people trying to "spice it up" to try make the next konosuba, jokes and general tone from abridged parodies keep making their way into translations.
Mind you, those parodies were already clearly made without respect towards the original, and yes maybe team four star which popularized the trend had some respect towards the original media they parodied, but that's not true for the copycats that would follow after, most of those are fully made with a "I can fix this and make it actually good" attitude.
And LN translations are not the only ones to suffer from this, if you hate yourself enough to watch english dubs of anime you will find these days they are simply official abridged parodies pretending to be proper translations.
I don't know if it's just burgers, but the primary issue with english translations is people thinking "This is generic schlock for weebs and you can't convince me otherwise, therefore it doesn't deserve any actual effort, therefore I can fix it and make it actually good because it was shit anyway." which then gets perpetuated by those that eat that up saying "Yeah it was shit anyway, fixing it is based.", which also may be part of the reason why so many are perpetually seething over translations.
Once you see it you can't unsee it, a huge chunk of those that engage with otaku media through translations (EOPs) are of the attitude "This is all trash, but I'm consuming it anyway. Anime is trash and so am I, amirite?", so I heavily doubt actually good translations would get them interested enough to learn JP, it would just be like the early 10s or late 00s where people saw "the animes" as just either edgy and juvenile, pretentious, basically porn, or all three.

>> No.43887112
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>> No.43887140

>The absence of some japanese words in english doesn't make translation as a whole an inherently flawed process
It is more than the non-availability of specific vocabulary anon. See the "langue" and "parole" concept in linguistics. Translation IS inherently flawed, more so when the langue and the parole used to express it differs in their origin. And this is completely an empirical observation but I never saw a single instance of perfectly translated work (excluding single sentences and short essays) from my native language to english or any other language I know.

>> No.43887230

what is that, sell it to me.

>> No.43887274

I feel like a lot of the problems come from even "official translators" not being good at Japanese at all.
For a quick example, imagine the words fire, burning, blaze, ignition, incineration, scorching, combustion, you get the point.
As an English speaker if I say "the idiots got burned" and "the foolish swine got devoured by the conflagration", the latter is going to sound way heavier in context.
Not only that but it's likely it will get translated as "they played with fire and got burnt" nowadays, or an even worse quip I can't even imagine.
Now what if I say, 火、火事、火気、焼却、焼き払う、烏有に帰す、焼き尽くす and so on? If you check on a dictionary they all sound like slight variations of the same things, but with the example above I think you can guess that's not the case.
Some ways to say something are simply rarer and carry different subtext than what a mere dictionary shows, this I think is one of the reasons prose in 99% of translations is so monotone.
Bringing up Kagejitsu is a good point because it's a prime example of this, the language, choice of words and general manner of speech the MC uses as Shadow is so dramatic and so over the top, so exaggerated with self indulgence in it's grandiosity and poise that I'm not even sure it's possible to write it out properly in English without resorting to simply sprinkling in Latin or German to simulate the exotic factor.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg, a lot of the comedy and even the world-building and character interactions themselves rely on master-servant or leader-underling 役割語 that simply does not work in English.
Not only the shades alone have like five different ways they address Shadow across all of them, not only it relies on Cid talking to them like they are friends while they talk to him like he's god himself gracing the earth and him playing the part as Shadow, but Japanese to English translators are allergic to all of this and would rather """localize""" it or remove it altogether, if they even notice it.
Honorifics alone are enough to give them allergic reactions, even basic 役割語 is going to fly over their heads, because god forbid aspects of another culture through language actually get acknowledged in something released in English.

>> No.43887297

guy gets isekai'd with minecraft powers (also rust and other survival games)
guy mindbreaks everyone with minecraft logic that just werks, including infinite water sources and more
guy is a pushover and gets swept up in a war, but the story is mostly a comedy
guy fucks pretty much every single female that gets introduced
and by that i mean guy gets raped by pretty much every single female that gets introduced

>> No.43887327

Yuri Tama, Dorkness, Instant Death Cheat, and Wild Last Boss are all comedies and I don't think they read anything like spiced up abridged parodies. I think your just reading shit comedies.

>English dubs
Unironically the scripts for English dubs are not written by anybody who speaks a lick of Japanese, they're written by original English writers whose job is to adapt a translation given to them by the actual translators into something that both fits the lip flaps and is something the dub actors can voice without sounding weird.

>> No.43887360

This is exactly what i was getting at. A process with varying accuracy rates based on independent variables can still yield highly accurate results (which is why saying that something that doesn't give 'perfect results' is inherantly flawed is moronic to me).
But none of that fucking matters when the processors decide to fuck shit up. Power/eminence in shadow becoming 'shadow broker' is not a lost translation issue, that is conscious choice.
Picked the fuck up. Sounds like the mc is just going with the flow and i can use a comfy comedy.

>> No.43887367

i wouldn't call instant death non-shit when it's very much a shitpost, even in the original japanese
it was "fine" until the battle royale ended, good even, then it nosedived vertically and never recovered

>> No.43887391

>there's this small group of people that exists with
anon that "small" group of people is big enough to be a profitable business that shitpress have been making bank off since 2011 now
it's not the age of tokyopop anymore

>> No.43887407

I just mean that the translation doesn't try to overblow it into a konosuba meme and lets the comedy speak for itself. Same with Wild Last Boss.

>> No.43887416

oh right we were in the middle of seething over translations, i forgot for a moment
actually haven't read the TL for that one so consider what i said retracted if you want

>> No.43887425
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1080, 6cb78699-2da8-40aa-b9e7-b8e5c965953e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being obsessed with konosuba
read books and be happy

>> No.43887455

Fuck off myne. Come back when you stop looking like a reptilian wearing human skin in the anime

>> No.43887463

Feels really weird the same author apparently wrote that and 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので too, they feel way too different.
If you liked that one you will also like 目覚め but I can't say the same the other way around.
But still, space adventures, what's not to like?

>> No.43887468 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 860x1221, 1687782624400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Spoiler for the end of volume 7 of 公女殿下の家庭教師)
So how are they going to spin this so that all this bitch needs is Allen's headpats to cure her autism
I mean the series so far is so allergic to anybody actually dying even in full blown war so I can't see her getting killed.
Shit, is the actual ghost of Linaria Etherheart the literal only character who has died so far?

>> No.43887473

>Volume 7
Shit I meant *volume 8, sorry.

>> No.43887480

>pseudo reverse rape
You son of a bitch, I'm in
Is the sexo censored in the LN or is it the same WN or LN?

>> No.43887503

>volume 8 of 公女殿下の家庭教師
wait isn't that one over the 10+ mark already

>> No.43887504

It's at volume 14 but I'm reading a translation

>> No.43887512

don't remember
i remember the scene with some harpies was sex through wink and nods so hard it was almost explicit but wouldn't get my hopes up for anything aside from fade to black if i were you, sadly

>> No.43887541

you got really lucky
actually it may be a bit too "degen" for shitpress so i don't know why i'm even surprised
which girl is your favorite though?

>> No.43887601

might be a soulless answer but Alice

>> No.43887960
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To elaborate the slightly detached sword girl burdened with a duty to a cause or code has been my crack ever since Saber.

>> No.43888024

Wouldn't really call that soulless.

>> No.43888505

>七つの魔剣が支配する vol 3
The first 2 vols are average, but this one's great, mostly due to ophilia. Also I reconfirmed that I am a sucker for melodrama.
And I am repeating it again, but the audiobooks for this series are fucking great. If any anon's looking into this series and don't mind listening to audiobooks, please give that version a try first

>> No.43888886

>目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船で傭兵として生きたい or something like that
I really wanted to read that one but couldn't find epubs I might cave and buy it
Will share if I do

>> No.43888924

alternatively you could use the ones i bought



>> No.43889094

Oh hell yes, saved and thanks

>> No.43889681

Any recommendationsof LN's with classic tsundere main heroine? Non isekai works are preferable.

>> No.43889764

zero no tsukaima

>> No.43890020

already read it

>> No.43890201

read it again

>> No.43890239

I finished it like a week ago, lol

>> No.43890366

did you read it in english?

>> No.43890844
File: 94 KB, 487x677, Dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that hits you if you saw her change? From the top of my head there's Toradora, TADA BANRI, Hidan no Aria, (technically) Ben-To, Bahamut, Shana, Asterisk, Rakudai Kishi, Rokudenashi, Index, Taimadou Gakuen, Loliou, Haganai, and Oreimo. Damn, there's a lot.
For me it's アイのカタチ getting translated as Forms of Love that disappoints me the most, even if it is factually correct. The actual context behind the title is pretty deep, even if it's quite a simple pun that even a dekinai can catch on quickly. The arc as a whole has
>a yandere that falls in love with someone with 0 interpersonal relationship
>a (soon to be) schoolshooter reminiscing the past with her childhood hero
>multiple contrasting thoughts between "organic" vs "inorganic" AIs
>longing of both types of AIs towards their Masters and the steps they're willing to take to fulfill their promise
>the yuri Not!Hitler empress' pure love towards Not!Seibah, to the point of making split personalities just to preserve their memories together
>the platonic love Not!Seibah felt towards Not!Hitler
>the Maiden's love towards her oblivious Master
>the Apostle's devotion towards his full-time yandere Master
All around one the best arcs in Dendro.

>> No.43890866

I like it. only annoyed by how lazy the author is about introducing modern technology, the main character basically just describes something and the fantasy world people invent it using "golem" magic and then everybody's got golem radios and golem cars.

>> No.43891387

Kind of funny, I didn't particularly care much for Ophilia and thus I preferred the first book the most out of the first three. Overall, I liked the second year much better though especially book 5. That was, dare I say, pure kino. I should stop slacking and get back to reading 7 again.

>> No.43891949
File: 1007 KB, 2048x1453, 3242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also listening to the audiobooks here
vol. 1, 2, and 4 were great
3 also wasn't my cup of tea because, well, i actually hate melodrama and endless flashbacks as a plot device
which is also why i also wasn't a fan of vol. 5. the battle in it was pretty good but i fucking hated when that couple who was part of oliver's troupe suicided during it fuck
i should also get back into but i'm currently re-listening to 世界最強の後衛

>> No.43891975

I'm interested in it but I read somewhere that almost every problem is solved by hunting a monster or something like that

>> No.43892011

It's a bit of a writer's dilemma there. You can't just have the Oliver crew have a flawless victory. That would be lame. But it's also way too early in the series to kill off a major character of course. So the compromise is to have some side characters, develop them a little bit, and then kill them off. Predictable, sure but realistically the best option you have in that situation.

>> No.43892025

i mean that's kind of the point of the setting
enter dungeon with party, hunt monster, level up and get better gear, rinse and repeat
i really enjoy the way it's told because it puts a lot of focus on character interactions rather than just saying "and then this happened and then that happened", and a lot of the tropes that are used have good in-universe explanations

>> No.43892305

>second year
Halfway through vol 4 but what is this sudden focus on sex, lol. But yeah, it feels like author's found his groove from this vol so looking forward to the later story

>> No.43892821
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Downloading now....but why is it is the SF catergory? This is fantasy, right?

>> No.43892833

anon-kun, do you really not know that when they say SF in Japanese, it doesn't actually mean scifi?

>> No.43893556

In japanese
The one that starts as a cunt but goes full dere in later volumes.

>> No.43893694
File: 10 KB, 52x429, 1682456242897402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought of these as an visual bug or something but they're showing up in my e-reader on books that I gave up looking for and actually bought.
Is there a meaning for these commas that I just don't know of?

>> No.43893695

二度転生した少年 is probably the best example i know of a classic tsundere in modern times but it's exactly the thing someone complaining about isekai would call native isekai instead
there's also 冰剣の魔術師が世界を統べる but the heroine didn't start out as a cunt so i don't think it counts, still pretty good regardless

>> No.43893706

Pretty sure that's the equivalent of bold+italics, it's meant to sound impactful.
Just dots is just bold.

>> No.43893786

can't really underline things in vertical text, and maxing kanji bold just makes them harder/impossible to read, so this is the next best thing

>> No.43893852

Interesting, never really thought about that although to be honest it looks really ugly / out of place

>> No.43894073

I'm going to assume you want something that is:
>Girl starts as a cunt, goes dere later.
>Not too old, you likely already know the usual kugirie stuff.
>Preferably as recent as possible.
>That doesn't FEEL like isekai/native isekai/whatever is the buzzword now to not trigger the Pavlovian conditioning.
If so, you're in luck.
This starts as hidan no aria but not quite, which actually is yet another entry in the genre of "dude enters magic combat academy and meets a girl by peeping on her accidentally while she was in a state of undress, she forces a duel to try make him a slave, only to lose and have that turned on her instead", which may sound incredibly specific, but trust me it's fairly common, especially if you count slight variants of that formula.
And like I said, you're in luck because almost every entry on that genre has a main heroine that's a complete cunt at the start and goes dere later.
Yet another entry in the genre I will not repeat for brevity, this time she's blonde, but maybe it's a bit too "isekai" due to it's gimmick, can't be helped.
Another one that will feel "older thus gooder" rather than "new thus isekai", and yes it's also part of this genre.
I joke around but it's one of my favorites in this genre, I do recommend it unironically.
But enough jokes, I don't want to make it sound I'm recommending shitposts.
Can't say much without spoilers, but both are also part of the battle academy genre.
Isekai, recent and not battle academy but the first girl is exactly what you're asking, and the MC capitalizes on it and takes advantage of the situation to boot, because he's an asshole, and also insane, but not dense to love at least.
Another recent one, and while it is battle academy on paper it really isn't, half-isekai but it will probably feel like it is anyway, but the red yuusha fits the classic tsundere definition like a glove, unsurprisingly she's also best girl in my opinion.
Another recent one, fully isekai, this time the girl doesn't fully fit the definition of classic tsundere completely, but doesn't take much definition stretching to make her count, because she is in fact, kind of a little shit.
Yet another recent-ish one, not isekai but will feel like it for someone who considers that a negative, at first glance it will read like a parody shitpost (which may be a good thing for some!) but trust me it has a lot of old battle academy DNA once you keep reading, if you're one of those people that yearn for the "battle harem era" to come back, this is the one for you.

>> No.43895043

It's a cultural thing I guess, I never found it weird or out of place.

>> No.43896544

in japanese SF includes magitech, and let's be real most sci-fi is magitech regardless of the technobabble dumps made to try justify it
for something with the apple or halo aesthetic you need to explicitly look at stuff with a premise related to space, spaceships or mecha

>> No.43898084

>liking tsun
but why

>> No.43898729

Just a thought, but is godfrey a tribute to kimetsu's rengoku? His personality and powers are too similar, and there's his nickname too

>> No.43899281

>i actually hate melodrama and endless flashbacks
fair warning, volume 6 and 8 are are also based around side characters whose autisms are revealed through flashbacks

>> No.43902067

>vol 5
Who would have thought that protag's failed comedy acts are not a gag but a foreshadowing. And that the book's genre is actually lovecraftian horror, which is a plus for me

>> No.43902120

Looks like the maximum number of audiobooks audible japan lets you download until you eat a temporary (?) lockout is ~150 in a day.

I can still listen to stuff on the website and in the app, so I don't think it's a full ban

>> No.43902154

What did you use to download? When I signed up I used OpenAudible to download like 500 books in one day and no one cared, though that was like 1.5 years ago.

>> No.43902743

Does anyone have the WN Raws for 転生しちゃったよ (いや、ごめん) ?

>> No.43902765

I feel like an idiot, but I can't seem to find it. Are there any sites which keep syosetu backups?

>> No.43902967

Libation ( https://github.com/rmcrackan/Libation )

>> No.43903300

they're going to announce the arifureta after ln this month
i can feel it

>> No.43904034

why would you need help finding the WN, did the author get kicked off normal narou for sex and kicked to noc-
of course

>> No.43905410

Should I start with what I want to read or with simple stuff when starting to learn japanese? I'm basically an EOP.

>> No.43905528

familiarity > enthusiasm

>> No.43905604

if you suck at reading and are afraid to take the plunge with a full series consider reading sort ero shitposts on novel18.syosetu. nothing is more compelling than autistic fetishes.

>> No.43905637

What you want to read

>> No.43905957


>> No.43906149

Somewhere in between. Start with the easiest looking stuff among what you want to read, preferably a manga

>> No.43908109

the paradox is to find those you need to be decent at japanese already, narou/nocturne is a bitch to browse otherwise

>> No.43909123

read kagejitsu then reread it every year. not only will your japanese improve but you'll also become really cool.

>> No.43910110

Someone uploaded 七つの魔剣が支配する 9-11 epubs on nyaa a few days back and 6th vol is on dlraw. So does anyone have 7 and 8 epubs? Please?

>> No.43910143

just use google translate to browse

>> No.43910893

why is the resolution on the images in some epubs so poor that you can't read the text in them

>> No.43913924
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 51LZp8mDWOL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strange pick

>> No.43914771

It's getting a new anime soon

>> No.43914914

how the fuck does sao not have audiobooks yet

>> No.43915193

I left it alone for a day and was able to continue downloading now, so it wasn't a ban

>> No.43915203

akshually it was in fact a 1 day temp so it does count as a ban, if only temporary

>> No.43915402

Pardon my newfaggotry, but how do you get the japanese title of a series? Manga aggregators rarely have it now, and I assume it's the same title for the original LN version.
And if it's not on NU I don't know where or how to find it.

>> No.43915965

? novelupdates has always had the original title under "associated names" and usually the blogs it linked to would have the full original title somewhere as well.
there's also wikipedia which i'm pretty sure tells you the full original title in it's opening paragraph when describing the work.

>> No.43915982

List sites like mal or anilist

>> No.43917742

it doesn't?
what the fuck

>> No.43921466

I've been looking for some comfy isekai LN's/WN's for a while now. I've read most of the obvious ones, are there any hidden gems out there?

>> No.43922504

by obvious ones you mean 異世界のんびり農家 and 転生したら最強種たちが住まう島でした among other slow life stuff?
if not, that's a good starting point

>> No.43922537


>> No.43922567

kys spammer

>> No.43922597

define obvious

>> No.43922802

define spammer

>> No.43922998
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1532, dark hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mitsuha is the best dark hero.

>> No.43925082

touzai art is so good

>> No.43926495

Not sure he was looking specifically at slow life stuff, general SoL is also comfy.

>> No.43928518

I didn't know about the Second One. Looks Interesting! Thanks!
Anything decently popular.
Yeah I really enjoyed Peaceful Hero. Slow life stuff doesn't really scratch that itch for me. Not interested in that particular genre.

>> No.43928547

The problem I've had is that the stories I enjoy tend to be in a very limited range. I've recently read Allison and It's sequels (Lillia and Treize, Meg and Seron, One Continent) and Kino's Journey by the Same other. They are similar to what I'm looking for. (All of them are pretty amazing!)

>> No.43928564

I've read Kawakami Minoru's stuff too. I've finished Owari and have begun to sink my teeth into Horizon. Finished the first two volumes, and I feel like getting a small break before moving onto the next one. It's why I was looking for something a little more niche to read.

>> No.43929482

>七つの魔剣が支配する vol 9 and 10
Every fucking person in this series got a few screws loose in their head lol.

>> No.43929633

Considering how the Authors previous work ended. I'm can't help but be cautious about getting too attached to any of the Characters.

>> No.43929719

I'm not complaining but it feels like half the thread is reading this series (that's including me).

>> No.43929868

Half of those responses are me lol. Actually if you think that some of the recent threads felt like reading clubs for specific series, most of the replies there too are probably mine. This is the only place I can talk about my reading experience. I generally visit series specific threads on 5ch too but they tend to be either too slow or too much of a stagnant community that continues shitflinging over the same topic for years. Don't even need to talk about /a/ or japanese learner discord groups

>> No.43930119

is isekai mistress over or on hiatus?

>> No.43930531

And it's amazing.

>> No.43932139

LuCaZ-kun... osoi desu...

>> No.43932291

Also throwing in 異世界で手に入れた生産スキルは最強だったようです because the red girl is cute.
Not slow life but it's comfy.

>> No.43932327

i dunno what the fuck comfy is supposed to mean if not slow life.

>> No.43932537

As in no drama and protag is never put into any real tense situation.

>> No.43932880

I have a couple guesses.
>Plot that is not stressing, there's close to no risk of the author going "that's it, everyone fucking dies or suffers, maybe both".
>Casual journey stuff like death march or tondemo skill, with varying levels of "epic" stakes for a volume climax, but ultimately primarily SoL with some boss fights like isekai smartphone at most.
>Actual slow life stuff like nonbiri, maybe with some steaks but nothing too spicy.
>Not grindmonke stuff, those are anywhere from actually stressing to exhausting to read depending on how immersed you get, an MC running on the knife's edge for half the volume and doing training, setup and planning the other half is the opposite of comfy, regardless of how many times hajime stealthily fucks yue.
>Not primarily plot driven, something like kagejitsu may have an overpowered MC and then some, with the chances of him losing when he gets serious being astronomically low, and may not have a depressingly bleak and grimdark tone either, but it's hardly slow paced or relaxing in spite of the comedy.
>No autism overdose, this when an author takes grindmonke stuff and makes every character do it, a full room of boiling kettles ready to blow up in drama and other kinds of conflict, dendro and seven spellblades may have what counts as SoL moments, but part of the point is seeing the chaos unfold which could and likely will put the status quo at risk.
>No senki, probably obvious but given the tensions of war is pretty much the point, that's not exactly comfy either, doesn't help senki tends to have a high suffering quotient in some cases.
>No or little romance, or to be specific little to no drama-driven romance, as you may expect seeing the man couple(s) fight is anywhere from stressing to depressing and any kinds of rage inducing in between, one thing is a quarrel that will get resolved relatively quickly, and another is a breakdown that can (and probably will) gnaw at the reader and may last multiple volumes.
So basically.
>Please nothing stressing when actually getting immersed into it.
Which actually doesn't necessarily mean slow life or SoL but tends to include it.

>> No.43934104
File: 297 KB, 1433x2048, 51764971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't meet the 3 volume qualification but it's my konomi

>> No.43935812

since southern drawl makes you so angry, how do you suggest kansai regional dialects and others should be translated into english? new englanders? valley girl? go full squeenix and adapt them into british english regional dialects?

>> No.43935828

nta but that shit makes me irrationally angry because it's the ONLY dialect or keigo that ever gets "localized", everything else is left monotone
at that point just translate it monotone too

>> No.43935850

>it's bad therefore I want it to be even worse so the eops are even more blinded

>> No.43935907

eops aren't human

>> No.43936980


>> No.43937244

You hit the nail on the head.

>> No.43937259

It not being slow life is good. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out!

>> No.43937434

>Please nothing stressing when actually getting immersed into it.
I like reading these kind of stuff as a palette cleanser or as a break when reading a particularly large series (case in point Horizon)

>> No.43938163

It's really fucking simple, leave in the parts of kansai dialect that dont translate clearly and annotate. The english language is one big hodpodge anyway. Translators notes, while not perfect, are a far better option.

>> No.43938944

another wave of overlap releases over, another wave without arifureta after story...

>> No.43938955

This isn't exactly an answer to the question, but it reminded me of how the game in Infinite Dendrogram has perfect auto-translation and a Brit character who speaks with a Scottish accent gets auto-translated into kansai-ben.
That's one case I can think of where nobody could reasonably complain about a "kansai-ben" being turned into Scottish. Though, you could also make an argument that if that applies, the reverse should be true as well, and actual kansai-speakers should also speak Scottish in the translation. Sadly(or thankfully?), this equivalence was established long after the translation began handling such characters and they have already been given fairly standard English.

>> No.43938969

what do you mean, the july wave has been out for a while
august should be revealed any day now

>> No.43938978

yeah i mean the covers are up so the wave is over and on to the next one

>> No.43941916

Anyone got the 七つの魔剣が支配する 12 released today?

>> No.43942030
File: 64 KB, 874x382, Screenshot 2023-07-07 095917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43942186

pretty sure this is korean

>> No.43945158

If I liked kagejitsu for the MC being strong yet clueless, but not dumb, which other LNs are similar?

>> No.43945990

If you mean intelligent yet dense you have like a 50/50 chance just by picking something at random

>> No.43946213

cid isn't dense though

>> No.43946552

pretty fun, mc obsession can get kinda annoying but you can live with it. It's pretty much a perpetual misunderstanding of an autistic fanboy and the world's interpretation of his autsim. Also harem, and mob protag, and also like all Korean work a lot of shitting on the Japanese

objective 6.5/10 - personal 9/10

>> No.43949668

d-genesis volume 4 when.......

>> No.43949719

recommend me some top-grade magic academy sloppa
ive already read mahouka, magicmaster etc.
its ok if its an isekai

>> No.43949828

Just completed all available volumes of 七つの魔剣が支配する. Turned really interesting as the volumes progressed, especially the "mad scientist" vibes of the mages and how the main group slowly gets twisted into something dark. But it suffers from the lack of thematic organization by the volume. For example vol 10's second half is fucking amazing but godfrey's duel in the first half and the failure of juxtaposing him with leontio's group properly dispersed the vol's focus. Just this one more step could make the series into something great so I hope the editor does something about it.
This series

>> No.43949893

i read the first couple of volumes but dropped it
guess ill pick it back up

>> No.43950008

Understandable, personally I found the first 3 vols meh, except vol 3's last fight. But in hindsight this blandness acted as a nice foundation for the later vols so it's all good. I would suggest reading until vol 5, if it doesn't click with you even then, stop there. Also there's a certain amount of melodrama throught the series but you can't escape from that when the main theme is the "clash of convictions"

>> No.43950223

>clash of convictions
kino picked up

>> No.43950468
File: 854 KB, 1361x1920, 1658102214656497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy did I dislike the middle part of this volume

>> No.43950537


>> No.43950871

went from ntr bait to the author dedicating hundreds of pages to one of the most single minded characters that have ever been written
I can't find any other reason other than progressing the story for the character being that single minded

>> No.43953362

i'm going to assume by single minded you mean "i want to FUCK seras"
but that was most of the antagonists already, what's the difference here?

>> No.43953410
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>> No.43953621
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>> No.43955482

I was talking about Ayaka there, guess I should've been more clear. I really dislike her as an character

>> No.43955629

Is JNC's premium epub for trpg vol 6 out yet? I want to read the store ss.

>> No.43955672

Didn't read alderamin but looking at how the story's progressing here, yeah...

>> No.43955882


>> No.43955960

Bless you anon

>> No.43955989

no worries anon, enjoy reading about the girls' activated almonds

>> No.43956116

Done. Isn't the clothier story already published in vol 5?

>> No.43956134

Nope, you must be misremembering. Volume 5 had
>Nakeisha discussing centipede reproduction and her murderdeath fetish
>a student trying to mess with Erich and failing
>lolishotacon ghost dressing up Erich
>Erich cooking his mom's recipes

>> No.43956298

Wait, I remembered it. It's in the bunch of bookwalker specials that I got from somewhere.

>> No.43958594

do you have rebuild world v2 part 2?

>> No.43962331

ah yeah that makes sense
somehow i just made myself forget about that

>> No.43963254
File: 7 KB, 53x737, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but what the fuck?

>> No.43963313

are you reading kara no kyoukai by any chance

>> No.43963343

No, that's from COTE 2nd year vol 3.
So far Tsubasa is a boring character and I wouldn't mind if she doesn't show up after this volume.
Amasawa is cool though.

>> No.43963358

You're just not familiar with Hermetic tradition. It's far too early for you to be reading COTE. You should start with the Greeks and work your way up

>> No.43964094

if i'm gonna go full weeb i feel like i should be starting with some ancient chinese shit and build up from there. what are some foundational texts other than the big two i know? (romance of the 3 kingdoms and journey to the west)

>> No.43964230

reading this post made me think I should reread those two in Japanese, would probably better than the english TLs I read years ago

>> No.43964296

why do you think a CN to JP TL would be better than a CN to EN TL? it's prestigious enough that both would have been done by serious qualified professionals, and despite borrowed vocabulary Japanese as a language is fundamentally nothing at all like Chinese so it's not like the language pairs translate much more directly

>> No.43964334

that's not really how it works, because jp otaku culture started as counterculture you can't trace a direct lineage from old mythology to these new ones
it's not a direct lineage, it's a reinterpretation of it
the closest thing you can get to a foundational text is the entire touhou series, which mind you has a surprising amount of lore for what at first glance is a funny bullet hell game with barely any cutscenes
pretty much everything from that point onward in "weeb culture" can be traced directly or indirectly to hermetic, kabalistic, buddhist, shintoist and taoist concepts that were introduced to otaku with touhou and VNs from that era, and when it intersects with modern concepts like for example jungian psychology or the lovecraft mythos, it's reinterpreted through this lens first, and then applied to the story
yes, while touhou wasn't the first, it definitively helped centralize and solidify a lot for future writers to follow, you know, as a foundational text should
and i almost literally do mean "everything", from video game stats and skills as used in LNs rather than actual games, to mana beasts (monsters), demons, dungeons, to even story beats and character personalities because they mirror or are inspired by mythology, to how the magic/power system works in the most autistic series like matty-kun, dendro or spellblades, and even the less autistic ones (in comparison) like kagejitsu
for a more direct example, did you know that almost every single story where a being can be corrupted and turned into a monster/devil/demon/whatever MTL used, this mirrors almost identically one of the ways a human can turn into a youkai? side-effects included, sometimes different ways of turning are used as different stages of evolution
another direct example, once powerlevels get strong enough in any LN with concrete skill names or even status windows outright, it will reach a point where the skills combine into what is essentially just a dao/道 and the story builds up from there

>> No.43964365

I don't mean in better in TL quality, just in enjoyment since I don't like the way English sounds as much in dialogue.

>> No.43964628

What are the differences between 薬屋のひとりごと ln and the wn? And while it's already huge, I predict this series to be the next big LN

>> No.43964753

Isn't it already pretty big, with multiple long manga adaptations

>> No.43964794
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>"Yeah it was shit anyway, fixing it is based."
Shit like this gives me the worst cocktail of emotions. I get this awful, sour combination of insulted and piteous.
At this point, why even read books? You've clearly decided you can tell whether a book is good or bad without reading it. You don't care what the author had to say. You don't care about any of the characters. So what are you getting out of this?
I've tried to have conversations with people who talk this way and it doesn't work. It's like trying to talk to a slug. It's not listening to me and I find its awful slug life too disgusting and sad to think about.
I understand not wanting to learn Japanese, learning Japanese is hard. But to not even have an interest in what was in the original version of a story you like is loathsome.
I am so incredibly happy that I am not one of these people.

>> No.43964871

Yeah, I already said it's huge. If you add in the manga version it's the 5th largest LN franchise by vols sold. What I am saying is it can become even bigger if the anime clicks with the overseas fans, especially the chinese.
That aside, did you read it? I want to know what's changed from the WN to LN

>> No.43964920

Right? Of course people who went through the effort to learn japanese to read the originals would likely have some bias against tls. But I fundamentally don't understand the minds of people who haven't and can't read the original but confidently say that there's nothing wrong with the tls.
That said, it's probably an extension of our tendency to talk shit about things we don't know. I am guilty of it too when I was a new comer to otaku culture and squirm whenever I think of a few things I spoke so confidently about at that time

>> No.43964971

Those anons all came to the understanding that regardless of whether translations can be good, Licensed shit more often then not sucks. Can we leave it at that and move on? The thread is wanning as it is

>> No.43965124
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why don't you spend more time reading ranobe and less time seething over people not enjoying ranobe correctly
life is too short to spend it seething

>> No.43965150

Anyone got vols 2-4 of 負けヒロインが多すぎる?

>> No.43965154

shit if i had the time to learn jp, i wouldn't be as active here except to lurk for raws/recomendations

>> No.43965542

>sour combination of insulted and piteous.
Somehow I imagine that's an actual word in japanese, I swear I have seen it before.
If not that, it probably exists in german.
Either way I get the point, it's people from the "dudebro" mentality which is common among normalfags, they don't get into something for the hobby itself, but for the community surrounding it, which has been a problem for otaku culture for a decade at this point, they don't take any of this seriously or respect it in the slightest, they don't want to either, so they consider "fixing" it through forced memes to be a good thing.
There's no real stopping it either, we are a decade past the point of no return, the best you can do is not engage with people carrying that attitude of "This is all trashy slop, I love junk food XD" and either enjoy stuff by yourself or with people that don't have that attitude.
And for the latter I think that's what this general is supposed to be at least.

>> No.43966107

Rereading nanatsuma vol 1, finaly understood where the title came from
That's cool

>> No.43968348

Yeah it's pretty cool

>> No.43969544

I just finished Imouto Sae Ireba Ii.
Could you recommend me something like it?

>> No.43971659
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>learning Japanese is hard
Not hard if you learn it the right way.

>> No.43971714

You can still learn jp effectively using the ajatt method, just follow the /jp/guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.43971756

kill yourself spammer

>> No.43972905

is ライアー・ライアー good?
or a better question, does MC get together with a girl early or is just the usual faggot MC that never does anything with any girl?

>> No.43973275

I question how do you expect non-shitpost responses with that attitude.
Sadly I haven't read that one myself.

>> No.43973459

Man, you all coping hard with the fact that you wasted thousands of hours learning a dying language. Newsflash: Most people other than you mutts already speak multiple languages, they know what compromises happen when you translate. They all realize these compromises are fine.

You will never grow up in japan., you will never truly understand the source amterial, you will always be a secondary.

>> No.43973485

sounds like someone somewhere struck a nerve on you

>> No.43973536

Stay coping loser. You'll never truly understand and comprehend a LN like a Japanese person does. I think you know this already, which is why you are in this thread trying to show of instead of getting a translation job and proving us all wrong. Someone reading a translation will understand the material better than your 3rd grade reading level japanese.

>> No.43973569

>instead of getting a translation job
Are you serious? This is not some kind of own. Try to work harder on your shitposting next time.

>> No.43973602

still understand it more than you reading zoomer fanfiction

>> No.43973678

Unless you have been engrossed in the Japanese language, Japanese culture and Japanese society for 10+ years: You are probably the one writing fanfiction in your head.

>> No.43973686

The only reason anyone would be this mad over the facts is being a translator and feeling called out.
And if that's the case then just do your job properly instead of writing fanfics bro.

>> No.43973692

>your 3rd grade reading level japanese.
the levels of projection are off the charts

>> No.43973711

>and proving us all wrong
Shouldn't you be doing your job translating instead of shitposting here?
Who I'm kidding, you threw it at deepTL and "fixed" it afterwards didn't you? What a cozy job.

>> No.43973844

Why would reading it be equal to translating it, mentally retarded sister?

>> No.43973882

I know I am speaking to a brainsless slug here, but how would (You) know without learning the so called "dying" language, tard?

>> No.43973958

Can't be bothered to find the other examples but the "dying language" guy is a troll, don't bother responding

>> No.43974032

You brain is always translating, but it might be more correct to call it interpreting. When it goes from language to understanding. Your brain is constantly making assumptions and filling in the blanks. You lack the knowledge about Japan to do this in a way a Japanese person would. The translators don't however, and that's why reading TL's is better unless you have pretty much lived a Japanese life for ten or more years.

Did the total number of Japanese speakers increase or decrease last year?

>> No.43974042

he already went on a tirade at the start of the thread

>> No.43974048

I wish the amount of people like you would decrease

>> No.43974076

>You lack the knowledge about Japan to do this in a way a Japanese person would. The translators don't however
Lol. Lmao. Again how the fuck did you know that without knowing japanese yourself?
>Did the total number of Japanese speakers increase or decrease last year?
Just like mandarin during the great leap is a dying language right? Use the correct definition of a dying language instead of relying on your tard brain to come up with self definitions. Quote from UNESCO document on endangered langs
>a language with only 500 speakers might be considered very much alive if it is the primary language of a community, and is the first (or only) spoken language of all children in that community

>> No.43974089

You dont realize you are just projecting your average iq onto others
You will never understand any Japanese work as much as those who can comprehend it raw, even if they're JSL

>> No.43974116

>You lack the knowledge about Japan to do this in a way a Japanese person would. The translators don't however
I can't remember the last time a non-JNC translator properly translated a reference aside from "But I refuse", which is so piss easy and direct you can get it right without even knowing about Jojo.
For as much as I will suck Steiner's dick even JNC fails to translate references 90% of the time, and even then what they catch is entry level references like doraemon or sentai stuff, and even THAT feels like it's on accident sometimes.

>> No.43974139

Depends on the specific team within JNC. You should have a look at their translation of Outbreak Company for example. Specifically the premium epubs which have the reference glossaries. They catch and document a hell of a LOT of them and even then they admit they probably missed some. The TRPG team also actually plays TTRPGs and is familiar with the JP scene so is able to make sure references to stuff like Paranoia and Sword World don't get missed.

>> No.43974165

I know anon is baiting but I grew up speaking three languages (English, Mandarin, Malay) and I agree that shifting from one language to another (or even shifting from the Queen's English to SEAglish) is almost a fundamental shift in patterns of thinking.

>> No.43974181

Nice to know they improved in the past few years I haven't needed TLs at least.
Too bad it's literally just one publisher.

>> No.43974187

Yes, for something to be dying it has to be alive. Just as there has to be some amount of something for it to be able to decrease. This is per definition. Japanese is dying, as in declining number of speakers. Not dying, as in endangered, on the cusp of disappearing.

>The TRPG team also actually plays TTRPGs and is familiar with the JP scene.
So the translation is better than some anon's interpretation of the source if they are not in that scene.

>> No.43974206

Interestingly in the JNC discord one of the staff members mentioned that they consider 異世界薬局 to be untranslatable (or at least impossible to turn a profit on) because they would need to hire a translator who is both skilled enough in Japanese and English to translate AND also has a degree in pharmacy or biochemistry or something that would make them at least literate in all the pharmaceutical terminology, and there aren't a whole lot of those around.

>> No.43974216

If you don't understand niche jargon in Japanese what makes you think you're going to understand it in English lol

>> No.43974217

>Japanese is dying, as in declining number of speakers
Cool. And how did it affect in anyway the vitality of the language? If anything the amount and variety of the content being produced in japanese is larger than ever, even more than during the showa boom. Give me a concrete example of deterioration if you can

>> No.43974231

>and there aren't a whole lot of those around.
Or rather they exist but are working for actual biotech multinationals in Japan for big bucks, and many of them might not have creative TL skills either since all they do is dry corporate and scientific TL.

>> No.43974265

>Japanese is dying, as in declining number of speakers
So you already went and tried to instantly turn it into a political issue, somehow.
For which "localizer" intentionally fucking with translations to sabotage JP media do you work for anyway?

>> No.43974280

the fact that your brain went to deep corpo localization agent and not troll baiting for (You)s is why you're clearly off your meds

>> No.43974283

>job translating
The one doing your favorite series ;)

Verification not required

>> No.43974287

>So the translation is better than some anon's interpretation of the source if they are not in that scene
Not really? They didn't say the source out loud, just made sure that people who knew can still get the reference in the tl. If you didn't know it beforehand you wouldn't still understand it even in english.

>> No.43974289

having read that one, i'm not surprised
i haven't looked it up because it didn't grip me THAT hard, but if you told me the author is an actual pharmacist i would believe you, in japanese the level of jargon used is not what you can get by just wiki surfing

>> No.43974292

My favourite LN is untranslated thoughever.

>> No.43974348

>Implying they aren't deep corpo localization agents pretending to be trolls baiting for (You)s to discredit anyone calling them out.
It's not like this push hasn't been a thing for over a decade or anything to centralize and censor "localized" JP media.
You're just sheeple blind to the truth, unlike me, obviously.

>> No.43974352
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>it's an everybody has a 'tism fit about localizers instead of talking about ranobe episode

>> No.43974365

Why don't you fags just discuss light novels in Japanese BBS and SNS if you don't want to think about localizers ever again

>> No.43974396

JP readers are unsurprisingly even more autistic than the ones in the west, so there's basically easily accessible zero discussion online.
The best you can get is some closed garden discord servers but those are functionally small friend groups talking about whatever anyway.

>> No.43974398

Because we're here forever.

>> No.43974508

I do, but for some series the discussion is even slower than here

>> No.43974569

Pay your rents, dietrich

>> No.43974710

dont get baited by schizo immigrants from /a/. as one of the sane EOP's, this guy doesn't speak for us.

>> No.43976151

is anyone here watching the nanatsu no maken adaption? how is it?

>> No.43976186

i hate the weekly wait so i was going to wait until the season ended to watch it all in one go
but from the trailer at least it feels not completely terrible, looks good even, unlike the dendro one, then again no point in trusting a trailer

>> No.43976271

Meh. Character interactions are so abridged that the flow feels comical at points. Badly placed stock epic music. Most of the animation feels cheap which the show tries to cover with good post production.
The only good things about it are the little character animations and the ED. VAs are also mostly on the mark except maybe guy.
Still better than dendro

>> No.43976414

NTA but if you have watched them, how do you compare it to the 最強陰陽師の異世界転生記 or 異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は adaptations? Better or worse?

>> No.43976464
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Vtuber Legend is another one where the team made some effort to try and pick up on all the memes and references and then documented them in the TL notes.

>> No.43976501

Very workmanlike.

>> No.43976506

New overlap wave, sure took a while this time.
>黒鳶の聖者 6
>貞操逆転世界の童貞辺境領主騎士 3
>10年ぶりに再会したクソガキは清純美少女JKに成長していた 3
>ネットの『推し』とリアルの『推し』が隣に引っ越してきた 2
>凡人探索者のたのしい現代ダンジョンライフ 2
>反逆者として王国で処刑された隠れ最強騎士 2
Mostly continuations of new stuff, nothing else.

>> No.43976512

Oh, and anime michela is actually cuter than the LN version
Sorry anon, didn't watch them.

>> No.43976674
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Listing other publishers because why not?

>乙女ゲー世界はモブに厳しい世界です 12
>あの乙女ゲーは俺たちに厳しい世界です 2
>エノク第二部隊の遠征ごはん 文庫版 3

>不死探偵・冷堂紅葉 01.君とのキスは密室で
>女同士とかありえないでしょと言い張る女の子を、百日間で徹底的に落とす百合のお話 7
>スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました 23

>リビルドワールドVIII〈上〉 第3奥部
>七つの魔剣が支配する XII
>デモンズ・クレスト2 異界∽顕現
>新説 狼と香辛料 狼と羊皮紙 IX

>> No.43976694

not saying it as an insult but these ridiculously long TL notes feel very 00s, in a good way
but also >vtubers

>> No.43976731


>> No.43976741

> 23

>> No.43976823

the genre i can only call "chill journeying" like mira's LN and death march is the exact kind of "relaxing non-stressful thing to unwind to" that was asked for earlier this thread
anything in that genre once it reaches past 5 volumes it's guaranteed to last basically forever
haven't read that one unfortunately

>> No.43976862

Already in my shopping cart
Since it cleared V3 with a consistent release schedule I guess it's finally safe to check out. Looks like it might become an actual triangle with the two girls being into each other

>> No.43977098
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reminds me of gintama fansubs

>> No.43977359

Why do EOP even come to this thread?

>> No.43978736

I thought the first episode was fine. I mean I agree with the other anon that it feels budget, but hey at least they didn't CGI a bunch of the magic creatures and stuff.

>> No.43982544
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gonna go get the kids meal at a mcdonalds now.

>> No.43984240

